Potential SAB Fall08 Agenda Topics for AdCom review on 10-Oct Agenda Topic DASC & CEDA Standards Committees JTC 1 SWG for Technology Watch - ICT Standardization Activities Map IASC & Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) IASC & JTC1 SC27 Cooperation IASC & MSC Public-Key Cryptographic Techniques IASC 1667 cited in 2007 IEEE Annual Report IASC article for Security and Privacy Magazine IASC P&P changes IEEE-SA Network Science (IT, social networking, and cognitive) standards S2ESC & AAMI joint working groups WRT device data communications S2ESC P1694 Enterprise Strategic Decision Management Standards Project from CAG S2ESC P829 editorial experience S2ESC Possible Sponsorship of P1694 MSC 754 included in IEEE-CS Newsletter article MSC 794 for JTC1/SC22/WG14 C & WG21 C++ MSC call for elections by IEEE-SA MSC call for elections to TC Chairs MSC leadership status SC Funding suggestions ANSI Sustainability Panel EASC invitation to IEEE-SA Study Group climate change and greenhouse gas management EASC Invited Experts for Invitation pool and Balloting group CS membership newsletter needs Standards activities IBM may quit technology Stds bodies – IEEE-CS article IBM five principles for SDO as met by IEEE Standards SAB Handbook into a Wiki on SAB web portal SAB Measurements of success SAB Standards message to the CS Chapters / IEEE Sections SC relationships with industry consortiums SC Symposium of SAB Sponsors"/ "Practitioner's conference" for 2009/2010 TC, Conferences, TIP mapping to Standards Committees & Projects Computer Std Column status IEEE-SA & CS products and service meeting on 21-Oct-08 Funding of Intl Std participation CS Podcasting Status & Opportunity EASC radio interview on WFED, Washington DC, 23-Sep, MP3 for IEEE-CS IEEE Public Visibility & PR needs Std Speakers IEEE-SA Your Voice In IEEE-SA Product Development SAB Sponsor Attendance SC Std Products - Laminated Charts for $10 Email 15-Jul 6-Aug 23-Jul 25-Jul 15-Sep 28-May 3-Oct 3-Jun 20-Aug 13-Sep 15-May 19-Sep 4-Aug 22-Jul 29-Sep 22-Sep Who Berman Coallier Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Croll Croll 30-Sep 29-Sep 15-Sep Croll Croll Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Elwood Elwood 16-Jul 15-Jul 23-Sep Elwood Harauz Harauz 27-Jun 8-Sep 29-Aug 21-May 2-Sep Harauz Harauz Harauz Harauz Harauz 15-May Harauz Harauz Harauz Jones Harauz Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones 27-Jul 21-Sep 15-Jul 15-Sep 24-Jun 29-Sep Potential SAB Fall08 Agenda Topics for AdCom review on 10-Oct Agenda Topic SC Vitality as measured by Amazon SC Vitality measures from IEEE-SA SISO-SAC tutorials available for CS Std Vitality Chair is Pam Jones LMSC (802) WG Chair Guidelines for webcast Email 10-Jun 10-Jun 19-Jul 16-Jun 30-May LMSC IEEE-CS Wireless topic promotion topic in Computer Newsletter = Vic Hayes SC Standard Speakers available to CS Chapters 3-Sep SCC20 Vitality & Roadmap 21-May TTSC semiconductor test industry considering ISTO IEEE-SA IT service management LMSC (802) Standards published in IEEE Communications magazine LMSC usage of PSDO FIPA & S2ESC working together FIPA association with TC on Intelligent Informatics and TC on Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerance; TC volunteers to join FIPA WG FIPA Mobile objects sponsor FIPA related IEEE-CS Technical Committees EASC & CS TC Sustainable Systems and Technology EASC Balloting pool misses expert EASC invitation to JTC 1 Tech Watch EASC liaison relationship w/ ECMA TC38 EASC P&P approval from IEEE-SA AudCom EASC reaching out IEC & IEEE-SA PSDO LETSI Roadmap and the Future of SCORM LETSI SCORM 2.0 Workshop in Oct. LTSC, SAB appoint Robby Robson to LETSI Board & Introduce Don Holmes, as LTSC Chair SAB Scheduling using Doodle SAB letter to CAB Regional Coordinators on Standards Speakers SCC20 using DoD Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR) CEDA P&P and Creation of a Competitive Sponsor with 100% Scope Overlap ComSoc - Standards: Making it Work In The Real World ComSoc EIC goals to Catering To Engineering Practitioners CS BoG Strategic Planning Subcommittee CS C&B Constitution change for Standards CS Gold coordinator CS History including key standards – updates CS social network signup by leaders DASC / TTSC overlap IEEE CEDA standards activities DoD's Executive Agent for IT Standards 15-Aug 22-May 29-Aug 14-May 18-May 23-Jul Who Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Nikolich Jones Nikolich Jones Schultz Jones Sheppard Kapur Moore Nikolich Nikolich Odell Odell 8-Aug 7-Aug 26-May 4-Aug 23-Sep 29-Aug 29-Sep 19-Sep 5-Aug 20-Aug 19-May Odell Odell Rifer Rifer Rifer Rifer Rifer Rifer Robson Robson Robson 1-Oct 15-May 22-May 10-Jun 29-Aug 29-Aug 26-Sep 15-May 28-May 3-Sep 30-Jun 12-Jun 5-Sep Robson Schultz Sheppard Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz 30-Jun Potential SAB Fall08 Agenda Topics for AdCom review on 10-Oct Agenda Topic DoE Smart Grid initiative & Title XIII HR 6: Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 IBM five principles for working with SDOs & CS SC use of published minutes IBM may quit technology Stds bodies – IEEE-CS response to Bob Sutor IBM Standards VP IEEE NIST Coordination - Smart grid Standards IEEE TAB meetings on Friday, 14 November on Standards IEEE Technical Experts Guide to CS to standards experts IEEE-SA future relationship with APWG electronic crime IEEE-SA Ten steps to find an IEEE standard MSC Chair Award form CS & SA NICITS US TAG SC22 WG 5 Fortran move to SAB PASC & The Austin Common Standards Revision Group (CSRG) S2ESC Enterprise Strategic Decision Management standard SAB Chair training to CS BoG SAB External Representatives procedures SAB move from sharedinsights to www2.computer.org collaborative portal SAB presentations to individual Sponsors meetings, EASC, DASC, MSC SAB Standards IT maintenance responsibilities SAB Topics for Standards Committees (SC) SAB Upcoming meetings, 19-Nov-08 & 2009; Changed Nov 18, 2009 meeting date to LiveMeeting Friday, Nov 13, 2009 Added SAB LiveMeeting collocated SASB in Tuesday Sep 8th PM prior to SA-SB meetings SAB web portal requirements for Wadsworth, CS ITS SC (Sponsor) Chair attendance problem SC accepted P&P not in compliance with the Model P&P precedence documents SC need to highlight upcoming meetings SC IEEE LISTSERV distributions to add SAB Chair SC International Counterparts SC Joint project sponsorship SC tagging IEEE Technology Roadmap SC Why GOLD & SA can help on Study Groups for Emerging Technologies SCC20 membership by WG affiliated with Computer Society SCC20 WG mapping to CS TC SISO-SAC Representative to SAB, Welcome James Kogler Special Report: We Need Standards = What’s SAB response? T & C Technical Committees relationships with their relevant Standards Committees TC appoints their Standards Champion Email 16-Jun Who Walz 24-Sep Walz 23-Sep Walz 11-Sep 5-Sep 26-Jun 22-Jul 29-Aug 25-Sep 27-Aug 21-May 30-Jul 16-Jul 9-Aug 2-Oct 30-Jun 30-Jun 30-May 1-Oct Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz 26-Jun 22-May 3-Oct Walz Walz Walz 21-May 17-Jul 22-May 23-May 14-Jul 16-Jun Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz 12-Jun 10-Jun 23-Sep 5-Sep 16-May 26-May Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Potential SAB Fall08 Agenda Topics for AdCom review on 10-Oct Agenda Topic CS BoG Strategic Plan Short Term Goal 4 SAB first 2009 Activity to support CS Strategic Goals = Game Technology Email 30-Sep 24-Sep Who Walz, Harauz, Wilson GTSC & IEEE-CS GameSIG Orange County GTSC Game Technology proposed P&P GTSC Request IEEE-SA support for our Game Technology standards IEEE-SA BoG Conformity assessment at ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers; ISTO CA lab IEEE-SA & IEC for Joint Development agreement of Intl Technology Standards IEEE-SA committees Formal Liaisons w/ SDO: CS, LMSC, LTSC IEEE-SA Indemnification of standards volunteers IEEE-SA Sponsor withdrawal of project IEEE-SA Standards Definitions Database for WG Chairs & Technical Editors IEEE-SA Mandatory WG procedures – Draft (Need principles for Sponsors and WG to use to create WG procedures) MSC Standards Status Summary 21-May Wilson Wilson Wilson Wright 16-Jun 14-Jul 24-Jul 10-Jun 30-May 12-Jun 3-Jul 13-Jun 29-Sep Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Cole Zaman