CUHKFAA CHAN CHUN HA SECONDARY SCHOOL Economics Teaching schedule(2005 -2006) Subject : Economics Class : F4A / F4B Period(s) per week : 6 periods Teacher(s) Ng Ka To Textbook : Elementary Economics / 經濟學探究 Volume : 1A / 1B 1上 /1下 Author(s) : Dennis Wong T. Chan Publisher Pilot Publishing Company Ltd DATE WEEKS PERIODS 1/9 19/9 3 16 The basic Economic Problems 1.1 The sources of economic problems: scarcity and choice 1.2 Opportunity cost 1.3 Economic good, Free good 1.4 Three basic economic problems 1.5 Basic Circular Flow, Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics 22/9 26/9 1 4 Types of Production 2.1 Definition of Production 2.2 Consumer good and Capital good 2.3 Types of production, Production in Hong Kong 29/9 8/10 2 8 Division of Labour 3.1 Types 3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 3.3 Limitations 9/10 24/10 2 14 Factors of Production 4.1 Definition and Classification: Land, Capital, Labour, Entrepreneurship 4.2 Nature and functions 4.3 Mobility of Resources 4.5 Different types of wage payment 4.6 Factors of production in Hong Kong 27/10 12/11 2 10 Production in the Short-run and Long-run 5.1 Fixed factors and variable factors 5.2 Definition of short-run and long-run 5.3 Law of diminishing returns 5.4 Economies and Diseconomies of scale 13/11 - 28/11 2 13 Units of Production (The firm) 6.1 Definition of a firm 6.2 Forms of control and ownership TOPIC(S) KNOWLEDGE DATE WEEKS PERIODS KNOWLEDGE 1/12 5/12 6/12 27/2 1 6 Growth and Integration Types and motives 6 34 Demand, supply and Price 8.1 Definition of price, demand and supply 8.2 Market equilibrium 9.1 Change in demand and supply 10 Price elasticity 1/3 10/3 11/3 25/3 2 10 Market Intervention 11.1 Price control and Quantity control 11.2 Tax and Subsidy 2 13 Market Structure 12.1 Definitions of market 12.2 Perfect competition 12.3 Imperfect competition 29/3 28/5 4 20 National Income 2.1 Definition of National Income Circular flow of income 2.2 Methods of measurement: three approaches 2.3 Uses and limitations of NI statistics 2.4 Factors affecting national income 31/5 18/6 3 16 Revision and Exam Papers TOPIC(S) CUHKFAA CHAN CHUN HA SECONDARY SCHOOL Economics Teaching schedule(2005 -2006) Subject : Economics Class : Textbook : Elementary Economics / 經濟學探究 Volume : DATE WEEKS PERIODS 6/9 17/9 2 6 20/9 29/10 6 18 1/11 19/11 3 22/11 17/12 4 20/12 14/1 2 17/1 4/3 F5A / F5B 3 periods Teacher(s) Ng Ka To Author(s) : Dennis Wong T. Chan Publisher Pilot Publishing Company Ltd KNOWLEDGE TOPIC(S) Unemployment, Inflation and Business Cycle Money and Banking 9 Public Finance 12 6.1 Unemployment 6.2 Changes in the general price level 6.3 Business Cycle 3 Nature and functions of money 4 Functions and services of banks 5.1 Money supply 5.2 Hong Kong as a financial centre 7.1 Government revenue 7.2 Government expenditure 7.3 Government budget and its effects on the economy 8 Theoretical principles: absolute advantage, comparative advantage International trade 6 9 Free trade and trade barriers 10.1 Exchange rate Exchange Rate and The Balance of Payment 5 2 Period(s) per week : 15 Revision 10.2 Balance of payment 10.3 Hong Kong’s international trade CUHKFAA CHAN CHUN HA SECONDARY SCHOOL Economics Teaching schedule(2005 -2006) Subject : Economics Class : Textbook : Understanding Microeconomics Understanding Macroeconomics Volume : DATE PERIODS 5/9 – 23/9 15 TOPIC(S) (1) Introduction & Basic Concepts S6A & S7A 1&2 Period(s) per week : 5 periods Teacher(s) Ng Ka To Author(s) : Wong Yuen Chi Publisher Pilot Publishing Company Ltd KNOWLEDGE I Scarcity and the meaning of competition II Economic systems. Economics as an empirical science: basic postulates and methodology III The meaning of utility, wealth, and income, and the postulate of maximization 26/9 – 25/10 21 (2) Consumer Theory The Indifference Curve Approach I Introduction. II The two approaches in the utility theory. III The relevant concepts in consumer theory. IV Change in consumer equilibrium and decomposition of the price effect The MUV Approach I Basic concept of use value. II The MUV curve & ordinary demand curve. III Consumer’s surplus revisited. IV Criticism of the utility (ordinal) theory. 31/10 21/11 15 (3) Demand & Supply Analysis And Exchange Demand & Supply I Basic postulates of human behaviour. II Concept of demand, demand function & curve. III Concept of supply, supply function & curve. IV Concepts of equilibrium & elasticity. V Market intervention & disequilibrium. VI Model of exchange DATE 22/11 3/3 PERIODS 42 TOPIC(S) (4) Production Theory And Market Competition KNOWLEDGE Exchange & efficiency I Functions & implications of price. II Functions of market. III Concept of exchange and efficiency. Production Theory I Concepts of costs - definition & types of costs. II Theory of production. III Theory of costs and cost curves. Market Competition I Market competition and mechanism. II Price-taking competition & its equilibrium. III Price-searching competition. IV Monopoly & price discrimination. 6/3 – 31/3 19 (5) Government and Economic Organizations I The nature of the firm: the organization of productionwith the presence of transaction costs II Price controls and rent controls III The implications of non-price allocation IV The incidence and implications of some common taxes DATE PERIODS TOPIC(S) 3/4 – 10/5 20 (6) Factor Market KNOWLEDGE Demand For Factors : Traditional Analysis I Nature of factors and factor market. II Labour market and the Value of marginal product of labour. III The demand curve for factors in the short run. IV Factors affecting the shift of factor demand curve. V Supply of factor inputs. VI Labour & determination of Wage Rent & Land I The origin of rent on land. II Modern concept on ( economic ) rent. III Other types of rent. Interest & Capital I Meaning & existence of interest. II Employment decision of firms. III Determination of interest rate. IV Interest differentials. V Investment on Human capital. Profit & Entrepreneur I Nature of Firm. II Concept of profit & role of entrepreneur. 11/5 – 7/6 8/6-9/6 23 2 (7) The Problem of Social Cost Revision I II III IV V Introduction. Externality. Solutions to externality. Public goods & economic efficiency : Pareto Common property resources. Optimum.