e-newsletter of the congregation of the brothersof charity

Edition N° 125/V/2010; September 15, 2010
(Please, always try to reduce the length of your reports for ‘Roma on-Line’ to maximum 1 page.)
(Copies of the texts to be published have to be sent before the 10th of the month.)
(We kindly ask the local superiors to print a copy for the Brothers who don’t have an e-mail address.)
(Messages unimportant in my eyes, may be important for others!)
Administratio Generalis – Roma
When we perform good works, we ought to ask ourselves:
which is our motive?
“When we perform good works, we ought to ask ourselves: which is our motive? How often isn’t
it out of self-love or to attract the eyes of the world that we do a good work? How often don’t we
desire that everyone knows that we give alms? You have given bread to the poor, yet it must be
plentiful. Do we ask the grace of the Lord to persevere till the end?” (Servant of God, Canon
Peter Joseph Triest, Sermon of the Last Judgment)
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The inner motivation is the true ground of our actions. Out of experience, we know that we
become influenced by various powers and that it is sometimes difficult to discern the pure
authentic motivation. Through regular reflections and considerations we learn to know ourselves
better and moreover our motivation too. From Father Triest we know that everyday he reserved
a time for prayer and reflection and armed himself against the impulses owned by everybody,
namely: the urge of instinct for power, possession, and pleasure. His only motivation finally
became to bring God’s love to the places where darkness, hate, and poverty overrule and this
without any desire to meet reciprocal love.
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, in your life you have shown us the meaning of charity. Give us
something of your inclination to go to the others authentically out of love. Let all other motives
vanish under the all-embracing love which we have received from you. And, when human regard
or weakness hinders us to cherish the others then give us your power and grace to always start
again. “If I don’t have love, I am nothing…” Amen.
News from the Superior General
The past period was a period with great variation. End of June, we visited the brothers in
Pakistan en in Sri Lanka. In Pakistan we could arrange the final steps in order to start a new
apostolate in the care of psychiatric patients. The brothers are enthusiastic and hope that the new
apostolate will also bring a new dynamism in the region.
In Sri Lanka, we visited the different houses and invited the brothers to do everything to build up
the region. At the same time we celebrated the existence of 10 years care of people with a
disability in Negombo. In Kalmunai we had to find a solution for the Village of Hope who was
not run adequately and so we decided finally together with the regional council to give the
houses to the customers and to develop the new initiative for mental health care also in the
Village of Hope in Kalmunai. The former novitiate of the Sisters of Charity in Katugastota will
be kept for our second year novices in the future.
We thank the brothers of Pakistan and Sri Lanka for their great hospitality and hope they may
continue to deepen the charism of our congregation through their life and apostolate.
The period in Rome, during the month of July, was as usual occupied with office-work after a
long period of absence and a week of rest. Italy has many places that we can really enjoy,
because of his great history. This time we visited Ravenna and Loreto and a part of the Abruzzo
Than started the time of the retreats. First we went to Lubumbashi to give the retreat to the
brothers. Afterwards we finished the first year noviciate in Nairobi also with a retreat. At the
same time we went to Bujumbura in order to accept the final profession of Bro. Gerard.
Back in Belgium, we had two retreats: one with the first and second year novices, which ended
with their profession and one with the young brothers who are following courses at our
International Institute Canon Triest. On the 22nd of August, we had the inauguration of a new
statue of Father Triest in Lovendegem. The whole ceremony was organised by the local
authorities who liked to participate in the celebration of the 250th birthday of our Founder.
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The 29th of August we left for the Philippines, where we could introduce our first group
postulants and prepare them for the oblation who took place on Sunday the 5th of September in
our new noviciate in Bicol. Eighteen young men from the Philippines, Vietnam, Peru, India,
Indonesia and Pakistan started with full enthusiasm their noviciate under the guidance of Bro.
Daminanus as novice-master. May God bless all of them with perseverance.
After a short stay in Belgium, where we had the first meetings with the commission that will
develop a procedure for the congregation about how to cope in a correct way “abuse-issues” and
how to prevent them, we left on Friday the 10th of September for Congo, where we will give a
retreat to the brothers in Kananga. Most of the retreats found their inspiration in the charism of
our Founder and we hope the brothers could deepen their own charism through reflection on the
words of our Founder, who liked to be an example, a teacher and a servant for many, until today.
Bro. R. Stockman, Superior general - rene.stockman.fc@fracarita.org
The General Superior’ Visit Schedule
Brussels – Rome
Rome – Brussels
Brussels – Roma
Rome – Brussels
News from the Casa – Rome - 2010.09.15
Let us hope that you enjoyed the recent holidays and that you returned from them refreshed in
body and soul. Perhaps you witnessed the profound happiness of a family with growing children
or the joyful engagement of people in serving those in need. It is also possible that you were
confronted with marital infidelity between loved ones.
Nowadays, unfortunately, many marriages break down. Is this an expression of the general crisis
that faces our society? The participation of men and women, without distinction in public life,
the participation of all in recreation and the popularity of tourism very often put marital fidelity
under pressure and cause many divorces. Apparently, people have trouble managing this new
evolution in society and so end up with a crisis. But we know, without being able to give a
definite timescale for it, that this crisis will be overcome, because in the depths of the human
heart has been implanted the conviction that love, on which marriage is founded, requires
durability. Once this concept has matured and is put into practice, society will realize how much
this new evolution will be able to ennoble life.
Obviously, religious life is influenced by a crisis in society. Globalization, the confrontation of
various cultures and the equal participation in public life put religious life, with its strict
separation between men and women, in question. Is such a life in agreement with human nature?
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Isn't it opposed to the Bible that teaches us: “man and woman He created them”, because this can
mean more than just the need for procreation. Do certain new foundations and certain initiatives
in the field of the associate members and spiritual communities in the existing congregations not
move in this direction? It will certainly involve a crisis, but here too, the religious sense will find
a new road. Practice will produce a more adequate life in the communities which, in doing so,
will be more adapted to the building up of the Kingdom of God in the current society.
To illustrate this tendency, we can speak about an initiative of Bro. General who allowed a
community of Sisters to be established in the Casa. Sisters and Brothers meet regularly at work,
in chapel and in the refectory on Sundays. Though still in its initial phase, it could produce a
remarkable evolution in the way one lives one’s own vocation, thanks to collaboration and to
mutual influence.
Finally, we mention that at the end of August, Sr. Celeste’s father died in Sri Lanka, at the age of
62. May he rest in peace. Our garden has been enriched by a beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary,
from Vietnam. Made of a kind of very white marble of high quality, it attracts one’s attention
Bro. Eugeen Geysen
Provincial Administration – Saint Cyprian Community - Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
Intensive vocation animation in North West Africa
Our brothers in Ivory Coast under the leadership of Bro. Roman van Hyfte, Provincial Superior
are conduction a campaign to make known the vocation of brothers and Brothers of Charity in
Ivory Coast and the neighboring country Burkina Faso.
“Recruitment is one of the big objectives of the provincial administration of the Saint Augustin
Province in Africa.” So we had the privilege to be mandated as vocation animators in the diocese
of Banfora (Burkina-Faso) and the archdiocese of Bouaké in the northern part of Ivory Coast.
On Sunday the 1st of August Bro. Alfred left Abidjan to join Bro. Laurent in Yamoussoukro.
After dinner Bro. Félicien guided us to Bouaké. We had also the mission there to speak in the
vocation camp organized by the Clerics of St.-Victor, but the people who organized the camp
were not open for our presence. After having been staying the night in the novitiate of the Clerics
of St. Victor, we continued the next our way to our first destination Banfora (Burkina-Faso).
Our story started here. At 100 meters from the town we had to pass a real zone between Bouaké
and the border of Burkina-Faso which was not controlled by the central government. We met
more than 20 barriers and in each of them we had to pay something (between 200 and 2000
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FCFA). The most amusing thing was that the rebels asked Bro. Laurent, who is an Ivorian to pay
for a visa to leave and to enter his own country, Ivory Coast.
In Banfora our destination place we were waited for by Father Dieudonné Kutumbule of the
African missionaries, our guide and the vicar general of the diocese of Banfora and parish priest
of the Cathedral. He was accompanied by a vicar of the parish of Nyangoloko. We were
welcomed very well. Next day we had a meeting with the bishop of Banfora who welcomed us
although he had to fulfill many other tasks. He offered us a drink and then he said to us: “Go and
tell your superiors we have only 4 congregations for male religious in our diocese.” We
presented him a leaflet and then we visited the radio Our Lady of the diocese of Banfora. We left
there our leaflets and arranged for an advertising radio spot during two weeks on the vocation of
Brother of Charity. At 14.30 we continued our road for Nyangoloko for the vocation camp there.
We met the parish priest and Father Aimé charged of the organization of the camp for vocation
awakening. The juniorate system still exists in this country on secondary level.
On Wednesday we were invited to present the Congregation to the children. We were very much
impressed by the deepness of the questions they posed to us. In the evening we had already
presented our spirituality to nearly twenty coaches (councilors) and we had distributed them the
leaflets of our community. In the afternoon Bro. Alfred met the novice mistress of the Sisters of
the Enfant Jesus (a French congregation). She said she was ready to help us in the recruitment.
On Thursday we returned to Banfora where we met the responsible sister for vocation on
diocesan level. On Friday after the mass we were welcomed by the Fathers of the College St.
Victor in their convent. That was another occasion for us to present our Congregation to the
young people between 16 and 28 years during a quarter of an hour. On Saturday we went back to
Ivory Coast with much less difficulties apart from the delay due to visa control. In Bouaké (a big
town in the North of Ivory Coast) we stayed by a priest called Father Gérard, a friend of the
Brothers of Charity. Next morning he gave us the opportunity to speak in his parish about our
religious family and to distribute our leaflets. We then arrived at Yamoussoukro and we gave an
oral report of our mission to Bro. Félicien, Superior of the Ste. Bakhita community.
We really thank our congregational authorities who gave us their spiritual and material support
and for the confidence they had put in us for the completion of this mission. Great is our
gratitude towards Reverend Father Dieudonné Kitumbule, AM (African Missionary), who left
his apostolate for 5 days in order to be our guide.
Our suggestions:
- For the coordination of our vocation pastoral, we wish that Father Dieudonné Kutumbule
would become our focal point in Burkina Faso.
- The sower’s work has been done; we are confident that God will send us vocations in this
part of the African continent. It is time to plan an intensive recruitment and to prepare
logistic and financial means for the welcoming of candidates and postulants.
- We have to adapt our formation plan to the local reality and to make a brother totally free
for the recruitment apostolate.
- We have to use the new technologies to make known our Congregation in West Africa.
Bro. Laurent Koffi and Bro. Alfred Kiza – Abidjan – 12 August 2010
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Saint Damian Community – Bangui – Republic of Central Africa
From the 1st to the 9th September our community was happy to welcome the Provincial Superior
of Africa, Bro. Roman Van Hyfte. On the 1st September we went to greet him at the Bangui
airport and we took him to the community where the postulants were waiting for him. After the
meal in the community at noon, we went to the sisters Abizeramariya. The sisters and the street
children taken care by them were waiting for us and welcomed us with songs, folkloric dances,
sketches and poems. In the evening of the same day we were gathering around the table to stress
this special event.
Apart from the organized visits to the ecclesial authorities, the male and female communities and
to different places in order to give Bro. Provincial a real impression of the RCA, he also gave
lessons to the postulants and he had a meeting with 13 aspirants who had come to greet him.
He couldn’t have ended his stay of course without having taken dispositions according to the
formation. By doing so and after deliberation, our two postulants (Benjamin Mokopame and
Emile Ngouabeyo) were accepted to start their novitiate in Nairobi in October 2010. They also
got a two weeks rest in their family fixed from the 15th to the 30th September before leaving for
Two aspirants (Anselme Rodrigue Amokodopa and Olivier Privat Sepamio) out of the 21 we had
been accompanied, were accepted to start the postulancy end October 2010 in order to give both
the opportunity to prepare their outfit.
Bro. Antoine Kabengele – anto_kbg@yahoo.fr
Région Saint-François-Xavier, Rwanda – Burundi
On the 4th of June we enjoined the welcoming of Bro. Grégoire Mubali and our Associate
Member Gasana Oreste after having finished their studies in special education in Belgium. We
wish them a fruitful mission in our Region SFX.
We also enjoined the returning of Bro. Michel Mutabazi who finished his master studies in
applied mathematics. He did one month practicum by doing research work in our hospital of
Ndera in order to finalize his mater studies in public health next December.
After his mission in the DR of Congo where he accepted the vows of Bro. Rodrigue Sadiki,
Brother General had a very busy week here. It is to say:
On the 15th of June we celebrated on national level the 10th anniversary of the national police. As
it was an official day off we had our Administration Board Meeting of the HVP Gatagara and in
the evening, 6 Associate Members pronounced their first promise and 12 Associate Members
renewed their promise for three years.
During two days, Bro. General went to animate the introduction of their next general chapter of
the Sisters Abizeramariya. On Friday evening, Bro. General and the Regional Superior met the
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apostolic Nuncio of Rwanda. Bro. General informed him on the development of our charism all
over the world and our mission in the Rwanda Church.
On the 19th of June 2010 we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the HVP Gatagara. This
celebration was upgrated by the presence of the ecclesial authorities such as Mgr. Smaragde,
local bishop and president of the Episcopal Conference in Rwanda. Among the civil authorities
we noticed the presence of Madam the Minister at the Presidency and State Secretary of the
Ministry of National Administration and Social Affairs. We were also honored by the presence
of representatives of national and international NGO’s. In the evening Bro. General went back to
Rome by plane.
On the 2nd of June 2010 we noticed the official opening and the start of the activities in our new
professional medical-social centre in Gikondo. Bro. Grégoire is the director of it.
On Tuesday, the 22nd of June we enjoyed the start of the restoration works in Rwamagana in the
presence of benefactors and friends of Gatagara. The works are being financed by the “Sharing
success Foundation” in the Netherlands.
We were happy to welcome Bro. Jean- Nepumucène who is working in Kenya. He came for
official documents and to have some days of rest.
In preparation of the international Novitiate in Nairobi our Community of St. John of God
welcomed 25 postulants from the DR of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda. Referring to our new
formation plan we wanted to get them together some experiences in community life, religious
life and apostolic work. Although the accent was put on a course of English also other skills were
offered such as computer initiation, wisdom for life, art initiation, religious education …
Finally we were happy with the renewal of vows for three years by Bro. Eric-Ferdinand. At the
same occasion we wished him a good journey to the United States of America on the 9th of
August 2010 where the Congregation was offering him the opportunity to study.
Br. Déogratias Rwabudandi, Regionale Overste SFX
Our Lady of Africa Region – Democratic Republic of Congo
From the 1st to the 4th of June 2010 Bro. Provincial, Bro. Regional went by car to Lusanga for a
canonic visit. They were accompanied by Bro. Bonaventure. On the 4th of June Bro. Simon
Wumba and Bro. Bernard Ntambwe returned from Belgium. From the 5th to the 9th of June Bro.
Provincial and Bro. Regional continued their canonic visit in Nioki, Kikwit. From the 11th to the
15th of June Bro. Provincial and Bro. Regional left for Goma always in the context of a canonic
On the 15th of June it was the inauguration of the buildings of the CRHP in Kishasa. On the 24 th
of June Bro. Provincial took a plane to Lubumbashi and returned to Kinshasa on the 28th of June
in order to participate at the regional council planned on the 1st of July. On the 26th of June Bro.
Jean Salumu and Bro. Donatien Matala arrived in Kinshasa for the regional council. We noticed
also the arrival of Bro. Frédéric Mbayo and Bro. Dieudonné Diendelayi. Bro. Dieudonné’s father
died in Kananga.
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The beginning of the month July was marked by the meeting of the regional council from the 1 st
to the 3rd in Kinshasa with the participation of all the councilors. On the 7th of July the mission of
the canonic visit of Bro. Provincial in Our Lady of Africa Region ended and he returned to
The postulants from the Kasaï, from Lusanga and from Nioki arrived in Kinshasa on the 16th of
July in order to get their passports. Bro. Jean Mbeshi arrived in Kinshasa on the 19th of July from
Goma. Last but not least on the 30th of July it was the start of the first group of postulants to
The 10th of August Bro. Frédéric Ndjibu left Goma by Kinshasa to reach his new community in
Katuambi. On the 12th we noticed the returning of Bro. Jean Mbeshi from Lubumbashi and also
the arrival of two Bros. Richard Kibambe and Gérard Frédéric Kitengie who are preparing their
journey to Ivory Coast for study reasons.
On the 13th of August Bro. Jacob, the coordinator for our apostolic activities in the NDA Region
(RDC) made his first work visit to Lusanga. He was accompanied by Bro. Simon Wumba.
Afterwards he took the plane for Nioki to visit it also for work reasons.
Bro. Augustin Kabasele arrived in Kinshasa on the 15th of August in order to reach his new
community in Brabanta. On the 17th we welcomed Bros. Bernard Ntambwe and Emmanuel
Twisile. Bro. Bernard left for Goma where he had been appointed recently.
Bro. Regional returned to Kinshasa. Bro. Pierre Makwale arrived in Kinshasa on the 24th of
August on his way to his new community in Lubumbashi. Bro. Gérard Munandi arrived in
Kinshasa on the 29th of August coming from Lusambo to reach Bukavu in South Kivu in order to
visit his mother who was seriously sick. He left for Goma on the 31st of August.
Bro. Floribert Kabindu, Regional Superior
Saint Dominic Region, Tanzania
St. Paul’s Region – South Africa
Triest House, Florida
Bro. Godefroid Mutuale Mukena from the community of Saint-Ambroise in Kabinda (“Notre
Dame d’Afrique” region) joined us on 24 February 2010. He will be in South Africa to assist in
teaching. Therefore, he started following an English course at ABC College in Johannesburg
which he is attending 5 days a week.
St. Conrad’s community, Klerksdorp
Bro. Mothobi Rasehlabo left St. Conrad’s community and went to stay at Triest House in
Florida. Bro. Luc Massenhove joined the community from the beginning of July. He is involved
with the maintenance team at the school. Bro. George Rice renewed his vows on the 4th July
2010 in Triest House. Bro. Paul Chishinte renewed his vows on 25 July 2010.
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St. Placid’s community, Pax
Bro. Douglas Robertson has been appointed as local superior.
Thandanani Centre
A workshop was set up in one of the garages at 59 Rose Street (Triest House). Tools were
purchased from the 2009 Lotto allocation. We are currently looking for a retired ‘carpenter’ to
run classes. An old age home for the elderly people with mental disability was built on the
premises of the residences and 8 clients moved into their new home. The official opening took
place on 24 August 2010.
Just to let you know our website is now up and running. www.thandananicentre.co.za (Margi
King – Director)
Paxana (elementary and primary school)
As a big surprise, the School Governing Body was invited on 6 July for a site meeting with the
Brothers, the constructor and the inspectors of the Department of Labor about starting to build a
new school with 20 classes, 20 toilets and an administration block. In the meantime the
construction works have started.
Pax College
The Department of Education equipped the school with containers for classes in the interim. The
school has waited for two years for new classes to be built by the Department. Another project of
the school is to have classes for technical subjects. The project was submitted to the Department
of Education, who will provide the necessary funds for it.
Pax Skills and Pax Farm
Bro. Dirk Debusschere is working on the chicken project. Pax Form is to be mainly considered
as a training facility for agricultural skills and computer skills.
Pax Hostel
The renovations on the senior hostel are finished and the works have now started in the junior
section. The hostel could start with 300 boarders in the beginning of the new school year, which
is an increase compared with last year. Bro. Louis Verschueren (Belgium) supervised the
(Source: Community Newsletter – Brothers of Charity St. Paul’s Region – Edition No. 12 –
January to July 2010)
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Provincial Administration – Washington DC – Brazil
Our Lady of the Garden
One of the first suggestions of names four our new grotto in DC was Our Lady of the Garden.
Bro. Dominic is about to complete the project. There is now vegetation, lightening and a lovely
fountain. He has still few weeks of rest before the school year. He accompanied the provincial
for a long bike ride to Mount Vernon where the General Washington was living in a Mansion
and Property transformed in a touristy historical attraction.
Historical event
The Provincial Council was successfully held online for the first time thanks to the program
ooVoo. With this technology up to six people at the same time can hold a conference on internet
hearing and seeing each other partner as if they were in the same room, as long as they want and
for free. More and more organizations save time, energy and money with this. You just need to
download ooVoo on your computer and agree on the time to connect.
Provincial Council on ooVoo It was planned to happen on 17 August at 8 PM Eastern Time and
so did it happen! Each Regional Superior shared the life of his Region since the last virtual
ooVoo meeting online and we discussed a little bit on a policy for foreign candidates (coming
from American countries where we are not present).
So we learned that in Ste Ann Region new Superiors were about to be appointed and that
eventual candidates associate members to be contacted in Quebec. In OLOC Region things are
moving on in what regards associate members and the development of apostolate both in DC and
Philly. In San Martin de Porres, you are invited to visit their new website at
Bro. Rodrigue is about to find the way to enter Nicaragua. The government will give answer in
October on the request of paying some salaries in the Cepetri. Important development expected
in November in Ayacucho with the election of the brothers of charity on the board linked to the
taking of possession of the Center. An experience of ‘Come and See’ will be organized begin of
September till December. At the Provincial level, the subscription to Vocation Match Network
produced over one year 200 views online of our listing, 200 views of our website, 100 emails
sent to us for information, and 70 views of our online video.
Meeting of the Associate Members in Washington DC on Sunday 27 June
At this occasion in a first part an overview of the evolution of the associate membership in the
Congregation was given and in a second part an overview of the new developments of the
apostolate in each Region of the Congregation. Then the group explored the different avenues
and possibilities as to the new apostolic project in Washington DC, as Bro. John Fitzgerald gave
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a summary of his last exploratory meetings with the people involved in DC. The comments heard
after the meeting that things were beginning to take a concrete shape bringing new life
Associate Members of Our Lady of Charity Region renew their promises for 3 years
On August 14, at 3 p.m., in DC, began a regular, quarterly, meeting of the associate members of
OLOC Region. Bro. John gave an update of the evolution of the apostolic project in Washington
whose direction points clearly towards a facility for homeless war veterans linked to a PTSD
problem (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Collaborators really interested have been identified.
We are already speaking of grant writing, special training of the responsible persons. Another
project is to involve CUA in funding a project for Indonesia in the wake of the successful action
of sending a container of books for the library of Kigoma. Then was chosen the topic of the next
meeting: developing hospitality in line with our charism.
At 5 p.m. we proceeded to the ritual of the renewal of the promises within the liturgy of the
hours of the Assumption. On this occasion each associate spontaneously expressed his/her
motivation to renew his/her commitment. Many expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to
share in the vocation of associate member in the charism of the Congregation and how important
was this new dimension for their life. As usual the spiritual joy found its counterpart in sharing
drinks and food of the traditional potluck. And the feeling was that the unity of the group had
grown in intensity since its formation.
Bro. Venance arrived in Dar
The journey was very good. At the customs I was told to declare the goods I had, and when I
opened the bag and the officer saw the cassock he said, "Oh I'm sorry father you can just go.
Why you didn't tell me that you are a priest?"
Bro. Jean Clement arrived in Abidjan
I landed after a wonderful long trip full of surprises! In Brussels I had to wait another 5 hours
before connecting to Abidjan. And guess what, I was offered to travel in business class. The
crew thought that I was a business man for my dressing was classical (in tie and everything)!
12th of August was the safe arrival of Bro. Eric Ferdinand Twizeyimana after a 5 day journey
with lots of flight cancellation and delays and huge tiredness.
The situation in Brazil
There are no more children in the houses of the ‘Aldea Infantil’ (village) in San Sebastiao de
Amoreira. Only three adolescents, former children, are still looking for ways to become
independent. Meanwhile the new association with a larger social goal than the one of the ‘Aldea
Infantil’ is exploring various ways to serve the population, especially the more vulnerable youth.
Two employees are working at it, developing projects of animation and raising funds. Life is
growing in new forms in the small village since some programs are already active.
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Find the witness of bro. André addressed to the parishioners of the Parish St. Stanislas of Ascot
Corner at http://www.saint-stanislas-ascotcorner.com/
The project of Edmonton has been presented to the different communities of the region on the
occasion of the visit of the Provincial.
The project of the regional house in Coronet Street to welcome people is developing. After
having welcomed two dozens of pilgrims from different origin, the community is preparing itself
to welcome about ten visitors from Sri Lanka. Supplementary mattresses are been spread in the
meeting rooms.
Great feasts are coming ahead. On the 9th of October the 250th anniversary of our Founder will be
celebrated. A mass will be said in the Saint Frederic’ church and a dinner will be offered in the
Saint Bernard’s College. The whole celebration will be lead by our Reverend Brother René
Stockman, Superior general.
1st of July – Message from Bro. Pepito (Bro. Joseph Turcotte) – Sint-Maria-Aalter
Brother Damian left Belgium definitively on the 28th of July. He first visited his country before
retaking his task in the Philippines. Brother Guido Cranshoff came back to Sint-Maria-Aalter and
he will be in charge of a group of scholastics who will follow the program on “International
Special Education Management” and on “International Health Care Management”.
The community in Moerzeke will welcome people following the program on “Post-Secondary
Vocational Education and Training in Psychiatric Nursing”. Bro. Waldebert in Kruibeke will
have the students for the program on “Formation in Social Doctrine of the Church and in Social
Pastoral Care”.
The Project of the Brothers of Charity in Edmonton
Since the meeting of the Archbishop Smith of Edmonton with Bro. René Stockman and Bro.
John Fitzgerald in Ottawa, Brother John has been preparing the visit in Edmonton in the
beginning of October for Bro. René Stockman and Bro. Gilles Rivard. On this occasion the
functioning of the Mental Health Organization of the place and its strategy of mental care will be
explained and discussed. There will be also a meeting with the Catholic Social Services as well
as possibly one official of the city. These should help the Brothers to envision their collaboration
in the eradication of homelessness in this city.
Besides, other meetings with significant people interested to help the installation of the Brothers,
is being organized by Dave, the brother of Bro. John who is living in Edmonton. News bulletin
heard of a rumor of a house (dedicated to the Holy Spirit) of 4 bedrooms that could be available
and quite suitable for the pioneers. Let us bear these developments in our prayers!
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Some information from Peru by Bro. Victor Hugo
The process of handing over the psychiatric day center of Ayacucho should be finalized by
October. All the Brothers in Peru are actively working at the formation of the new associate
members, each one preparing some topics. An exposition and presentation on the Founder is
about to be carried through various cities of the country. Bro. Johnny is leading a new prayer
Bro. Victor Hugo went to Tingo Maria for the Golden Jubilee of his secondary school. He met
many of his friends there (it was June 14th). On June 22nd, the Brothers launched a presentation
about our founder P.J. Triest. The opening ritual was presented by Bro. Bernard Boulay as a
representative of the pioneers and by Bro. Benjamin as the latest member to join the team. The
candidate associate members had their role in the mission and were invited to help the
Saturday, June 26th, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the Cepetri Centre. Parents, students
and staff were happy to commemorate the event. Sunday, June 27th we had another formation
meeting for associate members in our formation house and we finished with the Rosary in the
Chapel with the candidates.
From Bro. Jimi Antoine
Allow me to share my happiness after 30 days of retreat in Maredsous being close to God, and to
all my brothers in prayer and meditation. This is how I summarize my retreat:
Keep the eye of your being ever fixed on your one Love, for whom you left all in order to live a
real life in this world where suffering has place and love has hands.
Saint Thomas – Asian Province - Provincial Administration – Lahore – Pakistan
Father Lievens Region – India
Tamil Nadu, Sivagangai, South India
On 4th August 2010 a community meeting was held. On 6th August 2010 Bro. Yashwant renewed
his vows for one year. On 9th July 2010 Bro. S. Wilfred went for a week home visit and a week
of retreat and reflection. On 23rd August 2010 he came back. Unfortunately he could not do his
retreat because of certain personal reasons. On 15th August 2010 the Independence Day of India
was celebrated in a simple way. On 29th the Brothers Wilfred, Arnest, Pratap, and Anil went for
the ‘Dance and Drama Competition’ in Ananda College at Deveakottai. Rev. Fr. Baskar invited
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us for this special occasion. On 31st August 2010 the Sisters of the Carmel invited us in the
morning for the ‘Annual Sports Day’ in the school. A few Brothers accepted the invitation. On
31st August, the birthday anniversary of our Founder we offered Holy Eucharist and prayed for
his speedy beatification. May he intercede from heaven for the whole Congregation.
Bro. Yashwant Lakra - yashwant32002@yahoo.co.uk
Triest (Formation) House Ranchi
We had a hot summer and in some places was a real water problem. To have mass in our convent
is very difficult for because we don’t have a vehicle and we have to go to St. Mary’s Cathedral in
Ranchi or in another Church.
On 22nd of April we had our monthly recollection in Namkum. On 24th of April we had invited
the Bl. Kuriakose community and the St. Alphonsa community to celebrate Bro. Ambrose’s
birthday. On 3rd of May Bro. Lalit Kullu arrived from the Philippines for his annual home visit
for one month. We warmly welcomed him in the Triest House and on the same day he left for a
family visit.
Triest House community - am_brose3@yahoo.com
Blessed Alphonsa Community - Param Mitra Sadan Kanke Road Ranchi.
On 31st of August the community of Param Mitra Sadan celebrated the 250th anniversary of
Canon Peter Joseph Triest, Our Founder. The community invited different congregations to
participate in the celebration. Many religious joined us in the Holy Eucharist followed by a big
On 1st August some sisters from the Lay Missionaries of Charity came to Param Mitra Sadan.
They prayed in our chapel and talked with our patients. Afterwards they were invited for a cup of
tea or coffee. On the same day some novices of the Ursuline convent visited our institute for
mental disabled.
On 5th August a doctor from the governmental psychiatric hospital Kanke visited Param Mitra
Sadan. On 11th August three Belgian guests visited Param Mitra Sadan. On 25th August Bro.
Praful and Mr. Auditor flew to Tamilnado for some official work. And they returned to Ranchi
on 29th.
On 26th August community of Param Mitra Sadan celebrated the birthday of Bro. Pradeep
Blessed Kuriakose Community - Similia
At the moment we are three brothers in this community. On 1st of May we celebrated the feast of
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St. Joseph at Columbi together with the Marianist brothers and the priests. On that day nine
young Marianist novices made their first profession. The month of May is also the month of our
Mother Mary. The brothers and the surrounding Catholics started to pray the rosary every day in
the evening in one of the houses.
On 24th of April we celebrated the birthday of Bro. Ambrose in the Triest House. We all
participated. On 29th of April two brothers participated in a monthly recollection together with
other brothers in the retreat centre of the Jesuit in Namkom.
On 6th of April the classes restarted in the new school building. The students were very happy
with the good accommodation. Now the classes came up to the 5th standard. Two new staff
members were selected. They are seven now. The books, the notebooks and other necessary
study material were provided to the students. Due to the abnormal summer heath the head of the
education department (DEO) of the state asked to all the schools of the state to stay closed. So,
our St. Peter Primary School in Similia, Nawatoli also stayed closed from the 1st of May till the
13th of June. On the 16th of April we had a picnic in our school courtyard.
In the summer vacation, besides our daily activities, the brothers have been busy with their own
university studies.
Bro. Samuel Topno - samuel_topno@yahoo.com
Blessed-Joseph Vaz Region – Sri Lanka
The very Rev. Bro. Superior General visited our Region from June 25th, 2010 to attend the 10th
anniversary of the disability services at Negombo as a special guest. Afterwards he visited the
Bishops of the local dioceses and the Brothers of the various communities. He encouraged the
Brothers and guided them in their spiritual life. During his visit to Kalmunai, VOH, he discussed
the various problems of the staff and tenants. He was able to see that the tenants were cooperative and helpful to continue the good works of the Brothers. On his visit to Batticaloa, he
met the Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kingsley Swampillai and he had a long discussion and
sharing about our congregational plan in the near future and then greeted the Auxiliary Bishop
Ponnaiah Joseph at the Bishop’s house.
Bro. General visited the St.Joseph’s Catholic Press, and met the retired Brothers at the
community house. He had a regional council meeting at the Little Sisters of the Poor-Home for
the Elders, in Batticaloa. After the meeting several matters were discussed and good decisions
were made which were accepted by all. Bro. General met the Bishop of Kandy and discussed
about the new mission in Katugastota and met the Brothers of Katugastota and Hatton.
Bro. General had a meeting with the General Manager and the staff of the Disability Services in
Je-Ela and Negombo. He commended the services of the staff and the arrangement to make this
anniversary a colorful and successful one. The 10th anniversary was held on 26th June with the
presence of His Grace Dr. Malcom Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo, who preceded the
concelebrated mass with the participant priests, brothers, sisters, parents, benefactors, lions’ club
members, friends and neighbors. The Archbishop praised the services of the Brothers of Charity
and even compared their services with Pope Benedict’s 1st Encyclical “Deus Caritas Est”. It was
a very meaningful and touching service. After the mass, a very successful stage program was
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organized and performed by the disabled children followed by the presentation of the memento.
This was later followed by a fellowship lunch.
The Director for Asia of the GAAP Mr. Prakash visited all our communities and institutions and
he analyzed their financial situation. He studied all the projects and the income generating
processes and discussed these matters with the General and Regional Superior. We take this
opportunity to thank both the Superior General and the Asian Coordinator for having offered
their precious time to pay a visit to our Region Sri Lanka and to be with us.
Rev. Bro. Martin has recovered from his sickness and he is now able to move around. He is 91
years. Bro. Thevarajah celebrated his birthday on 5th July. On 27th of July, Bros. Michael and
Canisius commemorated the 46th anniversary of their religious profession. The annual retreat was
held from the 22nd to the 28th August 2010 at Katugastota. Rev. Fr. Thevathasan ,the former
Vicar General of Trinco–Batti Diocese and the Parish Priest of Thannamunai–Batticaloa will be
conducting our retreat. The 250th anniversary of the birthday of the founder of our Congregation,
Cannon Peter Joseph Triest was remembered on the final day of the retreat.
Mr. Lucian Ranasinghe has been nominated as the regional coordinator by Bro. Superior General
from the 12th July 2010 on. We congratulate and thank him for accepting this new task in our
region. We request you all to extend your fullest support whenever he visits your institutions and
communities. Bro. Dominic’s younger brother, Mr. Satiyaseelan Santiago has entered into the
sacrament of matrimony with Ms. Sucila on 12th July 2010. Congratulations for the newly
wedded couple.
Bro. Linus – Regional Superior
Regio Rama Sandjaja – Indonesia
New apostolate in the Ruteng/Manggarai Diocese of Flores Island
The Congregation of the Brothers of Charity opened its community to prepare its new apostolate
in the Ruteng/Manggarai Diocese of Flores Island in the month of August 2010. Two brothers
have been sent to Flores, namely: Bro. Ferdinandus Harun and Bro. Cornellius Kusmiyadi.
Please pray and support this mission with your prayers.
Bro. Adrian Hartotanojo – Vicar General
News updates from the Indonesian Region
A historical moment for our region took place on July 22; Bro. Ferdinandus Harun left
Purworejo to start our first mission in Ruteng, Flores Island. Because of the very long distance
and some difficulties in transportation to this remote island, he could only manage to arrive there
five days later that is on July 27. Thanks to the kindness of our ex-brother, Mr. Benedict Hempi,
he could rent their house until someday our own house can be constructed there. More news on
this event, please click the following link: http://caritasindonesia.blogspot.com/2010/09/broferdinandus-farewell.html
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Responding to the Sultan’s request, recently the Yogyakarta Narcotics Board in collaboration
with Yogyakarta Police established The Narcotics Communication Forum in which Brother
Apolonaris Setara, Director of Kunci Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Yogyakarta was appointed as
second chairman. More news on this event, please click the following link:
Our Vicar General, Bro. Adrian Hartotanojo, paid his visit to our communities in Purworejo,
Purwokerto, Wonosobo and Yogyakarta from August 09 to 16.
A three-day retreat for our young brothers who would make their professions was held in
Wonosobo under the guidance of Fr. Yatno Yuwono MSC, from August 11 to 14.
On August 13, a former student of our schools in Purwokerto, Rev. Fr. Blasius Slamet
Lasmunadi, who was a diocesan priest of Purwokerto, passed away suddenly at the age of 42. A
requiem mass for him was held at the Cathedral of Purwokerto on August 16. Let us pray for the
eternal repose of his soul.
On August 14, our Regional Council had their meeting with our Vicar General, Bro. Adrian
Hartotanojo, in Nandan, Yogyakarta.
On the Assumption Day, August 15, as many as seven of our young brothers pronounced their
professions in the presence of our Vicar General, Bro. Adrian Hartotanojo, at our community
chapel of Nandan, Yogyakarta. Those who pronounced their final vows were Bro. Octavianus
Hadi Kusuma, Bro. Patricius Candra Kurniawan, and Bro. Apolonaris Setara. One brother who
made his first vows was Bro. Fransiskus Danang Kuseno; and those who renewed their
professions were Bro. Polycarpus Manao, Bro. Jodianus Obesi, and Bro. Nicholas Rio Alyandu.
We wish them congratulations for their professions, and may God pour on them his abundant
grace and blessings throughout their religious life as members of our Congregation.
On August 17, our National Independence Day has been celebrated joyfully by our residents of
Sahabat Kita Home in Purworejo with various games. Please click the following link to see their
photos: http://caritasindonesia.blogspot.com/2010/09/skprc-iid.html
On the same day, Bro. Cornelius Kusmiyadi left Purworejo for Ruteng, Flores Island. He is now
assisting Bro. Ferdinandus Harun in setting up our new community and mission in Flores. Both
of them are now living temporarily in a rented house, while waiting for the construction of our
new house there. Their first apostolic engagements in Flores will be pastoral works among the
youths, recruitment for candidates, vocation animations, and some other social works in
preparation to open up a future rehabilitation center for psychiatric patients in Ruteng. Let us
pray for the success of this very new mission of our brothers in Flores Island.
On August 18, our Kunci Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts received a contribution from
the Rotary Club in form of 14 mattresses, 14 chairs, and 7 desks. We are so grateful for their
generosity and caring towards our service-users at Kunci Rehabilitation Center.
A new school bulletin has just recently been published by our junior high school in Purwokerto,
as the school is trying to develop further the writing skills and the interests of reading among its
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On August 25, six poor deaf students of our Don Bosco School for the Deaf accompanied by
their school director, Bro. Marcellinus Putrosumarto received free Widex hearing-aids from
Melawai Hearing Aid Centre in Jakarta. We sincerely thank these benefactors for their
generosity and caring towards our poor deaf students whom we serve in Wonosobo. See the
photos of this event at the following link:
On August 28, after spending some weeks of restful holidays in Indonesia, Brother Damianus
Wakiman left Yogyakarta for his new post in our International Novitiate of Tabaco City, the
Philippines. The next day, after transiting briefly in Manila, he arrived safe and sound in Tabaco
City. We wish him good luck and success for his new undertakings as Novice Master there.
Some new ventilation fans were installed in all bedrooms at our Kunci Rehabilitation Centre in
Yogyakarta, thanks to the generosity of some benefactors who donated them to Kunci on August
On the same day, our postulants organized a recollection day for our sixth graders of the Caritas
Primary School in Nandan, Yogyakarta. The theme of the recollection is “Leadership, obedience
and cooperation”. Several group dynamics games were performed during the recollection.
On August 31, all of our communities of the Brothers of Charity in Indonesia celebrated the
250th birthday of Our Beloved Founder, Peter Joseph Triest. Special mass intentions and
prayers, as well some local activities were held in various places to commemorate this event.
On September 1, our Caritas Primary School of Nandan, Yogyakarta, celebrated its 47th
anniversary. A special thanksgiving mass was offered on the occasion, and afterwards a festive
reception with some attractions performed by the students were held at their school hall.
Brother Gerardus Ridwanto arrived safe and sound in Yogyakarta on September 3 at 11 pm local
Our schools in Purwokerto have successfully developed a joint training program in leadership.
The program is aimed to develop leadership among our primary and secondary school students.
We’re looking forward to implement this program as early as in November this year.
Meanwhile, our junior secondary school in Purwokerto is preparing for their re-accreditation
process. Therefore, they are very busy in making improvements in the school, including the
computerization of our school library system. However, we still feel a great need to increase the
number of computers in our school as well, since the present number is still considered
insufficient to meet the needs of our students.
In collaboration with the Catholic Faithful Neighborhood of St. Mary’s Parish Church of
Purworejo, starting this month of September, the Staff of Sahabat Kita Psychiatric Home have
organized a monthly joint evening prayer involving the local parishioners, the staff and the
residents of Sahabat Kita Home. You may click the following link to see their photos:
Last but not least, it is good to know that our regional coordinator of the International
Development Agency, Brother Martin Mardimpos has been appointed to join the meeting of the
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regional coordinators of the Global Actions Against Poverty NGO in Belgium next month. We
wish him a safe journey and a successful meeting there.
(Correspondents: Bro. Yoanes Suhakto; Bro. Martin Mardimpos; Bro. Elias Firdus Jani; Bro.
Thomas Prasetyo, Bro. Ferdinandus Harun)
Sacred Heart Region – Philippines/Japan and Vietnam
International Novitiate – Formation House - Tabaco City, Albay, Philippines
On June 25th until July 9th, Bro. Joel stayed with us to introduce the formation plan. He discussed
it and gave conferences to us as a community and as an individual.
On July 14th, we had a typhoon. Thanks to God it was not too strong. On August 15th we visited
Naga City as our community outing. We paid honor to the shrine of our Lady Mother Mary.
Bro. Joel arrived here again on August 26th to see if everything was going on well and also to
have a personal encounter with all the postulants who were going to start their (canonical) year
Novitiate and also to receive the application letter for the Novitiate Program. On August 29, we
welcomed Bro. Damianus, Novice Master, in our community. And on the next day, Bro. René
Stockman, General Superior, together with the two postulants from Pakistan arrived. On August
31st until September 3rd a Retreat was given by Bro. René Stockman in preparation for the
oblation of 18 postulants.
It was September 5th when the oblation ceremony took place. The Sisters of Charity, some
Associate Members, our Staff, the local Brothers and Bro. Gaspar Echane, Regional Superior of
the Sacred Heart Region witnessed the ceremony. We are all together 18 novices: three
Filippinos, six Vietnamese, five Indians, one Peruvian, one Indonesian and two Pakistani.
Novice Gilbert (Philippines), Novice Julian (India), Novice Dominic Maria Tam (Vietnam),
Novice Robert (Indonesia)
Our Lady of Fatima Formation House - Tabaco City, Albay, Bicol
As for our Fatima Community, a lot has been going on as far as the Brothers’ participation in the
psychiatric apostolate in Holy Face is concerned. Bro. Andy was busy in his logistics
responsibility supervising the works in the preparation of the venue of the four–day mental
health training here at Holy Face, a job well–done by him. Bro. Nathan helped in the preparation
and at the same time has direct responsibility of giving catechism lessons to the residents.
The Brothers, in celebration of the Vincentian year travelled to Naga City, north of Tabaco, to
attend the celebration with the other Vincentian Religious Congregations like the Daughters of
Charity and others. Mass was celebrated and lunch followed after that. The Brothers were with
an associate member.
In August 31, the 50th Anniversary of Fr. Conrad Goulet’s ordination was celebrated in the Holy
Family Parish in Panal, Tabaco City. Fr. Conrad is a Blessed Sacrament priest and comes to the
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community daily for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. His anniversary was marked by a big
celebration starting with mass and followed by dinner especially prepared for visitors and guests.
Bishop Bong was around together with priests in the Archdiocese of Legazpi. The Brothers in
the Fatima community joined the celebration.
Bro. Victor Manuel
Holy Face News - Tabaco Albay
Our Holy Face residents had quite a longer time with their families starting from the first day of
August till the second week. This opportunity was given to develop into the families and their
residents with psychiatric illness the importance of bonding and being with the loved ones. It was
also to nurture belongingness and acceptance among family members who seldom see and visit
their patients in the Center.
During this time, the staffs and Brothers of Holy Face took time off to San Pablo, Laguna, which
is northernmost part of Bicol Region for Staff Development. This has been a yearly fare for all
workers to look introspectively into themselves as they relate to other co – workers in an
unfamiliar but stress – free venue like the Villa Escudero in the said province. The spirit of
camaraderie and the dynamics of teamwork were developed including harmonious and loving
concern to the sensitivities of others. It was one way of knowing others well and these days
respite proved to be highly motivating and rejuvenating.
The following week from August 9 – 12, Holy Face has organized training for community
doctors, nurses and midwives together with other NGO mental health partners in the province of
Albay. This said training focused on the concepts of mental health care in general health care to
general physicians, nurses, rehabilitation workers and other health workers, so that they can
integrate mental health care in their daily activities.
The participants actively were involved in the discussion and workshops facilitated by the mental
health experts, Dr. Lourdes Ladrido – Ignacio, MD, UP – PGH Professor Emeritus and President
of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR), Dr. Cynthia Leynes, MD, Child
Psyhciatrist, Dr. Ivanhoe Escartin, Department of Health (DOH).
During the training, the Hon. Mayor Krisel Lagman – Luistro visited the group in Holy Face and
imparted some inspirational message and support to our mental health programs and advocacies.
She stayed for some time to listen to the lectures. In the evening, she hosted a dinner for the
lecturers and organizers of the training including yours truly.
At the end of the training, each participant received certificates of participation. The training was
made possible through the efforts and commitment to mental health care of all Holy Face staffs
and Brothers, Simon of Cyrene, CBM, LGU’s and other partners. Commendable to the efforts
done to the realization of the training was the selfless contribution of Madam Amy Bolinas of
CBM who serves as an adviser.
Holy Face from here is a dynamic as ever with all our programs and activities for our psychiatric
patients. We pray that our good Lord sustains all our efforts and that we have the love and
strength to meet the challenges ahead.
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Bro. Victor Manuel
Andre Phu Yen Community in Vietnam
At the end of May we welcomed Brother Joel in Vietnam. It was a short visit but it was very
meaningful for us, because we had a recollection for 3 days together. It was a good time for all of
us to refresh ourselves from outside for having an empty heart for God and for God alone. At the
end we had a community outing to the sea for swimming. We enjoined that day so much.
On the 5th and 6th June Bro. Dominic and I joined a camp for all kind of disabilities. We followed
and helped the group of the blind of Mr. Phong, where two of our postulants are also working.
The camp was well organized by a priest. We had also a good experience on that occasion.
About the postulants and aspirants, we have 3 postulants and 3 aspirants. Two are helping in the
blind centre of Mr. Phong, they teach elementary computer. One is doing acupuncture in the
Sister’s clinic and the other three are helping autistic and handicapped people in the congregation
of Saint Paul.
Our candidates are teaching catechism in the Martino Church. Because it was time for them for
vacation, we organized two activities for them. One was the programmation of a competition for
catechism and the other activity was the organization of a fair for them. The purpose we first of
all to evaluate what they had learnt from our teaching and on the other hand to give them a time
to enjoy them before the vacation.
On 25th June we had two guests from ‘Porticus’ from Holland. They came to visit our new
community. This community was built by one of our supports.
On the 1st of July we gave our postulants and aspirants two weeks summer vacation to visit their
Brother. Ignasio Vu Sang - ignasiovu@yahoo.com
Provincial Administration – Moerzeke – België
An Impression: Eikenburg (Netherlands), Wednesday, 1st September 2010
A late afternoon sun is falling peacefully on the beautifully kept Brothers’ cemetery. I'm looking
for the grave of Bro. Ton van Heugten. But I'm not alone. People from Dordrecht on holiday in
the sunflower pavilion are also visiting his grave. There are fresh sunflowers on Bro. Tons’
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grave. Yes, Bro. is still very much missed and his name is constantly remembered. Bro. Ton has
done a lot of good: it has been extensively discussed during and after his funeral. He was also
extremely sensitive to a warm and friendly welcome for visitors and brothers from other regions.
He also showed up to the end of his life a great willingness to help others, often very modest and
After his death the solidarity between the brothers themselves seems being strengthened. The
employees are very conscious of the beauty and power of the charity for which Bro. Ton has
always worked. I believe that Br. Ton along with other deceased brothers continues to take care
of the ups and downs of our St. Mary’s Region. It will undoubtedly be a joy to Bro. Ton when on
Saturday, September 11th three associate members, after their formation year, make their
promises for one year: a historic moment for the region and one of the main changes for the
future. May we as Brother Ton, love our region, our brothers and our congregation.
Bro. Luc Maes, Provincial Superior of St. Benedict
Bro. Jef De Wit, Provincial Secretary
Saint Joseph Region – Ireland and United Kingdom
St. Mary’s Region – Netherlands
Bro. Ton van Heugten, the Regional Superior of the Netherlands died on the 20th of July in the
hospital of Veldhoven (nearby Eindhoven). The impressive and memorable funeral demonstrated
clearly we had to bury someone who was being loved everywhere. Almost five hundred visitors
came to show him their last honour. Bro. Ton was member of different boards of management of
the schools of the Brothers. He was member of the Provincial Council. In 1984 he became
headmaster of the boarding house Eikenburg (Eindhoven) and in 1994 he was nominated
Provincial Superior. Through the years together with his Confrères and many Co-workers he
made from Eikenburg to what it is now.
Brothers’ day
This year the yearly Brothers’ day for the Belgian Brothers and the Brothers from the
Netherlands was organised by the St. Mary’s Region in the Netherlands. The brothers made a
nice boat trip on the river Maas from Kessel (Limburg) to Roermond and back passing by the
Maas lakes.
The Region of the Netherlands
Since the death of Bro. ton van Heugten, the Regional Superior, Bro. Wout Lips and Bro. Jan
Nouwens have taken over his task temporary. End September the General Council will gather
and nominate a new Regional Superior.
Associate Members
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On the 11th of September the three first Associate Members will make their first promise in the
chapel of Eikenburg in Eindhoven.
Caraes Netherlands
From the 1st of October on the Caraes team in the Netherlands will be expanded with a female
co-worker, Nelleke Gerbrandy, who will take care of the project administration.
New inhabitants of the Brothers’ House
End of August Sister Augusta van Lieshout of the Little Sisters of St. Joseph came to live in the
Brothers’ House. In September Sister Lumien Schreurs, another Sister of her will also come.
They are the first sisters to come and live in the Brothers’ House.
Bro. Wout Lips – Temporary Regional Superior
Saint Vincent’s Region – Belgium/België/Belgique – Rumania – Ukraine
The personal column
On Sunday the 15th of August Bro. Christoph Welvaert renewed his vows for 2 years in SintMaria-Aalter. He was moved to the community their some time earlier. He succeeded in his first
year of higher secondary studies for Educator in the Care for Youth- and Handicapped. Bro.
Guido Cranshoff will be moving to Sint-Maria-Aalter too as responsible for the novitiate. He
remains secretary of the regional council and of the Administration Boards. Bro. Louis
Verschueren will become the superior of the Saint Bavo community of convents.
Celebration of Eucharist from the chapel of the King’s Institute in Woluwe
On Sunday the 29th of August the celebration of Eucharist was broadcasted live on TV 1 from
the chapel of the King’s Institute in Woluwe on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the
Lovendegem celebrated Cannon P. J. Triest
On Sunday the 22nd of August a piece of art and a poetry panel have been inaugurated in
Lovendegem in honor to Cannon P. J. Triest. At 10.00 o’clock a Eucharist was celebrated
followed at 15.00 o’clock by a local academic session in the Saint Martin’s church (with the
presentation of the life and the work of Triest and a panel discussion with Sr. Machteld De Zitter,
Bro. René Stockman and Sr. Jacqueline Eggermont and information on the art- and poetry route.
The piece of art was officially inaugurated at 16.30 o’clock. Afterwards there was also a
reception. On Saturday the 21st of August and on Sunday the 22nd of august there was an
exhibition on Triest in the ‘DVC De Triangel’. The cemetery with the crypt of Triest was opened
for being visited.
Eight pupils went for a life experience journey
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On Sunday morning the 18th of July it was the start of a great adventure for eight pupils from
different secondary schools of the Brothers of Charity: the Maendeleo life experience journey
(the 3rd edition). Guided by two teachers they took the plane toward Bujumbura in Burundi.
From there they continued their journey by road to Kigoma in Tanzania. In Kigoma they visited
Maendelo, Bro. Stan’s youth centre for street children. During two weeks they shared life’s joys
and sorrows with their Tanzanian peers. The pupils landed in Zaventem on Monday morning the
2nd of August. We hope to make from these pupils a new group of strong ambassadors of our
projects in the South and world civilians full of solidarity.
(Source: Recent News)
Casa Generalizia dei Fratelli della Carità
Via Giambattista Pagano 35, I-00167 Roma, Italia
Phone: *39-06-660.49.01; Fax: *39-06-663.14.66
Email: aime.peirsman@tin.it or aime.peirsman.fc@fracarita.org
Web-site: www.brothersofcharity.org
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