©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Catching up in aerospace Jorge Niosi Professor UQAM Presented at the DIME / Catching Up Conference Milan December 10-11, 2009 First draft Not to be circulated or cited. 1 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Introduction In a recent paper, Richard Nelson suggested: “the new evolutionary growth theory that is emerging sees economic growth as a result of the co-evolution of technologies, firm and industry structures and supporting and governing institutions.” (Nelson, 2006: 7). The evolution of the aircraft industry illustrates the hypothesis. But it also shows that without such co-evolution, the catching up process will fail. This is the main addition of this paper. In order to catch up, developing countries must update, nurture and adjust their institutional set up, particularly in the areas of science and technology policy. We thus argue that the government supporting institutions have been a key element, a necessary condition, in the growth of the aircraft industry, and that defective supporting public institutions have been a sufficient condition for the stagnation and eventual dismembering of the industry. We also argue that the argument applies to all high-tech industries, from biotechnology and pharmaceuticals to information technologies. Public supporting institutions are a key component of their development. Catching up countries need to carefully understand their dynamics and technology and tune their public institutions to back up these industries. We argue that the many failed public sector attempts in several countries to grow an aircraft industry were linked to a flawed understanding of the institutional requirements of the industry in its different phases. During the 20th century, the aircraft industry evolved towards higher complexity and risk, large-scale manufacturing and increasing returns. At the same time, public institutions (regulatory agencies, procurement schemes, government laboratories and university research) became more critical, and either supported its growth or failed to do so and the national industries collapsed. The paper starts with a theoretical discussion (section 1) then turns to the first movers: France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States (section 2), moves on to the earliest catchers up (Canada, section 3), highlights early and more recent attempts at catching up with the cases of Argentina and Indonesia (section 4), then recalls two cases of recent successful trials, those of Brazil and Japan (section 5), and traces the rise of new 2 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 competitors (China in section 6). The conclusion recalls the theoretical debate and draws the policy implications. 1. Theory Innovation systems are sets of institutions crafted at the national, regional or sectoral levels that support the production, diffusion and assimilation of science and technology, as well as the commercialization of their products. Economic development thus depends on Two different theoretical issues are discussed in this paper. The first is; how important are these supporting institutions and how do they evolve with technology? For at least two decades, Nelson (1993, 1998, 2006, 2008) has been arguing that institutions are key components of the puzzle of economic development, and particularly those institutions that allow the acquisition and production of technical knowledge. Implicit in his recent papers is the idea that different sets of technologies (different sectoral systems) require different institutions. Also, technologies and institutions co-evolve. Our hypotheses here are that (1) these institutions are key elements (necessary conditions) of the development of any sectoral system; (2) institutions are idiosyncratic and specific to each sector; (3) their evolution depends on both past states of the specific institutions (institutional path dependence) and the evolution of the technology they aim to develop; (4) Catching up, falling behind and forging ahead in any SIS depend on the adequate crafting of the institutional basis of the sector; (5) in institutional evolution, like in technological evolution, there is a considerable degree of uncertainty as to the adequate institutional designs. The second issue is the relationship between national and sectoral systems. How do they intermingle? In what order should they be grown? Can a SIS be developed without a NIS? Our hypotheses here are that (1) because NIS are composed of domestic sectors, NIS and SIS must be grown simultaneously; (2) no SIS can be developed in an inadequate institutional environment, one that is not conducive to innovation. 3 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 2. The international aerospace industry: the co-evolution of technology and institutions in a mature science-based sectoral system The aerospace industry displays several key characteristics (Takashi, 2006). First economies of scale are overwhelming; the costs of R&D are high and growing. With upfront R&D costs over a billion dollars for business jet, and close to 15 billion for large commercial aircraft, no doubt that such initial costs cannot be recovered without producing several hundred copies. Also, manufacturing plants are large and costly and are part of these initial disbursements that are required to enter the industry. Second, the industry is risky. Hundreds of companies have been created since 1906. Few of them survive today. And because this industry has enormous commercial and military underpinnings, national governments often finance a high percentage of business expenditures on R&D, well over 50%. Third, barriers to entry have been growing in the 20th century; from an industry with low barriers in the first three decades, to extremely high barriers at the end of the 20th century. As argued by Niosi (2000) the industry has moved from a Mark I to a Mark II Schumpeter sector. It may be called an increasing returns industry. Fourth, aircraft is a set of system technologies composed by modular sets or subsystems. The major ones are the fuselage, wings, ailerons and flaps, nacelles, engines, landing gear, avionics, and horizontal and vertical stabilisers. These subsystems can be designed in one location and manufactured elsewhere. Aircraft design is a highly skilled activity; production is more routine work, yet it requires abundant process technology and skilled labour. Fifth, escalating costs and international markets call for global alliances. Aircraft manufacturers conduct alliances with airline companies and subsystem suppliers. In this way, manufacturers get knowledge from users and suppliers, and foreign allies in the battle for international markets. Finally, the institutional framework is key. Higher education institutions are needed to train manpower in such an applied science sector. Public institutes are also needed to conduct R&D in expensive laboratories equipped with wind tunnels, and other costly tools. And they 4 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 are also needed to fine tune the public financing of the industry, instituting landmarks and benchmarking the evolution of the industry and the performance of firms. But technology, firm competencies, industrial structures and supporting institutions coevolve. This is also true in the aircraft industry. We may be tempted to suggest several phases in the development of the aircraft industry. They may be as follows: - Early growth (1900-1935) with hundreds of entrants, simple technologies, rapid changes in market shares and leading companies and products. In this phase, the role of the government progressively expanded through support to R&D. In the US, the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA, 1915-1958) worked on problems of aerodynamics and aeronautics for both commercial and military aircraft. In this period, public procurement was minimal. Governmental airlines were still to come. The military uses of aircraft were yet to be developed. In the United States, the Air Commerce Act (1926) was a first milestone in the federal regulation of civil aviation1. The Department of Commerce was charged with the certification of aircraft, license pilots, establishing airways and supporting air navigation, including maintaining safety standards. In 1934, the Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce was renamed Bureau of Air Commerce in order to increase air control. By the end of this period, a first dominant design emerged with the Boeing 247 in 1933; this was an all-metal monoplane aircraft, including retractable gear, two engines fixed on single wings. By WWI there were approximately 300 US aircraft producers (Ruttan, 2006: 35). But after the War, the industry began a rapid concentration. By the mid-1930s all the main US airframe and engine producers had in-house R&D (Mowery, 1983). Similarly, in France, Germany and the UK the years 1908-10 were very active in the creation of the first public research organizations for aircraft. In Germany it took the form of Office of Flight Technology (1908), publicly organised competitions for aircraft engines (1912), and government wind tunnels (1913). At the same the government established the first research chairs 1 www.faa.gov/about/history/brief history 5 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 at the university (Hirschel et al, 2001: 42). France created a Ministry of the Air in 1928 and increased its budget for public procurement of prototypes (Chadeau, 1988). - Consolidation: The 1935-55 period saw a rapid diffusion of new technologies including jet engines (gas turbines), on board radar and communication equipment. The war accelerated many technological developments in military aircraft, and these innovations were soon transferred to commercial planes. The design, launch and commercial production of civil airliners and military aircraft became costly and risky endeavours. The number of producers rapidly declined. In the USA, government procurement of military aircraft and R&D support of commercial ones became a cornerstone of the industry (Mowery and Rosenberg, 1989, 169-202; Simonsen, 1960). In France, the government created the ONERA (Office national d’études et des recherches aéronautiques) in 1946, in order to support aircraft constructors in such areas as aerodynamics, instrumentation, materials, propulsion and resistance. By the late 1930s, public support to aerospace R&D was overwhelming and it took different forms, from public laboratories to procurement and academic research (Ruttan, 2006). In Britain, two large groups emerged from WWII: Vickers-Armstrong and Hawker-Siddeley (Zeitlin, 1995). In the US, during the War, a few major companies emerged under the very large increase of government procurement of military aircraft; they were Douglas, Consolidated Vultee, Boeing, and North American, followed by a short row of smaller ones (Lockheed, Curtiss, Martin, and Ford)(Simonsen, 1960). In France, the government nationalized part of the industry in 1936-7 in order to accelerate its rearmament plan. It also invested massively in new plants, both public and privately controlled. In Germany, the aircraft industry was destroyed during the end of the War and reinitiated its growth many years later. - The stable oligopoly: WWII had started a differentiation among aircraft manufacturers: the companies that specialised in the bombers were those that had developed large commercial aircraft such as Avro, Bristol, de Havilland and Vickers in Britain, Boeing, Douglas and Martin in the USA, Dornier and Junkers in Germany. Occupied France stopped producing aircraft in 1940. It resumed production right after the World, with SNECMA in engines and Dassault in commercial and military aircraft. 6 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Japan had no large producer of commercial aircraft before the War and, like Germany, stopped manufacturing aircraft after the War until 1952. By 1965, the number of US commercial aircraft producers was only two (Klepper, 1997). The companies that had specialised in fighters such as Curtiss, Lockheed and North American Aviation in the US soon abandoned the production of commercial aircraft. Also, the large manufacturers of commercial aircraft moved from complete production to systems integration of some main modules such as avionics, fuselage, wings, tails, nacelles, on-board telecommunication equipment, landing gear, and interior finishing. In 1970, the French Aerospatiale and the German Deutsche Airbus founded Airbus Industrie, merging several plants that belonged to smaller French firms, as well as Messerschmitt and Fokker. After the addition of the Spanish CASA in 1971, Airbus launched its first plane in 1972 (A300) and soon became the main competitor to Boeing. British Aerospace joined the consortium in 1979. Airbus has been strongly supported by the French, German, and Spanish governments since its inception. Also, Airbus and Boeing have been feuding over each other subsidies for 40 years now. 3. First movers (USA, Western Europe) The industry was borne more or less simultaneously in Western Europe (Britain, France and Germany) and the United States at the turn of the twentieth century. However, the American aircraft industry soon gained pre-eminence against its divided and war-destroyed European competitors. The United States had a large and affluent domestic market, and many other industries that could provide complementary technologies such as the internal combustion engines, and metal frames, to name a few (Mowery and Rosenberg, 1998). We start then with the US aircraft industry. The United States (1025 words) Most histories of the aircraft industry design the Wright brothers’ flight in 1903 as the birth of the industry. In the ten years following the first flight, close to a dozen companies were founded in the United States. These were small firms, tinkering with different designs for an almost inexistent market. Some 200 prototypes were produced between 1903 and 1913 (Zhegu, 2007). Few of them were ever manufactured. Barriers to entry were low and many 7 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 companies tried their luck at the new industry. Among the new entrants one finds the today familiar names of such entrepreneurs as Boeing, Curtiss, Loughead (today’s Lockheed) Martin and Northrop. Up to 1914, only 137 airplanes had been produced in the United States, where the governments did not invest or regulate the market. The first World War changed the market and the institutional environment, Suddenly the government was interested in the industry and ordered thousands of airplanes. However, after the war, the US government lost interest and most of the plants were closed after 1918. Companies struggled in search for new markets. The Post Office was one of the first to develop, when in 1919 Boeing flew airmail from Vancouver to Seattle. Later it was the passenger traffic, whose feasibility was demonstrated by Charles Lindbergh NY-Paris flight in 1927. By 1930, 640 planes were operating in the US passenger market. In the 1920 several companies became public in the stock exchange. In spite of the crisis some of the early entrants became fairly large. In the 1930s the technology knew great changes: metal frames replaced wooden structures; retractable landing gear became widely adopted; one wing planes with two piston engines were part of the first dominant design in the industry: the DC-3 produced by Douglas Corporation since 1935, and one of the most successful planes ever. The DC-3 made possible both coast-to-coast travel in the United States, and the development of military versions for cargo and troop transportation. With the DC-3 Douglas produced in the California plant became the largest US aircraft producer in the 1930s. The other major producers were Boeing, Curtiss, Consolidated and Wright. Pratt & Whitney soon became the largest engine manufacturer. World War II knew a massive procurement effort from the US government and the number of plant reached 66 in 1944 with 1.6 million employees. A year later there were only 15 companies and 16 plants with a total personnel of 138700. Towards the end of the war appeared the next major technological innovation: the jet engine. The US received the jet military technology from Britain, and General Electric (GE) and P&W rapidly adopted and used it. Jet technology appeared successfully in commercial aircraft in the United States 8 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 with the Boeing 707 in 1958. A few months later the Douglas DC-8 made its first flight, the first commercial jet produced by the California firm. Progressively the remaining aircraft producers specialised either in commercial aircraft (Boeing, Douglas) or in military planes (General Dynamics, Lockheed, Martin, Northrop, United Aircraft). The supremacy of the US industry was made possible by the continuous weakening of its European competitors. Germany (but also and Japan) stopped producing aircraft for several years after the War. Britain and France resumed aircraft production, but were slowed by reconstruction. Also, the US industry benefitted from advances in other complementary sectors such as the automobile, electronics, and metals industries. The role of public institutions must be underlined. First, the US government financed over 80% of the industry’s R&D effort between 1945 and 1982 (Mowery & Rosenberg, 1989). The contribution of the aircraft industry was around 15% during the period 1945-82. The cumulative R&D expenditure on the industry was 104 billion in 1972 dollars for the same period. This can be said to be cost of maintaining technological supremacy. Second, the US government created national organisations for aerospace R&D. The first was the NACA (National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics), established in 1915 to study propulsion and structures. Over the following decades, the Air Force Research facilities grew on 14 different locations and worked on different topics, from electronics to flight dynamics, materials, propulsion and weapons. In the 1980s, these labs were reorganized under four separate “super-labs” under one administration: the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Today, the AFRL has a total annual budget of US$2.4 billion, and employs 5400 people. Its importance can not be understated: the United States companies and public organisations own close to 75% of the world’s aircraft patents (class 244) granted by the USPTO in the 20th century, and US government laboratories are the main American assignee with close to 12% of the total (2019) US patents. The largest private sector assignee, Boeing, is second with 1077 patents (Zhegu, 2007: 226). 9 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Third, the government created institutions to regulate air traffic, certify the new planes, and maintain safety standards. From 1926 on, it was the Aeronautics Branch in the Department of Commerce, renamed Bureau of Air Commerce in 1934, transformed into an autonomous Civil Aviation Authority in 1938, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in 1958. In 1967 a new Department of Transportation took responsibility for the FAA. The agency duties gradually increased to include certification of airports, noise standards and increased security norms (Bilstein, 1984). Finally, over the years, United States universities have created over 100 graduate programs in aerospace engineering, including those in MIT, Purdue, Stanford University and University of Illinois, to name some of the most prestigious ones. Government research funds allow these graduate programs to conduct advanced R&D and generate human capital. These institutions are key components of the innovation system in the aircraft sector. Without them, the costly and risky aerospace R&D process would not take place. The market would not be regulated, and the industry would be either chaotic or would have collapsed. It is worth recalling that as the world leader in aerospace, the United States has been obliged to innovate also in institutional matters. Academic and public research, government subsidies for industrial R&D, certification, regulation and security are all necessary elements of the sectoral system of innovation. Catching up countries would need to imitate these institutions or invent new ones with similar aims. European competitors: France (693) If the United States became the world leader in the industry, France became a close follower. French inventor Clément Ader claimed to have made the first flights of a machine heavier than air and equipped with a motor in 1890 and again in 1897. Alberto SantosDumont made another flight in 1906. En 1908, another French inventor, Henry Farman flew 27 km with a Voisin-designed machine. Other famous French inventors included Louis Blériot, Louis Paulhan and the Farman brothers. The War increased the interest of 10 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 governments on aviation. At the end of the WWI there were 4500 French, 3500 British and 2500 German aircraft. Also, French aircraft held all world records of altitude and distance up to WWI (McNeil, 1990: 627). In 1929, French companies were responsible for most air traffic in Europe. However, between the two World Wars, France fell behind both the US and Germany. WWII stopped aeronautical development in occupied France. The industry was nationalised in 1936-37, but it fell behind because of underinvestment, and it produced backward models. In 1937 the entire industry produced 395 aircraft under 21 different models (Chadeau, 1987). From 1940 to 1944, under German occupation, France produced 3600 aircraft and over 11200 engines for the Luftwaffe. According to Chadeau (1985), French handicap were its institutional failures. Public research was limited by lack of funds. Engineering schools were also scantly financed. While the United States and Germany were investing in dozens of research centres and universities, France did not follow. After the War, France made strong efforts to recuperate its original position as global number two. In 1946, the government established ONERA (National Office Study and Research in Aeronautics) and decided to build a series of modern wind tunnels, the most advanced of which would be installed in Savoie. ONERA knew a phenomenal growth and became the national office for aerospace. It participated in the design, launching and improvement of civil and military aircraft, missiles, satellites, and other aerospace equipments and programs. The French government took a proactive attitude, and tried to catch-up. Both public and private aircraft companies bought US licenses for engines and aircraft. In 1950, France had a first jet engine, designed by a German engineer. In 1955, the Caravelle was the first longdistance civil jet aircraft using imported engines. In 1958, France produced its first jet combat aircraft (made by Dassault-Mirage) and its first helicopter (Alouette, manufactured by Sud-Aviation); both had French engines, SNECMA and Turboméca. Also, in 1958, Britain and France started to study a first supersonic civil aircraft. The agreement for the Concorde was signed in 1962. Prototypes flew in 1969 and ten aircraft were produced in the 11 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 following years. Concord was a technical success and a commercial failure: only 10 copies were manufactured, all of them for Air France and British BOAC. Under French initiative, European collaboration in aircraft moved to another stage in 1970 with the creation of Airbus. Originally, it was a consortium of French Aérospatiale and German Deutsche Airbus (the merger of MBB and VFW-Fokker). In 1971, CASA of Spain joined the consortium, and in 1979 it was British Aerospace. Since 1972, Airbus multiplied the launches of new civil aircraft: A-300 (1972), A-310 (1982), A-320 (1988), A-330-340 (1992), A-380 (2005). Soon, Airbus became the competitor of Boeing, Airbus still has its main plants in Toulouse, France. In 2005, Airbus became an integrated firm, under control of EADS (80%). Airbus has plants in France, Germany, United Kingdom, and Spain. It is now producing in China in the framework of a joint venture. The rise of Toulouse as Europe’s major regional innovation system can be explained by the concentration of national research and teaching institutions in the area (Longhi, 2002). Besides Airbus head office, the region hosts the National Centre for Aerospace Studies (CNES) with 2500 researchers in the Toulouse region, the National Superior School of Aeronautics and Space (SUPAERO), ONERA, The Normal Superior School of Aeronautic Engineers (ENSICA), and the National School for Civil Aviation (ENAC). In the OECD, France is the third most important investor in aerospace R&D, following the United States and the United Kingdom, and preceding Germany. Italy and Canada. It is also the second largest producer of aircraft in the world (Tables 1 and 2) (Tables 1 and 2 here) European competitors: Britain The first British aircraft was built in 1908 at the H M Balloon Factory, renamed the Royal Aircraft Factory (RAF) in 1911. Among its designers were Geoffrey de Havilland and Henry Folland. These two engineers designed several of the most successful British aircraft. In addition, the former founded in 1920 the most successful British aircraft company: De Havilland. 12 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 During the first years up to WWI, almost all aircraft was produced for experimental and civil purposes. The French priority was recognized by giving to each of the different designs the name of a French designer and pilot (Santos, Blériot, Farman). During the First War, the RAF was converted into a military plant. It produced close to 20 different designs of bombers, fighters and reconnaissance aircraft. After the War the military demand collapsed and most military aircraft were useless for commercial purposes. British aircraft production was substantially reduced and in 1920 only 13 aircraft companies subsisted (Fearon, 1969, 1974). Military demand between the wars substantially lagged behind those of France, Germany and the United States (Fearon, 1974; Smith, 1977). Up to the mid-1930s, British armed forces were still using WWI surplus aircraft. The Royal Air Force was mostly concentrated in fighting colonial wars in Africa and Asia, where sophisticated aircraft was not required. What was called “illusion diplomacy” towards Germany made that no major budget or technical development was made in Britain until the war was imminent. Until the War, British air force was still using wooden biplanes, when the superiority of all metal monoplanes was already proved. In spite of these lacklustre institutional and technological performances, a British inventor, Frank Whittle, developed a jet turbine after 1935 (without public funds) and continued after 1937 with the support of the British government. Whittle is considered, with the German Hans von Ohain, the inventor of the jet engine. Also, Whittle travelled to the United States and Canada during the War and explained his invention. The jet engine did not represent a significant element during the War but the principle was proved. After the War, the jet engine was quickly adopted for military aircraft (the American F-58 Sabre) and for civil aircraft. The British De Havilland Comet I (first flew in 1949) marked the entry of the jet engine in the industry. Adopted by the British Overseas Airways Company (BOAC) in 1952 it was withdrawn in 1954 and only resumed service in 1958; in the meantime the B-707 (first flew in 1957 and introduced in 1958) had become a huge success and the dominant design for intercontinental aircraft. 13 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 British aircraft industry produced several famous aircraft, including the Comet I and the de Havilland Moth. Today, the British presence in the aerospace industry is mostly through Rolls Royce, one of the largest world producers of jet turbines, and BAE Systems, a diversified security and aerospace corporation. However, in 2006, BAE Systems sold its remaining civil aircraft facilities in the UK to Airbus (now EADS) where Airbus produces the wings of most of its aircraft. Britain remains the second largest world investor in aerospace R&D, but its share of manufacturing production lags way behind France (Table 2). The reason for such performance is up to a certain extent institutional. The Ministry of Defence has always mediated British government involvement in the aerospace sector, and has supported military over civil aircraft. British commercial airlines (such as BOAC and British European Airways, and then British Airways, resulting from the 1974 merger of the two) were not enough source of demand for domestic airliners. In the meantime, US Boeing B-707 and Douglas DC-8 had cornered the market. In the meantime over a dozen crashes of British Comets and Viscounts aircraft played havoc with the civil manufacturing industry. As a result, British employment in the aerospace industry declined from 241000 employees in 1980 to 155,000 in 1999, and 120,000 in 2009. European competitors: Germany (788 words) In the late 19th century, Germany started its involvement in aerospace, due to Otto Lilienthal and his the early prototypes of manned flight. Unfortunately, the death of the pioneer in 1896 after a fatal crash put a brake on German aircraft research for over a decade. Another factor that slowed German early aircraft research was the development of another technological trajectory, the dirigible, promoted by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. The first flight of a dirigible fully equipped with an engine took place in Germany in 1900. The renaissance of aircraft tests in Germany followed the visit of Orville Wright in 1908. Wright brought a biplane to France and Germany. Soon a German company started to produce it under license. Several German companies were founded the same years to compete with the Wright model. Others were trying to design light engines to power these new aircraft. However, it must be underlined that Germany pursued two different 14 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 technological trajectories in manned flight: the aircraft and the dirigible. The latter stopped in 1936 after a major crash. But in the meantime, the energies and funds for aerospace research were dispersed into two different pursuits. The University of Gottingen took an early leading promoting aerodynamics and materials research related to aircraft. Other universities followed suit, most notably the Institutes of Technology at Aachen, Darmstadt and Stuttgart, and established chairs for aerospace studies. Several of these universities built their own wind tunnels. And the first government research laboratory was founded in 1908 as the Office of Flight Technology, studying propellers and aerodynamics. The first wind tunnel was completed in a second government institute in 1913 (Hirschel et al., 2004). The War brought military orders to the small and underfunded private companies, and new all-metals models appeared, designed by two outstanding aerospace engineers: Claude Dornier and Hugo Junkers. The German government financed industrial research in the growing private firms. At the end of the War, some 21000 aircraft existed in Germany. The end of the war represented a major blow for the fledging German aircraft industry. On one hand the military orders declined to almost zero. On the other, the Versailles Treaty imposed a ban on research and building of military aircraft and restricted the resources that the state could invest in the industry. Aircraft companies converted themselves to civil aviation. Junkers designed the first civil transportation all-metal aircraft the Junkers F 13, one that first flew in 1919. In 1924 the ban was lifted for civil and small aircraft, and Dornier and Junkers, among others, launched new models. The two government research labs were revamped. But also, in the meantime, the main German companies established subsidiaries in Denmark, Italy, and Sweden in order to circumvent the ban. En 1926 Lufthansa was founded for cargo and passenger air service and used the new models that Junkers and other manufacturers were developing. In 1928, the German Aeronautical Research Council was found to coordinate the research activities of the public laboratories and technical universities. The 1929 Crisis enormously reduced public support and private 15 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 markets for German aircraft. But a new era started with the arrival of Hitler to power in 1933. The Third Reich unilaterally lifted all bans on German aircraft industry. The Junkers company, the largest in the country was seized in 1936. Government support arrived in such amounts that the number of employees in the industry passed from 4000 in 1933 to 300000 in 1938. A new German Academy of Aeronautical Research was founded under the aegis of the new State Minister of Aeronautics. A new German Research Establishment of Aeronautics was established in Brunswick, and opened in 1936. Another one opened in Munich in 1940. The two previous government laboratories were revamped. University research was abundantly funded. During the War, Germany produced the first turbo-jet and over a hundred thousand aircraft, mostly under Arado, ATG, Focke-Wulf, Heinkel, Henschel, Messerschmitt, and Wesel designs (Kaldor, 1946; Budrass et al, 2005). Germany was at the forefront of t technology including jet engines and aerodynamic designs. However, after the War, Germany was forbidden to produce any type of aircraft, and its industry fell far behind those of Britain, France and the United States. In East Germany, where most aircraft R&D and production was concentrated, the occupation authorities transferred people and facilities to the Soviet Union and son all activities were terminated. In West Germany three companies emerged in 1969 to combine the remaining assets and personnel. They were Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB), Motoren und Turbinen Union (MTU) and Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke (VFW). The government resumed support for the industry and it allocated funds to academic, industry and public research institutes. In 2008, Germany was again the fourth country in the world in terms of aircraft R&D. 4. Earlier catching up processes: Canada (477 words) American, British and Canadian manufacturers started producing aircraft in Montreal and Toronto in the 1920s. Two companies deserve special mention. In Toronto, it was de 16 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Havilland Canada (1924), a subsidiary of British de Havilland and in Montreal, Canadian Vickers (1923), originally a subsidiary of British Vickers, coming under Canadian control since 1927. In 1928, Pratt & Whitney Canada was founded in Montreal, first to overhaul and repair aircraft engines and later to design and manufacture its own engines (since 1956-7). During World War II, both plants (and other, smaller ones), produced aircraft for the allies. In 1944, the Canadian Vickers Company became Canadair under joint Canadian governmental and private control. After the War, the Montreal plant of Canadair was sold to the US Electric Boat that became General Dynamics. The Toronto de Havilland plant stayed in the turboprop line of aircraft, while the Montreal plant specialised in military jets under US license. In 1976, the Canadian government bought the Montreal plant and launched the Challenger program that produced a large business jet (1978), and then the first regional jet in the world (1991). In 1986, Bombardier, a manufacturer of trains and metro systems acquired the Montreal plant. Bombardier Aerospace also acquired the Toronto plant in 1992, as well as Short Brothers in the UK, and Learjet in the US to become the third largest producer of aircraft in the world (deBresson et al, 1991; Niosi and Zhegu, 2005). The Canadian federal government has supported the industry through a number of policies, institutes and educational schemes. Several policies supported financially the fledging industry either for particular programs (such as the Challenger family of jets) or to avoid the risk of bankruptcy of the main producers. The Canadian government also involved in the attraction of the Bell Helicopter plant to Montreal (1985) and the development of CAE, the world largest producer of flight simulators also located in Montreal, since the 1950s. In 1944, the government created Turbo Research Ltd in Toronto, a company that produced jet engines, and was lately sold to the A. V. Roe Corporation, now part of Boeing Canada. After World War II, the government created five public research laboratories under the aegis of its National Research Council. They are the aerodynamics, aerospace manufacturing, flight, gas turbines, and structures and materials performance laboratories. They include wind tunnels, combustion and engine test cells, test aircraft, and other 17 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 equipment that participated in the design of regional and business jets, satellites, flight simulators, and other equipment. Institutional building included also supporting advanced aerospace degrees in several universities in Montreal (Concordia University), Ottawa (University of Ottawa) and Toronto (University of Toronto). For over 80 years, Canada has been catching up in aerospace, and particularly in aircraft through a combination of foreign direct investment, domestic entrepreneurship, government support and skilled immigration to create two large clusters of aircraft in Montreal and Toronto, and smaller ones in Ottawa and Winnipeg. 5. Catching up, the failed attempts (Argentina, Indonesia) During the entire 20th century, a long list of countries has tried to build a national aircraft industry and failed, or emerged with a very small industrial sector unable to compete in world markets. The list includes Argentina, India, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey, to name a few. The reasons for such failures are many, but they include organisational and technical backwardness, but above all, institutional flaws in government policies. The cases of Argentina and Indonesia are archetypal. Argentina (445 words) Argentina’s first powered flights took place in 1910, but the first manufacturing plant for military aircraft was built in 1927 in Córdoba. The Military Aircraft Plant (FMA) started producing aircraft and engines under license (the British AVRO 504-J and Bristol E2B, and the French Dewoitine D21). National designs followed in alternation with imported ones from Germany (Focke-Wulf, 1937) and the US (Curtiss-Hawk, 1940). After WWII, German aircraft designer Kurt Tank and his team migrated to Argentina. With the support of French engineer Emile Dewoitine, Argentinean aircraft experts designed the Pulqui I and Kurt Tank designed the Pulqui II military jets that flew respectively in 1947 and 1950 (Hagood, 2006). In 1953, however, the Argentinean economic crisis, the downgrading of the aircraft 18 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 industry in the government’s plans, followed by Peron’s dismissal in 1955 stopped the production of the plane2. The team of German engineers was dispersed. Kurt Tank migrated to India where he designed the Hindustan Marut HAL HF-24, the first jet of the country that flew in 1961. In the 1950s, Argentina resumed the production of both imported designs, including the Beechcraft Mentor B-45 (1957), the Morane Saulnier MS-760 (1958) the Cessna A-182 (1966) and the Lockheed Martin A-4AR Fightinghawk (1966). Among national designs were the Guarani II (1963) and the Pucará (1975). None of these aircraft was produced in a large number of copies to become profitable. Over the years, until its privatisation in 1995 to Lockheed Aircraft, the FMA had built 1300 aircraft of 30 different designs. Lockheed revamped the plant and resumed production of small lots of military aircraft. In December 2008, the Argentinean government renationalised the FMA. Argentina’s aircraft industry was the victim of restricted funding, military alignment of the country with the Axis in 1940-45, the Malvinas War with Great Britain (1982), bad planning and too many direction changes from the national government. Also, government corporations are not known for their marketing dynamism. Argentinean planes were sold to the domestic military as well as (in a few copies) to the military of neighbouring countries. Plans to join forces with the Brazilian aircraft industry (Embraer) were also shelved (Kuhn, 2002). The production technology at FMA was outdated and the government corporation insisted in manufacturing in-house all the subsystems and components of its planes, with the major exception of the engines. The institutional building was at best sketchy. The FMA served both as unique manufacturing plant, research laboratory and test field. No university program was established and thus no scheme for human capital creation was ever approved. Tank had requested research installations including a wind tunnel, but his requests were not heard. The country still has none. 2 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/argentina/amc.htm 19 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Indonesia (335 words) Indonesian aircraft experiment started in 1976, when the national government founded IPTN, later renamed Indonesian Aerospace. By mid-1970s, Indonesian industrialist Jusuf Habibie returned from Germany to his native country, after obtaining a doctoral degree in aeronautical engineering and working for over ten years with Messerschmitt-BoelkowBlohm (MBB) (Amir, 2007). For twenty years, from mid-1970s to mid-1990s, the national government invested USD 2 billion. To start its manufacturing projects, IPTN produced under license MBB’ BO-105 helicopter and CASA C-212 Aviocar. Other models were designed (CN235 with Spain’s CASA) or licensed in from France Aérospatiale and Eurocopter, and Bell Helicopter Textron. The CN235, which first flew in 1983, was successful only for Spain, as the Iberian prototypes were certified in the US, and sold in 250 copies to over twenty countries.. The Indonesian version was only certified in the UK and was sol to a handful of nations. A much larger and autonomous project was the N250, whose maiden flight took place in 1995. The N250, another military aircraft, had cost over 1.2 billion, mostly paid by the national reforestation fund, and it did not go into production. In the end, the two domestically designed aircraft and the licensed helicopters were produced in limited number and a few copies were exported. The restrictive factors were infrastructure obstacles (like Argentina, Indonesia did not possess public R&D infrastructures required to continuously upgrading the aircraft), cultural backwardness, bureaucratic inefficiency and lack of image due to uncertified products (Steenhuis and deBruijn, 2001). Indonesia, like Argentina, had obtained production technology, but not R&D capabilities – a national or even a modest sectoral system of innovation – required to innovate in the many different components of the aircraft, including materials, engines, avionics, communication equipment and the like. Steenhuis and DeBruijn (2001) conclude that success in catching up in the aircraft industry requires a focus on R&D from the start. We may add that it also requires the institutional support for continuous improvement of aircraft, as well as the permanent replenishment of the human capital pool. Conclusion on failures 20 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Successful catching up requires more than simply importing engineers or scientists, and the transfer of machinery and equipment. It requires domestic institutions able to provide a continuous flow of human capital, research and development funds, and technology. Neither Argentina nr Indonesia provided such regular flow of resources to their fledging aircraft industries. In both cases, individuals moved to a developing country (Habibie to Indonesia, Tank to Argentina) with few domestic institutions designed to provide a steady flow of resources to such industry. Even if the community of German engineers and technicians in Argentina was close to 60 people (Hagood, 2006) and Habibie sent hundreds of Indonesians abroad (Amir, 2007) neither country was able to pursue the local development of the many types of skills required to continuously upgrade the original design and solve technical problems. Converting design into production was not easy. Neither country sought to import production technology and to build a research infrastructure (i.e. wind tunnels) to conduct aviation R&D. The national system of innovation, in sum, was in both cases absent or, at best, embryonic. 6. Late catching up successful trials (Brazil) Brazil (825) Brazil started to invest on its aircraft industry in the mid-1960s. In 1965, French engineer Max Holtse designed a first aircraft, the EMB-110 Bandeirante, a successful 15-21 seat plane produced and sold in some 500 copies to both the commercial and the military markets by Embraer, the new government corporation found in 1968. Embraer installed its plant close to the industrial centre of Brazil, Sao Paulo, and also in the proximity of the military institutes of aeronautical research. Much before Embraer was founded, the Brazilian government had established several public institutes for training and R&D at San José dos Campos, close to the Sao Paulo agglomeration. They were the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA), and the General Command for Aerospace Technology (CTA). Other institutions followed, including the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IEA, 1954), the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA), the 21 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 National Institute for Space Research (INPE, 1961) and the Industrial Promotion and Cooperation Institute (IFI). Among these, the first and foremost is ITA, originally established in 1950. Its first rector was MIT professor R. H. Smith, and several professors were recruited in the United States, France and Germany. Today, ITA hosts 168 professors and researchers (70% of which have PhD degrees), and 600 undergraduate and 800 graduate students in aeronautical engineering. ITA has its own wind tunnel, as well as advanced manufacturing equipment for teaching and research. Since its foundation, some 4600 engineers graduated from the institute. Among them, one finds the names of several former Embraer CEOs. INPE, founded in 1971 is the civilian centre for aeronautics and space research. The CTA is the military organisation for aerospace technology. Established in 1953, it has now authority over the ITA, IEA, IAE, and IFI. IFI carried originally the certification of Brazilian Aircraft. This role is now within the mission of the National Civil Aviation Agency. After its initial success, Embraer proceeded to launch other winning planes. The EMB 202 launched in 1970 is an agricultural monoplane, used for spraying crop with fertilisers, pesticides and fungicides, as well as seed sowing. Over 1000 copies were sold since its inception. The EMB-312 Tucano was one of the most famous training turboprops around the world. It was produced in over 600 copies. It was launched in 1980 and is still manufactured and sold. The EMB-120 was launched in 1985, a stretched version of the Bandeirante. It was another successful plane, of which 200 copies were exported to the US, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany and Russia. Its main customer is US Sky West. In the early 1990s Embraer passed through a crisis that finally assured its long-term profitability. Between 1985 and 1990, Argentina and Brazil had designed and built a new high-technology turboprop, the CBA 123 Vector. The first prototype flew in 1990, and it was a technical success. Unfortunately, the 1990-1 economic crisis, the high cost of the plane, and political turmoil in Brazil made that the US$300 million prototype was decommissioned. However, Embraer learned about advanced technologies. Employment 22 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 fell from 12600 in 1990 to 3200 in 1994. That year, the company was privatised to a group of Brazilian investors, which held 60% of the shares, while European investors took 20% of them and the capital market absorbed the remaining 20%. In 1989, Embraer decided to build a family of regional jets to compete with Bombardier in a fast-growing market. Instead of trying to produce 100% of the aircraft in-house, as FMA had done, Embraer built an international network of suppliers (Hira and de Oliveira, 2007). Some of them would provide avionics, others engines, telecommunication equipment, nacelles or landing gear. Embraer was to become, like most large aircraft manufacturer of today, a designer and system integrator. Thus, adapting the most modern practices in the industry, Embraer won its bet. The ERJ-145 launched in 1995, was a 50-seat regional jet. It is a stretched version of the EMB-120. In its different versions it has sold over 1000 copies. Main customers include American Eacle, Air France, Aero Mexico… Finally, in 2000, Embraer produced a 16-seat business jet, the Legacy, of which 166 copies were produced at September 2009, and 152 were sold. Its entry in the business jet market was not well timed as the market knew several crisis after 2000 including the 2008-9 one. Internationalisation followed exports. In January 2003, Embraer inaugurated a joint venture with AVIC in China, Harbin Embraer, where it produces its ERJ-130, 140 and 145, from 37 to 50 seats. In 2008, Embraer announced that it was building two new plants in Evora, Portugal, in order to manufacture aircraft wings and components. The new 148 million Euros plants would be inaugurated in 2011 and 2012. Table 1 summarizes the situation of Bombardier and Embraer, the main competitors in the regional and business jet markets. While Bombardier Aerospace is much larger and more diversified, Embraer has gained some advantage in the production of regional jets over the former leader in this segment. (Table 1 here) When comparing Brazil with Japan, Takahashi (2006) suggests that the factors explaining Brazilian success and Japanese failure were institutional. Brazil chose a national champion, 23 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 while Japan relied on a consortium of companies (Mitsubishi, Kawasaki and Fuji), none of which was crucially dependent on aircraft production. In Brazil one ministry (Aeronautics) was responsible for the development of the sector. In Japan, several ministries spent decades trying to control the development of the sector, including MITI, and the Department of Transportation. 7. New competitors (China) (1282 words) Since the early 1980s, Western aircraft producers have turned their attention to China. The main reason of this new interest is the fast growth of the Chinese market for aircraft, as a result of the rapid economic growth of the country. Also, the Chinese government wants to industrialise the country, and the aircraft industry is a vital component of this process. Up to the Sino-Russian split in 1961, China’s aircraft industry was dependent on Soviet designs and production technology. After the new economic policy change of 1978, Western aircraft producers from both Europe and North America started transferring technology to Sino-Western joint ventures and outsourced the production of components and entire subsystems to Chinese manufacturers (Dixon, 1999). Thus with the help of Airbus, Boeing, MacDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman and other companies China upgraded its technological capabilities in the industry. McDonnell Douglas (MD) contracted out final assembly of its MD-82 in 1985, thus transferring key production capabilities to China’s Shanghai Aviation Industrial Corporation (SAIC). Between 1985 and 1994, SAIC built 35 MD-82 and MD-83, most of them sold in China and 5 of them in the United States, due to FAA certification of the Chinese-built plane. While the MD-82 Chinese production basically consisted in the import of subsystems and components from the US for assembling in China, a second major project involved the production of the Trunkliner, another MD model. The program was cancelled when Boeing acquired MD, but SAIC could incorporate advanced technology from McDonnell Douglas in order to modernize its new plant. In the late 1970s, Xian Aero-Engines (XAE) had concluded an agreement with Rolls-Royce (RR) to produce Spey engines and components for other aircraft engines, and the 24 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 agreement allowed XAE to acquire sophisticated machinery and receive advanced training from its European partner. Later in the 1990s, another RR-XAE partnership permitted XAE top produce turbine blades. Later, XAE moved onto produce components for GE, P&W and RR. Pratt and Whitney established joint ventures to manufacture engine components in Xian, Chengdu and Changsha. Other companies are producing avionics and air data computers, transponders and weather radar subsystems (Cliff, 2001). Boeing has historically been the major supplier of aircraft for Chinese airlines, but up to the late 1990s, it was wary of assembling planes or even subsystems on China. However, governmental pressure from China increased Boeing’s outsourcing of modules to Xian Aircraft Corporation (tail sections), Shengyan Aircraft (cargo doors and tail components). Under Northrop subcontracting, Chengdu Aircraft has been producing empennages for the B757. In the late 1990s, Airbus entered the Chinese industry, by signing an agreement to manufacture, in China, a 95 to 125-seat plane in the low end of its product line. The plane will be produced by a joint venture of Airbus (39%), AVIC (46%) and Singapore Technologies (15%). Airbus was chosen over Boeing because the European company technology transfer to China was much more comprehensive than the one proposed by Boeing. And the fact that the new plane will not mostly be sold to the Chinese market emphasizes the fact that the Chinese are building technological capability, not promoting import substitution. In other words, China has implemented a policy of ‘market access for technology’ in order to beef up its domestic industrial capabilities. In September 2008, Airbus opened its first assembly line outside Europe, in Tianjin. The first A-320 was delivered in mid-2009. By 2011, the plant is expected to produce 4 aircraft per month. In the meantime, Airbus and AVIC II have set up an engineering centre as a joint venture in Beijing to perform detailed design for the A350. And in 2008, Airbus and HAIG (a subsidiary of AVIC II) launched a joint venture (80% controlled by AVIC) to produce composite materials for the Chinese-made A320 25 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Airbus has increased its penetration of the Chinese market with its range of European-made line of products. Airbus forecasts the sale of 1800 aircraft to China from 2005 to 2025. In 2007, Airbus delivered 67 aircraft to Chinese airlines, 75 in 2008, and it plans to deliver 90 in 2009, and 100 in 2010. Western countries were not the only providers of aircraft technology. In 1993, the Russian Sukhoi signed an agreement to sell 150 SU-27 to China. The first 50 of them were sold off the shelf, but the other 100 were to be manufactured in China by the Shengyang Aircraft Corporation. The share of Chinese components would increase every year from 1996 until the end of the agreement in 2016. In 1984, Israel transferred designs and production technology to manufacture the Lavi jetfighter in the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Company. Because the US had supported the design of that fighter, it opposed the deal, and Israel suspended its cooperation with China, but the Chengdu Company was able to pursue the development using Russian engines and Israeli avionics. Figure 1 summarizes the learning curve of commercial aircraft production in China. (Figure 1 here) In 2000, China’s AVIC II established a joint venture with Brazil’s Embraer for the creation of a joint venture to produce regional jets in the 30-70 seats range. In 2003, Embraer’s Chinese plant started producing the ERJ145 in the new Harbin plant. But while the plant is able to produce 24 jets a year, only six aircraft were sold to China Southern Airlines by 2006, and five to China Eastern Airlines. However, new orders came since 2007 from other airlines, such as Hainan Airlines, for a total of 100 regional jets, half of them manufactured in China’s Harbin plant, and the rest imported from Brazil. China’s aircraft industry is not confined to airplanes but includes civil helicopters. In May 2009 AVIC started the construction of a new helicopter plant in Tianjin, which is expected to produce 300 helicopters annually, or 20% of world production by 2017. AVIC was 26 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 formed through the merger, in November 2008, of both AVIC I, and AVIC II. China’s Helicopter Research Institute supports the plant. China has reformed its network of government research institutes to increase and accelerate technology transfer and learning. Since 1985, the 5400 government research institutes were encouraged to link themselves with specific industries, and some of them became either part of industrial firms or became themselves industrial concerns. These government research institutes were national, provincial or municipal (Yuan, 2005). Those labs in the aircraft industry include today the Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, China Aero Polytechnic Establishment, Shanghai Aircraft Research Institute, Xian Flight Automatic Control Research Institute, Chinese Radio Aeronautical Research Institute, China Institute of Aeronautical Systems Engineering, Aircraft Design Research Institute of Guizhou Aviation industry Corporation, Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute, Gas Turbine Establishment of China, and China Research Institute of Aero-Accessories among others. Table 1 summarizes some data on these institutes., most of them belonging to AVIC. In all, AVIC encompasses 110 companies, 36 research institutes and 6 universities many of them providing graduate degrees in aerospace engineering in collaboration with foreign universities. Among these, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) is first and the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) is second3. (Table 1 here) Xian Aircraft Corporation of China is already producing a regional turboprop, the MA 60, a modified version of the Antonov An-26. The plane, a 60-seat one, uses Pratt & Whitney Canada engines. It has received over 100 orders, was certified in China in 2000 and has sold copies to several developing countries. China’s first domestically designed aircraft, the ARJ21-700 has applied for domestic certification, and it is expected to obtain it in 2010. The Created in 1952, BUAA has some 1400 faculty and receive about 1000 foreign visitors and experts every year. It enrols 23,000 students including over 6300 master and PhD candidates. BUAA cooperates with American, British, Canadian, French, German and Russian institutions (http://ev.buaa.edu.cn). NUAA has 23,600 students including 6,800 graduate ones, and a staff of 3,000 including 1,600 faculty and researchers. Founded also in 1952, NUAA has evolved from a teaching university into a research institution (http://ice.nuaa.edu.cn). 3 27 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 US Federal Aviation Administration is helping China with the certification process. The aircraft, produced by Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, will have GE engines. It has already secured 208 orders, including 5 from GE in the United States. 8. Conclusion and policy implications. In spite of three serious setbacks, the first in the 19th century (Lilienthal crash and Zeppelin wrong trajectory), and two in the 20th century (two prolonged bans on aircraft R&D and production by the victorious allies), Germany was able to catch up several times with the other major European powers and the US, mainly because of its strong academic and public research institutions. The United States and Western European countries entered the industry when entry barriers were low, and many companies were created in each country. In the United States several hundred countries were created. Even in Canada one counts 66 aircraft producing companies at different points in time. In each country, the numbers converged towards one “national champion”. Under such conditions, the amount of trials in each country was high, and at least one or two companies succeeded to move through the technological discontinuities, economic fluctuations and market changes. Also, in Europe and North America, supporting institutions for public R&D, transit regulation, aircraft certification and public funding of private R&D evolved nicely with the technology and the industry (Table 5). Public procurement for military aircraft became permanent, programs funding private sector aircraft R&D developed, government R&D labs became established, academic training and R&D were created. (Table 5 here) Conversely, post-war developing countries will pass or fail with one company: Indonesia with Indonesian Aerospace, Taiwan with Taiwan aerospace, Argentina with FMA, Brazil with Embraer. Only China may have several trials at the aircraft industry due to its size and market dynamism. 28 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 If Brazil succeeded where Argentina and Indonesia failed, this was because Embraer was established not simply to produce military aircraft for the local Armed Forces (as in the other two cases). The mission of Embraer was to produce civil and military aircraft for the local and global markets, in order to gain economies of scale, as well as market and user knowledge. Also, the public support to Embraer, whether a public or a private enterprise, was never put into jeopardy by government changes. In Argentina, every new government had a different idea about FMA. In addition, Brazil built the supporting institutions and Embraer put together an international network of suppliers, without trying to manufacture most subsystems in-house. China is becoming a major producer of all sorts of aircraft because it has forged alliances, and cooperation with all major aircraft producers, and technology transfer from manufacturers, public laboratories and universities from Europe and North America. The failed cases did nothing of the sort. Also, China imitated the institutional environment of the aircraft industry in advanced countries. Conclusion: growing a high-tech sectoral system The importance of institution building for advanced research and human capital appears as one of the main results of this study. Our institutional hypotheses are supported by the aircraft sector analysis. Public institutions for procurement, training, and R&D are crucial elements in the performance of the aircraft sector (H1). These institutions are specific to the aircraft sector; academic research and public support for venture capital (but not public laboratories or procurement) are part of the key institutional framework in biotechnology. Each set of institutions corresponds to different technologies and industrial structures (H2). The evolution of institutions depends on past institutional structures: between the wars the British government had created a large colonial empire, and used aircraft on Empire pursuits more than as a commercial enterprise or as a means of defence against German military expansion. In all countries, technological change (the rise of the all-metal monoplanes, and later the jet engine) raised immensely the upfront costs of designing and building aircraft. Public sector institutions had either to increase their investments and fine 29 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 tune their policies, or leave the industry; under such conditions, most countries abandoned the sector (H3 and H4). Institutional evolution in aerospace involves substantial A high-tech SIS will not prosper without a national one being grown at the same time: NIS and SIS need to be built together because all existing NIS are aggregates of SIS. Countries that tried to build an aerospace industry (a SIS) without concurrently building a national system of innovation failed. Conversely, Britain, France, Germany and the US developed at the same time their aerospace industry and a national innovation system whose other elements could support the fledging industry. 30 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Bibliography Amir, S. (2007): “Nationalist rhetoric and technological development: The Indonesian aircraft industry in the New order regime”, Technology in Society, 29: 283-293. 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(2007): La coévolution des industries et des systèmes d’innovation: l’industrie aéronautique, Montreal, PhD Thesis, School of Management. 33 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Table 1: Business Expenditure in Aerospace R&D (million current USD, PPP, 2006) Country BERD BERD in aerospace BERD in aerospace as % of BERD 6.6 12.8 10.1 5.0 10.9 5.8 6.6 0.4 3.1 0.8 2.4 USA 247669 16367 UK 22383 2873 France 25966 2633 Germany 47936 2377 Italy 9599 1050 Canada 13391 783 Spain 8684 576 Japan 107192 428 Sweden 8738 267 Korea 27774 222 Brazil 8170 200* Argentina OECD (2009): Main Science and Technology Indicators, Paris BERD as % of GERD 0.5 Embraer alone executed 113 millions USD in R&D in 2006. Table 2: Production of aerospace industry, 2003 Country USA France UK Germany Canada Japan Italy Brazil Spain Netherlands Korea Argentina Billion of current USD, PPP 126.0 41.8 21.8 18.8 13.1 8.2 6.4 4.2 (2005) 3.2 2.2 2.1 Source: OECD (2007): Overview of the Aerospace Sector, Paris. 34 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Bombardier Aerospace Embraer Founded 1927/1986 Founded 1969 Employees: 32500 Employees: 17375 Business jets (Challenger & Learjet families) Legacy family Turboprops regional (Dash family) -- Regional jets (CRJ family) ERJ-145 family Amphibious water bomber (415 family) -- Sales 2008: 10 billion USD (2008) 6.3 billion USD (2008) Regional aircraft 2006/9: 488 Regional jets delivered 2006/9: 486 Business jets delivered 2006/9: 876 Business jets delivered 2006/9: 152 Main foreign subsidiaries: UK, US and Mexico Main foreign subsidiaries: China and Portugal 35 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Table 4: China’s Aircraft Research Institutes Name (year established) Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials China Aircraft Strength Research Institute Gas Turbine Research Institute Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute Shenyang Aero-Dynamics Research Institute Harbin Aero-Dynamics Research Institute China Flight Test Establishment China Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute Shanghai Aeronautical Measurement-Controlling Research Institute Beijing Chang Cheng Aeronautical Measurement and Control Technology Research Institute Jinan Research Institute for Special Aeronautical Composites China Aviation Precision Machinery Research Institute Beijing Changcheng Institute of Mecrology & Measurement China Air to Air Missile Research Institute Shengyang Aircraft Research Institute Xi'an Aircraft Design & Research Institute Shenyang Aero-engine Research Institute China Leihua Electric Technology Research Institute China Research Institute of Aero-Accessories China Aviation Life-Support Research Institute Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute Luoyang Opto-electrotechnology Development Center Wuxi Aero-engine Research Institute Chinese Aeronautical Radio Electronics Research Institute Xi'an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute Shanghai Aircraft Research Institute (1973) China Aero Polytechnic Establishment China Institute of Aeronautical Systems Engineering Aircraft Design Research institute of Guizhou Aviation Industry Co. Chinese Helicopter Research Institute Location R&D personnel Beijing Xian Jiangyou, Sichuan Beijing Harbin Harbin Xian Xian Shanghai Beijing 1400 1100 900 800 160 488 2000 800 300 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jinan, Shandong Beijing Beijing Luoyang, Henan Liaoning Xian Liaoning Neijiang, Sichuan Xiangfan, Hubei Xiangfan, Hubei Chengdu, Sichuan Luoyang, Henan Wuxi, Jiangsu Shanghai Xian, Shaanxi Shanghai 200 150 520 2500 1100 1600 900 ND 900 820 1400 500 250 544 ND ND Beijing Guizhou Jiangxi 110 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1400 36 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Table 5: the co-evolution of technology and institutions in the aircraft industry 37 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Figure 1: The commercial aircraft learning curve in China (1978-2000) Indigenous development & Production (ARJ-21) International Co-Development (AE-31X) International Co-Production (MD-80-B-737) Parts subcontracting B-737, B-757 Late 1970s Late 1980s to mid-1990s Early to Mid-1990s Mid-990s to early 2000 Source: Updated and adapted from Dixon, 1999. 38 ©Niosi draft #1 November 27, 2009 Figure 2: The commercial aircraft learning curve in Brazil Production with domestic Designs, world markets Production with Domestic design, Local & foreign markets Production on foreignmade design, local market Mid-1960s Early 1970s Since the 1990s 39