Homework Assignment 3 Empirical Assigned: Monday, November 29, 2004 Due: Friday, December 10, 2004 1. Excel Problem. You are interested in finding out whether the business cycles of the 4 Asian Tigers are more closely correlated with Japan or the USA. You are given (in Data Table) real GDP for Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan as well as real GDP for Japan and the United States at a quarterly frequency between the period of the first quarter of 1980 (time period = 1) and the 3rd quarter of 2003 (time period = 95). These periods will be indexed by time = 1…95. The project will involve three steps: A) calculate potential output as the long-term trend; B) calculate the output gap and its average volatility; C) calculate volatility and correlations. A) For each time series, Qt, I. Create a new series qt = ln(Qt). II. Decompose the series qt = q + εt where q = β0 + β1 ∙ time + β2 ∙ time2 by estimating the coefficients β0, β1, and β2 using the linear regression tool in Excel. Under the tool bar, access Tools/Data Analysis/Regression. This will bring up the regression wizard which will ask for a Y range and an X range. For the Y range, use qt and t = 1,..95. For the X range, use time and time2 (i.e. B2:C96). This will generate an output sheet which includes Intercept, X Variable 1, X Variable 2. The variables to the right of Intercept is the estimate of β0, to the right of X Variable 1 is β1, to the right of X Variable 2 is β2. III. Use estimates β0, β1, and β2 to calculate q = β0 + β1 ∙ time + β2 ∙ time2. B) Use the estimate of q to estimate the output gap, εt = qt – q. To estimate the volatility, calculate the standard deviation as the square root of the average level of εt2. C) Calculate the correlation between the Japanese output gap and the output gap of the four Asian tigers. First, put the series for εtJPN in a column to the left of the output gap of each Tiger. Then use Tools/Data Analysis/Correlation to calculate the correlation. Which East Asian tiger has the strongest correlation with Japan? Next, repeat the process substituting εtUSA . Which East Asian Tiger has the closest correlation with the US. time Mar-80 Jun-80 Sep-80 Dec-80 Mar-81 Jun-81 Sep-81 Dec-81 Mar-82 Jun-82 Sep-82 Dec-82 Mar-83 Jun-83 Sep-83 Dec-83 Mar-84 Jun-84 Sep-84 Dec-84 Mar-85 Jun-85 Sep-85 Dec-85 Mar-86 Jun-86 Sep-86 Dec-86 Mar-87 Jun-87 Sep-87 Dec-87 Mar-88 Jun-88 Sep-88 Dec-88 Mar-89 Jun-89 Sep-89 Dec-89 Mar-90 Jun-90 Sep-90 Dec-90 Mar-91 Jun-91 Sep-91 Dec-91 Mar-92 Jun-92 Sep-92 Dec-92 time^2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 400 441 484 529 576 625 676 729 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 1156 1225 1296 1369 1444 1521 1600 1681 1764 1849 1936 2025 2116 2209 2304 2401 2500 2601 2704 HK 105670.5 111605 112717.3 108245.1 117010 118834.9 119622.8 122679.4 123565.9 120939.5 122940.8 123829.4 124293.5 128312.2 131630.3 135311.9 140167.5 146849.8 145222.5 139759 149032.5 143091.8 140228.1 142380.3 150146.4 155682.9 162362.2 166890.2 170719.5 176903.5 185083.8 185149.6 186703.5 192300.8 197196.4 199737.9 199630.3 198423.3 199136.9 200457.6 201913.5 206237.6 208528.1 210301.8 213351.8 216789.8 219699.2 223851 226860.8 231146.4 235234.6 238102 JAPAN 77796.44 77717.01 78135.91 79334.02 79979.97 80173.22 80894.59 81165.64 81898.81 82885.48 82885.94 83478.87 83411.48 83858.81 84532.33 84711.38 85252.6 86493.15 87629.46 87606.52 89859.04 90736.9 91406.93 92597.12 92702.88 93454.76 94393.18 94964.55 95013.57 96335.7 98056.53 100243.3 102041.2 103183.7 104848.2 106145.3 109010.5 107858 109255.8 112073.4 112199.7 115157.4 116636 117078.1 118995.9 118656.3 118873.2 119873.4 120832 119490.8 120208.3 120401.8 KOREA 28442.11 28924.36 28871.74 28716.21 29334.18 29935.83 30559 32100.28 31318.12 31999.02 32730.91 34689 34575.24 35639.51 36891.74 37789.57 38591.01 39013.04 39489.51 40152.86 40675.36 41347.3 42014.24 43296.72 44264.52 45719.69 47496.6 48117.58 49689.02 51423.43 52301.23 52793.48 56310.61 55633.03 57396.95 58583.08 58704.32 59255.74 60733.55 62950.48 64189.38 64980.59 66714.3 67657.64 70012.52 71452.19 72484.99 73869.47 75138.74 75797.58 75664.63 76985.7 SINGAPORE TAIWAN USA 9145.37 588766.6 2725.3 9359.704 593741.6 2729.3 9587.786 598985.1 2786.6 9854.373 612708.9 2916.9 9979.895 624255.1 3052.7 10317.1 631998.6 3085.9 10562.58 638794.4 3178.7 10781.39 647127.6 3196.4 10881.38 647812.7 3186.8 11070.46 653454 3242.7 11240.72 658629.2 3276.2 11425.87 673101.5 3314.4 11675.17 681475.4 3382.9 11944.18 702182.9 3484.1 12212.05 726659.7 3589.3 12578.76 744837.7 3690.4 12932.47 769049.5 3809.6 13077.08 787815.2 3908.6 13214.59 799088 3978.2 13226.3 802377.7 4036.3 13320.29 810468.1 4119.5 12954.23 823694.9 4178.4 12805.23 829831.8 4261.3 12629.34 850352 4321.8 12868.99 889964.9 4385.6 13077.96 904521.2 4425.7 13270.19 933266.2 4493.9 13576.19 970633.4 4546.1 13845.29 1003965 4613.8 14222.38 1034890 4690 14673.96 1059995 4767.8 15184.76 1070805 4886.3 15358.78 1087840 4951.9 15976.98 1109450 5062.8 16400.11 1141123 5146.6 16748.23 1157879 5253.7 16831.76 1179446 5367.1 17876.78 1211441 5454.1 17930.52 1231244 5531.9 18240.29 1245130 5584.3 18988.87 1261080 5716.4 19173.57 1259763 5797.7 19410.4 1288711 5849.4 19712.81 1320294 5848.8 20196.23 1338514 5888 20439.94 1364749 5964.3 20832.51 1397463 6035.6 21021.25 1416657 6095.8 21306.47 1447005 6196.1 21646.4 1470504 6290.1 22221.4 1493313 6380.5 22822.71 1519314 6484.3 2. Internet Problem Construct a trade weighted exchange rate index for China. The following chart shows the top 5 trading partners for China according to total trade. Follow the following steps. Japan USA Hong Kong Korea Taiwan Exports 59453.99 92510.15 76323.6 20104.85 9013.773 Imports 74204.07 33882.96 11138.96 43160.53 49364.17 Trade 133658.1 126393.1 87462.55 63265.38 58377.95 A. Use these economies share of trade to construct weights. Let TRADE be Traden the sum of trade for all 5 countries. Then for country n, wn . TRADE B. Download the monthly US dollar exchange rates from Jan 2000 to November 2004 with China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan from http://fx.sauder.ubc.ca/data.html . Hint: Retrieve as a Tab spreadsheet. Save the worksheet to a txt file. Open the text file with Excel. C. Each of the above series should be in the form of number of local currency units per US dollar. The first series (Renminbi per US$) is already in the form of Renminbi per foreign currency unit). Convert each of the other series to renminbi per foreign currency unit format. Do this by dividing each series by the number of renminbi per US dollar series. D. Calculate the growth rate of China’s exchange rate with each trading S partner, n as gtSn ln( t ,n ) for t = February 2000 to November 2004. St 1,n E. Use the weights in 2A to calculate a weighted average growth rate, g tSW . F. Calculate the average of the growth rate of the trade weighted exchange rate, g. Calculate the deviation t gtSW g from the average from each period. Calculate the square root of the average of the square of this deviation t 2 as the standard deviation. G. Set the January 2000 trade weighted exchange rate equal to S0 = 1. Then for each following period as St = exp( g tSW ) ∙St-1. Practice Problems 1. Rational Expectations and Monetary Policy Shocks Demand follows the quantity theory of money t t qt q t where mt is (logged) money supply, vt is velocity, pt is the price level, and qt is the output level. The supply curve is given by t REt 1 t qt q Assume a constant potential output. To simplify algebra, normalize potential output, q = 0. Monetary policy follows a random walk. a. Monetary policy follows a random walk so that the growth rate of money is unpredictable white noise: t t . This implies that te REt 1 ( t ) 0 . Assume that velocity is constant, t =0. Calculate the expected price level. Calculate actual levels of output as a function of εt. b. Assume that velocity follows the process, t t 1 tv where ρ < 1. This implies that te REt 1 ( t ) t 1 . Assume that monetary policy systematically targets velocity, t t 1 te t 1 . Calculate output and prices as functions of t 1 and tv . What effect does the choice of λhave on output? 2. Okun’s Law and Time Consistency Each % point increase in output above potential output results in θ% extra inflation. t REt 1 t qt q Each % point increase in output above potential output reduces unemployment below the natural rate by ψ%. urt ur NR qt q t REt 1 t ur ur NR t The government is interested in low inflation and pushing unemployment toward some ta1rget level ur*. The government sets inflation policy to minimize 2 2 a t b urt ur * subject to t REt 1 t urt ur NR taking expectations as given. b. Calculate the optimal inflation policy, πP, as a function of ur*, urNR, and REt 1 t . c. What will equilibrium inflation and unemployment be when REt 1 t P ? d. If the government can choose a target unemployment rate, ur*, in order to have zero inflation, what would it be? 3. Adaptive Expectations and Dynamics Construct a small model of the economy that includes A) a Planned expenditure curve; B) a Taylor rule; and C) an expectations augmented Philips curve A. The planned expenditure curve sets demand as a negative function of the real interest rate and an exogenous demand shock, αt. qt t b rt B. The Taylor rule sets the real interest rate as an increasing function of the inflation rate rt r d t C. The SRAS curve sets inflation acceleration as a function of the output gap. t t 1 qt q Calibrate the parameters of the model equal to r = .1, q = 1, b = .5 , d = .5 and θ = .5. a. Assume that at time t-1, the economy was in a steady state where t 1 t 2 and t 1 =1.10. Solve for output, qt-1, the interest rate, rt-1, and inflation πt-1. b. Assume that unexpectedly t =1.10 drops to 1.05. Using the answer from 3a for πt-1, solve for the new real interest rate output, qt, the interest rate, rt, and inflation πt. c. Using πt from 3b, solve for qt+1 and πt+1. Using πt+1 solve for qt+2 and πt+2. Using πt+2 solve for qt+3 and πt+3. Graph the dynamic response of inflation and output to this demand shock. d. In the far future, inflation will again reach a constant level. Solve for the constant level of inflation when t =1.10. e. Re solve 3a and 3b for qt-1 and qt under the assumption that the central bank sets an aggressive response to inflation, d = 2. How does an aggressive response to inflation affect the response of output to a demand shock? Explain