When the Rainbow Goddess Wept: Chapter Summaries & Reactions


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Journals on When the Rainbow Goddess Wept

Chapter 1-Rumblings of War

Summary: Chapter 1 describes about the characters in the book, it also describes about the invasion of Japan in Philippines and how people think and do about the war in

Philippines. In the beginning of the chapter, it describes about the confession that

Yvonne and Esperanza have to do and Yvonne puts concupiscence as one of her sins. In this chapter, it describes Sanny who is Japanese and has a sari-sari store where she sells standard supplies and candies that Esperanza and Yvonne like to eat or buy daily goods that they need. Esperanza and Yvonne’s parents and the friends of the parents discuss about the invasion of Japan. Angeling, the mother of Yvonne say that the Americans would wipe out the Japanese if they there to attack and there is the USAFFE in Filipinos and airplanes to protect them, but Lourdes, Esperanza’s mother say that the airplanes are antiques and the USAFFE looks like boy scouts.

Reaction: It is funny that Yvonne told the priest that one of her sins was concupiscence and that it makes me believe if she actually did something that is related to concupiscence or if she used it because Mother Ignacia defined it to the class. When I was reading the conversation between the adults, it seems like the people in Ubec do not really care about war and say it as if the war does not relate to anything that they do and all they do is talk about it and do not talk about evacuating from the town.

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Chapter 2-First Casualties

Summary: Chapter 2 describe about Esperanza and Yvonne taking Sumi, the daughter of

Sanny to the Royal Theatre where they will show acrobat performance, it describes about why Yvonne’s grandfather, Lolo Peping hates the Americans, and Sanny’s shop being burned down. Esperanza and Yvonne takes Sumi to the Royal Theatre to watch the acrobat performance, but Sumi starts crying and caused them to leave the theatre because people were complaining. Lolo Peping talks to Yvonne and her family that he does not trust Americans for what they have done in the Philippine-American war, how the Americans killed more than 216,000 Filipinos. This chapter also describes about

Sanny’s shop being burned down and Sanny and Sumi died. The fire was caused by someone because there was a rumor that Sanny’ husband is a Japanese spy.

Reaction: It makes me feel really sad that immigrants that came to Philippines get killed or their property burned down just because the country is an enemy. I do not understand why it is hard to understand that coming from an enemy country does not mean that that person is an enemy. Sanny, her husband and Sumi came to Philippines 4 years ago and

Sanny and Sumi still have to get killed just because there was a rumor that her husband was a Japanese spy. It is sad that people can focus about country being an enemy that they just kill people that come from that country that could be just an immigrant.

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Chapter 3-The Visitor

Summary: Chapter 3 talks about Tecla, the mistress of Mario, who is the husband of

Lourdes (Esperanza’s mother) visiting Lourde, this chapter also describes how

Esperanza cutting her hair and the dream that Laydan that she tells to Esperanza and

Yvonne. Tecla visits Lourdes to tell that the Japanese are invaded Manila and that the army including Mario is starving. This chapter describes about Esperanza showing the picture of her father and mother to Yvonne and cut her hair because she thinks that she is ugly. Bitong is described a little in this chapter that he lives with Yvonne’s family and that he treasures the shoes that he got from Nando. This chapter describes and the dream that she was watched and she tells story to Esperanza and Yvonne that is about vanity is bad for people and can cause war and killing.

Reaction: I think a reactive person because she cuts her hair when she thinks that she is ugly. It surprises me how Esperanza reacts to things that happen to her. It must be because I am Japanese, but it makes me feel really upset when Esperanza said that

Japanese are mean and vain. It sounds as if all Japanese are mean and vain and that

Japanese are bad. I can not blame it because she is still a child and takes straight forward that Japanese are bad, but it still makes me upset that the Filipinos say that all

Japanese are bad.

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Chapter 4-The Decision

Summary: Chapter 4 describe about Lola Beatrize, grandmother of Yvonne, her first husband, how she and Lolo Peping met, Lolo Peping losing his money in cockfight and the decision that Nando makes the decision to leave Ubec. Lola Beatrize was a hardworking businesswoman and pretends that her husband did not do things that were disgrace. Her first husband likes to drink and was a disgrace. After Lola Beatrize’s husband dies by an accident, she starts a funeral business and stops it after she met Lolo

Peping and he tells her to stop. This chapter also describes how Lolo Peping lost his money on a cock fight because he heard his wife told him The Rhode Island Red but the cock lost. It is also about Nando making the decision to leave Ubec after he makes a fruit cake. Yvonne has to leave her house, grandfather, aunt and cousin and go to


Reaction: I wonder why Lola Beatrize, the grandmother of Yvonne who was very bright and talented, actually married to a man who loved to drink and disgraced himself and her by doing things that were very embarrassing. I think it is funny that Yvonne’s father,

Nando cooks something like a fruitcake when he is making an important decision. If I were in Nando’s situation, I would probably think hard on thinking about the important decision.

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Chapter 5-The Trip

Summary: Chapter 5 describe about the trip of Yvonne’s family, how Nando and

Angeling met, Yvonne having lice, and about Laydan. During the trip in the boat,

Yvonne’s parents talked about memories including how they both met each other in university gym when Angeling hurt her leg and Nando helped her to her house. This chapter describes how Yvonne’s family has to go to Malaybalay for safety and its describes about Yvonne getting lice and gets her hair cut and Nida talks about how her husband Max is used to American ways that he is frightened about things that Filipino are used to. This chapter describes more about Laydan about how she learned epics from Inuk and her dream that she told Esperanza and Yvonne, becoming true during the trip to Doctor Menez’s place.

Reaction: It makes feel happy that Yvonne’s father and mother love each other and

Yvonne has a happy family. Even at troubles, the family is being happy and comforts each other, laughing at the memories that have happened. (During the boat trip) It makes me feel sick that a Japanese soldier can rape an American nurse and can blind her, cut her tongue and arms. I also can’t believe that they can simply rape the women that were survivor of the death march. I can not believe that the Japanese soldiers can do these kinds of things just because it is war.

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Chapter 6-Baby Brother

Summary: Chapter 5 mostly describes about Angeling trying to bear a child and it also describes about how Nando think about people. He talks to Yvonne that there are good people and bad people, even the Japanese, there are good people and bad people, though it seems hard to understand. This chapter describes how Yvonne’s family travel fast and has to hide in a thicket for her mother, Angeling to bear a child because the Japanese were close to them and they might find Yvonne’s family and do harm to them. Yvonne and the others go into deeper part of the thicket because they can not move Angeling and have to hide from the Japanese. After the Japanese passed them without finding

Yvonne’s family, Yvonne and the others find out that Angeling is ok but the baby died.

Reaction: It makes me feel good that Yvonne’s father acknowledges that there are good

Japanese as well as bad Japanese, as how it is in good American and bad American. It makes me feel better because most of the Filipino think and say that all the Japanese are bad. It makes me sad that Yvonne’s brother has died during the child birth and that it makes me feel questioning about how Filipino’s religion. I wonder how they get

Christianity and their local religion being mixed together. It makes me feel that Yvonne is a humble girl because she prays for her brother that he does not end up a limbo for not being baptized.

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Chapter 7-Doc Menez

Summary: Chapter 7 describe about Yvonne and her family reaching to Doc Menez’s home, it also describe about Doc Menez, and the tragedy that happened after he came back home. Doc had a special ability to see people’s aura and determine how the person was by the color of the aura. By using this ability, it helped him being a doctor and he would go o far away places to help his patient. Before Doc went to his trip to help a woman in labor, he saw dark aura in his family but he ignored it hoping that he was imaging. But when he came back from the trip, he saw his family, killed by the Japanese soldiers who were after Doc for helping the guerilloeros. Laydan tells Yvonne that goddess Meybuyan will take care of Yvonne’s brother and the Docs children that has died.

Reaction: It makes me feel really upset how Japanese soldier can kill the wife and the children who is innocent and did not help Doc to help the guerilloeros. I can not believe that people can become inhumane that they can kill woman and children just because it is the order from the military. I think I can understand why Nida swore so much and hated the Japanese because they killed the Doc’s family who were innocent and had nothing to do with Doc’s doings.

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Journals on When the Rainbow Goddess Wept

Chapter 8-Women Warriors

Summary: Chapter 8 describe about Yvonne’s family arriving at a new place to stay as home and a Japanese soldier demands food but Yvonne’s mother rejects. After Yvonne’s family has settled into the house, Doc Menez did not move or eat and was absent-minded until at night, Doc Menez suddenly went insane and screamed for his wife and children. Doc Menez was tied to a pole to prevent him from killing someone when going berserk. Doc Menez cried for his wife and children later on after he had a fight with Max when he was drunk and mocked Nida. Yvonne’s mother raised chickens from chicks and when a Japanese soldier came to threaten food, she resisted and caused the Japanese soldier to leave. When Yvonne’s mother made the Japanese soldier to leave,

Yvonne saw her mother as Bongkatolan the woman warrior.

Reaction: I think it is funny when Yvonne got scared of the coconut rat when it fell onto the ground at night. I would have done something similar that Yvonne’s mother did when the Japanese soldier demanded for the chicken. I would not want to give any to him because the chickens were raised from chicks and the chickens are important in giving eggs for us to eat. Yvonne’s mother was brave to actually reject the Japanese soldier’s demand and I think that Yvonne is right about her mother being like the

Bongkatolan the woman warrior who was brave and strong.

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Chapter 9-Weeping

Summary: Chapter 9 describe about the sad news from the letter that Lourdes sent to

Mama and Esperanza getting angry at Laydan for killing the turtle that Yvonne played with and made it into turtle soup. A letter came from Lourdes that the USAFFE bombed

Ubec before the Japanese invasion and during the bombing, Lolo Peping was killed from a brick hitting his head, and Esperanza cut her arm during the bombing when she was playing with the kitchen knife. The letter also describe that there is shortage of supplies in the city and that Lourdes is having hard time getting food. Esperanza thinks about Lolo Peping who has died and she hopes that he would be heaven with his beloved Lola Beatrize. When Laydan said to Yvonne that she made turtle soup, Yvonne was angry at her because Laydan killed the turtle that she played with.

Reaction: If I was Yvonne when I heard the news, I would be really sad because my grandfather died when I was not even near him and he died from a brick that was caused by the bombing done by the USAFFE. Even though Lolo Peping is avail to go to heaven where his wife, Lola Beatrize who he loves the most, it still makes me sad that he has died. I do not blame Yvonne to take out her anger on Laydan after hearing the sad news and that Laydan killed the turtle that she was playing with, but it makes me feel sad when I think about how Laydan felt when Yvonne took her anger on her.

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Chapter 10-The Prisoner

Summary: Chapter 10 is a very short chapter and it describes about the Japanese prisoner that the guerrilleros captured. The Guerrilleros captured a Japanese soldier after a squirmish and Yvonne’s father was in charge to keep the prisoner and turn him to be tried in military trial. The prisoner tells Yvonne’s father and Yvonne that he is a teacher and that he has a daughter like Yvonne named Akemi. Yvonne’s father killed the prisoner when the prisoner escaped during the transportation to headquarters to be trialed. Yvonne’s father is tired of this war of killing each other but he hates the feeling how he actually enjoyed pulling the trigger and killing the prisoner.

Reaction: It makes me sad that a person like Yvonne’s father can become excited about killing someone and actually enjoy killing but he hates the feeling how he enjoys killing.

If I were him, I would feel bad and would be like him and hate the feeling of enjoying killing someone. It is also sad that a man who is a father and has a daughter has to go war for the Japanese and gets killed compared to Yvonne’s father who does not have to go war for his country and can see his daughter everyday. If I were the Japanese man, I would wish that this war was over and that I can go back to Japan to see my daughter.

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Chapter 11-Old Flame

Summary: Chapter 11 describes about Gil Alavrez, the former governor of Ube coming to the mountain hideout where Yvonne’s family stays and describes Gil Alavrez. It also talks about Gil Alavrez asking Yvonne’s father to help the guerilla. Gil Alvarez and

Yvonne’s mother both loved each other when they were young and they planned on marrying, but Yvonne’s mother married Nando, and Gil married to another woman. The chapter describes about Gil asking Yvonne’s father to help the guerrilla because they need engineers and Yvonne’s father agrees to help the guerrilla. At dinner, Gil talks about how Yvonne’s mother is like his grandmother’s grandmother who fought in the

Phillippine-American war, after Yvonne told him the story of her mother chasing away the Japanese soldier.

Reaction: It must have been hard for Gil Alavrez who was talented in sports and politics, was captured by the Japanese soldiers and tortured, beaten. Gil’s wife was raped and killed and his most of his children were killed too. If I were him, I would be furious at the Japanese soldiers who have taken my wife and children’s life and tortured me. It is amazing how Gil’s grandmother was so brave like a man that she fought in the

Philippine-American war and even though she only had one leg, she went to enemy territory to deliver the Filipino flag.

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Chapter 12-Death of an Epic Singer

Summary: Chapter 12 describes about Laydan’s death and Laydan’s favorite story of

Tuwaang, and the Maiden of the Buhong Sky. Yvonne was embarrassed of being angry at Laydan but Laydan talked to her as nothing ever happened. Laydan tells to Yvonne about the first time she saw Inuk and how she knew 10 songs and Inuk was going to let her sing at a wedding but she could not sing and she left because she did not have the face to talk to Inuk. When Laydan was dieing, she gave Yvonne a beaded vest that belonged to Inuk. After Laydan has died, Yvonne told the story about Tuwaang and the

Maiden of the Buhong Sky to ease her grief and honor Laydan. Yvonne has remembered all the stories that Laydan has told her and that she thought that Laydan would be proud of her.

Reaction: I think it is sad that Laydan, the house cook in the family died. She has told stories to Yvonne and Esperanza and I think she would be very proud of Yvonne that she remembers all the stories that she has told and that Yvonne can tell them to people.

Laydan must have felt bad when she learned 10 hard songs from Inuk, but when she was going to sing for a wedding, she was not able to sing at all. If I were Yvonne, I would keep the beaded vest as a memento of Laydan and Inuk, who Laydan admired from the heart.

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Chapter 13-The Move

Summary: Chapter 13 describes about the events that happened on the trip of Yvonne’s family, moving to Taytayan from their mountain hideout. Yvonne’s mother wanted to take the chickens but most of them have to killed because it is inconvenient and impractical to carry them. This chapter describes about Doc Menez burning down his house because he did not want the Japanese use it for shelter. It describes about

Yvonne’s parents clearing the grave of her younger brother and put flowers on it. The women went on the boat because there was not enough space in the submarine. A gold bullion which was supposed to be with the men was in Yvonne’s mother’s basket and when the Japanese soldier came to inspect all the bags, Nida saved them by luring the

Japanese soldier away and had sex with him to prevent him from inspecting there bags.

Reaction: When I think about Doc Menez, I feel really bad about his family killed, and I think that I would have done the same thing by burning down the house to forget about the incidence and to not let the Japanese soldier use it as shelter.

It is really lucky that Nida managed to save Yvonne, Angeling and her life by distracting the Japanese soldier and having sex with him. Even though it is a great sacrifice, I think that Nida was brave and quick thinking to save their lives from gold bullion being found out and getting killed.

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Chapter 14-Fears

Summary: Chapter 14 describes about Yvonne’s family arriving at Taytayan, Yvonne’s mother fearing to lose Yvonne, and Nida does not want to bear a child. After the

Yvonne’s family arrived at Taytayan, they were safe because they were in guerilla protection, but they feared because they had time to think about the possibilities that would happen in this war. Yvonne wanted to fly but it is impossible, so she went to the sea and reflected on what has happened during the war while she was floating. When

Yvonne was floating, her mother told her that Yvonne was far too out, and when Yvonne pretended to not hear, her mother swam up to her. Yvonne’s mother did not want to lose

Yvonne like how she lost her son. This chapter also descries about Nida becoming pregnant and hating the child and discussing what to she should do.

Reaction: When Yvonne’s mother told Yvonne that she did not want to lose Yvonne like how she lost her son, it touched me and makes me think how mothers really love their child and become protective about the child if one of the children dies. If I were in the position of Yvonne’s family, I would fear about what would happen if the war kept on continuing and I would think about what has happened during the war like how the

Yvonne’s family had time to fear the outcome of war.

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Chapter 15-Bitong

Summary: Chapter 15 describes about Bitong accidentally cutting off his toe with a machete when he was with Doc Menez in mountains and he heard a gunshot distracting him to do the accident. This chapter also describes more about Bitong. Doc Menez tried using leech to circulate the blood into the toe but it did not work and after going to faith healer, and to 2 medical experts, Bitong had to amputate the toe. Bitong was very sad because he did not wear the leather shoes that Yvonne’s father gave it to him because he treasured it and he thinks that people that do not have toe walks funny. In this chapter, it talks about how Bitong came to Yvonne’s household at 10 years old and living with them for a long time. The chapter also describes about Doc wants to be crucified like

Jesus and it also describes about Yvonne finding out that Nida does not want the baby which she got pregnant from the Japanese soldier.

Reaction: I feel bad for Bitong that he has to amputate his toe just because he accidentally cut his toe when he was distracted from a gun shot. It must be hard for him because he thinks that people that have no toe walks awkward and he did not wear the leather shoes that he got from Yvonne’s father when he still had his toe. I think it is ironic for Nida that when she wanted a baby with Max, she never gets any baby but when he had sex with a Japanese soldier, she becomes pregnant.

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Journals on When the Rainbow Goddess Wept

Chapter 16-Deathless Man

Summary: Chapter 16 describes about the enchanted black giant in the backyard of

Yvonne’ house and the story of deathless man and Tuwaang. The black giant makes him visible in the moonlight and he stays under the Jackfruit tree which is in the backyard.

Yvonne always asks permission from the giant to sit on the tree. The story of Deathless man and Tuwaang is about the Deathless man forcing Maiden of Monawon to marry him but the great hero Tuwaang who was sent by the deities tries to prevent the

Deathless man because the Deathless man can not match the three dowry items, golden gong, flute, and guitar that Tuwaang brought, which the items were sent from the deities to save the Maiden. The Deathless man does not want to acknowledge that he can not marry the maiden and he has a fight with Tuwaang. Tuwaang finally notices that the flute that he brought has the soul of the Deathless man and he breaks the flute to kill the

Deathless man and free the maiden.

Reaction: I realize that the Philippines have the same custom of having dowries for marriage, as how it was in Things Fall Apart but in this story the groom has to match the dowries to get a proper marriage but in Things Fall Apart , they haggle the price of dowries. It is interesting how they have different ways in marriage with the dowries.

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Chapter 17-Doc’s Crucifixion

Summary: Chapter 17 describes about Doc Menez’s crucifixion, and Nida telling Max about she being pregnant, which is not the child born from Max and Nida. Doc was going to crucify himself because he believes that God has told him to do to have salvation. Doc decides to be crucified on Good Friday and takes a 1 km detour because the Virgins wanted to see him from their balcony, carrying the cross. Doc was tied to the cross instead of being nailed because Yvonne’s father suggested him that if he maims himself he can’t help people. Many people from other places came to the enemy territory just see Doc carrying the cross and getting crucified. After Doc was on the cross, he stopped breathing after 7 minutes. Everybody thought he was dead, but he was alive again and everybody was happy that Doc was living. After Doc’s crucifixion, Nida told Max that she was pregnant but the child was not Max’s. Max accepted the baby and he was still happy even though it was not his baby.

Reaction: I am surprise how people in the Philippines take crucifixion very seriously and that they prepare everything for the crucifixion and that people actually come from somewhere to enemy territory just to see the crucifixion. I can tell by these actions that

Philippines is a very religious country and that they take religious ceremonies or acts very seriously. When I was reading, I thought Doc would die but I am glad that he lives.

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Chapter 18-The Alvarezs

Summary: Chapter 18 describes about Gil and Yvonne’s father talking about the

Americans, it describes about the Alvarezs, and about Cristobal. Gil and Yvonne’s father argue about how the Americans treat Filipinos and protect Philippines. Gil say that the

Americans discriminates Filipinos and that the Filipinos should fight for themselves than waiting for America who does not help and just retreated out of Philippines.

Yvonne’s father says that the Americans are honorable people and he likes Americans because he has lived in America and knows about it. Yvonne’s father believes that the

Americans are trustworthy people and would help the Philippines. The Alvarez was a family of Patriot and that they hated Americans because they have fought war with the

Americans during the Philippine-American war. Cristobal has change since the massacre of his family and the war. Cristobal became obnoxious and childish because he is hurt inside from the incidents.

Reaction: By reading the argument between Yvonne’s father and Gil, I think about how people have their own opinion about the Americans and that even though Gil had the opinion like Yvonne’s father, he notices that the Americans do not help the Filipinos, and he thinks that the Filipinos should fight for themselves. I think this is what I would do because just waiting for help does not get anywhere and I would rather take action.

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Chapter 19-Men from the Sky

Summary: Chapter 19 describes about what other people has done after Doc’s crucifixion, dream that Yvonne saw, and Japanese plane with 3 soldiers falling and 2 of them survived. After Doc’s crucifixion, it gave courage to others such as Nida to tell the truth about herself being pregnant, Yvonne’ mother and Nida used their money to buy a sow to make litter and use them to barter goods. Yvonne sees a dream about herself flying and fly with Laydan, but after Laydan disappears, see saw three men dropping from a cloud and only had puddle of blood. The chapter also describes about Japanese plane falling and 2 Japanese soldiers survived from drowning. After the 2 Japanese soldiers were onto shore and were send to the headquarters, the guerrillas find out that one of the Japanese soldiers is Isoroku Yoshida, the Chief of Staff for Japan.

Reaction: I think that the dream that Yvonne saw was foreshadowing of the

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Chapter 20-Martin Lewis

Summary: Chapter 20 describe about the visit of Martin Lewis to Yvonne’s house for dinner.

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Chapter 21-Deception

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Chapter 22-Waiting

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Chapter 23-The Ring

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Chapter 24-The Funeral

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Chapter 25 Liberation

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Chapter 26-Good bye, Laydan
