A Note on the Growth Sensitivity of Poverty Across Brazilian States Marcelo Neri1 Abstract This short note estimates the sensitivity of poverty to changes in mean per capita family income using Brazilian State level data. We calculate the growth elasticities of poverty in two alternative ways: first, we apply directly the elasticity formula across different states. The GDP based average growth elasticity of poverty of our basic poverty measure, P1 using a low poverty line corresponds to –0.56 where14 of the 21 states analyzed present a negative growth elasticity of poverty. The corresponding statistics for P0 and P2 amounts to –0.58 and –0.27, respectively. When we use alternative poverty lines for P1 we found 0.12 and –0.51 for the indigence line and the high poverty line, respectively. . In general, per capita family income based Growth elasticities are greater in absolute values than the ones observed for GDP-based elasticities. For example, in the case of P1 with the intermediary line, the former reaches -0.82 against –0.56 for GDPbased elasticities. In the second approach, we use state level cross-plots and regressions to infer the sensitivity of poverty to growth. Using a log-log specification pooling data from 1985 and 96, the gross GDP elasticity of P1 corresponds to –0.96. This simple pooled regression explains around 89% of the variation observed in the endogenous variable. One advantage of this second approach is to provide partial growth elasticities of poverty net of the effects produced by investment in human capital captured by illeracy rates and by changes in the sectoral structure of production. The introduction of these new variables such as illiteracy rates and sectoral shares in total output presents the expected sign but it does not turn out to be statistically different from zero at conventional confidence levels. The GDP elasticity of P1 drops from -0.96 to --0.86 with the introduction of the new variables. The note also presents a series of robustness tests of the elasticities found according to the two approaches mentioned above using different poverty measures, different poverty lines and different functional forms. 1 I would like to thank the superb assistance provided by Mabel Cristina do Nascimento. Summary 1. Introduction 2. The Growth-Elasticity of Poverty: Applying the Elasticity Formula 3. Growth-Elasticities of Poverty: a Regression based approach 4. Testing the Robustness of the Growth Elasticity of Poverty with respect to Poverty Measures 5. The Growth Sensitivity of Poverty: a Regression Approach in Differences of Logs 6. Conclusion Appendix A: Applying the Elasticity Formula Using Per Capita Family Income (PNAD) Appendix B: Applying the Elasticity Formula Using Per Capita GDP (IPEA) Appendix C: Testing the Robustness of the Regression Approach in Differences of Logs Appendix D: Testing the Robustness of the Function Form A Note on the Growth Sensitivity of Poverty Across Brazilian States 1. Introduction Despite of the month by month macroeconomic instability observed in the Brazilian economy during the last decade, poverty and per capita income presented stagnant levels when one compares 1996 levels with 1985 levels (see Amadeo and Neri (1997)). The aggregate constancy of these statistics during this period may hide existing differences of poverty and growth trends across different sub-national levels. The main objective of this short note is to estimate the sensitivity of poverty to changes in per capita family income using Brazilian State level data. The poverty data used was generated from Pesquisa Nacional de Amostras a Domicílio (PNAD) for 1985 and 1996. The analysis will be carried using the three standard poverty measures of the FGT class and the three alternative poverty lines proposed in Ferreira et all. (1998). The lines are the following: R$ 65.07 (indigence line), R$ 131.97 (low poverty line) and R$ 204.05 (high poverty line). The analysis will be centered on the intermediary statistic according to the two dimensions analyzed that is P1 using a low line. We test the robustness of this result comparing it to the two extremes of the two dimensions analyzed changing one at a time. We calculate the growth elasticities of poverty in two alternative ways: first, we calculate the elasticity of poverty with respect to growth applying directly the elasticity formula. We use both average per capita income data generated from PNAD and per capita GDP data from state level accounts data as alternative proxies for the intensity of the growth process. Second, we use state level regressions to calculate the elasticities. One advantage of this second approach is to allow us to calculate partial growth elasticities of poverty net of the possible poverty alleviation effects produced by investments in human capital and changes in the sectoral structure of production. The note also presents a series of appendices that test the robustness of the elasticities found according to the two approaches mentioned above using different poverty measures, different poverty lines and different functional forms. 2. The Growth-Elasticity of Poverty: Applying the Elasticity Formula We start calculating the elasticity of poverty with respect to growth applying directly the elasticity formula. We use both average per capita income data generated from PNAD and per capita GDP data from state level account data as alternative measures of the intensity of the growth process. Table 1 presents the growth elasticity of poverty between 1985 and 1996 for different Brazilian states using PNAD per capita income measures. We take out the states of the North region of the sample because PNAD does not cover the rural area of this region. 1 Table 1 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income Low Line and and without Inputed Rent States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.58 -0.35 0.13 -0.28 -0.93 8.02 0.18 -0.16 -0.77 -0.24 0.07 -0.18 -0.10 -0.14 -0.54 -0.90 -0.19 -0.76 -0.86 -0.21 -0.02 -0.56 -0.02 2.41 -0.49 -0.67 8.63 1.18 -0.20 -1.03 0.29 0.66 -0.46 0.36 -0.41 -0.73 -0.85 -0.44 -0.65 -0.84 -0.23 2.01 -0.27 0.38 5.82 -0.51 -0.04 -0.68 3.59 -0.20 -0.96 1.37 2.03 -0.59 0.93 -0.55 -0.76 -0.49 -0.55 -0.27 -0.68 -0.17 5.88 According to Table 1, 14 of the 21 states analyzed present a negative growth elasticity of poverty for P1 using a low poverty line. These statistics are 17 and 14 when we use P0 and P2 FGT measures. The average growth elasticity of poverty of our basic poverty measure across states corresponds to –0.56. The corresponding statistics for P0 and P2 amounts to –0.58 and –0.27, respectively. When we use alternative poverty lines for P1 we found 0.12 and –0.51 for the indigence line and the high poverty line, respectively. 2 Table 2 replicates Table 1 except that the growth measure used in the elasticity calculations is the per capita GDP data from IPEA. Table 2 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Overall GDP States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.85 -1.58 0.11 -0.47 -11.20 -3.53 0.04 -0.90 -0.67 -0.12 0.04 -0.53 -0.12 -0.20 -0.67 -1.67 1.59 -0.99 -2.02 1.51 -0.06 -0.82 -0.11 2.12 -0.84 -8.09 -3.80 0.28 -1.16 -0.90 0.15 0.39 -1.34 0.42 -0.59 -0.89 -1.57 3.61 -0.84 -1.96 1.63 6.24 -0.39 1.75 5.12 -0.87 -0.47 0.30 0.85 -1.15 -0.83 0.71 1.21 -1.72 1.08 -0.81 -0.93 -0.90 4.53 -0.35 -1.60 1.18 18.24 Table 2 elasticities are higher in absolute terms than the ones presented in Table 1. Average P1 per capita family income based Growth elasticity reaches -0.82 against –0.56 for GDP-based elasticities. Appendix A and B present a robustness analysis of the these growth-elasticities of poverty calculated based on different poverty measures, different poverty lines and using both per capita family income and per capita GDP as measures for the intensity of growth observed. 3. Growth-Elasticities of Poverty: a Regression based approach 3 We pool the data of the two years under analysis. In order to provide a direct elasticity interpretation of the coefficients found we take logs of the different variables used. Appendix D compares the results pound under alternative functional forms. The Basic Model We start calculating OLS regressions of poverty indices against per capita family income. Once again, the analysis will be centered on the Poverty gap (P1) using a low poverty line. Modelling LP1Baixa by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 53 Variable Constant LRDPC Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 8.4337 0.25219 33.443 0.0000 0.9564 -0.96812 0.048239 -20.069 0.0000 0.8876 R^2 = 0.88761 F(1,51) = 402.78 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.152998 DW = 1.26 RSS = 1.193825109 for 2 variables and 53 observations The gross GDP elasticity of P1 corresponds to –0.96. This simple pooled regression explains around 89% of the variation observed in the endogenous variable analyzed. Graph 1 presents a visual evidence of the fit of the regression. 4 Graph 1 Log (P1 – Low Poverty Line) Versus Log (Family per capita Income) 1985 and 1996 4.50 PI85 MA8 5 PB8CE8 5 5 PI96 MA9 RN8 56 BA9 CE966 AL9 6 BA8 SE8 55 66 PE8PB9 5 PE9 P o v e r ty 4.00 SE966 RN9 PA9 6 5 6 PA8 5 MG8 GO9 AM9 6GO8 5 AC9 6 PR8 5MT9 5BR9 6 BR8 6 ES8 65 6 MT8 RO9 5 MG9 6 ES9 AM8 MS9 6 AP956 MS8 5 AP8 5SC8 5 AC8 5 PR9 6 RS8 5 3.50 RJ8 5 RS9 6 SC9 6 RR8 RR9 6 5 3.00 DF8 5 DF9 6 RJ9 6 RO8 5 2.50 SP9 6 SP8 5 2.00 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Household Per capita Income L in e 8 5 Graphs 2 and 3 provide similar evidence presenting each year in separate in order to facilitates the visual analysis of the data. These shows that the main outliers of the regression are High income areas such as São Paulo and Distrito Federal and a few states of the North region such as Roraima, Rondonia and Acre. The result for this last group of states should be viewed with cautious since PNAD in both years does not cover the rural areas of the north region. P o v e r ty I n d e x ( P 1 ) - L o w Graph 2 Log (P1 – Low Poverty Line) Versus Log (Family per capita Income) 1985 4.50 PI MA 4.00 P BCE RN BA SE PE P A MG GO PR MT AM 3.50 BRES MS SC AP AC RS 3.00 RJ DF RR RO 2.50 SP 2.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 Household Per capita Earnings 85 Graph 3 5 5.50 6.00 L in e 9 6 P o v e r ty I n d e x ( P 1 ) - L o w Log (P1 – Low Poverty Line) Versus Log (Family per capita Income) 1996 4.50 4.00 PI MA BA CE AL PE PB RN PA AM 3.50 GO BR MT ROMGES MS AP AC PR 3.00 RS SC RR DF RJ SP 2.50 2.00 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 Household Per capita Earnings 96 ( P 1 ) - L o w L in e Illiteracy Rates Given the prominent role played by human capital variables in both growth and poverty alleviation literatures the next step is to introduce an education variable in our framework of analysis. The variable chosen was illiteracy rate. Graph 4 present a clear positive relationship between illiteracy rates and poverty using pooled 85 and 96 data. Graph 4 Log (P1 – Low Poverty Line) Versus Log (Illiteracy rates) 1985 and 1996 4.50 PI85 4.00 BA96 PE96 SE96 RN96 I n d e x PA96 3.50 AM96 P o v e r ty RO96 3.00 DF96 RJ96 MA85 CE85 PB85 PI96 MA96 RN85 CE96 AL96SE85 BA85 PB96 PE85 MG85 PA85GO96 GO85 AC96 PR85 BR96 ES85BR85 MT96 MG96 ES96 MT85 AM85 MS96 AP96 MS85 SC85 AP85 AC85 PR96 RS85 RJ85DF85 RS96 SC96 RR85 RR96 RO85 2.50 SP96 SP85 2.00 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 Illiteracy Rate 6 -1.00 -0.50 The positive relationship between poverty and illiteracy rates presented in the Graph 4 almost disappears when we include variable per capita income GDP in the regression. This point is illustrated by the regression found below. Modelling LP1Baixa by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 53 Variable Constant LRDPC LAnalf Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 8.0464 0.40341 19.946 0.0000 0.8884 -0.86258 0.098552 -8.753 0.0000 0.6051 0.091880 0.074930 1.226 0.2259 0.0292 R^2 = 0.890891 F(2,50) = 204.13 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.152248 DW = 1.31 RSS = 1.158972725 for 3 variables and 53 observations The new variable presents the expected sign but it does not turn out to be statistically different from zero at conventional confidence levels. The GDP elasticity of P1 drops from 0.96 to 0.86 with the introduction of the new variable. Graph 5 illustrate this point by presenting the cross-plot of the elasticity of the unexplained part of poverty by per capita income and illiteracy rates. Graph 5 Poverty Not Explained by Per Capita Income Vs. Illiteracy Rate 1985 and 1996 (Data in Logs) 0.4 R e sid u a l AC96 DF96 BR96 DF85 0.2 ES85 P o v e r ty GO96 ES96 MS96 MT96 MG96 PA96 RJ96 0.0 RO96 RS96 AM96 RJ85 MG85 BR85 GO85 SE96 PE96 BA96 AL96 RN96 CE96 PB96 PR85 PR96 PA85 RS85 MS85 AM85 SC85 MT85 AC85 AP96 PE85 CE85 MA96BA85 RN85 SE85 PB85 PI96 SC96 AP85 -0.2 PI85 RR85 SP96 RR96 SP85 -0.4 -3 -2.5 MA85 RO85 -2 -1.5 Illiteracy Rate Sectoral Shares 7 -1 -0.5 Development strategies that put different weights on different sectors may yield different poverty outcomes even when one controls for its impacts on per capita income. We attempt now to introduce the share added by different sectors of activity to aggregate GDP in our basic framework. Modelling LP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 53 Variable Constant LRDPC LAnalf L(%)Ind L(%)Ser Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 8.3275 0.44525 18.703 0.0000 0.8793 -0.92738 0.10126 -9.158 0.0000 0.6360 0.050819 0.075989 0.669 0.5068 0.0092 -0.058066 0.042072 -1.380 0.1739 0.0382 0.11972 0.11178 1.071 0.2895 0.0233 R^2 = 0.900983 F(4,48) = 109.19 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.148027 DW = 1.46 RSS = 1.051769043 for 5 variables and 53 observations The new variables present the expected signs: higher shares of product devoted to manufacturing decrease poverty holding per capita income and illiteracy rates constant while the reverse movement happens when the share in services is increased. The omitted sector is agriculture. However, once again the effects of these new variables are not statistically different from zero. The fit of the regression does not improve much either with the new variables while the GDP elasticity raises from –0.86 to –0.92. Graphs 6 to 9 gives a visual idea of the relationship between shares of manufacturing and services in GDP and poverty. 8 Graph 6 Poverty Not Explained by Per Capita Income and Illiteracy Rate Vs. Share of Manufacturing in GDP 0.4 R e sid u a l AC96 DF96 BR96 DF85 0.2 SE96 ES85 PA96 ES96 BA96 MG85RN96 MG96 BR85 PA85 RJ96 PR85PR96 RJ85 RS96 BA85 PE85 RN85 RS85 SE85 SC85 AP96 GO96 MS96 MT96 GO85 PB96 AL96 PE96 CE96 RO96 CE85 MA96 P o v e r ty 0.0 PB85 AC85 MT85 PI96 MS85 AM96 AM85 SC96 AP85 RR85 PI85 -0.2 MA85 SP96 RR96 -0.4 SP85 RO85 -0.6 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 % of Manufacturing in GDP 1985 and 1996 (Data in Logs) Graph 7 Log (P1 – Low Poverty Line) Versus Log (Share of Manufacturing in GDP) 1985 and 1996 4.50 PI85 PI96 MA96 4.00 PB85 CE85 CE96 P o v e r ty PB96 3.50 GO96GO85 MT96 MS96 MT85 MA85 AL96 PE96 BA85 SE96 RN96 PA96 MG85PA85 PR85 BR96BR85 ES85 ES96 MG96 AC96 RO96 AM96 AP96 SC85AP85 MS85 AC85 PR96 RS85 DF85 DF96 3.00 RN85 SE85 BA96 PE85 AM85 RJ85 RS96 RR85 RJ96 SC96 RR96 RO85 2.50 SP96 SP85 2.00 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 % of Manufacturing in GDP 9 -1 -0.5 0 Graph 8 Poverty Not Explained by Per Capita Income, Illiteracy Rate and Share of Manufacturing in GDP Vs. Share of Services in GDP 1985 and 1996 (Data in Logs) 0.4 R e sid u a l AC96 BR96 0.2 ES96 0.0 MS85 -0.2 AL96 RJ85 RJ96 PR96 PR85 MT96 RO96 GO85 SE85 BA85 RN85 RS85 MA96 SC85 MT85 SC96 AP85 MS96 AM85 P o v e r ty DF96 SE96 ES85 RN96 MG85 BR85 BA96 MG96 PA85 AM96 PA96 GO96 RS96 PE85 AP96 PE96 CE96 PB96 CE85 PB85 AC85 PI96 SP96 PI85 MA85 DF85 RR85 RR96 SP85 -0.4 RO85 -0.6 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 % of Services Sector in GDP -0.4 -0.2 0 Graph 9 Log (P1 – Low Poverty Line) Versus Log (Share of Services in GDP) 1985 and 1996 4.50 PI85 MA85 RN85 BA96 MA96 SE85 BA85 SE96RN96 PA96 P o v e r ty 4.00 3.50 AM96 AM85 MS96 MS85 3.00 PB85CE85 PI96 AL96 PE85 MG85 PA85 GO96GO85 PR85BR85 ES85 BR96 MT96 MG96 MT85 RO96 AP96 SC85 AP85 PR96 RS85 CE96 PE96 PB96 AC96 ES96 AC85 RJ85 DF85 DF96 RS96 RJ96 RR85 SC96 RR96 RO85 2.50 SP96 SP85 2.00 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 % of Services Sector in GDP 10 -0.4 -0.2 0 4. Testing the Robustness of the Growth Elasticity of Poverty with respect to Poverty Measures We analyze the robustness of the growth sensitivity of poverty with respect to different poverty measures and different poverty lines. The analysis will be centered in P1 using an intermediary line value presented in the previous section. The regressions below shows that the gross growth elasticity of poverty is higher the more weight we give to the lower tail of the income distribution: a) when we move from P0 to P1 this elasticity raises from –0.62 to –1.15 . b) When we move from an indigence line of R$65 to high poverty line of R$204 this elasticity falls from –1.41 to – 0.71. Modelling LP0Baixa by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 53 Variable Constant LRDPC Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 7.3338 0.18869 38.867 0.0000 0.9673 -0.62691 0.036093 -17.369 0.0000 0.8554 R^2 = 0.855396 F(1,51) = 301.69 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.114476 DW = 1.62 RSS = 0.6683367682 for 2 variables and 53 observations Modelling LP2Baixa by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 53 Variable Constant LRDPC Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 8.9500 0.31245 28.645 0.0000 0.9415 -1.1551 0.059766 -19.327 0.0000 0.8799 R^2 = 0.879869 F(1,51) = 373.53 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.189558 DW = 1.03 RSS = 1.832546719 for 2 variables and 53 observations Modelling LP1Ind by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 53 Variable Constant LRDPC Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 9.8772 0.43730 22.587 0.0000 0.9091 -1.4108 0.083649 -16.865 0.0000 0.8480 R^2 = 0.847962 F(1,51) = 284.44 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.265306 DW = 0.923 RSS = 3.589760655 for 2 variables and 53 observations 11 Modelling LP1Alta by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 53 Variable Constant LRDPC Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 7.4514 0.17411 42.797 0.0000 0.9729 -0.70850 0.033305 -21.273 0.0000 0.8987 R^2 = 0.898718 F(1,51) = 452.55 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.105632 DW = 1.42 RSS = 0.5690657323 for 2 variables and 53 observations The Growth Sensitivity of Poverty: a Regression Approach in Differences of Logs First Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) Graph 10 presents the cross-plots of the differences in P1 between 96 and 85 against the differences of Per capita GDP. This section presents estimates of the sensitivity of P1 using the basic poverty line and a Difference in logs specification. We follow the same sequence introducing new variables as in the previous section. In the end the initial level of poverty was introduced as an additional exogenous variable in the exercise. Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.11319 0.026778 4.227 0.0003 0.4268 DifLRDPC -1.1091 0.13353 -8.306 0.0000 0.7419 R^2 = 0.741905 F(1,24) = 68.989 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.114774 DW = 2.01 RSS = 0.316151907 for 2 variables and 26 observations 12 Graph 10 P1 – Low Poverty Line Versus Family per capita Income Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) 0.80 RO P o v e r ty 0.60 0.40 AC PA AM 0.20 AP SP BA GO RR 0.00 MT PE BR MS ES DF MG RJ SE CE RS MA PB PI RN -0.20 PR SC -0.40 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Household Per capita Income Graph 10 P1 – Low Poverty Line Versus Illiteracy Rate Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) 0.80 RO 0.60 P o v e r ty 0.40 AC PA AM 0.20 MT GO 0.00 AP SP BA SE DF RJ MS PE BR ES RR MA CE RS MG PI PB RN -0.20 PR SC -0.40 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Illiteracy Rate 13 0.2 0.4 0.6 Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.088309 0.037538 2.353 0.0276 0.1940 DifLRDPC -1.1350 0.13657 -8.310 0.0000 0.7502 DifLAnalf -0.091353 0.096361 -0.948 0.3530 0.0376 R^2 = 0.751611 F(2,23) = 34.798 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.115017 DW = 1.94 RSS = 0.3042623985 for 3 variables and 26 observations Graph 11 Poverty Not Explained by Per Capita Income Vs. Illiteracy Rate Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) 0.3 AC R e sid u a l RO MA 0.2 SE P o v e r ty 0.1 PI RN MS PB 0.0 BR SP MT PE AP AM CE BA GO RS DF -0.1 PR PA RJ MG SC RR ES -0.2 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Illiteracy Rate 0.2 0.4 Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.079345 0.034264 2.316 0.0303 0.1960 DifLRDPC -1.1889 0.12590 -9.443 0.0000 0.8021 DifLAnalf 0.011706 0.097152 0.120 0.9052 0.0007 DifL(%)Ind. -0.41670 0.17114 -2.435 0.0235 0.2123 R^2 = 0.804336 F(3,22) = 30.146 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.104376 DW = 1.95 RSS = 0.2396772805 for 4 variables and 26 observations 14 0.6 Graph 12 Poverty Not Explained by Per Capita Income and Illiteracy Rate Vs. Share of Manufacturing in GDP Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) 0.3 R e sid u a l AC RO MA 0.2 SE P o v e r ty 0.1 RN PB PI MS AP 0.0 BR SP PECE MT AM BA RS GO PA DF RJ -0.1 SC RR PR MG ES -0.2 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 % of Manufacturing in GDP P1 – Low Poverty Line Versus Share of Manufacturing in GDP Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) 0.80 RO 0.60 P o v e r ty 0.40 AC PA AM 0.20 AP MT BA MS PE 0.00 SP GO BR RR ES MA CE SE DF RS PI PB RJ MG RN -0.20 PR SC -0.40 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 % of Manufacturing in GDP 15 0.2 0.4 Poverty Not Explained by Per Capita Income, Illiteracy Rate and Share of Manufacturing in GDP Vs. Share of Services in GDP Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) AC R e sid u a l 0.3 RO 0.2 PI P o v e r ty 0.1 SE RNMA MS PR 0.0 BR GO AP RS DF RJ MG PA -0.1 SPPB AM RR BA CE PE SC MT ES -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 % of Services Sector in GDP 0.1 Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.079074 0.035388 2.234 0.0365 0.1921 DifLRDPC -1.1850 0.14608 -8.112 0.0000 0.7581 DifLAnalf 0.010674 0.10107 0.106 0.9169 0.0005 DifL(%)Ind. -0.41902 0.17984 -2.330 0.0299 0.2054 DifL(%)Serv -0.017987 0.31622 -0.057 0.9552 0.0002 R^2 = 0.804366 F(4,21) = 21.586 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.106824 DW = 1.94 RSS = 0.2396403592 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.036356 0.027089 1.342 0.1921 0.0698 DifLRDPC -0.66269 0.13508 -4.906 0.0001 0.5007 R^2 = 0.500719 F(1,24) = 24.069 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.116107 DW = 2.19 RSS = 0.3235394641 for 2 variables and 26 observations 16 0.2 Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.20074 0.027535 7.290 0.0000 0.6889 DifLRDPC -1.3967 0.13730 -10.172 0.0000 0.8117 R^2 = 0.811734 F(1,24) = 103.48 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.118021 DW = 1.71 RSS = 0.3342961152 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Ind by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.34422 0.036289 9.485 0.0000 0.7894 DifLRDPC -1.8344 0.18095 -10.137 0.0000 0.8107 R^2 = 0.810679 F(1,24) = 102.77 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.155541 DW = 1.35 RSS = 0.5806303062 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Alta by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.064003 0.020517 3.120 0.0047 0.2885 DifLRDPC -0.77564 0.10231 -7.582 0.0000 0.7055 R^2 = 0.705452 F(1,24) = 57.481 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0879376 DW = 2.08 RSS = 0.1855924374 for 2 variables and 26 observations 6. Conclusions This short note estimated the sensitivity of poverty to changes in mean per capita family income using Brazilian State level data. We calculated the growth elasticities of poverty in two alternative ways: first, we applied directly the elasticity formula across different states. The GDP based average growth elasticity of poverty of our basic poverty measure, P1 using a low poverty line corresponds to –0.56 where14 of the 21 states analyzed present a negative growth elasticity of poverty. The corresponding statistics for P0 and P2 amounted to –0.58 and –0.27, respectively. When we used alternative poverty lines for P1 we found 0.12 and –0.51 for the indigence line and the high poverty line, respectively. . In general, per capita family income based Growth elasticities were greater 17 in absolute values than the ones observed for GDP-based elasticities. For example, in the case of P1 with the intermediary line, the former reaches -0.82 against –0.56 for GDPbased elasticities. In the second approach, we used state level regressions to calculate the elasticities. Using a log-log specification pooling data from 1985 and 96, the gross GDP elasticity of P1 corresponded to –0.96. This simple pooled regression explains around 89% of the variation observed in the endogenous variable. One advantage of this second approach is to provide partial growth elasticities of poverty net of the effects produced by investment in human capital captured by illeracy rates and by changes in the sectoral structure of production. The introduction of these new variables such as illiteracy rates and sectoral shares in total output presents the expected sign but it does not turn out to be statistically different from zero at conventional confidence levels. The GDP elasticity of P1 dropped from -0.96 to --0.86 with the introduction of the new variables. The note also presented a series of robustness tests of the elasticities found according to the two approaches mentioned above using different poverty measures, different poverty lines and different functional forms. 18 Appendix A: Applying the Elasticity Formula Using Per Capita Family Income (PNAD) I – Total Low Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income Low Line and and without Inputed Rent States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.58 -0.35 0.13 -0.28 -0.93 8.02 0.18 -0.16 -0.77 -0.24 0.07 -0.18 -0.10 -0.14 -0.54 -0.90 -0.19 -0.76 -0.86 -0.21 -0.02 -0.56 -0.02 2.41 -0.49 -0.67 8.63 1.18 -0.20 -1.03 0.29 0.66 -0.46 0.36 -0.41 -0.73 -0.85 -0.44 -0.65 -0.84 -0.23 2.01 -0.27 0.38 5.82 -0.51 -0.04 -0.68 3.59 -0.20 -0.96 1.37 2.03 -0.59 0.93 -0.55 -0.76 -0.49 -0.55 -0.27 -0.68 -0.17 5.88 19 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Low Line States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 128274791 2229072 10678992 5913499 1581050 2298249 4443814 4668990 14633578 1590252 1489796 3015284 6763347 2426867 8143548 12752625 2119491 8489036 4093516 1299982 29643803 216.91 105.76 111.37 96.56 347.54 225.61 190.20 68.82 186.50 211.18 195.29 92.54 119.48 66.22 196.00 283.14 99.18 252.76 206.41 109.81 352.14 57.50 83.65 80.25 85.33 43.71 57.34 62.06 89.46 63.51 55.68 58.11 84.31 78.02 87.51 59.06 46.08 82.39 47.42 54.82 79.33 29.07 30.35 48.76 48.02 55.83 19.72 28.44 30.71 58.42 32.44 24.52 27.15 55.06 45.13 63.87 28.99 19.83 52.68 20.67 23.70 47.43 10.83 19.61 32.11 32.68 40.45 11.34 17.15 18.69 42.22 20.25 13.68 15.79 40.22 30.51 50.83 17.66 11.02 37.66 11.74 13.29 32.11 5.58 100.00 1.74 8.33 4.61 1.23 1.79 3.46 3.64 11.41 1.24 1.16 2.35 5.27 1.89 6.35 9.94 1.65 6.62 3.19 1.01 23.11 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 2.53 11.62 6.84 0.94 1.79 3.74 5.66 12.60 1.20 1.17 3.45 7.15 2.88 6.52 7.97 2.37 5.46 3.04 1.40 11.68 100.00 2.79 13.17 8.48 0.80 1.68 3.51 7.01 12.19 1.00 1.04 4.26 7.84 3.98 6.06 6.50 2.87 4.51 2.49 1.58 8.24 100.00 2.85 13.88 9.51 0.71 1.57 3.30 7.84 11.78 0.87 0.94 4.82 8.20 4.90 5.72 5.59 3.17 3.96 2.16 1.66 6.58 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Low Line States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 147913429 2733885 12866053 6812575 1776490 2839327 5414436 5316411 16720928 1950247 2394651 3379313 7535000 2765373 8787511 13434673 2629517 9703042 4919973 1637334 34296690 243.17 127.49 114.15 115.81 393.41 224.57 195.64 99.34 214.47 238.39 208.21 124.89 127.97 90.66 265.82 331.43 141.55 299.68 281.72 143.38 366.28 53.45 77.69 80.50 80.62 38.33 55.21 62.37 83.20 56.20 53.95 58.38 78.88 77.47 83.14 47.61 38.97 75.59 40.74 37.57 74.13 29.05 28.29 48.52 50.90 50.35 17.97 27.30 31.75 53.13 27.41 25.43 28.33 46.15 46.28 54.31 21.44 16.94 42.78 18.19 16.47 44.07 11.70 18.97 34.64 37.42 36.33 11.29 17.21 20.61 38.44 17.34 16.10 17.91 31.89 32.52 40.42 12.87 10.11 28.77 11.15 9.99 30.47 6.90 100.00 1.85 8.70 4.61 1.20 1.92 3.66 3.59 11.30 1.32 1.62 2.28 5.09 1.87 5.94 9.08 1.78 6.56 3.33 1.11 23.19 20 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 2.69 13.10 6.95 0.86 1.98 4.27 5.59 11.89 1.33 1.77 3.37 7.38 2.91 5.29 6.62 2.51 5.00 2.34 1.54 12.60 100.00 3.17 15.65 8.20 0.76 1.85 4.11 6.75 10.95 1.19 1.62 3.73 8.33 3.59 4.50 5.44 2.69 4.22 1.94 1.72 9.59 100.00 3.37 17.16 8.82 0.71 1.74 3.98 7.28 10.34 1.12 1.53 3.84 8.73 3.98 4.03 4.84 2.70 3.86 1.75 1.78 8.43 Indigence Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Total States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.74 0.11 0.98 -0.71 -0.77 8.16 -0.06 -0.26 -1.28 0.84 0.04 -0.58 0.15 -0.47 -0.92 -0.99 -0.57 -0.61 -0.81 -0.28 3.86 0.12 0.99 10.04 -0.56 1.17 -20.27 7.32 -0.20 -0.81 3.32 4.73 -0.75 1.57 -0.71 -0.78 0.33 -0.66 0.53 -0.34 -0.09 14.16 1.38 2.02 21.29 -0.21 4.52 -58.97 19.29 -0.09 0.04 8.88 12.41 -0.77 3.32 -0.80 -0.47 2.59 -0.74 2.20 0.44 0.28 32.85 21 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 128274791 2229072 10678992 5913499 1581050 2298249 4443814 4668990 14633578 1590252 1489796 3015284 6763347 2426867 8143548 12752625 2119491 8489036 4093516 1299982 29643803 216.91 105.76 111.37 96.56 347.54 225.61 190.20 68.82 186.50 211.18 195.29 92.54 119.48 66.22 196.00 283.14 99.18 252.76 206.41 109.81 352.14 32.47 55.50 55.83 65.75 19.73 29.83 31.99 69.21 34.35 23.30 28.54 65.17 50.69 74.07 30.22 18.47 61.72 19.17 21.78 55.27 8.55 13.72 22.71 24.33 32.64 6.57 10.49 11.86 33.82 13.40 7.38 9.18 32.82 22.59 44.99 11.21 5.96 29.90 6.68 7.27 23.69 2.72 7.65 11.84 13.43 19.67 3.07 5.17 5.95 20.28 7.02 3.30 4.08 20.13 12.92 31.88 5.71 2.79 17.84 3.29 3.52 12.89 1.30 100.00 1.74 8.33 4.61 1.23 1.79 3.46 3.64 11.41 1.24 1.16 2.35 5.27 1.89 6.35 9.94 1.65 6.62 3.19 1.01 23.11 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 2.97 14.32 9.34 0.75 1.65 3.41 7.76 12.07 0.89 1.02 4.72 8.23 4.32 5.91 5.66 3.14 3.91 2.14 1.73 6.09 100.00 2.88 14.77 10.97 0.59 1.37 2.99 8.97 11.15 0.67 0.78 5.63 8.68 6.21 5.19 4.32 3.60 3.22 1.69 1.75 4.58 100.00 2.69 14.62 11.86 0.49 1.21 2.70 9.65 10.48 0.53 0.62 6.19 8.91 7.89 4.74 3.63 3.85 2.84 1.47 1.71 3.91 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 147913429 2733885 12866053 6812575 1776490 2839327 5414436 5316411 16720928 1950247 2394651 3379313 7535000 2765373 8787511 13434673 2629517 9703042 4919973 1637334 34296690 243.17 127.49 114.15 115.81 393.41 224.57 195.64 99.34 214.47 238.39 208.21 124.89 127.97 90.66 265.82 331.43 141.55 299.68 281.72 143.38 366.28 29.55 56.73 57.19 56.43 17.73 28.71 31.94 61.26 27.74 25.83 28.62 51.93 51.22 61.12 20.34 15.35 46.78 16.99 15.36 50.58 9.88 13.92 27.33 30.41 28.99 7.59 11.47 14.34 30.85 11.77 10.53 12.05 24.19 25.10 33.27 8.09 6.30 21.53 7.34 6.37 23.07 4.26 8.92 16.76 20.55 18.85 4.90 6.57 9.23 19.46 7.06 7.07 7.42 14.69 15.97 22.51 4.75 4.02 12.19 4.63 4.08 13.99 3.00 100.00 1.85 8.70 4.61 1.20 1.92 3.66 3.59 11.30 1.32 1.62 2.28 5.09 1.87 5.94 9.08 1.78 6.56 3.33 1.11 23.19 22 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 3.55 16.84 8.80 0.72 1.87 3.96 7.45 10.61 1.15 1.57 4.02 8.83 3.87 4.09 4.72 2.81 3.77 1.73 1.90 7.75 100.00 3.63 19.00 9.59 0.65 1.58 3.77 7.96 9.56 1.00 1.40 3.97 9.19 4.47 3.45 4.11 2.75 3.46 1.52 1.83 7.10 100.00 3.47 20.03 9.73 0.66 1.41 3.79 7.84 8.95 1.04 1.35 3.76 9.12 4.72 3.16 4.09 2.43 3.40 1.52 1.74 7.80 High Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD High Line and and without Inputed Rent With Average Per Capita Earnings States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.38 -0.24 0.11 -0.15 -1.00 -0.36 0.12 -0.12 -0.44 -0.12 0.02 -0.08 -0.12 -0.06 -0.33 -0.53 -0.11 -0.53 -0.49 -0.19 -0.54 -0.51 -0.17 1.25 -0.36 -0.87 6.15 0.58 -0.17 -0.79 0.05 0.37 -0.30 0.12 -0.27 -0.56 -0.74 -0.30 -0.63 -0.74 -0.21 0.54 -0.46 0.02 2.89 -0.44 -0.62 5.62 1.49 -0.19 -0.91 0.42 0.85 -0.44 0.41 -0.40 -0.66 -0.73 -0.42 -0.56 -0.77 -0.21 2.01 23 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent High Line States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 128274791 2229072 10678992 5913499 1581050 2298249 4443814 4668990 14633578 1590252 1489796 3015284 6763347 2426867 8143548 12752625 2119491 8489036 4093516 1299982 29643803 216.91 105.76 111.37 96.56 347.54 225.61 190.20 68.82 186.50 211.18 195.29 92.54 119.48 66.22 196.00 283.14 99.18 252.76 206.41 109.81 352.14 71.39 90.95 88.72 91.14 58.20 70.81 76.26 95.47 77.16 71.12 72.57 90.13 87.35 92.17 74.36 62.83 90.14 65.00 72.08 88.63 48.33 42.65 62.58 61.20 67.47 31.01 41.43 44.56 70.62 46.19 38.48 40.86 66.56 58.70 73.23 42.68 32.35 64.75 33.48 38.22 60.63 20.82 29.92 46.52 46.09 53.39 19.90 28.04 30.28 55.83 31.92 24.58 26.95 52.80 43.62 61.64 28.76 20.22 50.52 21.10 24.12 45.49 11.76 100.00 1.74 8.33 4.61 1.23 1.79 3.46 3.64 11.41 1.24 1.16 2.35 5.27 1.89 6.35 9.94 1.65 6.62 3.19 1.01 23.11 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 2.21 10.35 5.89 1.00 1.78 3.70 4.87 12.33 1.24 1.18 2.97 6.45 2.44 6.61 8.75 2.09 6.03 3.22 1.26 15.64 100.00 2.55 11.95 7.29 0.90 1.74 3.62 6.03 12.35 1.12 1.11 3.67 7.26 3.25 6.35 7.54 2.51 5.20 2.86 1.44 11.28 100.00 2.70 12.82 8.23 0.82 1.68 3.51 6.79 12.17 1.02 1.05 4.15 7.69 3.90 6.10 6.72 2.79 4.67 2.57 1.54 9.09 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent High Poverty Line States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 147913429 2733885 12866053 6812575 1776490 2839327 5414436 5316411 16720928 1950247 2394651 3379313 7535000 2765373 8787511 13434673 2629517 9703042 4919973 1637334 34296690 243.17 127.49 114.15 115.81 393.41 224.57 195.64 99.34 214.47 238.39 208.21 124.89 127.97 90.66 265.82 331.43 141.55 299.68 281.72 143.38 366.28 68.09 86.48 88.97 88.47 50.51 70.93 76.53 90.59 72.04 70.03 72.66 87.77 86.58 90.04 65.62 57.17 85.73 58.60 59.15 83.57 47.27 40.02 60.38 63.11 62.63 27.43 40.25 45.30 65.23 40.69 38.74 41.87 59.56 59.20 65.92 34.22 28.24 56.44 29.60 27.90 56.65 21.27 28.24 46.72 49.40 48.65 18.26 27.31 31.58 51.10 27.56 25.92 28.46 44.75 44.90 52.48 21.99 17.70 41.54 18.91 17.34 42.63 12.71 100.00 1.85 8.70 4.61 1.20 1.92 3.66 3.59 11.30 1.32 1.62 2.28 5.09 1.87 5.94 9.08 1.78 6.56 3.33 1.11 23.19 24 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 2.35 11.36 5.98 0.89 2.00 4.11 4.78 11.96 1.36 1.73 2.94 6.48 2.47 5.73 7.63 2.24 5.65 2.89 1.36 16.10 100.00 2.79 13.72 7.21 0.82 1.93 4.14 5.86 11.49 1.28 1.69 3.40 7.54 3.08 5.08 6.41 2.51 4.85 2.32 1.57 12.32 100.00 3.06 15.22 7.94 0.78 1.86 4.09 6.51 11.04 1.21 1.63 3.62 8.10 3.47 4.63 5.69 2.62 4.39 2.04 1.67 10.44 I – By Sector of Activity Agriculture - Low Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Agriculture States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.48 -0.02 0.00 -0.13 -0.13 -2.60 0.36 -0.14 1.20 -0.06 -0.06 -0.14 -0.13 0.00 -0.44 -0.58 -0.14 -0.84 -0.62 -0.11 -5.61 -0.14 -0.83 -0.46 -0.19 -0.09 -3.73 0.78 -0.14 1.39 0.32 -0.45 -0.42 0.42 -0.13 0.82 -0.60 -0.36 -0.91 -0.11 -0.02 1.38 0.77 -1.56 -1.00 -0.12 -0.09 -5.63 1.41 -0.12 0.17 0.89 -1.40 -0.51 1.14 -0.20 1.37 -0.53 -0.46 -0.69 0.50 0.08 2.82 25 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Low Line Sector of Activity : Agriculture States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 33203076 997616 4188933 2478469 49631 879036 1474922 2426567 4526663 500709 586707 1117352 2014198 1227947 3088653 571587 633507 2317812 1238709 436190 2447868 Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 102.23 78.88 67.86 41.78 225.47 127.71 140.08 44.69 117.50 164.85 139.10 45.18 59.79 27.13 142.49 148.28 45.89 155.96 120.55 64.33 202.74 82.23 93.13 92.05 97.03 72.62 71.93 74.19 96.18 80.00 71.12 74.25 97.09 92.23 93.99 72.81 78.46 96.30 68.17 71.28 91.78 54.63 51.28 57.99 60.20 71.14 42.49 38.31 42.19 68.39 46.76 34.83 38.90 72.27 60.55 77.23 41.32 42.28 70.85 33.38 34.52 60.00 24.51 36.36 39.77 43.05 55.17 28.84 23.84 27.99 52.00 31.45 20.65 24.04 56.83 44.16 65.91 27.42 26.82 55.03 20.29 20.77 43.03 13.94 100.00 3.00 12.62 7.46 0.15 2.65 4.44 7.31 13.63 1.51 1.77 3.37 6.07 3.70 9.30 1.72 1.91 6.98 3.73 1.31 7.37 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 3.40 14.12 8.81 0.13 2.32 4.01 8.55 13.26 1.30 1.60 3.97 6.80 4.23 8.24 1.64 2.23 5.79 3.23 1.47 4.90 100.00 3.40 14.81 10.35 0.12 1.98 3.65 9.75 12.43 1.02 1.34 4.74 7.16 5.57 7.50 1.42 2.64 4.54 2.51 1.54 3.52 100.00 3.29 14.94 11.33 0.12 1.74 3.42 10.45 11.79 0.86 1.17 5.26 7.37 6.70 7.02 1.27 2.89 3.89 2.13 1.55 2.83 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Low Line Sector of Activity : Agriculture States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 29749446 808319 4265824 2199675 69008 700520 1411648 2345437 4065820 485040 693382 1078264 1771538 1012671 2009075 444165 617682 1917358 1008242 403069 2442709 Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 105.65 65.95 54.30 47.51 167.35 122.44 155.60 63.47 115.27 191.94 125.66 55.70 62.06 48.42 134.86 164.21 73.15 184.54 148.97 87.15 201.20 80.90 93.42 92.04 95.33 75.08 79.64 77.19 90.57 78.19 70.48 74.66 93.94 91.76 94.27 74.53 73.61 88.17 57.63 60.85 88.34 56.96 51.05 65.86 65.76 69.28 43.42 44.20 45.85 64.49 45.52 36.65 40.57 65.21 61.52 69.45 39.51 39.54 55.84 27.84 33.62 59.61 24.25 37.29 49.92 51.65 54.30 29.53 29.37 32.36 49.38 31.35 23.67 27.28 50.05 46.08 55.55 25.41 25.28 39.86 17.72 23.20 44.27 13.64 100.00 2.72 14.34 7.39 0.23 2.35 4.75 7.88 13.67 1.63 2.33 3.62 5.95 3.40 6.75 1.49 2.08 6.45 3.39 1.35 8.21 26 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 3.14 16.31 8.71 0.22 2.32 4.53 8.83 13.21 1.42 2.15 4.21 6.75 3.97 6.22 1.36 2.26 4.59 2.55 1.48 5.78 100.00 3.51 18.47 10.04 0.20 2.04 4.26 9.96 12.19 1.17 1.85 4.63 7.18 4.63 5.23 1.16 2.27 3.51 2.23 1.58 3.90 100.00 3.64 19.86 10.77 0.18 1.85 4.12 10.44 11.49 1.04 1.71 4.86 7.36 5.07 4.60 1.01 2.22 3.06 2.11 1.61 3.00 27 Agriculture - Indigence Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Agriculture States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.96 -1.02 -0.18 -0.48 -0.30 -3.57 0.60 -0.13 2.71 0.21 -0.30 -0.56 -0.06 -0.14 2.67 -0.71 -0.47 -1.11 0.24 -0.13 5.42 1.71 -2.56 -1.57 -0.11 -0.09 -9.77 2.10 -0.10 -1.53 1.79 -3.13 -0.64 1.86 -0.26 2.24 -0.31 -0.56 -0.25 1.52 0.14 5.93 4.90 -4.08 -3.13 0.42 -0.14 -15.26 4.63 -0.05 -6.88 4.97 -7.71 -0.55 3.93 -0.31 1.11 0.18 -0.64 1.01 3.13 0.55 -18.53 28 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line Sector of Activity : Agriculture States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 33203076 997616 4188933 2478469 49631 879036 1474922 2426567 4526663 500709 586707 1117352 2014198 1227947 3088653 571587 633507 2317812 1238709 436190 2447868 Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 102.23 78.88 67.86 41.78 225.47 127.71 140.08 44.69 117.50 164.85 139.10 45.18 59.79 27.13 142.49 148.28 45.89 155.96 120.55 64.33 202.74 59.73 68.83 72.95 86.30 45.04 43.29 48.42 82.33 53.42 38.24 44.66 88.41 71.47 89.42 47.93 48.03 86.20 34.46 35.19 74.20 23.76 28.56 29.74 34.20 48.12 21.56 15.27 20.13 44.15 22.99 12.22 15.19 50.20 35.91 61.88 19.73 17.78 47.99 12.85 12.84 34.45 7.79 17.09 16.08 19.56 30.86 12.72 7.17 10.86 27.88 12.79 5.35 7.06 33.05 22.03 47.29 10.60 9.28 30.94 6.47 6.54 19.76 3.64 100.00 3.00 12.62 7.46 0.15 2.65 4.44 7.31 13.63 1.51 1.77 3.37 6.07 3.70 9.30 1.72 1.91 6.98 3.73 1.31 7.37 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 3.46 15.41 10.78 0.11 1.92 3.60 10.07 12.19 0.97 1.32 4.98 7.26 5.54 7.46 1.38 2.75 4.03 2.20 1.63 2.93 100.00 3.13 15.11 12.58 0.11 1.42 3.13 11.30 10.98 0.65 0.94 5.91 7.63 8.01 6.43 1.07 3.21 3.14 1.68 1.58 2.01 100.00 2.83 14.44 13.48 0.11 1.11 2.82 11.92 10.20 0.47 0.73 6.51 7.82 10.23 5.77 0.93 3.45 2.64 1.43 1.52 1.57 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line Sector of Activity : Agriculture States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 29749446 808319 4265824 2199675 69008 700520 1411648 2345437 4065820 485040 693382 1078264 1771538 1012671 2009075 444165 617682 1917358 1008242 403069 2442709 Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 105.65 65.95 54.30 47.51 167.35 122.44 155.60 63.47 115.27 191.94 125.66 55.70 62.06 48.42 134.86 164.21 73.15 184.54 148.97 87.15 201.20 57.82 80.33 75.58 80.65 48.57 49.67 51.63 77.81 50.67 39.57 45.95 76.91 71.31 79.50 41.07 44.39 62.04 27.44 37.17 70.88 22.78 30.19 42.23 44.93 47.39 22.07 21.42 24.82 42.20 23.66 15.82 19.78 42.75 38.44 49.16 17.37 17.19 31.93 12.27 17.43 36.12 7.44 19.89 26.83 31.79 32.66 13.16 11.69 16.43 27.33 14.46 9.71 12.31 28.80 25.32 35.73 9.97 9.46 19.26 7.67 11.37 23.59 4.16 100.00 2.72 14.34 7.39 0.23 2.35 4.75 7.88 13.67 1.63 2.33 3.62 5.95 3.40 6.75 1.49 2.08 6.45 3.39 1.35 8.21 29 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 3.77 18.75 10.31 0.19 2.02 4.24 10.61 11.98 1.12 1.85 4.82 7.34 4.68 4.80 1.15 2.23 3.06 2.18 1.66 3.24 100.00 3.80 21.34 11.61 0.17 1.67 3.90 11.02 10.71 0.85 1.53 5.13 7.58 5.54 3.89 0.85 2.20 2.62 1.96 1.62 2.02 100.00 3.67 22.92 12.14 0.15 1.38 3.92 10.84 9.93 0.80 1.44 5.25 7.58 6.12 3.39 0.71 2.01 2.48 1.94 1.61 1.72 Agriculture - High Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD High Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Agriculture States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.02 0.08 -0.04 -0.04 -0.40 -1.37 0.31 -0.06 -0.01 0.04 -0.01 -0.02 -0.13 0.03 -0.87 -0.31 -0.06 -0.35 -0.31 -0.07 -0.31 -0.17 -0.40 -0.26 -0.14 -0.21 -2.44 0.57 -0.12 1.06 0.17 -0.26 -0.27 0.14 -0.07 -0.04 -0.52 -0.24 -0.70 -0.29 -0.04 -1.21 0.11 -0.86 -0.54 -0.15 -0.14 -3.64 0.86 -0.12 0.93 0.40 -0.61 -0.39 0.52 -0.13 0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.77 -0.06 0.00 0.07 30 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent High Sector of Activity : Agriculture States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 33203076 997616 4188933 2478469 49631 879036 1474922 2426567 4526663 500709 586707 1117352 2014198 1227947 3088653 571587 633507 2317812 1238709 436190 2447868 Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 102.23 78.88 67.86 41.78 225.47 127.71 140.08 44.69 117.50 164.85 139.10 45.18 59.79 27.13 142.49 148.28 45.89 155.96 120.55 64.33 202.74 90.35 97.47 96.17 98.95 77.84 84.52 84.33 98.53 89.26 81.23 85.18 98.62 96.89 95.28 83.26 88.71 98.51 82.28 86.23 96.88 75.91 63.90 71.45 72.33 80.72 54.36 53.18 55.30 78.77 60.52 49.53 53.30 81.31 72.77 83.42 54.52 56.94 80.35 48.60 50.70 72.22 39.46 49.33 55.04 57.22 67.80 40.84 37.27 40.68 65.15 45.04 33.88 37.55 68.97 57.92 74.66 39.96 40.78 67.55 32.98 34.19 57.11 24.94 100.00 3.00 12.62 7.46 0.15 2.65 4.44 7.31 13.63 1.51 1.77 3.37 6.07 3.70 9.30 1.72 1.91 6.98 3.73 1.31 7.37 Average Per Capita Earnings P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 105.65 65.95 54.30 47.51 167.35 122.44 155.60 63.47 115.27 191.94 125.66 55.70 62.06 48.42 134.86 164.21 73.15 184.54 148.97 87.15 201.20 90.28 96.25 96.88 98.35 85.80 89.31 87.23 96.21 89.28 81.76 85.23 98.16 96.41 97.24 87.14 85.78 95.06 77.04 79.87 94.59 76.09 63.55 76.16 76.11 79.19 57.29 58.53 58.80 74.91 59.31 50.91 54.66 76.23 73.15 78.83 54.65 53.73 69.07 42.33 47.19 71.08 39.83 49.52 62.76 63.42 66.45 42.31 42.87 44.57 61.73 44.24 36.08 39.77 62.66 59.07 66.88 38.71 38.34 53.71 28.34 33.67 57.10 24.93 100.00 2.72 14.34 7.39 0.23 2.35 4.75 7.88 13.67 1.63 2.33 3.62 5.95 3.40 6.75 1.49 2.08 6.45 3.39 1.35 8.21 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 3.24 13.43 8.18 0.13 2.48 4.15 7.97 13.47 1.36 1.67 3.67 6.51 3.90 8.57 1.69 2.08 6.36 3.56 1.41 6.19 100.00 3.36 14.28 9.43 0.13 2.20 3.84 9.01 12.91 1.17 1.47 4.28 6.91 4.83 7.94 1.53 2.40 5.31 2.96 1.48 4.55 100.00 3.35 14.63 10.26 0.12 2.00 3.66 9.65 12.45 1.04 1.34 4.70 7.12 5.60 7.53 1.42 2.61 4.67 2.59 1.52 3.73 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent High Poverty Line Sector of Activity : Agriculture States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 29749446 808319 4265824 2199675 69008 700520 1411648 2345437 4065820 485040 693382 1078264 1771538 1012671 2009075 444165 617682 1917358 1008242 403069 2442709 31 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) 100.00 2.90 15.39 8.06 0.22 2.33 4.59 8.40 13.52 1.48 2.20 3.94 6.36 3.67 6.52 1.42 2.19 5.50 3.00 1.42 6.92 100.00 3.26 17.17 9.21 0.21 2.17 4.39 9.29 12.76 1.31 2.00 4.35 6.86 4.22 5.81 1.26 2.26 4.29 2.52 1.52 5.15 100.00 3.44 18.36 9.92 0.20 2.04 4.27 9.83 12.21 1.19 1.87 4.59 7.10 4.60 5.28 1.16 2.25 3.69 2.30 1.56 4.13 Manufacturing – Low Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -1.84 -0.21 -0.85 -0.30 -0.51 0.87 -1.63 2.51 -1.74 -0.39 -0.02 -0.09 -0.57 -0.17 -0.52 -1.15 -1.29 -0.74 -1.65 -0.65 -1.76 -3.83 -0.91 -0.59 -0.66 1.95 -1.67 -1.16 -2.46 -0.51 0.12 -0.35 -1.73 0.44 -0.60 -1.33 -3.33 -0.09 -1.97 0.53 -1.18 -7.50 -1.69 -0.74 -0.68 2.61 -1.11 -4.73 -2.70 -0.42 -0.06 -0.53 -2.50 0.67 -0.57 -1.25 -3.95 0.56 -2.03 0.87 6.44 2.99 -3.92 32 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Low Line Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 28264205 363400 1937156 1139085 229152 346445 762374 703222 2976301 276515 314812 440932 1155821 351858 1365601 2989708 406549 1814378 1041030 233084 9416782 Average Per Capita Earnings 219.34 124.40 111.49 82.62 162.87 237.39 150.71 74.35 181.56 168.03 176.63 79.38 121.12 70.64 155.33 227.18 94.00 227.46 223.05 110.56 330.79 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 53.18 78.03 79.49 88.90 67.02 55.76 66.99 90.08 63.22 64.85 58.60 86.28 78.26 91.02 62.45 53.90 87.69 42.90 49.55 80.25 25.08 40.60 46.24 54.90 30.56 24.92 29.49 54.13 29.39 26.81 23.35 56.05 40.59 61.35 26.15 22.52 56.22 16.22 19.21 48.40 14.89 24.69 30.50 37.68 17.39 14.33 15.96 36.81 17.00 13.91 12.41 39.82 25.37 45.59 13.71 11.93 39.39 8.20 9.82 31.90 100.00 1.29 6.85 4.03 0.81 1.23 2.70 2.49 10.53 0.98 1.11 1.56 4.09 1.24 4.83 10.58 1.44 6.42 3.68 0.82 100.00 1.89 10.25 6.74 1.02 1.29 3.40 4.21 12.52 1.19 1.23 2.53 6.02 2.13 5.67 10.72 2.37 5.18 3.43 1.24 100.00 2.08 12.64 8.82 0.99 1.22 3.17 5.37 12.34 1.05 1.04 3.49 6.62 3.05 5.04 9.50 3.22 4.15 2.82 1.59 100.00 2.13 14.03 10.20 0.95 1.18 2.89 6.15 12.02 0.91 0.93 4.17 6.96 3.81 4.45 8.48 3.80 3.54 2.43 1.77 27.08 8.89 4.12 33.32 16.97 11.81 9.21 33 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Low Line Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 29841785 462812 1901835 1109350 246640 586400 844383 804413 3201362 275410 411931 420797 1146170 461437 1799115 2516591 502041 2153696 1472312 250041 9275049 Average Per Capita Earnings 229.80 117.90 106.11 95.92 243.44 215.70 159.36 73.00 197.68 224.91 205.83 122.80 106.85 61.36 234.88 270.28 97.43 246.19 272.29 102.00 326.12 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 48.51 78.86 82.76 84.64 49.96 51.35 60.72 85.98 53.47 56.24 58.41 82.18 83.53 93.01 45.77 42.11 83.56 40.30 31.52 84.28 22.98 48.72 48.27 49.70 20.64 20.49 26.67 55.27 22.97 22.15 23.82 45.31 48.86 57.77 18.07 16.84 49.40 16.10 10.86 46.41 14.06 34.36 32.99 33.17 11.54 10.92 14.95 39.96 12.93 11.91 12.29 28.31 32.84 41.59 9.71 9.10 33.72 8.58 5.43 29.75 100.00 1.55 6.37 3.72 0.83 1.97 2.83 2.70 10.73 0.92 1.38 1.41 3.84 1.55 6.03 8.43 1.68 7.22 4.93 0.84 100.00 2.52 10.87 6.49 0.85 2.08 3.54 4.78 11.82 1.07 1.66 2.39 6.61 2.96 5.69 7.32 2.90 6.00 3.21 1.46 100.00 3.29 13.39 8.04 0.74 1.75 3.28 6.48 10.72 0.89 1.43 2.78 8.17 3.89 4.74 6.18 3.62 5.06 2.33 1.69 100.00 3.79 14.96 8.77 0.68 1.53 3.01 7.66 9.87 0.78 1.21 2.84 8.97 4.58 4.16 5.46 4.04 4.41 1.90 1.77 24.62 8.51 4.34 31.08 15.77 11.52 9.61 34 Manufacturing – Indigence Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -2.18 -6.12 -0.45 -1.04 -0.71 3.00 -2.75 -3.22 -2.98 0.05 -0.60 -0.45 -2.25 0.93 -0.74 -1.64 -3.88 0.01 -2.06 1.55 -0.01 -13.42 -3.10 -1.00 -0.61 3.65 0.24 -9.66 -3.00 -0.23 -0.63 -0.77 -3.77 1.13 -0.37 -0.88 -4.47 2.77 -1.89 1.11 2.93 -22.02 -6.31 -0.87 -0.45 4.24 6.50 -19.54 -2.30 0.04 -0.69 -0.92 -4.58 0.61 0.15 0.43 -4.64 6.38 -1.27 -0.36 4.93 -27.26 -89.16 35 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Population Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo 28264205 363400 1937156 1139085 229152 346445 762374 703222 2976301 276515 314812 440932 1155821 351858 1365601 2989708 406549 1814378 1041030 233084 9416782 Average Per Capita Earnings 219.34 124.40 111.49 82.62 162.87 237.39 150.71 74.35 181.56 168.03 176.63 79.38 121.12 70.64 155.33 227.18 94.00 227.46 223.05 110.56 330.79 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 25.30 42.53 53.17 65.54 31.39 26.22 28.18 62.14 29.29 22.06 22.90 68.23 43.85 75.26 24.22 20.36 67.32 13.02 15.15 59.03 9.11 15.59 21.44 28.23 9.62 7.81 7.83 27.18 9.90 6.30 6.12 31.36 16.52 38.27 6.29 5.63 30.46 3.60 4.23 22.22 4.49 7.38 11.24 15.33 4.04 3.67 3.04 14.90 4.53 2.48 2.36 17.91 8.55 22.74 2.38 2.23 16.78 1.44 1.76 10.60 100.00 1.29 6.85 4.03 0.81 1.23 2.70 2.49 10.53 0.98 1.11 1.56 4.09 1.24 4.83 10.58 1.44 6.42 3.68 0.82 100.00 2.16 14.40 10.44 1.01 1.27 3.00 6.11 12.19 0.85 1.01 4.21 7.09 3.70 4.63 8.51 3.83 3.30 2.21 1.92 100.00 2.20 16.13 12.49 0.86 1.05 2.32 7.42 11.45 0.68 0.75 5.37 7.42 5.23 3.34 6.54 4.81 2.54 1.71 2.01 100.00 2.11 17.17 13.77 0.73 1.00 1.83 8.26 10.63 0.54 0.59 6.23 7.79 6.31 2.56 5.27 5.38 2.07 1.44 1.95 6.20 1.56 0.59 33.32 8.17 5.69 4.37 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 29841785 462812 1901835 1109350 246640 586400 844383 804413 3201362 275410 411931 420797 1146170 461437 1799115 2516591 502041 2153696 1472312 250041 9275049 Average Per Capita Earnings 229.80 117.90 106.11 95.92 243.44 215.70 159.36 73.00 197.68 224.91 205.83 122.80 106.85 61.36 234.88 270.28 97.43 246.19 272.29 102.00 326.12 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 22.67 56.12 54.33 54.59 20.39 19.03 23.74 65.75 21.53 22.42 20.62 51.27 55.48 66.08 15.06 14.04 57.80 13.03 8.27 51.97 9.11 26.52 24.65 23.69 6.73 5.21 7.94 31.93 7.27 5.82 5.48 18.15 23.86 32.59 5.11 4.69 25.50 4.43 2.46 20.31 5.11 15.86 14.66 13.18 3.15 2.25 4.18 20.17 3.61 2.51 2.09 8.93 13.16 20.91 2.56 2.41 13.94 2.20 1.27 10.90 100.00 1.55 6.37 3.72 0.83 1.97 2.83 2.70 10.73 0.92 1.38 1.41 3.84 1.55 6.03 8.43 1.68 7.22 4.93 0.84 100.00 3.84 15.28 8.95 0.74 1.65 2.96 7.82 10.19 0.91 1.26 3.19 9.40 4.51 4.01 5.22 4.29 4.15 1.80 1.92 100.00 4.52 17.25 9.67 0.61 1.12 2.47 9.45 8.56 0.59 0.83 2.81 10.07 5.53 3.38 4.34 4.71 3.51 1.33 1.87 100.00 4.81 18.27 9.58 0.51 0.87 2.31 10.63 7.56 0.45 0.56 2.46 9.89 6.32 3.02 3.98 4.59 3.11 1.22 1.79 5.77 2.16 1.33 31.08 7.91 7.36 8.07 36 Manufacturing – High Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD High Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -0.99 -0.14 -0.61 -0.14 -0.48 -0.70 -0.47 1.34 -0.84 -0.29 0.05 -0.04 -0.30 -0.20 -0.31 -0.76 0.38 -0.93 -0.82 -0.29 -1.52 -1.96 -0.78 -0.40 -0.57 0.68 -1.24 0.44 -1.72 -0.42 0.06 -0.21 -1.02 0.20 -0.49 -1.08 -1.80 -0.58 -1.48 0.08 -1.53 -3.89 -1.09 -0.55 -0.62 1.53 -1.39 -1.43 -2.18 -0.45 0.05 -0.35 -1.60 0.41 -0.55 -1.20 -2.89 -0.24 -1.76 0.41 2.77 3.71 2.20 37 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent High Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Population Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo 28264205 363400 1937156 1139085 229152 346445 762374 703222 2976301 276515 314812 440932 1155821 351858 1365601 2989708 406549 1814378 1041030 233084 9416782 Average Per Capita Earnings 219.34 124.40 111.49 82.62 162.87 237.39 150.71 74.35 181.56 168.03 176.63 79.38 121.12 70.64 155.33 227.18 94.00 227.46 223.05 110.56 330.79 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 69.76 86.74 89.67 94.42 82.22 67.80 81.98 96.43 78.26 81.86 75.00 92.48 88.78 94.87 82.61 71.86 91.93 65.91 68.25 89.62 38.20 55.32 60.17 68.05 46.47 37.98 45.97 68.24 44.35 43.67 38.97 67.85 56.10 72.94 43.13 37.14 68.02 30.06 33.58 61.70 25.11 38.96 44.36 52.22 30.36 24.86 29.36 51.75 29.19 26.98 23.94 53.32 39.49 58.79 26.52 22.89 53.25 17.28 19.96 45.99 100.00 1.29 6.85 4.03 0.81 1.23 2.70 2.49 10.53 0.98 1.11 1.56 4.09 1.24 4.83 10.58 1.44 6.42 3.68 0.82 100.00 1.60 8.81 5.45 0.96 1.19 3.17 3.44 11.81 1.15 1.20 2.07 5.20 1.69 5.72 10.90 1.90 6.07 3.60 1.06 100.00 1.86 10.79 7.18 0.99 1.22 3.25 4.44 12.23 1.12 1.14 2.77 6.01 2.38 5.46 10.28 2.56 5.05 3.24 1.33 100.00 2.00 12.11 8.38 0.98 1.21 3.15 5.13 12.24 1.05 1.06 3.31 6.43 2.91 5.10 9.64 3.05 4.42 2.93 1.51 48.19 19.17 10.08 33.32 23.02 16.72 13.38 P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 66.45 87.39 92.30 92.30 62.85 72.11 79.79 94.10 72.42 73.94 75.66 90.58 91.92 97.32 69.32 61.56 93.19 60.85 55.85 91.65 35.43 60.97 62.44 63.68 33.35 35.61 42.69 67.70 37.58 37.39 39.39 59.97 62.84 71.05 32.36 29.50 63.55 28.61 22.64 61.30 23.28 46.87 46.69 47.56 21.05 21.39 27.02 53.10 23.53 22.88 24.14 43.19 46.92 55.62 19.12 17.66 47.65 16.94 12.23 44.54 100.00 1.55 6.37 3.72 0.83 1.97 2.83 2.70 10.73 0.92 1.38 1.41 3.84 1.55 6.03 8.43 1.68 7.22 4.93 0.84 100.00 2.04 8.85 5.16 0.78 2.13 3.40 3.82 11.69 1.03 1.57 1.92 5.31 2.26 6.29 7.81 2.36 6.61 4.15 1.16 100.00 2.67 11.23 6.68 0.78 1.98 3.41 5.15 11.38 0.97 1.53 2.39 6.81 3.10 5.51 7.02 3.02 5.83 3.15 1.45 100.00 3.12 12.78 7.59 0.75 1.81 3.28 6.15 10.84 0.91 1.43 2.62 7.74 3.69 4.95 6.40 3.44 5.25 2.59 1.60 46.30 18.16 9.77 31.08 21.66 15.94 13.04 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent High Poverty Line Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 29841785 462812 1901835 1109350 246640 586400 844383 804413 3201362 275410 411931 420797 1146170 461437 1799115 2516591 502041 2153696 1472312 250041 9275049 Average Per Capita Earnings 229.80 117.90 106.11 95.92 243.44 215.70 159.36 73.00 197.68 224.91 205.83 122.80 106.85 61.36 234.88 270.28 97.43 246.19 272.29 102.00 326.12 38 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) Services – Low Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -0.86 -0.48 -0.02 -1.13 -1.21 0.74 -1.03 -0.18 -1.30 0.13 -10.63 -0.35 -0.20 -3.22 -0.87 -1.08 -0.20 -1.25 -1.23 -0.26 -0.83 -0.52 0.55 -1.85 -1.36 0.98 -0.66 -0.23 -1.75 0.39 -12.47 -0.54 0.58 -3.75 -1.10 -1.28 -0.43 -1.03 -1.34 0.53 -0.61 -0.43 1.15 -1.95 -1.37 0.86 -0.86 -0.25 -1.81 0.83 -16.84 -0.66 1.50 -4.06 -1.21 -1.28 -0.55 -0.57 -1.34 1.09 -1.16 -1.13 -0.72 39 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Low Line Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 45451489 552476 3013504 1533247 1111152 768332 1573468 1089330 4372903 627557 451727 845913 2398362 555601 2695803 6421789 674219 2952245 1207624 410842 12195395 Average Per Capita Earnings 305.56 150.39 174.68 185.31 403.55 344.57 274.10 119.16 276.06 274.72 298.50 165.80 174.52 147.83 287.51 326.63 145.15 352.62 285.12 165.95 421.56 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 42.65 70.27 64.87 66.69 35.29 39.49 45.52 73.52 47.52 38.62 34.40 65.18 65.61 70.84 40.65 40.33 69.02 34.77 43.36 63.85 19.19 37.89 33.63 35.97 14.93 18.24 19.41 39.62 21.19 14.47 13.51 35.02 34.27 41.12 16.06 16.72 38.22 13.48 16.70 32.75 11.09 23.64 20.95 22.99 8.23 10.52 10.67 25.25 12.00 7.30 6.92 22.61 21.66 27.86 8.44 9.11 24.96 7.04 8.50 20.25 100.00 1.22 6.63 3.37 2.44 1.69 3.46 2.40 9.62 1.38 0.99 1.86 5.28 1.22 5.93 14.13 1.48 6.50 2.66 0.90 100.00 2.00 10.09 5.27 2.02 1.57 3.69 4.13 10.72 1.25 0.80 2.84 8.12 2.03 5.65 13.36 2.40 5.30 2.70 1.35 100.00 2.40 11.62 6.33 1.90 1.61 3.50 4.95 10.63 1.04 0.70 3.40 9.43 2.62 4.97 12.31 2.96 4.56 2.31 1.54 100.00 2.59 12.52 6.99 1.81 1.60 3.33 5.46 10.40 0.91 0.62 3.79 10.31 3.07 4.51 11.60 3.34 4.12 2.04 1.65 23.36 8.03 3.86 26.83 14.70 11.23 9.33 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Low Line Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 57922940 874673 4054089 2103859 1068097 1037291 2210602 1449463 6030150 880666 925188 1131244 2813893 840046 3550283 6727574 927317 3898946 1645900 663221 15090438 Average Per Capita Earnings 338.01 202.29 193.64 196.67 466.30 320.25 261.34 177.96 302.09 295.59 291.11 191.16 183.12 154.61 371.68 379.80 202.78 395.25 389.92 185.85 460.90 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 38.76 58.54 64.73 62.08 28.66 37.43 47.70 66.84 41.71 39.01 43.46 61.72 64.97 60.37 30.24 33.25 63.61 29.52 23.77 61.83 17.49 31.12 35.63 31.89 11.77 16.98 20.00 35.10 17.69 14.90 17.69 32.12 35.25 34.05 10.87 13.24 31.62 11.80 8.50 34.83 10.37 20.11 23.58 20.24 6.48 9.88 11.09 22.10 9.95 7.76 9.81 20.33 23.26 22.68 5.44 7.22 19.50 6.56 4.30 22.90 100.00 1.51 7.00 3.63 1.84 1.79 3.82 2.50 10.41 1.52 1.60 1.95 4.86 1.45 6.13 11.61 1.60 6.73 2.84 1.15 100.00 2.28 11.69 5.82 1.36 1.73 4.70 4.32 11.20 1.53 1.79 3.11 8.14 2.26 4.78 9.96 2.63 5.13 1.74 1.83 100.00 2.69 14.26 6.62 1.24 1.74 4.37 5.02 10.53 1.30 1.62 3.59 9.79 2.82 3.81 8.80 2.90 4.54 1.38 2.28 100.00 2.93 15.91 7.09 1.15 1.71 4.08 5.33 9.98 1.14 1.51 3.83 10.89 3.17 3.22 8.08 3.01 4.25 1.18 2.53 20.84 7.19 3.60 26.05 14.01 10.71 9.03 40 41 Services – Indigence Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -0.92 -0.45 0.76 -2.04 -1.82 -0.16 1.35 -0.35 -2.34 1.64 -16.47 -0.49 0.37 -4.55 -1.37 -1.59 -0.77 -0.51 -1.42 1.55 -0.14 -0.25 2.21 -1.87 -1.53 0.24 -1.84 -0.28 -1.84 0.69 -26.55 -0.85 2.63 -4.29 -1.29 -1.20 -0.65 0.88 -1.38 2.08 1.01 0.03 3.70 -1.46 -0.38 1.01 -6.08 -0.20 -0.67 2.97 -43.65 -0.95 6.13 -4.22 -1.01 -0.29 -0.67 2.04 -1.02 2.67 -0.94 0.25 4.09 42 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 45451489 552476 3013504 1533247 1111152 768332 1573468 1089330 4372903 627557 451727 845913 2398362 555601 2695803 6421789 674219 2952245 1207624 410842 12195395 Average Per Capita Earnings 305.56 150.39 174.68 185.31 403.55 344.57 274.10 119.16 276.06 274.72 298.50 165.80 174.52 147.83 287.51 326.63 145.15 352.62 285.12 165.95 421.56 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 18.55 40.72 36.51 39.00 14.48 16.56 18.30 45.17 20.50 11.70 10.69 38.07 36.86 46.11 13.72 15.05 44.29 11.10 13.38 34.61 6.53 15.51 13.64 15.64 4.49 5.94 5.61 17.00 6.71 3.27 3.24 15.84 14.65 20.54 4.04 4.85 17.61 3.37 3.81 13.15 3.19 7.55 6.93 8.25 1.99 3.17 2.45 8.68 3.13 1.39 1.31 8.20 7.74 11.74 1.69 2.20 9.20 1.53 1.58 6.51 100.00 1.22 6.63 3.37 2.44 1.69 3.46 2.40 9.62 1.38 0.99 1.86 5.28 1.22 5.93 14.13 1.48 6.50 2.66 0.90 100.00 2.67 13.05 7.09 1.91 1.51 3.42 5.84 10.63 0.87 0.57 3.82 10.49 3.04 4.39 11.46 3.54 3.89 1.92 1.69 100.00 2.89 13.85 8.07 1.68 1.54 2.97 6.23 9.88 0.69 0.49 4.51 11.83 3.84 3.67 10.49 4.00 3.35 1.55 1.82 100.00 2.87 14.38 8.71 1.52 1.68 2.66 6.51 9.43 0.60 0.41 4.78 12.79 4.49 3.14 9.72 4.27 3.10 1.32 1.84 5.67 1.62 0.69 26.83 8.21 6.65 5.76 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent Indigence Line Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 57922940 874673 4054089 2103859 1068097 1037291 2210602 1449463 6030150 880666 925188 1131244 2813893 840046 3550283 6727574 927317 3898946 1645900 663221 15090438 Average Per Capita Earnings 338.01 202.29 193.64 196.67 466.30 320.25 261.34 177.96 302.09 295.59 291.11 191.16 183.12 154.61 371.68 379.80 202.78 395.25 389.92 185.85 460.90 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 16.74 34.40 39.54 34.13 10.37 16.75 17.15 37.37 15.97 13.15 15.05 35.21 37.53 36.49 8.24 11.16 30.73 10.41 6.40 41.04 6.43 14.16 16.91 13.85 3.42 5.84 6.09 14.61 5.55 3.45 5.37 13.79 16.55 16.50 2.51 3.90 13.05 3.73 1.88 16.43 3.54 7.62 9.71 7.51 1.87 2.95 3.15 7.84 2.93 1.71 2.73 7.01 10.08 9.47 1.19 2.09 6.76 1.90 0.99 8.60 100.00 1.51 7.00 3.63 1.84 1.79 3.82 2.50 10.41 1.52 1.60 1.95 4.86 1.45 6.13 11.61 1.60 6.73 2.84 1.15 100.00 3.10 16.53 7.40 1.14 1.79 3.91 5.58 9.93 1.19 1.44 4.11 10.89 3.16 3.02 7.74 2.94 4.19 1.09 2.81 100.00 3.32 18.40 7.82 0.98 1.63 3.61 5.68 8.98 0.81 1.33 4.19 12.49 3.72 2.39 7.04 3.25 3.90 0.83 2.92 100.00 3.25 19.22 7.72 0.97 1.49 3.40 5.55 8.64 0.73 1.23 3.87 13.84 3.88 2.06 6.88 3.06 3.62 0.80 2.79 5.17 1.66 0.95 26.05 8.05 6.70 6.99 43 Services – High Line GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using Per Capita Income From PNAD High Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -0.55 -0.22 -0.04 -0.54 -1.15 -0.12 -0.56 -0.22 -0.83 0.23 -5.31 0.00 -0.28 -1.72 -0.58 -0.49 -0.13 -0.74 -0.71 -0.27 -0.73 -0.46 0.23 -1.28 -1.26 0.53 -0.63 -0.22 -1.35 0.42 -9.13 -0.31 0.14 -2.99 -0.86 -0.94 -0.30 -0.93 -1.09 0.09 -0.74 -0.48 0.55 -1.64 -1.31 0.79 -0.71 -0.23 -1.59 0.54 -11.77 -0.47 0.61 -3.51 -1.01 -1.13 -0.41 -0.91 -1.23 0.46 -0.87 -0.88 -0.91 44 STATE AND SECTORAL POVERTY PROFILE - 1985 Without Inputed Rent High Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 45451489 552476 3013504 1533247 1111152 768332 1573468 1089330 4372903 627557 451727 845913 2398362 555601 2695803 6421789 674219 2952245 1207624 410842 12195395 Average Per Capita Earnings 305.56 150.39 174.68 185.31 403.55 344.57 274.10 119.16 276.06 274.72 298.50 165.80 174.52 147.83 287.51 326.63 145.15 352.62 285.12 165.95 421.56 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 58.80 81.39 78.11 77.92 50.90 54.69 63.23 87.87 63.66 57.84 52.58 76.97 78.83 81.69 59.68 56.85 81.53 51.61 60.63 77.27 30.58 51.71 47.41 49.04 25.10 28.76 32.04 54.30 33.62 26.65 24.49 48.01 48.06 53.87 28.50 28.32 51.68 23.99 29.65 46.60 19.49 36.57 32.93 34.94 15.39 18.42 19.84 38.49 21.41 15.35 14.27 34.18 33.60 39.86 16.85 17.29 37.21 14.15 17.50 32.13 100.00 1.22 6.63 3.37 2.44 1.69 3.46 2.40 9.62 1.38 0.99 1.86 5.28 1.22 5.93 14.13 1.48 6.50 2.66 0.90 100.00 1.68 8.81 4.47 2.12 1.57 3.72 3.58 10.42 1.36 0.89 2.44 7.07 1.70 6.02 13.66 2.06 5.70 2.74 1.19 100.00 2.06 10.28 5.41 2.01 1.59 3.63 4.26 10.58 1.20 0.80 2.92 8.29 2.15 5.53 13.09 2.51 5.10 2.58 1.38 100.00 2.28 11.20 6.05 1.93 1.60 3.52 4.73 10.57 1.09 0.73 3.26 9.10 2.50 5.13 12.53 2.83 4.72 2.39 1.49 41.22 16.70 8.98 26.83 18.81 14.65 12.36 P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Population (%) 55.35 75.08 77.80 75.36 41.77 55.16 64.87 78.36 58.70 58.83 59.50 76.95 77.76 75.22 49.51 52.35 77.21 46.97 44.89 74.80 28.20 43.55 48.59 45.19 20.18 27.68 32.98 48.53 29.34 27.49 30.04 45.73 48.41 46.49 21.30 23.96 45.57 21.28 17.74 47.10 17.95 30.56 34.90 31.43 12.26 17.39 20.49 34.16 18.20 15.97 18.43 31.72 34.61 33.44 11.87 14.12 31.20 12.59 9.57 33.92 100.00 1.51 7.00 3.63 1.84 1.79 3.82 2.50 10.41 1.52 1.60 1.95 4.86 1.45 6.13 11.61 1.60 6.73 2.84 1.15 100.00 2.05 9.84 4.95 1.39 1.78 4.47 3.54 11.04 1.62 1.72 2.72 6.83 1.97 5.48 10.99 2.23 5.71 2.30 1.55 100.00 2.33 12.06 5.82 1.32 1.76 4.46 4.31 10.83 1.48 1.70 3.17 8.34 2.39 4.63 9.87 2.59 5.08 1.79 1.91 100.00 2.57 13.61 6.36 1.26 1.73 4.36 4.76 10.56 1.35 1.64 3.45 9.37 2.70 4.05 9.13 2.78 4.72 1.51 2.16 37.86 15.33 8.21 26.05 17.82 14.16 11.92 STATE POVERTY PROFILE - 1996 Without Inputed Rent High Poverty Line Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Total Population 57922940 874673 4054089 2103859 1068097 1037291 2210602 1449463 6030150 880666 925188 1131244 2813893 840046 3550283 6727574 927317 3898946 1645900 663221 15090438 Average Per Capita Earnings 338.01 202.29 193.64 196.67 466.30 320.25 261.34 177.96 302.09 295.59 291.11 191.16 183.12 154.61 371.68 379.80 202.78 395.25 389.92 185.85 460.90 45 Contribution to Total Poverty P0 P1 P2 (%) (%) (%) Appendix B: Applying the Elasticity Formula Using Per Capita GDP (IPEA) I - Total GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Overall GDP States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.85 -1.58 0.11 -0.47 -11.20 -3.53 0.04 -0.90 -0.67 -0.12 0.04 -0.53 -0.12 -0.20 -0.67 -1.67 1.59 -0.99 -2.02 1.51 -0.06 -0.82 -0.11 2.12 -0.84 -8.09 -3.80 0.28 -1.16 -0.90 0.15 0.39 -1.34 0.42 -0.59 -0.89 -1.57 3.61 -0.84 -1.96 1.63 6.24 -0.39 1.75 5.12 -0.87 -0.47 0.30 0.85 -1.15 -0.83 0.71 1.21 -1.72 1.08 -0.81 -0.93 -0.90 4.53 -0.35 -1.60 1.18 18.24 46 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Overall GDP States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -1.09 0.49 0.86 -1.21 -9.20 -3.59 -0.01 -1.48 -1.12 0.44 0.02 -1.69 0.17 -0.69 -1.12 -1.83 4.65 -0.80 -1.89 1.95 11.98 0.18 4.52 8.83 -0.96 14.08 8.93 1.74 -1.13 -0.71 1.72 2.82 -2.18 1.83 -1.03 -0.96 0.62 5.37 0.69 -0.80 0.60 43.90 2.02 9.23 18.73 -0.35 54.26 25.98 4.58 -0.52 0.03 4.61 7.41 -2.24 3.88 -1.16 -0.58 4.78 6.08 2.87 1.02 -1.96 101.85 47 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA High Line and and without Inputed Rent Overall GDP States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.56 -1.09 0.10 -0.25 -12.03 0.16 0.03 -0.66 -0.39 -0.06 0.01 -0.22 -0.14 -0.09 -0.40 -0.97 0.94 -0.69 -1.15 1.31 -1.69 -0.74 -0.78 1.10 -0.61 -10.50 -2.71 0.14 -0.98 -0.69 0.03 0.22 -0.87 0.14 -0.40 -0.68 -1.37 2.46 -0.82 -1.74 1.51 1.68 -0.68 0.10 2.54 -0.76 -7.47 -2.48 0.35 -1.09 -0.80 0.22 0.51 -1.27 0.48 -0.59 -0.81 -1.35 3.41 -0.73 -1.81 1.45 6.22 48 PER CAPITA GDP - Total 1985 1996 3,841.50 1,534.40 2,454.00 1,456.32 8,830.42 3,543.60 3,260.72 1,118.66 3,283.00 5,070.29 3,626.03 1,127.76 1,803.14 1,000.13 3,823.85 4,819.72 1,940.85 4,789.21 3,975.54 2,599.55 6,404.09 4,159.55 1,603.44 2,523.50 1,626.26 8,927.44 3,580.78 3,653.34 1,205.83 3,846.49 6,329.42 4,027.74 1,263.62 1,912.95 1,252.67 4,938.58 5,265.75 1,839.80 5,469.96 4,593.73 2,486.54 6,487.01 States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Source: Ipea 49 II - Agriculture GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Agriculture States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.12 -0.04 0.00 -0.09 0.12 -0.51 0.20 -0.15 -0.21 -0.03 0.01 -1.59 -0.05 0.01 -0.40 -1.28 -0.32 -1.56 -1.22 -0.13 -0.86 -0.04 -1.76 0.78 -0.13 0.08 -0.73 0.44 -0.14 -0.24 0.19 0.11 -4.78 0.16 -0.36 0.75 -1.35 -0.80 -1.67 -0.22 -0.02 0.21 0.20 -3.31 1.70 -0.08 0.09 -1.10 0.79 -0.13 -0.03 0.54 0.35 -5.84 0.43 -0.56 1.26 -1.19 -1.05 -1.28 0.98 0.10 0.44 50 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Agriculture States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.25 -2.17 0.31 -0.32 0.28 -0.70 0.34 -0.14 -0.47 0.13 0.07 -6.37 -0.02 -0.39 2.45 -1.57 -1.06 -2.05 0.47 -0.16 0.83 0.44 -5.45 2.66 -0.08 0.08 -1.92 1.18 -0.11 0.26 1.08 0.78 -7.27 0.69 -0.73 2.05 -0.69 -1.27 -0.46 2.98 0.17 0.91 1.26 -8.67 5.30 0.29 0.12 -2.99 2.60 -0.05 1.18 3.01 1.92 -6.30 1.46 -0.87 1.02 0.40 -1.43 1.87 6.14 0.69 -2.86 51 52 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA High Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Agriculture States P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo -0.01 0.16 0.06 -0.03 0.36 -0.27 0.17 -0.06 0.00 0.02 0.00 -0.23 -0.05 0.07 -0.80 -0.69 -0.13 -0.64 -0.61 -0.08 -0.05 -0.04 -0.86 0.44 -0.09 0.19 -0.48 0.32 -0.12 -0.18 0.10 0.07 -3.06 0.05 -0.20 -0.04 -1.17 -0.53 -1.30 -0.58 -0.06 -0.19 0.03 -1.82 0.92 -0.10 0.13 -0.71 0.48 -0.13 -0.16 0.24 0.15 -4.48 0.19 -0.37 0.53 -1.24 -0.78 -1.42 -0.13 0.00 0.01 53 PER CAPITA GDP - Agriculture 1985 1996 427.06 254.53 397.26 173.82 35.80 534.59 1,352.86 277.65 558.13 2,825.53 1,381.13 195.91 148.87 297.25 719.23 66.79 145.82 734.49 442.66 243.66 280.77 482.70 234.91 444.11 208.97 45.90 422.16 1,620.16 388.06 619.80 3,592.27 1,917.87 199.92 164.05 380.86 677.19 70.00 184.26 807.38 495.81 312.01 266.93 States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo 54 III - Manufacturing GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) 10.95 -0.09 -0.41 0.41 7.83 1.82 -2.91 0.14 -1.05 -1.37 0.01 0.51 -0.39 0.16 -0.65 -5.98 0.26 -1.07 -5.41 -0.23 10.45 -1.59 -0.44 0.81 9.99 4.10 -2.98 -0.07 -1.49 -1.80 -0.08 2.06 -1.19 -0.43 -0.75 -6.90 0.66 -0.13 -6.47 0.18 7.02 -3.11 -0.81 1.03 10.35 5.50 -1.97 -0.27 -1.63 -1.49 0.04 3.10 -1.73 -0.64 -0.71 -6.49 0.79 0.81 -6.66 0.30 1.26 0.58 -0.77 55 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) 12.99 -2.53 -0.22 1.44 10.78 6.33 -4.90 -0.18 -1.81 0.17 0.38 2.67 -1.55 -0.89 -0.92 -8.50 0.77 0.01 -6.75 0.54 0.05 -5.56 -1.49 1.38 9.23 7.68 0.42 -0.55 -1.82 -0.79 0.40 4.53 -2.60 -1.08 -0.45 -4.56 0.89 4.02 -6.22 0.39 -17.44 -9.12 -3.02 1.21 6.81 8.93 11.59 -1.12 -1.39 0.13 0.44 5.39 -3.16 -0.59 0.19 2.22 0.92 9.26 -4.18 -0.13 0.97 -5.33 -17.45 56 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA High Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Manufacturing States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) 5.91 -0.06 -0.29 0.19 7.25 -1.47 -0.83 0.08 -0.51 -1.00 -0.03 0.22 -0.21 0.19 -0.39 -3.92 -0.07 -1.35 -2.70 -0.10 9.06 -0.81 -0.37 0.55 8.69 1.44 -2.22 0.03 -1.04 -1.49 -0.04 1.25 -0.70 -0.19 -0.61 -5.63 0.36 -0.85 -4.84 0.03 9.09 -1.61 -0.52 0.77 9.43 3.22 -2.48 -0.08 -1.32 -1.57 -0.03 2.04 -1.10 -0.39 -0.68 -6.25 0.57 -0.35 -5.76 0.14 0.54 0.73 0.43 57 PER CAPITA GDP - Manufacturing 1985 1996 1,623.82 476.06 1,057.57 426.38 497.59 1,294.76 594.65 368.71 1,279.31 592.52 627.65 291.58 649.39 209.15 1,379.24 2,099.25 963.41 1,770.08 1,897.45 1,341.23 3,357.53 1,610.80 416.07 950.88 376.79 481.41 1,238.62 613.77 252.17 1,466.61 649.71 464.72 264.45 538.52 237.78 1,948.40 2,175.98 786.97 1,870.58 2,025.05 1,042.67 3,115.36 States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo IV - Services 58 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Low Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -0.59 -0.90 -0.02 -0.32 -15.11 -0.44 0.59 -0.46 -0.56 0.04 15.27 -0.21 -0.05 -0.52 -0.75 -1.27 -1.76 -0.68 -1.69 -0.27 -0.58 -0.97 0.46 -0.53 -17.02 -0.58 0.38 -0.58 -0.76 0.11 17.92 -0.33 0.14 -0.61 -0.95 -1.51 -3.89 -0.56 -1.84 0.55 -0.42 -0.81 0.97 -0.55 -17.19 -0.51 0.49 -0.63 -0.78 0.24 24.20 -0.40 0.36 -0.65 -1.04 -1.50 -4.92 -0.31 -1.85 1.13 -0.88 -0.86 -0.55 59 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA Indigence Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -0.63 -0.84 0.64 -0.58 -22.80 0.09 -0.78 -0.87 -1.02 0.47 23.66 -0.30 0.09 -0.73 -1.17 -1.88 -6.89 -0.28 -1.95 1.61 -0.10 -0.47 1.85 -0.53 -19.11 -0.14 1.06 -0.71 -0.80 0.20 38.15 -0.52 0.63 -0.69 -1.11 -1.42 -5.83 0.48 -1.89 2.16 0.70 0.05 3.10 -0.41 -4.78 -0.59 3.50 -0.49 -0.29 0.86 62.72 -0.58 1.48 -0.68 -0.87 -0.34 -5.96 1.11 -1.40 2.78 -0.72 0.19 3.12 60 GROWTH ELASTICITY OF POVERTY - 1985/96 Using State Per Capita GDP from IPEA High Poverty Line and and without Inputed Rent Sector of Activity : Services States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo P0 (%) P1 (%) P2 (%) -0.38 -0.42 -0.03 -0.15 -14.44 0.07 0.32 -0.55 -0.36 0.07 7.63 0.00 -0.07 -0.28 -0.50 -0.57 -1.19 -0.40 -0.97 -0.28 -0.51 -0.85 0.19 -0.36 -15.77 -0.31 0.36 -0.54 -0.59 0.12 13.12 -0.19 0.03 -0.48 -0.74 -1.12 -2.66 -0.51 -1.50 0.09 -0.51 -0.89 0.46 -0.47 -16.38 -0.46 0.41 -0.57 -0.69 0.15 16.91 -0.29 0.15 -0.57 -0.87 -1.33 -3.63 -0.50 -1.69 0.48 -0.67 -0.67 -0.69 61 PER CAPITA GDP - Services 1985 1996 1,790.62 803.80 999.17 856.12 8,297.03 1,714.24 1,313.21 472.30 1,445.55 1,652.25 1,617.25 640.27 1,004.88 493.73 1,725.38 2,653.68 831.62 2,284.64 1,635.42 1,014.66 2,765.78 2,066.06 952.46 1,128.50 1,040.49 8,400.13 1,920.00 1,419.41 565.60 1,760.08 2,087.44 1,645.15 799.26 1,210.38 634.03 2,312.99 3,019.76 868.57 2,792.00 2,072.87 1,131.85 3,104.72 States Total Alagoas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Paraná Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo 62 Appendix C: Testing the Robustness of the Regression Approach in Differences of Logs PO – Low Line Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.036356 0.027089 1.342 0.1921 0.0698 DifLRDPC -0.66269 0.13508 -4.906 0.0001 0.5007 R^2 = 0.500719 F(1,24) = 24.069 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.116107 DW = 2.19 RSS = 0.3235394641 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant -0.011188 0.036020 -0.311 0.7589 0.0042 DifLRDPC -0.71222 0.13105 -5.435 0.0000 0.5622 DifLAnalf -0.17453 0.092463 -1.888 0.0718 0.1341 R^2 = 0.567687 F(2,23) = 15.101 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.110364 DW = 2.10 RSS = 0.280143213 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant -0.020497 0.032110 -0.638 0.5298 0.0182 DifLRDPC -0.76818 0.11799 -6.511 0.0000 0.6583 DifLAnalf -0.067502 0.091045 -0.741 0.4663 0.0244 DifL(%)Ind. -0.43274 0.16038 -2.698 0.0131 0.2486 R^2 = 0.675178 F(3,22) = 15.243 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0978143 DW = 2.08 RSS = 0.210488092 for 4 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Constant Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 -0.018031 0.032924 -0.548 0.5897 0.0141 63 DifLRDPC -0.80386 0.13590 -5.915 0.0000 0.6249 DifLAnalf -0.058099 0.094031 -0.618 0.5433 0.0179 DifL(%)Ind. -0.41161 0.16731 -2.460 0.0226 0.2237 DifL(%)Serv 0.16395 0.29419 0.557 0.5832 0.0146 R^2 = 0.679912 F(4,21) = 11.152 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.0993839 DW = 2.18 RSS = 0.2074204414 for 5 variables and 26 observations P2 – Low Line Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.20074 0.027535 7.290 0.0000 0.6889 DifLRDPC -1.3967 0.13730 -10.172 0.0000 0.8117 R^2 = 0.811734 F(1,24) = 103.48 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.118021 DW = 1.71 RSS = 0.3342961152 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.18520 0.039073 4.740 0.0001 0.4941 DifLRDPC -1.4129 0.14216 -9.939 0.0000 0.8111 DifLAnalf -0.057050 0.10030 -0.569 0.5750 0.0139 R^2 = 0.814345 F(2,23) = 50.443 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.119721 DW = 1.67 RSS = 0.32965924 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.17765 0.037286 4.765 0.0001 0.5078 DifLRDPC -1.4583 0.13700 -10.644 0.0000 0.8374 DifLAnalf 0.029776 0.10572 0.282 0.7808 0.0036 DifL(%)Ind. -0.35106 0.18624 -1.885 0.0727 0.1391 R^2 = 0.840162 F(3,22) = 38.546 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.113582 DW = 1.70 RSS = 0.283818066 for 4 variables and 26 observations 64 Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.17516 0.038299 4.573 0.0002 0.4990 DifLRDPC -1.4222 0.15809 -8.996 0.0000 0.7940 DifLAnalf 0.020271 0.10938 0.185 0.8548 0.0016 DifL(%)Ind. -0.37243 0.19463 -1.914 0.0694 0.1485 DifL(%)Serv -0.16574 0.34223 -0.484 0.6332 0.0110 R^2 = 0.841927 F(4,21) = 27.963 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.115611 DW = 1.67 RSS = 0.2806830915 for 5 variables and 26 observations P1 – Indigence Line Modelling DifLP1Ind by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.34422 0.036289 9.485 0.0000 0.7894 DifLRDPC -1.8344 0.18095 -10.137 0.0000 0.8107 R^2 = 0.810679 F(1,24) = 102.77 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.155541 DW = 1.35 RSS = 0.5806303062 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Ind by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.33304 0.051749 6.436 0.0000 0.6430 DifLRDPC -1.8461 0.18828 -9.805 0.0000 0.8069 DifLAnalf -0.041030 0.13284 -0.309 0.7602 0.0041 R^2 = 0.811461 F(2,23) = 49.495 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.158558 DW = 1.33 RSS = 0.5782319515 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Ind by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.32836 0.052402 6.266 0.0000 0.6409 DifLRDPC -1.8742 0.19255 -9.734 0.0000 0.8116 65 DifLAnalf 0.012831 DifL(%)Ind. -0.21778 0.14858 0.086 0.9320 0.0003 0.26174 -0.832 0.4143 0.0305 R^2 = 0.817213 F(3,22) = 32.786 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.159629 DW = 1.36 RSS = 0.5605914973 for 4 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Ind by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.32172 0.053043 6.065 0.0000 0.6366 DifLRDPC -1.7782 0.21895 -8.122 0.0000 0.7585 DifLAnalf -0.012466 0.15149 -0.082 0.9352 0.0003 DifL(%)Ind. -0.27464 0.26955 -1.019 0.3199 0.0471 DifL(%)Serv -0.44112 0.47397 -0.931 0.3626 0.0396 R^2 = 0.824454 F(4,21) = 24.657 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.160117 DW = 1.36 RSS = 0.5383848953 for 5 variables and 26 observations P1 – High Line Modelling DifLP1Alta by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.064003 0.020517 3.120 0.0047 0.2885 DifLRDPC -0.77564 0.10231 -7.582 0.0000 0.7055 R^2 = 0.705452 F(1,24) = 57.481 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0879376 DW = 2.08 RSS = 0.1855924374 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Alta by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.044002 0.028705 1.533 0.1389 0.0927 DifLRDPC -0.79648 0.10444 -7.626 0.0000 0.7166 DifLAnalf -0.073422 0.073685 -0.996 0.3294 0.0414 R^2 = 0.717641 F(2,23) = 29.228 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0879507 DW = 2.02 RSS = 0.1779123621 for 3 variables and 26 observations 66 Modelling DifLP1Alta by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.036322 0.025284 1.437 0.1649 0.0858 DifLRDPC -0.84264 0.092904 -9.070 0.0000 0.7890 DifLAnalf 0.014871 0.071690 0.207 0.8376 0.0020 DifL(%)Ind. -0.35699 0.12629 -2.827 0.0098 0.2664 R^2 = 0.792874 F(3,22) = 28.072 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0770209 DW = 2.02 RSS = 0.1305089211 for 4 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Alta by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.036588 0.026112 1.401 0.1758 0.0855 DifLRDPC -0.84649 0.10779 -7.853 0.0000 0.7460 DifLAnalf 0.015884 0.074578 0.213 0.8334 0.0022 DifL(%)Ind. -0.35472 0.13270 -2.673 0.0142 0.2539 DifL(%)Serv 0.017665 0.23333 0.076 0.9404 0.0003 R^2 = 0.79293 F(4,21) = 20.104 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0788227 DW = 2.03 RSS = 0.1304733086 for 5 variables and 26 observations 67 Appendix D: Testing the Robustness of the Function Form Modelling Dif_P0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 1.6200 0.88856 1.823 0.0807 0.1217 Dif_RDPC -0.20425 0.024235 -8.428 0.0000 0.7474 R^2 = 0.747446 F(1,24) = 71.029 [0.0000] \sigma = 3.97047 DW = 1.68 RSS = 378.3520449 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Dif_RDPC -0.14470 0.021735 -6.657 0.0000 0.6487 Constant 1.6529 0.79690 2.074 0.0490 0.1520 R^2 = 0.648717 F(1,24) = 44.321 [0.0000] \sigma = 3.56088 DW = 2.46 RSS = 304.3170693 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 1.7752 0.80019 2.218 0.0362 0.1702 Dif_RDPC -0.10450 0.021825 -4.788 0.0001 0.4885 R^2 = 0.488545 F(1,24) = 22.925 [0.0001] \sigma = 3.57561 DW = 2.59 RSS = 306.8394929 for 2 variables and 26 observations Including Illiteracy rates Modelling Dif_P0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.84252 1.3100 0.643 0.5265 0.0177 Dif_RDPC -0.20863 0.024998 -8.346 0.0000 0.7518 Dif_Analf -13.969 17.187 -0.813 0.4247 0.0279 R^2 = 0.754497 F(2,23) = 35.343 [0.0000] \sigma = 3.99885 DW = 1.69 68 RSS = 367.789333 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Dif_RDPC -0.13525 0.020827 -6.494 0.0000 0.6471 Dif_Analf 30.088 14.320 2.101 0.0468 0.1610 Constant 3.3276 1.0915 3.049 0.0057 0.2878 R^2 = 0.705284 F(2,23) = 27.521 [0.0000] \sigma = 3.33175 DW = 2.31 RSS = 255.3130458 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Dif_Analf 34.876 13.913 2.507 0.0197 0.2146 Constant 3.7164 1.0604 3.505 0.0019 0.3481 Dif_RDPC -0.093548 0.020235 -4.623 0.0001 0.4817 R^2 = 0.598292 F(2,23) = 17.128 [0.0000] \sigma = 3.237 DW = 2.40 RSS = 240.9982005 for 3 variables and 26 observations Including Sectoral Shares Modelling Dif_P0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 1.1707 1.4172 0.826 0.4180 0.0315 Dif_RDPC -0.22208 0.030537 -7.273 0.0000 0.7158 Dif_Analf -7.7482 22.248 -0.348 0.7311 0.0057 Dif_(%)Ind. 8.0318 34.296 0.234 0.8171 0.0026 Dif_(%)Serv 28.184 30.533 0.923 0.3665 0.0390 R^2 = 0.765684 F(4,21) = 17.156 [0.0000] \sigma = 4.08848 DW = 1.94 RSS = 351.0292599 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 69 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Dif_RDPC -0.13419 0.025867 -5.188 0.0000 0.5617 Dif_Analf 36.268 18.846 1.924 0.0679 0.1499 Dif_(%)Ind. -11.549 29.052 -0.398 0.6950 0.0075 Dif_(%)Serv 1.3648 25.864 0.053 0.9584 0.0001 Constant 3.2680 1.2005 2.722 0.0128 0.2608 R^2 = 0.709245 F(4,21) = 12.806 [0.0000] \sigma = 3.46329 DW = 2.37 RSS = 251.8815451 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Dif_Analf 41.911 18.241 2.298 0.0320 0.2009 Dif_(%)Ind. -17.560 28.120 -0.624 0.5390 0.0182 Dif_(%)Serv -4.4647 25.035 -0.178 0.8602 0.0015 Constant 3.5615 1.1620 3.065 0.0059 0.3091 Dif_RDPC -0.089080 0.025038 -3.558 0.0019 0.3761 R^2 = 0.606656 F(4,21) = 8.0971 [0.0004] \sigma = 3.35219 DW = 2.42 RSS = 235.980464 for 5 variables and 26 observations Simple Regression with Initial Level of Poverty Modelling Dif_P0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 3.6855 3.0082 1.225 0.2329 0.0613 Dif_RDPC -0.20014 0.025139 -7.962 0.0000 0.7338 P085L_Baix -0.034736 0.048287 -0.719 0.4792 0.0220 R^2 = 0.753003 F(2,23) = 35.059 [0.0000] \sigma = 4.011 DW = 1.54 RSS = 370.0266865 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Dif_RDPC -0.12947 0.017155 -7.547 0.0000 0.7124 Constant 6.4189 1.2986 4.943 0.0001 0.5151 70 P185_Baix -0.15349 0.036844 -4.166 0.0004 0.4301 R^2 = 0.799792 F(2,23) = 45.94 [0.0000] \sigma = 2.74607 DW = 1.94 RSS = 173.4409241 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling Dif_P2Ind by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 5.1746 1.0033 5.158 0.0000 0.5363 Dif_RDPC -0.037240 0.015890 -2.344 0.0281 0.1928 P285_Baix -0.15848 0.041357 -3.832 0.0009 0.3897 R^2 = 0.519854 F(2,23) = 12.451 [0.0002] \sigma = 2.5481 DW = 2.16 RSS = 149.3350925 for 3 variables and 26 observations First Differences of Logs (1996 – 1985) This appendix present estimation of the sensitivity of the three FGT indices using the basic poverty line and a Difference in logs specification. We also use the initial log of poverty as an additional exogenous variable in the exercise. Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.015789 0.011764 1.342 0.1921 0.0698 DifLRDPC -0.66269 0.13508 -4.906 0.0001 0.5007 R^2 = 0.500719 F(1,24) = 24.069 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.0504246 DW = 2.19 RSS = 0.06102332737 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 DifLRDPC -1.1091 0.13353 -8.306 0.0000 0.7419 Constant 0.049160 0.011629 4.227 0.0003 0.4268 R^2 = 0.741905 F(1,24) = 68.989 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0498456 DW = 2.01 RSS = 0.0596299477 for 2 variables and 26 observations 71 Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.087181 0.011958 7.290 0.0000 0.6889 DifLRDPC -1.3967 0.13730 -10.172 0.0000 0.8117 R^2 = 0.811734 F(1,24) = 103.48 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.051256 DW = 1.71 RSS = 0.0630521576 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 DifLRDPC -0.71222 0.13105 -5.435 0.0000 0.5622 DifLAnalf -0.17453 0.092463 -1.888 0.0718 0.1341 Constant -0.0048587 0.015643 -0.311 0.7589 0.0042 R^2= 0.567687 F(2,23) = 15.101 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.0479303 DW = 2.10 RSS = 0.05283828681 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 DifLAnalf -0.091353 0.096361 -0.948 0.3530 0.0376 Constant 0.038352 0.016303 2.353 0.0276 0.1940 DifLRDPC -1.1350 0.13657 -8.310 0.0000 0.7502 R^2 = 0.751611 F(2,23) = 34.798 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.049951 DW = 1.94 RSS = 0.05738744731 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.080432 0.016969 4.740 0.0001 0.4941 DifLRDPC -1.4129 0.14216 -9.939 0.0000 0.8111 DifLAnalf -0.057050 0.10030 -0.569 0.5750 0.0139 R^2 = 0.814345 F(2,23) = 50.443 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.051994 DW = 1.67 RSS = 0.06217758869 for 3 variables and 26 observations 72 Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant -0.0078309 0.014299 -0.548 0.5897 0.0141 DifLRDPC -0.80386 0.13590 -5.915 0.0000 0.6249 DifLAnalf -0.058099 0.094031 -0.618 0.5433 0.0179 DifL(%)Ind. -0.41161 0.16731 -2.460 0.0226 0.2237 DifL(%)Serv 0.16395 0.29419 0.557 0.5832 0.0146 R^2 = 0.679912 F(4,21) = 11.152 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.0431619 DW = 2.18 RSS = 0.03912192144 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 DifLRDPC -1.1850 0.14608 -8.112 0.0000 0.7581 DifLAnalf 0.010674 0.10107 0.106 0.9169 0.0005 DifL(%)Ind. -0.41902 0.17984 -2.330 0.0299 0.2054 DifL(%)Serv -0.017987 0.31622 -0.057 0.9552 0.0002 Constant 0.034342 0.015369 2.234 0.0365 0.1921 R^2 = 0.804366 F(4,21) = 21.586 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0463932 DW = 1.94 RSS = 0.04519897482 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 DifLAnalf 0.020271 0.10938 0.185 0.8548 0.0016 DifL(%)Ind. -0.37243 0.19463 -1.914 0.0694 0.1485 DifL(%)Serv -0.16574 0.34223 -0.484 0.6332 0.0110 Constant 0.076070 0.016633 4.573 0.0002 0.4990 DifLRDPC -1.4222 0.15809 -8.996 0.0000 0.7940 R^2 = 0.841927 F(4,21) = 27.963 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0502091 DW = 1.67 RSS = 0.05294011421 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 73 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant -0.061897 0.038528 -1.607 0.1218 0.1009 DifLRDPC -0.83969 0.15180 -5.532 0.0000 0.5709 P085L_Baix 0.0013979 0.00066437 2.104 0.0465 0.1614 R^2 = 0.581307 F(2,23) = 15.966 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0471693 DW = 2.16 RSS = 0.05117371064 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.019048 0.024191 0.787 0.4391 0.0263 DifLRDPC -1.2389 0.15998 -7.745 0.0000 0.7228 P185_Baix 0.0011048 0.00078287 1.411 0.1716 0.0797 R^2 = 0.762471 F(2,23) = 36.915 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0488469 DW = 1.78 RSS = 0.05487851685 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling DifLP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant -0.025079 0.017811 -1.408 0.1725 0.0794 DifLRDPC -0.90133 0.14596 -6.175 0.0000 0.6238 P285_Baix 0.0024415 0.00086555 2.821 0.0097 0.2570 R^2 = 0.629045 F(2,23) = 19.501 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.0443989 DW = 1.96 RSS = 0.04533899123 for 3 variables and 26 observations Rate of Variation between 1996 and 1985 This appendix present estimation of the sensitivity of the three FGT indices using the basic poverty line and a rate of variation specification. We also use the initial level of poverty as an additional exogenous variable in the exercise. Modelling VarP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Constant Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 0.060284 0.032025 1.882 0.0720 0.1286 74 VarRDPC -0.63296 0.14287 -4.430 0.0002 0.4499 R^2 = 0.449899 F(1,24) = 19.628 [0.0002] \sigma = 0.132941 DW = 2.59 RSS = 0.4241565722 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.16915 0.042893 3.944 0.0006 0.3932 VarRDPC -1.1499 0.19135 -6.009 0.0000 0.6007 R^2 = 0.600749 F(1,24) = 36.113 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.178055 DW = 2.41 RSS = 0.7608881815 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 VarRDPC -1.5678 0.23638 -6.633 0.0000 0.6470 Constant 0.29583 0.052986 5.583 0.0000 0.5650 R^2 = 0.64702 F(1,24) = 43.993 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.219953 DW = 2.19 RSS = 1.16110652 for 2 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.016704 0.035623 0.469 0.6436 0.0095 VarRDPC -0.70509 0.13643 -5.168 0.0000 0.5373 VarAnalf -0.22467 0.10142 -2.215 0.0369 0.1758 R^2 = 0.546632 F(2,23) = 13.866 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.123283 DW = 2.36 RSS = 0.3495704483 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 VarAnalf -0.19346 0.14409 -1.343 0.1925 0.0727 Constant 0.13163 0.050610 2.601 0.0160 0.2273 VarRDPC -1.2120 0.19383 -6.253 0.0000 0.6296 75 R^2 = 0.629768 F(2,23) = 19.562 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.17515 DW = 2.15 RSS = 0.7055834946 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 VarRDPC -1.6264 0.24333 -6.684 0.0000 0.6601 VarAnalf -0.18231 0.18088 -1.008 0.3240 0.0423 Constant 0.26047 0.063535 4.100 0.0004 0.4222 R^2 = 0.661951 F(2,23) = 22.519 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.219881 DW = 1.96 RSS = 1.111992696 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.0071203 0.034550 0.206 0.8387 0.0020 VarRDPC -0.71016 0.14722 -4.824 0.0001 0.5256 VarAnalf -0.10559 0.11999 -0.880 0.3888 0.0356 Var(%)Ind. -0.47851 0.23868 -2.005 0.0580 0.1606 Var(%)Serv. -0.17321 0.35614 -0.486 0.6318 0.0111 R^2 = 0.619467 F(4,21) = 8.5464 [0.0003] \sigma = 0.118203 DW = 2.24 RSS = 0.2934113563 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 VarRDPC -1.1646 0.21457 -5.427 0.0000 0.5838 VarAnalf -0.086830 0.17488 -0.496 0.6247 0.0116 Var(%)Ind. -0.54624 0.34788 -1.570 0.1313 0.1051 Var(%)Serv. -0.47097 0.51907 -0.907 0.3745 0.0377 Constant 0.11903 0.050356 2.364 0.0278 0.2101 R^2 = 0.672951 F(4,21) = 10.803 [0.0001] \sigma = 0.17228 DW = 2.03 RSS = 0.6232860611 for 5 variables and 26 observations 76 Modelling VarP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 VarAnalf -0.10321 0.22119 -0.467 0.6456 0.0103 Var(%)Ind. -0.56053 0.44000 -1.274 0.2166 0.0717 Var(%)Serv. -0.76609 0.65652 -1.167 0.2563 0.0609 Constant 0.24582 0.063690 3.860 0.0009 0.4150 VarRDPC -1.5225 0.27138 -5.610 0.0000 0.5998 R^2 = 0.696883 F(4,21) = 12.07 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.217899 DW = 1.90 RSS = 0.9970836892 for 5 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP0Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant -0.077258 0.10688 -0.723 0.4770 0.0222 VarRDPC -0.76420 0.17099 -4.469 0.0002 0.4648 P085L_Baix 0.0025123 0.0018655 1.347 0.1912 0.0731 R^2 = 0.490107 F(2,23) = 11.054 [0.0004] \sigma = 0.130743 DW = 2.51 RSS = 0.3931541573 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP1Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.10758 0.088769 1.212 0.2379 0.0600 VarRDPC -1.2641 0.24055 -5.255 0.0000 0.5456 P185_Baix 0.0023304 0.0029342 0.794 0.4352 0.0267 R^2 = 0.611406 F(2,23) = 18.094 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.179441 DW = 2.26 RSS = 0.7405784124 for 3 variables and 26 observations Modelling VarP2Baix by OLS The present sample is: 1 to 26 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob PartR^2 Constant 0.29074 0.11784 2.467 0.0215 0.2093 VarRDPC -1.5766 0.30152 -5.229 0.0000 0.5431 P285L_Alta 0.00019346 0.0039757 0.049 0.9616 0.0001 77 R^2 = 0.647056 F(2,23) = 21.083 [0.0000] \sigma = 0.224672 DW = 2.18 RSS = 1.160986996 for 3 variables and 26 observations 78