3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing Invitation to Tender for Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 Ref: CC HR 04/08 CC HR 04/08 1 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 CONTENTS 1. Introductory Guidance 2. Instructions for Economic Operator Questionnaire and ITT Completion and Submission 3. Communication, Enquiries and Clarifications 4. Form of Tender 5. Certificate of Bona Fide Tender 6. Background Information 7. Procurement Overview 8. Procurement Timetable 9. Economic Operator Questionnaire 10. Tender Award Criteria 11. Specification 12. Detailed Responses 13. Pricing Schedule 14. Contract Management and Monitoring 15. Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement 16. Terms and Conditions Appendix 1 – Home Office Circular 45/2005 (Police Amendment Regulations) CC HR 04/08 2 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 1. Introductory Guidance 1.1. Please read this entire document before completing your Invitation to Tender (ITT) response. 1.2. This ITT is for the provision of a Substance Misuse Testing service (hereinafter “the Service”) to Cheshire Police Authority (the Authority). 1.3. The purpose of this ITT is to provide Tenderers with the opportunity to propose an accurately priced solution for the provision of the Service in accordance with the conditions within this document. 1.3.1. Any figures / quantities detailed within this ITT are indicative and provided for guidance only. 1.4. The Authority is prepared to receive tenders for the Service as detailed within this ITT and in accordance with the enclosed General Conditions of Contract. Tenders that do not comply with these conditions may not be considered. 1.5. The Authority reserves the right to divide orders between more than one contractor and to accept tenders for any or none of the items listed. The Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. 1.6. The Authority will not be responsible for, or pay for, any expenses or losses which may be incurred by any Tenderer in the preparation of their tender. 1.7. The issue of this ITT to Tenderers does not imply any representation by the Authority as to the financial stability, technical competence, or ability in any way to carry out the service of the Tenderer. 1.8. The Authority reserves the right to alter the timings of any of the evaluation stages or to withdraw the ITT and any of the evaluation stages at any time. 1.9. The content of this ITT and any subsequent submissions shall remain confidential and restricted only to those with a legitimate professional requirement to access this information. 1.10. The Authority is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which provides that all individuals have the right to any recorded information held by the Authority unless covered by one of the 23 exemptions, which protect certain information. Information must be provided within 20 working days of request. Information held by the supplier relating to any contract with the Authority will be subject to the Act in the same way as information held by the Authority. 2. Instructions for Economic Operator Questionnaire & ITT Completion & Submission 2.1. ITT submissions shall be in accordance with and subject to the terms of these instructions. The Authority may reject any response if it is late, if it does not fully CC HR 04/08 3 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 comply with the stipulated requirements or if the behaviour of the supplier is found to have been unethical in any way. These instructions are designed to ensure that responses are submitted in the same manner and format which helps to ensure that all suppliers are given equal and fair consideration. It is important, therefore, that suppliers provide all the information asked for. 2.2. This ITT document is the property of the Authority. The information contained herein is confidential to the Authority and shall not be copied or disclosed to any third party without the written consent from the Authority. The information contained herein shall only be disclosed to those of the supplier’s employees who are directly involved in the response to this document. 2.3. The Contract Officer for this procurement is: Rachel Laws HR Contracts Manager HR Department Cheshire Constabulary HQ Clemonds Hey Oakmere Road Winsford Cheshire CW7 2UA Telephone: 01244 615989 E-mail: rachel.laws@cheshire.pnn.police.uk 2.4. To help the completion of the ITT, responses should be inserted in the response space provided following each specification heading; the response space given should be expanded where required. 2.5. Please ensure that your response is well presented and is in an easy to read format. Responses can be supported by any relevant illustrations maps or charts. Please do not include general marketing or promotional material. 2.6. The overall quality and credibility of the responses will be scored and used as part of the evaluation process. 2.7. Economic operators should answer all questions as accurately and concisely as possible. Where a question is not relevant to the responder’s organisation, this should be indicated, with an explanation. 2.8. The format of the Economic Operator Questionnaire (EOQ) MUST NOT be altered. Economic operators should either type their response directly into the spaces provided, or add a reference to indicate where the response can be found. Supporting information should be presented in the same order and should be referenced to the relevant question, with details of the name of the economic operator and the reference number from the front of this ITT (CC HR 04/08). Any additional information should ideally be consolidated into a single additional document for upload. If a single document is not possible, please CC HR 04/08 4 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing consolidate into as few documents as possible, Information can also be added, where appropriate, to the space provided within the questionnaire itself. 2.9. If necessary, a single “zipped” file will be accepted containing your response. Multiple “zipped” files (e.g. a zipped file within a zipped file) must not be submitted. 2.10. Questions should be answered in English. 2.11. The Authority reserves the right to reject as ineligible any incomplete submissions or submissions which are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying any information requested. 2.12. Other things being equal, preference will be given to tenders quoting firm prices where possible. 2.13. Any statement of belief will be taken as a representation of fact. 2.14. Quotations comprising all of the documents requested MUST be submitted via the Bluelight Portal www.bluelight.gov.uk using the My Response section. The closing date / time for receipt of quotations is 12.00hrs 10th July 2009. You are recommended to upload all documents and submit your quotation submissions in sufficient time for it to reach the server prior to the closing date / time stated. The server automatically time / date stamps all quotation submissions. 2.15. You are strongly recommended to commence your quotation submission process within Bluelight at least 2 hours prior to the closing date and time. You should bear in mind that depending on the file size of your documents for upload, they may take some time to transfer and upload. In addition, allowing this time will ensure if you have any technical difficulties, you are able to contact the Strategic Procurement Unit on 01244 612231 or 2063 (for technical difficulties only) in sufficient time to resolve the issue and facilitate your submission prior to the deadline. 2.16. Your attached tender submissions should be in a file format capable of being opened / read by either Microsoft Office 2003 applications or Adobe Acrobat. 2.17. The Authority does not undertake to consider responses received after that time unless clear evidence of a malfunction can be proved with www.bluelight.gov.uk or the Authority has agreed special arrangements with the supplier(s) who are experiencing technical difficulties with their submission to www.bluelight.gov.uk and have contacted the Strategic Procurement Unit without delay and before the deadline has passed. 2.18. The Authority may request post tender clarifications which will be conducted within www.bluelight.gov.uk 2.19. All contact with the Authority in relation to this tender should be made through www.bluelight.gov.uk which includes any queries or questions. CC HR 04/08 5 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3. Communication, Enquiries & Clarifications 3.1. Contact should not be made with any member of the Authority, other than the Strategic Procurement Unit, via www.bluelight.gov.uk regarding this tender, as this may invalidate your bid. 3.2. Contact for technical difficulties ONLY: 01244 612063 or 2213 3.3. Any queries or questions in connection with this ITT MUST be submitted via the “Q&A” option button within this ITT on www.bluelight.gov.uk 3.4. To allow information to be circulated to all parties, the deadline for questions / queries is 12:00 hours on 26th June 2009 3.5. When submitting a question / query, please do not include any details which will identify your organisation within the box containing your question / query. CC HR 04/08 6 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 4. Form of Tender This document must be used when submitting a tender. TO: The Chief Executive of Cheshire Police Authority FOR: Provision of Substance Misuse Testing Services Sir / Madam I/We have received the following documents within this ITT and have included in the Schedule of Prices for all requirements contained within them:Introductory Guidance Instructions for Economic Operator Questionnaire and ITT Completion and Submission Communications, Enquiries and Clarifications Form of Tender Certificate of Bona Fide Tender Parent Company Guarantee (if applicable) Background Information Procurement Overview Timetable Economic Operator Questionnaire Tender Evaluation Criteria Specification Detailed Responses Pricing Schedule Contract Management and Monitoring Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement General Terms & Conditions of Contract I/We agree that the aforementioned documents together with our submission documents and our acceptance will form part of the Tender and any Contract Agreement. I/We undertake to execute (if so required) a formal Agreement in a form to be prepared by the Authority, and, if so required, to provide satisfactory sureties for the due performance of the same. I/We understand and accept that the estimated number of any services required stated in the Memorandum of Information is indicative only and that NO VOLUME OR VALUE of orders will be guaranteed in respect of this Contract. I/We understand that the Authority is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender that may be received. I/We do certify that this is a bona fide Tender and that I/we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender by or in accordance with any agreements with any other person(s). CC HR 04/08 7 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing I/We agree that this Tender shall be open for acceptance for a period of 6 months from the last date quoted for submission of tenders. I/We have not corrupted/amended any text whatsoever in this Tender. Any agreement entered into with the Authority is subject to the overriding presumption that the terms and conditions herein will prevail and that any conflicting terms in subsequent documents will have no legal effect. I/We also understand that it is a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment, to give or offer any gift or consideration whatsoever as to inducement or reward to any servant of a public body and that any such action will empower the Authority to cancel any contract currently in force and may result in my/our exclusion from the Authorities’ Approved List of Firms to be invited to tender. I/We the undersigned do hereby agree to carry out the fulfilment of the Contract on being notified of the acceptance there of in whole or in part in accordance with the Authority’s conditions of contract and all other documents attached which have been examined and understood. Unless a formal contract is prepared and executed this Tender together with the Authority’s written acceptance of, the general conditions of contract and the specification shall constitute a binding contract. The prices included in the schedule are fixed until ********************** Company Name Address -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telephone No -----------------------------------------------------------------------Facsimile -----------------------------------------------------------------------------E-Mail ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Print Name---------------------------------------------------------------------------Position in Company --------------------------------------------------------------Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CC HR 04/08 8 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 Electronic submission instructions: As this document is being submitted electronically by upload via the ITT within www.bluelight.gov.uk the name of the Director or other senior representative should be typed in the signature block and will be accepted as their authorised signature in submitting this ITT. CC HR 04/08 9 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 5. Certificate of Bona Fide Tender We certify that this is a Bona Fide Tender and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. We also certify that we have not at any time before the hours and date specified for the return of the Tender done any of the following acts:(i) Communicated to any person other than the person calling for the Tender the amount or approximate amount of the proposed Tender, other than for obtaining a quotation for an insurance premium, required for the purpose of the Tender. (ii) Entered into any agreement or arrangement with another person so that he shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any Tender to be submitted. (iii) Offering, paying, giving or agreeing to pay or give consideration directly or indirectly to any person having done or for doing, or caused to have done or for doing in relation to another Tender or proposed Tender for the said work any act or thing of the sort described above. In this Certificate, the word ‘person’ includes any person, or body or association, corporate or otherwise; and ‘any agreement or arrangements’ includes any such transaction, formal or informal and whether legally binding or otherwise. Signed _____________________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________________________ Occupation/Profession _________________________________________________ For and on behalf of ___________________________________________________ Electronic submission instructions: As this document is being submitted electronically by upload via the ITT within www.bluelight.gov.uk the name of the Director or other senior representative should be typed in the signature block and will be accepted as their authorised signature in submitting this ITT. CC HR 04/08 10 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing PARENT COMPANY CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of - BETWEEN: (1) [of] OR [whose registered office is at] (‘the Guarantor’); and (2) of (‘the Employer’, which term shall include its successors and assignees). WHEREAS by an Agreement (‘the Contract’) dated and made between the Employer of the one part and (‘the Contractor’) of the other part, the Contractor undertook to perform certain services (‘the Services’) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH as follows: 1 . 2 3 The Guarantor hereby absolutely irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees to the Employer the due and punctual performance by the Contractor of all the obligations on the part of the Contractor under or pursuant to the Contract (‘the Terms’) and (as a separate stipulation and as primary obligor) agrees that if the Contractor shall in any respect commit any breach of or fail to fulfill any of the Terms, then the Guarantor will forthwith perform and fulfill in place of the Contractor each and every Term in respect of which the Contractor has defaulted or which is unfulfilled by the Contractor. The Guarantor shall be liable to the Employer for all losses, damages, expenses, liabilities, claims, costs or proceedings which the Employer may suffer or incur by reason of the said failure or breach The Guarantor shall be, and continue to be, liable under this Agreement even if the Contract is or becomes not binding on, or unenforceable against, the Contractor, for any reason whatever. No alterations in the Contract or in the Services, and no forbearance or forgiveness, nor any act, matter or thing whatsoever except an express release by the Employer, shall in any way release or reduce any liability of the Guarantor hereunder. References to the Contract in this Agreement shall include all amendments, variations and additions to it, whether made before or after the date hereof. This guarantee shall remain in full force and effect until performance in full of the Terms, notwithstanding: (a) the insolvency or liquidation of the Contractor, the Guarantor or any other person; CC HR 04/08 11 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 (b) any disclaimer of the Contract by a liquidator of the Contractor; and/or any feature of the Contract, the negotiations prior to the Contractor and the Employer entering into the Contract, or the performance of the Contract, making it ineffective or unenforceable. 4 Until the Terms have been unconditionally and irrevocably performed in full the Guarantor shall not by virtue of any performance or payment made by it or otherwise: (a) be subrogated to any rights, security or moneys held or received or receivable by the Employer; or (b) be entitled to exercise any right of contribution from any co-surety in respect of such performance and liabilities under any other guarantee, security or agreement; or (c) exercise any right of set-off or counterclaim against the Contractor or any such co-surety; or (d) receive, claim or have the benefit of any payment, distribution, security or indemnity from the Contractor or any such co-surety; or (e) unless so directed by the Employer (when the Guarantor will prove, and turn over any realisations to the Employer, in accordance with such directions) claim as a creditor of the Contractor or any such co-surety in competition with the Employer. 5 No delay or omission of the Employer in exercising any right, power or privilege hereunder shall impair such right, power or privilege or be construed as a waiver of such right, power or privilege nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or privilege preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege. The rights and remedies of the Employer herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. 6 A waiver given or consent granted by the Employer under this guarantee will be effective only if given in writing and then only in the instance and for the purpose for which it is given. 7 (a) If at any time any one or more of the provisions of this guarantee is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof shall not be in any way affected or impaired thereby. (b) As a separate and alternative stipulation the Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that any sum expressed to be payable by it or obligation to be performed by it under this guarantee but which is for any reason (whether or not now existing and whether or not now known or becoming known to the Guarantor) not recoverable from or enforceable against the Guarantor on the basis of a guarantee shall nevertheless be recoverable from or enforceable against the Guarantor as if the Guarantor were the sole principal debtor or obligor (where relevant). CC HR 04/08 12 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 8 3rd June 2009 (a) Any notice, demand or other communication to be served under this guarantee may be served upon the Guarantor only by posting by first class post or delivering the same or sending the same by telex or facsimile transmission to the Guarantor at its address, or telex or facsimile number shown below: Address: Telex: Fax: or at such other address or number as the Guarantor may from time to time notify in writing to the Employer. (b) Any notice, demand or other communication to be served under this guarantee may be served upon the Employer only by posting by first class post or delivering the same or sending the same by telex or facsimile transmission to the Employer at its address, or telex or facsimile number shown below: Address: Telex: Fax: or at such other address or number as the Employer may from time to time notify in writing to the Guarantor. 9 A notice or demand served by first class post shall be deemed duly served on the second business day after the date of posting and a notice or demand sent by telex or facsimile transmission shall be deemed to have been served at the time of transmission unless served after 5.00 p.m. in the place of intended receipt in which case it will be deemed served at 9.00 a.m. on the following business day. For the purposes of this paragraph ‘business day’ means a day on which commercial banks are open for business in London. 10 In proving service of any notice it will be sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter, that such letter was properly stamped or franked first class, addressed and placed in the post and, in the case of telex or facsimile transmission, that such telex or facsimile was duly transmitted on a business day to a current telex or facsimile number of the addressee at the address referred to above. 11 The Employer shall be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of the Employer's rights under this guarantee without the consent of the Guarantor. 12 The proper law of this guarantee shall be the same as that of the Contract. CC HR 04/08 13 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 IN WITNESS whereof the Guarantor has executed this Deed on the date first stated above. CC HR 04/08 14 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 6. Background Information 6.1. Cheshire Police Authority (the Authority) serves the County of Cheshire and the two unitary authorities of Halton and Warrington. It is located in the North West of England, in between the metropolitan authorities of Merseyside and Greater Manchester. 6.2. The Authority ensures that the provision of 24 hour policing to the citizens of Cheshire is achieved in an efficient and effective manner. 6.3. The Authority has a budget of £157 million and employs over 4000 officers, staff and volunteers to serve over 1 million people. As at the end of 2008, the breakdown of staff was as follows: Police Officers – 2178 Police Staff – 1615 Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) – 227 Specials – 294 6.4. The Authority is arranged into 3 operational policing areas known as Basic Command Units, with centralised corporate / functional departments and devolved budgetary management. 6.5. For further information on Cheshire Constabulary, please visit www.cheshire.police.uk 7. Procurement Overview. 7.1. Through publication of the Home Office Circular 45/25 (Police Amendment Regulations 2005) included at Appendix 1, there is a requirement for each Police Authority to undertake testing for drugs (including the misuse of prescribed / non prescribed drugs) solvents and other substances or gases and misuse of illegal substances. 7.2. The Authority is seeking a suitably qualified supplier who will implement and roll out a Substance Misuse Testing Service in respect of its staff. 7.3. The contract will be for an initial two [2] year term from 1st October 2009 to 30th September 2011. 7.3.1. There will be an option to extend the term for an additional period of one [1] year made up from one [1] annual extension at the discretion of the Authority and with the agreement of the supplier. 7.4. The successful Tenderer will: Demonstrate commercial advantage, stability, technical capability and the capacity to deliver the requisite quality of service that is required Provide advice which is lawful, based on best practice and is compatible with Cheshire Policing Strategies and Values CC HR 04/08 15 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 Assist the Authority in delivering economy, efficiency and value for money Fully understand the requirements of the Authority and provide a cost effective service that is above reproach Be flexible and co-operative in satisfying the requirements of the Authority Manage the contract and work in partnership with Cheshire Constabulary, developing an effective relationship throughout the life of the contract Understand the Police culture and range of roles and duties undertaken so that they can provide an effective service Demonstrate a commitment to remain abreast and ahead of developments Measure performance to demonstrate target achievements and cost savings & work collaboratively with the Authority to deliver continuous improvement throughout the life of the contract Strive to add value to the work of the Authority Provide clear, auditable processes 7.5. Exact quantities cannot be guaranteed from this ITT or any subsequent contract and any figures provided within this document are indicative only. 7.6. Confidentiality of information regarding this service is paramount and the contract will terminate immediately if this confidentiality is breached (apart from other rights for termination under the Contract as detailed in the terms and conditions). 7.7. Any agent or employee of the supplier engaged in or about the provision of the service will be subject to Cheshire Constabulary’s vetting process. 7.8. If any nominated person providing a service through this contract is to be replaced then the Authority will require full details in order to approve the identity and qualifications of the replacement prior to them being appointed to the contract. 7.9. The successful supplier must be capable of ensuring the continuity of a competent service in times of staff turnover or absence 7.10. The successful supplier will make available a nominated point of contact to undertake all appropriate liaison CC HR 04/08 16 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 8. Timetable 8.1. The Authority has established the following timetable: Stage Process Date st th Issue ITT on Bluelight Closing Date for Clarification Questions 1 - 5 June 2009 12.00pm 26th June 2009 Closing Date 12.00pm 10th July 2009 Initial Evaluation Final Evaluation / Interviews / Presentations etc Approval to Award 13th – 17th July 2009 Contract Award 7th September 2009 Contract Start Date 1st October 2009 10th – 26th August 2009 31st Aug – 4th September 2009 8.2. Whilst the Authority will make every effort to keep to this timetable, no guarantees are given 8.3. Any changes to the detailed dates will be communicated via www.bluelight.gov.uk CC HR 04/08 17 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 9. Economic Operator Questionnaire Responses to the Economic Operator Questionnaire will determine whether or not your Detailed Responses in Section X below will be evaluated. Economic operators are required to achieve a point’s score of 50% or more before their Detailed Response submissions will be considered. It should also be noted that Regulation 23 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 SI 2006 No 5 paragraph (2), provides details of offences that will render an economic operator ineligible. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the above regulation prior to completion of this tender document as a while. Economic Operator Evaluation Criteria The objective of the selection process is to assess the responses to the Economic Operator Questionnaire and select economic operators to proceed to the next stage of the procurement. Selection criteria will be a combination of both financial and non-financial factors and will consider the responses in the questionnaire: Legal Technical Financial Scoring Guide Scores from the questionnaire will be added up to make a total overall score. Economic operators are required to score 3 (Acceptable) or above for each scored question, to proceed with the next question. Failure to achieve a score of 3 or more for any scored question will result in the supplier being ineligible for selection and scoring will cease. Score 5 4 3 2 1 0 CC HR 04/08 Evidence of skills, experience, capacity and professional competence Applies to Sections 3.1, and 3.3 Excellent Good Acceptable Some Little None 18 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing Score References Applies to Section 3.2 5 Exceeded all expectations 4 Very satisfied 3 Satisfied 2 Partially satisfied 1 Unsatisfied 0 Service not provided The scores to the questions asked of the referees will be added together and then divided by the number of questions asked. This average value will then be the score for this reference site, and will be known as the “reference site score”. Where more than one reference site is approached, each of the “reference site scores” will be added together and then divided by the number of reference sites approached to make the Overall Reference Score, which will be carried forward as the value score for Question 3.2. If required, this value will be rounded to the nearest whole number Question 1.1 – 1.9 Approach Outcome Not Scored – Information Only N/A 2.1 If yes, ineligible for selection 2.2 If yes, ineligible for selection 2.3-2.10 Evaluate circumstances if answered Dependent upon information provided, may yes be ineligible for selection Summary Cannot proceed to Section 3 if any question outcome for Section 1 or Section 2 is “ineligible for selection”. Economic operators are required to score 3 or above for each scored question, from this point onwards, to proceed to the next question. Failure to achieve a score of 3 or more for any scored question will result in the supplier being ineligible for selection and scoring will cease. 3.1 Scored 0-5 See scoring guide 3.2 Scored 0-5 See reference scoring guide 3.3 Scored 0-5 See scoring guide Summary Cannot proceed to Section 4 if any question outcome for Section 3 fails to meet minimum score required. 4.1-4.2 Minimum standard is economic Dependent upon information provided, may operators who can demonstrate a be ineligible for selection sound financial position, taking trends and economic factors into account. In particular, the Authority will pay attention to turnover, profitability, return on capital and liquidity. Information provided in response to will be used to determine whether an economic operator meets the minimum standard. 4.3 Not Scored – Information Only N/A 4.4-4.6 Evidence of minimum insurance Dependent upon information provided, may levels provided be ineligible for selection CC HR 04/08 19 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing Cheshire Police may seek clarification regarding applicants written responses to any of the questions in the Economic Operator Questionnaire. If applicants’ responses to any of the questions are left blank (e.g. no written response) then the question(s) concerned will be marked as “ineligible for selection” or scored “0”, whichever is applicable. Economic Operator Questionnaire Economic Operators are requested to include a single point of contact in their organisation for their response to Invitation to Tender (ITT). Preferably, this should be the same as the person registered within Bluelight and who has been sent this ITT. The Authority shall not be responsible for contacting the Economic Operator through any route other than the nominated contact on Bluelight. The Economic Operator must therefore undertake to ensure that the email address registered within the Bluelight account is monitored accordingly. PART ONE: General Information with regard to the Organisation 1.1 Registered name of your Organisation. (This should be the name of the Organisation which will be acting as prime contractor, where this is applicable). 1.2 If different from 1.1 above, please state the trading name of your Organisation. 1.3 Please state your company registration number (if applicable) and date of formation of your Organisation. 1.4 Registered address or address of the principal office of your Organisation. Including Phone number, Fax number and E-Mail & Web address 1.5 If different from 1.4 above, please state the address and phone number of the office from where business would be conducted in support of this contract, (or where purchase orders should be sent). 1.6 Please state whether your Organisation is a sole trader; partnership; private limited company; public limited company, or other. 1.7 Please state the full names of all directors; company secretaries; partners; associates, or proprietors (in the applicant Organisation) who would be associated with this contract. 1.8 If the applicant is a member of a group of organisations, or has a parent/holding CC HR 04/08 20 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 company, give the name and address of the parent/holding organisation and all its other subsidiaries. If this is not applicable, indicate accordingly. The Authority will require the Parent/Holding Organisation to guarantee your performance of the contract. 1.9 Does your Organisation have the facility to accept payment by Government Purchasing Card (GPC) at Level 3? 2. Legal Status 2.1 Have any of these persons named in 1.7 above been convicted of any of the offences listed under regulation 23(1) of “The Public Contracts Regulations 2006” including but not restricted to: conspiracy corruption bribery fraud money laundering If yes or if there are outstanding cases, please give details. 2.2 Have any of these persons name in 1.7 above been subject of any of the grounds under regulation 23(4) a-h of “The Public Contracts Regulations 2006” including but not restricted to: Bankruptcy Convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of business/profession Committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of business/profession Has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions Has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes Is guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing any information If yes or if there are outstanding cases, please give details. 2.3 Are any of the persons named in 1.7 above related to any of the members or senior employees of the Authority or have any business/commercial relationships? If yes, please give details. 2.4 Has your Organisation ever had a contract terminated or your employment terminated under the terms of that contract within the last 5 years? If yes, please give details. 2.5 Has the Organisation not had a contract renewed for failure to perform to the terms of a contract within the last 5 years? If yes, please give details CC HR 04/08 21 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 2.6 Has your Organisation ever suffered a deduction for liquidated and ascertained damages in respect of any contract within the last 5 years? If yes, please give details. 2.7 Is your Organisation currently involved with any legal proceedings (including arbitration) with any other organisations including local authorities? If yes, please provide details. 2.8 Are there any issues current or likely in relation to the Organisation that may give rise to any conflict of interest with this contract? If, yes please provide details. 2.9 In the last three years, has any finding been made against your Organisation by any relevant body or Court (or comparable proceedings in any other jurisdiction) – or any formal investigation into allegations of discrimination taken place in respect of: Race, Sex, Age, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Belief, Disability If Yes, please provide details of the circumstances, outcome and any remedial action taken by your Organisation. 2.10 In the last three years has your Organisation been prosecuted for contravention of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (or equivalent national legislation,) or been the subject of a formal investigation by the Health & Safety Executive (or similar body charged with improving health and safety standards)? If yes, please provide details. 3.1 Technical - Capacity and Capability 3.1.1 Please describe the skills and experience you are able to provide in respect of services/works similar to those required by the Authority. This should not be a list of customers, but details of your skills and experience. 3.1.2 Please outline the processes undertaken by your Organisation and attach a standard implementation plan to illustrate how you implement a new contract. Please give particular consideration to contracts where an existing/incumbent/outgoing provider is in place. 3.1.3 Is your Organisation a member of any professional or trade organisation? If yes, please provide details of membership. 3.1.4 Please enclose details of the structure of your Organisation e.g. Organisation Chart, clearly show where this contract would fit into your organisational structure, indicating operational roles. CC HR 04/08 22 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 3.2 Technical – References References - details of four major contracts you have been awarded for the provision of services similar to those required by the Authority. Preferably, at least two of these should be public sector organisations. Details should be from services provided within the last 3 years. Customer name & address Contact name, telephone number & email address Date contract awarded & duration Contract reference & brief description of scope & value of contract NB. The Authority may elect to contact any or all of the given organisations for a reference to take into account the economic operators skills, efficiency, experience and reliability. You should ensure that you have the permission of the contracting authority above and that the named contact is capable of providing a reference, before submitting this ITT. Please ensure that all contact information is correct and current at the point you submit your ITT. The information requested in the table above MUST be provided . The Authority MUST be able to make direct contact with the references quoted as part of the evaluation of your ITT. The scores to the questions asked of the referees will be added together and then divided by the number of questions asked. This average value will then be the score for this reference site, and will be known as the “reference site score”. Where more than one reference site is approached, each of the “reference site scores” will be added together and then divided by the number of reference sites approached to make the Overall Reference Score, which will be carried forward as the value score for Question 3.2. If required, this value will be rounded to the nearest whole number CC HR 04/08 23 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3.3 Technical – Policies and Procedures 3.3.1 Please provide a copy of your Organisations Equal Opportunities Policy 3.3.2 Describe how you apply, promote and implement Equal Opportunities within your Organisation? 3.3.3 If your Organisation is not currently subject to UK legislation, please supply details of your experience in complying with equivalent legislation which in the relevant country is designed to eliminate discrimination and to promote equality of opportunity. 3.3.4 Please enclose a copy of your Organisation’s Health & Safety Policy and/or other declaration; information, or instruction issued by the Organisation as necessary, to protect the health and safety of your employees. 3.3.5 Describe how you communicate, promote and implement your health and safety policy to your employees. You should include details of any health and safety training you provide. 3.3.6 Describe how you monitor Health & Safety within your organisation, including identifying any areas for improvement. 3.3.7 Please include an outline of your quality assurance policy/procedures. If you hold any quality assurance certification e.g. ISO 9000 or equivalent, please provide details. 3.3.8 Please provide a copy of your Environmental Policy and provide details of what steps you take to support environmental issues. 3.3.9 Please provide a copy of your Ethical Trading policy and provide details of what steps you take to support ethical trading/initiatives. 3.3.10 Please provide details and a copy of your Information Security and Data Protection policy. If you do not have a formal policy, please provide details of the processes you have in place which will need to include how you deal with sensitive data and sensitive data disposal. 3.3.11 Please provide a copy of your Organisations training policy CC HR 04/08 24 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3.3.12 Please provide an overview of your organisations business continuity plans including disaster recovery. 3.3.13 Please provide a copy of your Organisations Customer Complaints Procedure which should include your methods of resolution. 4. Financial Capability 4.1 Please enclose a copy of your Organisation’s audited accounts for the last three years. This should include: Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account; Directors Report (LTD, PLC and Limited Liability Partnership Companies) Auditors or Accountants Report If your organisation’s accounts are consolidated into those of a parent or group, in addition, you will need to provide a separate statement of turnover, profit before tax (if applicable) and net assets for the Organisation making this response. Confirm in the space below that these have been provided. If any of the above are on a website which is accessible without subscription or registration, then that website address may be given in place of copies of documents being attached to this ITT. 4.2 If your Organisation’s last accounts (as provided in 4.1) are for a year ending more than 10 months ago, supply a statement of turnover since the last set of published accounts. Please supply the Organisation’s VAT registration number, (or if the Organisation’s country of origin is outside of the UK, any equivalent number or reference). 4.3 Insurance The Authority requires minimum insurance levels of: Employers Liability £5m Public Liability £5m Professional Indemnity £2m (£5m preferred) CC HR 04/08 25 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 If you do not have the required level you must provide a letter from your broker or insurer confirming that you are able to obtain the level of cover required. The letter should be scanned and/or attached electronically to your submission. You do not need to increase your cover at this stage however it must be in place prior to any contract awarded. You should enclose copies of the insurance certificates for the policies specified below. These should be scanned and added to this document, or as part of your single supplementary document. 4.4 4.5 4.6 Please give details of your Organisation’s Employers Liability Insurance. Insurer Address of Insurer/broker Policy number Expiry Date Limit of Indemnity Please give details of your Organisation’s Public Liability (Third Party) Insurance. Insurer Address of Insurer/ broker Policy number Expiry Date Limit of Indemnity Please give details of your Organisation’s Professional Indemnity Insurance. Insurer Address of Insurer/ broker Policy number Expiry Date Limit of Indemnity [enter insurance policy type for any additional policies – if applicable] Insurer Address of Insurer/broker Policy number Expiry Date Limit of Indemnity CC HR 04/08 26 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 10. Tender Award Criteria 10.1. The Order, if awarded, shall be awarded to the Tenderer who has submitted a quotation in compliance with these instructions, and whose quotation is deemed to be the most economically advantageous to Cheshire Police Authority. 10.2. Should you be successful in progressing to this stage of the procurement, your tender will be evaluated under the following headings: Category Maximum Possible Score Weighting 1. Detailed Responses 2. Price 3. Interview / presentation Total 350 35% 45% 20% 100.00% 350 350 1050 10.3. Each Category will be scored based on the following criteria: - High Level Quality Criteria 1. Detailed Responses 2. Price 3. Interview / presentation Low Level Quality Criteria Understanding the Requirement Implementation of the Service Suitability Service Delivery Professional Competence Quality Assurance Process Sustainable Environment Diversity Weighting High High High High High High Medium Medium Maximum Potential Points 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 Price 350 15 minute presentation to be followed by a question and answer session, full details of which will be provided to those suppliers who progress to this stage 350 Weighting for Detailed Responses High Medium Low CC HR 04/08 = 10 =5 =1 27 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 10.4. The Authority will score the Tenderers detailed responses using the criteria as detailed below: - Score 5 4 3 2 1 0 Performance Meets the standards exactly as specified Meets the standard well, but not exactly. Meets standard in most aspects, fails in some Fails standard in most aspects, meets it in some Significantly fails to meet the standard No response submitted 10.5. Price evaluation – scores will be allocated as follows: 25 22.5 Lowest Cost more than lowest cost and up to and including 10% higher 20 more than 10% up to and including 20% higher 17.5 more than 20% up to and including 30% higher 15 more than 30% up to and including 40% higher 12.5 more than 40% up to and including 50% higher 10 more than 50% up to and including 60% higher 7.5 more than 60% up to and including 70% higher 5 more than 70% up to and including 80% higher 2.5 more than 80% up to and including 90% higher 0 more than 90% higher 10.5.1. The lowest priced tender overall will be allocated an additional 25 points. 10.6. The evaluation will take account of your response to this ITT; any discussions we have with you after the deadline for submitting responses to clarify your response and references that have been obtained. 10.7. Responses are being invited from a selected list of suppliers. The Authority is not bound to accept the lowest or indeed any response. CC HR 04/08 28 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 11. Specification 11.1. Through the Home Office Circular 45/2005 (Police Amendment Regulations 2005), there is a requirement for each Police Authority to undertake testing for controlled drugs for certain categories of Police Officers. 11.2. The Authority is seeking to procure the provision of a Substance Misuse Testing Service to include: Mandatory drug testing for all potential new Police Officer recruits along with ongoing random testing through their probationary period Mandatory drug testing for all potential transferees Mandatory drug testing for all potential new Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) Mandatory drug testing for all potential new Special Constables Mandatory drug testing for all new Police Staff Mandatory drug testing for all returns from career breaks Mandatory drug testing for all existing Police Officers and Police Staff currently employed in ‘vulnerable’ or ‘safety critical’ roles to establish benchmark figures Ongoing random testing of Police Officers and Police Staff in those ‘vulnerable’ or ‘safety critical’ roles ‘With cause’ testing for serving Police Officers, PCSO’s and Police Staff This list is not exhaustive and may be amended at any time. 11.3. Once awarded, the contract will be for a wholly outsourced service to include the collection, sampling, analysis and storage of the sample. 11.4. The Authority will ultimately require the following to be tested for Substance Misuse (this is not an exhaustive list and amendments / additions / removals can be made at any time): All applicants to Cheshire Constabulary, whether Police Officer, Police Staff (including PCSO’s) or Special Constables Transferees from other Police Forces Employees returning from career breaks Officers & staff who give cause for concern Student Officers – testing throughout Probation period Officers whose work involves dealing with drugs Officers in specialist or vulnerable roles as defined by the Chief Constable Officers in safety critical posts as defined by the Chief Constable 11.5. The minimum requirement is that the supplier be accredited to UKAS standards for all forms of drug testing or equivalent 11.5.1. Proof of such accreditation should be supplied as part of your Tender response 11.6. All testing will be subject to the following principles: All samples will be collected using appropriate techniques and suitably qualified staff, to ensure the integrity of any sample provided CC HR 04/08 29 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 The person collecting the samples will be responsible for taking the samples and following the chain of custody collection procedure It is possible that samples will need to be collected from various Authority locations on the same day that the sample is taken Locations will be within Cheshire Constabulary’s borders except on rare occasions where the requirement might be outside. The supplier must use his own courier service or similar and ensure that they adhere to all relevant packing instructions for transporting samples to the laboratory used by the supplier Samples will be analysed by an approved testing agency preferably in house by the successful supplier Testing may be through hair, urine or oral fluid, depending upon the reason for the test Wherever the sample is taken, provision will be made for the donor to have an opportunity to have an independent analysis of the specimen at the donor’s expense It is the preferred option of Cheshire Police Authority that all steps of the Substance Misuse Testing procedure are conducted and directly owned by the successful supplier i.e. sample collection, delivery, testing, analysis, reporting & storage 11.7. Testing in relation to drugs will cover the illicit use of the following substances: Amphetamines (including ecstasy) Cannabis Cocaine Opiates (eg morphine and heroin) Benzodiazepines Methadone Any other substance as detailed by the Cheshire Constabulary during the duration of the contract 11.8. The contractor will be required to undertake a range of work: Collection / screening services Laboratory analysis services Medical reviews for all positive results Pre-planned testing on a regular basis Ensuring that the appropriate numbers of staff have been tested according to the levels requested by the Authority Liaison with specific contacts within the Authority throughout the duration of the contract 24 hour / 365 day call out service Maximum response time for attendance to a call out of 2 hours New recruit testing based at one specific location Other categories of staff may require testing elsewhere Raising awareness of this service across the force as required Provision of management information Storage of second sample – the sealed sample will be stored for a period of 12 months from initial collection, or a period of 12 months from the end of all CC HR 04/08 30 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 legal and/or procedural challenges to the results in the event of a positive sample being detected Attendance at internal hearing / judicial proceedings, as required, to give evidence The integrity of the whole system will be controlled and assured by the supplier 11.9. The contractor shall not disclose the results of any test to any unauthorised person. 11.9.1. A list of all authorised personnel will be provided following contract award 11.10. Service standards with regards to turn around times of the various tests, timescales for laboratory analysis, professional protocols and location of the provision will be agreed prior to contract award 11.10.1. Once agreed, service standards must be strictly adhered to due to the nature of this service. 11.11. It is expected that the Authority will require samples to be kept for the following periods (although exact periods will be confirmed with the successful supplier), after which they must be destroyed unless the Authority has requested that individual samples are retained for a further defined period. 11.11.1. Urine – positives 1 year 11.11.2. Oral fluid – positives 1 year 11.11.3. Hair – positives 1 year 11.12. The numbers and types of tests required may change as the requirement develops and the system is fully implemented. 11.13. Mandatory Drug testing for new Police Officer, Police Community Support Officer & Special Constable recruits: 11.13.1. All new recruits to Cheshire Constabulary will be subject to mandatory drug testing which will be carried out as part of the initial selection process 11.13.2. This will include transferees from other Forces & those returning from career break 11.13.3. The supplier will be required to provide a suitably qualified and experienced nurse to carry out the required tests, to coincide with the Constabulary’s new recruit intakes 11.13.4. The supplier will liaise with the Constabulary’s Recruitment team in order to determine the frequency that these intakes occur & therefore when this service is required. 11.13.5. All necessary contact details will be provided following contract award 11.14. Mandatory Drug testing for new Police Staff members: 11.14.1. Ultimately, all new Police Staff members will be subject to mandatory drug testing which will be carried out as part of the initial selection process. However, initially we require testing of as many as is practicable. 11.14.2. This will include transferees and those returning from career break CC HR 04/08 31 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 11.14.3. The supplier will be required to provide a suitably qualified and experienced nurse in order to carry out these tests 11.14.4. The supplier will liaise with the Constabulary’s Recruitment team in order to determine when these tests will be required. 11.14.5. All necessary contact details will be provided following contract award 11.15. Random Drug Testing – Police Officers, PCSO’s & Police Staff in ‘vulnerable’ or ‘safety critical’ roles: 11.15.1. Initially all Police Officers, PCSO’s & Police Staff in such roles will be tested in order to obtain benchmark figures. 11.15.2. Once benchmarking is complete, required levels of random testing can be determined. 11.15.3. It is estimated that the supplier is required to provide this service at least once per calendar month to facilitate the evidential sampling of urine or oral fluid for random drug testing. 11.15.4. Random testing requirements will be determined & facilitated by the Constabulary’s Human Resources (HR) team. The supplier will be required to provide a suitably qualified and experienced nurse to take and manage the processing of evidential samples 11.15.5. The length of the clinic will be dependent upon the number of Police Officers and / or Police Staff that are selected to attend 11.15.6. It is expected that the clinic will last for a minimum of one hour but is more likely to be for 2 11.15.7. The dates & frequency of these clinics are to be agreed with the Constabulary’s HR team following contract award 11.15.8. All necessary contact details will be provided following contract award 11.16. With Cause Drug Testing: 11.16.1. Two hour response to call out required 11.16.2. ‘With cause’ testing requirements will be determined by Professional Standards with the support of HR. 11.16.3. The supplier will be required to provide a suitably qualified and experienced nurse to take and manage the processing of evidential samples 11.16.4. The length of the clinic will be dependent upon the number of Police Officers and / or Police Staff that the Professional Standards team select to attend 11.16.5. The dates & frequency of these clinics are to be agreed with the Constabulary’s Professional Standards team following contract award 11.16.6. All necessary contact details will be provided following contract award 11.17. All staff involved in this contract will require security vetting following Cheshire Constabulary’s vetting procedures. Further information surrounding the requirements of vetting can be found in Section 16 General Terms and Conditions, Clause 15 11.17.1. All vetting will take place following contract award & prior to the commencement date. 11.18. Any figures detailed within this ITT are indicative only and cannot be guaranteed. CC HR 04/08 32 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 11.19. It is possible that as this Substance Misuse Testing Service is implemented, changes to the specification may be required. The successful supplier must be able to provide an uninterrupted service in accordance with any future guidance issued by the Home Office or any other regulatory body. 11.19.1. Appendix 1 – Home Office Circular 45/2005 (Police Amendment Regulations) sets out the guidance to which Cheshire Police Authority must currently comply. The successful supplier must therefore comply with or assist the Authority to comply with this guidance. 11.19.2. The supplier must be able to respond promptly to any requests made to provide additional or altered services as may be required CC HR 04/08 33 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 12. Detailed Responses Please evidence competency in respect of each of the Items below. Responses should be inserted in the response space provided following each heading; the response space given should be expanded where required. Please bear in mind when completing your responses that the terms of this specification and your detailed responses form part of the Conditions of Contract. Item 1 – Understanding the Requirement Describe your understanding of the requirement, taking into context organisational culture and the information provided within the ITT, including any Appendices. Item 1 Response – Understanding the Requirement Evidence of Competency: Item 2 – Implementation of a Substance Misuse Testing Service As Cheshire Constabulary does not currently have a Substance Misuse Testing Service, describe in detail how your company would assist in the implementation of such a service taking into consideration the different forms of testing that will be required. Please include a project action plan. Your response should provide details of the processes you will put in place to ensure that you can fulfil the requirements of the contract and specification by the commencement date. Item 2 Response – Implementation of a Substance Misuse Testing Service Evidence of Competency: Item 3 – Suitability Describe in detail why you believe your organisation is suitable to undertake this work. Item 3 Response – Suitability Evidence of Competency: CC HR 04/08 34 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing Item 4 – Service Delivery Describe in detail your proposed methodology to deliver the Substance Misuse Testing Service. Within your response, reassure the Authority of your capability and capacity to deliver this strategic service for the duration of the contract including: Identifying key personnel / management Details of where the contract will be managed How you see the service being delivered Chain of custody processes Call out procedures – how will you guarantee to meet the 2 hour response time requirement Please also include details of any sub-contractors / third parties that you may engage. Item 4 Response – Service Delivery Evidence of Competency: Item 5 – Professional Competence Describe how you plan to provide and maintain industry best practice. Provide details of the qualifications and experience of your proposed key personnel. Demonstrate how your organisation proposes to manage changes of key staff and maintain service delivery standards when core staff are absent (e.g. annual leave, training or sickness). Item 5 Response – Professional Competence Evidence of Competency: Item 6 – Confidentiality Describe in detail your plans / policy / procedures around confidentiality and the handling of confidential information. Item 6 Response – Confidentiality Evidence of Competency: CC HR 04/08 35 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 Item 7 – Quality Assurance Process Describe in detail your proposed Quality Assurance process for the management of the contract. Item 7 Response – Quality Assurance Process Evidence of Competency: Item 8 – Supporting a Sustainable Environment Provide an outline to show how you propose to promote sustainability and reduce any environmental impact, concentrate your response on methods employed to minimise wastage and reduce energy consumption. Item 8 Response – Supporting a Sustainable Environment Evidence of Competency: Item 9 – Diversity Describe how your organisation will effectively contribute to and deliver a service that will support the Constabulary’s diverse workforce. Include within your answer a description of how your team keeps abreast of developments and changes in respect of diversity and the strategies that are employed both formally and informally to ensure development of staff who will work on the contract. Item 9 Response – Diversity Evidence of Competency: 13. Pricing Schedule 13.1. This pricing schedule shall include all reports to be submitted, all visits to the Authority’s premises (including travelling and subsistence expenses), all correspondence, administrative costs, taxes, insurance and any other disbursements or charges to which the supplier may be put. 13.2. The Supplier shall procure any and all such services or facilities as may be required to facilitate the performance of the Service pursuant to the CC HR 04/08 36 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing Specifications of any variations which may be agreed from time to time by the Authorised Officer. For the avoidance of doubt, the costs or charges for any such services or facilities shall be deemed to be included in the charges set out below. 13.3. All prices, rates and charges quoted shall exclude VAT 13.4. All prices shall be in pounds sterling 13.5. Payment will be made by the Authority in arrears for work satisfactorily completed within 30 days of receipt of a valid and adequately supported invoice 13.6. The receipt or payment of any sum by either party shall be without prejudice to the correctness of the sum and either party may require the correction of incorrect payments. 13.7. The quotation is to be valid for 90 days following the deadline date of 10th July 2009 13.8. Contract Prices will be fixed from the inception of the Contract. 13.9. Preference will be given to Tenders in which firm prices are quoted without reference to price variation clauses 13.10. Please provide the following breakdown of price & also include prices for any additional services that can be offered. Task No. 1. Task Price URINE On site testing by contractor - batch tests (i.e. potential new recruits, benchmarking vulnerable & safety critical roles, random tests) On site testing by contractor – individual test Lab tests 2. ORAL FLUID On site testing by contractor - batch tests (i.e. potential new recruits, benchmarking vulnerable & safety critical roles, random tests) On site testing by contractor – individual test Lab tests CC HR 04/08 37 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3. 3rd June 2009 HAIR On site testing by contractor - batch tests (i.e. potential new recruits, benchmarking vulnerable & safety critical roles, random tests) On site testing by contractor – individual test Lab tests OTHER 1 With cause tests – planned (minimum 24 hours notice) 2 With cause tests – unplanned (2hrs max arrival time) 3 Provision of a witness statement (if applicable) 4 Attendance at internal hearing / judicial proceedings (if required) 13.11. Please detail any other prices, price breaks or costs that you feel are pertinent to the service within the pricing schedule. 13.12. Although it is preferred that the above format is adhered to, please make any necessary amendments should you feel it necessary in order to detail the full range of your prices along with any discounts that may be available for volume etc 14. Contract Management and Monitoring 14.1. Key Performance Indicators 14.1.1. KPI’s will be agreed with the successful supplier and will be monitored by the Authority throughout the life of the contract. 14.1.2. In addition to the performance standards detailed above, monitoring processes may be put into place in relation to social, environmental and other issues referred to in the tender specification. 14.2. Management Information 14.2.1. The Contractor shall provide the Authority with Management Information on a regular basis. The information required along with the format of that information (i.e. monthly report / quarterly report etc) will be agreed prior to the commencement date of 1st October 2009. CC HR 04/08 38 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 14.2.2. Evidence of performance of KPI’s is to be included within this Management Information 14.3. Authorised Officer 14.3.1. The Authority will appoint an authorised officer to act generally in their name for the purposes of this contract. The Authority will give notice in writing to the Contractor of the identity of any person so appointed and of the replacement of any such person. Until notice of replacement has been given to the Contractor, the Contractor shall be entitled to treat as the Authorised officer, the person last notified in writing to the Contractor. 14.3.2. The Authority may, from time to time, change their appointee, doing so in writing 14.4. Service Level Agreement (SLA) 14.4.1. Prior to the commencement of the contract, the successful Contractor may be required to devise a Service Level Agreement in conjunction with the Authority to agree targets for their performance in relation to Key Performance Indicators 14.4.2. Service standards with regards to turn around times of the various tests, timescales for laboratory analysis, professional protocols and location of the provision will be incorporated into this SLA 14.4.3. The Authority will be looking to work with the Contractor towards Continuous Improvement in their performance throughout the duration of the contract. 14.5. Service Review Meetings 14.5.1. These meetings between the Authority and the Contractor shall be held quarterly or more frequently as required by the Authority or the Contractor. A record of all meetings shall be made by the Contractor and be supplied to all participants once the Authority has approved them. 14.5.2. The Contractor shall arrange for the attendance of such members of his staff and those of his Subcontractors or his agents who may be required by the Authority to attend as necessary. 14.5.3. The Contractor shall agree the agenda for the Service Review meetings in advance with the Authorised Officer of the Authority. 14.5.4. The Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring his performance under the Contract and will provide the Authority with full particulars of any aspects of service performance which fail to meet the requirements of the contract unless otherwise notified in writing by the Authority CC HR 04/08 39 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 14.6. The Contractor shall, taking into account all requirements arising from the contract, issue appropriate operating and procedural instructions in writing to all staff engaged in the Contract. These must be approved by the Authority. 14.7. The Contractor shall provide copies to the specified recipient within the Authority of any instructions which withdraw, notify or supplement any instructions prior to issue. 14.8. The Contractor shall maintain such records in respect of the contract as the Authority may reasonably require and shall on request produce them for inspection by the Authority. 14.9. The Contractor shall make available such records for the use of the Authority when required. They shall not be released, published or disposed of without prior consent of the Authority. 14.10. The Contractor shall, as required, make written submission or oral presentations of the work done under the contract in aid of any reviews by or of the conduct of business at the Authority’s locations. 14.11. Complaints 14.11.1. The Contractor shall deal with all complaints as per their complaints procedure submitted as part of their tender submission. Any subsequent amendments or variations to the submitted complaints procedure shall be notified to the Authority and copies supplied to all relevant parties once the Authority has approved them. 14.11.2. As a minimum, the Contractor shall deal with any complaints received from whatever source in a prompt, courteous and efficient manner within 48 hours. The Contractor shall keep a written record of all complaints received and of the action taken in relation to such complaints. Such records will be forwarded to the designated individual prior to the Service Review Meeting in the form of a Management Report for discussion. 14.12. Defaults in Performance 14.12.1. If the Contractor fails for any reason, whether wilful or not, to provide the Service in accordance with the Specification and to the satisfaction of the Authorised Officer, the Contractor shall be informed forthwith either verbally or in writing. Immediately upon receipt of such information, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to remedy the default with time being of the essence 14.12.2. The Authorised officer may: investigate each case where the Contractor has failed to perform the Service following such investigation where the Authorised Officer is satisfied that the Contractor has failed to perform a Service in accordance with the specifications issue to the Contractor a Default Notice. The Default Notice CC HR 04/08 40 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 will serve as written notice of Default of Contract performance specifying (in general terms) the matter giving rise to the Default Notice. The Default Notice will require the Contractor to remedy the failure fully within such a time period as may be determined by the Authorised Officer. if the Contractor fails to comply with the Default Notice, the Authorised Officer may record in writing a further Default Notice which shall be sent to the Contractor and regarded as a separate Default Notice. 14.12.3. The issue of Default Notices shall not be deemed a material breach of this Contract unless in the opinion of the Authority the quantity and nature of Default Notices issues indicates that the Contractor is unable for whatever reason to perform the Service in accordance with the Specification within the Contract period. CC HR 04/08 41 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 15. Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement WHEREAS The Authority, whose principal offices are situated at Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 2UA and XXXXXXXX (thereinafter designated as “the parties”) intend to enter into an Agreement for the provision of services fully described in the Request for Quotation document. During the period of the provision of this Contract it will be necessary for each party to disclose to the other information which may be oral or written and include ideas, discoveries, inventions, drawings, specifications, formulae, programmes, plans, requirements etc of a confidential nature, relating to certain methods including but not limited to operating, organisation, finance and accounting prepared and used in exercising statutory obligations and daily business of both parties. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: For a period of six years following the date of disclosure both parties will keep confidential and will not disclose to any other person, firm or company any information disclosed by either party and shall not itself make any use of such information for any purpose other than internal recording by information technology and the checking and evaluation of documents except to the extent to which the receiving party: Can show that such information is publicly available through no fault of the receiving party, Can show that such information was in its possession prior to the date of disclosure, May subsequently receive such information from any third party without restriction as to disclosure, Is authorised by any subsequent written agreement between the parties hereto, Is constrained by the provision of any statutory enactment, including but not limited to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Nothing in this clause shall be deemed to confer, or to imply, agreement to grant rights under copyright, patents or similar rights owned by either party. If either party wishes to transmit confidential information through a third party as its agent, the receiving party will be advised in writing prior to such disclosure and the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to any such disclosure. Each party: agrees to use the same care in protecting the confidential information of the other as is used by it in protecting its own confidential information, CC HR 04/08 42 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing agrees to disclose the information provided by the other hereunder to its employees and/or third parties acting as its agents only on a need to know basis, warrants that such employees and/or third parties acting as its agents as receive confidential information of the other are under written obligation to it to hold such information in confidence and to use it only for the purposes agreed herein, shall comply with their respective obligations under the Data Protection Act 1984 and the Data Protection Act 1998 (together “the Data Protection Acts”) that arise in connection with this Agreement. The purpose of disclosing the information is to enable both parties to perform their obligations under the Agreement. A written request from either party to return the said information must be complied with within thirty days of the first request. Notwithstanding the above clauses, the parties here acknowledge and agree that any information requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 may be disclosed provided such disclosure is appropriate and in accordance with the said Act. if and when directed by the Authority, the Contractor shall secure that any person employed or engaged by the Contractor or by a Sub-Contractor, who is specified in the direction or is one of a class or persons who may be so specified, shall sign a statement that he understands that the Official Secrets Acts 1911 to 1989 apply to him both during the term of and after the expiry or termination of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be considered to be subject to English Law. Agreed by……………………………………………(Print Name) Signature……………………………………………. For and on behalf of Cheshire Police Authority Dated………………………………………………… Agreed by……………………………………………(Print Name) Signature…………………………………………….. For an on behalf of XXXXXXXXXXXXX Dated…………………………………………………. CC HR 04/08 43 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 16. Terms and Conditions of Contract INDEX 1. Definitions 2. Contract to Remain in Force 3. Authority’s Obligations 4. Entire Agreement 5. Sufficiency of Information 6. Scope of Agreement 7. Liens 8. Notices 9. Mistakes in Information 10. Conflicts of Interest 11. Fraud 12. The Substance Misuse Testing Service 13. Standard of Work 14. Key Personnel 15. Contractor’s Personnel 16. Authority Property 17. Sub-Contracting for the Delivery of the Services 18. Price 19. Payment and Tax 20. Recovery of Sums Due 21. Price Adjustment on Extension 22. Euro 23. Prevention of Corruption 24. Canvassing 25. Contractor’s Duties to Employees 26. The Contract’s (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 27. Environmental Requirements 28. Health and Safety 29. TUPE 30. Human Rights 31. Data Protection Act 32. Confidentiality 33. Freedom of Information 34. Security of Confidential Information 35. Publicity 36. Copyright 37. Intellectual Property Rights 38. Audit 39. Assignment and Sub-Contracting 40. Waiver 41. Variation of the Services 42. Severability 43. Remedies in the Event of Inadequate Performance 44. Remedies Cumulative 45. Monitoring of Performance CC HR 04/08 44 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 46. Possible Extension of Term 47. Novation 48. Indemnity and Insurance 49. Professional Indemnity 50. Warranties and Representations 51. Termination on Change of Control and Insolvency 52. Termination on Default 53. Break 54. Breach of Contract 55. Consequences of Termination 56. Recovery upon Termination 57. Disruption 58. Force Majeure 59. Governing Law 60. Additional Terms and Conditions 61. Dispute Resolution CC HR 04/08 45 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing THIS AGREEMENT is made on day of 2009 BETWEEN (1) Cheshire Police Authority of Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford CW7 2UA hereinafter called “the Authority” AND (2) XXXXXXXXXXXXX hereinafter called “the Contractor” of XXXXXXXXXXXX WHEREAS the Authority desires to engage the contractor to provide a Substance Misuse Testing Service and the Contractor agrees to provide the Substance Misuse Service, hereinafter called “the Service” and which is more particularly set out in the Specification. AND WHEREAS the Contractor has submitted to the Authority a tender dated XXXXXXXXX for the provision of such services NOW THEREFORE it is agreed that:1. Definitions 1.1. In the Contract, unless the context otherwise requires:“the Authority” shall mean Cheshire Police Authority or any successor authority in the event Cheshire Police Authority ceases to exist. “Authorised Officer(s)” shall mean any person authorised by the Authority to act on it’s behalf for the purposes of the Contract or any order. “Confidential Information” means any information which has been designated as confidential by either Party in writing or that ought to be considered as confidential, (however it is conveyed or on whatever media it is stored) including information which relates to the business, affairs, properties, assets, trading practices, Services, developments, trade secrets, Intellectual Property Rights, know-how, personnel, customers and suppliers of either Party, [all personal data and sensitive personal data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1998] and the Commercially Sensitive Information. “the Contract” shall mean the agreement between the Authority and the Contractor for the execution of the goods, works, and services subject of this Tender, including all documents to which reference may properly be made in order to ascertain the rights and obligations of the parties. CC HR 04/08 46 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 “the Contractor” shall mean the organisation whose tender is accepted in whole or in part and, where the context so admits, their personal representatives or successors, as the case may be, and permitted assignees. “Equipment” means the Contractor’s equipment, plant, materials, and such other items supplied and used by the Contractor in the performance of its obligations under the Agreement. “Good Industry Practice” means using standards, practices, methods and procedures conforming to the law and exercising that degree of skill and care, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced person or body engaged in a similar type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances. “Intellectual Property Rights” means patents, inventions, trade marks, service marks, logos, design rights (whether registrable or otherwise), applications for any of the foregoing, copyright, database rights, domain names, trade or business names, moral rights and other similar rights or obligations whether registrable or not in any country (including but not limited to the United Kingdom) and the right to sue for passing off. “the Invitation to Tender (ITT)” shall mean this document. The purpose of the ITT is to provide Tenderers with the opportunity to propose an accurately priced solution for the provision of the Services to the Authority. “Month” means calendar month. “the Organisation” shall mean the sole practitioner, partnership, incorporated company, public body, co-operative, charity or analogous entities operating outside the UK, as appropriate responding to this ITT. “the Parties” shall mean the Authority and the Contractor. “Price” means the price exclusive of any applicable Tax, payable to the Contractor by the Authority under the Agreement, as set out in the Pricing Schedule, for the full and proper performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Agreement but before taking into account the effect of any adjustment of price in accordance with Clause 23 (Prevention of Corruption) “the Procurement Representative” shall mean the person for the time being or from time to time duly appointed by the Authority to act as the Authority’s procurement representative during the Tender process. “Quality Standards” means the quality standards published by the British Standards Institute, the International Organisation for Standardisation or any other equivalent body that a skilled and experienced operator engaged in the same type of industry or business as the Contractor would reasonably and ordinarily be expected to comply as supplemented by the Specification. CC HR 04/08 47 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing “the Service” means the Substance Misuse Service as required and detailed in this ITT. “Staff” means all persons employed by the Contractor to perform its obligations under the Contract together with the Contractor’s servants, agents, suppliers and sub – contractors used in the performance of its obligations under the Contract. “Staff Vetting Procedure” means the authority’s procedures for the vetting of personnel and as advised to the Contractor by the Authority. “the Sub-contractor” shall mean the organisation to which any part of the Contract has been sub-let in accordance with the Contract and its legal representatives, successors and permitted assignees. “Tax” means value added tax. “Tender” shall mean any tender submitted for the business specified in the Schedule and/or Specification in response to the ITT. “the Tenderer” shall mean the candidates responding to the ITT. “TUPE” shall mean the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006. 1.2. In the Agreement except where the context otherwise requires: (a) the terms and expressions set out in clause 1.1 shall have the meanings ascribed therein; (b) words importing the singular meaning include where the context so admits the plural meaning and vice versa; (c) words importing the masculine include the feminine and the neuter; (d) reference to a clause is a reference to the whole of that clause unless stated otherwise; (e) references to any statute, enactment, order, regulation or other similar instrument shall be construed as a reference to the statute, enactment, order, regulation or instrument as amended by any subsequent enactment, modification, order, regulation or instrument as subsequently amended or reenacted; (f) references to any person shall include natural persons and partnerships, firms and other incorporated bodies and all other legal persons of whatever kind and however constituted and their successors and permitted assignees or transferees; (g) the words “include”, “includes” and “including” are to be construed as if they were immediately followed by the words “without limitation”; CC HR 04/08 48 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 (h) headings are included in the Agreement for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of the Agreement. 2. Contract to Remain in Force 2.1. This Contract shall remain in full force and effect throughout the period mentioned below or any agreed extension of such period (“the Contract Period”) but if the Contractor commits a breach of Contract this Contract may, at the discretion of the Authority be terminated in writing by it immediately without compensation to the Contractor and any loss resulting from such a breach shall be a debt due and owing from the Contractor to the Authority and be forthwith recoverable by action or otherwise. 2.2. This Contract is for an initial period of two [2] years from the 1st October 2009 to 30th September 2011. There is also an option to extend the Contract for a further period of one [1] years made up from one [1] annual extensions. This will be subject to: Both parties agreeing The price being acceptable The satisfactory performance of the Contractor as agreed by the Authority The Substance Misuse Testing Service still being required 3. Authority’s Obligations 3.1. Save as otherwise expressly provided, the obligations of the Authority under the Agreement are obligations of the Authority in its capacity as a contracting counterparty and nothing in the Agreement shall operate as an obligation upon, or in any other way fetter or constrain the Authority in any other capacity, nor shall the exercise by the Authority of its duties and powers in any other capacity lead to any liability under the Agreement (howsoever arising) on the part of the Authority to the Contractor. 4. Entire Agreement 4.1. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter of the Agreement. The Agreement supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and undertakings, whether written or oral, except that this clause shall not exclude liability in respect of any fraudulent misrepresentation. 4.2. In the event of and only to the extent of any conflict between the body of the Agreement, Specification, Invitation to Tender, Contractor’s Tender and any other documents referred to or attached to the Agreement, the conflict shall be resolved in accordance with the following order of precedence. The body of the Agreement shall prevail over:4.2.1. the Schedules CC HR 04/08 49 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 4.2.2. the Invitation to Tender 4.2.3. the Contractor’s Tender 4.2.4. any other document referred to in the agreement 4.3. Unless expressly agreed, a document varied pursuant to Clause 41 (Variation of the Services) shall not take higher precedent than specified here. 4.4. The Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall constitute an original but all counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 5. Sufficiency of Information 5.1. The Contractor shall be deemed to have examined the requirements specified, and these General Conditions of Contract. No claim from the Contractor for additional payment shall be allowed on the grounds of misinterpretation of any matter relating to the requirements specified in these Conditions of Contract on which the Contractor could reasonably have satisfied itself beforehand. 5.2. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before submitting his Tender as to the accuracy and sufficiency of the rate and prices stated by him in his tender which shall (except in so far as it is otherwise provided in the Contract) cover all his obligations under the Contract and shall be deemed to have obtained for himself all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and any other circumstances which might reasonably influence or affect his tender. 6. Scope of Agreement 6.1. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership or a contract of employment between the Authority and the Contractor. 7. Liens 7.1. The Contractor shall protect and shall hold all property of the Authority free from all liens, charges and other encumbrances. 8. Notices 8.1. Except as otherwise expressly provided within the Agreement, no notice or other communication from one Party to the other shall have any validity under the Agreement unless made in writing by or on behalf of the Party concerned. 8.2. Any notice or other communication which is to be given by either Party to the other shall be given by letter (sent by hand, post, registered post or by the recorded delivery service), by facsimile transmission or electronic mail (confirmed in either case by letter). Such letters shall be addressed to the other Party in the manner referred to in Clause 8.3. Provided the relevant communication is not returned as undelivered, the notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given two [2] Working Days after the day on which the letter was posted, or four [4] hours, in the case of electronic mail or CC HR 04/08 50 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 facsimile transmission or sooner where the other Party acknowledges receipt of such letters, facsimile transmission or item of electronic mail. 8.3. for the purposes of Clause 8.2, the address of each Party shall be: For the Authority: For the attention of: Mrs Rachel Laws Title: HR Contracts Manager Address: Human Resources Cheshire Constabulary HQ Clemonds Hey Oakmere Road Winsford CW7 2UA Tel: 01244 615989 Fax: 01244 614040 E-mail: rachel.laws@cheshire.pnn.police.uk For the Contractor: For the attention of: Title: Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: 8.4. Either Party may change its address for service by serving a notice in accordance with this clause. 9. Mistakes in Information 9.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of all drawings, documentation and information supplied to the Authority by the Contractor in connection with the provision of the Service and shall pay the Authority any extra costs occasioned by any discrepancies, errors or omissions therein. CC HR 04/08 51 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 10. Conflicts of Interest 10.1. The Contractor shall take appropriate steps to ensure that neither the Contractor nor any employee, servant, agent, supplier or sub-contractor is placed in a position where in the reasonable opinion of the Authority there is or may be an actual conflict, or a potential conflict, between the pecuniary or personal interests of the Contractor or such persons and the duties owed to the Authority under the provisions of the Agreement. The Contractor will disclose to the Authority full particulars of any such conflict of interest which may arise. 11. Fraud 11.1. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps, in accordance with Good Industry Practice, to prevent any fraudulent activity by its employees, the Contractor (including its shareholders, members, directors) and/or any of the Contractor’s suppliers, in connection with the receipt of monies from the Authority. The Contractor shall notify the Authority immediately if it has reason to suspect that any fraud has occurred or is occurring or is likely to occur. 12. The Substance Misuse Service (the Service) 12.1. The Contractor shall provide the Service during the Term in accordance with the Authority’s requirements as set out in the Specification and the terms of the Agreement in consideration of the payment of the Price. The Authority shall have the power to inspect and examine the performance of the Services at the Authority’s Premises or, provided that the Authority gives reasonable notice to the Contractor, at any other premises where any part of the Service is being performed. 12.2. The Contractor shall at all times deliver the Service in accordance with the Law. 12.3. In the event that the Authority notifies the Contractor of the Authority’s reasonably held opinion that any part of the Service does not meet the requirements of the Agreement or differs in any way from those requirements, and this is other than as a result of default or negligence on the part of the Authority, the Contractor shall at its own expense re-schedule and carry out the Service in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement within such reasonable time as may be specified by the Authority. 12.4. Timely provision of the Service shall be of the essence of the Agreement, including in relation to commencing the provision of the Service within the time agreed or on a specified date. 12.5. Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies the Authority may have pursuant to the Agreement, the Contractor shall reimburse the Authority for all reasonable costs incurred by the Authority which have arisen as a consequence of the Contractor’s delay in the performance of its obligations CC HR 04/08 52 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 under the Agreement and which delay the Contractor has failed to remedy following reasonable notice from the Authority. 13. Standard of Work 13.1. The Contractor shall, at all times, comply with the Quality Standards, and, where applicable, shall maintain accreditation with the relevant Quality Standards authorisation body. To the extent the standard of Services has not been specified in the Agreement, the Contractor shall agree the relevant standard of Services with the Contract Manager prior to the delivery of the Services, and the Contractor shall undertake its obligations in accordance with Good Industry Practice. 13.2. The Contractor warrants and represents that all employees assigned to the performance of the Services shall possess and exercise such qualifications, skill and experience as are necessary for the proper performance of the Services. 13.3. The introduction of new methods or systems which adversely affect the provision of the Services shall be subject to prior Approval. 14. Key Personnel 14.1. The Contractor shall at all times provide the range, quantity and quality (including properly qualified) of personnel required to provide the Services under this agreement. 14.2. The Contractor shall provide sufficient information to enable the Authority to be assured that key personnel meet professional and ethical standards required for the conduct of the Service, in terms of qualifications and experience. 14.3. Key personnel shall not be released from providing the Services without the agreement of the Authority, except by reason of long-term sickness, maternity leave, paternity leave or termination of employment and other extenuating circumstances. 14.4. Any replacements to the key personnel shall be subject to the agreement of the Authority. Such replacements shall be of at least equal status or of equivalent experience and skills to the key personnel being replaced and be suitable for the responsibilities of that person in relation to the Services. 14.5. The Authority shall not unreasonably withhold its agreement under Clause 13.3 or Clause 13.4. Such agreement shall be conditional on appropriate arrangements being made by the Contractor to minimise any adverse impact on the Agreement which could be caused by a change in key personnel. 15. Contractor’s Personnel 15.1. At the commencement of the Agreement and at any time thereafter on request, the Contractor shall make available for the purposes of the Contract CC HR 04/08 53 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 any individuals involved in the provision of the service to enable the Authority to undertake security clearance. The Contractor shall provide the Authority with a list including the names, addresses, dates and places of birth, of all persons regarded by the Contractor as key personnel and, if and when instructed by the Authority, all other persons who may be at any time concerned with the Contract or any part of it, specifying in each case the capacities in which they are so concerned and giving such other particulars and evidence of identity and other supporting evidence as the Authority may reasonably require. The Contractor shall not without the prior written approval of the Authority make any changes in the key personnel referred to in this paragraph. 15.2. The Contractor shall furnish the Authority with full individual details of all newly appointed personnel as may be required for the purpose of undertaking security clearance and if so directed by the Authority in the Authority’s absolute discretion, ensure that a person does not obtain employment or continue to be employed by the Contractor on the delivery of the Service. 15.3. The Authority can request the removal of the Contractor’s personnel concerned with the Contract and/or to decline security clearance for any such personnel without providing a reason. No personnel will be allowed to visit premises the subject of this Contract without security clearance. The Contractor must ensure that his list of security cleared personnel is constantly kept up to date and available for inspection by the Authority’s personnel. 15.4. Where any change of circumstances or where any new information about personnel comes to the attention of the Contractor during the currency of the Agreement which may affect the decision on security clearance which has been taken by the Authority, the Contractor shall provide this to the Authority and shall comply with any decision made by the Authority in this clause. 15.5. The Contractor shall not permit any employee to bring any unauthorised personnel (including children and animals) on to any of the Authority’s premises. 15.6. The Contractor’s employees must not smoke whilst on the Authority’s premises. 15.7. The Authority will not accept any liability in respect of theft, loss or damage to personal property of the Contractor’s employees. 15.8. The Contractor shall bear the cost of any notice, instruction or decision of the Authority under this Clause. 16. Authority Property 16.1. Where the Authority for the purpose of the Agreement issues Authority Property free of charge to the Contractor, such property shall be and remain the property of the Authority. The Contractor shall not in any circumstances have a lien on the Authority Property and the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the title of the Authority to such Authority CC HR 04/08 54 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 Property and the exclusion of any such lien are brought to the notice of all subcontractors and other persons dealing with the Agreement. 16.2. Any Authority Property made available or otherwise received by the Contractor shall be deemed to be in good condition when received by or on behalf of the Contractor unless the Contractor notifies the Authority otherwise within five [5] Working Days of receipt. 16.3. The Contractor shall maintain all Authority Property in good order and condition, excluding fair wear and tear, and shall use Authority Property solely in connection with the Agreement and for no other purpose without prior Approval. 16.4. The Contractor shall ensure the security of all Authority Property, whilst in the Contractor’s possession, either on its premises or elsewhere during the performance of the Agreement, in accordance with the Authority’s reasonable security requirements as required from time to time. 16.5. The Contractor shall be liable for any and all loss of or damage (excluding fair wear and tear) to any Authority Property, unless the Contractor is able to demonstrate that such loss or damage was caused by the negligence or default of the Authority. The Contractor’s liability set out in this clause shall be reduced to the extent that such loss or damage was contributed to by the negligence or default of the Authority. The Contractor shall inform the Contract Manager within two [2] Working Days of becoming aware of any defects appearing in or losses or damage occurring to Authority Property made available for the purposes of the Agreement. 17. Sub-Contracting for the delivery of the Services 17.1. Where the Contractor enters into a sub-contract in accordance with Clause 39, a supplier or contractor for the purpose of performing the Agreement, it shall cause a term to be included in such a sub-contract which requires payment to be made of undisputed sums by the Contractor to the subcontractor within a specified period not exceeding thirty [30] days from the receipt of a valid invoice, as defined by the sub-contract requirements. 18. Price 18.1. The Tenderer shall comply with all the terms and conditions contained herein relating to pricing and price variations. No price variation will be considered otherwise than in accordance with the price variations detailed in this clause 18.2. In consideration of the performance of the Contractor’s obligations under the Agreement by the Contractor, the Authority shall pay the Price in accordance with Clause 19. CC HR 04/08 55 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 19. Payment and Tax 19.1. The Authority shall pay the undisputed sums due to the Contractor in cleared funds within thirty [30] days of receipt and agreement of invoices, submitted monthly in arrears, for work completed to the satisfaction of the Authority. 19.2. Each invoice shall contain all appropriate references and a detailed breakdown of the Services provided and shall be supported by any other documentation reasonably required by the Contract Manager to substantiate the invoice. 19.3. Tax, where applicable, shall be shown separately on valid Tax invoices as a strictly net extra charge. 19.4. The Authority may, in accordance with Clause 43, reduce payment in respect of any Service which the Contractor has either failed to provide or has provided inadequately, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Authority. 19.5. The Contractor shall not suspend the supply of the Services for failure to pay undisputed sums of money. 20. Recovery of Sums Due 20.1. Wherever under the Agreement any sum of money is recoverable from or payable by the Contractor (including any sum which the Contractor is liable to pay to the Authority in respect of any breach of the Agreement), the Authority may unilaterally deduct that sum from any sum then due, or which at any later time may become due to the Contractor under the Agreement or under any other agreement or contract with the Authority. 20.2. Any overpayment by either Party, whether of the Price or of Tax, shall be a sum of money recoverable by the Party who made the overpayment from the Party in receipt of the overpayment. 20.3. The Contractor shall make any payments due to the Authority without any deduction whether by way of set-off, counterclaim, discount, abatement or otherwise unless the Contractor has a valid court order requiring an amount equal to such deduction to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor. 21. Price Adjustment on Extension 21.1. Subject to Clause 21.4 the Price shall remain fixed for the Term. 21.2. In the event of a possible Extension, the Authority reserves the right to review any charges payable to the Contractor for the provision of services beyond the Term. 21.3. If the Authority approaches the Contractor in accordance with Clause 46 concerning an Extension, the Authority must agree the Price to be payable to CC HR 04/08 56 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 the Contractor for the provision of any services during the Extension, at least three [3] months prior to the end of the Term. 21.4. Any claim for an increase in the charges during an Extension will only be considered if the increase does not exceed the percentage change in the Office of National Statistics’ Consumer Prices Index (or another such index as notified to the Contractor in writing) between the Commencement Date and the date three [3] months before the end of the Term. 22. Euro 22.1. Any legislative requirement to account for the services in Euros (or to prepare for such accounting) instead of and / or in addition to sterling, shall be implemented by the Contractor at nil charge to the Authority. 22.2. The Authority shall provide all reasonable assistance to facilitate compliance by the Contractor under Clause 22.1. 23. Prevention of Corruption 23.1. The Contractor shall not offer or give, or agree to give, to any employee, agent, servant or representative of the Authority any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing, refraining from doing, or for having done or refrained from doing, any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the Agreement or any other contract with the Authority, or for showing or refraining from showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Agreement or any such contract. The attention of the Contractor is drawn to the criminal offences under the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889 to 1916. 23.2. The Contractor warrants that it has not paid commission or has agreed to pay any commission to any employee or representative of the Authority by the Contractor or on the Contractor’s behalf. 23.3. Where the Contractor or Contractor’s employees, servants, subcontractors, suppliers or agents or anyone acting on the Contractor’s behalf, engages in conduct prohibited by clauses 23.1 or 23.2 in relation to this or any other contract with the Authority, the Authority has the right to: 23.3.1. terminate the Agreement and recover from the Contractor the amount of any loss suffered by the Authority resulting from the termination, including the cost reasonably incurred by the Authority of making other arrangements for the provision of the Goods and any additional expenditure incurred by the Authority throughout the remainder of the Term; or 23.3.2. recover in full from the Contractor any other loss sustained by the Authority in consequence of any breach of this clause, whether or not the Agreement has been terminated CC HR 04/08 57 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 24. Canvassing 24.1. Canvassing is prohibited and any Tenderer who is guilty of so doing will be disqualified and apart from any other action which may be taken against him will be debarred from tendering to the Authority for a minimum period of three [3] years following the date of expiry of the Contract the subject of the Tender or other such period as may be prescribed by the Authority. 25. Contractor’s Duties to Employees 25.1. The Contractor shall employ only such persons as are careful, skilled and honest in the performance of the service. 25.2. The Contractor shall not unlawfully discriminate within the meaning and scope of the provisions of the Race Relations Act 1976, as amended by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, the Race Relations (Amendment) Regulations 2003, the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, the European Community Goods and Services Directive 2004/113, the Employment Act 2006, the Sexual Discrimination Act 1975, the Sexual Discrimination Regulations 2003, the Employment Equality (Age Discrimination) Regulations 2006 or any statutory modification or reenactment thereof relating to discrimination in employment. 25.3. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to secure the observance of these provisions by all servants, employees or agents of the Contractor and all sub-contractors employed in the execution of the Contract. 25.4. The Contractor shall be required to fully comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and with all regulations attached thereto. All health and safety information provided by the Authority to the Contractor for this purpose shall be provided to the Contractors staff. If the Contractor is in breach of this condition, the Authority will be entitled to suspend the Contract forthwith without prejudice of any other rights which the Authority may have, until such time as the breach has been rectified. 25.5. The Contractor shall keep proper records necessary for the satisfactory completion of the Contract including wages, records and time sheets, showing the wages paid to and the time worked by the work people in his employ and about the execution of the Contract. All such records shall be produced whenever required for the inspection by an officer authorised by the Authority. 25.6. The Contractor shall be responsible for the observance of this condition by Sub-Contractors employed within the United Kingdom in the execution of the Contract and shall if required notify the Authority of the names and addresses of all such Sub-Contractors. 25.7. In the event of any question arising as to whether the foregoing conditions are being observed the question shall, if not otherwise disposed of, be referred to an independent tribunal for decision. CC HR 04/08 58 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 26. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 26.1. No person who is not a Party to the Agreement (including without limitation any employee, officer, agent, representative, or sub-contractor of either the Authority or the Contractor) shall have any right to enforce any term of the Agreement, which expressly or by implication, confers a benefit on him without the prior agreement in writing of both Parties, which agreement should specifically refer to Clause 26. This Clause does not affect any right or remedy of any person which exists or is available otherwise than pursuant to that Act. 27. Environmental Requirements 27.1. The Contractor shall, when working on the Authority’s Premises, perform the Agreement in accordance with the Authority’s Environmental Policy, which is to conserve energy, water, wood, paper and other resources, reduce waste and phase out the use of ozone depleting substances and minimise the release of greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds and other substances damaging to health and the environment. 28. Health and Safety 28.1. The Contractor shall promptly notify the Authority of any health and safety hazards which may arise in connection with the performance of the Agreement. The Authority shall promptly notify the Contractor of any health and safety hazards which may exist or arise at the Authority’s Premises and which may affect the Contractor in the performance of the Agreement. 28.2. While on the Authority’s Premises, the Contractor shall comply with any health and safety measures implemented by the Authority in respect of Staff and other persons working on those Premises. 28.3. The Contractor shall notify the Authority immediately in the event of any incident occurring in the performance of the Agreement on the Authority’s Premises where that incident causes any personal injury or damage to property which could give rise to personal injury. 28.4. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and any other acts, orders, regulations and codes of practice relating to health and safety, which may apply to Staff and other persons working on the Premises in the performance of the Agreement. 28.5. The Contractor shall ensure that its health and safety policy statement (as required by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974) is made available to the Authority on request. 29. TUPE 29.1. The Parties recognise that the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 and 2006 (TUPE) may apply in respect of this agreement, and should they so apply that for the purposes of those Regulations, the undertaking concerned (or any relevant part of the CC HR 04/08 59 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 undertaking) shall transfer to the Contractor on the commencement of full operations. 29.2. During the period of six [6] months preceding the expiry of the agreement or after the Authority has given notice to terminate the agreement or the Contractor stops trading, and within twenty [20] working days of being so requested by the Authority, the Contractor shall fully and accurately disclose to the Authority for the purposes of TUPE all information relating to its employees engaged in providing Services under the agreement, in particular, but not necessarily restricted to the following: 29.2.1. The total number of staff whose employment with the contract is liable to be terminated at the expiry of this agreement but for any operation of law; and 29.2.2. For each person, age and gender, details of their salary, and pay settlements covering that person which related to future dates but which have already been agreed and their redundancy entitlements (the names of individual members of employed staff do not have to be given); and 29.2.3. Full information about the other terms and conditions on which the affected staff are employed (including but not limited to their working arrangements), or about where that information can be found; and 29.2.4. details of pension entitlements, if any; and 29.2.5. job titles of the members of staff affected and the qualifications required for each position 29.3. The Contractor shall permit the Authority to use the information for the purposes of TUPE and retendering. The Contractor will co-operate with the retendering of the agreement by allowing the Transferee to communicate with and meet the affected employees and / or their representatives. 29.4. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the Authority fully and to hold it harmless at all times from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, expenses, awards, costs and all other liabilities whatsoever in any way connected with or arising from or relating to the provision of information under Clause 29.2. 29.5. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the Authority from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, expenses, awards, costs, and all other liabilities (including legal fees) in connection with or as a result of any claim or demand by any employee or other employee or person claiming to be an employee on any date upon which the agreement is terminated and / or transferred to any third party (“relevant transfer date”) arising out of their employment or its termination whether such claim or claims arise before or after the relevant transfer date. 29.6. In the event that the information provided by the Contractor in accordance with Clause 29.2 above becomes inaccurate, whether due to changes to the CC HR 04/08 60 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 employment and personnel details of the affected employees made subsequent to the original provision of such information or by reason of the Contractor becoming aware that the information originally given was inaccurate, the Contractor shall notify the Authority of the inaccuracies and provide the amended information. 29.7. The provisions of this Clause shall apply during the continuance of this agreement and indefinitely after its termination. 30. Human Rights 30.1. The parties shall not do or (in so far as any act lies within the reasonable power of the parties to prevent) permit or allow anything to be done which is incompatible with the rights contained within the European Convention on Human Rights and/or the Human Rights Act, 1998. 30.2. The parties shall not do or (in so far as any act lies within the reasonable power of the parties to prevent) permit or allow anything to be done which may result in the Authority acting incompatibly with the rights contained within the European Convention on Human Rights and/or the Human Rights Act 1998 30.3. Each party shall indemnify the other party against any loss, claims and expenditure resulting from any breach of this clause. 31. Data Protection Act 31.1. The Contractor shall (and shall procure that any of its Staff involved in the provision of the Agreement) comply with any notification requirements under the Data Protection Act 1984 and 1998 (“DPA”) and any act amending, replacing or renewing the same. Both Parties will duly observe all their obligations under the DPA which arise in connection with the Agreement. 31.2. Notwithstanding the general obligation in Clause 31.1, where the Contractor is processing personal data (as defined by the DPA) as a data processor for the Authority (as defined by the DPA) the Contractor shall ensure that it has in place appropriate technical and contractual measures to ensure the security of the personal data (and to guard against unauthorised or unlawful processing of the personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, the personal data), as required under the Seventh Data Protection Principle in Schedule 1 to the DPA; and 31.2.1. provide the Authority with such information as the Authority may reasonably require to satisfy itself that the Contractor is complying with its obligations under the DPA; 31.2.2. promptly notify the Authority of any breach of the security measures required to be put in place pursuant to clause 31.2; and 31.2.3. ensure it does not knowingly or negligently do or omit to do anything which places the Authority in breach of the Authority’s obligations under the DPA. CC HR 04/08 61 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 31.3. The provisions of this clause shall apply during the continuance of the Agreement and indefinitely after its expiry or termination. 32. Confidentiality 32.1. The Contractor undertakes to ensure that his employees abide by the provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1911 and 1989 and any act amending, replacing or renewing the same. The Contractor shall, by the display or notices or by other appropriate means, ensure that all persons engaged in connection with the Contract (including any maintenance agreement) have notice that these statutory provisions apply. 32.2. The Contractor shall keep secret and not disclose and shall ensure that his employees keep secret and do not disclose any information of a confidential nature obtained by him by reason of this Contract except information which is in the public domain otherwise than by reason of a breach of this provision. 32.3. The Contractor shall ensure that his Employees, Agents and SubContractors treat all information obtained or received in connection with the Contract as confidential and are aware of the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1984 and 1998 and that any personal information shall not be disclosed. 32.4. Without prejudice to any obligations imposed upon the Contractor by the Official Secrets Act 1911 to 1989 the Contractor shall not and shall ensure that no person employed or engaged by the Contractor at any time use (except for the development of systems and techniques for the better and more efficient delivery of the Services), disclose, communicate or divulge, other than for the purposes of the Authority as required by law or a court of present jurisdiction, the Authority’s data or any information regarding the methods, policies, procedures, techniques, computer programmes, resource or developments projects or results, other trade secrets, or any other knowledge or information used or developed by the Authority or its agents, consultants or any other person acting on its behalf (including the Contractor), or any other confidential information whatsoever relating to or dealing with the operations, activities and undertaking of the Authority, made known to the Contractor or learned or acquired by it while undertaking the Services. All information and data is to be stored securely and upon expiration of the Contract is to be returned to the Authority. 32.5. The Contractor hereby agrees it will not, at any time, without prior written consent of the Authority make, publish or issue or cause to be made, published or issued any remarks or statements concerning the Authority or any of their its agents, consultants or anyone else acting on its behalf or in respect of any of its or their operations, activities or undertakings whether or not such statements are made in connection with the solicitation of business from third parties. 32.6. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Authority against any actions, claims, losses, proceedings or costs arising from any breach of this condition. CC HR 04/08 62 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 32.7. If the Contractor is in breach of this condition, the Authority will be entitled to cancel the Contract forthwith. 32.8. Each Party shall treat all Confidential Information belonging to the other Party as confidential and safeguard it accordingly; and shall not disclose any Confidential Information belonging to the other Party to any other person without the prior written consent of the other Party, except to such persons and to such extent as may be necessary for the performance of the Agreement or except where disclosure is otherwise expressly permitted by the provisions of the Agreement. 32.9. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that all Confidential Information obtained from the Authority under or in connection with the Agreement: 32.9.1. is given only to such of the Staff and professional advisors or consultants engaged to advise it in connection with the Agreement as is strictly necessary for the performance of the Agreement and only to the extent necessary for the performance of the Agreement; 32.9.2. is treated as confidential and not disclosed (without prior Approval) or used by any Staff or such professional advisors or consultants otherwise than for the purposes of the Agreement. 32.10. The Contractor shall not use any Confidential Information it receives from the Authority otherwise than for the purposes of the Agreement. 32.11. The provisions of Clauses 32.1 to 32.4 shall not apply to any Confidential Information received by one Party from the other: 32.11.1. which is or becomes public knowledge (otherwise than by breach of this clause); 32.11.2. which was in the possession of the receiving Party, without restriction as to its disclosure, before receiving it from the disclosing Party; 32.11.3. which is received from a third party who lawfully acquired it and who is under no obligation restricting its disclosure; 32.11.4. is independently developed without access to the Confidential Information; or 32.11.5. which must be disclosed pursuant to a statutory, legal or parliamentary obligation placed upon the Party making the disclosure, including any requirements for disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations pursuant to Clause 33 32.12. Nothing in this clause shall prevent the Authority disclosing any Confidential Information for the purpose of: 32.12.1. the examination and certification of the Authority’s accounts; or CC HR 04/08 63 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 32.12.2. any examination pursuant to Sections 44 and 46 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 of the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which the Authority has used its resources; or 32.12.3. disclosing any Confidential Information obtained from the Contractor: to any government department or any other Contracting Authority. All government departments or Contracting Authorities receiving such Confidential Information shall be entitled to further disclose the Confidential Information to other government departments or other Contracting Authorities on the basis that the information is confidential and is not to be disclosed to a third party which is not part of any government department or any Contracting Authority; or to any person engaged in providing any services to the Authority for any purpose relating to or ancillary to the Agreement; provided that in disclosing information under sub-paragraph the Authority discloses only the information which is necessary for the purpose concerned and requires that the information is treated in confidence and that a confidentiality undertaking is given where appropriate. 32.13. Nothing in this clause shall prevent either Party from using any techniques, ideas or know-how gained during the performance of the Agreement in the course of its normal business, to the extent that this does not result in a disclosure of Confidential Information or an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. 33. Freedom of Information Act 2000 33.1. The Contractor acknowledges that the Authority is subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and shall assist and cooperate with the Authority (at the Contractor’s expense) to enable the Authority to comply with these Information disclosure requirements. 33.2. The Contractor shall and shall procure that its sub-contractors shall: 33.2.1. transfer the Request for Information to the Authority as soon as practicable after receipt and in any event within two [2] Working Days of receiving a Request for Information 33.2.2. provide the Authority with a copy of all Information in its possession or power in the form that the Authority requires within five [5] Working Days (or such other period as the Authority may specify) of the Authority requesting that Information; and 33.2.3. provide all necessary assistance as reasonably requested by the Authority to enable the Authority to respond to a Request for Information CC HR 04/08 64 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 within the time for compliance set out in Section 10 of the FOIA [or Regulation 5 of the Environmental Information Regulations]. 33.3. The Authority shall be responsible for determining at its absolute discretion whether the Commercially Sensitive Information and/or any other Information: 33.3.1. is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the FOIA or the Environmental Information Regulations 33.3.2. is to be disclosed in response to a Request for Information, and in no event shall the Contractor respond directly to a Request for Information unless expressly authorised to do so by the Authority. 33.4. The Contractor shall ensure that all Information produced in the course of the Agreement or relating to the Agreement is retained for disclosure and shall permit the Authority to inspect such records as requested from time to time. 34. Security of Confidential Information 34.1. In order to ensure that no unauthorised person gains access to any Confidential Information or any data obtained in the performance of the Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to maintain security systems approved by the Authority. 34.2. The Contractor will immediately notify the Authority of any breach of security in relation to Confidential Information and all data obtained in the performance of the Agreement and will keep a record of such breaches. The Contractor will use its best endeavours to recover such Confidential Information or data however it may be recorded. This obligation is in addition to the Contractor’s obligations under Clause 33. The Contractor will cooperate with the Authority in any investigation that the Authority considers necessary to undertake as a result of any breach of security in relation to Confidential Information or data. 35. Publicity 35.1. Except with the written consent of the other party neither party shall make any press announcements or publicise this Contract in any way. 35.2. Both parties shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the observance of the provisions of Clause 35.1by all their servants, employees, agents and consultants. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the observance of the provisions of Clause 35 by its Sub-Contractors. 35.3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 35.1, the Authority shall be entitled to publicise this Contract in accordance with any legal or quasi legal obligation upon the Authority, including, but without limitation, obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Agreement on Government Procurement. CC HR 04/08 65 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 35.4. The Contractor is advised that he or his sub-contractors shall not, without the prior written consent of the Authority use the Cheshire Police Authority logo on any contract or publicity material. Neither will any Contractor or his Sub-Contractors advertise or publicly announce that they are undertaking work for any Police Authority or their partners, without first obtaining the written permission of the contract participant in respect of this Contract 36. Copyright 36.1. Copyright in the documents comprising the Contract shall vest in the Authority but the Contractor may obtain or make at his own expense any further copies required for use by the Contractor in performing the Contract. 36.2. All reports and other documents and materials and the copyright or similar protection therein arising out of the performance by the Contractor of his duties hereunder are hereby assigned to and shall vest in the Authority absolutely. 36.3. The provisions of this Condition shall apply during the continuance of this Contract and after its termination howsoever arising. 37. Intellectual Property Rights 37.1. All Intellectual Property Rights in any specifications, instructions, plans, data, drawings, databases, patents, patterns, models, designs or other material: 37.1.1. furnished to or made available to the Contractor by the Authority shall remain the property of the Authority; 37.1.2. prepared by or for the Contractor for use, or intended use, in relation to the performance of the Agreement shall belong to the Authority and the Contractor shall not, and shall procure that the Contractor’s employees, servants, agents, suppliers and sub-contractors shall not, (except when necessary for the implementation of the Agreement) without prior Approval, use or disclose any such Intellectual Property Rights, or any other information (whether or not relevant to the Agreement) which the Contractor may obtain in performing the Agreement except information which is in the public domain. 37.2. The Contractor shall obtain Approval before using any material, in relation to the performance of the Agreement which is or may be subject to any third party Intellectual Property Rights. The Contractor shall procure that the owner of the rights grants to the Authority a non-exclusive licence, or if itself a licensee of those rights, shall grant to the Authority an authorised sub-licence, to use, reproduce, and maintain the material. Such licence or sub-licence shall be non-exclusive, perpetual and irrevocable, shall include the right to sublicence, transfer, novate or assign to other Contracting Authorities, the Replacement Contractor or to any other third party providing services to the Authority, and shall be granted at no cost to the Authority. CC HR 04/08 66 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 37.3. It is a condition of the Agreement that the Services will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party and the Contractor shall during and after the Term on written demand indemnify and keep indemnified the Authority against all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, charges, damages, costs and expenses and other liabilities which the Authority may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with any breach of this clause, except where any such claim relates to: 37.3.1. designs furnished by the Authority; 37.3.2. the use of data supplied by the Authority which is not required to be verified by the Contractor under any provision of the Agreement. 37.4. The Authority shall notify the Contractor in writing of any claim or demand brought against the Authority for infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Right in materials supplied or licensed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall at its own expense conduct all negotiations and any litigation arising in connection with any claim for breach of Intellectual Property Rights in materials supplied or licensed by the Contractor, provided always that the Contractor: 37.4.1. shall consult the Authority on all substantive issues which arise during the conduct of such litigation and negotiations; 37.4.2. shall take due and proper account of the interests of the Authority; and 37.4.3. shall not settle or compromise any claim without the Authority’s prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). 37.5. The Authority shall at the request of the Contractor afford to the Contractor all reasonable assistance for the purpose of contesting any claim or demand made or action brought against the Authority or the Contractor for infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Right in connection with the performance of the Agreement and shall be repaid all costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, legal costs and disbursements) incurred in doing so. Such costs and expenses shall not be repaid where they are incurred in relation to a claim, demand or action which relates to the matters in Clause 37.4.1 and 37.4.2 37.6. The Authority shall not make any admissions which may be prejudicial to the defence or settlement of any claim, demand or action for infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Right by the Authority or the Contractor in connection with the performance of the Agreement. 37.7. If a claim, demand or action for infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Right is made in connection with the Agreement or in the reasonable opinion of the Contractor is likely to be made, the Contractor may at its own expense and subject to the consent of the Authority (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) either: CC HR 04/08 67 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 37.7.1. modify any or all of the Services without reducing the performance or functionality of the same, or substitute alternative Services of equivalent performance and functionality, so as to avoid the infringement or the alleged infringement, provided that the terms herein shall apply with any necessary changes to such modified Services or to the substitute Services; or 37.7.2. procure a licence to use and provide the Services, which are the subject of the alleged infringement, on terms which are acceptable to the Authority. 37.8. At the termination of the Agreement the Contractor shall at the request of the Authority immediately return to the Authority all materials, work or records held, including any back-up media. 37.9. The provisions of this clause shall apply during the continuance of the Agreement and indefinitely after its expiry or termination. 38. Audit 38.1. The Contractor shall keep and maintain until six [6] years after the Agreement has been completed, or as long a period as may be agreed between the Parties, full and accurate records of the Agreement including the Services provided under it, all expenditure reimbursed by the Authority, and all payments made by the Authority. The Contractor shall on request afford the Authority or the Authority’s representative such access to those records as may be required by the Authority in connection with the Agreement. 39. Assignment and Sub-Contracting 39.1. The Contractor shall not assign, sub-contract or in any other way dispose of the Agreement or any part of it without prior Approval. Sub-contracting any part of the Agreement shall not relieve the Contractor of any obligation or duty attributable to the Contractor under the Agreement. 39.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors as though they are its own. 39.3. Where the Authority has consented to the placing of sub-contracts, copies of each sub-contract shall, at the request of the Authority, be sent by the Contractor to the Authority within two [2] Working Days of such request. 40. Waiver 40.1. The failure of either Party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of the Agreement or the failure of either Party to exercise any right or remedy shall not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy and shall not cause a diminution of the obligations established by the Agreement. 40.2. No waiver shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and communicated to the other Party in writing in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8. CC HR 04/08 68 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 40.3. A waiver of any right or remedy arising from a breach of the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any right or remedy arising from any other or subsequent breach of the Agreement. 41. Variation of the Services 41.1. The Authority reserves the right on giving two [2] months written notice from time to time to require changes to the Services (whether by way of the removal of Services, the addition of new Services, or increasing or decreasing the Services or specifying the order in which the Services are to be performed or the locations where the Services are to be provided) for any reasons whatsoever PROVIDED THAT such addition, omission or variation does not amount to a material change to the Specification. Such a change is hereinafter called “a Variation”. No such variation shall vitiate the Contract. 41.2. Any such Variation shall be communicated in writing by the Contract Manager to the Contractor’s Representative in accordance with the notice provisions of Clause 8. All Variations shall be in the form of an addendum to the Agreement. 41.3. In the event of a Variation the Price may also be varied. Such Variation in the Price shall be calculated by the Authority and agreed in writing with the Contractor and shall be such amount as properly and fairly reflects the nature and extent of the Variation in all the circumstances. Failing agreement the matter shall be determined by negotiation or mediation in accordance with the provisions of Clause 61. 41.4. The Contractor shall provide such information as may be reasonably required to enable such varied price to be calculated. 41.5. The Contractor may request a variation provided that the request is made in writing, including any cost variation within seven [7] days of such occurrence first becoming known to the Contractor. 41.6. The Authority will either approve or reject in writing any variation proposed by the Contractor, this will be in writing. 42. Severability 42.1. If any provision of the Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect as if the Agreement had been executed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated. 43. Remedies in the Event of Inadequate Performance 43.1. Where a complaint is received or a problem indicated in any Customer Satisfaction Survey about the standard of Services or about the way any Services have been delivered or work has been performed or about the materials or procedures used or about any other matter connected with the CC HR 04/08 69 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 performance of the Agreement, then the Contract Manager shall take all reasonable steps to ascertain whether the complaint is valid. If the Contract Manager so decides, he may uphold the complaint, or take further action in accordance with the provisions of Clause 52 of the Agreement. 43.2. In the event that the Authority is of the reasonable opinion that there has been a material breach of the Agreement by the Contractor, or the Contractor’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement has failed to meet the requirement set out in the Specification Schedule, then the Authority may, without prejudice to its rights under Clause 52 of the Agreement, do any of the following: 43.2.1. make such deduction from the Price to be paid to the Contractor as the Authority shall reasonably determine to reflect sums paid or sums which would otherwise be payable in respect of such of the Services as the Contractor shall have failed to provide or performed inadequately; 43.2.2. without terminating the Agreement, itself provide or procure the provision of part of the Services until such time as the Contractor shall have demonstrated to the reasonable satisfaction of the Authority that the Contractor will be able to perform such part of the Services in accordance with the Agreement; 43.2.3. without terminating the whole of the Agreement, terminate the Agreement in respect of part of the Services only (whereupon a corresponding reduction in the Price shall be made) and thereafter itself provide or procure a third party to provide such part of the relevant Services; and/or 43.2.4. terminate, in accordance with Clause 52, the whole of the Agreement. 43.3. The Authority may charge to the Contractor any cost reasonably incurred by the Authority and any reasonable administration costs in respect of the provision of such part of the relevant Services by the Authority or by a third party to the extent that such costs exceed the Price which would otherwise have been payable to the Contractor for such part of the relevant Services and provided that the Authority uses its reasonable endeavours to mitigate any additional expenditure in obtaining replacement Services. 43.4. If the Contractor fails to perform any of the Services to the reasonable satisfaction of the Authority and such failure is capable of remedy, then the Authority shall instruct the Contractor to remedy the failure and the Contractor shall at its own cost and expense remedy such failure (and any damage resulting from such failure) within ten [10] Working Days or such other period of time as the Authority may direct. 43.5. In the event that: 43.5.1. the Contractor fails to comply with Clause 43.4. above and the failure is materially adverse to the interests of the Authority or prevent the Authority from discharging a statutory duty; or CC HR 04/08 70 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 43.5.2. the Contractor persistently fails to comply with Clause 43.4 above, the Authority reserves the right to terminate the Agreement by notice in writing with immediate effect. 44. Remedies Cumulative 44.1. Except as otherwise expressly provided by the Agreement, all remedies available to either Party for breach of the Agreement are cumulative and may be exercised concurrently or separately, and the exercise of any one remedy shall not be deemed an election of such remedy to the exclusion of other remedies. 45. Monitoring of Performance 45.1. The Contractor shall comply with the monitoring arrangements set out in the ITT including, but not limited to, providing such data and information as the Contractor may be required to produce under the Agreement. 46. Possible Extension of Term 46.1. Subject to satisfactory performance by the Contractor during the Term, the Authority may wish to extend the Agreement for a further period of up to two [2] years. The Authority may approach the Contractor if it wishes to do so before the end of the Term. The clauses in the Agreement will apply throughout any such extended period unless otherwise stated to the contrary. 47. Novation 47.1. The Authority shall be entitled to assign, novate or otherwise dispose of its rights and obligations under this Agreement or any part thereof to any Contracting Authority, private sector body or any other body established under statute provided that any such assignment, novation or other disposal shall not increase the burden of the Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement. 47.2. Each Party shall at its own cost and expense carry out, or use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the carrying out of, whatever further actions (including the execution of further documents) the other party reasonably requires from time to time for the purpose of giving that other party the full benefit of the provisions of this Agreement. 47.3. The Authority shall be entitled to disclose to any Transferee any Confidential Information of the Contractor which relates to the performance of the Agreement by the Contractor. In such circumstances the Authority shall authorise the Transferee to use such Confidential Information only for purposes relating to the performance of the Agreement and for no other purposes and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Transferee accepts an obligation of confidence. CC HR 04/08 71 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 48. Indemnity and Insurance 48.1. Neither Party excludes or limits liability to the other Party for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for any breach of any obligations implied by Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. 48.2. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Authority fully against all claims, proceedings, actions, damages, legal costs, expenses and any other liabilities whatsoever arising out of, in respect of or in connection with the Agreement including in respect of any death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property, financial loss arising from any advice given or omitted to be given by the Contractor, or any other loss which is caused directly or indirectly by any act or omission of the Contractor. This clause shall not apply to the extent that the Contractor is able to demonstrate that such death or personal injury, or loss or damage was not caused or contributed to by its negligence or default, or the negligence or default of its Staff or subcontractors, or by any circumstances within its or their control. 48.3. The Contractor shall effect and maintain with a reputable insurance company a policy or policies of insurance providing the following levels of cover in respect of all risks which may be incurred by the Contractor, arising out of the Contractor’s performance of the Agreement, including death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property or any other loss. Such policies shall include cover in respect of any financial loss arising from any advice given or omitted to be given by the Contractor. 48.4. The Contractor shall effect and maintain minimum insurance levels of: Employer’s Liability £5 m Public Liability £5 m Professional Indemnity £2 m (with £5 m preferred) 48.5. The Contractor shall produce to the Contract Manager, on request, copies of all insurance policies referred to in this clause or a broker’s verification of insurance to demonstrate that the appropriate cover is in place, together with receipts or other evidence of payment of the latest premiums due under those policies. 48.6. If, for whatever reason, the Contractor fails to give effect to and maintain the insurances required by the Agreement the Authority may make alternative arrangements to protect its interests and may recover the costs of such arrangements from the Contractor. 48.7. The terms of any insurance or the amount of cover shall not relieve the Contractor of any liabilities under the Agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the amount of insurance cover that will be adequate to enable the Contractor to satisfy any liability referred to in Clause 48.4. CC HR 04/08 72 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 49. Professional Indemnity 49.1. The Contractor shall hold and maintain Professional Indemnity insurance cover as specified in Clause 48 and shall ensure that all professional consultants or sub-contractors involved in the provision of the Services hold and maintain appropriate cover. To comply with its obligations under this clause, and as a minimum, the Contractor shall ensure professional indemnity insurance held by the Contractor and by any agent, sub-contractor or consultant involved in the performance of Services has a limit of indemnity of not less than £2m for any occurrences arising out of each and every event. Such insurance shall be maintained for a minimum of six [6] years following the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement. 50. Warranties and Representations 50.1. The Contractor warrants and represents that: 50.1.1. the Contractor has the full capacity and authority and all necessary consents (including, but not limited to, where its procedures so require, the consent of its parent company) to enter into and perform the Agreement and that the Agreement is executed by a duly authorised representative of the Contractor; 50.1.2. the Contractor shall discharge its obligations hereunder with all due skill, care and diligence including but not limited to Good Industry Practice; 50.1.3. all obligations of the Contractor pursuant to the Agreement shall be performed and rendered by appropriately experienced, qualified and trained Staff with all due skill, care and diligence; 50.1.4. the Contractor is not in default in the payment of any due and payable taxes or in the filing, registration or recording of any document or under any legal or statutory obligation or requirement which default might have a material adverse effect on its business, assets or financial condition or its ability to observe or perform its obligations under the Agreement. 51. Termination on Change of Control and Insolvency 51.1. The Authority may terminate the Agreement by notice in writing with immediate effect where: 51.1.1. the Contractor undergoes a change of control, within the meaning of section 416 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988, which impacts adversely and materially on the performance of the Agreement; or 51.1.2. the Contractor is an individual or a firm and a petition is presented for the Contractor’s bankruptcy, or a criminal bankruptcy order is made against the Contractor or any partner in the firm, or the Contractor or any partner in the firm makes any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of creditors, or makes any conveyance or assignment for the benefit of CC HR 04/08 73 of 79 Not Protectively Marked 3rd June 2009 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing creditors, or if an administrator is appointed to manage the Contractor’s or firm’s affairs; or 51.1.3. the Contractor is a company, if the company passes a resolution for winding up or dissolution (otherwise than for the purposes of and followed by an amalgamation or reconstruction) or an application is made for, or any meeting of its directors or members resolves to make an application for an administration order in relation to it or any party gives or files notice of intention to appoint an administrator of it or such an administrator is appointed, or the court makes a winding-up order, or the company makes a composition or arrangement with its creditors, or an administrative receiver, receiver, manager or supervisor is appointed by a creditor or by the court, or possession is taken of any of its property under the terms of a fixed or floating charge; or 51.1.4. where the Contractor is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986; or 51.1.5. any similar event occurs under the law of any other jurisdiction. 51.2. The Contractor shall notify the Contract Manager immediately when any change of control occurs. The Authority may only exercise its right under Clause 51.1 within six [6] months of: 51.2.1. being notified that a change of control has occurred; or 51.2.2. where no notification has been made the date that the Authority becomes aware of the change of control; but shall not be permitted to do so where an Approval was granted prior to the change of control of the Contractor. 51.3. If the Contractor, being an individual, shall die or be adjudged incapable of managing his or her affairs within the meaning of Part VII of the Mental Health Act 1983, the Authority shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement by notice to the Contractor or the Contractor’s Representative with immediate effect. 52. Termination on Default 52.1. The Authority may terminate the Agreement, or terminate the provision of any part of the Agreement by written notice to the Contractor or the Contractor’s Representative with immediate effect if the Contractor commits a Default and if: 52.1.1. the Contractor has not remedied the Default to the satisfaction of the Authority within twenty [20] Working Days, or such other period as may be specified by the Authority, after issue of a written notice specifying the Default and requesting it to be remedied; or 52.1.2. the Default is not, in the opinion of the Authority, capable of remedy; or CC HR 04/08 74 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 52.1.3. the Default is a material breach of the Agreement. 52.2. In the event that through any Default of the Contractor, data transmitted or processed in connection with the Agreement is either lost or sufficiently degraded as to be unusable, the Contractor shall be liable for the cost of reconstitution of that data and shall provide a full credit in respect of any charge levied for its transmission and shall reimburse the Authority for any costs charged in connection with such Default of the Contractor. 53. Break 53.1. The Authority shall have the right to terminate the Agreement, or to terminate the provision of any part of the Agreement at any time by giving six [6] months’ written notice to the Contractor. 54. Breach of Contract 54.1. In the event of any fundamental breach or a breach of a fundamental term of the contract by the Contractor, or by any person to whom the Contract or any part thereof may have been assigned or underlet, of any of the Conditions of these Tender Documents, the Authority may absolutely determine the Contract. Furthermore, the Authority may proceed to complete the works or obtain or dispose of the materials elsewhere either by contract or otherwise. 54.2. Any sums which may be incurred or sustained by the Authority by reason of the determination of the Contract as aforesaid shall be borne by the Contractor 54.3. If the Contract is determined under this Condition the Contractor shall be debarred from tendering for a minimum period of three [3] years or other such period as the Authority may determine. 55. Consequences of Termination 55.1. Where the Authority terminates the Agreement under Clause 52 or 54 or terminates the provision of any part of the Agreement under that Clause 52, and then makes other arrangements for the provision of Services, the Authority shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor the cost reasonably incurred of making those other arrangements and any additional expenditure incurred by the Authority throughout the remainder of the Term or any Extension. The Authority shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate such additional expenditure. Where the Agreement is terminated under Clause 52 or 54, no further payments shall be payable by the Authority to the Contractor until the Authority has established the final cost of making those other arrangements. 55.2. Where the Authority terminates the Agreement under Clause 53, the Authority shall indemnify the Contractor against any commitments, liabilities or expenditure which would otherwise represent an unavoidable loss by the Contractor by reason of the termination of the Agreement, provided that the Contractor takes all reasonable steps to mitigate such loss. Where the Contractor holds insurance, the Contractor shall reduce its unavoidable costs CC HR 04/08 75 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 by any insurance sums available. The Contractor shall submit a fully itemised and costed list of such loss, with supporting evidence, of losses reasonably and actually incurred by the Contractor as a result of termination under Clause 53. 55.3. The Authority shall not be liable under Clause 55.2 to pay any sum which: 55.3.1. was claimable under insurance held by the Contractor, and the Contractor has failed to make a claim on its insurance, or has failed to make a claim in accordance with the procedural requirements of the insurance policy; or 55.3.2. when added to any sums paid or due to the Contractor under the Agreement, exceeds the total sum that would have been payable to the Contractor if the Agreement had not been terminated prior to the expiry of the Term. 56. Recovery upon Termination 56.1. Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement and notwithstanding the provisions of; 56.1.1. termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any rights, remedies or obligations accrued under this Agreement prior to termination or expiration and nothing in the Agreement shall prejudice the right of either Party to recover any amount outstanding at such termination or expiry; and 56.1.2. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect the continuing rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Authority under Clause 13 (Standard of Work), 20 (Recovery of Sums Due), 23 (Prevention of Corruption), 31 (Data Protection Act), 32 (Confidentiality), 35 (Publicity), 37 (Intellectual Property Rights), 38 (Audit), 44 (Remedies Cumulative), 48 (Indemnity and Insurance), 49 (Professional Indemnity), 50 (Warranties and Representations), 52 (Termination on Default), 55 (Consequences of Termination), 56 (Recovery on Termination) and 59 (Governing Law). 56.2. At the end of the Term (and howsoever arising) the Contractor shall forthwith deliver to the Authority upon request all the Authority’s Property (including but not limited to materials, documents and information) relating to the Agreement in its possession or under its control or in the possession or under the control of any permitted suppliers or sub-contractors and in default of compliance with this clause the Authority may recover possession thereof and the Contractor grants licence to the Authority or its appointed agents to enter (for the purposes of such recovery) any premises of the Contractor or its permitted suppliers or sub-contractors where any such items may be held. 56.3. At the end of the Term (howsoever arising) and/ or after the Term the Contractor shall provide assistance to the Authority and any new contractor appointed by the Authority to continue or take over the performance of the Agreement in order to ensure an effective handover of all work then in progress. Where the end of Term arises due to the Contractor’s default, the Contractor shall provide such assistance free of charge. Otherwise the Authority shall pay the Contractor’s reasonable costs of providing the CC HR 04/08 76 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 assistance, and the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate such costs. 57. Disruption 57.1. The Contractor shall take reasonable care to ensure that in the execution of the Agreement it does not disrupt the operations of the Authority, its employees or any other contractor employed by the Authority. 57.2. The Contractor shall immediately inform the Authority of any actual or potential industrial action, whether such action is by their own employees or others, which affects or might affect its ability at any time to perform its obligations under the Agreement. 57.3. In the event of industrial action by the Contractor or the Contractor’s suppliers the Contractor shall seek the Authority’s Approval to its proposals for the continuance of the performance of the Services in accordance with its obligations under the Agreement. 57.4. If the Contractor’s proposals referred to in Clause 57.3 are considered insufficient or unacceptable by the Authority acting reasonably, then the Agreement may be terminated by the Authority by notice in writing with immediate effect. 58. Force Majeure 58.1. Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any delay in or failure to perform its obligations under the Agreement (other than a payment of money) if such delay or failure results from a Force Majeure event. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party shall use all reasonable endeavours to continue to perform its obligations hereunder for the duration of such Force Majeure event. However, if any such event prevents either Party from performing all of its obligations under the Agreement for a period in excess of six [6] Months, either Party may terminate the Agreement by notice in writing with immediate effect. 58.2. Any failure or delay by the Contractor in performing its obligations under the Agreement which results from any failure or delay by an agent, sub-contractor or supplier shall be regarded as due to Force Majeure only if that agent, subcontractor or supplier is itself impeded by Force Majeure from complying with an obligation to the Contractor. 58.3. Clause 58 does not affect the Authority’s rights under Clause 56. 58.4. If either of the Parties becomes aware of circumstances of Force Majeure which give rise to or which are likely to give rise to any such failure or delay on its part as described in Clause 58.1 and 58.2 it shall forthwith notify the other by the most expeditious method then available and shall inform the other of the period which it is estimated that such failure or delay shall continue. 58.5. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby expressly declared that the only events which shall afford relief from liability for failure or delay of performance of the Agreement shall be any event qualifying for Force Majeure hereunder. CC HR 04/08 77 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 59. Governing Law 59.1. The Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law and the Parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. 60. Additional Terms and Conditions 60.1. The Contractor is to instruct all his agents, subcontractors, staff and employees not to send additional contract terms subsequent to the issue of this Contract. Any terms and conditions sent on the back of delivery notes, timesheets or provided to contract participants to sign will be invalid. The Contract terms stated here in this document are the only terms which the Authority will enter into subject to final discussion (only on clauses denoted as non-compliant). 61. Dispute Resolution 61.1. Any dispute, difference or question at any time arising between the parties as to the construction of the Contract or as to any matter or thing arising out of the Contract or in any way connected therewith shall be referred for resolution through progressively senior levels of management. Each of the parties shall act in good faith towards each other and shall use their best endeavours to resolve the dispute which should be resolved within 20 working days of either party notifying the other of the dispute.. 61.2. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute or are unable to resolve the dispute within 20 working days of either party notifying the other of the dispute, the dispute may be referred to the arbitration of a single arbitrator. 61.3. The arbitration process shall be commenced by either party giving written notice of arbitration to the other party stating that the dispute is to be referred to arbitration and providing details of the issues to be resolved. 61.4. The written notice provided under clause 56.3 shall identify a proposed single arbitrator and require either agreement or counter proposal (with reasons) within 10 working days. The identity of the single arbitrator shall be agreed between the parties or in the event the parties cannot agree within 10 working days of the counter notice being served, 61.5. shall be appointed at the request of either party by the President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. The arbitration shall be in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1979 and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. 61.6. The performance of the Agreement shall not be suspended, cease or be delayed by the reference of a dispute to an arbitrator and the Contractor (or employee, agent or supplier) shall comply fully with the requirements of the Agreement at all times. CC HR 04/08 78 of 79 Not Protectively Marked Invitation to Tender (ITT) Cheshire Police Authority Substance Misuse Testing 3rd June 2009 61.7. Nothing in this dispute resolution procedure shall prevent the Parties from seeking from any Court of competent jurisdiction an interim order restraining the other Party from doing any act or compelling the other Party to do any act. 61.8. Alternatively, the Authority may consider mediation as a means of dispute resolution. CC HR 04/08 79 of 79 Not Protectively Marked