and complete the application here

Application Process and Directions
Deadline: Complete applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2013.
A complete application includes:

Completed application form (located on page 3 and 4 below).

Writing sample: Please submit a writing sample, not to exceed 5 pages, of an essay or paper
written for a class that you feel best showcases your strengths as a writer; this may be a
section of a longer essay if you like. Please preface your sample with a brief explanation of
why you chose to submit this particular piece of writing.

A copy of your resume

Letter of recommendation. This should be from a professor or TA who knows you well and
is familiar with your writing. TAs are fine, as they often know you better! Please ask your
recommender to complete the form on page 5.
Submit your application, writing sample, and resume as an email attachment to Iveta Cruse
at Please ask your recommender to send the completed form (see page 5) as
an email attachment to Iveta Cruse at
Selected candidates will be invited to interview in week 8 or 9.
This initiative is supported by the Office of the Campus Writing Coordinator, the Center for
Excellence in Writing and Communication, the UCI Libraries, and UCI Student Housing.
Job Description
Title: Writing and Library Research Peer Tutor
Attend 22 hours of PAID training during 0-week and the first week of the fall quarter 2013 to learn
how to conduct one-on-one tutoring in writing and library research.
After the training, work 6-12 hours per week in one of four locations: a first-year student
residential community--Middle Earth or Mesa Court—or in one of the libraries—Langson or the
Science Library. Tutoring shifts are scheduled on weekday evenings (Monday through Thursday);
clients are accepted on a drop-in basis. Tutors can occasionally be asked to develop and teach
workshops for specific assignments in specific courses and once a year to develop and deliver a
conference presentation.
$13.49/hour, 6-12 hours per week for Weeks Two-Ten in Fall 2013, Winter 2014, and Spring 2014.
Junior or senior standing in Fall 2013 with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
UCI full-time registered student for AY 2013-14
Grade of A in lower-division writing courses
Excellent writing ability
Ability to communicate effectively with instructors and tutees (students)
Responsibility, enthusiasm, and patience
Ability to relate to students from a diversity of backgrounds
Ability to work independently under limited supervision
Ability to maintain confidentiality
Ability to keep accurate records of attendance and referrals
DEADLINE to apply: by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2013.
Student ID #__________________________________
Campus or Local Address_______________________
Campus or Cell Phone__________________________
Permanent Address___________________________
Permanent Phone______________________________
Class Level Fall 2013____________________________
Current GPA__________________________________
Who is the instructor you have asked for a reference? ________________________________
Are you enrolled as a full-time student for AY 13-14? ________
How many units do you plan to take each quarter for AY 13-14?
F: _____ W: _____ S: _____
When do you plan to graduate from UCI? ____________________
Will you have a work study award for the academic year? ______________
Will you be working anywhere else on campus during the 13-14 year? ______________
If yes, where? _________________________________
If yes, how many hours per week will you work at your other job? _______________
Will you be working anywhere off campus during the 13-14 year? ___________
If yes, how many hours per week will you work at your off-campus job? ______________
Please list all of the writing courses you have taken at the college level (either at UCI or a
transfer institution) along with the final grade you received in the course.
Please answer the following questions. Please limit your answers to each question to one-half
of a page (double-spaced, 12 pt font).
Why do you want to be a writing and library research peer tutor, and why would you make a good
peer tutor?
How would you describe your writing ability?
What classes have you taken that have required you to use library research resources?
What skills and knowledge do you hope to gain from this position?
Please describe any experience you have tutoring or teaching (any subject).
Tutor Reference Form
Deadline: by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2013.
Applicant's Name:
Recommender’s Name:
Recommender’s Department:
Recommender’s Title:
The applicant is applying to be a Writing and Library Research Peer Tutor. Your candid
evaluation of this candidate would be extremely valuable to us. Please email this completed
form to Iveta Cruse at
(1) How do you know the candidate?
(2) Does he/she have a strong understanding of how to write well, and can he/she communicate this
understanding in a coherent way?
(3) Would you refer students in your class to this person for tutoring? Why or why not?
(4) Do you have any hesitations about this person as a Writing and Library Research Peer Tutor?
Thank you very much for your feedback! Please email this completed form as an attachment
to Iveta Cruse at by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2013.