Metric Measurement Unit 1. 2. a. b. c. 3. 4. Monday Prior Knowledge “T”Chart (Students will work with elbow partners) (What measurements do you use, what do they measure) Present goals: Students will be able to identify and use the proper tool of measurement. Students will know the correct basic units and prefixes. Students will be able to convert from one pre-fix to another. Preview Unit. text-book Tuesday 1. Cornell notes in IAN (Interactive Notebook) “Metric basic units” 2. Brain Pop “ Metric System” 3. How to use metric ruler Direct instruction lesson. 4. Students work in cooperative groups to practice the use of the Metric ruler. 5. Homework Develop 2L1 and 1L2 Costa questions for Cornell notes. Left side activity: Make a folding fact card. One for each basic unit. Wednesday 1. Stamp HW from Interactive Notebook. 2. Students work in groups of 3 and share HW folding facts. Thursday 1. Cornell notes on metric conversion. Friday 1. Correct homework from Thursday. 2. Mnemonic device 2. Split class by proficiency for metric conversion. level. Students who are (king Henry…) proficient will do the computer. Formative 3. Formative quiz # 1. 3. Direct instruction. assessment: Students use Using a metric ruler. Examples of the use computer web site. (URL; (check in class) of the Mnemonic device in metric ml 4. Metric measure conversion. lab. Students work Students, who are below in pairs. 4. Independent proficient level, will work in practice on metric small groups with the 5. Homework: List conversion. teacher to work on mastery 10 items In your of the content. house that use the 5. Groups compare metric system for answers of 2. Homework: select one measurement. List independent practice. item from the IAN left side the item and activities clock. ( riddle measurement. Ex. 6. Homework: cards, 4 car garage, rap Tylenol 100 mg Independent practice lyrics etc..) strong review worksheet of metric conversion. preview. (Students will skim pages 1626 of Prentice Hall) 5. Homework In the Interactive notebook, do a quick write “why do you believe the Metric system is used for science” Monday 1. Pair Share homework from Friday. 2. Independent practice computer review URL: bjID=ABM4202 Students complete worksheet along with computer activity. 3. Summative assessment: 10? Metric quiz.