How is Sound Detected? As vibrations travel back and forth through a medium, waves scatter energy in all directions 1) Our OUTER ear { ear, ear canal, ear drum} CAPTURES sound waves and FUNNELS them through the ear canal. Sound waves pass through the ear drum, and cause it to vibrate. 2) In the MIDDLE ear {tiny bones-hammer, anvil, stirrup} Sound waves are AMPLIFIED (made louder/bigger) and sent to the inner ear 3) In the INNER ear {cochlea} Sound waves cause liquid and tiny hairs to vibrate. Tiny hairs INTERPET those vibrations, and sends messages to the brain. How is Sound Detected? As vibrations travel back and forth through a medium, waves scatter energy in all directions 1) Our OUTER ear { ear, ear canal, ear drum} CAPTURES sound waves and FUNNELS them through the ear canal. Sound waves pass through the ear drum, and cause it to vibrate. 2) In the MIDDLE ear {tiny bones-hammer, anvil, stirrup} Sound waves are AMPLIFIED (made louder/bigger) and sent to the inner ear 3) In the INNER ear {cochlea} Sound waves cause liquid and tiny hairs to vibrate. Tiny hairs INTERPET those vibrations, and sends messages to the brain.