Özgecmiş Profesör Dr. Ibrahim Kocabas Rektör Yardimcisi Izmir Katip Celebi Universitesi Balatcik Mah. Havaalani Sosesi, No:33/2 Cigli, Izmir Tel: +90-232-329 3535x1011 GSM: +90-542-542 9996 Faks: +90-232-515 2979 Elmek: ibrahim.kocabas@ikc.edu.tr .tr Kişisel Bilgiler Doğum Tarihi Medeni Hali 16.07.1959 Evli, üç çocuk babası Takım çalışması yapabilen ve temel mühendislik kararları vermeyi verebilmeyi önemseyen; zor endüstri problemlerinin çözümünü hedefleyen projeler geliştirmeyi ve bu projelerde aktif rol almayı ön amaç olarak benimsemiş, çok iyi matematik temeli kazanmış ve bunu uygulamalı matematik alanında kullanabilen, öğrenme ve öğretme metodları ve Üniversite akreditasyon çalışmaları ve gereklilikleri (özellikle ABET akreditasyonu ile) ile tanışık, farklı alanlarda çalışan meslektaşları ile yakın profesyonel diyalog kurabilen ve ortak akıl üretimini başat hedef gören yönetim anlayışını benimsemiş bir akademisyen olarak çalışmalarını sürdürme gayreti icindedir. Akademik Geçmiş: Doktora 1990 Yüksek Lisans 1986 Lisans. (Şeref Öğrencisi) 1982 Petroleum Eng., Stanford University, USA Petroleum Eng., Stanford University, USA Petrol Müh, ODTÜ, Ankaray Profesyonel Geçmiş: 2012 Izmir Katip Çelebi Universitesi, Izmir Rektör Yardımcıs ve Profesör , Yeraltı Akışkan Kaynaklar Mühendisliği 2010-2012 Batman Universitesi, Batman, Profesör, Jeoloji Mühendisliği 2007- 2012 American University of Sharjah , AUS, Sharjah, UAE Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering 2006- 2007 KFUPM , Dhahran, SA, Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering 1997-2006 UAE University, Al Ain, UAE, Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering 5 1992-1996 Suleyman Demirel Universitesi, Isparta, Doçent, Hidrojeoloji Mühendisliği 1992-1996 Suleyman Demirel Universitesi, Isparta, Yardımcı Doçent, Jeoloji Mühendisliği 1991-1992 Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Isparta, Yardımcı Doçent, Jeoliji Mühendisliği 1991-1991 Akdeniz University, Isparta, Oğretim Görevlisi 1990-1991 Stanford University, USA, Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı Verilen Akademik Dersler: Petroleum Mühendisliği Dersleri Fund. Pet. Operations (ABET) Reservoir Engineering (ABET) Natural Gas Engineering(ABET) Petroleum Fluid Properties (as a hands on course) (ABET) Well Testing (ABET) Secondary Rec. Meth. (ABET) Production Operations ( Hydraulic Fracturing,Acidizing) (ABET) Seperation and Treatment of Petroleum Fluids (ABET) Physical Geology for PE (ABET) Applied Reservoir Geology (ABET) Su Kaynakları ve Hıdrojeoloji Dersleri Aquifer Characterization Ground Water Simulation Petroleum Geology Karst Hydrogeology Reinjection Hydrogeology Groundwater Well Hydraulics Geothermal Reservoir Eng. Geostatistics Projeler: 1,200,000 DHs, Co-principal Investigator, ADNOC, Advancement of Reservoir Simulation Techniques in View of UAE Needs. for 3 years. ( 2000-2003) Hydrogeologic Delineation and Numerical Assessment of Aquifer Vulnarability to Saline water Intrusion in Al Wagan Area, Al Ain UAE ( Graduate MSc Thesis Project completed in June 2003.) Aquifer Characterization and Numerical Assessment of Overpumping in the Surficial Aquifer in Al Maqam-Al Saad Area, Al Ain UAE ( Graduate MSc Thesis Project completed in June 2004.) Üniversite ve Topluml Hizmetler: - Advisor for SPE student chapter at AUS, 2007 - 2012 Advisor for Petroleum Engineering Student Club at AUS, 2007-present UAE University, MSc Water Resources Program Executive Committee 2001-2006 UAE University Secretary of Water resources program Executive Committee 2003-2006 6 - - Research committee chair/member 2002-2007 (UAEU and KFUPM) Curriculumn Committee member, 2006-2007 (KFUPM) Chair in program assessment committee 2006-2007 (KFUPM) Coordinator for the Minor in Petroleum Engineering Program Board Member for SPE NE section 2007-2008 Board Member and Chair of Coordination and Membership for SPE NE 2009-1010 Chair of Oil and Gas Industries Track of International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and applied Optimization ICSMO’09 Member of Technical committee of 11th Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference in Abu Dhabi scheduled from 10 – 13 October, 2004. ( as UAEU representative) Panel Leader on Education/Competency/Knowledge Management Panel of 11th ADIPEC Steering Committee Member of SPE ATW tracer technology for reservoir management to be held in Tunisia, June 22-24, 2010 Organizing Committee Member of International Conference on water Energy and Environment, 2011 Sharjah, UAE Chair of of International Conference on water Energy and Environment, 2013 Kusadasi, Turkey Dergi Hakemlikleri - Served as technical reviwer for SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering The Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Advances in Water Resources J. Franklin Institute TJER, The Journal of Engineering Reasearch Endüstri Kusrları: 1. Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Water Flooding, March 22-27, 2002, inhouse training course for ZADCO Engineers, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2. Reservoir Engineering and Waterflooding, Continuing Education Program of KFUPM For Saudi Aramco Engineers Nov. 24-29 2006 3. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Dhabi December 18-22, 2010, ZACDO, Abu 4. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Dhabi December 19-23, 2011, ZACDO, Abu 5. Advanced Reservoir Engineering, December 9-13, 2012, ZACDO, Abu Dhabi Ödül ve Şeref Ünvanları: Honor student from 1978 to 1982 Petroleum Eng. Dept., METU Ankara 7 Student assistant from 1980-1882, Petroleum Eng. Dept., METU, Ankara Turkey Scholarship of Turkish Ministry of Education 1983-1990 for MS and Ph.D. Post Doctoral Fellowship from Pet. Eng. Dept. of Stanford University, 1-7, 1990 Special research award in UAEU for the Project “Advancement of Reservoir Simulation Techniques in View of UAE Needs, (awarded together with three other co-prinpile investigators, during 6th Annual Research Conference of UAE University, 2004) Special Service Award, 2007, KFUPM Outstanding Technical Editor Award of SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering SPEREE, 2010 Outstanding Technical Editor Award of SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering SPEREE, 2011 Outstanding Technical Editor Award of SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering SPEREE, 2011 Bilimsel ve Profesyonel Kurulara Üyelik : Society of Petroleum Engineers International Geothermal Association Chamber of Petroleum Engineers of Turkish Engineers and Architects Association Tezler 1. Yüksek Lisans Tezi I. Kocabas, Analysis of injection backflow tracer Tests ( Enjeksiyon-geri akis izleyici tetslerinin analizi), Stanford University, 1987 2. Doktora Tezi I. Kocabas, Analysis of tracer and thermal transient during reinjection ( Jeotermal reservuarlarda geri-basma sirasinda olusan izleyici ve isil degisimlerin analizi), Stanford University, 1990 3. Kitaplar, Ders Notları, veya Endustri Kursları Notları Waterflooding, by Ibrahim Kocabas for ZADCO industrial short course notes Printed by Special programs and Continuing Education Center of UAE University , 2004. Introduction to Reservoir Engineering and Waterflooding, by Ibrahim Kocabas for ARAMCO short course notes, 2007 8 Advanced Reservoir Engineering, by Ibrahim Kocabas for ZADCO industrial short course notes Printed by Outreach Program of AUS, 2010. YAYINLAR HAKEMLI DERGILERDE YAYINLAR (SCI DERGİLERİ) 1. Maier, F. and Kocabas, I. Comment on A Closed-form analytical solution for single well injection withdrawal tests by Jung and Pruess, submitted to Water resources Research, July 9, 2012 (Status: reviewers assigned and under review) 2. Kocabas, I. Application of iterated Laplace transformation to tracer transients in heterogeneous porous media, J. Franklin Institute (2010), doi:10.1016/ j.jfranklin.2010.04.002 3. Kocabas, I. “An Analytical Model of Temperature and Stress Fields During Cold Water Injection”, SPE Production and Operations, May 2006, p.282-292 4. Kocabas, I. “Characterization of geothermal Reservoirs Via Thermal Injection Backflow and Interwell Tracer Testing” Geothermics vol. 34, no. 1, Feb., 2005, p. 27-46. 5. Al-awadhy, F. Kocabas, I., Abou Kassem, J.H., and Islam. M.R. "Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Sulfur Plugging in a Carbonate Oil Reservoir" Energy Sources, Vol. 27, Issues 1-2, 2005 6. Kocabas, I. “Thermal Transients During Nonisothermal Fluid Injection into Oil Reservoirs”, J. Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 42, pp. 121-133, 2004. 7. Kocabas, I, and Islam M.R. “Concentration and Temperature Transients in Heterogeneous Porous Media, Part I: Linear Transport,” J. Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, pp. 211-22, 2000. 8. Kocabas, I, and Islam M.R. “Concentration and Temperature Transients in Heterogeneous Porous Media, Part I: Radial Transport”, J. Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, pp. 221-23, 2000. 9. Kocabas, I., Islam, M.R. and Modarress, H. “A wellbore model for field scale modelling of asphaltene plugging”, J. Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, pp. 19-30, 2000. Uluslararası Konferans Makaleleri 9 1. Kocabas, I and Maier, F. Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Tracer Flow in Oil Reservoirs Containing High Permeability Streaks, Submitted to MEOS (18th Middle East Oil&Gas Show and Conference) to be held in March 10-13, 2013, Bahrain 2. Maier, F. and Kocabas, I A Novel Analytical Solution for Single Well Thermal Transient Testing in an Idealized Single Fracture Geothermal System, to be presented in Workshop on Geothermal Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA, (February 11-13, 2013) 3. Maier, F. and Kocabas, I. Maier, F., Oberdorfer, P., Kocabas, I., Ghergut, I and Sauter, M. Using Temperature Signals to Estimate Geometry Parameters in Fractured Geothermal reservoirs, Proceedings 2012 COMSOL Conference, Milan Italy 4. Kocabas, I. A Novel Two Dimensional Analytical Model of Contaminant Transport in Groundwater Aquifers, The 2011 International Conference on water, energy and the environment held in Nov. 14-17, 201 AUS, Sharjah, UAE 5. Kucuk, I. and Kocabas, I. Analytical and Numerical Modeling of 2-D Solute Transport in an Fracture/Matrix Aquifer System, The 2011 International Conference on water, energy and the environment held in Nov. 14-17, 201 AUS, Sharjah, UAE 6. Kocabas, I. A Novel Analytical Model of Heat Extraction from Geothermal Reservoirs, the 2011 International Conference on water, energy and the environment held in Nov. 14-17, 201 AUS, Sharjah, UAE 7. Kocabas, I and Kucuk, I. Thermo-geological Modeling of Sensible Energy Storage in Aquifers, The 2011 International Conference on water, energy and the environment to in Nov. 14-17, 201 AUS, Sharjah, UAE 8. Kocabas, I. Modeling Thermal Degradation in Geothermal Reservoirs due to Reinjection, The 2011 International Conference on water, energy and the environment to be held in Nov. 14-17, 201 AUS, Sharjah, UAE 9. Kocabas, I. Designing Thermal and Tracer Injection backflow Tests, Proceedings of World Geothermal Congress, Bali, Indonesia, April 25-30, 2010. 10. Kocabas, I. Application of iterated Laplace transformation to tracer transients in heterogeneous porous media, Proceedings of 3rd ICSMAO held in AUS, Sharjah, Jan., 20-22, 2009. 11. Kocabas, I. “A new analytical model of geomechanics during nonisothermal injection, SPE paper #105119 proceedings of the 15th Middle East Oil&Gas Show and Conference held in Manama Bahrain, March 11-14, 2007. 12. Kocabas, I. “An Analytical Model of Temperature and Stress Fields During Cold Water Injection”, ( SPE Paper #88762 Proceedings of 11th ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Oct., held in Oct. 10-13, 2004) 13. Kocabas, I. “Characterization of Asphaltene Precipitation Effect on reducing Carbonate Rock Permeability”, (SPE Paper 81572, Proceedings Of MEOS, June 9-12 2003,, 2003, Bahrain.) 14. Kocabas, I., “Modeling Tracer Flow in Oil Reservoirs Containing High Permeability Streaks,” (SPE Paper 81429, Proceedings Of MEOS, June 9-12 2003, Bahrain.) 15. Kocabas, I, “Parametric sensitivity analysis of tracer and groundwater contaminant transport models,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Geotechnical, 10 Geoenvironmental Engineering and Management in Arid Lands, UAE University, AlAin, UAE, pp. 411-20, 2000. 16. Kocabas, I: “Multiwell Multitracer Recirculating Tracer Tests to Determine Hydrogeologic and Hydrochemical Parameters in Aquifer Remediation Studies,” Proceedings, The Second International Conference on Sustainability in Desert Regions, UAE University, Al-Ain, UAE, pp.187-200, 1999. 17. Kocabas, I, Aboudheir, A. and Islam M.R. “Improvement of Numerical Methods in Petroleum Engineering Problems”, Proceedings IASTED International Conference, Applied Modeling and Simulation (AMS’99), Cairns Australia, pp. 1999. 18. Kocabas, I. and Islam, M.R.: “A Wellbore Model for Predicting Asphaltene Plugging,” SPE# 49199, Proceedings, SPE Annual Tech. Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, USA, pp.765-773, 1998 19. Al Adhab, A. H., Kocabas, I and Islam, M. R.: “Field-Scale Modeling of Asphaltene Transport in Porous Media,” SPE# 49561, Proceedings, 8th ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, pp. 789-797, 1998 20. Al Awady, F., Kocabas, I., Abou Kassem, J. H., and Islam, M. R.: “Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Sulfur Plugging in a carbonate Oil Reservoir,” SPE Paper#49498, Proceedings, 8th ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, pp. 799-808, 1998 21. Kocabas, I. and Onur, M: “New Analytical Solutions to Convection-Dispersion equation in Radial Coordinates,” Proceedings, 12th Petroleum Congress of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 204-212, 1998. 22. Kocabas, I. And Onur, M: “Application of Double Laplace Transformation to Equations of Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media”, Proceedings, 12th Petroleum Congress of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey (Oct 12-15, 1998). 23. Kocabas, I.: “Interpretation of Tracer Transients in Heterogeneous Porous Media”, Proceedings of 7thInternational Conference of Petroleum Technology, Krakow, Poland, Jan. 1996. 24. Kocabas, I. Axelsson, G. and Bjornsson, G.: “Interpretation of the return profile of a Tracer Test In the Thelamork Geothermal Field, Iceland,” Proceedings, Twenty-first Workshop on Geothermal Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA, (Jan. 1996). 25. Kocabas, I.: “ Using Well test data to Determine the Interaction Between Geological Structure and Reinjection Processes in Geothermal Reservoirs,” Proceedings Vol. II, IESCA Colloium, Izmir-Gulluk, Turkey (9-14, October, 1995) p. 739-751. 26. Kocabas, I., Horne, R. N.and Brigham, W. E.: “On the Interpretation of Tracer Experiments,” Proceedings, Nineteenth Workshop on Geothermal Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA, (Jan. 1994). 27. Kocabas, I and Bilgin, A.: “ Reinjection Problems in Geothermal Reservoirs,” Proceedings, Ninth Petroleum Congress of Turkey, pp.416-420, Ankara, Turkey (Feb, 17-21, 1992). 28. Bilgin, A., Karaguzel, R. and Kocabas, I. “ Karst resources and their expoitaion in Western Taurus”, Bulletin of Geomorphology, n. 19, (1991), pp. 145-150, 29. Kocabas, I. And Horne, R.N.: “A New Method of Forecasting the Thermal Breakthrough Time During Reinjection in Geothermal reservoirs,” Sixteenth 11 Workshop on Geothermal Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA, (Jan. 1990). 30. Kocabas, I. And Horne R.N.: “Analysis of Injection-Backflow Tracer Tests in Fractured Geothermal reservoirs,”, Thirteenth Workshop on Geothermal Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA, (Jan. 1987). Ulusal Konferans Makaleleri 1. Kocabas, I.: “Thermal transients during nonisothermal fluid injection into an oil reservoir,” Proceedings 3rd Research conference in UAEU, April 28-30, 2002, Al Ain UAE 2. Kocabas, I.: “ Nonlinear regression and parametric sensitivity analysis of radial transport models and development of improved numerical schemes for transport equations in oil reservoirs” proceedings of the 1st Research conference in UAEU, April 28-30, 2000, Al Ain, UAE 3. Onur, M.., Kocabas, I., Zeybek Murat and Satman A. The importance of Aquifer Testing and New Approaches in the Interpretation of Aquifer Tests, Proceedings of ISKI Symposium of Water Resources, Istanbul Turkey 1997 4. Onur, M.., Kocabas, I., Zeybek Murat and Satman A. “New Approaches in the Interpretation of Aquifer Tests, Proceedings of Istanbul Water Congress, Istanbul Turkey 1995 5. Kocabas, I. and Bilgin, A.: “Yeraltisularinda kirlenme ve tracer testleri”, Proceedings of Goller Bolgesi tatli su kaynaklarinin korunmasi ve cevre sorunlari sempozyumu makaleleri, Haziran 1991, Isparta, Turkey Teknik Raporlar Kocabas, I. And Islam, R. Improvement of Numerical methods in Petroleum Engineering Problems, Part II of Report 1 submitted to Exploration and production Division ADNOC Abu Dhabi, 1998 Islam M.R, Kocabas I, Abou Kassem J.H., and Ali M. Modeling Solid Deposits Near Wellbore Part III of Report 1 submitted to Exploration and production Division ADNOC Abu Dhabi, 1998 Kocabas I. Derivation of New Analytical Solutions to Heterogeneous Medium Transport Models, Part II of Report II submitted to Exploration and production Division ADNOC Abu Dhabi, 1999 Kocabas, I. And Margoub A. “Improved Numerical Schemes for Transport equations in Oil Reservoirs,” Part II of Report III submitted to Exploration and production Division ADNOC Abu Dhabi, 2000 Kocabas, I, “Nonlinear Regression and Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Radial transport Models,” Part III of Report III submitted to Exploration and production Division ADNOC Abu Dhabi, 2000 12 Kocabas I., “Modeling of Heat/Tracer Transport in Oil Reservoirs”, Part I of Report IV submitted to Exploration and production Division ADNOC Abu Dhabi, 2001 Kocabas, I., “Characterization of Asphaletene Deposition Effect on Permeability Reduction in Carbonate Cores,” Part VI of Report V submitted to Exploration and production Division ADNOC Abu Dhabi, 2002 Araştırma İlgi Alanları Ikili (double) ve tekrarlanir ( Iterated) Laplace transform tekniklerinin gozenekli ortamda akış ve taşınma problemlerine uyuglanması Petrol, jeotermal ve yeraltısuları haznelerinde izleyici testlerinin analizi Petrol ve jeotermal rezervuarlarina soguk su basımı sırasında gelişen ısıl ve basinc değişimlerin modellenmesi ve yorumlanması Soğuk su basımı sırasında gelişen jeomekanik ve stress değişimlerin modellenmesi ve yorumlanması (su itimli ikincil petrol üretimi sırasında ısıl değisimler, jeomekanik araştimalar, petrol sondaj kuyularında kuyu dayanıklılığı üzerinde poroelastik ve ısıl-elastik etkiler) Petrolün su ile öteleme ve diğer ileri üretim teknikleriyle üretilmesi Konveksiyon-dispersiyon denkleminin sayısal ve analitik çözümleri ve gözenekli ortamda taşınmada uygulamaları (ozellikle izleyici testleri, çözelti taşınmasi, gaz basımı sırasında dispersiyon, yeraltısuları kirlenmesi ve iyilestirmesi üzerine uygulamalar) Doğal gaz rezervuarlarinda ve yeraltı depolama haznelerinde, doğal gazın akışının modellenmesi Doğal gaz taşıma ve depolaması, boruhattı teknolojisi ve yeraltı depolama teknikleri Hissedilir enerji depolama teknolojisi Enjeksiyon hidrojeolojisi Şise suyu teknolojisi 13