Student Notes Algae and Plants Macrophytes Print out

Notes #3
Marine Macrophages
Marine Science
Anthophyta- flowering plants (antho =flower, phyta = plant)
A. General Information
1. _____________________ that have adapted to salt water
a. ______________, stems, leaves, and seeds.
b. Nutrients and water obtained from the __________
c. Withstand saltwater by ______________________
2. Found in shallow waters, must remain in the
_______________ zone!
3. The benefit to marine organisms
a. New Habitat
i. Place to ________________________
(small and young)
ii. Place to _________________ (algae)
b. Food Source
i. Bacteria (eat the _________________)
ii. Herbivores (_________________________)
4. The cost to marine organisms
a. Compete with algae for ________ and _________
b. Indigestible ( ___________ is hard to break down)
5. Reproduction
a. Vegetative (asexual reproduction)
i. Fragmentation:
ii. Rhizome:
b. Flowers (sexual reproduction)
i. Adapted for ____________ to pollinate
i. Unlike land plants that use the wind!
ii. Pollen is _______________ instead of
3 Types of Marine Flowering Plants:
B. Seagrasses : Only truly marine flowering plant!
1. Locationa. Found _________________!
b. Can be fully ___________________ all the time
2. Structure of Seagrasses
a. Roots:
b. Stems
i. Vertical support the __________________
ii. Horizontal (rhizome): Important in
_______________ reproduction and
c. Leaves
i. Main purpose: _______________________
ii. Secrete ______________
iii. Break off before ___________________
3. Two Main Types in California
a. Eel Grass
i. Found in ______________________
ii. ______________ waves
b. Surfgrass
i. Found in ______________________
ii. ______________ waves
4. Role of Seagrasses
a. Help food chain. Enter by
b. Sediment deposition and stabilization
i. Leaves
ii. Roots
c. Provides good habitat
i. Seagrasses add dimension!
ii. Epiphytes: Plants and animals that
____________ on seagrasses
iii. Juvenile animals _________________
among stems and leaves!
C. Salt Marsh Plants
1. General Factsa. Located in _____________ and ___________
b. Restricted to the Intertidal
i. ___________ need air or they will become
c. Types of Salt Marsh Plants
i. True grasses found in the _______________
ii. Rushes found in the ___________________
iii. Shrubs & herbs in the _________________
2. Ecological benefits of marsh plants
a. Filter: Removes _________________________
b. Food source for _________________________
c. Nursery for ____________________________
d. Sponge: Reduces _______________________
D. Mangrove Forests
1. Located in the ________________________________
2. Root Types
a. Buttress roots
i. Located ________________ ground
ii. Role: ______________________________
b. Pneumatophore roots (pneuma = air)
i. Located ___________________ground
ii. Role: _______________________________
c. Anchor roots
i. Located: _______________ ground
ii. Role: _______________________________
Notes #4
A. Comparison to Terrestrial Plants
1. Similarities:
2. Main Differences:
Land Plants
Get Nutrients:
Support Structures:
B. Parts of an Alga
1. Blade
a. Similar to ________________ of land plants
b. Most of __________________ and ____________
c. Absorption occurs here
2. Air Bladder (pneumatocyst)
a. Helps keep blades on the ___________________
b. ________________ and ________________vary
c. Most common in _______________ algae
3. Stipe
a. Connects ______________ to the _____________
b. Does NOT _______________________________
c. Very ______________________
d. _______________ varies and may be __________
4. Holdfast
a. ___________________ algae to the surface
b. NOT for _________________________________
c. Size influenced by _________________________
C. Life Cycle
1. Alternation of Generations
a. Definition: two or more separate ______________
stages that occur one after the other, BUT the
stages contain ____________________ amounts
of DNA!
D. Seaweed Phyla
1. 3 main phyla- grouped by accessory pigments
2. Chlorophyta (green algae)
a. Local Examples
i. Ulva spp
ii. Enteromorpha intestinalis
b. Pigments: _______________________ only
c. Dealing with herbivores
i. ________________ and ______________
ii. Grow where ________________________
iii. Taste bad: make ______________________
or deposit ___________ in cell walls.
3. Rhodophyta (red algae)
a. Local Example
i. Porphra perforate (nori)
ii. Corallina vancouveriensis (coralline algae)
b. Pigments ______________ + _____________(red)
c. Response to herbivores
i. Grow ____________________
ii. Difficult to eat: change _________________
d. Commercial Uses
i. Direct use: ________________ (sushi)
ii. Agar
1. Grow __________________
2. Separate _______________
3. _______________ agent
iii. Carrageenan
1. ____________________agent
2. ____________________agent
4. Phaeophyta (brown algae)
a. Local Examples
i. Macrocystis pyrifera (giant kelp)
ii. Egregia spp. (feather boa kelp)
b. Pigments: _____________ + ________________
c. Commercial Uses
i. Alginate (aka algin)
1. _________________ agent
2. _________________ agent
ii. Iodine
iii. Cattle feed
iv. Potash: