1 ESM-1 2 Experimental design 3 To test the feeding preference of the focal birds towards conspecifics that were healthy or visibly 4 diseased, we built two identical experimental cages (figure ESM-1.1). Each cage was divided 5 into three compartments by two wire-mesh dividers (mesh size: 1.3 × 2.6 cm). The focal 6 individual was placed in the middle compartment (figure ESM-1.1, “B”; 61 × 46 × 40 cm), and 7 the healthy and diseased conspecifics were placed in either of the smaller side compartments 8 (figure ESM-1.1, “A” or “C”; 22 × 46 × 40 cm). This allowed all three individuals to have visual 9 and auditory contact with each other, while only the focal bird could directly interact, but 10 without actual physical contact, with either the healthy or diseased individual. The location of 11 diseased conspecifics was alternated between trials. Each compartment always contained two 12 wooden perches and a water bowl. Depending on the stage of the experiment, a maximum of 13 four small food dishes (5 × 1.5 cm) with ad libitum pelleted food (Roudybush Maintenance Diet, 14 Roudybush, CA) were placed on both sides of the dividers, thus providing the two side 15 compartments with one food dish and the centre compartment with two. As a result of this setup, 16 the focal and either conspecific (healthy or diseased) were approximately 2 - 3 cm apart when 17 feeding simultaneously. Each cage was placed on a stand in an empty room (2 × 2.5 × 2 m), 18 which otherwise contained only a video camera on a tripod. To avoid infection of healthy 19 individuals by MG deposited in the cage by the experimentally infected conspecifics, 20 experimental cages, food dishes and water bowls were disinfected between trials. None of the 21 focal or healthy conspecific house finches developed any physical signs of MG infection during 22 or after the experiment. All housing protocols and experimental procedures were approved by 1 23 Virginia Tech’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee prior to the commencement of 24 research. 2 25 Figure ESM-1.1. Experimental set-up whereby a focal healthy house finch (placed in 26 compartment B) has a choice of feeding next to a healthy or diseased conspecific (placed in 27 either compartment A or C). House finches on either side of the mesh cage barrier (illustrated by 28 black dashed lines) can interact and aggressively displace each other without physical contact. 29 The placement of food dishes (black rectangles), water bowls (grey circles) and perches (grey 30 dotted lines) are shown. 31 32 33 3