Faculty of Agriculture Text Books 1. Department of Agronomy Course & Title AGRON 111 Fund. of Agronomy AGRON 121 Seed Science and Technology AGRON 211 Weed Science AGRON 321 Crop Husbandry AGRON 411 Introd Cropping Systems AGRON 421 Crop Production and Farm Management AGRON 423 Forage Crops and Pasture Management Text Books 1. Fundamentals of Agronomy. 1995 De, G.C.. Oxford & IBH Pub., N 2. Principles and Practices of Agronomy. 1996. Singh, S.S. Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi. 1. Seed Science and Technology. 1995. Copeland, L.O. & McDonald, M.B. Chapman & Hall,. 2. Seed Production: Principles and Practices. 1997. McDonald, M.B. & Copeland, L. O. Chapman & Hall 1. Weed Managt in groecosystem:EcologicalApproaches Alteri, M.A. & Liebman, M. 1988.CRC Press, USA 2. Modern Weed Science. 1978 Gupta, OP. & Lamba, PS. Today & Tomorrow’s Pub 1. Production of Field Crops. 1978. Kipps, M.S. Tata McGraw-Hill. ND, India. 2. Scientific Crop Production. 1979. Thakur, C. V-1,II. Metropolitan Book Co. India. Call no 630 / D454f Rn+Rv 3 p 10 ? * 338.17/M135s ? 5 * 632.580913/GUM 149 631.5/KIP 69 633/THS 162 1. Cropping systems- Theory & Practice. 1989 Chatterjee, B.N; Mati, S. & other. Oxford & IBH Co 631.5/C492c 2 1. Principles of Farm Management. 1953. Efferson, J.M. McGraw-Hill Co., NY 631/EFP 13 1. Pasture and Pasture Plants. 1973. Langer, R.H.M. Reed Ltd. Sydney, London. 2. Agronomy of Grassland Systems. 1987. Pearson, C.J. & Ison, R.L. Cambridge Univ Press, NY. 1 ? 633.2/P362a * 2 2. Department of Soil Science Course & Title SS 111 Introductory Soil Science SS 211 Soil Survey, Classification and Conservation SS 321 Soil Physics and Soil Chemistry SS 411 Soil Biology SS 421 Soil Microbiology and Soil Fertility SS 423 Soil Pollution Text Books 1. Introduction to Soil Microbiology. 1977. Alexander, M. John Wiley & Sons 2. The Nature and Properties of Soils. 1999. Brady N.C. Varun Exports, India. 3.. Soils and Soil Fertility. 1978 Thomson, L.M. & Troeh, F.R. McGraw Hill 1. The Geography of the Soils of Bangladesh. Bramer, Hugh, University Press Ltd., Dhaka 2. Soil Conservation & Managt. in the Humid Tropics. Greenland, D.J. & Lal, R. 1977. John Wiley & Sons 3. Soil Pollution. 1989. Mishra, P.C. Asia Pub. House, India. 1. Minerals in Soil Environments 1989. Dixon, J.B. & Wood S.B. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., USA 2. Fundamentals of Soil Physics. 1980. Hillel, D. Acad. Press, NY 3. Chemical Equilibria in Soils. 1979. Lindsay, W.L. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1. Modern Soil Microbiology. 1997. Elsan, JWV, Trevors, JT. & others. Marcel Dakker. 2. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. 1989. Paul, E.A. & Clark, F.E. Aca. Press Inc. London. 3. Biofertilizers in Agriculture. 1984. Subba Rao, N. S. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. ND. 1. Principles of Plant Nutrition. 1987. Mengel, K. & Kirkby, EA. Potash Inst. Switzerland. 2. Cycles of Soils -C, N, K, Sulpher Micronutrients Stevenson, F.J.. Wiley & Sons NY. 1985 3. Soil Fertility & Fertilizers, 1999 Tisdale, S.L., Nelson, W.L. & Others. .Macmillan Co 1. Impact of CO2, Trace Gases & Climate Change on Global Agri. ASA. 1990. ASA Sp. Pub. No. 53, USA. 2. Environment and Development in Bangladesh. 1992. Rahman, A.A. Huq, S., & others. Dhaka. 2 Call no. 631.46/ALI Rn +Rv 163 631.4/BRN 161 631.4/THS 27 631.475492/B815g 12 631.450913/GRS 2 363.7396/M678s ? 631.43/H651f 5 * 15 ? 631.46/M689 631.46/P324s * 20 10 631.87/R215b 631.811/MEP ? 2 1 * 631.45/TIS ? 333.7095492/E61 54 * 1 3. Department of Entomology Course & Title ENTOM 221 Fundamentals of Entomology ENTOM 321 Insect Ecology and Pest Management ENTOM 411 Economic Entomology Text Books Rental 1.Fundamentals of Insect Physiology. 1985 Blum, M.S.. John Wiley & Sons, NY. 2. An introduction to the study of insects. 1976 Borror, D.J, Delong, D.M & Triplehorn C.A. Winston 3. Entomology. 1995. Gillot, C, Plenum Pub. Co., NY. 4. Imm’s general Textbook of Entomology. V- I, II., 1977 Richards, O.W. & Davis, R.G. Chapman & Hall, UK 5. A Text book of Entomology. 1965 Ross, H. H..JohnWiley 1. Agricultural pests of India and Southeast Asia. 1976. Atwal, A.S. Kalyani Pub, New Delhi. 2. Insect pest management. 1991. Dent, D. CAB Interl. 3. Insect pest and their control. 1987. Evans, J.W. Soni Reprints Agency, Delhi. 4. Introduction to insect pest management. 1994. Metcalf, R.L.and Luckmann, W.H. John Wiley & Sons. 5. Insect ecology. 1984. Price, P.W. John Wiley and Sons 595.701/F981 5 595.7/BOI 2 595.7/G483e 595.7/I331 2 4 595.7/ROT 52 632.05/ATA 48 632.7/D414i 632.9/E92i 10 5 5 1. Insects in relation to plant disease. 1973. Carter, W. John Wiley. 2. Biology and Management of rice insects. 1994. Heinrichs, E.A. Wiley Eastern Ltd., India. 3. Diseases and pests of ornamental plants. 1978. Pirone, P.P. John Wiley and Sons, Inc 4. Insect pests of crops. 1992. Prodhan, S.; National Book Trust, India. 632.7/CAI 5 633.1897/I61b 1 635.92/PID 3 632.7/P896i 2 3 Rn + Rv 632.9/MEI 1 595.705/PRI 4. Department of Horticulture Course & Title HORT 121 Fundamentals of Horticulture HORT 211 Ornamental Horticulture and Plantation Crops HORT 311 Vegetable and Spice Crops HORT 411 Postharvest Manag. of Hortil. Crops HORT 421 Pomology HORT 423 Commercial Horticulture Text Books 1. Propagation of Tropical & Sub-trop. Hort Crops. 1986 Bose, TK., SK. Mitra & MK. Sadhu. Naya Prokosh 2. Plant Propagation: Principle and Practices. 1990. Hartmann, HT; DE. Kester & FT Davies Jr. Prentice 3. Text Book of Horticulture. 1995. Rao, K.M. Macmillan India Limited. 1. Commercial Flowers. 1989. Bose, T.K. and L.P. Yaday. Naya Prakash, Calcutta. 2. Introd to Spices, Plantn. Crops, Medi & Arom Plants. Kumar, N; M.A. Khader, & others.2000. Oxf. & IBH. 3. Floriculture in India. 1994. Randhawa, G.S & A. Mukhupadhyay. Allied Pub. N 1.. Spices, V- I & II. 1981 Purseglove, J.W., E.G. Brown, & others Longman UK 2. Spices. V- I & II. Parry, J.W. 3. Production Technology of Vegetable Crops. 1989. Sanmugavelu, K.G. Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. 1. Fruits: Tropical and Subtropical. 1990. 1995 Bose, T. K. and S. K. Mitra. Naya Prokash, India. 2. Tropical Fruits. 1986. Samson, J. A. Longman Group UK. 1. Fruit, Physiology and Production. 1986. Singh, A. Kalyani Pub. New Delhi. 1. Seed Production and Storage Technology. 1995. Hussain, M.M. Dhaka. 2. Tropical Planting and Gardening. 1962. MacMillan, H.E. MacMillan, London. 4 Rental 635.0420915/P965 631.53 / HAP ? 635.9 / C734 ? 635.90954 / R186f Rn+Rv 19 31 * 14 * 7 ? 664.5/PAS ? * 1 * 634.0913 / F944 7 634.6 / S193t 3 634.044 / S617f ? * ? * 5. Department of Plant Pathology Course & Title PPATH 221 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology PPATH 321 Principles of Plant Path. & Diseases of Field Crops PPATH 411 Diseases of fruits, Vege, Cash Crops, Agro-forest Trees and Seed Pathology PPATH 421 Plant Disease Managt. Text Books 1. Introductory Mycology. 1962. Alexopoulos, C.J. John Wiley & Sons 2. Plant Virology. 1964. Corbett, J.K. & H.D. Sister Univ. of Florida Press 3. Plant Virology. 1991. Mathews, R.E.F. Aca. Press, Calif,USA. 4. Fundamental of Bacterial Plant Pathology, 1996. Goto, M. Aca. Press Inc. Tokyo. 5. The Fungi. 1967. Mehrotra, Brahm Swarlep. Oxf & IBH Co, ND 1. Plant Pathology. 1969. Agrios, G. N. Aca. Press 2. Plant Pathology. 1980. Mehrotra, R S. Tata McGraw 3. Bacterial Plant Diseases in India. 1962 Rangaswami, G..Bombay. Asia Pub House. 1. Diseases of Fruit Crops , 1986. Pathak, V. N. Oxford & IBH Pub Co, ND 2. Plant Diseases. 1973. Singh, R. S. Oxf & IBH Pub. 3. Diseases of Vegetable Crops. 1987. Singh, R. S. Oxford & IBH Pub, India 1. Diseases of Crop Plants in India. 1972 G. Rangaswami..Prentice Hall 2. Plant Pathology , 1997. George N. Agios. Replika Press 5 Call no 589.2/ALI Rn +Rv 177 632.8/COP 2 581.234/MAP 3 632.32/G684f 2 589.2/MEF 24 581.2/AGP 581.2/MEP 15 14 581.2322/RAB 2 634.049/PAD 1 581.2/SIP 44 635.0499/S617d 5 632.0954/RAD 1 632.0954/AGP 41 6. Department of Crop Botany Course & Title CBOT 121 Agricultural Botany CBOT 211 Plant Morphology, Embryology & Taxonomy CBOT 321 Plant Physiology and Ecology I CBOT 411 Plant Physiology and Ecology II CBOT 421 Crop Physiology CBOT 423 Plant Biodiversity and Conservation Text Books 1. Plant classification. 1976. Benson, L. Oxf & IBH Pub. Co. India. 2. Botany for degree students. 1979. Dutta, A.C. Oxf Univ. Press, Calcutta. 3. The classification of flowering plants. V- 1,2 Rendle, A.B. Camb U P, UK. 1967 1. Plant anatomy. 1965 Esau, K.. John Wiley, New York. 2. Economic botany. 2000. Pandey, B.P. S. Chand & Co., New Delhi. 3. Introduction to the principles of plant taxonomy. Sivarajan, V.V. Cambridge. 1991 1. Plant physiology.. 1994 Datta, S.C. Wiley Eastern Ltd., Calcutta 2. Plant physiology. 1994. Mohr, H. & Schopfer, P . Springer, Berlin. 3. Plant physiology. 1986. Salisbury, F.B.& Ross, C.W. Wadworth Pb.NY 1. Environment and pollution. 1999. Ambasht, R.S. & Ambasht, P.K. CBS. India 2. Response of plants to environmental stresses Levit, J., Academic Press, New York. 1980. 3. Plant Physiology. 1986. Pandey, S.N & Sinha, B.K. Vikas Pub. ND. 1. Photosynthesis & production in a changing envt A field & Lab manual. 1995. Hall, D.O, et al Chapman & Hall1 1. Cultivating Diversity- Agrobiodiversity and Food Security, 1998. Lori A. Thrupp. World Resource Inst. 2. Plant Genetic Resources-Conservation & Manag R.S.Paroda & R.K.Arora, Intl. Plant Genetic Resourses 1991 6 Call no. Rn+Rv 582.13/BEP 1 581/DUB 30 582.13/REC V-1 : 7 V-II: 7 55 581.4/E122 581.4/ESP p 10 * 571.2/D234p 19 571.2/M699p 32 571.2/S167p 10 p 10 ? * 571.2/P189p 581.1/SAP * 12 ? * ? ? 7. Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding Course & Title GPB 221 Cytology GPB 311 Genetics and Cytogenetics GPB 411 Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering GPB 421 Plant Breeding Text Books Call no. 1. Chromosome structure and Function. 1998. Perry, J. & Appels, R. Plenum press, NY. 2. Cytogenetics. The Chromosome in Division, Inheritance & Evoln 1988 Swanson,C.P; Merz, J, Young, W.J. Prentice Hall 3. Cytology. Verma, P.S. and Agarwal, V. K. 1998. S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi. 1. Genetics, Gupta P.K. 1987 Rastogi Pub. India. 2. Cytogenetics, Gupta, P.K. 1995. Rastogi Pub, ND 3. Genetics, 1990. Strickberger, MW.. Macmillan 4. Genetics, 1998. Verma, PS & VK Agarwal, S. Ch 1. Genetics cloning and DNA analysis:An introd. Brown, T. A. Blackwell science 2002 2. Plant cell culture: a practical approach, 1987. Dixon, R. A. IRL Press. Oxford 3. Plant cell, tissue & organ culture. Fund methods, Gamborg, O. L. & Phillips, GC. Narosa Pub. 1995 4. Principles of Gene Manipulation- An introd. to G. Engg Old, R W & Primrose, SB. Blackwell . 1994 5. An introduction to Plant tissue culture 2000. Razdan, M. K. Oxford & IBH Pub. India 1. Breeding Field crops. 1995. Poehlman, J M & Sleeper, DA. Panima Pub. ND 2. Modern Biotechnology. 1987. Primrose, S. B. Backwell Sc Pub. London 3. Principles and Practice of Plant Breeding, 1994. 574.87322 /c557 2 575.13 / SWC 1 571.6 / V522c 25 576.5 / G977g 574.873223 /G97 ? 575.1 / V522g 572.8633./B881g 10 4 * 21 5 ? * ? * 572.86 / P953p 5 581.0724 / R278i 12 631.522 / P572b 9 660.6 / P953m 4 631.53 / S531p 2 631.52 / S617p 10 631.53 / VAP 3 Rn + Rv Sharma,J. R. Tata McGrawHill Pub, ND. GPB 423 Special Plant Breeding 1. Plant Breeding, Singh, B.D. 2000. Kalyani Pub,. 2. Plant Breeding Persectives. Agril Pub 1979 Van der Have, D.J. The Netherlands. 7 8. Department of Agricultural Extension Education Course & Title AGEXT 221 Fund. of Extension, Leadership & Motiv. AGEXT 311 Extension Com. and Group Approaches AGEXT 411 Extn Orgn Manag. AGEXT 413 Extn for Sustainable Agril Development AGEXT 421 Community Participation Text Books 1. Education and Com. for Development. 1980 Dahama, O.P.&, O.P. Oxford &IBH Pub. ND 2. Extension Com. and Management. 1991. Ray, G.L., Naya Prokash Pub, Calcutta, India. 1. Extension Education in Community Dev., 1961. Kamath, M.C. Ministry of Food & Agri, India. 2. Diffusion of Innovation. 1962. Rogers, E.M. The Free Press of Glencoe, NY. 1. Agricultural Extension, 1996.. Van den Ban, AW & H.S Hawkins. Blackwell UK 1. Regenerating Agr: Policies & Practice for Sust. & Self Reliance. Pretty, J.N. 1995. London: 2. Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture. Participatory Learning & adaptive manag in Times of Env Uncer 1998.Röling, NG & MAE. Wagemakers.. Cam.UP 3. Agri & Envl. Change: Temporal & Spatial Dimensions Manion, A. M... John Wiley . 1995 1. Introd Rural Sociology (concepts & prin), 1973. Chitamber, J.B. Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi: 2. Improving Agril Extension. a ref. Manual, 1997 Swanson, B.E., R.P. Bentz & A.J. Sofranko. FAO Rental Rn + Rv 370.78 / D129e 17 630.715 / R263e 62 * 303.484. / R724d 12 630.715 / V227a 2 ? * 630. / F141 ? 1 * 301.35 / CHI 6 630.715 / F636i 6 9. Department of Agricultural Chemistry Course & Title ACHEM 111 Agro-analytical, Physical and Organic Chemistry ACHEM 221 Nuclear and Agroindustrial Chemistry ACHEM 311 Plant Nutrition, Pesticide and Envl Chemistry ACHEM 411 Bioenergy Principles and Practices ACHEM 421 Micronutrients in Agriculture Text Books 1. Essentials of Physical Chemistry Bahl, B.S, Ruli, G.D & Bahl, A. S. Chand. India 2. A Text Book of Organic Chemistry, 2000 Ahluwalia,V.K,& Goyal, M. Narosa Pub. India 3. TB of Colloidal Ch. Weiser, A. B. John Wiley 1. Standard Methods for the Exam of Water & Wastewater. APHA 1995. Water Env Fed, USA 2. Soil Fertility & Fertilizers, 1999. Havlin, J.L.;Beaton, J.D.& other. Prentice-Hall 3. Fertilizer Manual. International Fertilizer, 1985 Hignett, T.P.. IFDC, USA 4. Miodern Nuclear Chemistry, 2006 . John Wiley Loveland, W.D, Morriesey D.J & Seaborg, G T 1. Mrrschner’s Mineral Nutrients of Higher, 2011 Marschner, P, Plants, Aca. Press 2. Vogel’s T.B of Quantitative Chem Analysis. 1989 Jeffery, G.H.; Bassett, J. & Others. Longman 3. Environmental Chemistry, 2008 Baird, C & Cann M 1. Bio-catalyst and Bio-energy, 2008 Cing, T. Hou & Jei Fu Shaw, John Wiley 2. Biogas from waste & Renewable Resources: An Introd, Deublein, D & Steinhauser, A. Wiley 1. Micronutrients in Agri.. Book Series 4; 1991 Mortvedt, J. J., Cox, F. R., & others. S.S.Soc Am. 2. Trace Elements in Soils and Plants, 1994 Kabata-Pendias, A. & Pendias, H. CRC Press 3. Mehtods of Ana of Soils, Plants, Water & Ferts. Tandon, H.L.S (etd), 1995, FDCO, New Delhi 8 Call no. 541 / B151e Rn+Rv 10 p 10 ? * * 631.45/TIS 631.8/F411 54 12 541.38/L892m 5 ? 545 / N787 * 2 ? * ? * ? * 631.813/M619 5 631.422/K11t 2 631.8 /M592 * 10. Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Course & Title BCHEM 121 Chemistry of Biomolecules BCHEM 211 Metabolism and Human Nutrition BCHEM 411 Fund. of Molecular Biochem & Biotech Text Books 1. Biochemistry. 1982 Lehninger, A. L. Kalyani Pub New Delhi. 2. Biochemistry, 1986, Stryer, L. Pub. by S.K. Jain for CBS, India. 3. Text Book of Biochemistry. 1966. West, E.S; Todd, W.R; & others. Macmillan. UK 1. Hand Book of Food and Nutrition. 1977. M. Swasminathan Ganesh & Co, Madras, India. 2. Applied Human Nutrition. 1990. Walker, F. A. Ellis Horwood Lt, West Sussex, UK 1. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 1997. Elliot, W. H. and Daphne, C. 0xford Univ. Press. 2. Biochemistry. 1995. Voet, D. & Voet, J. John Willey & Sons, NY. 3. Molecular Biology of Gene. 1987. Watson, J.D. W. A. Bengamin, Inc. Rental Rn + Rv 574.192/LEB 17 574.192 /S1928b 5 574.192 / WET 40 ? * ? * ? * 572 / V876b ? 2 * 11. Department of Agroforestry Course & Title AGROF 311 Principles of Agroforestry Text Books Call no. 1. A T.B of Agroforestry with Applications. 1997. Bandyopadhyay, A.K. Vikas Pub. New Delhi. 2. Textbook of Agroforestry. 1993 Chundawat, B.S. & S.K. Gautam. Oxf & IBH ND 3. Agroforestry-Principles and Practices. 1992. Dwivedi, A.P. Oxf & IBH New Delhi. 4. An Introduction to Agroforestry. 1993. Nair, PKP. ICRAF, Nairobi. Rn +Rv * * * * 12. Department of Biotechnology Course & Title BTECH 121 Basic Biotechnology BTECH 401 Genetic Engg and Biotechnology Text Books Call no. 1. Recombinant DNA. 1998 Brown, T. A.. Aca Press, London 2. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 1995 Gamborg. O. L. & G. S. Phillips. Narosa Pub. ND 3. Recombinant DNA, USA. Watson, J. D. 1992. 1. Cell and Molecular Biology. 1997. Gupta, P. K. Rastogi Pub., India. 2. Genes VII, VIII. 2004. Lewin, B. Pearson Prentice Hall NJ 3. Molecular Biology of the Gene. 2004. Watson, J D., T.A. Baker, S. P & others Pearson. ? * ? * Rn+ Rv 660.65 / R299 p 5 10 572.86 / L472g 2 574.87328/M718 2 13. Department of Environmental Science Course & Title Text Books 1. Envl. Science – Earth as a Living Planet. 2000 ENVSC 121 Botkin, D.B. & Keller, E. A. John Wiley, NY. Introd. Envl. Science 1. Living in the Envroment – An Introd to Envl .Sc ENVSC 401 Miller, Jr., G. T. 2001.. Wadsworth Pub Managt of Environment 9 Call no. Rn +Rv 333.7 / B749e 5 304.2 / MIL 2 13. Department of Physics Course & Title Text Books 15. Department LAN 101: English Language Call no. Rn +Rv of Language (Text and Reference Books:) Begum, J. 1988. A Text Book of Modern Functional English. Globe Library (Pvt.) Ltd. Dhaka. Berkoff, N.A. 1975. Agriculture (English Studies Series: 10. Oxford University Press, London. Chowdhury, M.Y.A. and Hossain, M.M. 2002. Advanced Learner’s Degree General English. Advanced Pub., Dhaka. Close, R.A. 1988. The English We Use (24th Indian Edition). Longman, Calcutta. Hornby, A.S. 1996. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 5th Ed. Oxford Univ.Press. Hornby, A.S. 1998. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English (2nd Editio.). Oxford University Press, Delhi. Leech, G. and Svartvik, J. 1996. A communicative grammar in English (2 nd Edition.). Longman, London and NY. McArthur, T. 1978. A Rapid Course in English for Students of Economics (Ed. R. Mackin). Oxford University Press, London. Pyle, K.A. and Munoz, M.A. 1992. Chiffs TOEFL Preparation Guide (62 Revised Edition) BPB Publications, 10 Department of Agricultural Economics AE 113: Agricultural Economics (Text and Reference Books:) Ahuja, H.L. 2001. Advanced Economic Theory, S. Chand & Company LTD, Pub. Ram Nagar, New Delhi. Bishop, C.E. and Toussaint W.D. 1958. An Introduction to Agricultural Economc Analysis., John wiley and Sons, New York. Chokrobarti, Monotos. 1984. Micro Economics, Padma Pub. Dhaka. Dewett, K.K. 2001. Modern Economic Theory, S. Chand & Company LTD. Pub. Ram Nagar, New Delhi. Dey, Monoranjan. 1982. Krishi Aarthonity, Bisho Paricoy Pub. Dhaka. Dutta, S.C. 1987. Krishi Arthonity Swarup, Puthighar pub., Dhaka. Hill, B. 1990. An Introduction to Economics for Students of Agriculture, Pergamon Press, London. Mandal, M.A.S. 2000. Changing Rural Economy of Bangladesh, BEA Pub. Dhaka. Mian, M.S. 2001. Economics and Agricultural Development-Bangladesh Perspective, Universal Pub. Dhaka. Mukharji, Smpath. 1988. Samokalin Arthobiddha, New Central Book Agency, Calautta. Rahman, A. 1988. Adhunik Arthonity. Puthighar Pub. Dhaka. Ritson, C. 1977. Agricultural Economics: Principles and Policy, Granada Pub. London. Samuelson. P.A. 1995. Economics. 15th Edition, McGraw Hill New York. Sikder, J.I. 1995. Krishi Arthonity, Confidence Pub. Dhaka. Uddin Taj. and Masuduzzaman, M. 1997. Krishi Arthonity, Bangladesh Technical Education Board Pub., Dhaka. Vaish, M.C. 1977. Macroeconomic Theory, Vikas Pub. New Delhi. Department: Rural Sociology RS 121: Rural Sociology (Text and Reference Books:) Atiq Rahman, et al. 1994. Environment and Development in Bangladesh, UPL, Dhaka. Browne 1998. An Introduction to Sociology, 2nd edition, Polity Press, Cambridge. Chitamber, J. B. 1973. Introductory Rural Sociology, Wily Eastern Ltd. Giddens 1998. Sociology, 3rd edition, Polity Press, London. Hess, Markson & Stein 1988. Sociology, 3rd edition, Macmillan Pub, New York. Jansen 1987. Rural Bangladesh: Competition for Scarce Resources, UPL. Rahman 1995. Rethinking Rural Poverty: Bangladesh as a Case Study. Rogers, et. al. 1988. Social Change in Rural Societies: An introduction to Rural Sociology, Prentice-Hill, London. Schaefer 1988. Sociology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Department: Agricultural Statistics STAT 121: Agricultural Statistics (Text and Reference Books:) Ahmed, et..al. 2001. Parsankhyan: Tattwa-o-proyog, 2nd Ed. Shamsunnahar and associates, North Seota, Manikgonj, Dhaka. Ali, M.A. 1969. Theory of Statistics, Vol. 1 & 2, Dhaka Book Mart, 38 Bangladesh, Dhaka Goulden, G.H. 1952. Methods of Statistical Analysis, John Wiley, New York. Gupta, S.C. & V.K. Kapoor. 1982. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand and Company Ltd. Kapur, J.N. & H. Sexena. 1976. Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand & Company Ltd., Ramnagar, New Delhi. Khan, M.Z.A. and S.C. Debnath. 1987. Prathamic Parisankyan, Printed by City Press, Mymensingh. Shil, R.N. and S.C. Debnath. 1992. An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, Minati Shil and Amita Debnath, Snedecor, G.W. Statistical Methods, Iowa State University Press. Steel, R.G.D. adn J.H. Torrie. 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York. Yule, G.U. & M.G. Kendall 1965. An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, Charles Griffin, London. Department: Farm Power & Machinery FPM 111: Farm Mechanics- (Text and Reference Books:) A.M. Michael & T.P. Ojha. 1978. Principles of Agricultural Engineering (Vol. I & II). Jain Brothers (New Delhi). Aziz, M.A, 1967. A Text Book of Estimating and Costing Zohri Pub,. Dhaka. Aziz, M.A. 1990. A Text Book of Engineering Materials. Book Center, Dhaka. Donnel Hunt. 1983. Farm Power and Machinery Management. Iowa State University Press, Iowa. SC. Jain and CR. RAI. 1980. Tractor Engine Maintenance and Repair. Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Company Limited, New Delhi. V.E. Hansen, O.W. Israelsen & G.E. Stringham. 1993. Irrigation Principles & Practice. John Wiley & Sons. 11 Department: Animal Science AS 121: Animal Science (Text and Reference Books:) Banerjee, G.C. 1982. A text book of animal husbandry. 5th ed., Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Cole, H.H. 1962. Introduction to Livestock Production. W.H. Freeman and Co. San Francisco. Gillespie, J.R. 1983. Modern Livestock and Poultry Production, 2 nd Ed. Delmar Publishers Inc. U.S.A. Hossain, M.M. and Akhter, S. 1999. Practical Animal Science, Department of Animal Science, Miller, W.C. and Roberton, D.S. 1959. Practical Animal Husbandry. 7th ed. Ohver and Boyd, London. Upadhyay, R.C. 1990. Draught Animal: Efficiencies Limiting Factors. Sunil Pub., Mathura. Department: Computer Science & Mathematics CSM 127: Computer Science (Reference Books:) Turbo C/C ++, 2nd or higher ed. Herbert Schildt, Obsborne McGraw-Hill. Digital Circuits & Systems Mc-Graw Hill Co eivei wefvMxq cÖavb, mswk-ó wefvM ZvwiL t RyjvB, 15, 2012 welqt welq wfwËK †UK&ó eB wbaviY Rbve, øvZK ch©v‡q KvwiKz¨jvg f~³ Avcbvi wefvMxq welq mg~‡ni Text & Reference eB‡qi ZvwjKv GKwÎZ Ae¯’vq i‡q‡Q| jvB‡eªix‡Z welq wfwËK Text eB †i›Uv‡ji Rb¨ Ges Reference eB Bmy¨i Rb¨ Avjv`v fv‡e webœvm Kiv `iKvi| GgZve¯’vq, Avcbvi wefvM-f~³ welq mg~‡ni ( ZvwjKv cÖ`Ë ) Text eB wb‡`©k KiZt Z_¨ cÖ`v‡b Z¡wir mn‡hvwMZv Kvgbv KiwQ| Avcbvi wek¦¯’, jvB‡eªixqvb (fvi cÖvß) 12