Vita - Texas State University

Audrey McKinney
August 2010
I. Academic/Professional Background.
A. Audrey McKinney
Associate Professor of Philosophy
B. Education.
PhD, 1977. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philosophy.
Dissertation: ‘Conditional deontic logic’.
BA, with high honors, 1970. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.
C. University experience.
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Texas State University-San
Marcos. 1988-present.
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, 1979-1987.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland
Baltimore County, 1975-1979.
Teaching Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, 19731975.
Instructor, Department of Philosophy, University of Delaware, 1972.
II. Teaching.
A. Teaching honors and awards.
Non-Traditional Student Association, Professor of the Year, 2010.
Liberal Arts Teaching Award, 2006.
Honors Professor of the Year, 2003.
Alpha Chi, National Honor Scholarship Society, “Favorite Professor”, 1994,
B. Courses taught.
Graduate: Environmental ethics and aquatic resources; Environmental ethics;
Sustainability studies (interdisciplinary, team-taught); Images of women.
Undergraduate: Cognitive science; Contemporary ethical theory; Elementary
logic; Environmental ethics; Ethics; Feminist theory; Formal systems; Images of
women; Introduction to scientific inquiry; Introduction to Philosophy; Methods of
reasoning; Modal logic; New and Old World Philosophy (Honors); Philosophical
explorations in film (Honors); Philosophy and contemporary issues (Death and
dying); Philosophy and contemporary issues (Rights and duties); Philosophy and
critical thinking; Philosophy and film; Philosophy and public policy; Philosophy
of language; Philosophy of sex and love; Philosophy of science; Philosophy of
sport; Social and political philosophy; Symbolic logic.
C. Graduate theses/dissertations or exit committees.
Aquatic Resources: Doctoral dissertations (reader): Michael Small (Summer
2007), Ken Mix (Summer 2010). In progress: Mimi Wallace, Jake Jacobson.
Communication Studies: Master’s theses (reader): Kahala Crayton (Spring
2000), Ashley Weeks (Fall 1997), Lisa Coppelletta (Spring 1997).
Communication Studies: Exit examinations: Lisa Ramirez (Spring 2004), Amy
Lopez (Spring 2004); Angie Cunningham (Spring 2003); Amy Gready (Spring
Education: Doctoral dissertation: Lisa Korth (December 2008).
English: Master’s theses (reader): Jill Bosche (Spring 2010); Parrish Conkling
(Spring 2010), Bettina Ramon (Fall 2009); Kristy Peloquin (Spring 2009); Ashley
Bourgeois (Spring 2009); Lauren Dixon (Spring 2006); Jessie Herrada (Spring
2006); Catherine Harper (Fall 2005), Elizabeth Talafuse (Spring 2005), Tina
Zigon (Spring 2005), Heather Strain, (Fall 2004), Gabe Reynolds (Spring 2004),
Amy Thitges (Spring 2003), Brenda Duge (Spring 2001), Adena Rojas (Spring
2000), Lisa Thornhill (Fall 1999).
English: Exit examinations: Joshua Book (Spring 2006), Allison Ditton (Spring
Geography: Doctoral dissertations (reader). In Progress: Christine Coats, Jamie
Mass Communication and Journalism: Master’s theses (reader): Whitney Sklar
(Spring 2005).
Mass Communication and Journalism: Exit examinations: Lydia Adams (Fall
2008); Rowan Robb (Fall 2007), Casey Hugman (Spring 2007), Amanda Hatch
(Spring 2005); Sarah Lohn (Fall 2004).
Occupational Education: Masters examination: Brian Cashman (Spring 2010),
Brenda Clarke (Fall 2009); Vanessa Westbrook (Fall 2006); Shirley Pena
(Summer 2000).
Political Science: Masters examination: Eric Unruh (Spring 2007).
Public Policy Program: Applied research projects (reader): Jean Whitley Pratt
(Fall 2000), Catherine Gorham (Spring 2000), Christine McCormick (Fall 1999),
Carey Welebob (Fall 1998), Bobbie Owens (Fall 1996).
Recreation: Exit examination: Lonneke Elsaker (Fall 2009).
Sociology: Master’s theses (reader): Michelle Edwards (Spring 2009); Amanda
Pitts (Fall 2008); Nicole Farris (Spring 2008); Staci Osterkamp (Fall 2007), Kay
Newling (Summer 2007), Chandra Ward (Fall 2005); Amber Deane (Summer
2005); Valerie Trujillo (Summer 2005); Michelle Lester (Spring 2005); Christine
McCown (Fall 2004); Alisa Denham (Fall 2004); Laura Hopingardner (Summer
2002); John Emerson (Summer 2000), Paul Wilson (Fall 1994).
Technology: Exit examinations: Carie Mendiola (Spring 2010), Ted Cera (Fall
2008); John “Chris” Ford (Fall 2006); Keith Hanson (Summer 2001).
D. Courses prepared and curriculum development.
Developed a master’s level and undergraduate independent study courses for the
Women’s Studies minor (both to be offered Fall 2010).
Developed a master’s-level graduate Internship in Applied Philosophy and Ethics
as a permanent offering in the Philosophy curriculum.
Developed a doctoral-level Environmental Ethics and Aquatic Resources course,
a required Philosophy course in the Aquatic Resources doctoral program.
Developed and introduced both graduate (master’s-level) and undergraduate
courses in Environmental Ethics, regular offerings in the Philosophy curriculum.
Developed and introduced graduate and undergraduate courses in Philosophy of
Sex and Love into the Philosophy curriculum as permanent offerings.
Developed and introduced a graduate (master’s-level) course in Philosophy of
Sport as a permanent offering in the Philosophy curriculum.
Developed and introduced Feminist Theory into the Philosophy curriculum as a
permanent offering.
Re-conceived and re-structured the graduate (master’s-level) and undergraduate
courses in Images of Women for the curriculum in Women’s Studies.
III. Scholarly/creative.
A. Works in print.
1. Books edited.
New and old world philosophy, with Vincent Luizzi (Prentice Hall, 2001)
2. Refereed journal articles.
‘Love and lust: a phenomenological investigation’ (with Geoffrey Gordon). The
journal of the British society for phenomenology. January (2010).
‘Hobbes and the state of nature: where are the women?’ Southwest philosophical
studies (Spring 1993).
‘On a supposed inconsistency in J. S. Mill’s utilitarianism’ (with Glenn Joy).
Southwest philosophical studies (Spring 1992).
‘What mathematics isn’t’ (with John McCleary). Mathematical intelligencer 8
‘The completeness of monotonic modal logics’ (with Brian F. Chellas).
Zeitschrift fur mathematische logic und grundlagen der mathematik 21 (1975).
3. Abstracts.
‘A look at Laura Kipnis’ Against love: or, is adultery really the path to utopia?’
Southwest philosophical studies (Spring 2005).
‘Same-sex marriage: what’s love got to with it?’ Southwest philosophical studies
(Spring 2004).
‘Singer, speciesism, and the problem of moral callousness’. Southwest
philosophical studies (Spring 2003).
‘Plato, guardian mothers, and the reproduction of the ideal state’, Southwest
philosophical studies (Spring 1995).
‘Love or lust: the Puritan’s dilemma’ (with Jeffrey Gordon), Southwest
philosophical studies (Spring 1994)
4. Book reviews.
Of Saxonhouse, A. Women in the history of political thought. The American
political science review 80 (1986) (with Mary L. Shanley).
Of Hartsock, N. Money, sex, and power. Journal of politics 47 (1985) (with
Mary L. Shanley).
Of MacMillan, C. Women, reason and nature. Politcal theory 11 (1983) (with
Mary L. Shanley).
5. Other reviews.
Of Urquhart, D. ‘Decidability and the finite model property’ Journal of
philosophical logic 10 (1981). Mathematical reviews (1983).
Of Toth, K. ‘Completeness in nonsimple and stable modal logics’ Acta
cybernetica 4 (1980). Mathematical reviews (1982).
Of Takano, M. ‘Valid sequents in many-valued logics’. Annals of the Japanese
association for the philosophy of science 5 (1980). Mathematical reviews (1982).
Of Thomason, S. K. ‘Independent propositional modal logics’ Studia logica 39
(1980). Mathematical reviews (1981).
Of Kron, A. ‘Decision procedures for two positive relevance logics’ Studia
logica 39 (1978). Mathematical reviews (1981).
Of Nute, D. ‘Conversational scorekeeping and conditionals’ Journal of
philosophical logic 9 (1980). Mathematical reviews (1981).
6. Other.
‘From "Feminism and Philosophy" to "Feminist Theory"', The University
Women's Network Newsletter. October 1988.
B. Works not in print: Papers presented at professional meetings.
‘Are utilitarians as plentiful as blackberries?’ (with Glenn Joy), paper presented at
the New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 2010.
‘Comments on Roksana Alavi’s ‘Identity, stereotyping, and oppression’, paper
presented at the New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 2009.
‘But I thought I was playing baseball!!!’, paper presented at the New
Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 2007.
‘Nipping at Lady Astell’s heels: a reply to Professor Fulmer’, paper presented at
the New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 2007.
‘Kant, Maria von Herbert, and Adrienne Rich: a provocative threesome’, paper
presented at the Gender and Enlightenment Conference, Texas State University,
April 2007.
‘A look at Laura Kipnis’ Against love: or, is adultery really the path to utopia?’,
paper presented at the New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April
'Same-sex marriage: what’s love got to do with it? ', paper presented at the New
Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 2004.
'Singer, speciesism, and the problem of moral callousness', paper presented at the
New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 2003.
'Plato, guardian mothers, and the reproduction of the ideal state', paper presented
at the New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 1994.
'Love or lust: the Puritan's dilemma' (with Jeffrey Gordon), paper presented at the
New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society, April 1993.
'Feminism and the politics of "Queer Liberation": collision or collusion?', paper
presented to South Central Women's Studies Association Conference, March
'Empowerment of women: The relevance of feminist research to social change',
paper accepted for presentation at Eleventh Annual Conference on Gender and
Communication, March 1992.
'On the possibility of feminist futures', paper presented to the Tenth Annual
Conference on Gender and Communication, March 1992.
'Feminist pedagogy: gender and race in the classroom', paper presented to Ninth
Annual Conference on Research in Gender and Communication, March 1991.
'On teaching feminist theory', presented to Ninth Annual Conference on Research
in Gender and Communication, March 1991.
'Women and Peace: Sex and an Ethic of Caring', New York State Political
Science Association, April 1985.
C. Grants and contracts.
1. Funded external grants and contracts.
‘Connecting dialog, critical thinking, and The New York Times: an innovative
teaching philosophy’ (with Vincent Luizzi (principal investigator)), proposal to
the New York Times, 2004-present.
‘Environmental ethics and the stewardship of the San Marcos River’, proposal to
Texas Council for the Humanities (TCH), 1999.
2. Submitted, but not funded, external grants and contracts.
‘Diverse philosophical voices in America’ (with Vincent Luizzi), proposal to
Comprehensive Program Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
(FIPSE), 1993.
‘A multicultural introduction to philosophy’ (with Vincent Luizzi), proposal to
Comprehensive Program Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
(FIPSE), 1992.
IV. Service.
A. University.
1. Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate (1999-2002, 2004-2008)
Faculty Liaison (1998-1999, 2002-2004, 2008- )
2. Committee service.
Honors Program Committee (1993- )
Honors Course Proposal Review Committee (2005, 2007)
Honors Scholarship Committee (1998-2004)
Multicultural and Gender Studies Advisory Committee (1996- )
Women’s History Month Planning Committee (2005- )
Presidential Award for Excellence in Service Committee (2004- )
Liberal Arts Review Group (2003-2005, 2006)
Search Committee, Director of the Honors Program
Search Committee, Director of Multicultural and Gender Studies
Search Committee, Associate Director of the Honors Program
Muriel Muir Mentoring Award Committee (2001)
Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching Committee (2000)
Presidential Upper-level Scholarship Committee (1994-1998)
Liberal Arts Research Enhancement Grant Committee (1997-1998, 2002-2003)
3. Other.
Sustainability group (2008- )
Women and Gender Research Collaborative
Faculty Advisor, Environmental Action Organization (2008)
Organized and moderated a panel discussion, ‘The diverse voices of feminism’,
Philosophy Dialogue Series (Spring 2008)
Organized and moderated two panel reading/discussions on ‘The philosophic
poetics of Maya Angelou’, Philosophy Dialogue Series (Spring, Fall, 2008)
‘Milagros: made in Mexico’, film presentation and discussion with filmmakers.
Organized in conjunction with The Common Experience (Fall 2006)
Moderator, ‘Sustainability and environmental justice’, Ethnicity, Race, and Place
Conference (Texas State University-San Marcos) (Fall 2006).
Presenter, ‘Infusing the images and realities of women’, Multicultural Curriculum
Institute, Texas State University-San Marcos (Summer 2006-2009).
Panelist, ‘The humor of Dave Chappell’, Philosophy Dialogue Series (Fall 2007)
Panelist, ‘Derogatory Language’, under the auspices of the Activists for Sexual
Minorities Student Organization (Spring 2006)
‘Naked women’, a talk given under the auspices of the Philosophy Department
Dialogue Series, Spring 2003.
Images of Women film series, Fall 2002.
‘The five sexes’, a talk given under the auspices of the Philosophy Department
Dialogue Series. Spring 2002.
'Diodorean modality and the problem of future contingents', a talk given under the
auspices of the Philosophy Department Dialogue Series. Spring 1998.
'What women want men to know about women', a talk given under the auspices
of the Philosophy Department "Brown Bag" Lunch Series. Spring 1994.
'Feminism: the categorical imperative', a talk given under the auspices of the
Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies to the Herstory Discussion Group,
Spring 1992.
'Philosophy and feminism', a talk given under the auspices of the Philosophy
Department. Spring 1992.
‘Defining/confronting heterosexism', a talk given under the auspices of the Center
for Multicultural and Gender Studies to the Herstory Discussion Group, Fall
1990. (With Angela Ingram.)
'What is it to be a feminist?', a talk given under the auspices of the Center for
Multicultural and Gender Studies to the Herstory Discussion Group. 1989.
C. Departmental.
 Lead author, Departmental Self-Study Report (2009).
 Departmental Assessment Liaison (2009- ).
 Revised the proposal for a Master’s program in Applied Philosophy and Ethics
 Mentor, Lijun Yuan.
D. Community.
Discussion participant, Lisa Newton’s, Ethics and sustainability, San Marcos
Community Reading Group (Spring 2009).
Discussion participant, David Kaplan’s, Philosophy of technology, San Marcos
Community Reading Group (Fall 2008).
Discussion participant, Stephen Prothero’s Religious literacy, San Marcos
Community Reading Group (Fall 2007).
Discussion leader (with Jeffrey Gordon), Ayn Rand’s Atlas shrugged, San Marcos
Community Reading Group (Spring 2007).
Discussion leader, Tara Smith’s Ayn Rand’s normative ethics: the virtuous
egoist, San Marcos Community Reading Group (Fall 2006).
Organizer and discussion leader, ‘Environmental ethics and the stewardship of the
San Marcos River’, TCH community discussion group (Fall 1999).
E. Professional.
Editorial Board, Journal of research on women and gender.
Director, New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Society (2009- ).
Textbook reviewer: MacMillan, W.W. Norton, Wadsworth, Prentice Hall,
Rowman & Littlefield.
Peer reviewer: Journal of philosophical logic.
Reviewer: Southwest philosophical studies.