ASSOCIATION OF HEALTHCARE INTERNAL AUDITORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 27, 2012 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM EASTERN TIME AND JANUARY 28, 2012 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM EASTERN TIME LOEWS HOTEL PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA MINUTES Board Only Website: ITEM WHO ACTION DEADLINE Friday, January 27, 2012 1. Call to Order Present: Joyce Lang, Chair; Bob Michalski, Vice Chair; Heidi Crosby, Secretary/Treasurer; Dagmar Herrmann-Estes, Linda McKee, Debra Muscio, Bryon Neaman, Kelly Nueske, David Stumph and Michelle Cunningham Absent: Mike Fabrizius, Past Chair The meeting was called to order at 2:14 pm (EST). Welcome New Board Members Joyce Lang welcomed Dagmar Herrmann-Estes and Bryon Neaman to their first official meeting as Board directors. She welcomed Heidi Crosby in her new role as Secretary/Treasurer. Review of the Meeting Agenda and Social Events Joyce presented the agenda and reviewed the schedule of activities. 2. Hotel Tour The Board members toured the Loews Hotel space contracted for the 2012 AHIA Annual Conference. The following comments will be shared with the conference planning committee: - Evaluate timing between sessions to accommodate elevator delays Opening remarks need to include clear instructions for attendee traffic flow Michelle Communicate considerations for conference logistics, included allocating appropriate time between sessions to allow attendees time to move from floor to floor and the incorporation of attendee traffic flow instructions into opening general session remarks. Complete 3. Approval of Minutes November 30, 2011 (approved by email) The November 2011 meeting minutes were previously approved via email vote and are available on the Board-only website for reference. 4. Chair’s Report Overview of Strategic Initiatives (to be discussed in detail later in the meeting) Joyce briefly reviewed the color coding system indicted on the yearend strategic plan update. Joyce explained that a comprehensive review of the strategic plan will be the focus of tomorrow’s meeting. Discuss Cash Reserves (what is an appropriate goal and what do we do with funds that exceed reserve goals) Joyce requested that the Board consider how much cash AHIA should hold (reserves) and should excess be used to benefit AHIA members. Discussion followed on the appropriate level of reserves that AHIA should have, in accordance with the current investment policy and association standards. Bob reported that the current investment plan indicates one-year of operating expenses should be held in reserves. The Board indentified the need to reassess the current 12-month amount of operating cash needed in reserves in order to be in compliance with the revised policy and to make the determination on how much funding will be available for additional member enhancement programs. The recommendation to evaluate 2012 FY cash position was accepted and it was determined that excess funds will be identified and earmarked for member enhancements in fiscal year 2013. This item will be readdressed as part of the 2013 budgeting process. Discussion followed on areas that could be enhanced/sustained with excess funds. One item, among many, for consideration is an increase in speaker reimbursement levels will be given Finance Committee Determine the updated amount of 12-month operating expenses March 1, 2012 D. Stumph Include “how do we define one year’s operating cash” on the Feb Exec meeting agenda February 16, 2012 October 2012 Board Reevaluate cash position and identify and budget accordingly for member ongoing consideration. Bob clarified that the current investment policy addresses only a portion of AHIA funds. Bob reviewed the process of the allocation of all funds, over and above investments. He reported that AHIA long-term investments (mutual funds) currently stand at $288,000. The disbursement of excess funding discussion item will be tabled until October 2012. Other Joyce requested that Board members be conscientious when emailing about board business – so as not to inundate others with nonessential communications. She requested that if action is required, that it be clearly indicated in the subject line of the email and that “reply all” is used conservatively. 5. Financial Report YTD 2011 Dashboard Report (*) Heidi presented the 2011 yearend dash board report and reviewed membership stats, educational events reviews and revenue. December 2011 Financial Statements (*) Heidi presented the preliminary December 2011 yearend financial reports and indicated that it was a good year for AHIA. She reported that while adjustments to the financial statements are expected to be minimal, it is likely that some adjustments will be required following completion of the year-end audit. She presented the following summary of financial position. Balance Sheet: The balance sheet continues to show a strong cash and overall asset position. Total assets are $588,039 compared to $582,646 at this time last year. Net revenue for the year is $34,888. This is less than budgeted by nearly $41,000. The culprits for the lower than budgeted surplus are primarily the high costs associated with the 2011 conference and the investment losses experienced for the enhancement programs in the 2013 budget Board Give ongoing consideration to increasing speaker reimbursement levels October 2012 year. Total cash in checking is $165,248. Deferred dues for 2012 amount to $92,487 with an additional $7,980 deferred for 2013 and 2014. Profit & Loss Statement (P&L): Income Highlights: o Total dues receipts for the year were $218,329, 99.3% of the annual goal. The discrepancy in the number of members compared to the revenue is likely due to a higher percentage of institutions taking advantage of group membership rates. That being the case, we missed the goal for the year by only about $1,500. o Total revenue for the year exceeded budget by .37%. o Income areas that did well this year include: dues, the annual conference, communications sales (job ads and other advertising), mailing list sales, and equipment rental. o Regional seminars, “Spring Summits” (aka the EMR Summits), and Webinars ended the year well below projections. In the case of the Webinars, fewer offerings were provided than originally projected. o There were no other significant revenue variances for the year. Expense Highlights: o Total expenses are more than 5.5% over budget for the year. This again is primarily due to the high costs associated with the 2011 conference. o As discussed previously, conference expenses this year were 45% higher than budget. o Net income for the conference was $64,903 compared to a budgeted surplus of $90,965; a budget shortfall of $33,012. o There were no significant expense variances under ordinary expenses to report to date. Investments: December was another down month for the investments showing a loss of ($1,561). YTD investments are down by ($12,438). Surplus/Deficit/Comments: Given the low level of revenue generating activity in December 2011, we actually ended the year with a higher surplus than originally anticipated. Before taking into account the investment losses, the yearend surplus for ordinary income was $48,326. 2011 Financial Audit Plan Dave reported that the audit will begin in early April 2012 and is expected to be finished by the May 15 deadline. He reported that a special Executive Committee meeting will be arranged to discuss the results and that more information will be forthcoming on the exact schedule. Dave reported that as part of the audit process the AHIA Treasurer, Heidi Crosby, will be interviewed privately. Updated Speaker Compensation Policy (approved by email) o Consider speaker compensation for members of the Program Planning Committee Dave reported that the recently approved Annual Conference speaker reimbursement policy needs further clarification on how to compensate Board members and Conference Planning Committee members who serve double duty as an active AHIA volunteer and conference presenter. The recommendation was made that the conference committee chair be given the responsibility of allocating the budgeted speaker reimbursement funds with his or her discretion. After discussion, it was determined that any board/committee member also speaking at the Annual Conference will be compensated accordingly for both roles. Investment Policy M. Cunningham Add speaker reimbursement selection check box and presentation KEYWORD request to speaker agreements February 15, 2012 Bob Michalski presented the revised draft of the investment policy statement. He referenced page 8, specifically the section on target weights. He explained that target weight is the desired weight for each asset class. The minimum and maximum weights are designed to allow for normal market fluctuations and to allow for temporary over/under weight allocations that are believed to be desirable. Bob reported that the policy is still a work in progress – as demonstrated by the number of asset class target weights listed as “to be determined.” Bob presented the “Importance of an Investment Policy” document and recommended that the Board review this document for an explanation and rationale of the proposed changes to the investment policy. Bob presented “Summary of Allocation Study” document and explained that the AHIA investment adviser recommended that we our adjust asset allocation - the Executive Committee was surveyed to this effect on organizational risk tolerance levels. Based on the survey results, the advisor’s recommendation is to move to Model 3. Bob requested general agreement from the Board on asset allocation, so that the adviser can move forward and finalize the policy for approval. MSC to adopt Model 3 of the asset allocation/distribution of annual returns. 6. Chair-Elect’s Report Membership survey plans Bob requested the Board’s consideration of allowing the MAC committee to conduct a membership survey to assess needs and benefit preferences. He reported that the last membership survey was conducted 3 years ago in 2009. Discussion followed on the number of committee’s requesting survey approval (per the Committee update reports) and on vetting the number of surveys sent to members. Dagmar reviewed best survey practices and the science D. Stumph Alert the advisor of the Board’s adoption of Model 3 of the investment allocation. Complete – the adviser is preparing the revised investment policy for approval involved in effective survey development – including limiting the surveys to 20 questions and disseminating twice per year. Clarification was given that the LSU/AHIA survey targets only CAEs. It was determined that discussion on this item would be tabled until Board discussion on the Committee reports has occurred. 7. Past Chair’s Report Nominating Process/Plans No report. 8. Executive Director’s Report Future Annual Conference Locations o 2014: Austin, TX (contract completed) Dave reported 2014 contract has been signed and that the 2014 AHIA Annual Meeting will be held at the Hilton in Austin, Texas. o 2015: Thoughts Dave requested the Board’s feedback on a location for the 2015 Annual Conference. Dave proposed that the Pacific Northwest could be a consideration – as the last several meetings have been located as follows: 2010 – Baltimore, MD 2011 – San Diego, CA 2012 – Philadelphia, PA 2013 – Chicago, IL 2014 – Austin, TX It was determined that Seattle and Portland will be approached as prospective locations for the 2015 conference. AAMAS 2012 Conference (April 11-14, 2012, Phoenix, AZ) Dave reported that he and Joeal Venkatesan will staff the trade exhibit booth to promote AHIA and explained that AAMAS is a partner organization with AHIA and we exchange complimentary D. Stumph Prepare and send RFPs to Portland and Seattle hotel locations. April 1, 2012 D. Stumph Make 2015 location recommendations to the Board August 2012 exhibit booth space as part of our agreement. Kelly offered a history of AHIA involvement with AAMAS. HCCA 2012 Conference (April 29 – May 3, 2012, Las Vegas, NV) Dave reported that he and Debra Muscio will staff the trade exhibit booth space at the HCCA conference. After discussion, it was determined that a $100 drawing will be offered at the AHIA exhibit booths at both conferences to help us gather prospective member/sponsor contact information. D. Stumph /Staff Prepare exhibit booth and AHIA collateral materials for shipping, prepare drawing and report results April 1, 2012 Debra Muscio Contact Bob to discuss his needs March 1, 2012 Education Committee/Audit Roundtable Subcommittee Develop Audit/CAE Roundtable Sponsor/Facilitator guidelines July 2012 Kelly Nueske Communicate the Board’s 2012 committee survey schedule to the MAC – Fall 2012 Membership needs assessment survey February 21, 2012 9. Consent Agenda - Committee Reports: MAC (*) Professional Practices (*) Technology (*) Publications (*) Education o Annual Conference (*) o CAE Workgroup (*) o Regional Seminars o Webinar Joyce presented the Committee reports for review and approval. MSC to approve the non-action items as presented. 10. Action Items from Committee Reports: Joyce requested discussion on the following committee report action items: Audit/CAE Roundtables: Bob Lund from the CAE subcommittee is requesting a formalized committee with active members. Discussion followed on the need to rotate the sponsorship between vendors. Member Surveys: Both the MAC and Professional Practices Committees are requesting to conduct membership and readership surveys respectively. Discussion followed about combining efforts. Publications Committee: Linda McKee presented the Publications Committee report. She reported that the Editorial Subcommittee is requesting incentive prizes for participation in and completion of the LSU/AHIA survey. Bryon Neaman Communicate the Boards 2012 committee survey schedule to the PPC February 14, 2012 M. Cunningham Prepare survey prizes and corresponding messaging for LSU survey Upon completion of survey – March 2012 Linda McKee Communicate the LSU survey request status and participation incentives with the Editorial Subcommittee March 14, 2012 M. Cunningham Update the AHIA website to reflect the deadline COMPLETE M. Cunningham Update the Communication Plan to reflect the new deadline and draft strong, consistent messaging for Annual Conference promotions MSC to award prizes for survey participation as follows (1) Full Annual Conference registration (4) Webinar registrations Discussion followed on the Editorial Subcommittee’s request to the Conference Planning Committee to allocate time to present the results of the bi-annual LSU/AHIA survey. The Conference Planning Committee determined that LSU’s Dr. Jared Soileau will be approached to expand the presentation to a 50-minute session, inclusive of information healthcare trends,” on Wednesday, August 29 in the leadership track. MSC to accept the following committee reports as presented. Technology Publications Education MAC Professional Practices o Annual Conference (*) Approve tiered fee schedule based on when one registers for the conference Discussion followed on adding an additional registration pricing tier to 2012 AHIA Annual Conference registration fees. After discussion, it was determined that no additional 3rd tier will be added, however, the early bird registration fee deadline has been moved up to June 30, 2012. Those not registering prior to June 30 will pay the late conference rate. Professional Practices o Approve the PPC Charter (*) Joyce presented the PPC committee charter for review and discussion. MSC to approve the charter as presented, with IN PROCESS grammatical corrections. o Bryon Neaman Communicate Charter approval to Committee February 14, 2012 Consider the Annual Survey Approach (Capture emerging issues, member needs, and member skills) This item was tabled pending the review of the strategic plan review and update. The meeting concluded at 5:37 pm (EST) for the day. ITEM Saturday, January 28, 2012 The meeting resumed at 8:28 am (EST) on Saturday, January 28, 2012. 11. Review and Update of Strategic Initiatives (*) Determine Current Project Status Joyce reviewed the strategic plan by goal and action. Items accomplished and items remaining were reviewed in detail. Approval of the 2012 Strategic Objectives and Goals Joyce presented the 2011 objectives for review: OBJECTIVE 1: Provide increased education and resources to support member needs OBJECTIVE 2: Improve AHIA’s profile through improved marketing and communications OBJECTIVE 3: Enhance member’s knowledge and use of technology OBJECTIVE 4: Increase volunteerism throughout AHIA OBJECTIVE 5: Increase membership by 5% per year It was determined that the strategic objectives will remain as such for calendar year 2012. PLEASE SEE WHO ACTION DEADLINE ATTACHMENT FOR STRATEGIC PLAN REVISIONS. Discussion followed on several “goals” that will require new committee action including: Provide educational opportunities in a variety of settings/methods A recommendation will be developed regarding an E-Learning course component to AHIA educational offerings as a longterm goal, specifically designed to benefit new auditors (curriculum inclusive of the basics, i.e., terminology). After discussion it was determined that Heidi and Bryon will work on preparing an RFP to help us identify an adult learning expert with whom we can subcontract for development. Identify tools and techniques for AHIA to use in their practice and enhancing accessibility Discussion followed on the accessibility of information resources on the AHIA website and the search functions. The search feature is currently designed to compile information from the Audit Library and the New Perspectives archive – but not AHIA education presentations and supplementary information. It was determined that we will need to develop a process to capture keywords from educational presentations (Annual Conference, Webinars, Regionals, etc…) and compile this information into the Audit Library or some type of clearinghouse, to ensure members have access to these available resources through the main search function. Implement marketing and member communications improvements Joyce reported that an organizational communications plan for AHIA is in process. It will be inclusive of all AHIA internal and external communications for calendar year 2012. The plan matrix breaks down points of communication by subject matter, champion, audience type, target date and delivery method. It was determined that the plan will be revised to include the CAE pledge program (contacts to participate in listservs, social media, Audit Library, educational opportunities, etc. ) and will Heidi and Bryon Develop RFP to identify Elearning expert to assist AHIA in the development of a new auditor ELearning program November 2012 AHIA Staff (Michelle and Ruth) Develop process to ensure AHIA educational resources are captured in the website’s search function. June 2012 M. Complete phase one of Cunningham the communication plan for Joyce’s review. Upon approval – the “phase 2” calendar will be created and sent to the Board for approval. March 1, 2012 encompass a strategic membership recruiting campaign for 2012. The plan will be disseminated to the Board for review and revision upon completion. The communication plan will be modified and revised to serve as a Board “workplan” – or timeline. Discussion followed on the timeliness and expense of New Perspective. It was determined that a new design/composition service will be explored and that the publication schedule will be refined. Linda McKee and Staff Meeting with Justine Dover to discuss considerations Linda McKee, Editorial Committee and Staff Plan prepared and April 1, 2012 submitted to Board – plan outlines publication timeline and implementation steps. Kelly Evaluate feasibility of expanding AHIA Nueske services into the health plan segment. Discussion followed on the need to target health insurance plans that are qualified for Medicare Advantage (CMS). It was determined that a good approach might be to identify orgs that have a health plan with internal audit function (with auditing and monitoring needs/compliance function) and engage them to provide education to AHIA members. Build EHR/EMR User Groups Board discussed and agreed that there is continued interest in building EMR user groups (e.g., shared list of users to facilitate contact, periodic roundtables by conference call). Discussion followed on whether AHIA should get involved in offering education for PEOPLE SOFT and Lawson and/or offer a webinar on the Security and Internal Controls theme. Communicate needs and benefits Dave recommended that succession plans for each committee leader be developed to identify new leadership. Discussion followed on the clarification of officially recognized AHIA subcommittees and the need to increase recognition/benefit for AHIA committee and subcommittee chairs. The following committees/subcommittees are recognized by AHIA: February 15, 2012 Ask Altegra Health if they can send broadcast communications to their insurance members on behalf of AHIA to help us identify a champion. March 15, 2012 Dagmar Communicate to Technology Committee March 15, 2012 Debra Muscio Communicate topics to Education subcommittees. March 15, 2012 D. Stumph Send succession planning model information to the Board for consideration February 29, 2012 Membership and Awards Committee (MAC) – Debi Weatherford Publications Committee o Editorial Subcommittee – Justine Dover o E-News Subcommittee – Renee Jaenicke o White Paper Subcommittee – Glen Mueller Professional Practice Committee – Dan Clayton Education Committee o Webinar Subcommittee – Russell Harder o Regional Seminar Subcommittee – Andrea Claire o Audit Roundtable Subcommittee – Robert Lund o Annual Conference Planning Committee – ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Technology Committee – Gail Hormats Joyce Notify Committee and subcommittee chairs that the will receive complimentary 2012 Annual Conference registration in appreciation of their service to AHIA February 29, 2012 Board Review Bylaws, P&P and Charters annually April 2012 Board Define Annual June 2012 Conference comp registration program (performance expectations/qualification process) for Committee and subcommittee chairs MSC to extend free 2012 Annual Conference registration to recognized committee and subcommittee chairs as stated above. Discussion followed on the need to institute a standing monthly or quarterly teleconference for AHIA committee and subcommittee chairs, to ensure we are not duplicating efforts and sharing resources. Ongoing consideration will be given to this initiative. Ongoing consideration will be given to reviewing the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Manual and committee charters to ensure all are aligned. In addition, ongoing consideration will be given to defining committee and subcommittee chair performance expectations and a qualification process for next year’s subcommittee conference registration program. 12. New Business None. 13. Unfinished Business Discussion followed on the number of committee surveys requested. After discussion it was determined that based on audience type and timing the committee’s will be given the following survey schedule for 2012: AHIA/LSU Survey (Editorial Subcommittee) Audience: CAEs Only Timing: SPRING 2012 Note: The Board has suggestions on the length of the survey Audit Library/Emerging Issues and Subject Matter Leader Survey (Professional Practices Committee) Audience: entire membership and CAEs member/non-member list Timing: As determined by the committee Note: Survey must be brief Membership Needs Assessment Survey (MAC) Audience: All members Timing: FALL 2012 Note: Board will need to approval prior to dissemination and all committee chair input will be welcome. New Perspectives Readership Survey (Editorial Subcommittee) Audience: All members Timing: FALL 2012 Note: This WILL NOT be a separate survey. New Perspectives readership information will be included in the membership survey Concerns about over surveying and duplication of efforts were discussed. The following guidelines were established for participation in the Member Needs Assessment survey. These guidelines will be communicated to AHIA Committee Chairs: - - Limit section to the 5 most important questions, time them out over the year – so that they are not happening on top of each other and members are not bombarded by too many surveys at once Give consideration of limiting open-ended Board Liaisons Communicate 2012 AHIA Survey schedule and expectations to assigned Committees No later than March 30, 2012 questions Ongoing consideration will be given to offering incentives for 2012 survey participation. 2012 Board and Executive Committee meeting schedules (availability & preferences) M. Prepare and send Board Cunningham and Executive Committee Meeting requests/ reminders After discussion, the 2012 AHIA Board of Directors regular meeting schedule and Executive Committee schedule were established as follows: BOARD OF DIRECTORS (All) March 28, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST May 23, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST July 25, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST AUGUST 29, 2012 - In-person meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference – details to be determined September 26, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST November 28, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Joyce, Bob, Heidi and Mike) February 22, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST April 25, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST June 27, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST NO MEETING IN AUGUST - IN PERSON BOARD MEETING October 24, 2012 - 2:00 pm EST 14. Adjourn MSC to adjourn the meeting at 12:25 pm EST. Directly following the meeting the Executive committee conducted the annual management review of the Resource Center. (*) See AHIA Board Member Only website for documents COMPLETE