FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Dr.S. ARUMUGAM 2. Faculty I.D. : 35801 3. Initial Expansion : Sundaram 4. Date of Birth : 5.6.1951 5. Address for communication : Department of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : Plot No.44, Anna Nagar First Street Velachery, Chennai 600 042 7. Phone No. : 044-22432031 8. e-mail I.D. : drsacfms@annauniv.edu 9. Qualification : B.Sc., MBA, Ph.D 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Enclosed 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : Nil 12. Teaching experience : 26 years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : Information Technology, Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Operations 14. Publications : 19 Publications (Journals, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops 15. Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended : 17 16. Awards : Nil 17. Books / Patents : Nil 18. Social activities : President, AAVS Nagar Welfare Association Velachery, Chennai 600 042 Signature Dr.S. ARUMUGAM, PROFESSOR & HEAD Area of Specialization Started the career as Advertising Consultant. Joined Anna University in 1982 as Lecturer in Management. Since 1982 involved in teaching, research, consulting and organizing short term courses in the area of Marketing, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship and General Management. Research papers published in journals and presented in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops are 19. Consultancy works have been carried out for UNESCO and Department of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Tamil Nadu in the area of IT and Entrepreneurship respectively. The syllabus designed and taught in the area of Marketing, IT, Entrepreneurship and General Management for the MBA Programme are 20. Exclusively worked in the area of Entrepreneurship Development for education, training, research and consulting for 12 years in the project, Entrepreneurship Development Cell, sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. National Resource Person in the area of Entrepreneurship Development Training in India. Guiding one Ph.D in the area of Entrepreneurship and two Ph.Ds in the area of Operations. The Short term courses coordinated in the area of Entrepreneurship, Operations and General Management are 30. About Rs.49 lakhs of funds have been mobilized for various programmes carried out for Anna University. FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Dr.H. PEERU MOHAMED 2. Faculty I.D. : 39595 3. Initial Expansion : Hameem Alim 4. Date of Birth : 1.1.1955 5. Address for communication : 11/1 (A4) A.K.S. Garden, Ramagiri Nagar II Street Velachery, Chennai 600 042 6. Permanent address : 7. Phone No. : 9884103672 8. e-mail I.D. : peerumohamed@hotmail.com 9. Qualification : M.Com., MBA, Ph.D 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Marketing Management, Customer Relationship Retail Management 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : ---- 12. Teaching experience : 27 years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : Ph.D - 5 completed - 2 in progress 14. Publications : 21 15. Conferences : 18 16. Awards : ---- 17. Books / Patents : 2 books 18. Social activities : Associated with Help Age India and Ecom-Wel non -do- profit organizations rendering services to ecom aged and Backward citizens Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Dr.L. SUGANTHI 2. Faculty I.D. : 39557 3. Initial Expansion : Loganathan 4. Date of Birth : 2.7.1964 5. Address for communication : Department of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai – 600 025 6. Permanent address : 7. Phone No. : 9841244331 8. e-mail I.D. : suganthi_au@yahoo.com 9. Qualification : B.Tech, MBA, Ph.D 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Information systems, Energy Management Women Studies, Quality Management. 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : 03 12. Teaching experience : 17 years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : 3 completed - 3 ongoing (Enclosed) 14. Publications : 07 15. Conferences : 16 16. Awards : Nil 17. Books / Patents : 1 Book on TQM 18. Social activities : Nil - do - Signature Dr.L. SUGANTHI, PROFESSOR 1. Ph.D GUIDANCE Completed Ongoing 2. (3 Nos.) Development of an effectiveness improvement model for technological institutions using Taguchi technique (S. Jose) – Degree awarded. Studies on Life cycle assessment and exergy based environmental tax for thermal engineering appliances (Jolly Abraham) – Degree awarded. Studies on Quality improvement in technological institutions using Decision models (Santhosh Rajan) – Degree awarded. (3 Nos.) Development of a Neural Network Model using Fuzzy Logic for ambulance positioning in Highways using accident proneness (Jayanth Jocob) – Internal. Development of a software cost estimation model for Indian conditions – Value based perspective (K. Samuel Johnson Israel) – Full Time Management training effectiveness with special reference to Army Training (S. Chandrasekhar) – External Project Completed 1. AICTE Project on Total Quality Management in Technological Institutions Grant : Rs.8.50 Lakhs Completed 2. AICTE Project on Forecasting the Effectiveness of Women Executives using Expert Decision Support Systems Grant : Rs.6.50 Lakhs Completed 3. AICTE Project on Forecasting the Behavioural pattern in balancing home and Office among Women Technocrats using Decision Models Grant : Rs.7.50 Lakhs Completed FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Dr.G. RAJENDRAN 2. Faculty I.D. : 35636 3. Initial Expansion : Gurusamy 4. Date of Birth : 1.6.1956 5. Address for communication : L1/1, Staff Quarters Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : 7. Phone No. : 22203415 8. e-mail I.D. : rajendrangurusamy@yahoo.com 9. Qualification : M .A., M.Phil., Ph.D 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Internal Business Management, Marketing and Economics of Development 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : ------ 12. Teaching experience : 17 years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : International Business 14. Publications : 5 15. Conferences : 5 16. Awards : ---- 17. Books / Patents : ---- 18. Social activities : ---- -do- Internal Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Dr. FATIMA JACOB 2. Faculty I.D. : 31667 3. Initial Expansion : ---- 4. Date of Birth : 14.8.1950 5. Address for communication : Department of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : 7. Phone No. : 22203329 8. e-mail I.D. : fatimajacob@annauniv.edu 9. Qualification : M.A., Ph.D 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Industrial Economics & Strategic Management 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : AICTE Public Distribution Systems Approach Rs.5 Lakhs 12. Teaching experience : 30 years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : 1. Lakshmi Jagannathan – Strategic TQM - Submitted 2. Ashok Babu, Strategic Management - Ongoing 14. Publications : 15 15. Conferences : 25 16. Awards : ---- 17. Books / Patents : 1 18. Social activities : ---- -do- Industrial Management Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Dr.M.V. SUPRIYA 2. Faculty I.D. : 35265 3. Initial Expansion : Mangat VadakkeVeetil 4. Date of Birth : 17.9.1963 5. Address for communication : Dept. of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : Dept. of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 7. Phone No. : 22203409 8. e-mail I.D. : mvsupriya@hotmail.com 9. Qualification : M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Human Resource Management Currently interested in Career Management Personality Development and Emotional Intelligence. 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : 1. 2. 12. Teaching experience : 15 years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : 1. T.T. Srinath - Entrepreneurial Personality – (F.T) Awarded 2. P. Mahalingam - Fare Model (F.T) – under submission 3. Prasanna Kumar Barik - Derivates Management - (F.T) - under submission 4. Three Ongoing (Human Resource Management) : 1 (F.T) ; 1 (P.T) (External) ; 1 (P.T) (Internal) 14. Publications : 15 15. Conferences : 05 16. Awards : Career Award for Young Teachers AICTE – 2000 17. Books / Patents : Nil 18. Social activities : Nil AICTE UGC Rs.3,00,000/- Global financing Rs.25,000/- Corporate Culture - Completed - Completed Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : R. MAGESH 2. Faculty I.D. : 61578 3. Initial Expansion : S. Rajarathinam 4. Date of Birth : 24.6.1965 5. Address for communication : Dept. of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : Plot No.154, Door No.B-3, Kamaraj Salai (Main St.,) Kovilambakkam, Chennai 600 117. 7. Phone No. : 9282101154 8. e-mail I.D. : rajamagesh65@yahoo.com 9. Qualification : B.E., MBA, Ph.D 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : 1. General Management 2. Marketing Management 3. Human Resource Management 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : Nil 12. Teaching experience : 10 years in MBA teaching 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : Nil 14. Publications : Nil 15. Conferences : Nil 16. Awards : Nil 17. Books / Patents : Nil 18. Social activities : ---- Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : JAYANTH JACOB 2. Faculty I.D. : 61567 3. Initial Expansion : ---- 4. Date of Birth : 26.1.1971 5. Address for communication : Department of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : 7. Phone No. : 9840180837 8. e-mail I.D. : jayanth@annauniv.edu 9. Qualification : B.E. (Mech.), MBA., 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Operations Management (concerned with optimizing resources) 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : None 12. Teaching experience : PG: 10 years; 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : ---- 14. Publications : One 15. Conferences : Five 16. Awards : None 17. Books / Patents : ---- 18. Social activities : ---- -do- UG: 16 years Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : A.K. SHEIK MANZOOR 2. Faculty I.D. : 61556 3. Initial Expansion : Adam Kithiroli 4. Date of Birth : 19.5.1978 5. Address for communication : Department of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : 23A, Mathina Nagar Kadayanallur 7. Phone No. : 9865614246 8. e-mail I.D. : sheikmanzoor@annauniv.edu 9. Qualification : B.E..(CSE), MBA, (Ph.D) 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Systems handling Management Information System. 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : -- 12. Teaching experience : 4 years in Anna University 1 year in Self Financing College 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : ---- 14. Publications : ---- 15. Conferences : ---- 16. Awards : ---- 17. Books / Patents : ---- 18. Social activities : ---- Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : A. THIRUCHELVI 2. Faculty I.D. : 63011 3. Initial Expansion : Arunachalam 4. Date of Birth : 18.11.1975 5. Address for communication : A6, Sakthi Managalam Big AI Apartments 1, Pillayar Kovil Main Road, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096 6. Permanent address : 7. Phone No. : 24963195 8. e-mail I.D. : thiruchelvi_y@annauniv.edu 9. Qualification : M.Sc., MBA 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Human Resource Management & Marketing Management 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : ---- 12. Teaching experience : 3 Years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : ---- 14. Publications : ---- 15. Conferences : ---- 16. Awards : ---- 17. Books / Patents : ---- 18. Social activities : ---- -do- Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : S. KRISHNA KUMAR 2. Faculty I.D. : 113099 3. Initial Expansion : Seetharaman 4. Date of Birth : 7.4.1970 5. Address for communication : 11/4, Nadabai Garden Street Thiruvotriyur, Chennai 600 019, TN 6. Permanent address : 11/4, Nadabai Garden Street Thiruvotriyur, Chennai 600 019, TN 7. Phone No. : 9841331242 8. e-mail I.D. : kkss@annnauniv.edu, 9. Qualification : M.Sc., MBA, M.Phil,. (Ph.D) 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Master of Business Administration Human Resource Management 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : ---- 12. Teaching experience : PG Teaching – MBA (FT) - 5 years (2002 – till date) UG Teaching – BE (FT) - 3 years (2005 – till date) 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : ---- 14. Publications : One in National Conference 15. Conferences : ---- 16. Awards : ---- 17. Books / Patents : ---- 18. Social activities : ---- kriskumars@yahoo.com Signature FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : E. THENRAL 2. Faculty I.D. : 63020 3. Initial Expansion : Elangovan 4. Date of Birth : 24.08.1978 5. Address for communication : Department of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 6. Permanent address : Department of Management Studies Anna University, Chennai 600 025 7. Phone No. : 22203328 8. e-mail I.D. : thenrale@annauniv.edu 9. Qualification : B.E., PGDM (IIMB) 10. Area of specialization (1 paragraph about specialization) : Marketing 11. Research projects (Sl.No., Funding agency, amount, Name of the project & status) : Nil 12. Teaching experience : 3 years 13. Research guidance {Sl.No., Area of Research Category (Internal/External status)} : Nil 14. Publications : Nil 15. Conferences : 3 16. Awards : Nil 17. Books / Patents : Nil 18. Social activities : Nil Signature