UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY UTS: ENGINEERING CAPSTONE PROJECTS Alan Chappel Innovation Award The Alan Chappel Innovation Award was created to honour Alan Chappel on his retirement from the Faculty’s Industry Advisory Network (IAN) which is the sponsor for this Award each year. Alan Chappel is an expert in tunnel design and construction and was the NSW Manager of Connell Wagner until his retirement. He was one of the founding members of the IAN and is a generous supporter of the Faculty. The Award is valued at $500 each for two recipients each year. The assessment is made twice each year on innovation criteria in Capstone Projects completed each semester. The prizes are presented at the Faculty Prize Night each year. The assessment process is open to all Capstone students including those not going on to the D/HD Capstone program. The aim is to find and award the top project from each semester from an innovation standpoint. This is an individual award, not group. In cases where a group member wishes to apply they will be restricted to the components of the project which were their individual contribution. The application form for this semester is attached below and all Capstone students are encouraged to apply by completing the form in word format, having it endorsed by your Capstone Project Supervisor and lodged at the APO:Mailbox by 5PM of the Friday following Capstone Presentation Days (refer to Capstone Webpages for confirmation of date). Alan Chappel Innovation Award Application Issue 1.6 Page 1 UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY UTS: ENGINEERING CAPSTONE PROJECTS Application for Alan Chappel Innovation Award Student Name: Student No: Course: Major: Project No: Name of Capstone Project: Brief description of Project: (8 lines max) Is this a continuing project from earlier work? What is/will be your contribution to this project – i.e. the part you are starting, extending or completing? (4 lines max) What is the objective and expected achievement of your part of the project? (8 lines max) Some typical innovation criteria are given below. Please select the item(s) that best apply to your project and add a brief note to explain why you think it meets those criteria: Innovation by Novel Development or Inventive Step Innovation by adapting/combining Existing Technologies Innovation through Improvement to Product(s) Innovation through Improvement to Processes Innovation through Improvement to Services Other – please specify: Add a note in support of this claim: (take account of the current state-of-the-art in this field and the difference/innovation you are claiming – 8 lines max) Alan Chappel Innovation Award Application Issue 1.6 Page 2 Student Name: Student No: What is the Purpose or Driver for this Innovation? (tick as many boxes as apply) High Market Potential/Creation of New Markets/Unmet Market Need Value to Society Improved Quality and/or Reliability Reduced Labour Costs Improved Productivity Reduced Use of Materials Improved Performance/Running Costs Reduced Environmental Damage/Impact Reduced Energy Consumption Easier Conformance to Regulations Other – please specify: Add a note in support of the above: (10 lines max) Student Verification The above application is a true and accurate claim for this Capstone Project Award. Student signature: Date: Endorsement by Capstone Project Supervisor: (please pass to your Capstone Project supervisor to approve this application) I have read the above application and support the innovation claims. Name: Signature: Capstone Project Supervisor Date: Supportive Comments: The form should be completed in electronic format, printed out, endorsed by your Capstone Project Supervisor and lodged at the APO:Mailbox (Building 2 Level 7). See the attached process document. Where appropriate, the Subject Coordinator will review applications with the main-RRC at the end of the semester. Applications will be considered by this committee with recommendations made for progress to the next stage of the Award assessment process – see attached sheet. Alan Chappel Innovation Award Application Issue 1.6 Page 3 Selection Process for the Alan Chappel Innovation Award 1 Step Request for applications to all Capstone students completing their project in the current semester Selection Process Application form issued Timing During the semester One week following the Capstone Presentation Day(s) TBC 2 Application forms completed by students and lodged at APO:Mailbox – Building 2 Level 7 Student self-assessment Endorsed by project supervisor 3 The top applicants from each discipline are selected at mainRRC Subject Coordinator to table applications at the mini-RRC which selects applicants to progress to the next stage 4 Shortlisted applicants are invited to present a one page synopsis with brief presentation to the IAN Selection Panel comprised of: Alan Chappel (if available) Up to three IAN industry members UTS Staff members as experts (if required) 5 Winners presented with their prize at the Annual Prize Night Alan Chappel Innovation Award Application Issue 1.6 Winner selected by the IAN members of the panel and Alan Chappel from these presentations and question and answer sessions, using agreed criteria The panel may chose not to award the prize TBC FEIT Prize Night – typically during second half of the year Page 4