Name Class - academy3arts

Name _______________________________________ Class ___A & H______________
Odyssey Film Questions
1. What is Odysseus’s wife’s name? _____________________
2. Name one of the kings who came to Odysseus at the beginning of the film?
3. Where do the kings want Odysseus to go? _____________________________________
4. Name one of the other warriors named in the film from either side. _______________
5. What did Odysseus and his men build that was rolled into the city? ________________
6. Who was seeking revenge against Odysseus? ___________________________________
7. What is the first obstacle that Odysseus and his men encounter? ____________________
8. What name does Odysseus tell this person his name is? __________________________
9. What does this person use to block the cave? ___________________________________
10. What does Odysseus and his men do to overcome this first obstacle?
11. What does Aeolus give Odysseus? ___________________________________________
12. What do they (the men) do that causes them to blow away from Ithaca?
13. At the next island, what happens to Odysseus’ men? _____________________________
14. What god helps Odysseus before he gets to the top of the cliff? ____________________
15. What did Circe and the ladies feed the men? ___________________________________
16. What happens to Odysseus’s mother? ________________________________________
17. How long did Odysseus and his men stay with Circe? ____________________________
18. Who did she tell Odysseus that he had to see to learn how to get home?______________
19. Who is at Odysseus home while he is away? ___________________________________
20. What do they want to do? _______________________________________________
21. Name one of the things the person tell Odysseus that he and his men would come in
contact with in their journey home? __________________________________________
22. What is in the center of Odysseus and Penelope’s bedroom? ______________________
23. What is Penelope going to weave in honor of her husband before she chooses another
husband? _______________________________________________________________
24. How many heads does Scylla have? __________________________________________
25. Describe Charybdis. _____________________________________________________
26. How did all of Odysseus’ men die? __________________________________________
27. To whom does Telemachus go to learn about his father? __________________________
28. How many more years was Odysseus with Calypso? _____________________________
29. Who comes to tell Calypso to let Odysseus go per Zeus’s order? ___________________
30. Who tells one of the suitors why Penelope does not finish the shroud? _______________
31. What happens to the shroud that Penelope had been weaving? ______________________
32. What does Calypso offer Odysseus if he stays with her? __________________________
33. What destroys Odysseus’s raft? _____________________________________________
34. What does Poseidon want Odysseus to do? ____________________________________
35. What is it that Poseidon wants Odysseus to understand?
36. Where does Odysseus end up? ______________________________________________
37. What is the name of the king of Phaecea? _____________________________________
38. What Trojan hero has been cursed by the gods that the Phaecean king remembered?
39. How do they treat Odysseus? ______________________________________________
40. What do the Phaeceans give Odysseus on his journey home? ______________________
41. To whom does Odysseus seek first before going to his palace? _____________________
42. Why doesn’t Telemachus believe that this man is Odysseus? ______________________
43. How does Odysseus convince Telemachus that he indeed is his father?
44. What is happening at Odysseus’s home? _______________________________________
45. Do you think these men are wrong to do act his way? Why/Why not?
46. What does Athena do to Odysseus’s appearance? _______________________________
47. How do the suitors treat this disguised Odysseus? _______________________________
48. Who ends up fighting Antinous “in the ring”? __________________________________
49. Who gets Telemachus to not kill Antinous? ____________________________________
50. Who thanks the beggar for taking care of Telemachus? ___________________________
51. What does the beggar tell Penelope about Odysseus?
52. Who recognizes Odysseus in his disguised form? (not Telemachus) ________________
53. What contest does Penelope set up in order to choose a new husband?
54. What does the nurse tell Penelope that she along with the rest of the women is to do?
55. What do the goatherd and the shepherd do with the weapons? _____________________
56. Is anyone successful in stringing Odysseus’s bow and shooting the arrow through the ax
handles? _____ If so, who? ________________________________________________
57. Eurymachus askes Odysseus, “What is our crime?” What was Odysseus’s reply?
58. Who dies with Eurymachus? _______________________________________________
59. What happens to the suitors? _______________________________________________
60. Who is Odysseus reunited with at the end of the film? ___________________________
61. What will you remember most about this film?
62. Would you watch it again? Why/why not?
63. Who is your favorite character? Why?
64. Is color significant in this film? If so, how?
65. Where is the camera for the key shots? What angles does it shoot from?
66. Whose point of view does the camera represent?
67. How is our attention drawn to particular images?
68. What emotional effect did the soundtrack create?
69. The characteristrics of an epic are as follows: A. tells the story of a hero, a figure of great
power and importance and there is glorification of the hero at the end; B. the hero has
many adventures in war or on a long journey in seach of something of value, and these
stories make up the action of the epic; C. begins in the middle of the story; D. the setting
covers a large area of land (sometimes sea), sometimes the Land of the Dead is visited; E.
Gods or other supernatural beings get involved in the hero’s life, sometimes helping the
hero, sometimes creating difficulties for the hero; F. a basis in a specific culture or
society. How does the Odyssey show the characteristics of an epic?