1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Board of Supervisors Monthly Meeting Minutes Tuesday, December 17, 2013 3:00 PM Present at the meeting: David Hall, Board Member Dan Cathers, Board Member Doug Rushton, Board Chair Treacy Kreger, Board Member Eric Johnson, TCD Board Member Kathleen Whalen, TCD Administrator Ashley McBee, TCD Staff James Weatherford, TCD Staff Amy Franks, TCD Staff Summary of Action Items: 1. 2. 3. 4. Eric Johnson to schedule time for new board member training with Kathy Amy to provide a FY2013 and FY2014 budget to actuals analysis Kathy to provide staff feedback on “needs” for new vehicle at January board meeting Kathy to contact Pacific Shellfish Institute (PSI) and ask how they are addressing county utilizing a different water quality indicator bacteria than PSI’s proposed project 5. Kathy to send ILA back to Okanogan for revision, to include a dispute resolution clause, clarification of the appropriate Superior Court to address disputes, and correction of grammatical/spelling errors 6. Board to send any suggestions/comments for updating monthly staff report to Kathy 7. Kathy to check with board and staff to see who needs to be recertified in CPR 8. Kathy to contact Jenny Henderman re: Firewise program development; Find out more details re: program/grant application & what exactly is being proposed 9. Kathy to find out what committees TCD board and staff serve on 10. Dan Cathers to coordinate board feedback and process for Kathy’s evaluation 11. Treacy/Eric to send Kathy web link to the County’s meeting calendar TCD has rotating meeting chair duties for each Board Meeting. This month’s meeting chair is Doug Rushton. Doug Rushton called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. There was a quorum. 1. Welcome, Introductions and Public Comment: No members of the public were present. 2. Agenda Review: Additions: A. Okanogan CD & Thurston CD ILA for Technical Employee Work Group (See Admin Report) B. 1099 Update from James Weatherford (Between Agenda Items 4-5) C. Upcoming Legislative Day (Jan 27-28, 2014) (See Roundtable) D. Kathy’s 2013 Evaluation (See Roundtable) E. CPR Certification (See Roundtable) 3. Partner Reports: A. NRCS, Jeff Swotek Jeff not present B. WACD, David Hall Update: SW Area CDs’ interest in WACD coordinating a common health insurance plan Dave contacted all Area Directors; Focused on SW Area; Directors expressed interest; David requested email/response after Area Directors inquired within the local districts; Have not received feedback David to meet with Dave Vogel after further communication with Area Directors C. WACD Annual Meeting Wrap-Up, All David Hall: Went well; Covered a lot of information; Outcomes were good for the betterment of the organization 1 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Dan Cathers: Plan next year to stay the night in order to see WSCC meeting Treacy Kreger: Got a lot out if it; What stood out: Firewise program in Kittitas County, where do we stand and what are we doing in our CD?; The WADE presentation was great; Appreciated resources for outreach to people/partnerships outside the normal “box” (i.e., Non-traditional CD partners; James Tech Group Presentation, good concept to build database of resource specialists whose expertise can be identified and utilized among CDs; Interesting & Educational discussion of election process Kathy Whalen: Got most out of Tribal sessions; Communicated with other CDs to discuss pathways for building relationships with tribes Doug Rushton: Recognized TCD reps were talking/mingling with everyone Dan Cathers: (Re Outreach & Tribes) Lacey FD board meetings have sub-committees to allow board members to routinely interact with targeted groups; Is establishing committees for this purpose something we would like to further discuss? General acknowledgement & accolades for staff participation 4. Review of November 26, 2013 meeting minutes: Line Edits: Throughout: GHB not JHB 99: “David Hall” 261: “Wildland Urban Interface” 264: Facilitator to come in 274: Put numbers on grants in grant reports; Not line numbers on the report Minutes Approval: David Hall moved to approve the November 26, 2013 meeting minutes, as amended. Treacy Kreger seconded. Motion Passed. A. Action Item Follow-up: Action items from November 26, 2013 Board Meeting are as follows: 1. TCD to post NRCS Press Releases announcing program updates & application timelines: DONE 2. Jeff to follow up with NRCS documentation to clarify conservation easement predictability: DONE; Indicates conservation in perpetuity through NRCS programs; Board still lacking information on procedures utilized by other conservation orgs (federal, county, non-profits, etc.) 3. Kathy to send out link to board members from WSCC webinar providing details on 1099s: DONE 4. Amy to change FY2014 budget to have business cards listed once & reflect total cost for 2014: DONE 5. Amy to provide TCD FY2014 Budget at December board meeting for final approval: DONE 6. Kathy to forward map to board members that indicates areas of ‘fire’ concern in Thurston Co: Kathy followed up & found out such a map does not exist for this area; Update: Grant has been submitted to begin development of Firewise program in several counties throughout Puget Sound 7. Amy to report if budget on track, given financials indicate -$22k net income as of Oct 31, 2013: DONE; See December Financial Report 8. Kathy to develop public notice regarding election announcement and procedures: Kathy working on these materials 9. Kathy to present insurance quotes & broker recommendation at December board meeting: DONE 10. Kathy to contact G.H.B. and get quotes for medical insurance: DONE 11. Kathy to reach out to Chehalis, Nisqually, & Squaxin Tribe staff to gauge interest & position on VSP: Kathy contacted sources within Squaxin and & Chehalis tribes; Has not heard back from anyone within Nisqually Tribe; Appears to be lack of confidence in VSP process; Kathy continuing to communicate with Tribal liaisons and BOCC; however; has not heard about any significant movement or progress in collaboration between BOCC and local tribes 12. Kathy to communicate with WSCC and John Bolender re: Engineering Addendum and Agreement: DONE; See Admin Report 13. Treacy to provide info on tools available to develop and report measurables for strategic plan: Reaching out to Heidi at Thurston County Health Department & supplying information 2 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 14. Eric Johnson to schedule time in January to meet with Kathy for board member training: AI – Eric Johnson to schedule time for new board member training with Kathy 1099 Discussion Update, James Weatherford James found out farmers are to file a Schedule F to offset financial effects/implications of costshare monies received and taxed via a 1099 Board decision for 2013: TCD to include a simple, straightforward recommendation within the yearend letters landowners will receive from Amy; Should state something to the effect of “TCD is required by WSCC by-laws to notify cost-share cooperators they will receive a 1099. Contact your local tax advisor and look into a Schedule F.” For the future: Discuss up front with landowners; Let them know this issue is not outlined in costshare contract; Consider submitting Resolution to WSCC to provide appropriate wording Tech Group Update: o Completed a solid draft; Pitching at WACD Annual Meeting o Compiling response and feedback from NRCS, WSCC, WACD, & CDs for a final review; Goes to WSCC on January 18th Task Order & TSP Assignments: o Per Roylene’s executive decision, resource specialists can perform task order work and be on TSP concurrently. o However, cannot be a chair in local area or co-located with NRCS 5. Financial Report: A. Monthly Financial Report, Amy Franks Amy presented end of year balance sheet and other financials to Board: Balance Sheet: o A/R funds have been received since printing of this report o Everything looks normal Balance Comparison to November 2013 o More funds in checking account; Same in savings, A/R same as last year o General overall better cash position compared to last year P/L: o November Assessment funds were received P/L Comparison: o Generally better position than last year o Same assessment deposit o Close comparison in grant activity; More goods & Services (due to more equipment rentals & Amy F working at Pacific CD) Overhead Allocation (how much assessment money is being leveraged for grants) o Unfunded indirect cost is $18,049.00; Want to see under $26k P/L Budget vs. Actual for December o Compared to budgeted P/L, generally in line with annual capital budget o Intergovernmental revenue lower than anticipated o Plant Sale revenue not reconciled yet o Expenses largely under budget throughout the year November Action Item Follow-Up: -$22k in October’s P/L report reflected higher than usual expenses; Services & Charges hit in Oct: $12k in Americorp (will get back in vouchers); Quarterly invoices from contractors, WADE registration fees, NACD annual fees Review of check register, Dan Cathers The board reviewed the check register. Check Register Approval: Dan Cathers moved to approve the check register, including Check #’s 17816 - 17839, totaling $ 33,091.93, and voided check #s 17816-17826. David Hall seconded. Motion passed. 3 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 B. 2014 Annual Budget Amy presented a final draft of TCD’s FY14 Annual Budget to board members for final approval Draft budget posted on TCD website; Budget sent to Chehalis, Squaxin, & Nisqually Tribes; Budget sent to City Managers & Thurston BOCC; No comments have been received Budget Questions/Concerns: o Is there a standard composite rate?; No, composite rate calculated based on various costs for employment (payroll taxes, medical insurance, salary, retirement) o Planning for Vehicle Purchase: Previous 2013 budget set aside $9k; Board interested in increasing vehicle allotment to $12 - $15k; Next step: Make a budget adjustment to establish a set budget for a vehicle purchase Budget Approval: Dan Cathers moved to approve TCD’s FY 2014 Annual Budget. Treacy Kreger seconded. Motion passed. Board intends to re-visit cost of vehicle, following discussion with staff, in January board meeting. AI – Amy to provide a FY2013 and FY2014 budget to actuals analysis AI – Kathy to provide staff feedback on “needs” for new vehicle at January board meeting 6. 2014 Shellfish Fund Work Program, Kathleen Whalen Program has gone through review and received approval from Shellfish Stakeholder’s Group (SH Group) & Thurston County BOCC; TCD board members heard and reviewed proposals at Sept 2013 board meeting BOCC briefing last Friday; Very receptive to all projects; Sandra excited about role ecological site assessment could play in VSP program; Discussion of implementing program county-wide; Kathy following up with Erik to discuss BOCC interest in ecological assessment data; TCD expectation is ecological assessment data is housed here; Rather not fund program than turn over data to BOCC Kathy is presenting 2014 Shellfish Fund Work Program to board members for review and final approval Board discussion regarding Thurston County Environmental Health taxing Shellfish Protection District residents and also receiving grant monies through this program; Board consideration of looking at rates and charges as alternative to assessment funding; Board considering articulating thoughtful approach to this issue and taking action at next assessment AI – Kathy to contact Pacific Shellfish Institute (PSI) and ask how they are addressing county utilizing a different water quality indicator bacteria than PSI’s proposed project 2014 Shellfish Fund Work Program Approval: David Hall moved to approve the FY 2014 Shellfish Fund Work Program. Treacy Kreger seconded. Motion passed. 7. 2014 Medical Insurance, Kathleen Whalen Kathy presented price quotes to board for medical insurance options In response to last board meeting, Kathy requested broker supply additional quotes with $500 deductible; Also, met with representative from GHB GHB quotes were same; GHB representative said our agent has provided appropriate variety of plans and competitive quotes; Recommended we stay with our current agent if good customer service; She did not have anything new or different or any recommendation to change Missed enrollment in plan with lowest rates; Did not have time to provide notice of public meeting; Can consider that company next year Board Decision: Board to make recommendation to go with Regence Platinum but ultimately leaves the decision up to staff 4 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 David Hall moved to change insurance plan to Regence Platinum if staff buys in; If staff prefers, we will default to renewal of our current Regence plan. Dan Cathers seconded. Motion passed. 8. Administrative Report, Kathleen Whalen A. Voluntary Stewardship Program See November Action Items; Kathy will pass along any new information B. Lepman FFFPP Project Ongoing project to alleviate fish passage issue on cooperator’s property; Kathy updated board members that this project has been completed All funds spent; Anything remaining will go towards Kathy’s time C. Status of Engineering Cluster Agreement Regarding Engineering agreement brought before TCD board last month; Kathy augmented to address board concerns Our previous Cluster Agreement was amended at the local level a couple years ago. Those amendments included a dispute resolution clause and verbiage to indicate regularly scheduled meetings and communication Upon discussion among our Cluster districts, we opted to retain our own agreement, as there was nothing different being offered in the new WSCC agreement. John conferred with Stu via email, indicating that given we had all just signed onto a new agreement and that our version included the same new elements the WSCC’s new agreement offered, we would retain our own agreement, unless informed otherwise by WSCC staff. No further communication was received from WSCC staff. D. Okanogan CD & Thurston CD ILA Board was asked to consider approval of ILA between OCD & TCD TCD contracting OCD for up to $2,500 in services related to WACD Technical Employee Work Group deliverables ILA duration is November 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014; Services covered include staff time for staff time, travel expenses, etc. Probably will not bill more than $1,500 but have to have formal agreement to exchange any funds Also serves as a blanket ILA; Can be used for services beyond Tech Group Board Concerns: Does not outline dispute resolution actions prior to going to court; Document needs spell check AI – Kathy to send ILA back to Okanogan for revision, to include a dispute resolution clause, clarification of the appropriate Superior Court to address disputes, and correction of grammatical/spelling errors. E. Monthly Staff Report Board presented with November’s monthly staff report Kathy working with staff to update this template for 2014; Discussing how best to update the staff report to better capture & reflect strategic/annual goals and info needed for grant reporting. AI – Board to send any suggestions/comments for updating monthly staff report template to Kathy F. Grant Report Board presented with November’s monthly grant report o Stephanie confident most, if not all, SSG Shellfish funds will be expended o Has not connected with Sarah; Kathy confident Sarah will spend Clear Choices funding down to zero o LID: Had a project designed in Nisqually; Great site for demonstration; Weather prevented project construction from beginning; Kathy communicated to BOCC re: still wanting to 5 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 implement in project in 2014 & Received go ahead; Kathy communicating with SH Group before year-end to receive permission before grant expiration on 12/31/13 o Sarah was going to coordinate but has priorities on Commerce Grant; Mason CD coordinating because their staff has expertise; Builds partnership between CDs o Shellfish Cost Share completed; Dave working on two conservation plans and will spend remaining Shellfish TA/Farm Planning funds 9. Round Table, All: David: Nothing to report. Kathy: Several staff CPR certified; Previous price quotes for certification courses for all staff members were cost prohibitive; Staff is gathering at Kathy’s for a Christmas potluck; Expressed appreciation for new members and the chemistry of the board AI – Kathy to check with board and staff to see who needs to be recertified in CPR Dan: Shared reflection that lack of BOCC consideration for Ag Advisory Committee input could lead to TCD not continuing to support staff participation on the committee and/or Conservation Futures; Another option to formally acknowledge our recommendations are not receiving due consideration; Thurston County will be included in the “umbrella” of other counties covered in the current application Jenny Henderman is putting together for Firewise funding/program development; TCD can still engage in due diligence to see what we can do to further the Firewise programming in Thurston County AI – Kathy to contact Jenny Henderman re: Firewise program development; Find out more details re: program/grant application & what exactly is being proposed Doug: Would like to create a working list of all committees TCD staff and board members participate in; Doug has been conducting Kathy’s evaluation but would like another board member to take this task on this year AI – Kathy to find out what committees TCD board and staff serve on AI – Dan Cathers to coordinate board feedback and process for Kathy’s evaluation Treacy: Inquired how board traditionally responds/coordinates when other organizations request board member action via email; Response: Kathy follows up with board members; If needed, we add topic to meeting agenda Eric: Ag Advisory council meeting (Jan 30th): Presenting information on Sustainable Thurston’s Agenda 21 proposal; Conservation Futures Meeting (Dec 8th, 9am, Room 208), Glacial Heritage Acquisition on Agenda; Fish & Wildlife purchased 110 acres next to Tenino Speedway for Mazama pocket gophers critical habitat AI - Treacy/Eric to send Kathy web link to the County’s meeting calendar Ashley: Legislative Day scheduled for Jan 28th 2013; TCD looking to board members to attend appointments with legislators; Legislative calendar has not been released & it is looking as though it could be challenging to compete with legislative session obligations to schedule appointments this year January board meeting moved to Thursday January 30th. 6 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 Doug Rushton adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, _______________________ Doug Rushton, Meeting Chair 7