Integrated Action Learning Project Plan Re-Development and Merger of the Lewis & Lewis Database Diana Bochsler TS4990 Integrated Action Learning Project Instructor, Dr. Sharon L. Bender January 23, 2006 Project Description My project would be to merge and repair the database that has three separate copies and different structures. Since this is a recurring problem for Lewis & Lewis, Inc, David Brinkerhoff, MyTech, Inc. and I have decided to do a feasibility study to determine a solution for data integrity and streamline data manipulation. With a solution found, Brink, owner of MyTech, Inc. would be able to present the proposal to Lewis & Lewis, Inc. to solve the data frustration that is present in their operation at the pit site. Lewis & Lewis, Inc. is an asphalt paving company. At their production site, the data from the scale program is downloaded into a database on a daily basis. There is no means to have a direct access to the main database from the scale. The office uses Crystal Reports and File Maker Pro to create three reports from the scale database: Total Product Moved, Total Royalties Paid and Job Costing for Bids. They are not satisfied with the Job Costing Report. They have had to hire additional help to handle data input when the data transfers are mishandled. Currently 2005 data is unusable. The repair of the database must be done by the end of May to handle the June reports. MyTech, Inc. provides computer service for Lewis & Lewis Inc. By solving the data corruption and data manipulation woes, our customer saves time and money along with tremendous frustration and we demonstrate our ability to provide computer related solutions. The key stakeholder is David Brinkerhoff, owner of MyTech, Inc. He started his business in September, 2005. He has a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and has worked for other computer stores prior to starting his own. He understands the need of the customer and obtained the permission of the customer for me to use this project for my class. David and I both have other IT experts outside of MyTech, Inc. who may be contacted for consultation. They will be sought out if additional help or skill will be required. The beneficiaries would be the owner and office staff of Lewis & Lewis, Inc. I am interested in this project because I enjoy working on databases and information flow. Having developed, implemented and managed a shipping/receiving application for a past employer, I believe I have the skills to correct the database and determine ways to prevent data corruption. In the former project, I handled all aspects except the actual programming of the project. The application electronically collected data from all points and electronically dispersed the information to various entities. This also provides a doable project for my class and helps my new employer to benefit his customers. The project will begin in Unit 6 and finish in Unit 10 of the TS4990 course. The project will be completed with the repair of the 2005 database and a Feasibility Study document on resolving the data corruption and establishing a single access point of the data. The project will begin in Unit 6 and finish in Unit 10 of the TS4990 course. Feasibility The following feasibility assessment was performed to determine the viability of my project as follows: 1. Proposed Change a. Correct 2005 database. b. Determine and document the solution plan that provides a more secure import of data from scale and reports without additional file manipulation. 2. Level of Need. a. The need is high. Corrupt data leads to time and money to fix or to reenter data the data. Reports from database can be error. Up-to-date information on the business is not available. b. The multiple data manipulation required to obtain reports takes time and effort along with the high risk of losing data. 3. Technical a. Access to needed software: Crystal Report, FileMaker Pro 7. b. Have other IT expertise that can be drawn upon. 4. Requirements a. Time, focus and commitment are required from MyTech’s owner David and owners of Lewis & Lewis to provide needed information. b. Project is done during off hours since I am being contracted to another company for 40 hour work week. 5. Economic Issues a. Estimated time frame for correcting data will be no more than 60 hours. b. Feasibility Proposal is being done as part of my class project and is done during off hours. 6. Constraints a. Project would require high priority during nonworking hours and days. Objectives My learning objectives in producing my IAL Project are to: 1. Recover the 2005 database for Lewis & Lewis. 2. Provide a Feasibility Study to determine a better method of transferring and manipulation of the data. 3. Enhance the processes in utilizing the database. 4. Generate future work that is beneficial to the customer. My project objectives in producing my IAL Project are to: 1. Apply my project management technical skill. 2. Master the software that is currently being used by the customer. 3. Increase my skill in handling database recovery and manipulating data for useful reports. 4. Prepare a study for a proposal to a customer. Prototype The following prototype depicts my project: My Capstone Project is Re-Development and Merge of the Lewis & Lewis Database Helps To Requires Single Database of 2005 Minimize Data Corruption Minimize Data Re-Entry Centralize Data Data Handling Efficiency Helps Helps Merge of 2005 Data Data Transfer Program New Database New Reports Helps Lewis & Lewis Owners and Employees FileMaker Pro Database Used By Used By Leads to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reduced Owner/Employee Frustration Reduces Manual Manipulation of Data Timely Processing of Data & Reports Up-to-Date Information Available Good Database Management Source: Bender, S. L. (2003). Producing the capstone project. Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Project Schedule In producing my IAL Project I will apply the following project schedule: Tasks Duration Research Phase 2/6/06 – 2/12/06 Tasks 1. Obtain Software, Databases copies, and Reports along with specs for set up. 2. Install software: Scale program, FileMaker Pro, Crystal Reports. 3. Learn software: Scale program, FileMaker Pro, Crystal Reports. 4. Export working db’s to Excel spreadsheet with each copy in a worksheet of its own. Note number of records. 5. Obtain current data flow steps that process the scale file to final reports. a. Note where problems arise that interfere with the process and result in corruption of data sets. Obtain copy of reports and when they are generated in the process. 6. Determine how the Scale program works and what changes can be made to support the new data flow. 7. Determine if there is a better method of transferring data. 8. Determine what changes in the process will support data integrity and report generation. 9. Determine if there are any hardware issues that need to be address that has been the cause of the data corruption. 10. Determine the data security measures in place and what needs to be suggested. 11. Determine what training the personnel would benefit from. 12. Determine where automation of the process would be beneficial. 13. Email David on questions and results on project progress. 14. Seek feedback from the Stakeholder, David. 15. Review all phases of the project and make adjustments. Assisting Resources: Literature Bender, S. L. (2003). Producing the Capstone Project. FileMaker Inc. (2004). FileMaker Pro 7 Tutorial. FileMaker Inc. (2004). File Maker Pro 7 User’s Guide. Taylor, Allen G. (2004). Crystal Reports 10 for Dummies. Internet Ancoma (na). Fairbanks Datamaster Plus Data Management System. Retrieved from Decorte, Wim (na). FileMaker vs Access: A developer’s comparison. Retrieved from Baycastle Software Ltd. (na). DataSlave: A graphical data transfer management tool. Retrieved from International Monetary Fund (na). How To Use CSV Files. Retrieved from Visual Component Connectivity (2005). TextConverter. Retrieved from People David, owner of MyTech, Inc. will be the liaison between Lewis & Lewis and me. Others would include our network of IT specialist as the need arose. Equipment Personal Main PC and Laptop. 2005 Data Merge and Analysis Phase Tasks for 2005 Data Merge Phase 1. Obtain All copies of the 2005 Databases. 2/13/06 – 2/19/06 2. Document all aspects of changes and difference in each version. 3. Merge the databases for 2005 into an Excel Spreadsheet. 4. Document data discrepancies and concerns. 5. Provide David with Excel Sheet and Document to support Customers review and sign off. 6. Address any feedback from Customer to complete the merge. Task for Analysis Phase 1. Develop preliminary data structure for new database. 2. Determine a solution to improve the data integrity and handling of the databases. 3. Determine a suggested business requirements, data flow and reporting. 4. Email David on questions and results on project progress. 5. Seek feedback from the Stakeholder, David. 6. Review all phases of the project and make adjustments. Assisting Resources: Literature Bender, S. L. (2003). Producing the Capstone Project. Internet Ambler, Scott W. (2006). Business Rules. Retrieved from The University of Texas, Information Technology Services. (2006) Windows Services: Introduction to Data Modeling Retrieved at People David, owner of MyTech, Inc will be the liaison between Lewis & Lewis and me. Others would include our network of IT specialist as the need arose. Equipment Personal Main PC and Laptop. Development Phase I Task 1. Enter data in to the new database. 2/20/06 – 2/26/06 2. Create Screens to demonstrate the new data collection. 3. Create Reports to demonstrate the retrieval of data. 4. Pseudo code a transfer program. 5. Email David on questions and results on project progress. 6. Seek feedback from the Stakeholder, David. 7. Review all phases of the project and make adjustments. Assisting Resources: Literature Bender, S. L. (2003). Producing the Capstone Project. FileMaker Inc. (2004). FileMaker Pro 7 Tutorial. FileMaker Inc. (2004). File Maker Pro 7 User’s Guide. Krug, Steve (2000). Don’t Make Me Think. Nielsen, Jakob (2002). Designing Web Usability. Internet Microsoft (2006). Microsoft Office Training: Forms follow function. Retrieved from =6&Orign=RC010162551033. People David, owner of MyTech, Inc will be the liaison between Lewis & Lewis and me. Others would include our network of IT specialist as the need arose. Equipment Personal Main PC and Laptop. Development Phase II 2/27/06 – 3/5/05 Task 1. Continue Developmental Stages. Enter data in to the new database. Create Screens to demonstrate the new data collection. Create Reports to demonstrate the retrieval of data. Pseudo code a transfer program. 2. Test data flow procedure that it simplifies the data handling. 3. Email David on questions and results on project progress. 4. Seek feedback from the Stakeholder, David. 5. Review all phases of the project and make adjustments. Assisting Resources: Literature Bender, S. L. (2003). Producing the Capstone Project. FileMaker Inc. (2004). FileMaker Pro 7 Tutorial. FileMaker Inc. (2004). File Maker Pro 7 User’s Guide. Krug, Steve (2000). Don’t Make Me Think. Nielsen, Jakob (2002). Designing Web Usability. Internet Microsoft (2006). Microsoft Office Training: Forms follow function. Retrieved from =6&Orign=RC010162551033. People David, owner of MyTech, Inc will be the liaison between Lewis & Lewis and me. Others would include our network of IT specialist as the need arose. Equipment Personal Main PC and Laptop. Documentation Phase 3/6/06 – 3/12/06 Task 1. Provide David with the Feasibility Study on a solution for Lewis & Lewis data handling. Document suggested Business rules. Document suggested data flow. Document suggested data processing. Document transfer of data, data flow and processing. Provide Screens and Reports Outline process from collecting weights to updating database. 2. Email David on questions and results on project progress. 3. Seek feedback from the Stakeholder, David. 4. Review all phases of the project and make adjustments. Assisting Resources: Literature Bender, S. L. (2003). Producing the Capstone Project. Internet Ambler, Scott W. (2006). Business Rules. Retrieved from People Stakeholder, David Brinkeroff, owner of MyTech, Inc. Equipment Personal Main PC and Laptop. Risk Management I have performed a risk management analysis as follows: Risk Factor Checklist Risk Considerations Data Merge Data Reliability Records Availability Merge Corruption Understanding Business Processes Stakeholder Availability Developers Availability Risk Considerations Data Reliability Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk X X X X X X High Risk Analysis Risk Significance and Potential Solution Problem: The data is stored in several databases each with its own structure. There is no consistency in the labeling of the copies of the databases. The only unique ID for a record is a combination of several fields. Unknown if all copies of the data have been obtained and/or in merging the database if all records are accounted for. Solution: Records Availability 1. Develop a spreadsheet that will track all files obtained from the customer, date ranges and detail merge information along with which days the data has been collected. Have the customer review the spreadsheet to determine if there is any missing information. Must get a sign off on this item. 2. Develop a plan on how to merge each of the databases into a spreadsheet. Problem: Each copy of the databases has its own structure since new fields were added to the next database copy. Since there is no established data management system established, prior records to adding fields will either contain no data or the field will begin to collect a different type of data. Solution: Understanding Business Processes 1. Determine if any fields have had their data type changed. Discuss with Customer. 2. Determine if any of the fields that are missing data in is needed to complete remaining year end processes. 3. Obtain from Customer other documents that would contain missing data. 4. Determine if MyTech, Inc. will be responsible for updating missing information in records. If not, then provide detailed instructions/training on how to insert the information in the fields. Problem: There is only a basic understanding on how the customer’s business processes flow and has been limited to what is connected to the hardware and the database files. David, owner of MyTech, Inc. is familiar with the customer since he provides their computer support. Detailed work flow would take quite a bit of time and may not be possible until project was contracted for. Solution: Stakeholder Availability 1. Provide David with a list of information that I have found to be needed to understand and develop the specification for a new database and the uploading of information from the scale. 2. David’s specification will become the standard for the prototype. Problem: The Customer facility is approximately 50 miles away and can only be accessed by phone calls, service calls or when another service call is in the area and time allows. David has at this time is the only one doing service calls with several outside of the city and within a 100 mile radius. This may cause a problem in getting the necessary information. Solution: 1. Be aware of the limitations when requesting information. 2. Work with David to obtain the information needed to limit the times that requests must be made. Set up communication by email, phone calls and one on one meeting with David each week. More as required and available. Contingency Plan After completing a risk analysis it has been determined that the high-level risks to the successful completion of my project are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Data Reliability Records Availability Understanding Business Processes Stakeholder Availability Efforts to offset these risks are in place. However, if for some reason my project does not appear to be developing successfully regardless of the efforts made, I would present reasons why I am unable to proceed with the project as planned. Appropriate redirection of the plan would take place upon instructor and/or stakeholder approval and the new direction would be discussed in the final project report. Redirection might be to permit the [analysis, testing, presentation, or other] phase(s) of my project to constitute my project in its entirety. The outstanding phase(s) [e.g., implementation] of my project would in such case be completed outside the scope of the capstone project. Upon approval, such redirection would represent my project in its entirety. Literature Review I performed a literature review concerning the value in producing my project: Internet 1. Callaghan, D. (2003, March). IBM tightens ties between DB2, Content Management. IBM has rebranded its content management software and it is now enjoying faster search and retrieval capabilities. Tighter links between it’s the DB2 database's object layer and DB2 Content Manager's metadata repository has enabled merging relational data and unstructured content more easily. “The need is clear for at least the concept, in places like [customer relationship management], where you have both relational databases and documents, and seeing the structured and unstructured data together is important.” 2. HealthCare Benchmarks and Quality Improvement (2005, August). Integration software save thousands of hours: merger of facilities creates challenge for database. St. Michael’s Hospital in Stevens Point, WI having acquired Rice Medical Center had the challenge of merging Rice’s very large patient records and billing capabilities from the Rice’s system into its own medical system. It was determined that the project to manually merge the databases would be a two to three month for data entry personnel to handle the task. This did not insure accuracy which was a paramount requirement. With the use of a integration software, the IT department was able to establish a process that allowed them to merge the patient database and a script process to handle the billing portion. This processing was handled during the night until all patient records were moved (approximately three weeks), while the script for billing runs on a daily basis taking approximately 20 minutes to complete. 3. Hill, Maggi S. (2005, January 1). Mercer Business: Safe IT for Small Business. Many small businesses are unable to hire permanent IT personnel to maintain their computer systems. Small businesses can supplement their in-house expertise by utilizing computer system consultants. A technology plan begins with the identification of the software and computer needs, network environment, and security measures. This article includes 8 key steps for protecting a company’s information system, which covered use of surge protectors, antivirus, firewalls, log off unattended PCs, update program and operating systems, proper use of passwords, regular backups, and proper email protocols. Appendix The following appendixes would be added to the Integrated Action Learning Project Final Report to provide a sample of my work and to evidence satisfactory project completion: Appendix A: Sample of the Revised Database Appendix B: Letter of Project Completion from the Stakeholder, David Brinkerhoff