Doctor-Assisted Suicide --A Selective Guide to Journal and

Doctor-Assisted Suicide -A Selective Guide to
Journal and Newspaper
Articles, Hearings, Court
Proceedings and Decisions
"Euthanasia, Voluntary" from the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Doctor Assisted Suicide. Oregon Live recent topical
articles on doctor assisted suicide in Oregon from the
Oregon's Death with Dignity Act Oregon Health
Division's gathering of related materials including 2002,
2001, 2000, 1999 and 1998 Annual Reports
The Kevorkian Controversy Detroit Free Press a series
of articles from June 1997 to date
Search Gateway, a National Library Of Medicine
database for more information about the topics "doctor
assisted suicide" and "physician assisted suicide". N.B.
Each phrase will retrieve a different number of books,
articles, audio-visual presentations, etc.
Selective Journal Articles--reverse
chronolgical order
"When is Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia
Acceptable?" S. Frileux Journal Medical
Ethics. December 2003. v29, issue 6: p.330-336.
“Understanding and Responding to Patients’ Requests
for Assistance in Dying.” Judith Schwarz. Journal
of Nursing Scholarship. Winter, 2003. v.35, issue 4:
"End-of-Life Decision-Making in Six European
Countries: Descriptive Study." Agnes van der Heide et
al. The Lancet. August 2, 2003. v.362, issue 9381:
"Euthanasia and Other End-of-Life Decisions in the
Netherlands in 1990, 1995, and 2001" Bregje D
Onwuteaka-Philipsen et al. The Lancet. August 2,
2003. v.362, issue 9381: p395-.
"Physician-assisted Suicide in Oregon: What Are the
Key Factors?" Howard Winberg and James Werth, Jr.
Death Sudies. July, 2003. v. 27, number 6: p501-518.
"Fifth Annual Report on Oregon's Death with Dignity
Act" Katrina Hedberg et al. Portland. Oregon
Health Division: Oregon Department of Human
Resources. March 5, 2003.
"Responding to Requests for Physician-assisted Suicide:
'These Are Uncharted Waters for Both of Us' " Paul
Basom and Susan Tolle. JAMA, The Journal of the
American Medical Association. July 3, 2002. v288. p9198.
"The Dutch Experience." Herbert Hendin. Issues in
Law & Medicine. Spring 2002. v.17, issue 3: p223-246.
"Should We Impose Quotas? Evaluating the "Disparate
Impact" Argument Against Legalization of Assisted
Suicide." Ronald A. Lindsay. Journal of Law,
Medicine & Ethics. Spring 2002. v.30, issue 1. p. 6-16.
The spring issue also four other articles on the topic
physician assisted suicide' including an overview
article--"Why the Netherlands? (understanding and
practice of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in
the Netherlands)"
"Fourth Annual Report on Oregon's Death with Dignity
Act" Katrina Hedberg et al. Portland. Oregon
Health Division: Oregon Department of Human
Resources. February 6, 2002.
"Why Ashcroft Is Wrong on Assisted Suicide." John
Lund. Commentary. February, 2002. v.113, issue 2:
"2-to-1 Majorities Continue to Support Rights to Both
Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide" Humphrey
Taylor. Harris Poll #2. January 9, 2002.
"U.S. Acts to Stop Assisted Suicides." Sam Verhovek.
New York Times. November 7, 2001. v.CLI: p.A1- (N).
"Dutch Experience of Euthanasia." Sergio Canavero et
al. The Lancet. August 25, 2001. v.358, issue 9282:
"Physician-assisted Suicide." Lois Snyder and Daniel
P. Sulmasy. Annals of Internal Medicine. August 7,
2001. v.135, number 3: p.209-216.
"A Moral Right to Physician-assisted Suicide." C.
Wellman. American Philosophical Quarterly. 2001.
v.38, number 3: p.271-286.
"Desire for Physician-assisted Suicide: Requests for a
Better Death?" Anthony L. Back and Robert A.
Pearlman. The Lancet. August 4, 2001. v.358, issue
9279: p.344.
"Twenty-five Years After Quinlan: A Review of the
Jurisprudence of Death and Dying." Norman L.
Cantor. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Summer
2001. v.29, issue 2: p.182-196.
"Oregon Physicians' Attitudes About and Experiences
With End-of-Life Care Since Passage of the Oregon
Death with Dignity Act." Linda Ganzini et al. JAMA,
The Journal of the American Medical Association.
May 9, 2001. v.285, issue 18: p.2363-2369.
"Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: What Does the Dutch
Vote Mean?" Richard Horton. Lancet. April 21, 2001.
v.357, issue 9264: p.1221.
"Physicians' Responses to Patients' Requests for
Physician-Assisted Suicide." R. Jeffery Kohlwes et
al. Archives of Internal Medicine. March 12, 2001.
v.161, n.5: p.657-666.
Third Annual Report on Oregon's Death with Dignity
Act Katrina Hedberg et al. Portland.&Oregon Health
Division: Oregon Department of Human
Resources.  February 21, 2001.
"Death by Default" Christianity Today. February 5,
2001. v.45, i.2: p.26-27.
"Defining "Human Dignity" in the Debate Over the
(Im)Morality of Physician-assisted Suicide." M.J.
Hyde. Journal of Medical Humanities 2001. v.22,
number 1: p.69-82.
"The Complexities of Assisted Suicide." Stacy
Diloreto. Patient Care. November 30, 2000. v.34,
n.22: p.65-86. .
"Attitudes and Desires Related to Euthanasia and
Physician-Assisted Suicide Among Terminally Ill
Patients and Their Caregivers." Ezekiel J. Emanuel et
al. JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical
Association. November 15, 2000. v.284, issue19:
"Patients' Knowledge of Options at the End of Life:
Ignorance in the Face of Death." Maria J. Silveira et
al. JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical
Association. November 15, 2000. v.284, issue19:
"Attitudes and Practices of U.S. Oncologists Regarding
Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide." Ezekiel J.
Emanuel et al. Annals of Internal Medicine. October
3, 2000. v. 133, n.7: p.527-532.
"Assisted Suicide and the Inalienable Right to
Life." Daniel Avila. Issues in Law & Medicine. Fall
2000. v.16; n.2: p.111-141.
"Attitudes of Terminally Ill Patients Toward Euthanasia
and Physician-Assisted Suicide." Keith G. Wilson et
al. Archives of Internal Medicine. September 11, 2000.
v.160, n.16: p.2454-2461.
Psychology, Public Policy & Law. June, 2000. v6,
number 2. The entire issue is devoted to articles on PAS
including "A Continued Debate About Hastened Death"
B. Andrew; "Misconceived Sources of Opposition to
Physician-Assisted Suicide" D. Brock; "Requests of
Physician-Assisted Death: Guidelines for Assessing
Mental Capacity and Impaired Judgment" J. Werth et al;
"Factors to Consider Before Participating in a Hastened
Death: Issues for Medical Professionals" S. Jamison.
"Charting a Course of Comfort and Treatment at the
End of Life." Denise Grady. New York Times. May
30, 2000. v.149: p.F7. (N)
"At Life's End, Many Patients Are Denied Peaceful
Passing." Denise Grady. New York Times. May 29,
2000. v.149: p.A1-. (N)
"Maine Voters Face Decision on Doctor-assisted
Suicide" Vida Foubister. American Medical News.
May 22/29, 2000. v.43, no.20, p.9.
Report from: APA [American Psychological
Association] Working Group on "Assisted Suicide and
End-of-Life Decisions" Washington, D.C. May 1, 2000.
"Life after Death with Dignity: The Oregon
Experience." Pamela J. Miller. Social Work. May 1,
2000. v.45, n.3: p.263-272.
"On the Structure of the Euthanasia Debate:
Observations Provoked by a Near-Perfect For-andAgainst Book." (Review of Euthanasia and PhysicianAssisted Suicide: For and Against by Gerald Dworkin et
al.) Margaret Battin. Journal of Health Politics, Policy
and Law. April, 2000. v.25, n.2: p.415-430.
"Assisted Suicide: Finding Common Ground." L.
Snyder and A.L. Caplan. Annals of Internal Medicine.
March 21, 2000. v.132, n.6: p.468-470.
Six additional articles in the same issue of Annals of
Internal Medicine are devoted to physician-assisted
"Assisted Suicide Compared with Refusal of Treatment:
A Valid Distinction?" F.G. Miller et al. p.470-475.
"The Role of Guidelines in the Practice of PhysicianAssisted Suicide." A.L. Caplan et al. p.476-481.
"Should Assisted Suicide Be Only Physician
Assisted?" K. Faber-Langendoen and J.H.T. Karlawish.
"Palliative Treatments of Last Resort: Choosing the
Least Harmful Alternative." T.E. Quill. p.488-493.
"Responding to Legal Requests for Physician-Assisted
Suicide." J.A. Tulsky. p.494-499.
"Death with Dignity: A Case Study." W.J. Wade.
"Clinical Problems with the Performance of Euthanasia
and Physician-Assisted Suicide in the Netherlands."
[abstract only] Johanna H. Groenewoud et al. The New
England Journal of Medicine. February 24, 2000. v.342,
n.8: p.551-556.
"Legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon -- The
Second Year." [abstract only online] Amy D. Sullivan
et al. The New England Journal of Medicine. February
24, 2000. v.342, n.8: p.598-604.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in
Practice." [editorial] Sherwin B. Nuland. The New
England Journal of Medicine. February 24, 2000.
v.342, n.8: p.583-584.
"Physicians' Experiences with the Oregon Death with
Dignity Act." [abstract only online] Linda Ganzini et
al. The New England Journal of Medicine. February 24,
2000. v.342, n.8: p.557-563.
Second Annual Report on Oregon's Death with Dignity
Act Amy Sullivan et al. Portland.& Oregon Health
Division: Oregon Department of Human Resources.
February 23, 2000.
"The Pain Relief Promotion Act of 1999: A Serious
Threat to Palliative Care." (Policy Perspectives) David
Orentlicher and Arthur Caplan. JAMA, The Journal of
the American Medical Association. January 12, 2000.
v.283, issue2: p.255-258.
"Oregon's Death With Dignity Act: Fourteen Months
and Counting." Howard Wineberg. Archives for
Internal Medicine. January 10, 2000. v.160, n.1: p.2125.
"Attitudes and Practices Concerning the End of Life: A
Conparison Between Physicians From the United States
and From the Netherlands." Dick L. Willems, Elisabeth
R. Daniels, and Ezekiel J. Emanuel. Archives of
Internal Medicine. January 10, 2000. v.160, n.1: p.6368.
"Suicide, Assisted Suicide, and Medical
Illness." Herbert Hendin. Harvard Mental Health
Letter. January, 2000. v.16, i.7: p.4-7.
"Requested Death: A New Social Movement." Fran
McInerney. Social Science & Medicine. January, 2000.
v.50, n.1: p.137-.
"The Rising Agenda of Physician-Assisted Suicide:
Explaining the Growth and Content of Morality
Policy." Henry R. Glick and Amy Hutchinson. Policy
Studies Journal: The Journal of the Policy Studies
Organization. 1999. v.27, n. 4: p.750-765.
"Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Suicide." Nikkie B
Swarte and A Peter M Heintz. Annals of
Medicine. 1999. v.31, n.6: p.364-71.
"Caring for the Dying -- Congressional Mischief."
(Editorial). Marcia Angell. The New England Journal
of Medicine. December 16, 1999. v.341, i.25: p.19231925.
"Principles for Care of Patients at the End of Life: An
Emerging Consensus among the Specialties of
Medicine." Christine K. Cassel and Kathleen M.
Foley. Milbrook Memorial Fund. December, 1999.
"A Legal Way Out: The New World of Physician
Assisted Suicide" [an extended article on a patient
facing death in Oregon] Barry Siegel. Los Angeles
Times. November 14, 1999. Special Section; Part U:
Page 1-.
"Oregon Chafes at Measure to Stop Assisted
Suicides." Sam H. Verhovek. New York Times.
October 29, 1999. v.148: p.1- (N)
"House Backs Ban on Using Medicine to Aid in
Suicide." Robert Pear. New York Times. October 28,
1999. v.148: p.A1- (N)
"Doctor-aided Suicide: Shifting Politics." Brad
Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor.
September 28, 1999. p.1"Synthesis of Research and Evidence on Factors
Affecting the Desire of Terminally Ill or Seriously Ill
Persons to Hasten Death." Brian Mishara. Omega:
Journal of Death and Dying. [Fall] 1999. v. 39, n.1: p.170.
"Freud's Physician-Assisted Death." Jack McCue and
Lewis Cohen. Archives of Internal Medicine. July 26,
1999. v.159, n.14: p.1521-1528.
"Assisted Dying." Charles Baron. Trial. July 1,
1999. v.35, n.7: p.44-50.
"Attitudes of Oregon Psychologists Toward PhysicianAssisted Suicide and the Oregon Death With Dignity
Act" Darien Fenn and Linda Ganzini. Professional
Psychology: Research and Practice. June, 1999. v.30,
n.3: p.235 244.
"End of Life Decisions and Assisted Suicide." Norman
Abeles and Anat Barlev. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice. June, 1999. v.30, n.3: p.229234.
"A Theological Response to Physician-assisted
Suicide." Lauris C. Kaldjian. Theology Today. July,
1999. v.56 n.2: p.197-209.
"The Polls - Trends End-of-Life Issues." John
Benson. Public Opinion Quarterly. Summer 1999.
v.63, issue 2: p.263-277. Large number of opinion poll
"Three Strikes: Is an Assisted Suicide Right Out?"
Richard Bopp and James E. Colson. Issues in Law and
Medicine. Summer, 1999. v.15, n.1: p.3-86.
"End of Life Decisions and Assisted Suicide." Norman
Abeles and Anat Barlev. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice. June 1, 1999. v.30, n.3: p.229234. Also two additional articles on PAS same issue
"Death's Door: The End of Euthanasia?" Ezekiel J.
Emanuel. The New Republic. May 17, 1999. v.22,
n.20: p.15-16.
"Give Me Liberty and Death: Assisted suicide in
Oregon." Courtney S. Campbell. The Christian
Century. May 5, 1999. v.116, n.14: p.498"Bioethics: A Moral Vacuum?" Richard A.
McCormick. America. May 1, 1999. p.8-12.
"The Oregon Report: Don't Ask, Don't Tell. " Kathleen
Foley and Herbert Hendin. Hastings Center Report..
May 1, 1999. v.29, n.3: p.37-42.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide: Promoting Autonomy--Or
Medicalizing Suicide?" Tania Salem. Hastings Center
Report.. May 1, 1999. v.29, n.3: p.30-36.
"Dr. Kevorkian On the Air: CBS and "60 Minutes"
Dropped the Ball." Richard E. Vatz and Lee S.
Weinberg. USA Today. May, 1999. v.127, n.2648:
Symposium on Physician-Assisted Suicide. Ethics: An
International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal
Philosophy. April, 1999. v.109, n.3. The entire issue is
devoted to PAS and includes:
"A Critique of Three Objections to Physician-Assisted
Suicide." Dan W. Brock. p.519-547.
"Of Assisted Suicide and "The Philosophers' Brief"."
Paul J. Weithman. p.548-578.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide, the Doctrine of Double
Effect, and the Ground of Value." F. M. Kamm. p.586605.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide: Two Moral Arguments."
Judith Jarvis Thomson. p.497-518.
"Sex, Suicide, and Doctors." Gerald Dworkin. p.579585.
"A Right of Self-Termination?" J. David Velleman.
"What Is the Great Benefit of Legalizing Euthanasia or
Physican-Assisted Suicide?" Ezekiel J. Emanuel.
"Kevorkian Seen as a Distraction' on Suicide Aid." Pam
Belluck. New York Times. March 29, 1999. v.148:
"Dr. Kevorkian Is a Murderer, The Jury Finds." Pam
Belluck. New York Times. March 27, 1999. v.148:
"The Rule of Double Effect: Clearing Up the Double
Talk." Daniel P. Sulmasy and Edmund D.
Pellegrino. Archives of Internal Medicine. March 22,
1999. v.159, n.6: p.545-550.
"Dancing with Dr. Death." John Leo. U.S. News &
World Report. March 22, 1999. v.126, issue 11: p.16.
"For Kevorkian, a Fifth, but Very Different, Trial." Pam
Belluck. New York Times. March 20, 1999. v.148:
"Oregon Reporting 15 Deaths in 1998 Under Suicide
Law." Sam Howe Verhovek. New York Times.
February 18, 1999. v.148: pA1-(N).
"Legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon -- The
First Year's Experience". Arthur E. Chin et al. New
England Journal of Medicine. February 18, 1999.
v.340, n.7: p.577-583.
First Annual Report on Oregon's Death with Dignity
Act Arthur E. Chin et al. Portland.&Oregon Health
Division: Oregon Department of Human
Resources.  February 17, 1999.
"Dying Made Easy." Paul R. McHugh.
Commentary. February, 1999. v.107, n.2: p.13-17.
Responding to Patient Requests for Physician-Assisted
Suicide. (Letters to the Editor in response to an article
by Emanuel. JAMA August 19, 1998. v.280, n.7:
p.643-647.) Anthony Back et al. JAMA, The Journal of
the American Medical Association. January 20, 1999.
v.281, n.3: p.227-229.
"An Uncertain Future for Assisted Suicide." Richard
M. Doerflinger. Hastings Center Report January,
1999. v.29, n.1: p.52"Physician-Assisted Suicide: State Legislation
Teetering at the Pinnacle of a Slippery Slope" Eunice
Park. The William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal.
December 1, 1998. v.7, n.1: p.277"Treatment of the Terminally Ill." Arthur Zucker,
ed. Death Studies. December, 1998. v.22, n.8: p.784786.
"Kevorkian Faces a Murder Charge in Death of Man;
He Forces a Showdown." Dirk Johnson. The New
York Times. November 26, 1998. v.148: pA1-(N).
"Kevorkian Case Difficult To Prosecute, Experts Say."
William Glaberson. The New York Times. November
26, 1998. v.148: pA18(L).
"'60 Minutes,' Kevorkian and a Death for the Cameras"
Caryn James. The New York Times November 23,
1998. v.147: p.A12(N).
"The Right to Live: What the Proponents of the Right to
Die Don't Understand about Dying." Sherwin B.
Nuland. The New Republic. November 2, 1998.
v.219, n.18: p.29-35.
"Physician Assisted Suicide: Balanacing Medical Ehtics
and Individual Rights." Congressional Digest.
November, 1998. v.77, n.11. Entire issue devoted to pro
and con perspectives including section on "Should the
House Approve H.R. 4006, The Lethal Drug Abuse
Prevention Act of 1998?" (Hearings)
"Suicide, Hastening Death, and Psychiatry." Lewis M.
Cohen. Archives of Internal Medicine. October 12,
1998. v.158, n.18: p.1973-1976.
"On the Subject(s) of Jack Kevorkian M.D.: A
Retrospective Analysis." Tom Koch. Cambridge
Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Fall 1998. v.7, n.4:
"Currently Accepted Practices That Are Known to Lead
to Death, and PAS: Is There an Ethically Relevant
Difference?" Thomas Cavanaugh. Cambridge
Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Fall 1998. v.7, n.4: p.
A special section of the Cambridge Quarterly of
Healthcare Ethics. Fall 1998. v.7, n.4: p.339-413 is
devoted to euthanasia and public policy'.
"On the Difference between Physician-Assisted Suicide
and Active Euthanasia." Nicholas Dixon. The
Hastings Center Report. September, 1998. v.28, n.5:
"Legal Suicide Has Killed 8, Oregon Says." Sam
Verhovek. The New York Times. August 19, 1998.
v.147: p.A14(N).
"Facing Requests for Physician-Assisted Suicide."
Linda L. Emanuel. JAMA, The Journal of the
American Medical Association. August 19, 1998.
v.280, n.7: p.643-647.
"The Practice of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted
Suicide in the United States." Ezekiel Emanuel et
al. JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical
Association. August 12, 1998. v.280, n.6: p.507-513.
"Should Psychiatrists Serve As Gatekeepers For
Physician-assisted Suicide?" Mark D. Sullivan, et al.
The Hastings Center Report. July-August 1998. V.28,
n.4: p.24-32.
"The Future of Physician-assisted Suicide." Yale
Kamisar. Trial. July, 1998. v.34, n.7: p.48-53.
"Reno Lifts Barrier to Oregon's Law on Aided Suicide:
Overrules D.E.A. Chief: She Won't Prosecute Doctors
Who Prescribe Lethal Doses to State's Terminally Ill."
Neil A. Lewis. The New York Times. June 6, 1998.
v.147: p.A1(N)-.
"What Happens Now? Oregon and Physician-assisted
Suicide." Joan Woolfrey and Courtney S. Campbell.
The Hastings Center Report May-June, 1998. v.28,
n.3: p.9-17.
"An Expanded Typology of Suicide, Assisted Suicide,
and Euthanasia". Victor Wooddell and Kalman J.
Kaplan. Omega - The Journal Of Death And Dying.
May-June 1998. v.36 n.3: p.219-226.
"Attitudes Toward Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Among Physicians in South Carolina and Washington."
George E. Dickinson et al. Omega - The Journal Of
Death And Dying. May-June 1998. v.36, n.3: p.201218.
"The Promise of a Good Death." Ezekiel J. Emanuel
and Linda L. Emanuel. The Lancet. May 16, 1998.
v.351, n.9114 (Supplement II): p.21-29.
"Doctor Assisted Suicide - a Bad Oxymoron and a Bad
Idea" Stephen Katz. Connecticut Post April 27, 1998.
"In death, the goal is no questions asked." Sheryl Gay
Stolberg. The New York Times. April 26, 1998. v.147.
"A National Survey of Physician-Assisted Suicide and
Euthanasia in the United States". Diane E. Meier et al.
The New England Journal of Medicine. April 23,
1998. v.338, n.17: p.1193-1201.
"Guide Covers Territory [Oregon] Suicide Law Does
Not Explore." Sheryl Gay Stolberg. The New York
Times. April 21, 1998. v.147: p.B14(N).
"Oregon Escalates Its Heated Right-to-Die Debate". The
Christian Science Monitor. April 8, 1998.
"Palliative Options At the End of Life. (Letter[s] to the
Editor). JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical
Association April 8, 1998. v.279, n.14: p.1065-1067.
Minnesota Law Review. April, 1998. v.82, n.4. Issue
largely devoted to Physician-assisted Suicide, including:
Yale Kamisar. "On the Meaning and Impact of the
Physician-assisted Suicide Cases." p.895-922.
Kathryn Tucker. "The Death with Dignity
Movement: Protecting Rights and Expanding Options
after Glucksberg and Quill." p.923-938.
Howard Brody. "Physician-assisted Suicide in the
Courts: Moral Equivalence, Double Effect, and Clinical
Practice." p.939-963.
Robert Burt. "Disorder in the Court: Physicianassisted Suicide and the Constitution." p.965-981.
Ezekiel Emanuel. "The Future of Euthanasia and
Physician-assisted Suicide: Beyond Rights Talk to
Informed Public Policy." p.983-1014.
Patricia King. "Empowering and Protecting Patients:
Lessons for Physician-assisted Suicide from the
African-American Experience." p.1015-1043.
"First Death Under an Assisted-suicide Law." Timothy
Egan. The New York Times. March 26, 1998. v.147:
"The Court Upholds a State Law Prohibiting Physicianassisted Suicide." Brett Feinberg. Journal of Criminal
Law and Criminology. Spring, 1998. V.88, n.3: p.847876.
"Killing and Allowing to Die: Another Look." Daniel
Sulmasy. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Spring,
1998. v.26, n.1. p.55-64.
"Killing Off the Dying?" Adam Wolfson. Public
Interest. Spring 1998. n.131: p.50-70.
"Physician-assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia:
Some Relevant Differences." John Deigh. Journal of
Criminal Law and Criminology. Spring, 1998. v.88,
n.3: p.1155-1165.
"Physician-assisted Suicide: The Problems Presented
By the Compelling, Heartwrenching Case." Yale
Kamisar. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology.
Spring, 1998. v.88, n.3: p.1121-1146.
"Religious Perspectives on Assisted Suicide." Cristina
L.H. Traina. Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology. Spring, 1998. v.88, n.3: p.1147-1154.
"Physician Assisted Death: After the U.S. Supreme
Court Ruling." Timothy Quill. University of Detroit
Mercy Law Review. Spring, 1998. v.75, n.3: p.481-498.
n.b.: entire issue devoted to articles on doctor assisted
suicide including public policy and ethics
"No One Rushing in Oregon To Use New Suicide
Law." Timothy Egan. The New York Times. March
15, 1998. v.147: p.A18(N).
"Palliative Care or Assisted Suicide?" James F.
Breshnahan. America. March 14, 1998. v.178, n.8:
"Hospice, Not Hemlock: the Medical and Moral Rebuke
to Doctor-assisted Suicide." Joe Loconte. Policy
Review. March-April, 1998. n.88: p.40-48.
"The Request to Die: Role for a Psychodynamic
Perspective on Physician-assisted Suicide. (The PatientPhysician Relationship)." Philip R. Muskin. JAMA:
The Journal of the American Medical Association.
January 28, 1998. v.279, n.4: p.323-8.
" Palliative Options of Last Resort: a comparison of
voluntarily stopping eating and drinking, terminal
sedation, physician-assisted suicide, and voluntary
active euthanasia." Timothy E. Quill, Bernard Lo, and
Dan W. Brock. JAMA: The Journal of the American
Medical Association. December 17, 1997. v.278, n.3:
"The Rule of Double Effect -- A Critique of Its Role in
End-of-Life Decision Making" Timothy Quill. New
England Journal of Medicine. December 11, 1997.
v.337, n.24: p.1768-1771.
"Physician-assisted Suicide: a Look at the
Netherlands." Herbert Hendin. Current. December,
1997. n.398: p.25-30.
"Vive la Difference! Killing and Allowing to Die."
Richard A. McCormick. America. December 6,
1997. v.177, n.18. p.6-12.
"Issues and Controversies: Assisted Suicide Update".
Facts on File News Service. November 21, 1997.
"Deciding Life and Death in the Courtroom: From
Quinlan to Cruzan, Glucksberg, and Vacco - a Brief
History and Analysis of Constitutional Protection of the
'Right to Die'." Lawrence O. Gostin. JAMA: The
Journal of the American Medical Association .
November 12, 1997. v.278, n.18: p.1523 - .
"In Oregon, Opening a New Front in the World of
Medicine." (Oregon voters reject repeal of DAS law by
60% to 40%) Tomothy Egan. The New York Times.
November 6, 1997. v.147: p.A26(N).
"A Harder Better Death." Peter Fish. Health.
November-December 1997. v.11, n.8: p.108 - .
"Law and Ethics." [on doctor-assisted suicide] Arthur
Zucker. Death Studies. November-December, 1997.
v.21, n.6: p.611-615.
"Assisted Suicide Clears Challenge in Supreme Court;
Oregon Law Up to Voters;" (by rejecting appeal,
justices remove legal hurdle to the only such U.S.
measure.) Linda Greenhouse. The New York Times.
October 15, 1997. v.147: p.A1(N).
"The Bell Tolls For a Constitutional Right to
Physician-assisted Suicide." George J. Annas. The
New England Journal of Medicine. October 9, 1997.
v.337, n.15: p.1098-.
"The Supreme Court 1997: a Symposium." Hadley
Arkes, et al. First Things: A Monthly Journal of
Religion and Public Life. October 1997. n.76: p.20 - .
" Assisted Suicide: What the Court Really Said."
Ronald Dworkin. New York Review of Books.
September 25, 1997.
"Views of Assisted Suicide From Several Nations." Pat
Phillips. JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical
Association September 24, 1997 v.278, n.12: p.969-.
"Caring for the Dying: Would Better Palliative Care
Reduce Support for Assisted Suicide?" Richard L.
Worsnop. CQ Researcher. September 5, 1997. v.7,
n.33: p.771 - .
On Second Thought . . . Oregon Reconsiders Its
Pioneering Assisted-suicide Law." Joseph P. Shapiro.
U S News & World Report. September 1, 1997. v.123
n.8: p.58.
"Assisted Suicide and Equal Protection: In Defense of
the Distinction Between Killing and Letting Die."
Kevin P. Quinn. Issues in Law & Medicine Fall, 1997.
v.13, n.2: p.145-171.
"The Model Physician-Assisted Suicide Act and the
Jurisprudence of Death." Scott Fitzgibbon and Kwan
Lai. Issues in Law & Medicine. Fall, 1997. v.13, n.2:
" A Right to Choose Death? A Moral Argument for the
Permissibility of Euthanasia and Physician-assisted
Suicide." F. M. Kamm. Boston Review on the WEB.
Summer, 1997.
" Beyond the Call of Duty: A Daughter Reflects on the
Meaning of Her Mother's Suicide. Vivian Rothstein.
Boston Review on the WEB. Summer, 1997
"No Help For the Dying: But Justices Leave Door
Open to Future Claim of a Right to Aid." Linda
Greenhouse. The New York Times. June 27, 1997.
v.146: p.A1(N)--.
"An Issue That Won't Die." Janny Scott. The New York
Times. June 27, 1997. v.146: p.A1(N)--.
"Right To Die Denied" Online Focus (PBS
Newshour). June 26, 1997
Legislative hearing on H.R. 2260, the "Pain Relief
Promotion Act of 1999" -- June 24, 1999
U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Washington et al v.
Glucksberg et al
U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Vacco, Attorney
General of New York, et al v. Quill et al
"Assisted Suicide" [an exchange of letters] Michael
McConnell and Ronald Dworkin. Slate. [an electronic
journal] various dates 1997--.
Washington Post a set of articles on assisted suicide
published over a six-month period
Psychiatry and Assisted Suicide in the United States"
Linda Ganzini and Melinda A. Lee. The New England
Journal of Medicine. June 19, 1997. v.336, n.25:
"Considering the Unthinkable: Protocol for Assisted
Suicide." Sheryl Gay Stolberg. The New York Times.
June 11, 1997. v.146: p.A1(N).
"Feed the Face" (the debate of assisted suicide) Michael
Walzer. New Republic. June 9, 1997. v.216: p.29.
"Americans Want a Right To Die. Or So They Think."
David E. Rosenbaum. New York Times. June 8, 1997.
v.146, s.4: p.E3.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the
Netherlands: Lessons From the Dutch" Herbert Hendin,
Chris Rutenfrans, and Zbigniew Zylicz.. JAMA
Journal of the American Medical Association. June 4,
1997. v.277, n.21: p.1720-1722.
"Debriefing the Philosophers." J. Bottom. First
Things: a Journal of Religion and Public Life. v.74:
p.26-30. June/July, 1997.
"The Selling of Doctor Death: How Jack Kevorkian
Became a National Hero" Michael Betzold. New
Republic. May 26, 1997. v.216: p.22--.
"Rushing Heaven's Door" Jayne Garrison. Health.
May-June, 1997. v.11: p.122--.
"Inevitable" Assisted Suicide? Don't Bet Your Life."
Wesley J. Smith. Human Life Review. Spring 1997.
v.23, n.2: p.61-.
"Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers' Brief" Ronald
Dworkin et al. New York Review of Books. March 27,
1997. v.XLIV: p.41--.
"On Death and Dying" Juliet Wittman Washington
Post. March 16, 1997. p.X03. A review of "Seduced
by Death"
"The Suicide Machine" [series of articles--various
authors] Detroit Free Press. March 3-8, 1997.
"Is There a Duty to Die? John Hardwig. The Hastings
Center Report. March 1, 1997. v.27, n.2: p.34-42
"Whose Right to Die? America Should Think Again
Before Pressing Ahead With the Legalization of
Physician-assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia"
Ezekial Emanuel. Atlantic Monthly. March, 1997.
v.279: p.73-79.
"Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, and the Law." M.
Cathleen Kaveny. Theological Studies. March, 1997.
v.58, n.1: p124-.
"Killing vs. Letting Die: a Moral Distinction Before the
Courts." James F. Bresnahan. America . February 1,
1997. v.176, n.3: p8-.
"Practical Issues in Physician Assisted Suicide"
Margaret A. Drickhamer et al. Annals of Internal
Medicine. January 15, 1997. v.126: p.146--.
"What the Dutch Experience Can Teach Americans
About Assisted Suicide" Joseph P. Shapiro. U.S. News
& World Report. January 13, 1997. v.122, n.1: p19-.
"Is There a Right to Die?" David Van Biema. Time.
January 13, 1997. v.149, n.2: p.60-.
"Country's Doctors Remain Divided Over PhysicianAssisted Suicide" Susan Okie. Washington
Post January 8, 1997. p.A15.
"Before the Court, the Sanctity of Life and of Death."
Linda Greenhouse. The New York Times. Jan. 5,
1997. v.146, s.4: p.E4
The Supreme Court and Physician-Assisted Suicide -The Ultimate Right" Marcia Angell. The New England
Journal of Medicine. January 2, 1997. v.336, n.1: p.50-
"Competent Care for the Dying Instead of PhysicianAssisted Suicide" Kathleen M. Foley. The New
England Journal of Medicine January 2, 1997. v.336,
n.1: p.54-59.
"The Right to Die." Cass R. Sunstein. Yale Law
Journal January, 1997. v.106, n.4: p.1123-1163.
"Which Question? Which Lie? Reflections on the
Physician-assisted Suicide Cases." Martha
Minow. Supreme Court Review. 1997. p.1-30.
"Courting Death: Assisted Suicide, Doctors, and the
Law." Leon R. Kass and Nelson Lund. Commentary.
December 1996. v.102: p.17--.
"Christian Perspectives on Assisted Suicide and
Euthanasia: the Anglican Tradition." Cynthia B.
Cohen. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Winter,
1996. v. 24, n.4: p.369-379.
"A Matter of Life & Death." Washington Post.
November 14, 1996, p.B1.
"Attitudes of Elderly Patients and Their Families
Toward Physician-assisted Suicide. Harold Koenig et
al. Archives of Internal Medicine. Oct. 28, 1996. v.156,
n.19: p.2240-2248.
"Report of the Committee on Physician-Assisted
Suicide and Euthanasia." John Maltsberger et al.
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. Fall, 1996.
v.26, n.3: p.S2-.
"To Die With Dignity: Comparing Physician Assisted
Suicide in the United States, Japan, and the
Netherlands." Alison C. Hall. Washington University
Law Quarterly. Fall, 1996. v.74, n.3: p.803-840.
"The Reasons So Many People Support Physicianassisted Suicide -- and Why These Reasons Are Not
Convincing." Yale Kamisar. Issues in Law and
Medicine. Fall 1996. v.12, n.2: p113-131.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Fall, 1996. v.24,
n.3. Journal issue almost entirely devoted to the topic
"doctor-assisted suicide" including:
Bernard Lo et al. "Physician-Assisted Suicide in
Context: Constitutional, Regulatory, and Professional
David Thomasma. "When Physicians Choose to
Participate in the Death of Their Patients: Ethics and
Physician-Assisted Suicide." p.183-197.
John Linville. "Physician-Assisted Suicide as a
Constitutional Right." p.198-206.
Jack Schwartz. "Writing the Rules of Death: State
Regulation of Physician-Assisted Suicide." p.207-216.
Carl Coleman and Alan Fleischman "Guidelines for
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Can the Challenge Be
Met?" p.217-224.
Franklin Miller et al. "Can Physician-Assisted
Suicide Be Regulated Effectively?" p.225-232.
William Bartholome. "Physician-Assisted Suicide,
Hospice, and Rituals of Withdrawal." p.233-236.
Duquesne Law Review. Fall, 1996. v.35, n.1. Journal
issue entirely devoted to the topic "doctor-assisted
suicide" including:
C. Everett Koop. "Introduction: Special Issue: A
Symposium on Physician-Assisted Suicide." p.1-6.
Daniel M. Crone. "Historical Attitudes Toward
Suicide." p.7-42.
Richard E. Coleson. "Contemporary Religious
Viewpoints." p.43-80.
Rita L. Marker and Wesley J. Smith. "The Art of
Verbal Engineering." p.81-108.
Courtney S. Campbell. "Compassion, and Dignity in
Dying." p.109-158.
Robert A. Burt. "Constitutionalizing PhysicianAssisted Suicide: Will Lightning Strike Thrice?" p.159182.
George J. Annas. "The Promised End - PhysicianAssisted Suicide and Abortion." p.183-200.
Daniel Avila. "Is the Constitution a Suicide Pact?"
Thomas J. Marzen, Mary K. O'Dowd, Daniel Crone,
and Thomas J. Balch.. "Suicide: A Constitutional
Right?" - Reflections Eleven Years Later." p.261-284.
Herbert Hendin. "Suicide and the Request for
Assisted Suicide: Meaning and Motivation." p.285-310.
Joanne Lynne, Frank E. Harrell, Jr., and Albert W.
Wu.. "Defining the "Terminally Ill": Insights From
SUPPORT." p.311-336.
Eric Chevlen. "The Limits of Prognostication."
John M. Dolan. "Is Physician-Assisted Suicide
Possible?" p.355-394.
Leon R. Kass and Nelson Lund. "Physician-Assisted
Suicide, Medical Ethics, and Future of the Medical
Profession." p.395-426.
Herbert Hendin. "The Slippery Slope: The Dutch
Example. p.427-442.
Marshall B. Kapp. "Old Folks on the Slippery Slope:
Elderly Patients and Physician-Assisted Suicide."
Susan M. Wolf. "Physician-Assisted Suicide in the
Context of Managed Care." p.455-480.
Yale Kamisar. "The Right To Die': On Drawing (and
Erasing) Lines." p.481-522.
Richard Doerflinger. "Conclusion: Shaky
Foundations and Slippery Slopes." p.523-.
"The Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide."
David Orentlicher. The New England Journal of
Medicine. August 29, 1996. v.335: p.663-667.
"The Promised End: Constitutional Aspects of
Physician-Assisted Suicide." Geroge J. Annas. The
New England Journal of Medicine. August 29, 1996.
v.335: p.683-687.
"Choosing Death: the Ethics of Assisted Suicide." Alan
Verhey. Christian Century. July 17, 1996. v.113:
"Die Hard: End-of-Life Care in America." Lois Snyder
and Arthur Caplan. Pennsylvania Medicine. July
1996. p.10--.
"Psychological Issues in Euthanasia, Suicide and
Assisted Suicide." David Lester. Journal of Social
Issues. Summer 1996. v.52: p.51--.
"The Right to Die' in America: Sloganeering from
Quinlan and Cruzan to Quill and Kevorkian." George J.
Annas. Duquesne Law Review. Summer, 1996. v.34,
n.4: p.875-897.
"It Started With Quinlan: The Ever Expanding "Right
To Die." Yale Kamisar. The Human Life Review.
Summer, 1996. v.22, n.3: p.33-36.
"Live and Let Die: Physician-assisted Suicide and the
Right to Die." Christopher N. Manning. Harvard
Journal of Law & Technology. Summer, 1996. v.9, n.2:
"Death and the Maiden" Stephanie Gutmann. New
Republic. June 24, 1996. v.214: p.20--.
"What Right to Die?" Jeffrey Rosen New Republic.
June 24, 1996. v.214: p.28-31.
"Physician-assisted Suicide: Ten Questions." Thomas
A. Shannon. Commonweal. June 1, 1996. v.123:
"The Real Ethic of Death and Dying." Norman L.
Cantor. Michigan Law Review. May, 1996. v.94, n.6:
"The Justices' Life-or-death Choices." The New York
Times. April 7, 1996. v.145: p.E6--.
"Wise Decisions on the Right to Die." The New York
Times. April 4, 1996. v.145: p.A24.
"Court Overturns Ban in New York on Aided Suicides"
The New York Times. April 3, 1996. v145: p.A1--.
"Towards the Right To Be Killed? Treatment Refusal,
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the United States
and Canada." Trudo Lemmens. British Medical
Bulletin. April, 1, 1996. v.52, no.2: p.341-353.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in
Washington State: Patient Requests and Physician
Responses." Anthony Back et al. JAMA, Journal of the
American Medical Association. March 27, 1996.
v.275, n.12: p.919-925.
"Judges 1, people 0" U.S. News & World Report.
March 25, 1996. v.120: p.24--.
"Ruling Sharpens Debate on 'Right To Die.'"Tamar
Lewin The New York Times. March 8, 1996. v.45:
"Attitudes of Michigan Physicians and the Public
Toward Legalizing Physician-assisted Suicide and
Voluntary Euthanasia." Jerald G. Bachman et al. The
New England Journal of Medicine. Feb. 1, 1996. v.
334: p.303-309.
"Legalizing Assisted Suicide - Views of Physicians in
Oregon." Melinda A. Lee et al. The New England
Journal of Medicine. Feb. 1, 1996. v.334: p.310-315.
"Assisted Suicide." Arthur Zucker. Death Studies.
Jan-Feb 1996. v.20: p.97--.
"Legalizing Physician-Aided Death." Alexander M.
Capron. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare
Ethics. Winter 1996. v.5, n.1: p.10-23.
"Living versus Dying "with Dignity": A New
Perspective on the Euthanasia Debate." Tom
Koch. Cambridge Quarterly on Healthcare Ethics.
Winter 1996. v.5, n.1: p.50-60.
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Winter
1996. v.5, n.1. Issue largely devoted to considerations
of doctor assisted suicide and euthanasia.
"A Feminist Exploration of Issues Around Assisted
Death." Jocelyn Downie and Susan Sherwin. Saint
Louis University Public Law Review. 1996. v.15, n.2:
"Physician Assisted Suicide, a Religious Perspective."
Kevin D. O'Rourke. Saint Louis University Public Law
Review. 1996. v.15, n.2: p.433-446.
"The Dying Game: Physician-assisted Suicide in
Oregon". Lois Snyder and Arthur Caplan.
Philadelphia Lawyer. 1995. v.58: p.34-36.
"Physician-assisted Suicide." Courtney Campbell et
al. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical
Assocation. Dec 27, 1995. v.274: p.1910--.
"Stemming the Tide: Assisted Suicide and the
Constitution." Carl H. Coleman and Tracy E. Miller.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Winter 1995.
v.23: p.389--.
"Comments on "knowing when to say goodbye.""John
L. McIntosh. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
Winter 1995. v.25: p.513--.
"The Constitutional Case Against Permitting Physicianassisted Suicide for Competent Adults With Terminal
Conditions.'" James Bopp and Richar Coleson. Issues
in Law & Medicine Winter, 1995. v.11, n.3: p.239-268.
"Public Opinion Regarding End-of-life Decisions:
Influence of Prognosis, Practice and Process." Peter A.
Singer et al. Social Science & Medicine. Dec. 1995.
v.41: p.1517--.
"To Be Or Not To Be: Assisted Suicide Revisited."
Elizabeth W. Markson. Omega - The Journal Of Death
And Dying. Oct. 1995. v.31: p.221--.
"Euthanasia and the Good Life." Trudo
Lemmens. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. v.39,
no.1: p.15-27.
"The Human Right To Die With Dignity: a Policyoriented Essay." Jordan J. Paust. Human Rights
Quarterly. August 1995. v.17: p.463-487.
"Death, Be Not Proud." Robert P. George and William
C. Porth Jr. National Review. June 26, 1995. v.47:
"Make Mine Hemlock." Ernest van den Haag.
National Review. June 12, 1995. v.47: p.60--.
"The Hidden Engines of the Suicide Rights Movement"
Peter J. Bernardi. America. May 6, 1995. v.172: p.14-.
"Assisted Suicide Controversy." Richard L. Worsnop.
CQ Researcher. May 5, 1995. v.5: p.395--.
"Should Active Euthanasia Be Legalized?" Cheryl
Smith and Yale Kamisar. CQ Researcher. May 5,
1995. v.5: p.409--.
"Professional Integrity and Physician-assisted Death."
Franklin Miller and Howard Brody. The Hastings
Center Report. May-June, 1995. v.25, n.3: p.8-17.
"Physician-assisted Suicide and the Profession's
Gyrocompass". Steven H. Miles. The Hastings Center
Report. May-June, 1995. v.25, n.3: p.17--.
"Selling Death and Dignity." Herbert Hendin. The
Hastings Center Report. May-June, 1995. v.25, n.3:
"Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Suicide." Ezekiel
Emanuel. Forum. Risk Management Foundation
Cambridge, MA. May, 1995
"Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, and Suicide Prevention."
Herbert Hendin. Suicide and Life-Threatening
Behavior. Spring, 1995. v.25: p.193--.
"Unnecessary Tragedy: Assisted Suicide Comes to
Oregon." Wesley J. Smith. The Human Life Review.
Spring, 1995. v.21, n.2: p.25-41.
"Assisted Suicide and Older People - a Deadly
Combination: Ethical Problems In Permitting Assisted
Suicide." Nancy Osgood. Issues in Law & Medicine.
Spring, 1995. v.10, n.4: p.415-435.
"Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Oregon Tries the
Dutch Way." Herbert Hendin. Mental Health
Infosource. April, 1995.
"Patient Refusal of Nutrition and Hydration: Walking
the Ever-Finer Line" Ira R. Byock. American Journal
Hospice & Palliative Care March/April 1995. p.8-13.
"Medicine's Position Is Both Pivotal and Precarious In
Assisted-suicide Debate" Paul Cotton. JAMA: The
Journal of the American Medical Association. Feb. 1,
1995. v.273: p.363--.
"Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: the Cases Are in the
Pipeline." Yale Kamisar. Trial. Dec. 1994. V.30,
n.12: p.30-34.
"Death by Prescription." George J. Annas. The New
England Journal of Medicine. November 3, 1994. v.
331, n.18: p.1240-1243.
"The Ethics of Assisted Suicide." Jay Callahan.
Health and Social Work. Nov. 1994. v.19: p.237--.
"Patient Requests To Hasten Death: Evaluation and
Management in Terminal Care." Susan D. Block and J.
Andrew Billings. Archives of Internal Medicine. Sept
26, 1994. v.154, n.18: p.2039-2048.
"Euthanasia: Historical, Ethical, and Empiric
Perspectives." Eziekel Emanuel. Archives of Internal
Medicine. Sept 12, 1994. v.154, n.17: p.1890-1904.
"The Oregon Trail To Death: Measure 16." Courtney S.
Campbell. Commonweal. August 19, 1994. v.121:
"Death Becomes Him" Jack Lessenberry. Vanity
Fair. July 1994. v.57: p.102--.
"Death on Trial" Joseph P. Shapiro. U.S. News &
World Report. April 25, 1994. v.116: p.31--.
"When Suffering Persists.... " Ira R. Byock. Journal of
Palliative Care. 1994. v.10, No.2: p 8-13.
"There's No Simple Suicide." Lisa Belkin. The New
York Times Magazine. Nov. 14, 1993. p.48--.
"Doctor, I Want To Die. Will You Help Me?" Timothy
E. Quill. JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical
Association. August 18, 1993. v.270, n.7: p.870-873.
"Consciously Walking the Fine Line: Thoughts on a
Hospice Response to Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia."
Ira R. Byock. Journal of Palliative Care. 1993. v.9,
n.3: p.25-28.
"Are Laws Against Assisted Suicide Unconstitutional?"
Yale Kamisar. The Hastings Center Report. MayJune, 1993. v.23, n.3: p.32-41.
"A Fail-Safe Model for Justifiable Medically-Assisted
Suicide." Jack Kevorkian. American Journal of
Forensic Psychiatry. 1992. v.13, n.1: p.7-41.
Selected bibliography - assisted suicide prepared by the
staff of the National Reference Center for Bioethics
Literature--both books and articles.
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