Name: __________________________________________________ Date: __________ Period: ______ Dice Vocabulary - Viruses Step #1: Roll for WHAT to do. Step #2: Roll for WHICH word (Choose between two) Roll of the Dice If you roll a 1 What you have to do with the word and definition Write the word out then the definition as a text message. Preserve the meaning while making the definition as short as possible. No more than 140 characters. If you roll a 2 Choose a partner from your group and restate the definition to them in your own words WITHOUT using any of the same words from the definition. If you roll a 3 3X the fun! Choral read the words and definition together. If you are not in perfect union, re-do it until you get it right. If you roll a 4 Share with your group how you would act this word out if you were playing charades. If you roll a 5 Share with your group what you would draw if you had to draw the meaning of this word OR actually draw it. If you roll a 6 Write the definition out and make the important words larger and the least important words in the definition smaller. Explain why you chose the larger words. 1. Virus - particle made up of nucleic acid, protein, and in some cases lipids, that can replicate only by infecting living cells 2. Capsid - outer protein coat of a virus 3. Host cell - a cell that harbors foreign molecules, viruses, or microorganisms 4. Lytic cycle - process in which a virus enters a cell, makes a copy of itself, and causes the cell to burst 5. Lysogenic cycle - process by which a virus embeds its DNA into the DNA of the host cell and is replicated along with the host cell's DNA 6. Retrovirus - virus that contains RNA as its genetic information 1. HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) - a retrovirus that destroys white blood cells called helper T cells and causes the disease known as AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). This virus can be transmitted from an infected person to another through blood (including menstrual blood), semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. 2. Helper T cell - a type of white blood cell, that play an important role in the immune system. HIV attacks these cells. 3. Influenza - usually referred to as the flu or grippe, this is a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by certain strains of a particular virus. When the virus is inhaled, it attacks cells in the upper respiratory tract, causing typical flu symptoms such as fatigue, fever and chills, a hacking cough, and body aches. Your best defense against this virus is to receive an annual vaccination (according to the Mayo Clinic). 4. Bacteriophage - virus that infects bacteria 5. Prophage - the viral DNA that is embedded in the host cell's DNA 6. Pathogen - a disease-causing agent Name: __________________________________________________ Date: __________ Period: ______ Vocabulary Word Your choice from above but you must have all six types of responses and no more than two of the same type of response. Virus Capsid Host cell Lytic cycle Lysogenic cycle Retrovirus HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) Helper T cell Influenza Bacteriophage Prophage Pathogen Write two sentences each containing three vocabulary words. Sentence #1: Sentence #2: