Anne Seymour - National Sexual Violence Resource Center

Curriculum Vita
Judy C. Benitez, M.Ed.
Post Office Box 1775
52231 Highway 51 South
Independence, Louisiana 70443
Home 985-878-0218
Cell 985-320-2326
Master of Education Major: Community Counseling
Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA
December, 1999
GPA: 3.94/4.0
Bachelor of Science Major: Newspaper Journalism
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
May, 1987
GPA: 3.25/4.0
Minor: Italian
Selected Professional Continuing Education:
The Ultimate Trainer. October 2006. Completed 20-hour training sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, office for
Victims of Crime, on training using adult learning principles.
Curriculum Design for Victim Services Providers. February 2006. Completed this 28-hour training sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, which emphasized collaborative curriculum design and development and
principles of adult learning.
National Coalition Building Institute. November 2004. Completed the 40-hour Leadership Training Institute on skills to
provide influential leadership to end discrimination, reduce inter-group conflict, and build multi-group coalitions. Skills include
leading NCBI’s Prejudice Reduction Workshop and NCBI’s Controversial Issues Process.
Gavin de Becker and Associates Advanced Threat Assessment and Management Academy. 2002 graduate of intensive
training on stalking and assessment of actual danger posed by threats made to individuals. Held at UCLA Conference Center,
Lake Arrowhead, California.
Restorative Justice and Victim-Offender Mediation/Conferencing. September, 2001. Completed 24 hours of training in
Victim-Offender Conferencing, Small Group Conferencing, and Large Group Conferencing under Carolyn McCloud of the
Center for Restorative Justice, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
National Victim Assistance Academy. 1996 graduate of 40-hour intensive training on crime victimization issues, cosponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, the Victims Assistance Legal Organization, and the
Criminology Department of California State University at Fresno.
Work History:
Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault. Executive Director, July 1993 to present.
Responsible for overall operation of statewide coalition of sexual assault crisis centers and other agencies and individuals concerned
with sexual violence. Duties include:
 Recruiting, hiring and supervision of all staff
 Fiscal matters, including grant writing, grant administration, payroll, gene2ral accounting, and fund development
 Technical assistance to existing and emerging rape crisis centers on financial and program development
 Conference, seminar, workshop, and special event planning
 Evaluating sexual assault centers for compliance with standards of service, training, and ethics
 Writing, design and layout of quarterly newsletter
 Technical assistance to agencies and programs seeking to implement or improve services to crime victims
 Monitoring state and national public policy issues
 Representing the agency to local and state print and broadcast news media
 Social marketing of issues related to the prevention of sexual assault
 Individual victim advocacy.
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National Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Board of Directors President, 1998 to 1999; Region IV Representative, 1993 to 1996.
Elected, unpaid positions on this working board involved fundraising, conference planning, and public policy work, as well as media
interviews. Served as Host Site Coordinator for the 1998 NCASA conference in New Orleans, the organization’s largest ever.
Sexual Abuse Services, Jefferson Parish Coroner’s Office. Interim employee, June to October, 1993. Duties included transcription of
medical reports following forensic medical evaluation of child victims of suspected sexual abuse; preparation of billing for forensic rape
exams; and assistance with preparation of educational materials on the topic of child sexual abuse.
Tri-Parish Victims’ Assistance and Rape Crisis Program, 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office. Program Director, May 1992 to
June 1993; Victim Advocate, July 1990 to May 1992. Duties included court accompaniment for victims of violent crime; hospital
accompaniment for sexual assault victims; crisis counseling; and notifying all crime victims of progress of case through the court system.
Also responsible for all press releases from District Attorney’s Office, as well as some media contacts. Graduate student intern,
September 1997 to December 1999; Volunteer, December 1999 to present. Duties include hospital accompaniment for rape victims,
crisis counseling, and individual and group counseling for sexual assault survivors.
Hammond Daily Star. Staff reporter, June 1987 to June 1990. Duties included reporting and writing news and feature stories about the
local school system and Tangipahoa Parish School Board, as well as the Tangipahoa Parish Council, all parish-wide offices, and the
court system. Also responsible for some photography, page design and layout.
Syracuse Herald-Journal. Staff intern, August 1986 to May 1987. General assignment reporter, covering both news and feature stories
in the city and the suburbs of Syracuse, N.Y.
Syracuse University Record. Staff writer, September 1986 to May 1987. General assignment reporter covering news and feature
items for the university’s faculty, staff, and alumni newsletter.
Syracuse University Office of Dining Services. Contractual public relations staff, September 1986 to May 1987. Developed news and
feature stories about this department of the university and worked with university and community media to ensure positive publicity for
the department.
Danville Register. Staff intern, May 1986 to August 1986. General assignment reporter, covering news and feature stories in the city
and the rural areas around Danville, VA.
Syracuse University Office of Residence Services. Resident Advisor, August 1984 to May 1987. Served as mentor and
paraprofessional counselor to undergraduate students, assisting them with academic, social, and emotional concerns. Planned and
implemented educational, cultural, recreational and social events to enhance student life. Also responsible for enforcing university and
residence hall safety and security policies and procedures.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Washington, D.C. Reviewer of a draft report on a research project on Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children in New York. Read the 239-page report summarizing the combined research and demonstration
project and responded to Standard Practitioner Review Questions, generating a 10-page report. (2008)
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR), Harrisburg. Subject matter expert and trainer on the issue of homelessness and sexual
assault for the state coalition’s initiative on poverty and sexual violence. Reviewed materials, including a guidebook for
advocates, and provided feedback; served on faculty for a series of two-day trainings across the state. (2007)
National Violence Against Women Electronic Network (VAWNET), Advocate Consultant for applied research project on sexual
assault and homeless women. (2006)
Louisiana Children’s Advocacy Centers, Baton Rouge. Facilitated Board of Directors one-day strategic planning session for
2007-2010. (2006)
Louisiana Office of Youth Development (OYD), Baton Rouge. Coordinator of grant review process on solicitation for social services
proposals for Louisiana’s juvenile justice agency. Trained agency field staff on how to review grants using objective criteria and
write comments on proposal strengths and weaknesses. Synthesized reviews from three reviewers on each of 182
proposals to provide comprehensive analysis to OYD as well as feedback to applicants. Made recommendations to OYD on
how to streamline the Request for Proposals (RFP) and grant review process. (2006)
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Consultations, continued:
National CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Association, Seattle, Wash. Self-assessment reviewer. Review the
self-assessment documents completed by local CASA programs to determine the degree to which they comply with National
CASA Standards; working with a partner, report to National CASA on findings from review. (2005-2007)
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control: external reviewer for Sexual
Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements (1999-2002)
Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, Lansing, Mich. Provided consultation on the development of two
guidebooks, one for reporters covering sexual assault and one for victim advocates on working with the news media. (2004)
Channing-Bete Publications, South Deerfield, Mass. Provided peer review of 8-page informational booklet designed for the general
public entitled “What you should know about stalking.” (1999)
Gabriel Films, New York, NY. Provided extensive consultation on issues of rape and racism in Louisiana for a follow-up documentary to
the Academy Award-nominated documentary “The Farm.” (1998, 1999)
Columbia University School of Journalism, Columbia Journalism Review, New York, NY. Provided consultation on guidebook for
journalists covering crime victimization issues. (1998)
Grant Review Experience:
May 2009: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Crime and Justice Research Grants, Human Trafficking Research
(remote/on-site panel review)
April 2009: U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence,
Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus Program (on-site panel review)
March 2009: U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, Legal Assistance to Victims Grant Program (on-site panel
April 2008: U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence,
Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus Program (on-site panel review)
July 2007: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Division of Independent Review,
Poison Control Centers Stabilization and Enhancement Grant Program, Incentive Grants (field review via panel
July 2007: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Division of Independent Review,
Poison Control Centers Stabilization and Enhancement Grant Program, Financial Stabilization/Certification Grants (field
July 2007: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Agency for Children, Youth and Families,
Family and Youth Services Bureau, Mentoring Children of Prisoners Program (in-person review)
July 2007: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services,
Compassion Capital Fund Demonstration Program (remote panel review)
June 2007: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services,
Compassion Capital Fund Targeted Capacity Building Program (remote panel review; served as panel chair)
August 2006: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services,
Compassion Capital Fund, Communities Empowering Youth Program (remote panel review)
July 2006: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Agency for Children, Youth and Families,
Family and Youth Services Bureau, Mentoring Children of Prisoners Program (in-person review)
June 2004: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services,
Compassion Capitol Fund (in-person review)
Quarterly 1997 - present: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and Violence Against Women Act
(VAWA) Grants
May 2006: Louisiana Office of Youth Development, social services solicitation (see consultations, above)
January 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund Grants
May 2005: Louisiana Children’s Advocacy Centers, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Congressional Earmark
November 2004: Louisiana Office of Youth Services, Community Crisis Intervention Programs Grants
August 2004: Louisiana Supreme Court CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Assistance Program, TANF (Temporary Assistance
to Needy Families) Grants
July 2003 and July 2002: Louisiana CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Association, TANF Grants
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Additional skills and qualifications:
Qualified as Expert Witness in State of Louisiana 21st Judicial District Court and 27th District Court. Areas of qualification are sexual
assault and domestic violence.
Certified as a Law Enforcement Trainer on Human Trafficking in the United States by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of
Justice Programs (with training partner Capt. Mark Willow, New Orleans Police Department)
Certified Facilitator of the Stewards of Children primary prevention of child sexual abuse program, trained on the program by
Instructors from its parent program, Darkness to Light
Certified Diversity Trainer for Gulf States Regional Community Policing Institute, a U.S. Department of Justice COPS (Community
Oriented Policing Services) Grantee
Registered Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Intern with Louisiana LPC Board of Examiners, CI# 2533
Advisory Boards and Task Forces:
Louisiana Sexual Assault Task Force, created by the Louisiana Legislature (2004-present)
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Criminal Justice Victim Services Advisory Board (1995-present)
National Violence Against Women Electronic Network (VAWNET) Sexual Assault Advisory Board (2001- 2004)
National Sexual Violence Resource Center Task Force on Sexual Assault After Disasters (2006-present)
RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) Program Advisory Board (2006-present)
Louisiana Partnership for Children and Families Board of Directors (2007-present)
Child Sexual Abuse Task Force of Greater New Orleans (1999-present)
Louisiana State Victim Assistance Academy Steering Committee (2006-2008); also served as core faculty and curriculum developer
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Fatality Review Advisory Committee (2006-present)
Louisiana Dept. of Public Safety & Corrections Task Force on Comprehensive Sex Offender Management (2001- 2003; 2006-present)
Louisiana Office of Youth Development Task Force on Comprehensive Management of Juvenile Sex Offenders (2006-present)
Louisiana Domestic Violence Fatality Review Task Force (2007-present)
Louisiana Restorative Justice and Victim-Offender Mediation Task Force (2001-2003)
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence Supervised Child Visitation Centers Task Force (2003)
Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Correction Task Force on Victim/Offender Dialogue in Cases of Severe Violence (2002-2003)
Louisiana Department of Justice Task Force on Violence Against Women in the Workplace (2000-2002)
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Office of Public Health Preventive Health Block Grant Advisory Council (1998-2001)
Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Victim Services Advisory Group (1999-2000)
Conference and Event Planning Collaborations:
2008: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention’s
annual national Rape Prevention Education meeting, Conference Planning Committee
2007 to present: Louisiana State Victim Assistance Academy, steering committee and core faculty
2005-06: Louisiana Department of Justice, Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Training Consortium
2004 to present: Louisiana Supreme Court and Louisiana Dept. of Social Services Office of Community Services: Conference Planning
Committee for “Together We Can” conference
2003: Chair of the Local Host Committee for 2nd National SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) Conference, held in New Orleans,
sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Justice Office for Victims of Crime.
2003: Chair of the Local Host Committee for the 29th Annual North American Victim Assistance Conference, held in New Orleans,
sponsored by the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA)
2002, 2003: Louisiana CASA Association Conference Planning Committee.
2001 to present: Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana Conference Planning Committee.
1998: Chair of the Local Host Committee for the Annual Conference of the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault, held in New
Orleans. With 700 participants, 11 concurrent workshop tracks and 65 presenters, this was the organization’s largest
conference ever.
1996 to present: Multi-disciplinary planning committee for Annual STOP (Services, Training, Officers and Prosecutors) Violence Against
Women Statewide Conference. Co-sponsors include Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, Louisiana Coalition
Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Louisiana District Attorneys Association, Gulf States
Regional Community Policing Association, Governor’s Office on Women’s Police, LSU School of Social Work, Louisiana
Sheriffs Association, Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police.
1992 to present: Founding member, multi-agency planning committee for annual National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Honorary
Breakfast for Victims of Crime in Louisiana.
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Additional Affiliations:
The Advocacy Center: project partner on Violence Against Women with Disabilities project with Louisiana’s federally designated
Protection and Advocacy agency for people with disabilities (2008-present)
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence: project partner on Violence Against Women with Disabilities project (2002-2007)
Louisiana CASA Association: consultant, annual award judge (2001-2003)
Louisiana Elderly Crime Victim Assistance Program: project partner on Sexual Abuse Against the Elderly project (2002-2004)
Nicholls State University (Thibodaux, La.) Student Services Division: Women of Achievement Award judge (2001-2003)
National Center for Victims of Crime
Louisiana Counseling Association
Louisiana Society of Association Executives
Action Coalition for Media Education (ACME)
Syracuse University Alumni Association
Southeastern Louisiana University Alumni Association
Public Policy Experience:
Death penalty and child rape. Served as lead contact to national, regional, state and local news media for the Amici Curiae (Friends of
the Court) in the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States case Kennedy vs. Louisiana, in which the constitutionality of the death penalty
in child rape cases was challenged. Helped craft the Amicus brief filed by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, National
Association of Social Workers, Louisiana chapter of NASW, Texas Assosictaion Against Sexual Assault, National Alliance to End Sexual
Violence, New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Provided technical assistance to
states with pending child rape death penalty bills. (2007-2008)
Abortion and sexual assault. Provided information to the Louisiana Senate Committee on Health and Welfare on short- and long-term
consequences of pregnancies relating from rape or incest. (2006)
Hurricane recovery and sexual assault: Provided information to the Louisiana Senate Select Committee on Women and Children on
sexual assaults following Hurricane Katrina, the services provided by and the status of Louisiana’s sexual assault crisis centers, and
suggestions for preventing post-disaster sexual assaults in the future. (2005)
Worked with state Sen. Jody Amedee to craft legislation to keep track of registered sex offenders before, during, and after hurricanes
and similar disasters. (2005)
Human trafficking: Aided state Rep. Kay Kellogg Katz in passing a state law prohibiting human trafficking for forced labor or commercial
sexual acts. (2005)
Internet Crimes Against Children: Worked with state Reps. Hunter Greene and Don Cazayoux and the Louisiana Dept. of Justice to
develop and pass legislation prohibiting the electronic solicitation of minors for sexual purposes. (2005)
Stalking: Assisted with legislation by Louisiana House of Representatives Speaker Pro Tem Yvonne Dorsey to change the definition of
stalking behavior from “willful and malicious” to “intentional,” thus making the crime easier to prove and prosecute. (2005)
Sexual Assault Task Force: Spearheaded legislation sponsored by state Rep. Eric LaFleur to create the Louisiana Sexual Assault Task
Force to make recommendations to the Louisiana Legislature regarding forensic sexual assault examinations, sexual abuse and assault
investigations, and related issues. (2004)
Voyeurism: Sought legislation sponsored by state Rep. A.C. Crowe to make the crime of “peeping tom” a crime for which offenders are
considered sex offenders; also re-named the crime voyeurism. (2004)
Termination of parental rights: Propelled legislation by state Sen. Jay Dardenne to automatically terminate the rights of parents convicted
of sexually abusing their children. (2003)
Rape definition: Initiated legislation sponsored by state Rep. Emma DeVillier to eliminate the crime of oral sexual battery and move that
offense into the definition of rape, increasing the maximum penalty for oral rape from 15 years to life without parole. (2001)
Confidentiality for victims of sex crimes: Worked with state Rep. Jacqueline Clarkson on legislation to provide confidentiality for victims of
sex crimes in public documents covered by the Open Records Law, as well as in statements made by public officials. (2000)
Rape crisis center privileged communication: Sought legislation by state Rep. Yvonne Dorsey to provide for privileged communication
between rape crisis center workers and their clients. (1997)
Constitutional amendment for crime victims’ rights: Worked with state Sen. Jay Dardenne and other crime victim advocacy groups on an
amendment to the Louisiana Constitution of 1974 to provide for basic rights of crime victims, as well as legislation enabling these
provisions. (1997 and 1998)
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Benitez, J. (2006) Recollections of a hurricane. The Resource: Newsletter of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, Fall/Winter
2005, 1,4-7.
Benitez, J. (2004). Why do they do that? Perspective from a veteran reporter. Reshape: The Newsletter of the Sexual Assault Coalition
Resource Sharing Project, 10, 5-6.
Benitez, J. (2002). Welcome to Louisiana: someone was raped here. Sexual Assault Report, 5, 83,92. Published by Civic
Research Institute, Inc.
Benitez, J. (2002). Sexual abuse and the Catholic church in America: a dialogue with Father Jeff Bayhi. LaFASA Lexicon, 13, 1, 1-3,
12-15. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (2001) Wages and staff retention. Reshape: The Newsletter of the Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project,
4, 5-6.
Benitez, J. (1999). Capture of Lafayette serial rapist a bittersweet victory. LaFASA Lexicon, 10, 1, 14-15. Published by Louisiana
Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1999). Rape: the original hate crime. LaFASA Lexicon, 10, 1, 25. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1998). Is child and adolescent rape being taken seriously? LaFASA Lexicon, 9, 4, 9. Published by Louisiana Foundation
Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1998). “The Farm” reopens old wounds. LaFASA Lexicon, 9, 4, 15. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1998). Violent crime: whose responsibility? LaFASA Lexicon, 9, 4, 16-17. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1998). I never called it stalking. LaFASA Lexicon, 9, 3, 15. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1998). Bizarre Lafayette jail hostage incident raises numerous questions. LaFASA Lexicon, 9, 2, 13. Published by Louisiana
Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1997). Traditional rape avoidance tips place blame on victims. LaFASA Lexicon, 8, 4, 20-21. Published by Louisiana
Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1997). Summer fare lends view of social attitudes toward sexual assault. LaFASA Lexicon, 8, 3, 1-2. Published by Louisiana
Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1997). When a victim drops charges. LaFASA Lexicon, 8, 3, 18-19. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1997). Murder of an advocate. LaFASA Lexicon, 8, 2, 1-2. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1997). When should media use victims’ names? LaFASA Lexicon, 8, 2, 13, 19. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against
Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1997). What can we learn from JonBenet Ramsey? LaFASA Lexicon, 8, 1, 2. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against
Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1997). “Chemical castration” is not a quick fix. LaFASA Lexicon, 8, 1, 7. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1996). Is it abuse – or rape? LaFASA Lexicon, 7, 5, 2. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1996). Sexual harassment gets lost in the laughs. LaFASA Lexicon, 7, 5, 7. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against
Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1996). “A Time to Kill” looks at vigilante justice. LaFASA Lexicon, 7, 4, 10. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against
Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1996). Contribution: are rape victims ever to blame? LaFASA Lexicon, 7, 3, 1-2. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against
Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1996). Radio talk show bashes teen victims. LaFASA Lexicon, 7, 2, 6. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1996). Balancing victims’ right to privacy with the public’s right to know. LaFASA Lexicon, 7, 1, 1-2. Published by Louisiana
Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1995). What is needed to stop rape? LaFASA Lexicon, 6, 6, 1-2. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1995). Imagine a world without sexual violence. LaFASA Lexicon, 6, 2, 1-2. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against
Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1995). Are dead women telling a tragic tale? LaFASA Lexicon, 6, 1, 9. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1994). Interagency cooperation needed for victims’ sake. LaFASA Lexicon, 5, 6, 1-2. Published by Louisiana Foundation
Against Sexual Assault.
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Publications, continued:
Benitez, J. (1994). “Trains” gives perpetrator’s view of gang rape. LaFASA Lexicon, 5, 6, 10-11. Published by Louisiana Foundation
Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1994). Lies, damn lies, and statistics. LaFASA Lexicon, 5, 6, 11. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1994). A life of violence comes full circle. LaFASA Lexicon, 5, 4, 6-7. Published by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual
Benitez, J. (1994). “Come Here” lifts secrecy from male incest experience. LaFASA Lexicon, 5, 3, 9-10. Published by Louisiana
Foundation Against Sexual Assault.
Benitez, J. (1994). Sexual assault awareness: now more than ever. LaFASA Lexicon, 5, 1, 1-2. Published by Louisiana Foundation
Against Sexual Assault
Benitez, J. (1993). “Sexual Jungle” details rape, oppression in Angola. LaFASA Lexicon, 4, 6, 6,10. Published by Louisiana Foundation
Against Sexual Assault.
Grants Awarded:
2009: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $29,851
2009: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $34,875
2009: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $31,979
2009: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $10,000.
2009: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $19,564
2008: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. funding to pass through to sexual assault centers for computer
stations for use by victims, $12,500
2008: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act STOP grant for statewide sexual assault conference,
2008: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. Pass-through
funding for sexual assault prevention and intervention activities statewide. $406,154
2008: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. State sexual
assault coalition operating funds. $575,072
2008: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $82,965
2008: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $34,875
2008: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $10,000
2008: Louisiana Children’s Justice Act. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $5,000
2008: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $40,000.
2007: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. Pass-through
funding for sexual assault prevention and intervention activities statewide. $352,317
2007: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. State sexual
assault coalition operating funds. $189,138
2007: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $83,041
2007: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $37,500
2007: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $5,000
2007: Louisiana Children’s Justice Act. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $8,500
2006: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. Pass-through
funding for sexual assault prevention and intervention activities statewide. $449,287
2006: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. State sexual
assault coalition operating funds. $525,234
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Grants Awarded, continued:
2006: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $110,721
2006: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women. Hurricane Katrina Relief for Sexual
Assault Infrastructure. $160,000
2006: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $37,500
2006: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $40,000.
2006: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $5,000
2006: Louisiana Children’s Justice Act. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $5,000
2005: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $45,255
2005: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. Pass-through
funding for sexual assault prevention and intervention activities statewide. $446,787
2005: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. State sexual
assault coalition operating funds. $173,548.
2005: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $45,000.
2005: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $113,943
2004: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. Pass-through
funding for sexual assault prevention and intervention activities statewide. $520,644.
2004: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. State sexual
assault coalition operating funds. $173,548.
2004: Louisiana Children’s Justice Act. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $2,500
2004: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART
(Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $22,686
2004: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $99,164.
2004: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $45,255
2004: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $5,000
2003: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program, $52,042.
2003: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $50,000.
2003: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act STOP (Services, Training, Officers,
Prosecutors) grant. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault
Response Team) program. $23,000.
2003: Louisiana Children’s Justice Act. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $2,500
2003: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund. Support for statewide sexual assault conference. $4,000.
2003: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund. Support for statewide media campaign for child sexual abuse prevention. $5,000.
2003: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. Pass-through
funding for sexual assault prevention and intervention activities statewide. $470,956.
2003: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. State sexual
assault coalition operating funds. $152,831.
2003: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Rape
Prevention Funds. Funding for a variety of special projects related to sexual assault, including research, data collection system
development, cultural competency curriculum development, regional and statewide training, and a media campaign. $460,000.
2003: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $84,878.
2002: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. Pass-through
funding for sexual assault prevention and intervention activities statewide. $383,332.
2002: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education Funds. State sexual
assault coalition operating funds. $171,813.
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Grants Awarded, continued:
2002: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act STOP (Services, Training, Officers,
Prosecutors) grant. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault
Response Team) program. $47,960.
2002: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $48,000.
2002: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $85.526.
2001: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education and Preventive Health
and Health Services Block Grant Rape Prevention funds. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $94,114.
2001: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $50,000.
2001: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $25,000.
2001: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, Grants to State Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $96,296.
2000: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act STOP (Services, Training, Officers,
Prosecutors) grant. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault
Response Team) program. $40,196.
2000: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act STOP (Services, Training, Officers,
Prosecutors) grant. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault
Response Team) program. $47,960.
2000: Entergy Community Partnerships Grant. Funding for SANE training. $500.
2000: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Continuation funding for statewide Sexual Assault
Resource Center. $25,000.
2000: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Victims of Crime Act. Start-up funding for statewide Sexual Assault Resource
Center. $19,063.
2000: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education and Preventive Health
and Health Services Block Grant Rape Prevention funds. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $118.300.
1999: Baton Rouge Area Foundation, Powell Group Fund. Funding for state sexual assault coalition operations. $5,000.
1999: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act STOP (Services, Training, Officers,
Prosecutors) grant. Continuation funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault
Response Team) program. $47,960.
1999: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education and Preventive Health
and Health Services Block Grant Rape Prevention funds. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $29,000.
1998: Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Violence Against Women Act STOP (Services, Training, Officers,
Prosecutors) grant. Start-up funding for statewide SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response
Team) program. $52,235.
1998: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Rape Prevention Education and Preventive Health
and Health Services Block Grant Rape Prevention funds. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $303,750.
1996: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
Rape Prevention funds. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $130.400.
1995: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
Rape Prevention funds. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $119,600.
1993: Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
Rape Prevention funds. State sexual assault coalition operating funds. $66,000.
Total Grant Funds Awarded: $7,567,815
Keynote Addresses:
Benitez, J. (2009, April) Representations of violence against women in popular culture, luncheon keynote at the 9th Annual West Virginia
Sexual Assault and Stalking Symposium, sponsored by the West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services;
Charleston, W.V.
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Keynote addresses, continued:
Benitez, J., and Clune, J. (2008, April) Protecting client confidentiality in the news media and News media and cases: Working together,
keynote presentations at the 2008 Sexual Assault and the Media conference, sponsored by the South Dakota Network
Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault; Sioux Falls, S.D.
Benitez, J. (2008, March) Closing plenary: Representation of violence against women in pop culture at the annual conference of the
Indiana Coalition Against Sexual Assault; Indianapolis, Ind.
Benitez, J. (2008, February) Opening plenary: Laying the foundation: The short- and long-term impact of sexual assault on a victim’s life
at Beyond the Criminal Justice System: Transforming Our Nation’s Response to Rape, National Sexual Assault Institute
sponsored by the Victims’ Rights Law Center and the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women; New
Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J., Lewis, C., Matthews, N., and Pinto, J. (2007, September) Remembering our roots: Founding sisters in the anti-sexual assault
movement, plenary session at Bridges to Social Change, a national conference on sexual violence prevention and intervention,
sponsored by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, and Maryland Coalition
Against Sexual Assault; Baltimore, Md.
Benitez, J. (2006, November) Keynote address: Victims’ rights: A position of growth at the 4th Annual Conference of the Louisiana
chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA); New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2006, September) What’s news? Full-day training for member programs of the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault,
the New Jersey Governor’s Advisory Council Against Sexual Violence and the New Jersey SANE Coordinating Council; East
Windsor, N.J.
Benitez, J. (2006, August) Covering crime: Thinking critically about covering stories on domestic and sexual violence, featured speaker
at The Untold Story: Reporting on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, sponsored by the South Carolina Coalition Against
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA); Columbia, S.C.
Benitez, J. (2006, June) Keynote address: Cause and consequence: Violence in the lives of homeless women and children at Circle of
Hope: Reaching Georgia’s Underserved, the annual conference of the Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault. Atlanta, GA.
Benitez, J. (2004, June) Keynote address, New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA) annual Rape Crisis Training
Institute; Albany, NY.
Benitez, J. (2003, August ) Mistress of Ceremonies, Opening Ceremonies for the 29th Annual North American Victim Assistance
Conference, sponsored by the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA). New Orleans, LA. Also served as Chair of
the Louisiana Local Host Committee, a collaborative of non-profit and system-based victim assistance and advocacy groups
and professionals from across the state who helped plan and execute this international conference.
Benitez, J. (2002, June) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, keynote address, Annual Training Institute of the Wisconsin
Coalition Against Sexual Assault; Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Benitez, J. (2002, February) On the same team: What sexual abuse survivors expect of sex offender treatment, keynote address, 1st
annual training conference of the Louisiana Chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA); Baton
Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2002, July) Closing keynote, 4th International Training and Certification Conference of R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense)
Systems; New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2000, April) Keynote address; Take Back the Night March sponsored by YWCA of Northwest Louisiana and the Centenary
Feminist Organization to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month, held at Centenary College, Shreveport, LA.
Benitez, J. (1995, April) Keynote address, Sexual Assault Awareness Week at Mississippi State University; Starkville, MS.
Professional Presentations:
Benitez, J. (2009, April) Can’t we all just get along? System-based and non-profit victim service programs and Long-term impact of child
sexual abuse, workshops at the Kansas’ 12th Annual Crime Victims Rights Conference, sponsored by Kansas Governor
Kathleen Sebelius and Kansas Attorney General Steve Six; Wichita, KS.
Benitez, J. (2009, April) Juvenile prostitution and child exploitation and Naming names: ethical issues in news coverage of sexual assault
cases, workshops at the 9th Annual West Virginia Sexual Assault and Stalking Symposium, sponsored by the West Virginia
Foundation for Rape Information and Services; Charleston, W.V.
Benitez, J. (2009, March) Local resources and cultural issues specific to Louisiana section of the National Judicial Education Program’s
training Understanding Sexual Violence: The Judicial Response to Stranger and Non-Stranger Rape and Sexual Assault,
presented at the Louisiana Spring Judicial College by Legal Momentum; Lafayette, La.
Benitez, J. (2009, March) The intersection of crimes of personal violence and Using expert witnesses in sex crime cases, workshops at
the 25th National Symposium on Child Abuse, sponsored by the National Children’s Advocacy Center, Huntsville, Ala.
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. (2008, December) Let’s talk about sex: From blushing to professionalism, plenary session, and You are an expert! Use of
expert witnesses in sexual assault cases, workshop at Where Is the Outrage? Louisiana’s 5th Annual Sexual Assault
Conference; sponsored by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Office
of Public Health, Louisiana Department of Social Services Office of Community Services, Louisiana Department of Public
Safety and Corrections Division of Adult Probation and Parole, Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund, Louisiana Children’s Justice
Act, Louisiana District Attorneys Association, Louisiana chapters of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers and
National Association of Social Workers, Children’s Advocacy Centers of Louisiana, Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic
Violence, Louisiana Counseling Association, Gulf States Regional Center for Public Safety Innovations, Louisiana Commission
on Law Enforcement, and the Audrey Hepburn CARE Center at Children’s Hospital of New Orleans; Baton Rouge, La.
Benitez, J. (2008, November) Representations of violence against women in pop culture and Expert witnesses in sexual assault cases,
workshops at the Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence annual conference, Columbia, Mo.
Benitez, J. (2008, July) Victim advocacy through public policy, workshop at Forensics: A Tool for Science, a conference sponsored by
the Louisiana State University School of Nursing; New Orleans, La.
Benitez, J. (2008, July) Stalking on college campuses and Representations of violence against women in popular culture, workshops at
the annual training session for faculty and staff in the Sexual Assault Victim Advocates program at Louisiana State
University; sponsored by the LSU Student Health Services Office; Baton Rouge, La.
Bellinger, M., Benitez, J., Sinclair, B., Standifer, D., and Thibodeaux, A., (2008, June) Communicating with crime victims and Methods of
advocacy modules at the Louisiana State Victim Assistance Academy; University of Louisiana at Lafayette, La.
Benitez, J. (2008, June) History of victims’ rights and services in Louisiana; Stalking and Diversity modules at the Louisiana State Victim
Assistance Academy; University of Louisiana at Lafayette, La.
Benitez, J. (2008, June) Serving the needs of homeless victims, workshop and facilitated discussion at Responses, Rights and
Resources for Crime Victims, the 2008 National Conference of the National Center for Victims of Crime; Portland, Oregon.
Benitez, J. (2008, May) Stop the press! What you need to know about working with the media, workshop at the 2008 Conference of the
National Citizens Police Academy Association; Baton Rouge, La.
Benitez, J. (2008, May) Sexual abuse of people with disabilities; Every breath you take: What professionals need to know about stalking;
and Appreciating diversity, workshops at the 14th Statewide Conference on Domestic and Sexual Violence and Stalking,
sponsored by the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence and the New Hampshire
Attorney General’s Office; Bartlett, N.H.
Benitez, J. (2008, April) Stalking on college campuses, in-service workshop for Sexual Assault Victim Advocates at Louisiana State
University; sponsored by the LSU Student Health Services Office; Baton Rouge, La.
Benitez, J. (2008, April) Sexual assault and domestic violence: Similarities and differences, workshop at the 2008 Sexual Assault and the
Media conference, sponsored by the South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault; Sioux Falls, S.D.
Benitez, J. (2008, April) Protecting the gift: Keeping abused children safe through intuition and Cause or consequence: Violence in the
lives of women and children who are homeless, workshops at Preventing, Assessing & Treating Child, Adolescent & Adult
Trauma, the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma’s 5th Annual Hawai’i Conference; Honolulu, Hawai’i.
Benitez, J., Bush, S., Cohen, D., and Ream, A. (2008, March) How to respond to media damaging events, plenary session at the End
Violence Against Women International conference, New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2008, March) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshop at the End Violence Against Women International
conference, New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J., and Cohen, D. (2008. March) Law enforcement and the media: Is there such a thing as “off the record”?, workshop at the
End Violence Against Women International conference, New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2008, March) Political and community activism, opening session at Forensics: A Tool to End Violence, Nursing Conference
sponsored by the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing, New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2008, February) Protecting the gift: Keeping children safe through intuition; Juvenile prostitution and child exploitation; Longterm effects of child sexual abuse; and Let’s talk about sex: From blushing to professionalism, workshops at the 22nd annual
Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana conference “Kids Are Worth It!” Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J., and Peters, R. (February, 2008) Violence against women: A Louisiana perspective, plenary session at the 12th Annual
Collaborating to STOP Violence Against Women Statewide Conference, sponsored by the Louisiana District Attorneys
Association, Louisiana Commission Law Enforcement and the Administration of Criminal Justice, Louisiana Foundation
Against Sexual Assault, Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Department of Justice, Louisiana
Governor’s Office on Women’s Policy, Louisiana Sheriffs Association, Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police, Gulf States
Regional Center for Public Innovations, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Louisiana; Baton Rouge, LA
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. (2008, February) The nature and scope of sexual assault today, workshop at the 12th Annual Collaborating to STOP Violence
Against Women Statewide Conference, sponsored by the Louisiana District Attorneys Association, Louisiana Commission Law
Enforcement and the Administration of Criminal Justice, Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, Louisiana Coalition
Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Department of Justice, Louisiana Governor’s Office on Women’s Policy, Louisiana
Sheriffs Association, Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police, Gulf States Regional Center for Public Innovations, and the
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Louisiana; Baton Rouge, LA
Benitez, J. (2008, February) Poverty and sexual violence, workshop at Beyond the Criminal Justice System: Transforming Our Nation’s
Response to Rape, National Sexual Assault Institute sponsored by the Victims’ Rights Law Center and the U.S. Department of
Justice Office on Violence Against Women; New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J., and Clune, J. (2008, February) Preventing inadvertent disclosures: The role of law enforcement, courts, advocates and other
first responders, workshop at Beyond the Criminal Justice System: Transforming Our Nation’s Response to Rape, National
Sexual Assault Institute sponsored by the Victims’ Rights Law Center and the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence
Against Women; New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J., Greco, D., Lukima, J., and Notario-Smull, H. (2007, December) Poverty and sexual violence: Meeting the needs of victims,
survivors, and communities; two-day training series sponsored by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape; Pittsburgh, Penn.,
and Harrisburg, Penn.
Benitez, J. (2007, November) The intersection of crimes of personal violence and Cause and consequence: Violence in the lives of
people who are homeless, workshops at Roots of Change: Preventing Sexual Violence Through Partnerships and Action
Conference, sponsored by the Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force; Eugene, Oregon.
Atherton-Zeman, B., and Benitez, J. (2007, October) Jen and Steve: An interactive role play about college dating violence, plenary
session at the 2007 National Conference on Sexual Assault in Our Schools, sponsored by Safe Society Zone; Orlando, Fla.
Benitez, J. (2007, October) Every breath you take: Stalking on college campuses; Representations of violence against women in pop
culture; and Stop the press: Tools and tips from a veteran news reporter, workshops at the 2007 National Conference on
Sexual Assault in Our Schools, sponsored by Safe Society Zone; Orlando, Fla.
Benitez, J., Gandy, K., Miller, E., and Tetlow, T. (2007, October) Not on our watch: Uniting to combat violence domestically and
worldwide, workshop panel at Southern Leadership Summit: Feminist Grassroots Activism for Social Change, sponsored by
the Feminist Majority Foundation, Newcomb College Center for Research on Women, Katrina Warriors Network, University of
New Orleans Women’s Center and Women’s Studies Department, Tulane University Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance,
Ms. Magazine, and the National Organization for Women; New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2007, September) Naming names: Ethical issues of identifying sexual assault victims in the news media; Expert witnesses in
sexual assault cases; and Can’t we all get along? System-based and non-profit victim service programs, workshops at Bridges
to Social Change, the National Conference on Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention sponsored by the National Sexual
Violence Resource Center, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, and Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault; Baltimore,
Benitez, J., Markowitz, J., Montejo, K., and Redle, M. (2007, September) Using the SART toolkit to facilitate an ideal coordinated
response, workshop at Bridges to Social Change, the National Conference on Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention
sponsored by the National SexualViolence Resource Center, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, and Maryland Coalition
Against Sexual Assault; Baltimore, Md.
Benitez, J. (2007, September) Cause and consequence: Violence in the lives of homeless women and children, workshop at Joining
Hearts and Hands, the annual conference of the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Baton Rouge, La.
Benitez, J. (2007, July) Trauma on trauma: Sexual assault after Hurricane Katrina; Cause and consequence: Violence in the lives of
people who are homeless; and The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshops at the 33rd annual North American
Victim Assistance Conference, sponsored by the National Organization for Victim Assistance; Reno, Nev.
Benitez, J. (2007, July) Can’t we all just get along? System-based and community-based victim assistance programs, mini-plenary at the
33rd annual North American Victim Assistance Conference, sponsored by the National Organization for Victim Assistance;
Reno, Nev.
Benitez, J. (2007, July) Trauma on trauma: Sexual abuse and assault after Hurricane Katrina, workshop at the 15th Annual Colloquium of
the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children; Boston, Mass.
Benitez, J., and Childers, C. (2007, June) History of Victims’ Rights and Services in Louisiana module at the 1st Louisiana State Victim
Assistance Academy; University of Louisiana at Lafayette, La.
Bellinger, M., Benitez, J., Carter, M., Sinclair, B., and Thibodeaux, A., (2007, June) Communicating with crime victims and Methods of
advocacy modules at the Louisiana State Victim Assistance Academy; University of Louisiana at Lafayette, La.
Benitez, J., and Dillon, B. (2007, June) Sexual assault module at the Louisiana State Victim Assistance Academy; University of Louisiana
at Lafayette, La.
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. (2007, June) Stalking and Diversity modules at the Louisiana State Victim Assistance Academy; University of Louisiana at
Lafayette, La.
Benitez, J., and Dritt, J. (2007, June) Disaster planning: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina, workshop at All of Us. Together, the
conference of the Florida Coalition Against Sexual Violence; Daytona Beach, Fla.
Benitez, J. (2007, June) Using expert witnesses to educate the jury and Working with the news media: Tips and tools from a veteran
reporter, workshops at Advancing Practice, Policy and Research, the 2nd biennial conference of the National Center for Victims
of Crime; Washington, D.C.
Benitez, J. (2007, May) System-based and non-profit victim services: Can’t we all just get along? and Domestic violence, sexual assault,
child abuse and stalking: The intersection of crimes of personal violence, plenary sessions at the 2007 Arkansas Spring Victim
Assistance Conference, sponsored by the State of Arkansas Office of the Prosecutor Coordinator; Little Rock, Ark.
Benitez, J., Montejo, K., O’Brien, C., and Redle, M. (2007, May) Using the SART toolkit to facilitate an ideal coordinated response,
workshop at the 4th biennial National SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) Conference, co-sponsored by Sexual Assault
Resource Services and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime; Tampa, Fla.
Benitez, J., and Rooney, J. (2007, May) Rape disaster planning: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina, workshop at the 4th biennial
National SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) Conference, co-sponsored by Sexual Assault Resource Services and the
U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime; Tampa, Fla.
Benitez, J., and Johnson-Hostler, M. (2007, May) Developing pro-active and reactive plans for working with the news media, workshop at
the National Meeting of the State Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project; Denver, Colo.
Benitez, J. (2007, May) Appreciating diversity: Everybody poops, plenary session at the 18th Annual Support Staff Conference of the
Louisiana District Attorneys Association; Lafayette, LA.
Benitez, J., Weaver, M., King, V., Nardo, C., and Pacyna, S. (2007, April) Lessons learned from Katrina, workshop at the International
Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Stalking, sponsored by End Violence Against Women International;
Houston, TX.
Benitez, J. (2007, April) Media literacy: How society’s attitudes on sexual violence are reflected and reinforced by the news media and
Protecting the Gift, plenary sessions at Advancing Communities to Broader Perspectives: Sexual Assault Summit VI, cosponsored by the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and the Wyoming Division of Victim
Services; Sheridan, Wyo.
Benitez, J. (2007, April) Using expert witnesses in sexual assault cases and Naming names: Ethical issues of identifying sexual assault
victims in the news media, workshops at Advancing Communities to Broader Perspectives: Sexual Assault Summit VI, cosponsored by the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and the Wyoming Division of Victim
Services; Sheridan, Wyo.
Benitez, J. (2007, March) Long-term effects of child sexual abuse on adolescents and adults, workshop at the Governor’s Conference on
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J., Jenkins, P., and Laska, S. (2007, February) Gender and Katrina, breakout session at Race, Gender and Class Solidarity
Across Borders: Natural and Social Catastrophes, sponsored by the University of New Orleans and Southern University at
New Orleans; New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2007, January) Sexual assault against people with disabilities, one-day training for supervisors at the Louisiana Department
of Health and Hospitals Bureau of Protective Services; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J., and Monteferrario-Rubenstein, T. (2006, December) Human trafficking in Louisiana, general session at Where Is the
Outrage? Louisiana’s 3rd Annual Sexual Assault Conference; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2006, December) New directions in sexual violence prevention: The Louisiana sexual violence primary prevention project,
breakout session at Where Is the Outrage? Louisiana’s 3rd Annual Sexual Assault Conference; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J., Monteferrario-Rubenstein, T., and Rooney, J. (2006, December) Katrina, Rita, and sexual assault, general session at Where
Is the Outrage? Louisiana’s 3rd Annual Sexual Assault Conference; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2006, November) The dynamics of incest, workshop for the volunteer facilitators of the Louisiana Department of Public
Safety and Corrections’ Victim/Offender Dialogue program; Pineville, LA.
Benitez, J. (2006, November) Understanding diversity and victim services, general session at the 6th annual Louisiana District Attorneys
Association Victim Assistance Coordinators Training; Shreveport, LA.
Benitez, J. and Polak, A. (2006, November) Understanding the dynamics of sexual assault and domestic violence, workshop at Finding
Common Ground & Creating Connections: Providing Safe & Accessible Services to Survivors of Violence with Disabilities
conference of the Louisiana Violence Against Women with Disabilities Project; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J., and Carbo, V. (2006, November) Sexual assault against people with disabilities, one-day training for supervisors at the
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Bureau of Protective Services; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2006, October) Violence against women, action workshop presented at the Action Coalition for Media Education (ACME)
Continental Summit, Facing the media crisis: Media education for reform, justice and democracy; Burlington, VT.
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. (2006. September) The media: A powerful system to help or hurt, workshop presented at the Hearts and Hands Conference
of the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2006, June) Working with the News Media, workshop presented at the Campus Institute for recipients of U.S. Department of
Justice, Office on Violence Against Women Grants to End Violence Against Women on Campus, sponsored by the California
Coalition Against Sexual Assault; New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2006, May) In the wind: Sex offender registration and notification in post-Katrina Louisiana, workshop at the annual
conference of Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J., and West, H. (2006, April) Victims of violence in times of disaster or emergency, resource paper presentation at After the
Crisis: Healing from Trauma After Disasters, an Expert Panel Meeting convened by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Administration’s Center for Mental Health Services, the Center on Women, Violence and Trauma, and the National
GAINS Center. Bethesda, MD.
Benitez, J. and Willow, Capt. M. (2006, April) Emerging crimes after disaster: Human trafficking, workshop at the Emergency Planning
and Recovery Conference of the Gulf States Regional Center for Public Safety Innovation. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2005, September) Naming names: Ethical issues of identifying sexual assault victims in the media and Cause or
Consequence: Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women and Children, workshops presented at the National Sexual Assault
Conference held by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Pittsburgh, PA.
Benitez, J. (2005, June) Naming names: Ethical issues of identifying sexual assault victims in the media, workshop at Forging Alliances,
Building Leadership: The 1st National Conference of the National Center for Victims of Crime. Washington, D.C.
Benitez, J. (2005, June) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshop at the 13th Annual Colloquium of the American
Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2005, April) The intersection of crimes of personal violence and Using expert witnesses in sexual assault cases, workshops
at the Indiana Statewide Conference on Sexual Violence. Indianapolis, IN.
Benitez, J. (2005, February) Protecting the gift: Teaching children to trust their intuition, workshop at Kids Are Worth It!, 17th annual
conference of Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, December) Expert witnesses in sexual assault cases and constitutional rights of crime victims in Louisiana, plenary
session at Where Is the Outrage?, 2nd annual statewide conference of Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault. Baton
Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, October) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in sexual assault prevention, workshop at the
2004 National Conference on Sexual Assault in Our Schools. Orlando, FL.
Benitez, J. (2004, October) Stalking: Old behavior, new crime, workshop at the 2004 National Conference on Sexual Assault in Our
Schools. Orlando, FL.
Benitez, J. (2004, October) Victim advocacy for children, workshop at the 3rd Annual Conference “Together We Can: Make A Difference
for Abused Children,” sponsored by the Louisiana Supreme Court, the Louisiana Department of Social Services, and the
Louisiana State Bar Association. Lafayette, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, July) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in violence against women prevention, workshop at
Radical Organizing for Change, the 11th Conference of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Denver, CO.
Benitez, J. (2004, June) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in violence against women prevention, 4-hour
workshop at the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA) annual Rape Crisis Training Institute,
Rensselaerville Conference Center. Albany, NY.
Benitez, J. (2004, May) Role of the advocate section in “Teaming to End Sexual Assault Using the LAMP Model,” sponsored by LaFASA,
Gulf States Regional Community Policing Institute, and Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. Natchitoches, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, May) Role of the advocate section in “Teaming to End Sexual Assault Using the LAMP Model,” sponsored by LaFASA,
Gulf States Regional Community Policing Institute, and Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. Alexandria, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, May) Role of the advocate section in “Teaming to End Sexual Assault Using the LAMP Model,” sponsored by LaFASA,
Gulf States Regional Community Policing Institute, and Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. Houma, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, April) Use of expert witnesses in sexual assault cases and The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshops
at the 7th annual Kansas Governor’s Conference on Crime Victims. Topeka, KS.
Benitez, J. (2004, April) Role of the advocate section in “Teaming to End Sexual Assault Using the LAMP Model,” sponsored by
LaFASA, Gulf States Regional Community Policing Institute, and Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, March) Diversity, cultural sensitivity, and sexual assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims Assistance
and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, March) Use of expert witnesses in sexual assault cases and The intersection of crimes of personal violence, held at
the annual Kids Are Worth It! Conference of Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2004, March) Building effective media relationships, full-day training for the Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual
Violence staff and staff of member programs. Lansing, MI.
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. and Swank, L. (2004, March) Can’t we all just get along? System-based and non-profit victim assistance programs, plenary
session at the 8th Annual Collaborating to STOP Violence Against Women statewide conference. Co-sponsored by LaFASA,
Louisiana District Attorneys Association, Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Commission on Law
Enforcement, Gulf States Regional Community Policing Institute, Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police, Governor’s Office
on Women’s Policy, and LSU School of Social Work Office of Social Service Research and Development. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2003, December) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in sexual violence prevention, and
Power-based crimes: A paradigm shift in teaching about violence against women, workshops at “Speaking Truth to Power:
Changing People, Cultures, and Institutions in Our Work to End Sexual Violence,” annual conference of the Ohio Coalition On
Sexual Assault. Columbus, Ohio.
Benitez, J. (2003, December) Sexual assault dynamics, presentation to Victim/Offender Dialogue volunteer facilitators of the Louisiana
Department of Public Safety and Corrections. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2003, November) The effects of child sexual abuse history on parenting, workshop at “It’s About Families, Permanence, and
All That Jazz,” 6th Annual Conference of the Louisiana CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Association. New Orleans,
Benitez, J. (2003, October) Sexual assault dynamics, workshop at the 5th Annual Victim Assistance Coordinators Training held by the
Louisiana District Attorneys Association. Lafayette, LA.
Benitez, J. (2003, October) Service providers: The reality in Louisiana, panel member at the Violence Against Women with Disabilities
Conference, co-sponsored by Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Foundation Against
Sexual Assault, and The Advocacy Center. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2003, September) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in sexual violence prevention, workshop at
the Mid-Atlantic Sexual Assault Conference, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape and the National Sexual
Violence Resource Center. Valley Forge, PA.
Benitez, J. (2003, September) Cause and consequence: Violence in the lives of homeless women and children, workshop at the MidAtlantic Sexual Assault Conference, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape and the National Sexual Violence
Resource Center. Valley Forge, PA.
Benitez, J. and Lorenzo, J. (2003, June) Police response to sexual assault, plenary session at the annual conference of the Oklahoma
Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Oklahoma City, OK.
Benitez, J. and Swank, L. (2003, May) System- and community-based advocacy: Moving toward collaboration, workshop at the 2nd
National SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) Conference, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims
of Crime. New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (2003, April) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in preventing sexual violence, workshop at the 3rd
International Conference on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking. San Diego, CA.
Benitez, J. and Moore, M. (2003, March) Ethical considerations in news media coverage of violence against women, plenary session at
the 7th annual Collaborating to STOP Violence Against Women Statewide Conference, sponsored by Louisiana District
Attorneys Association, Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, Louisiana
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Department of Justice, Louisiana Sheriffs Association, and LSU Office of
Social Service Research and Development. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2003, February) Protecting the gift: Keeping kids safe through intuition, workshop at “Kids Are Worth It,” annual conference
of Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2002, November) Working with the news media, workshop at “Partnering for Permanence: Honoring Diversity,” the 5th
Annual Conference of the Louisiana CASA Association. Marksville, LA.
Benitez, J. (2002, November) Tips on testifying, workshop at “Partnering for Permanence: Honoring Diversity,” the 5 th Annual Conference
of the Louisiana CASA Association. Marksville, LA.
Benitez, J. (2002, August) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in preventing violence against women, Cause
and consequence: Violence in the lives of the homeless, and Using expert witnesses in sexual assault cases, workshops at
“Celebrating Country: Victims & Advocates United,” the 28th Annual Conference of the National Organization for Victim
Assistance, co-sponsored by the Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. Nashville, TN.
Benitez, J. (2002, August) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshop at the Domestic Violence in the Workplace
Conference sponsored by the Louisiana Department of Justice. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2002, August) Cause or consequence? Violence in the lives of the homeless, workshop at “The Herstory of Our Future:
Creating Social Change,” the 10th National Conference of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Orlando, FL.
Benitez, J. (2002, August) Who decides what’s news? Making the news media our allies in ending violence against women, workshop at
the 10th National Conference of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Orlando, FL.
Benitez, J. (2002, July) Investigating drug-facilitated sexual assault, Preventing identity theft, and Investigating ritual abuse, workshops at
the 22nd Annual Conference of Professionals in Pre-Trial Services. Biloxi, MS.
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. (2002, May) Expert witness testimony in sexual assault cases, workshop at the 2nd National Sexual Violence Prevention
Conference, sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chicago, IL.
Benitez, J. (2002, May) Cause or consequence: Violence in the lives of homeless women and children, workshop at the 2nd National
Sexual Violence Prevention Conference sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chicago, IL.
Benitez, J. (2002, May) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshop at the annual conference of the Mississippi Coalition
Against Sexual Assault, the Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Mississippi Crime Victims Compensation
Program, and the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Division of Public Safety Planning. Tunica, Ms.
Benitez, J. (2002, April) Interacting with the news media, workshop at the 2nd National Meeting of the State Sexual Assault Coalition
Resource Sharing Project, sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Justice. Arlington, VA.
Benitez, J. (2002, February) Using expert witnesses in cases of violence against women and Power-based crimes, workshops at the 6th
annual Collaborating to STOP Violence Against Women Statewide Conference. Sponsored by the Louisiana District Attorneys
Association, Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, Louisiana Coalition
Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Correctional Association, Louisiana Department of Corrections Division of Adult
Probation & Parole, Louisiana Department of Justice, Louisiana Sheriffs Association, Fraternal Order of Police, Centenary
College Police Department, Southeastern Louisiana University, Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana, Governor’s Office of Women’s
Services, Louisiana State University Office of Social Service Research and Development, and the University of New Orleans
Women’s Center. Baton Rouge, LA
Benitez, J. (2001, December) Who decides what’s news? Making the media our allies in preventing violence against women, workshop
at the 3rd Annual Conference on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence: The Missing Peace, co-sponsored by the Kentucky
Association of Sexual Assault Programs, the Kentucky Domestic Violence Association, the Governor’s Office of Child Abuse
and Domestic Violence Services, the Dept. for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services, the Kentucky Justice Cabinet,
and the Cabinet for Families and Children. Lexington, KY.
Benitez, J. (2001, November) Who decides what’s news? Making news reporters our allies in sexual violence prevention, workshop
presented at the 11th International Conference on Sexual Assault and Harassment on Campus, sponsored by the Safe Schools
Coalition, Inc. Orlando, FL.
Benitez, J. (2001, November) Stalking: Old behavior, new crime, workshop presented at the 11th International Conference on Sexual
Assault and Harassment on Campus, sponsored by the Safe Schools Coalition, Inc. Orlando, FL.
Benitez, J. (2001. October) Violence and abuse in the lives of homeless women, workshop presented at the 10th Annual Conference on
Homelessness: Systems Integration for the 3rd Millennium, sponsored by the Northwest Louisiana Homeless Coalition,
Housing and Service Development Corporation, the Louisiana Interagency Action Council for the Homeless, and the U.S.
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. Shreveport, LA.
Benitez, J. (2001, September) Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity and Sexual Assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims
Assistance and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (2001, August) Who decides what’s news? Making news media your allies, workshop at “Journey to New Frontiers,” the
North American Victim Assistance Conference, sponsored by the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA).
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Benitez, J. (2001, August) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshop at “Journey to New Frontiers,” the North American
Victim Assistance Conference, sponsored by the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA). Edmonton, Alberta,
Benitez, J. (2001, August) Child sexual abuse: What you need to know, workshop presented at the Louisiana Head Start Association 28th
Annual Training Conference. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2001, August) Using expert witnesses in sexual assault cases, workshop presented at the 27th annual conference of the
Louisiana District Attorneys Association. Destin, FL.
Benitez, J. (2001, July) Closing Keynote Speech and Who decides what’s news? Making news reporters our allies in violence
prevention, breakout workshop, at the 4th International Training and Certification Conference of R.A.D. (Rape Aggression
Defense) Systems. New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J., Sheeran, M., and Woldeguiorguis, I. (2001, July) Integrating services for battered women with child protective services,
workshop at the Multi-Cultural Forum on Violence Against Women, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Benitez, J. (2001, June) Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity and Sexual Assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims Assistance
and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (2001, June) Why experts are needed in sexual assault cases, breakout workshop, and Why (sometimes) not? plenary panel,
at the “Expert Witnesses for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Cases: Why? Who? When? How?” Conference, sponsored
by the National Training Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. Austin, TX.
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. (2001, March) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, plenary session at the 5th Annual STOP Violence Against
Women Statewide Conference, sponsored by LaFASA, the Louisiana District Attorneys Association, the Louisiana Commission
on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Criminal Justice, the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the
Louisiana Sheriffs Association, the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, the Protective Order Registry of the
Louisiana Supreme Court Judicial Administrator’s Office, and the Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2001, March) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshop presented at the annual “Kids Are Worth It”
conference of Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2001, February) Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity and Sexual Assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims
Assistance and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (2000, November) Myths and misconceptions about sexual assault, workshop presented as part of the 40-hour training
course for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (S.A.N.E. nurses). Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (2000, November) The intersection of crimes of personal violence, workshop presented at the Fall Seminar of the Louisiana
District Attorneys Association. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. (2000, November) Working with sexual assault victims, workshop presented at the Department of Corrections/Victim
Assistance Coordinators 1st Annual Training Exchange, held at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola.
Benitez, J. and Swank, L. (2000, October) Dealing with the media as a prosecutor, workshop presented at the Fall Conference of the
Kansas County and District Attorneys Association. Kansas City, KS.
Benitez, J. and Swank, L. (2000, October) Working with the news media as a victim assistance coordinator, workshop presented at the
Fall Conference of the Kansas Victim Assistance Association. Kansas City, KS.
Benitez, J. (2000, October) Stalking: Living In the shadow of fear, workshop presented at “Counseling At Its Best: Celebrating the Human
Spirit,” the 2000 annual conference of the Louisiana Counseling Association. Alexandria, LA.
Benitez, J. (2000, September) Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity and Sexual Assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims
Assistance and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (2000, September) Stalking: Overview, interventions, and recommendations, workshop presented at the 14th annual
conference of the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault. High Point, NC.
Benitez, J. (2000, September) Who decides what’s news? Making news reporters our allies in sexual violence prevention, workshop
presented at the 14th annual conference of the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault. High Point, NC.
Benitez, J. (2000, September) Sexual assault, domestic violence, and child victimization: The intersection of personal violence, workshop
presented at the annual conference of Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Baton Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. and Swank, L. (2000, August) Making the news media your allies, workshop presented at the Louisiana District Attorneys
Association 26th Annual Conference. Destin, FL.
Benitez, J. (2000, June) Friends in news places, workshop at the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
Tulsa, OK.
Benitez, J. (2000, May) Stalking: Overview, interventions and prevention, roundtable presentation at the National Sexual Violence
Prevention Conference, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Dallas, TX.
Benitez, J. (2000, May) Who decides what’s news? Making news reporters our allies in sexual violence prevention, workshop at the
National Sexual Violence Prevention Conference, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dallas, TX.
Benitez, J. (2000, May) Making the news media our allies in the movement, workshop at the annual conference of the Washington
Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs. Wenatchee, WA.
Benitez, J. (2000, April) Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity and Sexual Assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims Assistance
and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J.. (2000, March) Violence against women: Stopping It! panel discussion at Celebration of Women: The Power to Move in New
Directions, A Regional Preparatory Meeting for the United Nations Year 2000 Special Session (Beijing 2000), sponsored by
Women’s Council of Greater Baton Rouge, U.S. Department of Labor, and President’s Interagency Council on Women. Baton
Rouge, LA.
Benitez, J. and Swank, L. (1999, November) Rape trauma syndrome, in-service training for counselors and interns at Southeastern
Louisiana University Counseling Center. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (1999, September) Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity and Sexual Assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims
Assistance and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (1999, July) Marital and date rape section of in-service training on domestic violence for officers at Zachary Police
Department. Zachary, LA.
Benitez, J. (1999, March) Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity and Sexual Assault section of volunteer training for Tri-Parish Victims Assistance
and Rape Crisis Program. Hammond, LA.
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Professional Presentations, continued:
Benitez, J. (1998, March) What medical students should know about sexual assault, guest lecturer in Social Issues class at Louisiana
State University School of Medicine. New Orleans, LA.
Benitez, J. (1993, September) Sexual assault dynamics, section of volunteer training for Crisis Phone of Hammond. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (1993, March) Sexual assault dynamics, section of volunteer training for Crisis Phone of Hammond. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (1993, January) Sexual assault and substance abuse, in-service training for staff at Pike Addiction Unit. Kentwood, LA.
Benitez, J.. (1992, September) Sexual assault dynamics, in-service training for Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office detectives. Hammond,
Benitez, J. (1992, September) Sexual assault dynamics, section of volunteer training for Crisis Phone of Hammond. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J.. (1992, July) Sexual assault dynamics, in-service training for officers at Southeastern Louisiana University Police Department.
Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J. (1992, June) Sexual assault dynamics, section of volunteer training for Crisis Phone of Hammond. Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J.. (1992, July) Sexual assault dynamics, in-service training for Resident Assistants at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Hammond, LA.
Benitez, J.. (1991, January) Sexual assault dynamics, in-service training for officers at Southeastern Louisiana University Police
Department. Hammond, LA.
Community Education:
5/29/07: Presentation on human trafficking to members of Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, Hammond, LA
5/27/06: Guest speaker on violence prevention at the annual Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership conference for south Louisiana in Baton
6/17/05: Presentation on Sexual Assault Prevention at the Voice Your Voice Coalition meeting, a project of the LSU Health Sciences
Center School of Nursing, held at Ochsner Foundation Hospital in New Orleans.
4/14/05: Guest speaker at the West Baton Rouge Regional Probation & Parole Office event celebrating National Crime Victims Rights
4/13/05: Guest speaker on Sexual Assault at the inmate IMPACT group at Elayn Hunt Correctional Center, Prairieville, for National
Crime Victims Rights Week.
1/5/05: Panelist at the formation meeting for the “Voice Your Voice” anti-violence coalition, spearheaded by the Louisiana State
University School of Nursing and include representatives from health care, law enforcement, prosecution, and social services agencies
throughout the Greater New Orleans area.
8/16/04: Guest speaker on Sexual Assault at the inmate Victim Awareness class at Dixon Correctional Institute, Jackson, La.
6/21/03: Panelist at U.S. Representative David Vitter’s 2nd Annual Women’s Leadership Forum, held at the University of New Orleans
University Center.
4/16/03: Guest speaker at the Lake Charles area Women’s Network Luncheon, on the topic of “Sexual Assault and Stalking: Violence
Against Women in Louisiana.”
4/9/03: Panelist at the presentation “Violence Against Women: The Community and Government Response in Louisiana,” sponsored
by the Louisiana Center for Women in Government, held at Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, La.
11/26/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at the
Calcasieu Parish Library, Lake Charles, La.
11/22/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at St.
Francis Hospital, Monroe, La.
11/21/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at the
YWCA of Northwest Louisiana, Shreveport, La.
11/20/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, La.
11/18/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at the
Opelousas Mayor’s Court, Opelousas, La.
11/13/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at the
Office of Family Services Regional Office, New Orleans.
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Community Education, continued:
11/12/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at the
Baton Rouge City Constable’s Community Services Center.
11/1/02: Lunch and Learn presentation on Sexual Assault and Stalking in the Workplace, aimed at employers, managers and
supervisors; part of the Louisiana Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women in the Workplace Corporate Citizenship Initiative; held at the
Alexandria Police Training Center, Alexandria, La.
9/16/02: A Counseling Cooperative, Metairie, lunchtime speaker on stalking
7/26/02: Lafayette Parish Violence Against Women Task Force, presentation on sexual assault and stalking
11/14/01: Baton Rouge Funeral Home Directors Association, on sexual harassment
6/14/00: Hammond Rotary Club luncheon speaker, on child sexual abuse
2/26/00: Southeastern Louisiana University Women’s Conference, workshop “Stalking: Practical Advice and Legal
5/5/97: Leadership Tangipahoa, panel discussion on criminal justice system
11/28/95: Amite Area Junior Auxiliary, rape prevention
3/28/95: Keynote speaker, Mississippi State University Sexual Assault Awareness Week
10/30/94: Criminal justice undergraduate class at Southeastern Louisiana University, rape investigations
4/12/94: Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office self-defense class, rape prevention
11/10/93: Date Rape panel discussion at Southeastern Louisiana University
9/24/93: St. Tammany West Chamber of Commerce, sexual harassment
2/18/93: Hammond High School, six one-hour presentations to students
2/26/92: Rape Prevention panel discussion at Southeastern Louisiana University
11/5/91: Students at Tangipahoa Parish PM School, rape information and prevention
10/23/91: Hammond High School, six one-hour presentations to students
10/1/91: Amite Junior Auxiliary, rape prevention
4/15/91: Ponchatoula High School, six one-hour presentations to students
1/14/91: Hammond High School, six one-hour presentations to students
12/17/90: Sumner High School, Kentwood, four 90-minute presentations to students
10/24/90: Hammond High School, six one-hour presentations to students
Media Interviews:
6/30/08: Peter B. Collins Show, San Francisco, live radio interview about U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kennedy vs. Louisiana
striking down the death penalty in child rape cases
6/25/08: Baton Rouge The Advocate interview about U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kennedy vs. Louisiana striking down the death
penalty in child rape cases
6/25/08: CBS Evening News interview about U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kennedy vs. Louisiana striking down the death penalty in
child rape cases
6/25/08: Justice Radio Network interview about U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kennedy vs. Louisiana striking down the death penalty
in child rape cases
6/25/08: Air America Radio interview about U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kennedy vs. Louisiana striking down the death penalty in
child rape cases
5/30/08: NPR News & Notes live radio interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme
4/18/08: Quoted in Bloomberg editorial on Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/16/08: Headline News live TV interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/16/08: All Headline News online interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/16/08: NPR Morning Edition interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/16/08: CNN American Morning interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/16/08: Austin American-Statesman interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme
4/16/08: Fort Worth Star-Telegram interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/16/08: Gannett News interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/15/08: Louisiana News Network radio interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme
4/15/08: Dallas Morning News interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
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Media Interviews, continued:
4/15/08: Bloomberg Radio interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/14/08: BBC Radio live interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/14/08: Washington Times interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/14/08: New Orleans Times-Picayune interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme
4/13/08: Chicago Tribune interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/13/08: ABC World News interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court; also on
4/13/08: Houston Chronicle interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
4/8/08: USA Today interview about Kennedy vs. Louisiana death penalty case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court
7/18/07: Baton Rouge Advocate interview about Louisiana State Police Crime Lab completing the backlog of rape kits waiting to be
6/13/07: Fox News interview about Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault’s position on Patrick Kennedy vs. State of Louisiana, a
Louisiana death penalty child rape case being appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court
6/22/06: Women’s E-news interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
5/4/06: Baton Rouge Advocate interview about trends in major crime rates
4/23/06: Baton Rouge Advocate interview about sexual assaults post-Katrina
9/13/05: Women’s E-news interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
9/14/05: interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina and the human rights of women in times of
9/18/05:, full article about rape in New Orleans post-Katrina
9/23/05: Women’s E-news interview about attempts to track rapes in post-Katrina New Orleans
9/27/05: CNN interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
9/27/05: Fox News interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
928/05: Washington Times interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
9/28/05: CBS News interview on sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
9/29/05: BBC News interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
12/05: Global Fund for Women, interview for report Caught in the Storm: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Women
12/8/05: NPR Morning Edition interview about sexual assaults in New Orleans post-Katrina
12/24/05: Women’s E-news Cheers and Jeers of the Week – cheers for national database to track rapes post-Katrina
7/18/05: Lafayette Daily Advertiser interview about surgical castration and management of sex offenders
7/18/05: WWL Radio live one-hour call-in show with Janet Gross about surgical castration of criminal defendants
7/14/05: WWL-TV interview for Sunday Morning with Dennis Woltering about surgical castration as an option for criminal defendants
7/12/05: New Orleans Times-Picayune interview about surgical castration as an option for criminal defendants
4/19/04: Opelousas Daily World interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report
issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/16/04: Houma Daily Courier interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report issued
by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/15/04: Alexandria Daily Town Talk interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report
issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/14/04: Sabine Index, Many, La., interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report
issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/14/04: Ruston Daily Leader interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report issued
by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/13/04: KTBS Channel 3, Shreveport, interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana
report issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/13/04: KEDM radio, Monroe, interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report issued
by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/12/04: Bogalusa Daily News interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report issued
by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/12/04: Baton Rouge Advocate interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report
issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/12/04: Southwest Louisiana News interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report
issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
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Media Interviews, continued:
4/12/04: Louisiana Network News radio interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana
report issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
4/9/04: KYKZ Radio, Lake Charles, interview about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the One in Eight: Rape in Louisiana report
issued by the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center.
1/27/04: New Orleans Times Picayune, interview about sexual harassment in Louisiana
12/4/03: Live guest on 2ne In, a morning show in WBRZ Channel 2 in Baton Rouge, about the 1st Sexual Assault Conference in
Louisiana. Appeared with conference closing keynote speaker Jody Plauche.
9/2/03: Christian Science Monitor, interview about the first sentence of death for a defendant convicted of child rape in Louisiana, and
LaFASA’s position on the law and the upcoming appeal process.
6/5/03: WAFB-TV, Baton Rouge, interview about the Baton Rouge serial killer and the crime of peeping tom.
11/22/02: KAQY-TV, Monroe, La., interview about LaFASA’s community meeting series to gather input on public policy issues for the
coming statewide elections and Legislative session.
11/18/02: Opelousas (La.) Daily World, interview about LaFASA’s community meeting series to gather input on public policy issues for
the coming statewide elections and Legislative session.
11/13/02: New Orleans Times Picayune, interview about LaFASA’s community meeting series to gather input on public policy issues for
the coming statewide elections and Legislative session.
11/12/02: Baton Rouge Advocate, interview about LaFASA’s community meeting series to gather input on public policy issues for the
coming statewide elections and Legislative session.
11/1/02: Alexandria Daily Town Talk and KLAX-TV, interviews about LaFASA’s community meeting series to gather input on public
policy issues for the coming statewide elections and Legislative session.
9/5/02: WBRZ-TV, Baton Rouge, interview about Legislative hearings on funding for the state’s DNA databank
4/22/02: WWL Radio interview on morning news show about Sexual Assault Awareness Month
9/21/01: WBRZ-TV, Baton Rouge, noon news show, live interview on coping in the aftermath of trauma, relating to the events of
September 11, 2001
4/30/01: Fox News 8, New Orleans, recent kidnapping of pre-teen girls in Louisiana and Texas
4/24/01: Baton Rouge Advocate, 9th annual Crime Victims Rights Week breakfast to honor Louisiana victims
7/27/00: ABC News/World News Weekend, background research for a story on a study of stalking in Louisiana released this week in the
Centers for Disease Control’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
6/19/00: Hammond Daily Star, new law protecting sex crime victim confidentiality
6/12/00: WWL-TV, New Orleans, GHB arrest in Tangipahoa Parish
6/12/00: Alexandria Daily Town Talk, rape case in Natchitoches Parish
5/15/00: KSLA-TV Channel 12 News, Shreveport, U.S. Supreme Court decision in U.S. vs. Morrison
5/5/00: Interview with Dr. Mary Ballard, PhD, and Dr. Hunter Downing-Alessi, PhD, both professors at Southeastern Louisiana
University, for a book chapter they are writing on counseling rape victims
3/29/00 and 4/5/00: ABC News 20/20, background research on sexual assault during or after concerts
3/20/00: Baton Rouge Advocate, investigation in Gonzales case
3/8/00: Baton Rouge Advocate, investigation in Gonzales case
2/17/00: Baton Rouge Advocate, Gonzalez police officer accused of rape
2/15/00: Hammond Daily Star, death penalty in child rape cases
1/7/00: WSTY-TV, Hammond, several rape cases in local area
12/12/99: WWL-TV, New Orleans, local man arrested on numerous child pornography charges
11/30/99: Alexandria Daily Town Talk, criminal case against convicted rapist Vincent Simmons
10/18/99: Christian Science Monitor, study on rate of murder of women in Louisiana
10/14/99: Hammond Daily Star, temporary restraining orders
10/6/99: Alexandria Daily Town Talk, study on rate of murder of women in Louisiana
10/6/99: New Orleans Times-Picayune, study on rate of murder of women in Louisiana
9/29/99: Houma Daily Courier, specialized sex crime investigation units; law enforcement training on sexual assault
9/24/99: Gambit Weekly, New Orleans, rape victims allowing their names to be used in the media
9/24/99: Alexandria Daily Town Talk, lack of availability of emergency contraception for rape victims at Alexandria area hospital
emergency rooms
7/7/99: The Advocate of Baton Rouge, Megan’s law
7/7/99: Hammond Daily Star, local sexual assault case
6/25/99: Hammond Daily Star, local sexual assault case
6/17/99: Gabriel Films, issues of rape and racism for follow-up film to The Farm
4/22/99: Augusta Chronicle, Georgia, local sexual assault case
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Media Interviews, continued
4/22/99: Hammond Daily Star, local sexual assault case
4/19/99: Dateline NBC, background research on national or state law enforcement protocols
4/19/99: Lawton Constitution, Ohio, sex offender registration and notification laws
4/16/99: Asbury Park Press, N.J., local sexual assault case
4/13/99: U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, research on statistics on campus violence
4/13/99: Hammond Daily Star, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
3/29/99: ABC News, background research on possible sentence of life or death for rape conviction in Louisiana
3/29/99: New York Times, national statistics on sexual assault, gender-neutral rape laws
3/29/99: Teen People, date rape drugs
3/25/99: New York Magazine, national sexual assault statistics, Juannita Broadderick case
3/23/99: Los Angeles Times, national sexual assault statistics
3/22/99: St. Petersburg Times, Florida, local sexual assault case
3/19/99: Telegram Tribune, San Luis Obispo, Calif., national sexual assault statistics
3/10/99: ABC News and 20/20, background research on rape victims who have babies as a result of rape
2/22/99: The Inquisitor, Caddo Parish, video voyeurism bill
1/25/99: Oprah Winfrey Show, background research on self-defense and rape prevention
10/20/98: Gabriel Films, issues of rape and racism for follow-up film to The Farm
9/4/98: Gambit Weekly, New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial’s releasing name of rape victim to media
9/4/98: WWL-TV, New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial’s releasing name of rape victim to media
4/98: KFLY Radio, Lafayette, Sexual Assault Awareness Month
4/98: USA Today, amicus brief signed by LaFASA regarding death penalty in Louisiana in child rape cases
3/97: WFPR Radio, Hammond, crime victims rights
6/97: Louisiana Network News, sentencing in first GHB conviction in Baton Rouge
2/97: WWL-TV, New Orleans, Rohypnol and other date rape drugs
4/96: Louisiana Network News, chemical castration bill
4/94: WAFB-TV, Baton Rouge, Crime Victims Rights Week Breakfast
12/23/93: Hammond America radio talk show, WFPR/WHMD, Hammond
4/93: Louisiana Network News, Crime Victims Rights Week Breakfast
4/14/93: Hammond Cable Channel 17, National Crime Victims Rights Week and services available to victims locally
4/93: KSLU Radio, Hammond, Crime Victims Rights Week Breakfast
4/93: WHMD Radio, Hammond, Crime Victims Rights Week Breakfast
2/4/91: Hammond America radio talk show, WFPR/WHMD, Hammond
Recognized by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center as a Founding Sister in the Anti-Sexual Assault Movement at Bridges to
Social Change, a national conference on sexual violence prevention and intervention, September 2007
Nominated for membership in the Hall of Fame at the Louisiana Center for Women and Government, November 2004
Victims and Citizens Against Crime award for outstanding organizational work on behalf of crime victims, presented June 2004
Louisiana Association of Non-Profit Organizations, Louisiana Heroine, 2003
Victims and Citizens Against Crime award for outstanding individual work on behalf of crime victims, presented June 2000
Sexual Assault Awareness Month Champion of Social Change Award, presented April 1999 by Louisiana
Foundation Against Sexual Assault Board of Directors
Best Breaking News Story Honorable Mention, presented 1990, Louisiana Press Association
Best Special Section Second Place, presented 1989, Louisiana Press Association
Award of Excellence in News Coverage, presented 1988, Louisiana Association of Educators/National Association
of Educators
Award of Excellence for Special Promotional Section, presented 1987, Louisiana Association of Educators
Member of University 100 at Syracuse University in the 1986-87 academic year by the Office of the Chancellor – 100 top students
chosen to serve as ambassadors for the university
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Roxanne Barrios
Associate Director, Louisiana District Attorneys Association
1645 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802-8143
Office phone: 225-343-0171
Hon. Burrell J. Carter
Chief Judge, First Circuit Court of Appeal
Post Office Box 309, Greensburg, LA 70441
Office phone: 225-342-7254
Catherine Childers
(Retired) Executive Director, MADD Louisiana
5314 Rivermeadow Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820
Home phone: 225-768-1681
Dr. Hunter Downing-Alessi, Ph.D., LPC
Professor, Department of Counseling, Family Studies, and Educational Leadership
SLU Box 10863, Hammond, LA 70402
Office phone: 985-549-2309
Hon. Harmon Drew, Jr.
Judge, Second Circuit Court of Appeal
430 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA 71101
Office phone: 318-227-3720
Lt. Stan Hoogerwerf
(Retired) Commander, 7th Police District Investigative Unit, New Orleans Police Department
2100 St. Charles Avenue, Apt. 6E, New Orleans, LA 70130
Office phone: 504-244-4600
Alyce Lappin, LCSW
(Retired) Research Associate, LSU School of Social Work Office of Social Service Research & Development
Past President, Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault Board of Directors
311 Huey P. Long Fieldhouse, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Office phone: 225-578-9314
Anne Seymour
Director, Justice Solutions, Inc.
Post Office Box 15551, Washington, D.C. 20003-0551
Office phone: 202-547-1732