STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS -Aac AED Am A.P. ARNP ASA ASAP ax before meals Automated External Defibrillator before noon apical pulse Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner aspirin-acetylsalicylic acid as soon as possible axillary -B- bid BM BMI BP BR bs twice a day bowel movement Body Mass Index blood pressure bed rest blood sugar -C- C c- centigrade with capsule catheterization/catheter clean intermittent catheterization complaint of Certified Nursing Assistant chest physio therapy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation cap cath CIC c/o CNA C.P.T. CPR -DD.C. Dr. DKA D.O. DT DTaP DTP DX Doctor of Chiropractor Doctor Diabetic Ketoacidosis Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Diptheria Tetanus Vaccine Diptheria Tetanus and acellular Pertussis Diptheria Tetanus and Pertussis diagnosis 26 -EEENT e.g. elix EMS ENT ER exam ext eyes, ears, nose, throat for example elixir Emergency Medical Services ear, nose, throat emergency room examination extremities -F- F FBS FTT FUO Fx farenheit fasting blood sugar failure to thrive fever of undetermined origin fracture -G- GI Gm gtt gtts gastrointestinal gram one drop two or more drops -H- H (hr) H20 H202 HEENT Hib HBP ht H&P hx hour water hydrogen peroxide Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat Haemophilus Influenzae Type B high blood pressure height history and physical history -I- IDDM ie IEP IM incont inh inj I&O IPV IV Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus that is Individualized Education Plan intramuscular incontinent inhalation injection intake and output Inactivated Polio Virus intravenous 27 -Kkcal kg kilocalorie kilogram -L- L lb LLE LPN LPTA LS LUE LUL left pound left lower extremity Licensed Practical Nurse Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant lumbosacral spine left upper extremity left upper lobe -M- mcg MD med mEq mg ml mm Mod microgram Medical Doctor medicine milliequivalent milligram milliliter millimeter moderate -N- N/A nc NEG N/G NKA NPO N&V not applicable nasal cannula negative nasogastric No Known Allergies nothing by mouth nausea and vomiting -O- O2 Oint OM O.T. oz oxygen ointment Otitis Media occupational therapy/(oral temperature) ounces 28 -PP P.A. p- pulse physician Assistant p.c. pc PCN PCV PD PE Ped or Peds per PERLA pm PMH po,(per os) prn (pronata) PNP PPD pt PT post (after) after meals after food; after meals penicillin Pneumoccocal vaccine postural drainage physical examination pediatrics through or by pupil is equal, reactive to light and accommodation afternoon past medical history by mouth as necessary; as needed Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Purified Protein Derivative of Tuberculin patient physical therapy -Qq qam qd q2h q3h q4h qh qt every every morning every day every two hours every three hours every four hours every hour quart -R- R RBC RLL RN R/O ROM rt RTC RUE Rx rectal red blood cell right lower extremity registered nurse rule out range of motion right return to clinic right upper extremity treatment, prescription taken 29 -SsSOB soln S&S ST STAT subling. supp syr without shortness of breath solution signs and symptoms speech therapy at once, immediately under the tongue; sublingual suppository syrup -T- T T&A tab TB tbsp Td TOPV TPR TPR, B.P. Trach tsp tx temperature tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy tablet tuberculosis tablespoon Tetanus Diptheria toxoid Trivalent Oral Polio vaccine temperature, pulse, respiration vital signs, pulse, blood pressure Tracheostomy teaspoon treatment -U- u UGI UNK URI UTI Unit as written for insulin Upper gastrointestinal unknown upper respiratory infection urinary tract infection -V- VS VZIG vital signs Varicella Zoster Immunoglobulin -W- WBC W/C WD WIC WN WNL white blood cell wheelchair well developed Women Infants & Children (food assistance program) well nourished within normal limits 30