Angkat Fenomena Kekinian Civilization Indonesia, Dosen Hubungan Internasional Presentasi di Rusia Joko Purnomo, Dosen Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik Universitas Brawijaya (FISIPUB) menghadiri konferensi internasional "Civilizational Dynamics of Contemporary Society". Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan selama dua hari (23-24/9) ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi antara Sociological Institute, Russian Academy of Science (RAS) bekerjasama dengan Faculty of Sociology, Saint-Petersburg State University. Dalam konferensi ini, topik-topik yang dibahas berkaitan tentang analisis peradaban, dinamika peradaban, diskursus dan politik peradaban serta proses modernisasi dan peradaban. Diantara pembicara utama yang hadir adalah Johann P. Arnason (La Trobe University Melbourne), Mikhail Maslovsky (Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod) dan Bjorn Wittrock (Uppsala University, Swedia). Dalam kesempatan bicara di Sesi "Civilization Analysis, Discourse of Modernity, and Identity Politics in Contemporary World", Joko Purnomo mempresentasikan paper berjudul: "Indigenous Societies in Indonesia: The Struggle over Authentic Identity and the Battle of Politics of Civilization Identity". Di dalam Sesi tersebut, terdapat 20 peserta yang saling mempresentasikan dan mendiskusikan ide yang mereka bawa. Beberapa orang diantaranya adalah Dr. Yulia Prozorova (Sociological Institute of RAS, St. Petersburg), Konstantin Zavershinky (St. Petersburg State University), Jiri Subrt (Charles University, Prague), dan Maxim Khomaykov (Ural State University, Ekaterinburg). Di dalam makalahnya, Joko Purnomo mengangkat fenomena kekinian terkait konflik etnis yang semakin sering berlangsung pasca runtuhnya rezim Soeharto. Implementasi desentralisasi politik dibarengi dengan munculnya konflik-konflik berbasis identitas etnis di wilayah ekonomi, sosial, politik. Situasi ini tumbuh tepat pada saat pemerintah sebagai pemegang otoritas kekuasaan mengalami degradasi kapasitas dan legitimasi dalam mengelola relasi antar kelompok sosial di masyarakat. Pada saat yang sama, ekspansi aktor ekonomi nasional dan global semakin mendominasi tata kehidupan di masyarakat lokal. Pertemuan beragam faktor inilah yang memberi setting terhadap penggunaan identitas etnis sebagai medium untuk melakukan proteksi dan resistensi terhadap pihak luar. Dalam kesimpulannya, Joko Purnomo menyampaikan pentingnya proses membangun identitas baru yang mampu memediasi pertarungan identitas lokal vs nasional. Konteks menemukan identitas kekinian ternyata juga terjadi di Rusia. Menurut Dr. Yulia Prozorova, pasca Perestroika hingga kepemimpinan Putin, Rusia berada dalam situasi dimana terjadi ambivalensi identitas yang mencoba mengintegrasikan dua konsep, yakni westernisasi pada satu sisi dan originalisasi sebagai bangsa Rusia pada sisi lain. Kepemimpinan Gorbachev yang dilanjutkan oleh Vladimir Putin yang mencoba mengintegrasikan dua konsep diatas menjadi keunikan Rusia dalam membangun identitasnya, tanpa menafikkan hadirnya problem bawaan yang mengikutinya. Dari sudut pandang Maxim Khomaykov, proses civilization, baik dalam bentuk modernisasi atau yang lain, tidak harus dipandang sebagai proses untuk menemukan solusi final. Dilanjutkan oleh Maxim Khomykov, civilization merupakan proses yang tidak ditentukan oleh pasar/free market, namun lebih ditentukan oleh aneka dilemma yang menyertainya yang menuntut penyelesaian berbeda di masing-masing negara. Dengan demikian, arah civilization tidak bisa diseragamkan karena setiap masyarakat memiliki cara pengelolaan yang berbeda berdasar faktor-faktor yang melingkupinya. [jp/nok] Raise the Current Phenomenon of Indonesia’s Civilization, a Lecturer of International Relations Presenting in Russia Joko Purnomo, a lecturer of International Relations Program School of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP-UB) attended an international conference "Civilizational Dynamics of Contemporary Society". The conference which was held for two days (23-24/9) was the result of collaboration between the Sociological Institute, Russian Academy of Science (RAS) in collaboration with the Faculty of Sociology, Saint-Petersburg State University. In this conference, the discussed topics related to the analysis of civilization, the dynamics of civilization, political civilization and discourse and the process of modernization and civilization. The main speakers were Johann P. Arnason (La Trobe University Melbourne), Mikhail Maslovsky (Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod) and Bjorn Wittrock (Uppsala University, Sweden). In the speaking opportunity session of "Civilization Analysis, Discourse of Modernity, and Identity Politics in Contemporary World", Joko Purnomo presented the paper entitled: "Indigenous Societies in Indonesia: The Struggle over Authentic Identity and the Battle of Politics of Civilization Identity". In this session, there were 20 participants who presented each other and discussed their ideas. Some of them were Dr. Yulia Prozorova (Sociological Institute of RAS, St. Petersburg), Konstantin Zavershinky (St. Petersburg State University), Jiri Subrt (Charles University, Prague), and Maxim Khomaykov (Ural State University, Ekaterinburg). In his paper, Joko Purnomo raised the current phenomena related to contemporary ethnic conflicts that commonly happen after the collapse of Suharto’s regime. The implementation of political decentralization coupled with the emergence of conflicts based on ethnic identity in economic, social, and political. These situation grown just as the government became the power authority degraded the legitimacy capacity to manage the relationships among social groups in society. At the same time, expansion of national and global economic actors increasingly dominating public life in local people. The encounterd of a variety of factors that provided the setting to use ethnic identity as a medium for protection and resistance to outside parties. In his conclusion, Joko Purnomo conveyed the importance of the process of building a new identity that was able to mediate the struggle of local vs. national identity. The context discovered the current identity was also happened in Russia. According to Drs. Yulia Prozorova, post-Perestroika to Putin's leadership, Russia was in a situation where there was an ambivalence of identity that tried to integrate the two concepts, namely westernization on one side and originalisation as the Russians on the other side. Gorbachev's leadership, followed by Vladimir Putin who tried to integrate the two concepts above to the uniqueness of Russia in establishing its identity, without subjecting the presence of congenital problems that followed it. From the standpoint of Maxim Khomaykov, the process of civilization, whether in the form of modernization or other, it should not be viewed as a process to find a final solution. Followed by Maxim Khomykov, civilization was a process that was not determined by the market/free market, but it was rather determined by the various dilemmas that accompanied the completion of different demands in each country. Thus, the direction of civilization could not be uniformed because every community had a different way of managing based on the factors that surrounded them. [jp/nok/ps2]