Cheers - Marzanoartandscienceofteaching

Water Sprinkler
Begin with right hand and arm extended out Dangle arm in front of face. Raise hand
to the right. With jerking motions, swing arm above head making the trumpeting sound of
to the left while saying, “Chhh, Chhh,
an elephant.
Chhh…” Then swing arm smoothly back to
the right while saying, “Shhhhhhh…”
Fred Flintstone
Jalapeño Cheer
Everyone say, “Yabba, dabba dooooooo…!”
Hold an imaginary jalapeño pepper, take a
bit, then fan mouth with hand while
expelling and and say, “HOT!”
Three Stooges
Silent Crowd Cheer
Do a wave motion three times with right arm Wave arms make motions with mouth, and
outstretched toward the person receiving
clap without making a sound. The more
the affirmation. At the same time, say “Nik, animated the better the effect.
NIk, Nik” just like the Three Stooges.
Cheese Grater
Simply cheer, whoop, clap and holler. (Set
volume level before hand.)
Hold an imaginary wedge of cheese in your
right hand and an imaginary cheese grater in
your left hand. Pretend to grate the wedge
of cheese while saying, “_____ is GREAT!
Fireworks Cheer
Seal of Approval
Clap hands above head and say “BANG!”
Extend fingers, bring hands down in front of
body, and wave fingers in the air while
saying, “Shhhhhhhhhhhhh.”
Extend both arms in front of body with hands
together. Keeping arms stiff, clap while
saying, “AR! AR! AR!”
Sitting Ovations
Use both arms to form the letter and say,
Pull upper lip back to expose front teeth and
make very fast, soft clucking noises.
Round of Applause
Either sitting or standing, clap while moving
hands and arms in a circular motion.
Hold right hand above head. With index
finger pointed down, make circular motion
over head while making the sound of a siren.
Finger Snaps
The Gong
Simply snap fingers.
Say “Bonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng,” and move
body back and forth rapidly like “a gong as it
Hold hands with persons nearby and make
wave movements with the joined hands.
(done in a line or circle) or have each person
bow at waist and then raise arms over the
head. Can begin with one side of the room
and move across to the other side.
Extend right arm; hand in a fist. Draw hand
and arm quickly down and back while saying
“YES!” with enthusiasm.
Micro Wave
Say, “Cooooooooooooooooool,
Wave only with your index finger
Pat on the Back
Good for group affirmation. Have the
individual(s) give themselves a pat on the
With the flat of the right hand, hit the thumb
end of the left hand which is in a fist. Do this
three of four times.
Arctic Shiver
Power Whoosh
Clasp forearms, shake body and head, and
with chattering teeth say, “BRRRRRR!”
Clap hands three times, push hands outward
toward individual receiving affirmation, and
say “Whooooooooooooooosh!”
Spider Clap
Place finger tips together with one hand above
the other. Flex fingers open and closed.
Simply clap hands.
Cave Man
Lick index finger, touch the person next to you
and make a sizzling sound (like water on a hot
With knees slightly bent and hands in fists,
draw arms together until fists meet with
elbows bent. Then with a fierce look, make
a “GRRRRRRRR” sound.
We’re Not Worthy
Air Guitar
Bow at the waist, wave hands and arms up and
down slowly while saying, “We’re not worthy,
we’re not worthy.”
Mime playing a guitar with great
Uh Huh!
In a sing song manner, make the “Uh Huh”
sound two times.
Holding an air-guitar, say “thank-you,
thank-you very much” as Elvis would have
said it.
Clam Clap
Alligator Clap
Cup hands, one on top of the other. Using
the wrists as the “hinge”, open and close
hands rapidly as a clam would do.
Extend both arms in front of body with hands
together (one above the other. Keep arms
stiff and clap hands together.
Butterfly Cheer
Finger Snaps
With fingers extended, cross thumbs and
move hands like the “flapping wings of a
Simply snap fingers
Egg Beater
Go “______”
Bend knees slightly. Begin moving them back
and forth as if knocking together. At the
same time, move one arm in a rotating
motion forwards as if winding something.
With fists together, make slow wide circles
outward from body while saying, “Go,
(person’s name), GO _________, Go
Antenna Action
Make up your own…..
Place them on the side head with index
fingers pointed up and other fingers curled
in. Wiggle index fingers back and forth.