COURSE SYLLABUS DEPT: Social studies INSTRUCTOR: Gloria Nachreiner COURSE TITLE U.S. History 8 OFFICE PH: (507) 794-7904 CREDITS: 1 credit ACADEMIC YEAR: 2014-2015 (home) 1. ACADEMIC CONTENT: Description—This class will cover American History from the time of pre-written history all the way up to the end of Reconstruction after the Civil War. We will use many different strategies to learn this information. Method of presentation: Lecture with discussion type setting, reading, video and projects Method of evaluation. Tests, projects, presentations, daily work, attendance and participation. THIS COURSE IS USUALLY OFFERED: This is a yearlong course Goals: What we’ll be doing History 8 is a survey (overview) of United States history from the time of pre-written history all the way up to the end of Reconstruction after the Civil War. We will be going beyond “high-school history,” with its emphasis on memorizing raw historical data, and examine the ways that professional historians learn about, interpret, and explain America’s past. Objectives: What you’ll get out of this 1. A structure of American history: HIST 8 will provide you with the basic Structure of American History to 1877. 2. Improved critical thinking skills: HIST 8 will expose you to new ways of Thinking about and interpreting the broad sweep of American history – of going beyond memorizing names and dates and figuring out why things happened the way they did. 3. Meet requirements: HIST 8 meets several important High school goals and requirements. And the Minnesota Standards. 4. Preparation for future study: HIST 8 will prepare you for the further study of American history, whether as a student in advanced courses here at Sleepy Eye High Schools or on your own. 5. Greater familiarity with historical sources: HIST 8 will introduce you to a wide range of historical sources, including photographs, newspapers, memoirs, advertisements, diaries, paintings, court records, Presidential tape recordings, and political cartoons. 6. Learning to think and behave like a professional: HIST 8 will introduce you to the ways that professional historians practice their craft. LEARNING / TEACHING TECHNIQUES used in this course are: ** Collaborative learning ** Student presentations ** Lecture: Instructor will model new material ** Demonstrations ** Videos and audio tapes (when appropriate) ASSIGNMENTS for this course include: ** Reading text in the classroom ** Individual and or collaborative projects ** Oral presentations ** Journal and or written assignments. GRADE DETERMINATION: Grades for this course are based on the following process and guidelines: The following numerical scale will be used in computing grades: Grading Scale-- 90% - 100% A 60% - 69% D 80% - 89% B Below 60% F 70% - 79% C Grade Weights: Test 50% Home Work participation 15% 10% Quizzes 25% Students will be allowed to make-up one test missed due to absence. Any other test missed will carry zero scores. More than four class hours of absence will result in a one point lowered average. CLASS RULES 1. Be in your seat, on time and ready to work when the bell rings every day. 2. Bring all materials necessary for class each day (Before the bell rings!) 3. Follow all instructions as soon as they’re given. 4. AVOID interrupting others when they have been given the floor and the right to speak. 5. AVOID damaging the property or feelings of others. CONSEQUENCES (If you break the rules) 1st. Time: I’ll warn you. (Please stop breaking the rules) 2nd Time: 1-hour detention 3rd Time: Removed from class. 2 hours of detention. *The above applies to breaking rules within any one-class period and is subject to modification for consistently disruptive individuals. KEYS TO SUCCESS IN CLASS 1. BE ORGANIZED 2. PARTICIPATE 3. COOPERATE. EXPECTATION OF THE STUDENTS 1. Participate in Daily class Activities. 2. Keep an up to date notebook. It should include vocabulary terms, outline notes, notes from films, project instructions, etc. This notebook will be checked on a random basis. 3. Quizzes and tests will be given to students. 4. Reports and/ or various projects will be given and graded like tests. 5. Assignments should be turned in to the appropriate basket on time.