赣 南 医 学 院 教 案

赣 南 医 学 院 教 案
教研室:Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Chapter 7 Metabolism of Amino Acids
教师姓名: Wu Suzhen
Clinical medicine major
1. Concept of nitrogen balance and essential amino acids.
2. Four types of deamination of amino acids: transamination, oxidative
deamination, union deamination, non-oxidative deamination.
3. Sources and fates of amino acids.
4. Site of urea synthesis and significance of urea cycle.
5. Concept of one carbon unit.
1. The process of urea cycle.
2. Metabolism of one carbon unit. Formation of one carbon unit.
3. Progress of Nucleotide Excision Repair and Reverse Transcription.
1. Metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids.
2. Metabolism of aromatic amino acids.
1. Concept of nitrogen balance and essential amino acids.
2. Four types of deamination of amino acids: transamination, oxidative
deamination, union deamination, non-oxidative deamination.
3. Sources and fates of amino acids.
4. Site of urea synthesis and significance of urea cycle.
5. Concept of one carbon unit.
Theory of ammonia intoxication.
1. Theaching aid: computer, projector, mike, chalk, ferule, multimedia
2. Theaching means: utilize modernization teaching means and
methods, make good courseware, combine pictures with words well;
integrate languge expression, apporiate writing and teaching with
First give a overview of the source and outlet of ammonia,then
detail it. Narrating the metabolism of ammonia on the base of source and
outlet of ammonia.
Chapter 8 Metabolism of Amino Acids
Section 1 Nutritional Function of Proteins
1.1 The significance of proteins
1.2 The requirements and nutritious value of proteins
Section 2 Digestion, Absorption and Putrefaction
2.1 Digestion
2.2 Absorption
2.3 Putrefaction of proteins
Section 3 General Metabolism of Amino Acid
3.1The sources and fates of amino acids
3.2 Degradation of protein in cells
3.3 The catabolism of amino acids
Section 4 Metabolism of Ammonia
4.1 Source and outlet of ammonia
4.2 Transportation of NH3
4.3 Formation of urea
Section 5 Metabolism of Specific Amino Acid
5.1 Decarboxylation of amino acids
5.2 Metabolism of one carbon unit
5.3 Metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids
5.4 Metabolism of aromatic amino acids
5.5 Metabolism of branched-chain amino acids
People have used a bioinformatics approach for the identification and
reconstruction of metabolic pathways associated with amino acid
metabolism in human mitochondria . Human mitochondrial proteins
determined by experimental and computational methods have been
superposed on the reference pathways from the KEGG data base to identify
mitochondrial pathways.Enzymes at the entry and exit points for each
reconstructed pathway were identified,and mitochondrial solute carrier
proteins were determined where applicable.Enzymes in the mitochondrial
pathways were identified based on the annotations available from public
data bases,evidence in current literature,or our program ,which predicts
the mitochondrial localization of proteins.Through integration of the data
derived from experimental,bibliographical,and computational sources,
we reconstructed the amino acid metabolic pathways in hum an
mitochondria , which could help better understand the mitochondrial
metabolism and its role in hum an health.
⑴ Berg J M,Tymoczko J L,Stryer L. 2002. Biochemistry. 5th
Edition. New York:W.H. Freeman Publishers.
⑵ Devlin T M.. 2002. Textbook of Biochemisrty with Clinical
Correlations. New York: Wiley-Liss.
⑶ Robert K. Murray, Daryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes,et al. 2003.
Harper’s Biochemistry. Stamford:McGraw-Hill.
Sources and fates of ammine.
Master the concept of nitrogen balance and essential amino acid,
physical requirements of proteins, amino acid metabolic pool. Memorize
four types deamination of Amino Acids, the site of urea synthesis,the
process and the significance of urea cycle, and concept and metabolism of
one carbon unit.