Department of Chemistry
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Telephone: (502) 852-6550
Educational Background:
Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)
Doctor of Philosophy, December 1998
Department of Chemistry (Dr. Richard M. Crooks)
Dissertation Title: "Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Corrosion Passivation and
Nanometer-Scale Lithography with Self-Assembled Monolayers”
Carthage College (Kenosha, WI)
Bachelor of Arts, May 1993
Department of Chemistry (Dr. Timothy Eckert)
Minor in Mathematics
Research Experience:
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville 2007-present
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville
Postdoctoral Research Associate .
Louisville, KY
Synthesis and assembly of metal nanoparticles, nanorods, and nanowires and applications in electronic- and electrochemical-based gas, vapor, and biosensors.
Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC (Dr. Royce W. Murray)
Characterized monolayer-protected metal and alloy nanoparticles, studied electron transfer through metal cluster assemblies, and examined the reactivity of monolayer-protected clusters.
Mentored two undergraduate researchers.
Doctoral Research Assistant .
Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX (Dr. Richard M. Crooks)
Studied the use of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) as barriers towards corrosion processes on metals at the atomic level with electrochemistry and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).
Used STM to perform nanometer-scale lithography on SAM-modified Au surfaces.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Department of Chemistry, Bowling Green State University,
Bowling Green, OH (Dr. David S. Newman)
Measured the solid-state ionic conductivity of complexes formed between benzo-18-crown-6ether and halide salts. Modified the inner channels of a porous polymer (Flemion) with the crown ether-halide salt complexes for use as a separator in a battery.
Research Journal Publications:
At the University of Louisville (Associate Professor)
L.G. Abdelmoti; F.P. Zamborini, “Potential-Controlled Electrochemical Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold Nanorods Directly on Electrode Surfaces” Langmuir 2010 , Submitted.
S.R. Beeram; F.P. Zamborini. “Purification of Gold Nanoplates Grown Directly on Surfaces for
Enhanced Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing”
ACS Nano 2010 , Under revision.
O.S. Ivanova; F.P. Zamborini. “Electrochemical Size Discrimination of Gold Nanoparticles
Attached to Glass/Indium-Tin-Oxide Electrodes by Oxidation in Bromide-Containing
Anal. Chem.
2010 , In press.
O.S. Ivanova; F.P. Zamborini. “Size-Dependent Electrochemical Oxidation of Silver
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2010 , 132 , 70-72.
S.R. Beeram; F.P. Zamborini .
“Selective Attachment of Antibodies to the Edges of Gold
Nanostructures for Enhanced Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing” J. Am. Chem.
2009 , 131 , 11689-11691.
R. Dasari; F.P. Zamborini. “Hydrogen Switches and Sensors Fabricated by Combining
Electropolymerization and Pd Electrodeposition at Microgap Electrodes” J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2008 , 130 , 16138-16139.
F.J. Ibañez; F.P. Zamborini. “Chemiresistive Sensing of Volatile Organic Compounds with
Films of Surfactant-Stabilized Gold and Gold-Silver Alloy Nanoparticles” ACS Nano 2008 , 2 ,
1543-1552 .
F.J. Ibañez; F.P. Zamborini. “The Reactivity of Hydrogen with Solid-State Films of
Alkylamine- and Tetraoctylammonium Bromide-Stabilized Pd, PdAg, and PdAu
Nanoparticles for Sensing and Catalysis Applications" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008 , 130 , 622-633.
G.W. Slawinski; F.P. Zamborini. “Synthesis and Alignment of Silver Nanorods and Nanowires and the Formation of Pt, Pd, and Core/Shell Structures by Galvanic Exchange Directly on
Surfaces” Langmuir 2007 , 23 , 10357-10365.
A.J. Mieszawski; R. Jalilian; G.U. Sumanasekera; F.P. Zamborini. “The Synthesis and
Fabrication of One-Dimensional Nanoscale Heterojunctions” Small 2007 , 3 , 722-756.
F.J. Ibañez; F.P. Zamborini. “Ozone- and Thermally-Activated Films of Palladium Monolayer-
Protected Clusters for Chemiresistive Hydrogen Sensing”, Langmuir 2006 , 22 , 9789-9796.
A.J. Mieszawska; G.W. Slawinski; F.P. Zamborini. “Directing the Growth of Highly-Aligned
Gold Nanorods by a Surface Chemical Amidation Reaction”
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2006 , 128 ,
F.J. Ibañez; U. Gowrishetty; M.M. Crain; K.M. Walsh; F.P. Zamborini. “Chemiresistive Vapor
Sensing with Microscale Films of Gold Monolayer Protected Clusters”
Anal. Chem.
2006 , 78 ,
A.J. Mieszawska; R. Jalilian; G.U. Sumanasekera; F.P. Zamborini. “Synthesis of Gold
Nanorod/Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Heterojunctions Directly on Surfaces” J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 2005 , 127 , 10822-10823.
A.J. Mieszawska; F.P. Zamborini. “Gold Nanorods Grown Directly on Surfaces from
Microscale Patterns of Gold Seeds” Chem. Mater. 2005 , 17 , 3415-3420.
Z. Wei; F.P. Zamborini. “Directly Monitoring the Growth of Gold Nanoparticle Seeds into
Gold Nanorods” Langmuir 2004 , 20 , 11301-11304.
Z. Wei; A.J. Mieszawska; F.P. Zamborini. “Synthesis and Manipulation of High Aspect Ratio
Gold Nanorods Grown Directly on Surfaces” Langmuir 2004 , 20 , 4322-4326.
F.P. Zamborini; L.E. Smart; M.C. Leopold; R.W. Murray. “Distance-Dependent Electron
Hopping Conductivity and Nanoscale Lithography of Chemically-Linked Gold Monolayer
Protected Cluster Films” Anal. Chim. Acta.
2003 , 496 , 3-16.
At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Postdoctoral Research Associate)
M.C. Leopold; R.L. Donkers; D. Georganopoulou; M. Fisher; F.P. Zamborini; R.W. Murray.
“Growth, Conductivity, and Vapor Response Properties of Metal Ion-Carboxylate Linked
Nanoparticle Films” Faraday Discuss.
2003 , 125 , 63-76.
F.P. Zamborini; M.C. Leopold; J.F. Hicks; P.J. Kulesza; M.A. Malik; R.W. Murray. “Electron
Hopping Conductivity and Vapor Sensing Properties of Flexible Network Polymer Films of
Metal Nanoparticles” J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2002 , 124 , 8958-8964.
J.F. Hicks; F.P. Zamborini; R.W. Murray. “Dynamics of Electron Transfers Between
Electrodes and Monolayers of Nanoparticles” J. Phys. Chem. B.
2002 , 106 , 7751-7757.
J.F. Hicks; F.P. Zamborini; A.J. Osisek; R.W. Murray. “The Dynamics of Electron Self-
Exchange Between Nanoparticles” J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2001 , 123 , 7048-7053.
F.P. Zamborini; S.M. Gross; R.W. Murray. “Synthesis, Characterization, Reactivity, and
Electrochemistry of Palladium Monolayer Protected Clusters (MPCs).” Langmuir.
2001 , 17 ,
W.P. Wuelfing; F.P. Zamborini; A.C. Templeton; X. Wen; H. Yoon; R.W. Murray.
“Monolayer Protected Clusters: Molecular Precursors to Metal Films.” Chem. Mater.
2001 ,
13 , 87-95.
D.E. Cliffel; F.P. Zamborini; S.M. Gross; R.W. Murray. “Mercaptoammonium Monolayer-
Protected, Water-Soluble Gold, Silver, and Palladium Clusters.” Langmuir.
2000 , 16 , 9699-
A.C. Templeton; F.P. Zamborini; W.P. Wuelfing; R.W. Murray. “Controlled and Reversible
Formation of Nanoparticle Aggregates and Films Using Cu
-Carboxylate Chemistry.”
2000 , 16 , 6682-6688.
F.P. Zamborini; J.F. Hicks; R.W. Murray. “Quantized Double Layer Charging of Nanoparticle
Films Assembled Using Carboxylate/(Cu
or Zn
2+ )/Carboxylate Bridges.”
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2000 , 122 , 4514-4515.
At Texas A&M University (Graduate Student)
L.A. Baker; F.P. Zamborini; L. Sun; R.M. Crooks. “Dendrimer-Mediated Adhesion Between
Vapor-Deposited Au and Glass or Si Wafers.” Anal. Chem.
1999 , 71 , 4403-4406.
F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “Nanometer-Scale Patterning of Metals by Electrodeposition from an STM Tip in Air.”
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
1998 , 120 , 9700-9701.
F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “Corrosion Passivation of Gold by n -Alkanethiol Self-
Assembled Monolayers: Effect of Chain Length and End Group.” Langmuir.
1998 , 14 , 3279-
F.P. Zamborini; J.K. Campbell; R.M. Crooks. “Spectroscopic, Voltammetric, and
Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Study of Underpotentially Deposited Cu
Corrosion and Passivation with Self-Assembled Organomercaptan Monolayers.” Langmuir.
1998 , 14 , 640-647.
F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “
In-Situ Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
(ECSTM) Study of Cyanide-Induced Corrosion of Naked and Hexadecyl Mercaptan-Passivated
1997 , 13 , 122-126.
J.K. Schoer; F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “Scanning Probe Lithography. 3. Nanometer-Scale
Electrochemical Patterning of Au and Organic Resists in the Absence of Intentionally Added
Solvents or Electrolytes.”
J. Phys. Chem.
1996 , 100 , 11086-11091.
Research Proceedings and Other Publications:
A. Safir; M.M. Yazdanpanah; S. Pabba; S.D. Cambron; F.P. Zamborini; R.S. Keynton; R.W.
Cohn. “Fabrication of an Insulated Probe on a Self-Assembled Metallic Nanowire for
Electrochemical Probing in Cells”, Proceeding-6 th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology 2006 ,
2, 898-900.
F.P. Zamborini. “Preface”
Anal. Chim. Acta. 2003 , 496 , 1.
D.S. Newman; B. Guangping; D.L. Snavely; J. Dubsky; F. Zamborini; T.S. Cina. “Near
Infrared Spectroscopy of Anionic Conducting Polymer Membranes.” Proc.-Electrochem. Soc.
1996 , 96-7(Molten Salts) , 53-61.
Research Presentations:
Invited Talks
F.P. Zamborini*, O.S. Ivanova, and S.R. Beeram. 217 th
Electrochemical Society Meeting in
Vancouver, Canada (April 2010). "Size- and Shape-Dependent Electrochemical Stability and
Biosensing Properties of Surface-Attached Metal Nanostructures."
Case Western Reserve University, Department of Chemistry, Cleveland, OH (January 2010).
"Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Metal Nanostructures as a Function of Size, Shape, and Functionality."
Berea College, Department of Chemistry, Berea, KY (October 2009). “Electrochemical and
Optical Properties of Metal Nanostructures as a Function of Size and Chemical Environment”
The Pittsburgh Conference in Chicago, IL (March 2009). “Size-Dependent Electrochemical
Oxidation of Silver Nanoparticles and Electrochemically-Fabricated Devices.”
University of Louisville, Department of Chemistry, Louisville, KY (January 2009).
“Electrochemical Stability, Reactivity, and Optical Properties of Metal Nanostructures as a
Function of Size and Functionality.”
Miami University of Ohio, Department of Chemistry, Oxford, OH (November 2008).
“Electrochemical and Sensing Properties of Chemically- and Electrochemically-Synthesized
Metal Nanoparticles and Nanowires.”
ü d-Chemie Inc., Louisville, KY (November 2008). ”Hydrogen Sensing/Reactivity and Vapor
Sensing with Films of Metal and Alloy Nanoparticles.”
Biophysical and Structural Biology Meeting, Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville,
Louisville, KY (June 2008). “Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and
Metal Nanostructures in the Biosciences.”
213 th
Electrochemical Society Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (May 2008). “Electrochemical and
Sensing Properties of Chemically- and Electrochemically-Synthesized Metal Nanoparticles and
University of Louisville, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Medical Onocology/Hematology
Fellowship Research Seminar Series/Journal Club, Louisville, KY (February 2008). “Utilizing the Electronic Properties of Metal Nanostructures for Medical Diagnostics through Breath
Analysis and Antigen Detection.”
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA (November 2007). “Applications of
Chemically- and Electrochemically-Synthesized Metal Nanostructures in Chemical and
Biological Sensing.”
59 th
Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS) in
Greenville, SC (October, 2007). “Antibody Attachment to Metallic Nanostructures for Optical and Electronic Sensing Applications.”
Illinois State University, Normal, IL (October 2007). “The Chemical and Electrochemical
Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles and Nanowires for Chemical Sensing Applications.”
University of Georgia, Athens, GA (September 2007). “Chemiresistive Hydrogen and Vapor
Sensing with Films of Metal and Alloy Nanoparticles.”
Potter’s Lodge Meeting V in Adirondak National Park, NY (September 2007). “Chemiresistive
Hydrogen and Vapor Sensing with Films of Metal and Alloy Nanoparticles.”
Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry, Ventura, CA (January 2007). "Synthesis of
One-Dimensional Metal Nanostructures and Heterojunctions Directly on Surfaces."
University of Texas, Austin, TX (March 2006). “Synthesis, Patterning, and Alignment of One-
Dimensional Metal Nanostructures Grown Directly on Surfaces.”
Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY (October 2005). “Chemically-Synthesized Metal
Nanostructures for Sensing Applications.”
Vanderbilt University, Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Interdisciplinary
Graduate Program in Materials Science, Nashville, TN (October 2005). “Synthesis of One-
Dimensional Metal Nanostructures Directly on Surfaces.”
Potter’s Lodge Meeting IV in Adirondak National Park, NY (September 2005). “Vapor and
Gas Sensing with Metal Nanoparticles and Growth of One-Dimensional Metal Nanorods.”
University of Alabama Department of Chemistry, Tuscaloosa, AL (April 2004). “Synthesis and
Properties of Gold Nanorods Grown Directly on Surfaces.”
Carthage College Natural Science Colloquium, Kenosha, WI (April 2004). “The Impact of
Nanotechnology on the Physical and Life Sciences.”
The 30 th annual meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies
(FACSS) in Ft. Lauderdale, FL (October 2003). “One-Dimensional Assembly of Gold
The Kentucky Industry-University Partnership in Materials Nanotechnology Workshop 2003 in
Louisville, KY (September 2003). “Chemical Sensing with Metallic Nanostructures.”
Potter’s Lodge Meeting III in Adirondak National Park, NY (September 2003). “Surface-
Confined 1D Assemblies of Gold Nanoparticles, Nanorods, and Nanowires.”
Local Electrochemical Society (ECS) meeting at Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, OH (May 2003). “The Assembly and Nanoscale Patterning of Gold Nanoparticles.”
Sewanee – The University of the South Department of Chemistry, Sewanee, TN (February
2003). “The Organization and Electron Transport Properties of Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies.”
The Southwest Regional American Chemical Society Meeting in Austin, TX (November 2002).
“A Scanning Probe Microscopy Study of Gold Monolayer Protected Cluster Films.”
University of Alberta Department of Chemistry, Alberta, Canada (October 2002). “Films of
Gold Monolayer Protected Clusters: Electronic Conductivity, Chemical Sensing, and Nanoscale
The 29 th
annual meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies
(FACSS) in Providence, RI (October 2002). “Scanning Probe Microscopy Studies of
Western Kentucky University Department of Chemistry, Bowling Green, KY (April, 2002).
“Fundamental and Applied Studies of Nanoparticle Assemblies.”
The 2 nd
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium (KURS) in Louisville, KY
(March 2002). “Electron Hopping Conductivity of Flexible Network Films of Gold
University of Louisville Department of Physics, Louisville, KY (October, 2001). “Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and Cluster
University of Michigan Integrated Graduate Education and Research Training (IGERT)
Program Seminar Series, Ann Arbor, MI (February, 2001). “Electronic and Optical Properties of Monolayer-Protected Metal Clusters.”
University of New Mexico Department of Chemistry, Albuquerque, NM (February 2001).
“Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and
Cluster Chemistry.”
Marquette University Department of Chemistry, Milwaukee, WI (January 2001). “Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and Cluster
Miami University Department of Chemistry, Oxford, OH (January 2001). “Applications of
Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and Cluster
Indiana University Department of Chemistry, Bloomington, IN (January 2001). “Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and Cluster
Columbia University Department of Chemical Engineering, New York, NY (January 2001).
“Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and
Cluster Chemistry.”
Florida State University Department of Chemistry, Tallahassee, FL (December 2000).
“Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and
Cluster Chemistry.”
Baylor University Department of Chemistry, Waco, TX (December 2000). “Applications of
Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and Cluster
Kansas State University Department of Chemistry, Manhattan, KS (December 2000).
“Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and
Cluster Chemistry.”
Purdue University Department of Chemistry, West Lafayette, IN (December 2000).
“Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and
Cluster Chemistry.”
Central Michigan University Department of Chemistry, Mount Pleasant, MI (November 2000).
“Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and
Cluster Chemistry.”
University of Louisville Department of Chemistry, Louisville, KY (November 2000).
“Applications of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Corrosion Passivation, Nanolithography, and
Cluster Chemistry.”
Contributed Talks
F.P. Zamborini* and O.S. Ivanova. Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry in
Ventura, CA (January 2010). "Size-Dependent Oxidation of Metal Nanoparticles" (Contributed to Open Session)
F.P. Zamborini* and S.R. Beeram. Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL (March 2010). "The
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Response of Au Nanoplates Synthesized Directly on
Surfaces with Almost 100% Purity and Functionalized with Anti-IgG Preferentially at Edge
KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008). “AFM Imaging of Biological
Interactions and Combined AFM and Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy.” This was presented as part of the shortcourse on “BioAFM: Atomic Force and Scanning Probe
Microscopies for Life Sciences Research.”
KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008). “Chemical and Electrochemical
Synthesis of Metal Nanostructures: Size-Dependent Properties and Sensing.”
39 th
Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (CERMACS) in Covington,
KY (May 2007). “Chemiresistive Hydrogen Sensing with Films of Pd and PdAg Alloy
The 7 th
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium (KURS) in Louisville, KY
(March 2007). “Functionalization of Gold Monolayer-Protected Cluster Films by Vapor-Phase
Thiol Place-Exchange Reactions.”
232 nd
American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (September 2006).
“Synthesis, Patterning, Alignment, and Reactivity of Metal Nanorods Grown Directly on
232 nd
American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (September 2006).
“Chemiresistive Sensing with Metal Nanoparticles.”
The Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL (March 2006). “One-Dimensional Metal
Nanostructures Grown Directly on Surfaces.”
Materials Research Symposium 2005 Fall Meeting in Boston, MA (November-December 2005).
“Vapor and Gas Sensing with Micro- and Nano-scale Films of Monolayer Protected Clusters.”
57 th
Southeastern and 61 st
Southwestern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in
Memphis, TN (November 2005). “Vapor Sensing with Metal Nanoparticles.”
65 th Annual Physical Electronics Conference in Madison, WI (June 2005). “The Growth of
Gold Nanorods from Surface-Attached Gold Nanoparticle Seeds.”
The Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL (February-March 2005). “Synthesis, Patterning, and
Applications of High Aspect Ratio Gold Nanorods Grown Directly on Surfaces.”
56 th
Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Research Triangle
Park, Durham, NC (November 2004). “Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold Nanorods Directly on
225 th
American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2003).
“Electron Transport through Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies.”
Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry, Ventura, CA (January 2001).
“Electrochemical and Optical Properties of Gold Monolayer-Protected Cluster (MPC) Films
Assembled onto Gold and Glass Substrates through Carboxylate-Metal Ion-Carboxylate
198 th meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AZ (October 2000). “Electrochemical and Optical Properties of Gold Monolayer-Protected Cluster (MPC) Films Assembled onto Gold and Glass Substrates through Carboxylate-Metal Ion-Carboxylate Linkages.”
Industry-University Cooperative Chemistry Program (IUCCP) Symposium, Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX (September 1997). “Corrosion Passivation of Metals with Self-
Assembled Monolayers.”
190 th
meeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, TX (October 1996). “An In-Situ
Electrochemical STM Study of Au(111) Passivated by Self-Assembled Monolayers in
Corrosive Environments.”
Contributed Posters
F.P. Zamborini; S.R. Beeram - Poster presentation at the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL
(March 2010) "Selective Attachment of Antibodies on Purified Au nanoplates Grown Directly on Surfaces for Enhanced Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) Biosensing"
F.P. Zamborini; G.W. Slawinski; A.J. Mieszawska. ”One-Dimensional Metal Nanostructures and Nanoscale Heterojunctions Formed Directly on Surfaces.” Materials Research Symposium
2007 Fall Meeting in Boston, MA (November 2007)
F.P. Zamborini; M.C. Leopold; J.F. Hicks; P.J. Kulesza; M.A. Malik; R.W. Murray.
“Electronic Conductivity of Au Monolayer Protected Clusters (MPCs) Chemically Linked by
Carboxylate-Metal Ion-Carboxylate Bridges.” Gordon Research Conference on
Electrochemistry, Ventura, CA (January 2002).
F.P. Zamborini; R.W. Murray. “Synthesis, Reactivity, and Electrochemistry of Palladium
Monolayer-Protected Clusters.” Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry, Ventura,
CA (January 2001).
F.P. Zamborini; R.W. Murray. “Electrochemistry of Surface-Confined Metal Nanoparticles.”
Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry, Ventura, CA (January 2000).
F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “Selective Nano-Scale Electrochemical and Chemical Reactions
Under an Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Tip.” 215 th
American Chemical
Society National Meeting, Dallas, TX (March-April 1998).
F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “Infrared, Ellipsometric, and Electrochemical Scanning
Tunneling Microscopy Study of the Factors Affecting the Corrosion Prevention of Au with
Organomercaptan Self-Assembled Monolayers.” 214 th American Chemical Society National
Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (September 1997).
F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “In-Situ Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
(ECSTM) Study of Corrosion and Passivation of Au(111) Electrodes.” Gordon Research
Conference on Electrochemistry, Ventura, CA (January 1997).
F.P. Zamborini; R.M. Crooks. “In-Situ Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study
of Corrosion Passivation of Au(111) Electrodes with Self-Assembled Monolayers.” Industry-
University Cooperative Chemistry Program (IUCCP) Symposium, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX (September 1996).
Student Presentations
Radhika Dasari - Poster at the Electrochemistry Mini Symposium and Student Poster
Session sponsored by the Cleveland section of the Electrochemical Society and the
Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Ohio (May 2010). “Electrochemical Fabrication of Metal/Organic/Metal
Junctions for Molecular Electronics or Sensing Applications.”
Olga S. Ivanova - Poster at the Electrochemistry Mini Symposium and Student Poster
Session sponsored by the Cleveland section of the Electrochemical Society and the
Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Ohio (May 2010). “Electrochemical Oxidation of Gold Nanoparticles as a
Function of Size.”
Grzegorz W. Slawinski - Poster at the Electrochemistry Mini Symposium and Student
Poster Session sponsored by the Cleveland section of the Electrochemical Society and the Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Ohio (May 2010). “Unique Structures Through Twin Plane Decoration of
Silver Nanorods.”
Monica A. Moreno Ruano - Poster at the Electrochemistry Mini Symposium and Student
Poster Session sponsored by the Cleveland section of the Electrochemical Society and the Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Ohio (May 2010). “A Study of the Reactivity and Stability in the Presence of
Hydrogen of Pd Nanoparticles Coated with Mixed Monolayers of Octylamines and
Monica A. Moreno Ruano - Poster at the Sixth Kentucky Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Conference in Lexington, KY (April 2010). “A Study of the
Reactivity and Stability in the Presence of Hydrogen of Pd Nanoparticles Coated with
Mixed Monolayers of Octylamines and Hexanethiolates.”
Monica A. Moreno Ruano - Poster presentation at the University of Louisville Graduate
Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (March 2010). “A Study of the Reactivity and
Stability in the Presence of Hydrogen of Pd Nanoparticles Coated with Mixed
Monolayers of Octylamines and Hexanethiolates.”
Radhika Dasari - Poster presentation at the University of Louisville Graduate Research
Symposium in Louisville, KY (March 2010). "Electrochemical Fabrication of
Metal/Organic/Metal Junctions for Molecular Electronics or Sensing Applications"
Srinivas R. Beeram - Poster presentation at the University of Louisville Graduate
Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (March 2010).
Monica A. Moreno Ruano - Poster presentation at the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando,
FL (March 2010). “A Study of the Reactivity and Stability in the Presence of Hydrogen of Pd Nanoparticles Coated with Mixed Monolayers of Octylamines and
Radhika Dasari - Poster presentation at the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL
(March 2010). "Electrochemical Fabrication of Metal/Organic/Metal Junctions for
Molecular Electronics or Sensing Applications"
Srinivas R. Beeram - Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on
Electrochemistry in Ventura, CA (January 2010). "Selective Attachment of Antibodies on Purified Au nanoplates Grown Directly on Surfaces for Enhanced Localized Surface
Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) Biosensing"
Grzegorz W. Slawinski - Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on
Electrochemistry in Ventura, CA (January 2010). "Unique Structures Through Twin
Plane Decoration of Ag Nanorods"
Olga S. Ivanova - Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on
Electrochemistry in Ventura, CA (January 2010). "Electrochemical Oxidation of Gold
Nanoparticles as a Function of Size"
Srinivas R. Beeram - Oral presentation at the Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar at the
Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry in Ventura, CA (January 2010).
"Selective Attachment of Antibodies onto the Edges of Purified Au Nanoplates Grown
Directly on Surfaces for Enhanced Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)
Srinivas R. Beeram – Oral presentation at the 36th annual meeting of the Federation of
Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) in Louisville, KY (October
2009). “Combining Visible Spectroscopy with Atomic Force Microscopy to Correlate the Optical Properties of Au Nanoplatelets with Antibody/Antigen Binding.”
Monica A. Moreno Ruano – Oral presentation at the 41 st
Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (CERMACS) in Cleveland, OH (May 2009). “H
Reactivity of Pd Nanoparticles Coated with Mixed Monolayers of Alkyl Thiol and Alykl
Amines for Sensing and Catalysis Applications.”
Radhika Dasari – Oral presentation at the 41 st
Central Regional Meeting of the American
Chemical Society (CERMACS) in Cleveland, OH (May 2009). “Electrochemical
Approach for Fabricating Devices for Sensing or Molecular Electronics Applications.”
Lina Abdelmoti – Oral presentation at the 41 st
Central Regional Meeting of the
American Chemical Society (CERMACS) in Cleveland, OH (May 2009).
“Electrochemical Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold Nanorods.”
Srinivas R. Beeram – Oral presentation at the 41 st
Central Regional Meeting of the
American Chemical Society (CERMACS) in Cleveland, OH (May 2009). “Combining
Visible Spectroscopy with Atomic Force Microscopy to Correlate the Optical Properties of Au Nanoplatelets with Antibody/Antigen Binding.”
Monica A. Moreno Ruano - Poster at the Fifth Kentucky Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Conference in Louisville, KY (April 2009). “Hydrogen Reactivity of
Pd Nanoparticles with Mixed Monolayers of Alkyl Thiols and Alkyl Amines for Sensing and Catalysis Applications.”
Srinivas Reddy Beeram - Poster at the Fifth Kentucky Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Conference in Louisville, KY (April 2009). “Combining Visible Spectroscopy with
Atomic Force Microscopy to Correlate the Optical Properties of Au Nanoplates with
Antibody/Antigen Binding.”
Radhika Dasari - Poster at the Fifth Kentucky Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Conference in Louisville, KY (April 2009). “Electrochemical Method for Fabricating
Metal/Molecule/Metal Junctions and Their Sensing Applciations.”
Monica A. Moreno Ruano - Poster at the Pittsburgh Conference in Chicago, IL (March
2009). “Hydrogen Reactivity of Pd Nanoparticles with Mixed Monolayers of Alkyl
Thiols and Alkyl Amines for Sensing and Catalysis Applications.”
Srinivas Reddy Beeram - Poster at the Pittsburgh Conference in Chicago, IL (March
2009). “Combining Visible Spectroscopy with Atomic Force Microscopy to Correlate the Optical Properties of Au Nanoplates with Antibody/Antigen Binding.”
Radhika Dasari - Poster at the Pittsburgh Conference in Chicago, IL (March 2009).
“Electrochemical Method for Fabricating Metal/Molecule/Metal Junctions and Their
Sensing Applciations.”
Lina Abdelmoti - Poster at the University of Louisville Graduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (March 2009). “Electrochemical Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold
Monica A. Moreno Ruano - Poster at the University of Louisville Graduate Research
Symposium in Louisville, KY (March 2009). “Hydrogen Reactivity of Pd Nanoparticles with Mixed Monolayers of Alkyl Thiols and Alkyl Amines for Sensing and Catalysis
Srinivas Reddy Beeram - Poster at the University of Louisville Graduate Research
Symposium in Louisville, KY (March 2009). “Combining Visible Spectroscopy with
Atomic Force Microscopy to Correlate the Optical Properties of Au Nanoplates with
Antibody/Antigen Binding.”
Radhika Dasari- Poster at the University of Louisville Graduate Research Symposium in
Louisville, KY (March 2009). “Electrochemical Method for Fabricating
Metal/Molecule/Metal Junctions and Their Sensing Applciations.”
Laura B. Bergant – Poster at the SROP Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (August
2008). “Vapor-Phase Place-Exchange Reactions on Thiol-Coated Au Nanoparticles:
Procedure, Properties, and Improved Selectivity in Vapor-Sensing Applications”
Francisco J. Ibañez – Oral presentation at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend,
IN (April 2008)
Francisco J. Ibanez – Poster at KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008).
“Films of Organic-Coated Pd and PdAg Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Sensing and
Storage Applications.”
Grzegorz Slawinski – Poster at KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008).
“Seed-Mediated Growth and Galvanic Exchange of One-Dimensional Silver
Nanostructures Directly on Surfaces.”
Radhika Dasari – Poster at KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008).
“Electrochemical Deposition of Silver and Palladium Nanostructures at Microgap
Electrodes for Sensing Applications.”
Srinivas Beeram – Poster at KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008).
“Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Spectroscopy Study of Antibody-Antigen
Attachment to Gold Nanostructures.”
Olga Ivanova – Poster at KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008).
“Electrochemical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles.”
(Awarded 3 rd Place)
Olga Ivanova – Poster at the 39 th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical
Society (CERMACS) in Covington, KY (May 2007). “Electrochemical Oxidation of
Metal Nanostructures.”
Grzegorz W. Slawinski - Poster at the 39 th Central Regional Meeting of the American
Chemical Society (CERMACS) in Covington, KY (May 2007). “Synthesis and
Alignment of Silver Nanorods/Nanowires Directly on Surfaces and the Formation of Pt,
Pd, and Core/Shell Structures by Galvanic Exchange.”
Joseph Parrino – Poster at the 39 th
Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical
Society (CERMACS) in Covington, KY (May 2007). “Chemiresistive Hydrogen
Sensing Using Pd/Ag Alloy Monolayer-Protected Clusters.”
Marchello Cavitt – Poster at the 7 th annual Kenuckiana Undergraduate Research
Symposium in Louisville, KY (March 2007). “Gold Nanoparticles and Nanorods Serve as Templates for Hollow Silica Shell Capsules on Surfaces.”
(Awarded 2 nd Place)
Olga Ivanova – Poster Presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on
Electrochemistry (January 2007). “The Electrochemistry of Metal Nanostructures.”
Aneta J. Mieszawska – Poster Presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on
Electrochemistry (January 2007). “Control Over the Synthesis of Gold Nanorods (Au
NRs) on Surfaces: Alignment and Formation of Heterojunctions.”
Elizabeth M. Heck – Poster at the University Wide Undergraduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (April 2006). “Effect of Stabilizer and Potential on the
Electrochemical and Chemical Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold Nanoparticles”
Elizabeth M. Heck – Poster at the 6 th
annual Kenuckiana Undergraduate Research
Symposium in Louisville, KY (April 2006). “Effect of Stabilizer and Potential on the
Electrochemical and Chemical Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold Nanoparticles”
(Awarded 2 nd Place)
Aneta J. Mieszawska – Oral Presentation at the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando, FL
(March 2006). "Gold Nanorod/Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Heterojunctions Formed
Directly on Surfaces"
Aneta J. Mieszawska – Oral Presentation at the 57 th
Southeastern and 61 st
Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Memphis, TN (November
2005). "Gold Nanorod/Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Heterojunctions Formed Directly on Surfaces"
Francisco J. Ibañez - Oral Presentation at the 57 th
Southeastern and 61 st
Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Memphis, TN (November
2005). "H
sensing with Pd and Pd/Ag alloy MPCs"
Elizabeth M. Heck – Poster at the SROP Research Symposium in Louisville, KY
(August 2005). “Effect of Stabilizer and Potential on the Electrochemical and Chemical
Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold Nanoparticles”
Francisco J. Ibañez – Poster at the 65 th
annual Physical Electronics Conference in
Madison, WI (June 2005). “Chemiresistive Vapor Sensing with Microcontact Printed
Lines of Gold Monolayer Protected Clusters”
Jeremiah Wiesner – Poster at the 5 th
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research
Symposium in Louisville, KY (April 2005). “The Functionalization of Gold Surfaces and Nanostructures”
Zhongqing Wei – Poster at the ACS Meeting in Philadelphia, PA (August 2004). “High
Aspect Ratio Gold Nanorods Grown Directly on Surfaces: Synthesis, Manipulation and
Growth Mechanism Exploration”
Aneta J. Mieszawska – Poster at the ACS Meeting in Philadelphia, PA (August 2004).
“High Aspect Ratio Gold Nanorods (Au NRs) Grown Directly on Surfaces”
Danielle Kimmel – Poster at the SCAI Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (August
Lucius Johnson – Poster at the SCAI Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (August
Jeremiah Wiesner – Poster at the SROP Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (August
Harold Hibbs – Poster at the 4 th
annual Kenuckiana Undergraduate Research
Symposium in Louisville, KY (April 2004)
Brent Morris – Poster at the SROP Research Symposium in Lousiville, KY (August
Laura Smart – Poster at the SROP Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (August
External Grants
Title: Reactivity of Organic-Modified and Pure and Alloy Metal Nanoparticles
Source: Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation
Role: PI Award Amount: $80,000 Period: 07/01/09 to 06/30/11
Title: Electrochemical Oxidation and Sensing/Molecular Electronics Applications of
Chemically- and Electrochemically-Synthesized Metal Nanostructures
Source: National Science Foundation
Role: PI Award Amount: $330,000 Period: 07/01/09 to 06/30/12
Title: Direct Observation of Gold Nanoparticle “Seeds” Growing into Gold Nanorods and the Formation of Patterned Gold Nanorod Assemblies (Supplement)
Source: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund
Role: PI Award Amount: $5,000 Period: 09/01/05 to 08/31/07
Title: Nanoscale Electronic-Based Vapor, Gas, and Biochemical Sensors
Source: Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation
Role: PI Award Amount: $99,998 Period: 11/01/05 to 10/31/08
Title: Seed-Mediated Growth of Gold Nanorods Directly on Surfaces: Growth
Mechanism, Functionalization, and Electronic Properties
Source: National Science Foundation
Role: PI Award Amount: $310,000 Period: 8/01/05 to 7/31/08
Title: Kentucky Partnership for Nanoscale Electronics and Biotechnology
Source: Kentucky National Science Foundation EPSCoR through UK
Role: Co-PI (PI-Alphenaar) Award Amount: $2,773,758 Period: 6/01/05 to 5/31/08
Direct Observation of Gold Nanoparticle “Seeds” Growing into Gold Nanorods and the Formation of Patterned Gold Nanorod Assemblies
Source: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund
Role: PI Award Amount: $35,000 Period: 09/01/05 to 08/31/07
Title: Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Grant: Acquisition of a Virtual Presence Surface
Profiling Microscope for Nanomanipulation and Nanoassembly
Source: National Science Foundation
Role: Co-PI (PI-Cohn) Award Amount: $153,553 Period: 08/15/02 to 08/14/05
Internal Grants
Title: Metal Nanostructures of Varied Size and Shape: Electrochemical Reactivity,
Sensing, and Molecular Electronics Applications
Source: Competitive Enhancement Grant
Role: PI Award Amount: $14,000 Period: 10/01/08 to 9/30/09
Title: Chemical Sensing of Hazardous Materials
Source: Research Initiation Grant
Role: PI Award Amount: $5,000 Period: 1/01/05 to 12/31/05
Title: Assembly and Electronic Properties of One-Dimensional Gold Nanoparticle
Source: Competitive Enhancement Grant
Role: PI Award Amount: $15,000 Period: 10/01/03 to 9/31/04
Title: Fabrication of One-Dimensional Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies for Chemical
Sensing on the Nanoscale
Source: Victor Olorunsola Endowed Research Award for Young Scholars
Role: PI Award Amount: $1200 Period: 4/24/03 to 6/30/04
Title: Analytical Nanochemistry: Surface Forces, Lithography, and Electronic
Properties of Nanometer-Sized Materials.
Source: University of Louisville Start-Up Funds
Role: PI Award Amount: $303,000 Period: 7/01/01 to 6/30/03
Teaching Experience:
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Courses Taught
Chemistry 621 – Electoanalytical Chemistry
Chemistry 622 – Analytical Separations
Chemistry 625 – Advanced Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry 629 – Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry: Chemical Analysis of Surfaces
Chemistry 205 – Chemical Analysis I
Chemistry 206/208 – Chemical Analysis II
Chemistry 209 – Chemical Analysis III
Chemistry 210 – Chemical Analysis IV
Chemistry 529 – Contemporary Methods of Synthesis and Analysis II
ECE 600-2 – Nanotechnology, guest lectured two-2 hour labs
ECE 600-01 – Nanotechnology, guest lecture on nanowires
Teaching Contributions
Developed CHEM 625 as an analytical survey course dedicated to nanoscale sensing and detection with miniaturized systems.
Made significant changes to CHEM 206 by revising experiments, preparing a lab manual, and adding 5 new labs including 2 titrations, a UV-vis lab, and 2 GC labs.
Developed CHEM 629 to teach students current techniques for surface analysis, including microscopy, UHV methods, spectroscopy, and surface-based chemical sensors.
Aided in the development of CHEM 207-210 and the development of all new lab experiments for CHEM 529, including nanotechnology-related experiments. A teaching materials grant was awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences for CHEM 529.
Guest Lecturer 2000
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Lectured four classes in Electroanalytical Chemistry. Covered topics on mass transport, potential step experiments, and microelectrodes.
Teaching Assistant 1993-1998
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Proctored and graded for Instrumental Analysis. Lectured, supervised, and graded Organic and
General Chemistry laboratory courses.
Carthage College, Kenosha, WI 1991-1993
Assisted with the preparation and teaching of General Chemistry laboratory courses.
Informal Teaching Activities:
Research Mentor
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Postdoctoral Research Mentor
1. Zhongqing Wei – February 2003 to February 2005
2. Francisco J. Ibañez – September 2007 to present
Graduate Ph. D. Research Mentor
1. Francisco J. Ibañez – January 2002 to August 2007 (graduated August 2007)
2. Aneta J. Mieszawska – January 2003 to July 2007 (graduated May 2007)
3. Srinivas R. Beeram – June 2005 to present (expected August 2010)
4. Olga S. Ivanova – June 2005 to present (expected December 2010)
5. Radhika Dasari – August 2005 to present (expected May 2011)
6. Grzegorz W. Slawinski – August 2007 to present (expected August 2010)
7. Monica A. Moreno Ruano – January 2008 to present (expected May 2011)
8. Lanlan Bao – January 2010 to present (expected May 2015)
9. Rafael Masitas – January 2010 to present (expected May 2015)
10. Tulashi Luitel – January 2010 to present (expected May 2015)
11. Nidhi Shah – May 2010 to present (expected December 2015)
12. Yang Yang – May 2010 to present (expected December 2015)
Graduate M.S. Research Mentor
1. Grzegorz Slawinski – January 2004 to August 2007 (graduated August 2007)
2. Joseph Parrino – January 2005 to August 2007 (graduated May 2008)
3. Lina G. Abdelmoti – June 2007 to August 2009 (graduated December 2009)
Undergraduate Research Mentor
Laura Smart – Summer 2002
Goran Dragosevic – Fall 2002 and Spring 2003
Donnie George – Spring 2003
Brent Morris – Summer 2003
Harold Hibbs – Fall 2003 and Spring 2004
Corey Knox – Spring 2004
Lucius Johnson – Summer 2004
Danielle Kimmel – Summer 2004
Jeremiah Wiesner – Summer and Fall 2004
Myhanh Nguyen – Spring 2005
Elizabeth Heck – Summer 2005
Rachel Tallent – Fall 2005
Lee Barnwell – Spring 2006
Rebecca Hernandez – Spring 2006
Marchello Cavitt – Summer 2006
Laura Bergant – Summer 2006 and 2008
Bibek Parajuli – Summer 2007
Devin Spaulding – Fall 2009 and Spring 2010
High School Student Research Mentor
1. Amah Martin – Fall 2006
2. Masha Titievsky – Fall 2006
3. Monali Haldankar – Spring 2008
4. Hank Evans – Summer 2008
5. Phuong Luu – Fall 2009
6. Dharti Patel – Fall 2009
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 1999-2000
Mentored two undergraduate researchers. Designed experiments, taught laboratory techniques, explained important chemistry concepts, and helped them prepare oral presentations for group meetings.
Graduate Student Committees
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Madalina Rujoi – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Cecilia Yappert)
Wei Xie – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Wei-Ping Pan)
Liang Tang – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Kyung A. Kang)
Prasanth Gopinath – M.S. Student (Dr. Bruce Alphenaar)
Shawn Kellie – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Wei-Ping Pan)
Do Gyeuhn (Andrew) Ahn – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Kyung A. Kang)
Bin Hong – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Kyung A. Kang)
Joel P. Ott – M.S. Student (Dr. Frederick Luzzio)
Laura Wells – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Wei-Ping Pan)
David Cleary – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Muriel Mauer)
Danielle Franco – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Richard Baldwin)
Quentin Lineberry – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Wei-Ping Pan)
Aditya D. Mohite – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Bruce Alphenaar)
Romaneh Jalilian – Ph. D. Student (Dr. Gamini Sumanasekera)
Andres Puppato – Ph. D. Student (Dr. Cecilia Yappert)
Shay Phillips – Ph. D. Student (Dr. Cecilia Yappert)
Lukasz Sztaberek – Ph. D. Student (Dr. Richard Baldwin)
Prasanth Gopinath – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Bruce Alphenaar)
Amy Sanders – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Heather Rypkema)
Anton Sidorov – Ph.D. Student (Dr. Gamini Sumanasekera)
MCAT/DAT Preparation Course 2005
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Lectured for one week on general chemistry for students taking the MCAT or DAT in the Fall of 2005.
Private Tutor 1993-1994
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Instructed undergraduate students in General Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis.
Work Study Tutor 1991-1993
Carthage College, Kenosha, WI
Instructed undergraduate students in various Chemistry and Mathematics courses.
Service Activities:
Committee Work
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Graduate Entrance Committee (February 2002-June 2004)
Chemical Engineering Search Committee for an Endowed Chair in Nanotechnology (October 2001-
September 2005)
Technology Committee (August 2003-present)
Committee for Teaching Assistant Assignments (July 2005-present)
Personnel Committee (August 2007-present)
Chair of Personnel Committee (2009-2010 academic year)
Editing, Reviewing, Judging, and Consulting
Served as Guest Editor for a special issue of Analytica Chimica Acta dedicated to young North
American Analytical faculty members. I identified promising young faculty who are doing exciting research in the field of Analytical Chemistry and invited them to submit a paper to this special issue. The issue was published in October 2003 with 31 research articles, including a preface and research article from myself.
Journal Reviews
More than 200 reviews from 30 different journals from 2001 – 2010.
Proposal Reviews
NSF: Chemistry Program, CBET, SBIR review panels, and CAREER Award
National Research Council COBASE Program
American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund
Electrochemical Society Summer Fellowship Program
Oak Ridge Associated Universities Ralph Powe Award
1. Reviewer for the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (March 2002, March 2003)
2. Judge for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (May 14-15, 2002)
3. Judge for Louisville Regional Science Fairs (March 2003, March 2004, March 2005)
Judge for Siemens National Science Competition in New York, NY (December 2006)
Consulted for Caldwell Tanks in Louisville, KY on a problem that dealt with corrosion underneath the coatings on their water tanks.
Organized Symposia
KYNANOMAT 2008 in Louisville, KY (March 2008). Co-organizer of a shortcourse on
“BioAFM: Atomic Force and Scanning Probe Microscopies for Life Sciences Research.”
7 th
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (March, 2007)
6 th
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (April, 2006)
Materials Research Symposium 2005 Fall Meeting in Boston, MA (November-December 2005).
Co-Organized Symposium O – “Nanoparticles and Nanostructures in Sensors and Catalysis.”
57 th Southeast and 61 st Southwest Regional American Chemical Society Meeting in Memphis,
TN (November 2005). Co-organized the symposium “Functionalized Metal Nanoparticles for
Sensing Applications.”
5 th annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (April 2005)
4 th
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (April, 2004).
3 rd
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (March, 2003).
2 nd
annual Kentuckiana Undergraduate Research Symposium in Louisville, KY (March, 2002).
This is a one-day symposium which highlights undergraduate research with poster and oral sessions given by students and professors from Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky.
Honors and Awards:
- Elected to Society of Electroanalytical Chemists Board of Directors, 2010
- Victor A. Olorunsola Endowed Research Award for Young Scholars,
University of Louisville
- Senior Member of Graduate Faculty, University of Louisville
- Member of the ElectroOptics Research Institute and Nanotechnology
Center, University of Louisville 2001
- Graduate Research and Presentation Grant, Texas A&M University 1997
- A.E. Martell Travel Award, Texas A&M University
- American Institute of Chemists Award, Carthage College
Professional Affiliations:
Society of Electroanalytical Chemists
American Chemical Society
Society of Plastic Engineers