Nombre____________________ Hora______ Fecha________ + ¡Viva El Toro ! Capítulo 1 (pp. 1-13) I. Pre-Leer: Can you think of any Spanish cities, famous people, or events that are located in or originate from the south of Spain? If so, list their names. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ II. Palabras Nuevas: Find the following words or phrases in chapter 1 of Viva El Toro. Using words you already know, context clues, and cognates, write a definition of the words or expressions. Use your dictionary if needed. 1. razas (p. 1) __________________ 10. catedral (6) __________________ 2. cara de turista (1) __________________ 11. toro (8) __________________ 3. cartero (2) __________________ 12. el estadio (7) __________________ 4. letrero (2) __________________ 13. pelear (8) __________________ 5. alumnos (2) __________________ 14. mascotas (8) __________________ 6. se queda en casa (2)__________________ 15. naranjos (12) __________________ 7. tu debes ser (2) 16. rabo de toro (13) __________________ __________________ 8. le dieron la mano (3)__________________ 17. gazpacho (13) __________________ 9. estaba emocionada (3)__________________ 18. el calor (13) __________________ III. Lecture: Read chapter 1 (p. 1-13) of Viva El Toro! Use the words and expressions in the exercise above to help you. If a word or a sentence seems difficult, try to work out the most logical meaning for it and read on; you will often figure it out as you go. Do not spend too much time on a single word or sentence. IV. La Familia de Ana- Complete Ana’s “host” family tree with the information provided in Chapter 1. Give their name, gender, age, description, occupation,etc. Info goes in the box, draw their face in the circle. _________________________________________ Ana Girl Student + /40 ¡Viva El Toro! Capítulo 2 (p. 14-19) Nombre___________________ Fecha _______ Hora ____ I. If you could change one thing about your “school” day experience, other than not coming to school at all, what would it be and why (within reason and legality, of course)? This may be the start/end time, lunch, breaks between classes, etc. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ II. Read p. 14 and then match the following vocabulary phrases. _____ 1. cerca de A. private school _____ 2. en su último año B. hard exam _____ 3. un examen muy duro C. must stand _____ 4. sales bien en el examen D. near _____ 5. iban a la capilla E. priests _____ 6. escuela particular F. go to chapel _____ 7 los sacerdotes G. in last year of high school (senior) _____ 8. hacían de pie H. do well on the test III. Continue reading p. 15 and answer these questions. 9. Ana is taking which four courses at the Spanish high school? a. c. b. d. 10. Who does she learn about in history? _________________________________ 11. Why is Ana so surprised in the cafeteria? What is her initial reaction and then what does she realize? IV. Read pp. 16-17. Circle C for CIERTO (True) or F for FALSO (False.) 12. C F Carmen and Ana ate a salad, sandwich, and fries for lunch. 13. C F There is a boy standing at the table next to the girls. 14. C F The tall boy has brown hair and brown eyes. 15. C F The boy’s name is Julio. 16. C F Carmen, Ana, and the boy chat about teachers, soccer, history class, and homework. 17. C F The boy ate two sandwiches, two oranges, and two ice creams. 18. C F The boy asks Anne to go out to a movie with him sometime. V. Continue reading pp. 17-19. Fill in the blank with the correct translation. 19. “That would please me,” she responded. Ana did not ___________ what a tapa was, but she ______________ the idea of ___________________ Julio again. 20. Julio _______________ his books and he ______________. 21. “What are ____________ ?,” Ana asked, when Julio _____________ was there …. 22. Carmen ___________________ her head. 23. Ana was happy _______________________ about Julio. 24. …but she ___________________ talked with one of the most popular boys. 25. “I think that I will really like this ________________, _______________, and _________________...” VI. Now go back and find five preterit verbs and five imperfect verbs from this chapter. They may not be from the same infinitive, so there must be ten totally different verbs listed. Write the Spanish and then a quick English translation and page #. EX: comieron (16) - the ate Preterit-(pg #) - inglés Imperfect-(pg #) - inglés 26. 31. 27. 32. 28. 33. 29. 34. 30. 35. VII. Write five possible “QUIZ” type questions for this chapter (in English) and the correct answers and page number from where you created your question. Please do not reuse any from above. Your questions can be matching, T/F, mult. choice, fill in the blank, short answer, translate, etc…. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. + /30 ¡Viva El Toro! Capítulo 3 (p. 20-27) Nombre __________________ Fecha _________ Hora ____ I. Do you think there is too much violence in the entertainment industry today? Why or why not, please explain. Should children be allowed to watch violent cartoons such as Bugs Bunny or Itchy and Scratchy or play violent video games? Why or why not? Would you let your own children watch or play these things? Beginning at what age? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ II. Read p. 20 and then answer the following questions. 1. Describe Ana’s feelings on page 20, first paragraph. For what reasons was she feeling this way? 2. Afternoon snack consists of? a. b. III. Continue reading p. 21. 9. TRANSLATE: Ana observa que a Pedro le gustaba molestara su hermana. 10. “Una corrida de toros” is a ______________________. 11. What is the news Pedro has for the girls? 12. What is special about the items Papa has purchased? IV. Read pp. 22-23. Number these phrases (1-8) in chronological order as they appear. _____ “Who is Joselito?” asked Ana. _____ Ana was not at all happy. _____ Bullfights don’t exist in the U.S. _____ “It is Juan Cortez,” Pedro told them… _____ …because she lived in a civilized country… _____ For her, the idea of killing a bull seemed horrible. _____ “I like to see the bulls. I want to be a matador!” _____ You’ve never attended a bullfight? V. Read pp. 24-25 and answer these questions. 21. What does Ana believe about bull-fighting (24)? 22. What is the slogan of the protester’s group? 23. Carmen tries to change Ana’s mind about her impression of bullfighting. What does she say to try to convince Ana that she is wrong? (25-Ana, no entiendes…) 24. Why do “boletos de sombra” cost more money? VI. Read pp. 26-27. 25. TRANSLATE: No pensaba que cambiaría* su opinión acerca de los toros pero no lo dijo. ___________________________________________________________________ *cambiaría is a new verb tense—this is the CONDITONAL tense. (would do… ) 26. TRANSLATE: Posiblemente tenga* razón Carmen. __________________________________________________________________ * tenga is a new verb tense—this is the SUBJUNCTIVE tense because the sentence uses “it is possible that” 27. What does “vale” mean? (this is more “slang” ish ) p. 26 28. What day are they going to the “corrida”? (anglais ) 29. What does the “a ti” mean in A ti, te gusta Juan Cortez ???? 30. TRANSLATE the last line: “Ana sabía usa cosa. No comprendía a los españoles.” __________________________________________________________________________ + / 40 ¡Viva El Toro! Capítulo 4 (p. 28-35) Nombre __________________ Fecha _________ Hora ____ I. Would you go see a bullfight? Do you agree with the way the bulls are treated or would you take part in the group of protesters? (5 points) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ II. Read pp. 28-29 and then match the following vocabulary phrases. _____ 1. césped A. in a little bit _____ 2. dentro de poco B. on horseback _____ 3. asientos C. the sound _____ 4. a caballo D. seats _____ 5. el sonido E. all around her _____ 6. estaba emocionado F. was excited _____ 7. el mejor G. the best _____ 8. alrededor de ella H. grass 9. What are the three “toreros”? a. b. c. 10. What is special about the picadors? (31) 11. What do the banderillos do, according to Carmen? (32) III. Continue reading p. 32. 12. C F The first Matador was Juan Cortez. 13. C F The men wore beautiful and elegant costumes. 14. C F The costumes are called suits of light. 15. C F The banderillos costume was red and gold. 16. C F The matador wore a red hat. 17. C F The matador wore shoes similar to ballet shoes. 18. C F Ana heard the sound of another trumpet. 19. C F One of the banderillos was shaking a yellow and green cape. 20. C F The black bull did notice the cape and ran towards it. IV. Read pp. 30-31. Number these phrases (1-8) in chronological order as they appear. _____ The picador hit the bull with his lance. _____ The bull attacked the horse with its horns. _____ The picadors entered. _____ She didn’t want to watch anymore. _____ He (the bull) was running toward the horses and picadors. _____ There were six banderillos. _____ Another trumpet sounded. _____ She was thinking that the show was not as bad as she had imagined. V. Read pp. 32-33 and answer these questions. 21. The three banderillos wore what color costumes? 22. What did the banderillos do with the bull ? 23. Who was in love with Juan Cortez? 24. Top of p. 33, what does Ana decide? 25. One of the banderillos jumped and planted two __________________ in the ______________ of the bull. 26. TRANSLATE: La sangre salía del toro. _________________________________________________________________________ 27. TRANSLATE: Estaba sorprendida de que esto pasara en tiempos modernos. __________________________________________________________________________ VI. Read pp. 34-35 28. What is a capa roja? 29. TRANSLATE : Ana no oyó nada porque había demasiado ruido. 30. What is an espada and what does the matador do with it (35)? ______________________________ He … 31. Everyone was waving “pañuelos” in the air; these are what? 32. What was Ana’s reaction to the killing at the bottom of page 35. Describe or paraphrase her comments. VII. Read p. 35 33. What does Ana tell Carmen? 34. Search the page for the word for “cried” and write it in Spanish _____________ 35. What one thing was she certain about at the last line? + / 40 ¡Viva El Toro! Capítulo 5 (p. 35-41) Nombre __________________ Fecha _________ Hora ____ 1. When Ana was in the car, what did she think was strange about her situation? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Escribe acerca de una vez cuando sentiste diferente del resto del mundo. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What was the outcome of the bullfight for the matador? (Dibuja los premios-prizes) 4. What is the usual gift to the matador for a good fight? ______________ A better fight? _______________ A phenomenal fight? ___________________________ 5. Ana tenía problemas porque no sabía que decir. ¿Qué decidió decir ella? (p. 38) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Translate: “Las palabras le salían como agua de una cascada que baja rápidamente y sin dirección”. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7. What generalization does Carmen make in regards to Ana? (p. 40) ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Who is the only person who isn’t angry with Ana? _________________________ 9. Estás en un país nuevo y no está de acuerdo con los costumbres. ¿Qué haces? ______________________________________________________________________ + /30 ¡Viva El Toro! Capítulo 6-7 (p. 41-54) Nombre __________________ Fecha ___________ Hora ____ I. What is your best advice on how to handle peer pressure ? What would you say to someone who is trying to get you do something you know isn’t what you really agree with? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ II. Read pp. 43-44 and then match the following vocabulary phrases. _____ 1. nunca quería A. cleaned _____ 2. limpiaba B. go by boat _____ 3. nostalgia C. to taste _____ 4. extrañaba D. never wanted to _____ 5. pasear en lancha E. homesickness _____ 6. seguían F. missed _____ 7 estaba acostumbrada G. she was used to them _____ 8. probar H. continued paint III. Continue reading p. 45-46. 9. Locate and write the phrase that means: she would have liked to have seen him more often. 10. What does «Ana esperaba que no.. » mean ? 11.Where were the girls eating their lunch (p. 45)? 12. What is the Spanish word for “war”? 13. “Una voz de bromeo” means what ? Page 47-48. 14. C F Julio says he wants to go to the US because of the cool cars. 15. C F Julio asks Ana to a hockey game. 16. C F The match is on Saturday. 17. C F Ana accepts Julio’s invitation. 18. C F Ana has a math exam to take. IV. Read pp. 49-54 and answer these questions. 21. How do Ana and Julio go to the match (transportation)? 22. Why couldn’t they converse during the trip? 23. What is the Spanish name for a “ticket booth” ? 24. Why don’t they have to get in line to buy tickets? 25. What happened to the tickets? 26. What do they buy because it is so hot? 27. To where does Julio bring Ana next? 28. Ana tries to use the excuse of not having any tickets, but Julio says it’s not a problem because… 29. Who else in Julio’s family is “in the family business” and what do/did they do? 30. What do Ana and Julio do next? Repaso de Viva el toro (40 puntos) Nombre: ____________________________ Answer the questions IN SPANISH as briefly and correctly as possible. Please write clearly! 1. ¿Cómo se llama la ciudad en España en dónde vivía Ana por tres meses? ___________________ 2. ¿Más o menos cuántas horas dura el viaje de California a España para Ana? _________________ 3. El padre es 4. Cuál lugar NO se encuentra en Sevilla (circle one) torre de oro : un cartero el río Guadalquivir un letrero un torero (circle one): catedral de San Pedro la torre de la Giralda 5. Los hombres se dan las manos. ¿Cómo se saludan dos chicas en España? _______ 6. ¿Qué hacen los españoles a la diez de la noche? ________ 7. Que conección hay entre Cristóbal Colón y Sevilla (dos cosas) ___________ ___________ 9. ¿En cuál situación se dice (cuándo se dice) : mi casa es tu casa __________ 10. ¿Qué tiempo hace en Sevilla? ____________________ 11. Por qué no comió rabo (cola) de toro Ana la primera noche en España? ________ 12. Nombra dos cosas que hacen (o enseñan) en la escuela de España que no hacen en las escuelas públicas de los Estados Unidos. ___________________ _____________________ 14. Compara los horarios escolares (school schedules) de los dos paises. ________ 15. Como se llama el libro famoso que Ana tuvo que leer? __________________ 16. ¿Quién fue Francisco Franco? __________________________ 17. ¿Qué son tapas? _________________________________________ 18. ¿Por qué Ana dice que estaba feliz de estar en España hasta cierto día? ¿Qué occurrió ese día? ___________________ 19. ¿Por qué son más caros los boletos de sombra? ___________________ 20. ¿Quién era “Joselito”? _______________________ 21. ¿Cómo se siente (se pone) Ana cuando se habla de una corrida de toros y ¿por qué? ________________________ __________________________ 23. ¿Cuál es una diferencia entre un picador y un banderillero? ____________ 24. ¿Cómo son los trajes de los matadores? _____________ 25. ¿Dónde ponen las banderillas en el toro? y ¿cómo se siente Ana cuando lo hacen? _________________ ___________________ 27. Al final de la corrida, Juan Cortez se quita el sombrero y le pide algo al oficial. ¿Qué le pide? ________________ 28. ¿Por qué extraña California Ana después de la corrida de toros? __________________ 29. Nombra dos cosas que le dieron al matador como premios (prizes) ___________ ____________ 31. Ana fue honesta con la familia de Marco acerca de su opinión de la corrida. ¿Qué le respondió Carmen a Ana? ______________________ 32. Circle four things that Ana wanted to do in Seville: comprar dulces en la Plaza del Cabido pasear en lancha en el río conocer a Francisco Franco ser matador ver el arte en el Museo de Bellas Artes 34. Más o menos - ¿Cuándo fue la Guerra Civil de España? quienes? ____________ comer dulces natillas ¿Quiénes lucharon (pelearon) contra ________________ 35. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre fútbol americano y fútbol español? _____________ 36. ¿Por qué no vieron el partido de fútbol? _______ 37. ¿Cómo es la familia de Julio? ¿Qué hace su padre? _______ 38. Ana se cambió de opinion acerca de (about) las corridas. Explica como es su nueva opinión de los matadores y toros. ________ 40. ¿Cuál fue la diferencia entre _____________________ (between) la primera corrida y la segunda corrida que vio Ana? Vocabulario: Chapter 1 1. razas--races 11. cobija--blanket 2. letrero--sign 12. gazpacho—cold tomato soup 3. hermosura--beauty 13. rabo de toro—bull tail 4. enterrado --buried 14. cola--tail 5. dorado--golden 6. toro--bull 7. corridas--running 8. pelear—to fight 9. mascotas--pets 10. pesadas--heavy Capítulo 2 Vocabulario: 1. la Biblia—the Bible 2. una capilla--chapel 3. las monjas--monks 4. los sacerdotes--priests 5. la Guerra Civil—The Civil War 6. bocadillos--sandwiches 7. churros—fried dough 8. charlaron--chatted 9. tapas--snacks 10. mono--cute Capítulo 3 1. ¡Adivina qué!—Guess what? 2. boletos de sombra—shade tickets (good seats) 3. luchaba--fought 4. torero—bull fighter 5. hacía caso a—pay attention to Capítulo 4 1. césped--grass 11. valientes--courageous 2. un poquito—a little 12. palos--sticks 3. dentro de poco—in a minute 13. bandilleras--darts 4. matador--bullfighter 14. la sangre--blood 5. picador—helps bullfighter 15. capa--cape 6. banderillero—helps bullfighter 16. ruido--noise 7. desfile--parade 17. coraje--courage 8. perseguía--chased 18. espada--sword 9. hacía daño—does harm to 19. pañuelos--handkerchiefs 10. cuernos--horns 20. la matanza--slaughter 11. lanza--spear 21. soportaba--toletate 12. sonó--sounded Capítulo 5 Vocabulario: 1. cabían-- fit 2. odiaban--hated Capítulo 6 1. las olives--olives 2. natillas--custards 3. en lancha—in motorboat 4. una voz de bromeo—in a joking voice 5. vale—let’s go 6. se alejó—(alejarse) to get farther away Capítulo 7 1. vespino--moped 2. la taquilla—ticket office 3. las entradas--tickets 4. los boletos--tickets 5. hacer cola—make a line 6. enfadado—enojado Chapter 8 1. torear—to fight 2. bailarines--dancers 3. disfraces--costumes 4. danzar--bailar 5. honramos—we honor 6. un indulto—pardon, reprieve 7. confundida--confused 8. paella—seafood and rice dish of Spain