Buildwin Pty Ltd

BUILDWIN Administrative Software
VERSION 3.015 Release Notes
May 2006
For a variety of reasons it has been a long time since our last enhancement in
July 2005. The most effective reason has been our ability to issue “patches”,
which has removed the need for more frequent formal releases.
However, patches can not deal with database changes. The collection of all the
previous patches together with the “Major Issues” enumerated here has forced
the formal release of Version 3.015
We will continue to encourage the interest of our users in the administrative
tasks for which Buildwin is so unique. As new users join our ranks, we repeat our
invitation to identify areas or topics that would qualify for our “microscope”.
We would like to hear how we could make these benefits of wider application.
That earlier claim continues our plea to avoid giving us any label of conceit,
when we consider ourselves uniquely qualified in the discipline of Jobcost
Control, as the most complex of the administrative tasks.
Instead, please share the knowledge of that investment we have gathered.
To remind you of the progress of our previous enhancements we list The main enhancements of Version 3-14 were:
Job-related Charge-out rates for Employees and Plant (New)
Overhead Management concepts
Filters for Dissection Code reports
Jobcost reporting by “Supervisor”
Debtor Invoicing by e-mail
Displaying details in the CR3/6 report
Internal Messages (New)
Credit Card specific reports (New)
For details of these enhancements we refer to the notes issued in July 2005.
Did you gain the benefits of these enhancements?
THE NEW MAJOR ISSUES of Version 3.015
Whilst the separation of major and minor enhancements is like a fine line, we list
11 headings that will give the user an idea of the depth of our endeavours.
It is aimed to induce awareness that careful study and adaptation will be vital
and beneficial.
We note that some items on this list of enhancements were issues as “patches”:
“Cosmetisation” and Documentation
“Aged” Creditors and Debtors at previous month-ends
3. Multiple Charge rates for plant and a single Job
4. Expiry date warning when placing Orders
5. Multiple Plant Depreciation options, inclusive “Low Value Pool”
6. Import of Budgets from the Benchmark© software
7. Improved Stock management.
8. Hourly rate Subcontractors master data modification !!!
9. Plant Haulage input details and report
10. Password security for third party Bank Accounts
11. Quick editing of Employee and Plant Jobcosting – PR2/8
“Cosmetisation” and Documentation
We have continued our drive of “Cosmetisation”, defined as the process of
removing ambiguous or misleading labels, as well as extending the color coding.
Examples are:
 Clarification of “Charge Amount”, “Contract Amount”, Tender Amount, etc
 Some remaining PPS references removed
 Clarification of “Task Rates”
We have made very substantial edits to our Documents folder, in line with the
many enhancements over the years
We have added new documents for:
 2015 Task Manager
 2025 Budget entry master spreadsheet
 2070 Work in Progress
 3090 Bank Reconciliation Processes
 6060 Cost Rate Calculation
 A series of Plant related documents
 9140 System Manager
 9310 Glossary of Terms
Despite the likely reluctance to spend the cost of printing, we recommend a reissue of our valuable and pertinent documentation
By separating the topics into identifiable documents we hope to generate a
desire to read and derive additional benefits
“Aged” Creditors and Debtors at previous month-ends
A past Buildwin shortcoming, when compared with popular but limiting
accounting software, has been the inability to print the Trade Creditors and/or
Trade Debtors list of a previously month-ended period.
The shortcoming has been addressed in CR4/2 and DR4/6
Multiple Charge rates for plant and a single Job
In addition to the powerful Job related Charge rates issued in Version 3.014, to
allow effective “Cost Plus” or “Project Management” reports, we have extended
the feature to allow plant items to be charged under multiple conditions.
That is: with or without operator, or even on stand-down rates, etc
The following menu items were affected by this enhancement:
JC1/9, JC2/5, JC2/7, JC4/21,PR23/1 and SP2/22
Please refer document 7000
Expiry date warning when placing Orders
When a subcontractor is selected during the creation of a Purchase Order
(OR2/1), the operator will see a warning message if any of the “Expiry Dates”
recorded in the Creditors master data (CR1/1) has become outdated.
It will not prevent further processing. We have also issued a new report, listing
subcontractors where dates have expired: CR4/11
Multiple Plant Depreciation options, inclusive “Low Value
Prior to the present release, depreciation of “Plant” (or any other assets) was
only provided under the method of “Diminishing Returns”.
Furthermore, purchases during a financial year required the calculation of a
fictitious value for the entry “at the start of the financial year”,
The alternative (approved) “Prime Cost” method has now been offered, inclusive
also of the fiscally defined “Low Value Pool”.
Previous complications have been removed and entry screens have been made
user friendly, despite the more complex options.
Instructions for users who currently deploy the Plant Module:
If master data for Plant was entered for Jobcost posting only and
the set Depreciation rate was zero (no effect on the General
Ledger), it is recommended to wait until the end of the financial
year to take advantage of the new feature, given the release was in
May. Then in the first month of the new (Financial) year (July?) it is
imperative that the master data of all Plant Items be revisited.
We would ask users in this category to seek detailed instructions at
the time.
If in fact Plant Items were depreciated under the Diminishing Value
method (the only one available prior to this release), then there is a
condition where the upgrade requires manual interference.
This condition is for plant Items with either blank acquisition dates,
or the ones purchased during the current financial year.
Rather than complicate these notes and include the detail of this
necessary action, we ask that you seek specific support if needed.
Import of Budgets from the Benchmark© software
In cooperation with the creators of the Benchmark estimating software, resident
in Nowra, NSW, we have created the necessary programs to electronically
import the budgets created by the former system, to avoid this from having to be
done manually.
The Benchmark software is primarily dedicated to Civil Construction by its price
list structure, but there is no reason why it cannot be adapted to “Building”.
We will be able to provide the necessary introductions.
Improved Stock management.
We have extended the concept of limited stock control, by providing a new group
of “Task Code Sets”, with its tasks arranged to take the role of SKU’s (=Stock
Keeping Units): the “S” group.
This is similar to the “C” group for “Casual Work”, with the qualification that the
latter will allow only a single (hard-coded) task = “AC”
The idea is that over a thousand groups of stock can be classified by “Main
Task” Codes, using alpha-numeric use of the 2 first digits.
Similarly a like number of “Tasks” (alias SKU’s) are available under each Main
task. The concept of Task Budget is maintained for the purpose of “re-order
Under this group of tasks, we will offer “Quantity”, “Unit” and “Rate” entries, so
that remnant stock levels are maintained.
We are currently completing a “Cash Sales” routine, where SKU’s can be
processed directly into a “Debtors Invoice” and at the same time decrement the
SKU in the “Stock Job”. It is not included in Version 3.015 yet
We did not want to delay this release, as the feature can be made available with
a “Patch” in the near future.
Hourly Rate Subcontractors master data modification
There was an inconsistency in the definition of the hourly pay rate and cost rate
for subcontractors deployed on an hourly basis.
The former was meant to be exclusive GST for deployment in CR2/1, whilst the
latter was to be inclusive GST. We have removed this anomaly by demanding
that the pay rate also include GST in its definition in CR1/1
With the increased acceptance of this class of worker in the modified industrial
relations environment, the option of hourly input in CR2/1 and /2 is likely to be
more generally applied.
For the sake of avoiding laborious manual adjustments, we have provided a
“utility” to make the adjustment by an electronic process.
A utility has been provided for this modification via SP2/16.
The entry screen there is self explanatory, but we cannot protect you from the
risk of applying the utility more than once, which would be “unfortunate”.
Plant Haulage input details and report
In order to quantify the amount of excavated material processed in a shift or over
a period, we have presented entry points in PR2/1 and JC2/5 for
 Trip Distance (km)
 Trip Count (number)
 Docket Number
This information will form the basis for a new Report PL4/10 = Haulage report
It will allow the user to select sequentially:
 A Job or Range of Jobs
 A Plant Item or Range of Plant Items
 A single date or date range
The report will then present the data either by Plant Item or by Operator;
(Employee or hourly rate Subcontractor)
The report offers the option to calculate the resulting “Cost per Km” based on the
cost rate of the Plant Item, exclusive of the operator rate.
There is also the option to print long text if available on individual postings.
The feature is presented as a catalyst for identifying other beneficial output
Password security for third party Bank Accounts
A feature has been provided to nominate a password level required from an
operator, before changes can be made to the banking details of Creditors and
Employees respectively
These nominations can not be different for Creditors from those of Employees
and are set in SP1/6 = Company Details and Program Controls, in the end-tab of
It begs the question that this menu item itself must be set at the higher of the 2
pertinent levels
Quick editing of Employee and Plant Jobcosting – PR2/8
It had been found that incorrect Jobcost postings occurred during timecard entry,
because of faulty data submitted from site or even typographic errors (?).
In the past this had to be processed by contra postings in JC2/4 and /5.
Apart from the time taken for these corrections, the resulting Jobcost print-outs
revealed this unnecessary history; particularly undesirable in Cost Plus work.
A display window is now available in PR2/8, from which a particular record can
be extracted and edited; even deleted. The process will maintain totals
elsewhere in the system and it will distort neither the integrity tests nor the
Charge out details, as these will also be edited at the same time.
It will not maintain an audit trail of these changes
1. It is thoroughly recommended to back-up the whole of the Buildwin
folder onto CDrom, whilst in the version 3.014 mode, in case it might
become necessary to operate in this mode in the future.
2. Clear out the contents of the “Documents” folder (under Buildwin)as
the new installation will involve an upgrade of all the documents, but
will not initially remove the existing content.
We now present the customary specific screen changes:
The details of patches issued since the release of Version 3.014 have been
included in the listings below.
We have NOT identified Menu Items where changes were merely “cosmetic”
Debtor Module
DR2/1 – Process Debtor Invoices
 The error removed when the format selection was changed by the
 Current Contract and Initial Tender Sum names made consistent
 The Claim No in the entry screen designated “Next Claim Number”
 Removed the Input for “Current Claim Details”
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
DR2/2 – Process Debtor Credits (= Tax Adjustments)
 Added the nominated logo in the header of the printout
 Does not show Withholding tax amounts, unless they exist
 Added headings and dividing lines.
 Current Contract and Initial Tender Sum names made consistent
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
DR2/5 –Debtor Dissection Code Transfer
 Transaction date is now editable
 Invoice number is now user-editable
DR2/6 – Month end Balancing
 Modified the introductory entry sheet.
 Added a warning when other users are posting to the relevant files, which
may cause an Out of Balance
DR2/8 –Debtor Dissection Code Adjustment
 Transaction date is now editable
 Invoice number is now user-editable
DR3/4 – Debtor Dissection Transactions
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
DR4/1 – Outstanding Debtor List
 Corrected the display of the retention amount
DR4/5 – Debtor Dissection Transactions
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
DR4/6 – Cost Plus Claims Processing
 Added the option to present the printout, sorted and subtotaled by Task
 Added heading to “Group by Task” option if only one cost centre was
 The Plant Report now shows “Plant Descriptions” as well as Docket
Numbers entered in the “Haulage Section” of input locations
 Added hours and rates for hourly Subs, Wages and Plant
DR4/8 – Debtor Aged Balances
 The option is provided to print aged balances for a previously monthended period
 Reworked the report so that only outstanding retentions are included
 Fixed “Group by Debtor” Retention Totals
 Rework method for dealing with multiple payments on the same date
 Restored the “Group by Debtor” option for end-of-month report
DR4/9 – Debtor Statements
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
DR4/11 – Reprint Debtors Invoices
 In the Free Format option, an input option is provided to omit Balance
Outstanding, removing the “Statement” function
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
Creditor Module
CR1/1– Creditor Details
 The entry or editing of Creditors banking details requires the operator to
have a password level equal or higher than that to be defined in SP1/6.
This enhancement has been provided to avoid illegal transfer of funds via
CR2/1– Process Creditor Invoices
 The default Invoice date is now blank instead of the system date, which is
almost always incorrect.
 The initial discount date is also blank until the terms for the Creditor have
been applied.
 Changed display lines for orders when posting Order-Invoices in the
Jobcost section
 Pay-rate for “Hourly Subbies” derived from CR1/1 now assumed these to
be GST inclusive.
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
 Posting to thjd
CR2/2– Process Creditor Credits
 Changed display lines for orders when posting Order-Invoices in the
Jobcost section
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
CR2/3 –Creditor Dissection Code Transactions
 Transaction date is now editable
 Invoice number is now user-editable
CR2/4 – Manual Payments
 Now allows non-numeric cheque numbers
CR2/7 – Automatic Payment Run
 Corrected the odd occasion when retention was not calculated correctly
 Now calls the A4 version of the printout format from the SP1/6 selection
 Removed reference to PPS in initial text
 ABA file format adjusted to suit the aberrant format of “Bankwest”
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
CR2/11 – Month end Balancing
 Modified the introductory entry sheet.
 Added a warning when other users are posting to the relevant files, which
may cause an Out of Balance
CR2/13 –Creditor Dissection Code Adjustment
 Transaction date is now editable
 Invoice number is now user-editable
 Changed heading from “Invoice Number” to “Report number”.
CR2/16 – Process Credit Card Transactions
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
CR2/18 – Cancel Creditor Invoices
 For an Order Invoice, the entry in the Order Line Invoice value is adjusted
when the invoice is cancelled
CR3/5 – Creditor Dissection Transactions
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
CR3/6 – Expenses from Jobcosting
 Fixed error when selecting a specific Creditor
CR4/1 – Creditor Details
 Reference to TFN removed
 Now shows ABN details for “Non-Subcontractors”
CR4/2 –Creditor Aged Balances
 The option is provided to print aged balances for a previously monthended period
 It calculates payments on future period invoices and Trade Creditor
Journals in order to maintain integrity with Trade Creditor Total
 Added the “Export to Spreadsheet” option for current Aged Balances
CR4/7 – Creditor Dissection Transactions
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
CR4/11 – Subcontractor Compliance dates - NEW
 A new program, which lists compliance dates for Subcontractor
obligations, An option lists those expired with reference to a date
 AN option is added to print address labels for the selection made
CR4/15 – Reprint Creditor Invoices
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
General Ledger Module
GL1/9 – Standing GL Transactions
 When any month is nominated for processing, the system will ensure that
the day in that month can not be zero
GL2/3 – Cancel/Adjust General Ledger Cheque
 An option has been provided to nominate the month at which the
cancellation is to be effected: either the current month or that during which
the cheque was processed. In the latter case the P&L flag for that month
will have been removed in GL3/5
 In any adjustment required the system will check that the journal entry
exists. Particularly important at the time of the financial year roll-over
 For the Adjust section only the last column was made editable
GL2/9 – Multiple Debit and Credit Journals
 Now posts all individual journal entry with the corresponding reverse to
the Suspense Account = 00,000.00
GL2/10 – Month end Procedure
 Warning added if unprocessed Standing Journals are current.
GL2/11 – System Year end Procedure
 Maintains reference records for Overhead distribution start
GL2/13 – BAS Procedure
 Excludes Plant Items from the GST distribution.
 The effect of the “Enter “ key has been altered
GL2/15 – Process Standing GL Transactions
 Warning added if unprocessed Standing Journals are current
 At completion, displays the number of Standing Transactions processed
GL3/4 – Journal Entries
 Re-arranged the display grid
 Changed cheque number selection from text entry to picking box
GL4/5 – Journal Entry Transactions
 Added the Export to a spreadsheet option to the Output Bar
GL4/7 – Trial Balance
 Provided option to exclude accounts with zero balances
GL4/8 – Profit & Loss Statement
 Added option to print account Numbers
GL4/9 – Balance Sheet
 Re-arranged the location where account numbers are displayed
GL4/14 – BAS Audit Trail
 Due to the different print set-ups for the various report options, the system
will only process a single \nomination at the time.
 Warning added if unprocessed Standing Journals are current.
Jobcost Module
JC1/1 – Project Job Details
 Current Contract and Initial Tender Sum names made consistent
JC1/3 – Adjust Budgets
 Ensures proper adjustment to ZX budget when any other budget is
JC1/4 – Task Manager
 A new “Task Code Set” group has been defined for “Stock Jobs” = “S”
 The reference to “Print Code” deleted as it was not used, but a new
Document has been issued: 2015 The Task Manager which explains the
purpose of the newly named “Task Rate” entry
 The issue is a most important implementation of the interaction of the
Estimating department
JC1/7 – Casual Jobs Details
 Changed “Charge Amount” to “Current Contract Sum”
JC1/8 – Variations
 The system now ensures that the Job selection field can not be blank.
JC1/9 – Job Related Charge Rates NEW
 A new option is provided to allow more than one charge rate for a single
plant item when applied on a specific Job. The distinction is by way of a
Description for its use. (Major Issue 3)
 Added Description column to grid for multiple plant rates
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for setting charge out rates
JC2/1 – Completion Assessment
 “Adjusted Contract” changed to “Current Contract Sum”.
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
JC2/2 – Post / Contra: Materials
 Labeling altered to avoid confusion or mis-interpretation
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
JC2/3 – Post / Contra: Subcontractors
 Labeling altered to avoid confusion or mis-interpretation
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
JC2/4 – Post / Contra: Labour
 Labeling altered to avoid confusion or mis-interpretation
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
 A zero value Jobcost transaction can now be posted
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
JC2/5 – Post / Contra: Plant
 Labeling altered to avoid confusion or mis-interpretation
 Added Selection of Multiple Charge Rates
 Added the ability to post a Subcontractor as the Plant Operator
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
 Added option to allow “Hourly Rate Subs” operating Plant
 Added entry options for Haulage data
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
JC2/7 – Fix Unallocated Job Expenses
 Allows selection from multiple Charge Rates
 Changed heading of “Subcontractor Invoices” to “Hourly Subs Invoices”
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
JC2/8 – Overhead Distribution
 Now allows the user to exclude a Job number from the distribution and recalculates to work out a new distribution
JC2/9 – Labour Cost Rate Balancing
 Name change from “Overhead Balancing” to reflect the true function. It is
to refine the break-even cost rate for Labour
JC3/4 – Job Expense Items
 Filters out the Plant Depreciation Records
JC3/5 – Task Master Details
 Changed column heading from “Rate” to “Task Rate”
 Removed “Print Code Column”
JC3/7 – Overall Job Summary
 Current Contract and Initial Tender Sum names made consistent
JC4/1 – Job Details
 “Adjusted Contract” changed to “Current Contract Sum”.
 Current Contract and Initial Tender Sum names made consistent
JC4/2 – Job Budget Details
 For A job with Subsidiary Task Budgets, the option “for Main Tasks”
cannot derive a Job-related Description, as there is no Budget for the
corresponding Main Task as a source. The system reverts to the Main
Task Description in the Task Manager. This default is removed if there is
a Main Task budget.
JC4/3 – Expense Summary
 For A job with Subsidiary Task Budgets, the option “for Main Tasks”
cannot derive a Job-related Description, as there is no Budget for the
corresponding Main Task as a source. The system reverts to the Main
Task Description in the Task Manager. This default is removed if there is
a Main Task budget.
JC4/4 – Expenses for a single Task
 Responds to “Active only” selection
 Will not show hours for Jobcosted Allowances
JC4/5 – Expenses for all Tasks
 Added new columns to separate hours worked from other expenses.
 In “Other Costs” section, “Hours” and “Days” are now separated by half a
JC4/8 – Project Summary
 Header line for “ZX”, Invoice Amount and Retention given different lay-out
to avoid confusion with table columns
 Added conditional option for “Main Tasks only” report
 Added totals by Main Tasks
 Added option to show “N/G” and “ZX” details in the final total window.
JC4/9 – Labour Budget Projection
 Changed the description of “Policy Rate” to “Task Rate” (See JC1/4)
JC4/10 – Budget Summary
 Added an option to include or exclude unspent hours in the section
showing “Internal Projected Total”
JC4/13 – Jobcost Invoice Transactions
 Changed option heading from “Print Invoice Detail Lines” to “Print Invoice
Line Descriptions”
JC4/16 – Job Profitability
 Now excludes “ZX” record from the reports, so that it matches JC4/8
 Changed the description of “Policy Rate” to “Task Rate” (See JC1/4)
JC4/17 – Overall Project Summary
 Current Contract and Initial Tender Sum names made consistent
JC4/21 – Job Related Charge Rates NEW
 Added Description and cost amounts for Job/Plant records, if multiple
charge rates are applicable
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
Estimating Module
ES2/8 – Import from Benchmark – NEW
 The routine for importing from Benchmark with user friendly inputs A
reference document (4520) has been provided in the Documents folder
Order Module
OR2/1 – Process Purchase Orders
 Added Output bar to allow instant printing
 Reduced width of Narrative text boxes- closer to field size
 Warning will flash if a Subcontractor is selected for whom mandatory
dates have expired in CR1/1
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for posting
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
OR2/2 – Alter Line Items
 Allows selection from Multiple Job/Plant Charge Rates
 Reduced width of Narrative text boxes- closer to field size
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
OR2/3 – Alter/Delete Orders
 Added Output Bar after “Finish Order” is selected
 Reduced width of Narrative text boxes- closer to field size
 “Low Value Pool” plant Item is not available for Jobcosting
OR2/5 – Set Proposed Payment Schedules
 Fixed “Numeric Overflow” message when attempting to divide by zero
value order line
 Orders with more than 9 line numbers are no longer causing problems
OR3/2 – Order/Invoice Transactions
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
OR3/4 – Orders Summarised
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
OR3/5 – Order Itemised
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
 Changed the label from “Supplier” top “Creditor”.
OR3/8 – Order Summary by Job
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
OR4/1 – Print Purchase Orders
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
 Reworked address details, also showing P.O. Box
OR4/2 – Orders by Creditor
 Removed the option “Group by Creditor”
OR4/3- Orders by Job
 Added options to group by Creditor or Task (within a Job) and to select
“All” or “Single Creditors” or “Tasks”
 Added the column for %-age assessed
 NEW option; Orders by Job, Sub-grouped by Task
OR4/4- Orders Itemised
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
 Added Creditor and Job to header lines
OR4/6 – Order Analysis by Type
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
OR4/11 – Proposed Payment Schedule
 Added optional filter for orders on “Active Jobs” only
Plant Module
PL1/1 – Plant Details
 Major re-arrangement of input data
 Added a “Long Comment” edit
 Allow for different depreciation methods and their consequences (Major
Item 5), inclusive the “Low Value Plant Pool”.
 Elimination of the editability of “Value at Start of Financial Year”.
The correct basis for depreciation calculation will be based on purchase
date. Reference to document 7010 is essential
PL1/2 – Delete Plant Items
 The “Low Value” pseudo Plant Item cannot be deleted: it is to be created
once manually (if required) and then nominated in the Plant tab of SP1/6..
PL2/2 –Plant Dissection Code Transfer
 Transaction date is now editable
 Plant Code is now user-editable
PL2/3 – Plant Month End Balancing
 The screen has been substantially reworked and the comparison provided
for each individual Plant Item.
 The listing will not show individual Plant Items in the “Low Value Pool”, but
the pseudo Plant Item of “Low Value Pool”.
 Neither will the listing include Plant Items “Terminated” before the end of
the year
 Added a warning when other users are posting to the relevant files, which
may cause an Out of Balance
PL2/4 – Plant Month-end Procedure
 Added in the depreciation for the “Low Value Pool” if present
PL2/5 –Plant Dissection Code Adjustment
 Transaction date is now editable
 Plant Code is now user-editable
PL3/7 – Plant Dissection Transactions
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
PL4/1 – Plant Details
 Added new depreciation values
 Added an option for a simplified Plant List
 Prints long Comment if option is selected
PL4/4 – Plant Expenditure Details
 Added option to print Jobcost Long Text details
PL4/7 – Plant Dissection Transactions
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
PL4/8 – Plant Income Details
 Added option to select Subcontractors for Plant Usage Report
PL4/9 – Plant Profitability
 Now filters to Plant only cost records when calculating total costs
PL4/10 – Haulage Report - NEW
 This new report was introduced in the “Major Issues” section No 9
Payroll Module
PR1/1 – Employee Details
 The entry or editing of Employee banking details requires the operator to
have a password level equal or higher than that to be defined in SP1/6.
This enhancement has been provided to avoid illegal transfer of funds via
 Entry for “Standard Hours” per pay period is now a mandatory entry, even
for timecard employees
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR1/3 – Payroll Dissection Numbers
 Complete re-work to standardise
PR2/1 – Timecards
 Substantial re-work at entry, showing Payroll status display
 Allows selection from Multiple Charge rates when posting plant usage.
When a selection is made the appropriate charge rate is displayed
 In the Plant tab, the activity field entry defaults to the operator name.
 Charge amount details now incorporate SP1/6 multipliers during overtime
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
 Added the ability to Jobcost allowances to plant postings
 Fixed Jobcost allocation of fixed dollar allowances
 Added a check for zero or negative employee cost rates
 “Low Value Pool” not available for Jobcosting
PR2/3 – Tax & Super Adjustment
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR2/4 – Payroll Dissection Code Transfer
 Transaction date is now editable
 Employee Code is now user-editable
PR2/5 – Delete Timecard Entries
 Reversing Job cost entries are now replaced by the deletion of the
Jobcost record
 Fixed occasional error on second deletion entry
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR2/6 – Dispatch EFT file
 More effective deletion of temporary file used for printing the current EFT
PR2/8 – Edit Timecard Jobcosting - NEW
 A display window is presented from which a particular record can be
extracted and edited; even deleted. The system will maintain totals
elsewhere in the system and it will not distort the integrity tests.
 Added entry of “Haulage data” to “Plant” page
PR2/9 – Payroll Month end Balancing
 Added a warning when other users are posting to the relevant files, which
may cause an Out of Balance
PR2/11 – Termination Procedure
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR2/12 – Annual Leave Payroll
 Limit editing of “Set-Aside” grid to “Amount”
PR2/13 – Payroll Dissection Code Adjustment
 Transaction date is now editable
 Employee Code is now user-editable
PR2/16 – Payment Summaries
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
 Changed to new Plain Paper printing specification issued by the ATO
using the self print, “Z-folded” format as well as “Window” envelope format
 The upgraded document 6030, will have a method to add narrative to
issued Payroll summaries to employees
PR3/1 – Employee Details
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR3/4 – Payroll Dissection Code Transactions
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
PR3/7 – Current Timecard Details
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR4/3 – Current Payroll Summary
 Added a column for “Internal Transfers” for such Pay Allocations as “Child
Support”, “Accumulation” and “Voluntary Super”. Made room by
combining entries for “Sick” and “Compo” payments.
PR4/4 – Current Payroll Details
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR4/5 – Current Payroll Payslips
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
 Added entry of “Proposed Payment date” to meet requirements
 Added option to add “Long Service Leave Registration” details
PR4/9 – Current Timecard Details
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR4/14 – Payroll Dissection Code Transactions
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR4/16 – Past Payroll Details
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
 The description of one option changed from “Non-Conforming” to “In
Selected Period but not Dated in that month”
PR4/17 – Employee Payroll Summaries
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR4/18 – System Payroll Summaries
 Multiple Payroll frequencies can be included in the one report
PR4/23 – Eligible Termination Payment Reporting
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR4/24 – Single Employee Payroll Projection
 Standardised the presentation of employees in picking box
PR4/25 – Superannuation Transactions
 Grand totals now include listing of “Salary Set Aside”
Special Programs
SP1/6 – Company Details and Program Controls
 In “Extra” Tab, set password level for Creditors and Employees, to allow
banking details editing
 Hopefully the last reference to PPS removed from the Debtor Tab
 Added setting for default “Benchmark” data folder and import conversion
factors – reference is made to the new Document 4510
SP1/10 – Clear Program Locks
 Added text to indicate the use of DP1/5 to clear module locks
SP2/1 – Backup Routine
 The option is provided to nominate a folder name where the backup will
be created, depending on the presence of a “batch file” necessary to
make this menu function work.
 If this batch file contains the “Xcopy” command, the routine will create the
nominated folder; in other situations the folder is to be ‘pre-created’.
SP2/16 – Special Local Processes
 The program has been revamped to largely replace the options of the
Buildwin Install display
 Deals with the circumstance when no selection is made or no utilities are
SP2/17 – Compare GL and Debtor Transactions
 No longer tries to find General Ledger Receipts in the Dissection code
SP2/22 – Recalculate for Job Related Charge Rates
 Program revamped to reduce time for processing
 Repairs Charge amounts in Jobcost records for changed Charge rates
 Charge amount details now incorporate SP1/6 multipliers during overtime
SP3/6 – Company Details and Program Controls
 Brought into line with SP1/6 changes
SP4/6 – Company Details and Program Controls
 Brought into line with SP1/6 changes
This upgrade (as many previously) will come to you on a CD-ROM disc. Do not
install any Buildwin upgrades whilst there are users in the system.
If the routine is familiar from previous occasions, proceed with confidence.
If at all nervous about the procedure, we recommend that the setup screen be
minimised and with explorer, advance to the root directory of the CD-ROM.
There will be a “Read me.txt” file, which can be opened with the standard
“notebook” program. (Double clicking on it will probably get you there)
The text will reinforce the requirements for
1. Installing a “Demo” version
2. Installing a licensed Buildwin system
3. Upgrade an existing Buildwin system
We thoroughly recommend that one read this document to ensure the claim of
confidence in the routine
Please remember the importance of backup up, during “Stunts’ like these.
Also be sure that all fields in SP1/6 and SP1/11 have been dealt with in new
Please do not forget to install the new version on each workstation by operating
the Buildwin Install Icon on the workstation. Call if not sure.
Version 3015 Notes