The impact of real time transport information on manufacturing scheduling Riccardo Mogre* Chandra S. Lalwani Hull University Business School Kingston upon Hull, HU6 7RX, UK *Contact author. Phone number: +44 (0) 1482 34-7557 Keywords: Assembly systems, Vehicle tracking, supply chain synchronisation, simulation model 1 Research Problem This paper considers a two-stage supply chain in which components are shipped from multiple suppliers to one manufacturer. Suppliers can be identified at a fabrication stage, wherein the manufacturer represents a multi-product assembly stage in which all components are incorporated into a final product. It is reasonable to assume that all the suppliers contribute to every final product by shipping at least one component. Moreover, we consider the manufacturer and the suppliers operating in a Just in Time (JIT) setting, leading to further assumptions. Firstly, we consider a final assembler using flexible machines with low setup times and costs. The manufacturer is therefore able to produce a variety of products in small lots to better match the supply with the demand profile (mixed modelling principle). For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the final assembler manufactures the entire range of products every day. Moreover we consider suppliers operating according to a level delivery schedules principle, i.e. they dispatch each component in a separate shipment and make sure that the components arrive in time to meet the production schedules of the final product for which they are required. The suppliers’ demand is deterministic and is computed from the daily production schedule of the final product. On the other hand, we take into account stochastic dispatching lead times and processing lead times. The variability of lead times considerably affects the production schedule and the delivery plan. This paper aims to assess how much real time information about the expected delivery times of delivery of components can contribute to the efficient production scheduling in a JIT setting. Recent technology enhancements, such as vehicle tracking, which enable accurate and real time measurement of transport operations, do in fact generate much higher levels of operational control than before (Lalwani et al., 2004). With better levels of control, the possibility of effectively integrating transport with other supply chain functions may develop (Closs et al., 1997; Kärkkäinen et al., 2004). For instance, the knowledge that certain materials will arrive earlier than those scheduled first for production allow operators to dynamically reschedule the plans on the basis of a First Come First Served (FCFS) policy (first best tactics). Without this vital information, the operators of the plant will prefer to process materials in the order originally defined by the scheduled production plan, unaware of shipment delays and whether other shipments will arrive first (second best tactics). Therefore the purpose of this paper is to assess the difference in performance between first best and second best tactics. The performance measure used to compare the two tactics will be ‘hours of no production’ representing the hours of plant inactivity when delays in transport operations of components prevent the production from starting. Assembly systems such as the one described in this paper have been studied in previous literature so as to determine optimal lot size. Blackburn and Millen (1982) proposed approximate techniques to solve the lot-sizing problem in assembly systems while Afentakis et al. (1984) solved exactly the lot-sizing problem for a specific configuration of the system. Nevertheless these studies do not take into consideration the variability of lead times. Song and Zipkin (2009) recently studied the order policies of an inventory system with multiple supply sources and stochastic demand and lead times. Nevertheless their analysis is mainly focused on serial multi-stage inventory systems and, in the knowledge of the authors, their approach has not been extended yet to assembly systems. Potter et al. (2007) and Haughton (2008) have studied the synchronisation of transport operations with other supply chain activities. Both studies analyse a complex system similar to the one described in the present paper and they use simulation techniques to investigate the performance of the systems. In accordance with the approach used by these two latter studies, in the present paper we propose to assess the impact of real time transport information on manufacturing scheduling through simulation techniques. Further studies might extend the present discussion by using the analytical approach (based on stochastic process modelling and queuing theory) presented by the aforementioned paper of Song and Zipkin (2009). 2 Key Methodology and Assumptions This paper employs spreadsheet simulation modelling to describe the model with a single supply source (scenario A) and then extend the model to multiple supply sources (scenario B). In the first scenario (scenario A), each material delivered by the supplier is the sole component that the final assembler needs to manufacture the final product. This case is uncommon in the real world and it is only used to introduce the rationale used in the simulation engine. Each shipment of components directed to the final assembler is defined by the following parameters: type of material (every shipment carries a single component at a time), quantity of component carried, scheduled time of arrival to the assembler’s plant and scheduled time when the production process associated to the delivery should be completed. The simulation engine on the basis of a normal distribution randomly generates the scheduled delivery plan. Nevertheless, the scheduled delivery plan is not made at random; rather takes into account some constraints (e.g. the last shipment must arrive during the hours of operation of the plant, the daily plan of deliveries should warrant a sufficient number of daily working hours for the plant, etc.). This scheduled delivery plan would be deterministic if there was no variability in the lead times. The variability elements considered in the model are the following: a normal factor – modelling the intrinsic random disturbance affecting the delivery process – and a Poisson factor, modelling the impact on delivery lead time of the occurrence of rare but critical major events (e.g. snow, accidents, engine failure). The use of the Poisson and normal factors has been done in accordance to what is suggested by statistics textbooks (e.g. Grinstead and Snell, 1997). Also basic queuing theory applications, which model the arrivals of unforeseen events, are usually based on a Poisson inputs (Hillier and Liebermann, 2010). A second normal factor, which models the intrinsic random variability of the production lead-time has also been considered in the model (through a variability of the quantity of the component, which impacts on the working time). Through an appropriate Design of Experiment (DOE) the first best tactics (which include the possibility of reschedule the production with the knowledge of the actual expected arrival time of the components) and the second best tactics (which process the components strictly on the basis of the scheduled delivery plan) have been compared. In the second scenario (scenario B) we introduce multiple independent supply sources. In this second scenario, every component (which corresponds to a delivery) is associated to multiple products and also every product is associated to multiple components. A bill of materials determines the relationship between every final product and the components provided by the suppliers. The aforementioned description of variability elements and design of experiments is also valid for scenario B. Summary of major results and significance In order to identify the significant difference between the hours of no production obtained applying the first best tactics and the ones obtained applying the second best tactics, a one-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) – including F-test – has been used. The results of the model show that there is a significant difference, as far as the hours of no production are concerned, between adopting the first best tactics – enabled by a real-time tracking solution of the shipment – and the second best tactics, where a real-time shipment tracking solution is not present. Moreover, switching from a second best to first best tactics lead to a 34% reduction of the hours of no production in the case of a single supply source (scenario A) and a 14% reduction of the hours of no production in the case of multiple supply sources (scenario B with 10 supply sources). In scenario B, the reduction is less than in scenario A because the presence of the bill of material makes re-scheduling production plans less flexible. 3 The model rationale and implications are extremely significant for those companies operating with low level of stocks of components. The model is extremely simple and can be easily extended to more complex cases of multi-stage manufacturing and assembly systems. The authors are currently working on applying the basic concepts underlying the simulation model to a more analytical setting, which will be based on the approach suggested by Song and Zipkin (2009) and will provide a richer interpretation of the problem studied. References Afentakis, P., Gavish, B. and Karmarkar, U.S. 1984. Computational Efficient Optimal Solutions for the Lot-Sizing Problem in Multi-Stage Assembly Systems. Management Science, 30, 222239. Blackburn, J.D. and Millen, R.A. 1982. Improved Heuristics for Multi-Echelon Requirements Planning Systems. 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