EPCC: Cherie Dougan, Linda Espana

Educational Policies & Curriculum Committee
Meetings Minutes for May 1, 2007 - Meeting #15
3:30 p.m. – MHB-315
EPCC: Cherie Dougan, Linda Espana-Maram, Jennifer Fleming, Cora Goldstein, William
Johnson, Sophia Pandya, Fred Wegener, Erica Watson-Currie, Mark Wiley, Guy Yamashiro,
GUESTS: Jeff Blutinger – HIST, Carlos R. Piar – RST, Anna Sandoval – CHLS, Sarah
Schrank – HIST,
Approval of the minutes, April 23, 2007 (MSP – with correction of members names)
Correct spelling of Wegener and Watson-Currie noted
Announcements and/or Changes to the Agenda
 Communication Studies Program Changes (B, 1) postponed
 Additional EPCC meeting discussion requested
 Add CHLS 390I, GE Recertification to agenda
New Business
Chicano and Latino Studies
1) CHLS 390 The Hispanic Southwest: Historical and Literary Images
Recertification (long) for Category IC and D2
 Letter grade scale in syllabus contradicts scale in SCO
 Add wording in SCO to allow for instructor flexibility
 Clarification: Two disciplines are history and literature
 No measure of competency should exceed one third of a student’s grade
 Add statement in cover memo that department recognizes that syllabi in package are
out of compliance and future syllabi will adhere to GE guidelines
Motion to approve CHLS 390 with recommended changes passed (MSP)
History Department
1) HIST 300: Old (Long) Certification Category D1a
 Check to see if standard prerequisite language (upper division standing,
completion of Foundation requirement) needed
 Address more specifically GE skills course is developing
o Add paragraph how course develops written communication, for example
 Consider including in Methods of Instruction
 Ensure make-up policy is in compliance with university policy
o For example: Make-up exams are permissible
Motion to approve HIST 300 with recommended changes passed (MSP)
2) HIST 337: Old (Long) Certification Category D2, Global
 Needs prerequisite statement in catalog description
o College will add prerequisite language (thanks Cherie!)
Check the checklist
Address more in-depth GE skill development
Specify how much class time devoted to film viewing
o Example: Approximately 10%
 Add statement that future syllabi will follow university policies
Motion to approve HIST 337 with recommended changes passed (MSP)
3) HIST 339: Old (Long) Certification Category D2, Global
 Check the checklist
 Needs prerequisite statement in catalog description
 Remove reference to “senior graduate level”
 Address GE skill development; talk about how course advance foundation skills
o Mention specifically how feedback is provided
 Add statement that future syllabi will follow university policies
Motion to approve HIST 339 with recommended changes passed (MSP)
4) HIST 341A: Old (Long) Certification Category D2, Global
 Check the checklist
 Needs prerequisite statement in catalog description
 Address GE skill development (see comments above)
 Remove reference to “senior graduate level”
 Add statement that future syllabi will follow university policies
 Add statement justifying Global designation; refer to GE policy
Motion to approve HIST 341A with recommended changes passed (MSP)
5) HIST 331 History of Modern Europe, 1789 – present 3 units @ C4
a) New Course Request
 Rationale: Part of ongoing changes in history department; designed for general
 Add statement explaining how course differs from HIST 337 & HIST 339
 Prerequisite statements inconsistent and/or unclear
o Two prerequisite standards: one for majors, another for non-majors –
o Recommendation: remove prerequisite statement from SCO/catalog
 Add standard GE prerequisite statement instead
 Check spelling in Instructional Requirements
Motion to approve HIST 331 (new course) with recommended changes passed (MSP)
b) New GE Request for Category D2, Global
 Check the checklist
 SCO roman numerals inconsistent
 Methods of Instruction – no “A” and “B”
 There are two 10s in SCO
 Are there any supplemental materials? If not, remove
 Include standard prerequisite statement in catalog description
 Address GE skill development
 Add statement that future syllabi will follow university policies
 Add statement justifying Global designation; refer to GE policy
Motion to approve HIST 331 with recommended changes passed (MSP)
Religious Studies Department
1) RST 458/558 Women, Religion, and the Developing World 3 units @ C4
a) New Course request
2) RST 558/458 Women, Religion, and the Developing World 3 units @ C4
a) New Course Request
 Add wording to allow for instructor flexibility in Methods of Assessment
o Ex. “suggested”
 Excellent revision!
Motion to approve RST 458/558 & RST 558/458 passed (MSP)
Communication Studies Department
a) Lowering units to 48 units for each; clarifying overlaps within options;
adding career paths
NOTE: Need separate forms for each program change.
2) COMM 634 Performance and Ethnography 3 units at C5
a) New Course request
 Grading scale: 89.6%? 79.6%?
 Course description is too long; edit significantly
 Course Objectives are vague; consider clarifying
o What is better appreciation of self?
Motion to approve COMM 634 with recommended changes passed (MSP)
E) Upcoming EPCC agenda
 Wegener, Yamashiro, Espana-Maram, Goldstein
o Review B1, B2, B6-13
 Pandya, Fleming, Watson-Currie
o Review A1, B3, B4, B14, B15, C, D
4. Adjourn 4:55 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Jennifer Fleming