Technical Report Writing and Presentations

F a c u l t y
T h e
o f
E n g i n e e r i n g
U n i v e r s i t y o f t h e W e s t
S t . A u g u s t i n e
I n d i e s
October 1st and 2ndnd, 2005
Facilitators: Natalie Chase-Caffyn
Halcyon Lawrence
Jennifer Papin-Ramcharan
Technical Report Writing and Presentations ...................................................................... 3
Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 3
The Communication Model ............................................................................................ 3
Role of Sender............................................................................................................. 3
Role of Receiver ......................................................................................................... 3
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 3
Medium ....................................................................................................................... 5
Types of Noise ............................................................................................................ 5
Identify the 5c’s of Good Technical Communication..................................................... 5
Concrete ...................................................................................................................... 6
Clear ............................................................................................................................ 6
Concise........................................................................................................................ 7
Coherent ...................................................................................................................... 7
Contextualized ............................................................................................................ 8
The Report Writing Process ............................................................................................ 8
Four Phases ................................................................................................................. 8
Data Gathering ............................................................................................................ 8
Analyzing and Sorting Results.................................................................................. 10
Outlining the Report ................................................................................................. 10
Writing the Report .................................................................................................... 10
Parts of a Technical Report ............................................................................................... 11
Types of Abstracts ........................................................................................................ 11
Qualities of a Good Abstract......................................................................................... 12
Writing Effective Report Abstracts .............................................................................. 12
Citations ............................................................................................................................ 16
Using Good Grammar in Technical Writing .................................................................... 20
Sentence Construction .................................................................................................. 20
Sentence Structures ....................................................................................................... 22
Punctuation ................................................................................................................... 23
Defining Grammar ........................................................................................................ 27
Common Grammatical Errors ................................................................................... 27
Technical Oral Presentations ............................................................................................ 33
Checklist for Technical Presentations ............................................................................... 34
Technical Report Writing and Presentations
Identify Elements of Good Technical Communication
Identify Characteristics of an Effective Report
Identify Parts of a Technical Report
Understand Citation Standards
Use Good Grammar in Technical Writing
Develop skills for Technical Presentations
The Communication Model
Role of Sender
Encode the Message
Analyse the audience
Choose appropriate channels and media for transmission of message
Encourage feedback
Role of Receiver
Decode the message
Provide feedback
Verbal – use of words
Non-verbal – non-use of words
o Written – letters, proposals, reports
o Oral – presentations, seminars
o Models, Symbols
Types of Noise
o Unexplained variation in a communication channel or random
error in the transmission of information.
Semantic Noise:
o It may be related to people's knowledge level, their
communication skills, their experience, their prejudices etc.
Identify the 5c’s of Good Technical Communication
Content Concreteness refers to the proper coverage of your topics in
appropriate detail.
o Problem statement
o Outline
Grammatical Concreteness concerns the careful use of language to
express meaning.
o Paragraph and sentence structure and
o Appropriate word choice to describe and analyze your topics
Simple, direct language
o Use of:
 directly worded sentences
 simple sentences
 Appropriate word choices
 avoiding overloaded sentences
Contextual clarity
o What prompts you to write? What is your purpose? Whose
work precedes or has influenced yours? What are the
organizational and intellectual requirements of your paper?
Use of:
o Abstracts
o Introductions that state the purpose and scope of the document
o Table of contents
o Problem statements
o Strategic repetition to promote structural clarity
o Graphs and tables
o Descriptive titles
o Headings
Focus on what is relevant
Draft outlines
Identify project scope
Look for sections, including appendixes, that are not essential to your
Substitute graphics to describe objects and processes, summarize data,
and demonstrate relationships
Carefully revise writing
Reduce or eliminate wordiness
Coherence provides the reader with an easily followed path.
The paragraph is one of the most powerful instruments of coherence.
By organizing material into a topic sentence and supporting sentences,
paragraphs pull together material and emphasize various forms of
conceptual development.
Paragraph development strategies
o exemplification
o analysis
o comparison and contrast
o definition
o enumeration
o description
Clear objective
Delimited scope
Written with the audience in mind
The Report Writing Process
Four Phases
Gathering Data
Analyzing and sorting results
Outlining Report
Writing and Revising the Report
Data Gathering
Identify framework
Preliminary outline
Maintain orderly records of findings
Keep ongoing list of references
Consider how data can be displayed
Find out what existing literature says about the topic
Analyzing and Sorting Results
Write down significant results
Group and classify in order of importance
Select only what is relevant
Preparation of tables and figures
Outlining the Report
Write a de-limiting sentence (scope)
Consider main heading use in reports
Identify main and supporting ideas in relevant sections
Writing the Report
Writing using the scientific logic method
State the problem
Form the hypothesis
Observe and experiment
Analyze the data
Draw conclusions
Parts of a Technical Report
Abstract or summary
Title page
Table of Contents
List of figures graphs and tables
Appendix (es)
Types of Abstracts
Informational Abstract
Communicate contents of reports
include purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions, and
highlight essential points
are short--from a paragraph to a page or two, depending upon
the length of the report (10% or less of the report)
Descriptive Abstracts
tell what the report contains
include purpose, methods, scope, but NOT results, conclusions,
and recommendations
are always very short-- usually under 100 words
introduce subject to readers, who must then read the report to
learn study results
Qualities of a Good Abstract
uses one or more well-developed paragraphs, which are unified,
coherent, concise, and able to stand alone
uses an introduction-body-conclusion structure in which the parts of
the report are discussed in order: purpose, findings, conclusions,
follows strictly the chronology of the report
provides logical connections between material included
adds no new information but simply summarizes the report
Is intelligible to a wide audience
Writing Effective Report Abstracts
Reread your report with the purpose of abstracting in mind. Look
specifically for these main parts: purpose, methods, scope, results,
conclusions, and recommendations.
Write a draft. Do not merely copy key sentences from your report.
Revise your rough draft to correct weaknesses in organization and
coherence, drop superfluous information, add important information
originally left out, eliminate wordiness, and correct errors in grammar
and mechanics.
Carefully proofread your final copy.
Statement of Subject
Statement of Purpose
Statement of Organization and Scope
Literature Review
Why a Literature Review?
Demonstrates that you know the field.
Justifies the reason for your research. You have also to be able
to convince your reader that what you are doing is important
and needs to be done.
Allows you to establish your theoretical framework and
methodological focus. Even if you are proposing a new theory
or a new method, you are doing so in relation to what has been
To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use
another person's idea, opinion, or theory;
any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings--any pieces of
information--that are not common knowledge;
quotations of another person's actual spoken or written words;
Paraphrase of another person's spoken or written words.
Strategies for Avoiding Plagiarism
Follow the Appropriate Style Manual for Referencing of Work
Put in quotations everything that comes directly from the text
especially when taking notes.
Paraphrase, but be sure you are not just rearranging or
replacing a few words.
Check your paraphrase against the original text to be sure you
have not accidentally used the same phrases or words, and that
the information is accurate.
Experiment and Analysis Description
 Apparatus Sections
 Materials Section
 Test Procedure Section
 Symbols Section
 Errors and Precision
Results and Discussion
 Presentation of Results
 Discussion of Results
Summary of Results
Concluding Remarks
Guidelines for Reports
Part of the Report
General Information
Quotations of more than two
lines are single spaced and
indented .5” from the Margin.
Tables or Figures should
appear closely following the text
where they are discussed. No
further than a page following.
Tables and Figures must have
descriptive titles.
Title Page
Table of Contents
Student’s Name & ID Number
Lecturer’s Name
Title of Report
Date of Report
Should include the Purpose of
the report, Methods used in
conducting research, the results
and the significance of findings
Optional – single page
Includes all significant parts of
the report. Does NOT include
the TOC
List of Abbreviations
List of Figures/Tables
Text/Body of Thesis
1.5 to double line spacing
Roman Numerals Lowercase
Single line spacing used in Quotations,
Appendices, References
Page numbers on Top or Bottom
Right of the page
Margins- top and bottom 1”; Left 2” and
Right 1”
Tables and figures are
numbered using Arabic
numbering and separate
Typeface – 10-12 Pitch fonts
Preferably Serif font (TNR) for body text
and Sans Serif font (Arial) for Headings
Equations and Formulae must be typed,
not hand written
Centered Horizontally and Vertically on
the Page and spaced evenly
Single Line Spaced
Lower case Roman Numerals,
Page starting from 1
All front matter continues lower
case Roman Numerals, numbered
consecutively off the abstract
Each section on a new page
Chicago Manual of Style 15th
Each appendix must have a
descriptive title
No Page Numbering
New sequence, Arabic
Generated in sequence
The list of appendices MUST appear in
the TOC
Continue sequence of Arabic
The Chicago Manual of Style presents two basic citation systems:
Documentation 1: Notes and Bibliographies (Humanities Style) The note reference follows the passage to
which it refers and is marked with a numeral. Notes are arranged numerically either at the bottom of each page
(footnotes) or at the end of the manuscript (endnotes). Notes include complete bibliographic information when
cited for the first time. The bibliography lists only sources used in writing the paper. Entries are arranged
alphabetically by author’s last name and include complete bibliographic information.
Documentation 2: Author-Date Citations and Reference List An author-date citation (Smith 1996) is placed
within the text or at the end of a quotation and complete citation information is given in the list of references at
the end of the paper. For works by two or three authors, all names are included (Jackson and Jones 1998). For
more than three authors, use the name of the first author followed by et al. (Brown et al. 1982). When citing a
specific page, figure, section or other element, the page number etc. should follow the date preceded by a
comma (Smith 1996, 42). Documentation 2 differs from the first style in the following basic ways. In the
Reference List:
Only the author's first and middle initials are given.
The date is placed immediately after the author's name.
Only the first word in a title or subtitle is capitalized, along with proper nouns and adjectives.
Quotation marks are not used to enclose titles of periodical articles, chapters, short literature etc.
Example: Stoller P. and C. Olkes. 1987. Sorcery's shadow. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Using Italics and Underlining in Chicago Style
"Chicago style recommends italicizing certain citation elements such as book and journal titles in printed text.
Use underlining if you instructor requires it or if your typewriter or word-processing program can't produce
Journal Article (Chicago Manual of Style, p. 569)
Note (1st):
1. Sean Hanretta, "Women, Marginality and the Zulu State: Women’s Institutions and Power in the Early
Nineteenth Century," Journal of African History 39 (1998): 389-415.
Following footnotes of the same article:
2. Hanretta, 389.
Hanretta, Sean. "Women, Marginality and the Zulu State: Women’s Institutions and Power in the Early
Nineteenth Century." Journal of African History 39 (1998): 389-415.
Authored Book (Chicago Manual of Style, p. 529)
7. Gilbert Herdt, Same Sex, Different Cultures: Exploring Gay and Lesbian Lives (Boulder, Colorado:
Westview Press, 1997), 32.
Following footnotes for the same book:
Ibid ("in the same place") is used to refer to a single work cited in the note immediately preceding:
8. Ibid
When the work is cited earlier but not immediately preceding:
Herdt, 32.
More examples.
Bibliography (one author):
Herdt, Gilbert. Same Sex, Different Cultures: Exploring Gay and Lesbian Lives. Boulder, Colorado:
Westview Press, 1997.
Note (three or more authors):
9. Mary Jones et al., A History of the World (Bellingham: From the Beginning Press, 2000).
Following footnotes for the same book:
10. Jones et al., History of the World, 17.
Bibliography (three or more authors):
Jones, Mary, Frank Smith, Alex Jackson and Sarah Pope. A History of the World. Bellingham: From the
Press, 2000.
For works having more than three authors, a note citation should give the name of the first author
followed by "et al" or "and others." The bibliography citation should list all the authors.
Electronic or Online Book
13. Barry J. Gibbons, Gender in Mystical and Occult Thought, (New York: Cambridge University Press,
1996), NetLibrary, 14 February 2000.
Entry from an Encyclopedia or Dictionary (familiar)
13. Encyclopedia Americana, 11th ed., s.v. "impeachment."
(Note: s.v. stands for sub verbo, "under the word.")
Bibliography: Well known reference books are usually not listed in bibliographies.
Entry from an Online Encyclopedia or Dictionary (familiar)
14. "Salish," Britannica Online, < >
(15 February 1999).
"Salish." Britannica Online. < >
(15 February 1999).
Note: The date in parenthesis is the day you used the Web site.
Dissertation (Chicago Manual of Style, p. 587)
17. James M. Diehl, "Anthropology at War: World War I and the Science of Race in Germany" (Ph.D.
diss., Indiana University, 2002).
Diehl, James M. "Anthropology at War: World War I and the Science of Race in Germany." Ph.D. diss.,
Indiana University, 2002.
Web Site
21. Hugh Elton, "Byzantine Warfare," Warfare in the Ancient World, 4 April 1999, (23 April 1999).
Elton, Hugh. "Byzantine Warfare." Warfare in the Ancient World. 4 April 1999.
<> (23 April 1999).
Note: The first date is the day the Web site was created or last updated, the last date is the day you used
the Web site.
For Subsequent References to the Same Source:
When you cite the same work in a subsequent reference, use only the author’s last name and the page number.
In cases of two authors, use both last names. In case of more than two authors, use the first author’s last name
and the
abbreviation et al. for the remaining authors. In the case of an article or book without an author, use a shortened
title and page number.
1. Bordon, p. 17.
2. Jones and Smith, p. 91.
3. Somerset, et al., p.13.
4. Civil War, p. 42.
In addition, you may use the Latin abbreviation "Ibid." when citing subsequent sources that immediately follow
the first reference.
Using Good Grammar in Technical Writing
Sentence Construction
What is a sentence?
A sentence is a group of words which makes sense in itself. It must contain a subject, at least one complete
verb, and one main item of information (a complete thought) to which various subsidiary ideas may be added.
How do we compose sentences?
A sentence is composed of clauses and/or phrases.
A clause is a group of words that contains a subject (doer of the action) and a predicate (the action in the
sentence) and functions as part of a sentence. A main or independent clause must contain a subject and a
verb and express a complete thought. A subordinate or dependent clause does not mean anything on its own;
it depends on the main clause to give it meaning.
The meeting
at 4:00 p.m.
phrase (prepositional)
Although he tried to hurry, he was late for the meeting.
A phrase is a group of related words that does not include a subject and verb.
Prepositional phrases (start with a preposition): Within minutes…
Infinitive phrases (start with verb in infinitive form):To understand the programme, …
Participial phrases (contains verb participle): Its slopes collapsing, …
Sentence Structures
There are three common sentence structures: simple, compound and complex.
 Contains 1 main clause.
 Expresses one main idea.
 Contains 2 or more main
 Expresses 2 or more ideas of
equal importance.
Possible sentence patterns:
 Main clauses (joined by
coordinating conjunctions – and,
but, for, or, nor, so, yet)
Main clauses joined by a semicolon.
Compound sentence possible
sentence patterns:
 Main clauses joined by a semicolon and a transitional word –
therefore, moreover, thus,
consequently, however, also.
Lava from a nonexplosive eruption ordinarily contains only
0.2 percent water.
Precursor activity to the eruption began on March 20, 1980,
and many times during the next two months the mountain
shook for minutes.
Precursor activity to the eruption began on March 20, 1980;
many times during the next two months the mountain shook
for minutes.
The initial cost of the machine is high; however,
maintenance is relatively inexpensive.
 Contains a main clause joined
with one or more subordinate
 Expresses a main idea
supported by subsidiary
Possible sentence patterns:
 Subordinate conjunction and
subordinate clause. followed by
main clause.
Although the amount of devastation caused by the May
18 blast was a surprise, the eruption itself had been
expected for weeks.
Main clause followed by
subordinate conjunction and
subordinate clause.
The eruption itself had been expected for weeks although
the amount of devastation caused by the May 18 blast
was a surprise.
Examples of subordinate
conjunctions/dependent markers
are because, before, since, while,
although, if, until, when, then,
Note: When the subordinate clause starts a sentence, a comma
is used before the main clause (See example 2 above). However,
if the main clause starts a sentence, no comma is necessary (See
example 1 above).
after, as, as if.
Punctuation Characteristics
Comma ( , )
Denotes a slight pause
Main Uses
1. After an introductory clause or
Before leaving home, I switched
off the television.
If the phrase is directly followed by a
verb, and not the subject, the comma
is omitted.
2. Before co-ordinating conjunctions
in a compound sentence (and, but,
or, nor, so, yet).
Out of the BMW stepped the
woman we were looking for.
If clauses are very short and closely
connected, the comma may be
Fran played the piano and John
If two verbs share one subject –
compound predicate – the comma is
omitted, unless ambiguity may arise.
The farmer and his faithful
workers harvested the July crops,
and their children helped them.
Promoters said the investment
was for a limited time and could
not be extended at all.
She recognized the man who
entered the room, and gasped.
(Comma used to prevent ambiguity).
3. After a transitional phrase that
links sentences or parts of
4. Between all items in a series
(serial/series comma)
The rain fell yesterday. As a
result, we did not go to the beach.
I dedicate this thesis to my
parents, Mother Teresa, and the
The meal consisted of soup,
salad, and macaroni and cheese.
5. Between adjectives if you can
substitute the word “and” for the
He wore a dirty, brown shirt.
6. To set off useful but non-essential
Elise, my older sister, visited us
last Christmas.
Punctuation Characteristics
Main Uses
Commas ( , )
7. After a dependent clause that
precedes a main clause.
Although the laboratory was
closed for the week, the students
tried to gain access.
8. After a main clause that precedes
a dependent clause containing
supplementary but non essential
She ought to be promoted, if you
want my opinion.
If the dependent clause is restrictive,
i.e. contains information essential to
the sentence’s meaning, then the
comma should be omitted.
Paul was astonished when he
heard the news.
Note: The distinction is occasionally
tenuous. If in doubt, use the comma
to indicate a pause.
9. Before and after a non restrictive
relative clause, i.e., contains details
which if omitted do not affect the
meaning of the sentence.
Note: Relative clauses usually begin
with “who”, “which”, “that”, “when”,
and “where”
Restrictive relative clauses contain
information essential to the
sentence’s meaning. No commas
are used.
Semi colon
Denotes a pause stronger
than that of a comma but
weaker than a full stop
This book, which I finished
yesterday, is due back tomorrow.
She is the woman who arrived late.
The report that the students
submitted was well documented.
1. To join two closely related
independent clauses when there is
no connecting word (e.g. subordinate
conjunction or conjunctive adverb).
The idea is not to use the test to
get people in trouble; it is to help
them avoid decisions they will
regret later.
2. To join two independent clauses
when there is a subordinate
He was determined to complete
his degree; consequently, he
studied diligently.
Punctuation Characteristics
Main Uses
Semi colon
3. To separate items in a series
when one or more of the items
contains internal commas.
The students came from Mona,
Jamaica; St. Augustine, Trinidad;
and Cave Hill, Barbados.
1. After a complete thought that
introduces a list of items.
Words such as these, the following,
and as follows may introduce the list.
The recruiters were looking for the
following 3 qualities: initiative,
versatility, and enthusiasm.
2. To introduce long quotations.
The chief researcher said: “The
generator uses a small version of a
thermo-acoustic, sterling engine,
developed at Los Alamos in 1999.
That engine converts heat to
acoustic energy using no moving
3. After business letter salutations:
Dear Ms. X:
1. To set off parenthical elements
containing internal commas.
The three top students – Andrew
Smith, Brent Cowie, and Charlene
Maxwell – won awards.
2. To separate an introductory list
from a summarizing statement.
Dell, IBM and Apple – these are
three of the leading computer
3. To emphasise a sentence
Executives at IBM – despite many
rumours in the stock market –
remained quiet about dividend
Colon ( : )
Dash or em
dash (–– )
Introduces an element or
series of elements
illustrating or amplifying
what has preceded the
May perform a similar
function as commas,
parentheses, and colons.
Note: No sentence should
contain more than two em
dashes. Use parentheses
if more than two elements
need to be set off.
Other items
referred to
as dashes
- hyphen
– en dash
Hyphen is used in
compound words, names,
and word divisions
En dash connects numbers
and less often words
Punctuation Characteristics
Main Uses
( )
To set off information that is less
closely related to the rest of the
sentence than that enclosed in em
dashes or commas.
He suspected that the inert gases
(helium, etc.) could produce a
similar effect.
Brackets [ ]
To enclose material – usually added
by someone other than the original
writer – that does not belong to the
surrounding text.
The witness said, “They [the
police] brutalized the suspects in
Brackets or
Braces { }
Brackets < >
Heavily used in
programming language,
mathematics, and other
specialized writing.
Encloses codes for the
typesetter in electronic
manuscript preparation.
Source: Chicago Manual of Style. 2003. 15th Edition. Chicago: Chicago University Press. Chapter 6.
Defining Grammar
Grammar can be defined according to the structure and usage of language.
It is the systematic description of the way words work together to form a coherent
language. (Structure)
It is the set of ‘rules’ that governs how a language ought to be spoken and written. (Usage)
Source: Brusaw, Charles T, Gerald J. Alred, and Walter E. Oliu. 1998. Handbook of Technical
Writing. 5th Ed. St. Martin’s Press.
Common Grammatical Errors
1. Poor sentence construction
i. Sentence Fragments
ii. Run on/ fused sentences; Comma splices
iii. Word choices including word context, jargon, colloquialism, idioms and clichés, slang, and
2. Subject-verb agreement
3. Verb inconsistency
4. Unparallel structure
5. Ambiguous modifiers
i. Dangling modifiers
ii. Misplaced modifiers
iii. Squinting modifiers
6. Poor punctuation
7. Poor spelling and commonly confused words
Common Errors
1. Poor sentence
A sentence is a group of
words which makes sense
in itself. It must contain at
least one complete verb,
and one main item of
information to which various
subsidiary ideas may be
A sentence that is too long
makes it difficult for the
reader to understand the
ideas expressed.
Lava contains only 0.2
percent water.
Fragment: The volcano’s
eruption had been expected
for weeks. Although the
amount of devastation caused
was a surprise.
Correction: The volcano’s
eruption had been expected
for weeks although the
amount of devastation caused
was a surprise.
Sentences are composed of
clauses and sometimes
There are two types of
Main/Independent and
Subordinate/Dependent .
i. Sentence
ii Run on/fused
Comma Splices
A fragment is an incomplete
“Run-on” and fused
sentences describe two or
more main clauses joined
together with no connecting
word or punctuation.
A comma splice, a type of
“run-on” sentence, is the
use of a comma between
two main clauses.
Run on/Comma splice:
Mechanical engineers work in
many industries, their work
varies by industry and
Correction: Mechanical
engineers work in many
industries, and their work
varies by industry and
Common Errors
iii Word choices
including word
jargon, , idioms
and clichés,
slang, and
2. Subject-verb
Word context – knowing
the meaning of words
used, paying attention to
position of words, and
repetition of “favourite”
words or phrases.
Colloquialism –
language used in familiar/
informal conversation.
expressions –
expressions whose
meaning do not follow
from the meaning of the
individual words which
make up the expression.
Clichés – overused or
unoriginal words or
Jargon – words or
expressions used by a
particular profession or
group that are difficult for
others to understand.
Slang – informal
language that is more
common in speech than
in writing.
Abbreviation –
shortened word, phrase
or text.
Circumlocution – the
use of too many words
where fewer would be
A verb must agree with
its subject. A singular
subject has a singular
verb, and a plural subject
has a plural verb.
Word meanings: E.g. Weight
vs. mass
Word position: Modifiers such
as “only”
Word repetition: Incidentally, in
fact, apparently
Contractions: I’ll (I will); don’t (do
Filler words: conversational
words used to enhance the flow
of spoken language – I mean,
right, Ok.
Take on board – note
Break new ground – start
something new
Disagreement: The accuracy
and applicability of the model
was tested.
Agreement: The accuracy and
applicability of the model were
3. Verb
One tense must be
maintained for the main
discourse. Do not
move from one tense to
another if the time
frame for each action or
state is the same.
The main tense is the present.
A dragonfly rests on a branch
overhanging a small stream this
July morning. It is newly emerged
from brown nymphal skin. As a
nymph, it crept over the rocks of
the stream bottom, feeding first on
protozoa and mites, then, as it
grew larger, on the young other
aquatic insects. Now as an adult,
it will feed on flying insects. Its
head, thorax, and abdomen glitter;
its wings are iridescent in the
4. Unparallel
Parallel structure
means using the same
syntactical structure to
show that two or more
ideas have the same
level of importance.
Unparallel: The report was written
quickly, accurately, and in a
detailed manner.
Parallel: The report was written in
a quick, accurate, and detailed
5. Ambiguous
A modifier is a word,
phrase, or clause that
describes, clarifies, or
gives additional
information about other
elements in a sentence.
To avoid ambiguity,
modifiers should be
next to or close the
word they are
A dangling modifier is a
word or phrase that
modifies a noun or
pronoun that is not
clearly stated in the
Common Errors
Ambiguous: While eating dinner
at home, the computer
Clearer: While I was eating dinner
at home, the computer
Common Errors
Poor punctuation
Poor spelling
confused words
A misplaced modifier
occurs when the word
modified is not clear or
could be more than
one word.
Observe the different meanings
of these 2 sentences:
A squinting modifier
occurs when there is
some ambiguity as to
which sentence
element the modifier
should describe.
Incorrect use and no
use of commas, semi
colons, colons,
dashes, parentheses,
and brackets
Write or name the
letters that form a word
in an incorrect
See the Chicago Manual of Style.
The rule for –ie and –ei: receive,
Words ending in –sede, -ceed,
and –cede.
To use words
especially when they
are similar sounding.
We almost lost all of our money.
We lost almost all of our money.
Which sentence element is being
We agreed on the next day to
make the changes.
It’s/its; advice/advise; cite, site,
sight; principal/principle
Check this URL for other
1. Alley, Michael. 1996. The Craft of Scientific Writing. 3rd edition. NY: Springer-Verlag.
2. Barass, Robert. 2002. Scientists Must Write. 2nd edition. Routledge: London and New York.
3. Brusaw, Charles T, Gerald J. Alred, and Walter E. Oliu. 1998. Handbook of Technical Writing.
5th Edition. NY: St. Martin’s Press.
4. Chicago Manual of Style. 2003. 15th Edition. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
5. Concise Oxford English Dictionary. 10th Edition revised. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
6. Guffey, Mary Ellen. 2003. Business Communication: Processes and Product. 4th Edition. Ohio:
Thomson South-Western.
7. Online Writing Lab. Available from Accessed September 2004.
8. Online Technical Writing: Spelling Problems. Available from Accessed September 15, 2005.
9. Review of Grammar and Usage. Available from Accessed September 14, 2005.
10. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Available from Accessed September
14, 2005.
11. Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science students. Available from Accessed September 2004.
Technical Oral Presentations
Understand the context of your presentation
Analyze your audience
Understand and articulate your purpose clearly
Develop sufficient and appropriate supporting material
Organize the material so it is easy for the audience to follow
Choose a speaking style, level of language, approach to the subject, and tone suitable to
your role as well as your audience and purpose
Select graphics that will enhance your audience's understanding of your message
Understand the Context
What is the broader concern underlying the need for the presentation?
In what surroundings will you be making the presentation?
What will happen in the situation before and after your talk?
Audience Analysis
You must know how your audience will likely respond based on their
Educational and cultural background, knowledge of the subject.
What do they expect from me?
How interested will they be in what I say?
Plan the Presentation
What are the main questions they will want you to answer?
Which of these questions is most important? least important?
Based on your purpose and the audience's expectations, in what order should
you present these ideas?
Choosing Visual Aids
help your audience understand your ideas;
show relationships among ideas;
help the audience follow your arguments [your "train" of thought]; and
help your audience remember what you said.
Avoid too much information on any single visual.
Use boldface type in a font size that can be easily read.
Checklist for Technical Presentations
Use sans serif type because if produces a sharper image for slides and
Limit the fonts you use to two per visual.
Avoid all caps.
Use a type--size and font--that contrasts distinctly with the background.
Avoid visuals that use too many colors--more than four on any one aid.
Avoid making your audience study your aids. If they are busy trying to decipher
your visual aid, they will not be listening to you.
Presentation Style
What kind of tone do I want to use in addressing my audience?
What kind of image of myself and my organization do I want to project?
What level of language do I need to use, based on my audience's background
and knowledge of my subject?
What approach will my audience expect from me? How formal should I be?
Use the following questions to ensure that your technical report is structured properly according
to our specifications:
Do you include all the required components in the required order, for example,
transmittal letter, followed by title page, followed by figure list, and so on?
Do you address your report to a real or realistic audience that has a genuine need for
your report? Do you identify in the introduction what background the audience needs
to read and understand your report?
Does your report contain specific, factual detail focused on the purpose of the report
and the needs of the audience and aimed at their level of understanding?
Does your report accomplish its purpose? Is that purpose clearly stated in the
Does your report use information sources and do you properly document them?
Does your report use the format for headings?
Does your report use the format for lists?
Does your report use graphics and tables? Does your report use the format for
graphics and tables? Specifically, are your figure titles (captions) to specifications?
Does every new section (which starts with a first-level heading) start on a new page?
Have you check for widowed headings (headings that start at the very bottom of a
page)? Stacked headings (two or more consecutive headings without intervening
text)? Lone headings (a single heading within a section)? Parallelism in the phrasing
of headings?
Does the title page of your report include a descriptive abstract, and is it written
according to the specifications.
Do you include an informative abstract in your report; is it positioned properly in
relation to the other report components; and is it written according to the
specifications? Specifically, does your informative abstract summarize the key facts
and conclusions of your report rather than act as just another introduction or
descriptive abstract?
Does the introduction of your report include the elements necessary in good
introductions, such as audience, overview, and purpose? Do you avoid the problem of
having too much background in the introduction, or having an introduction that is all
Kirkman, John. Good Style: Writing for Science and Technology. E & FN Spon, London.
Neufeld, Jacqueline K. A Handbook for Technical Communication. Prentice-Hall, Incl, New
Jersey. 1986
Rutherfoord, Andrea J. Basic Communication Skills for Technology. Prentice-Hall, Incl, New
Jersey. 1991
Turk, Christopher and John Kirkman. Effective Writing: Improving Scientific, Technical and
Business Communication. E & FN Spon, London. 1982
West Indian Journal of Engineering. Volume 22. Number 1. July 1999
This reference guide has been edited for this technical writing programme. The original and
unedited version of this manual is available online at:
Other useful online references include: