Do Not Write on This Test

Mr. Vincent
Unit 7 Test
SC History
Standard 8-5.1-8-5.2
Do Not Write on This Test!!!!!!!!!
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the answer that best answers the question and mark
it on your Scantron sheet.
1) The Reconstruction Plans of President Abraham Lincoln, and later President Andrew Johnson,
were not liked by everyone. Why did members of Congress not like the Presidential
Reconstruction Plans?
a. They were too strict to allow the Union to ever be reunited as it was prior to the Civil War.
b. They were created too quickly without consulting the former leaders of the Confederate
c. They were too lenient on the Southern states that had rebelled against the Union.
d. They were too focused on helping the freed African slaves but not on helping the poor white
2) Which amendment overturned the Dred Scott decision by recognizing the citizenship of African
Americans? It also upheld the right of all citizens to “equal protection” before the laws and “due
process” of law.
a. First
b. Thirteenth
c. Fourteenth
d. fifteenth
3) Why was the fifteenth amendment passed?
a. To ensure the right to vote black male citizens
b. To prohibit the sale of alcohol
c. To emancipate slaves
d. To set up schools for free African Americans
4) Which of the following describes racial relations in South Carolina during Reconstruction?
a. The freed slave quickly became a part of the democratic society with help from white voters.
b. Racial relations got worse as African Americans gained more political power.
c. Because they had little education, most African Americans preferred that only the upper
class white citizens’ vote on the important issues of South Carolina.
d. Racial tensions improved because people were tired of the conflict of the Civil War.
5) The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments are often referred to as the “Reconstruction
Amendments.” Which best describes the central theme of these three amendments?
a. Freedom of speech
b. The right to fair and speedy trial
c. Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment
d. Equal treatment for all American citizens
6) Northerners who came to South Carolina during Reconstruction were often called “carpetbaggers”
because they carried their belongings in a carpet bag. Which of the following describes why South
Carolinians despised the carpetbaggers so much?
a. They use the destruction of the South for political and financial gain.
b. They tried to make the cities in South Carolina mirror the major cities in the North.
c. They stopped South Carolinians from organizing another rebellion against the North.
d. They added to heavily populated areas of South Carolina that were already extremely
crowded by the end of the Civil War.
Mr. Vincent
Unit 7 Test
SC History
Standard 8-5.1-8-5.2
7) Which of the following is not something freedmen did during the Reconstruction period?
a. Went looking for relatives that had been sold down the river
b. Returned to the area they knew best, often former plantations
c. Always left the South as soon as being freed
d. Worked to establish communities
8) The term “scalawag” refers to a small and useless animal. What types of people were described as
scalawags during the Reconstruction Era?
a. Newly freed slaves who were competing for jobs with poor white population
b. Veterans of the Civil War who refused to return to civilian life in the South
c. Northern citizens who moved South to take advantage of the disorder and destruction
d. white southerners who had not participated in the Confederacy
9) Reconstruction affected the daily lives of everyone who lived in South Carolina after the Civil War.
The following description described its effects on one group. Which group is it?
They now had to compete with African American sharecroppers when they marketed their crops.
a. plantation owners
b. women
c. northern immigrants
d. small farmers
10) The 1868 Constitution based representation in the State Legislature on which of the following?
a. Both population and wealth
b. On wealth alone
c. On population alone
d. On the number of slaves owned
11) One of the heavily debated programs of Reconstruction was the “Freedman’s Bureau.” While it
had mixed results, what was the primary goal of this program?
a. To prevent the African American population from voting in federal elections
b. To establish the sharecropping system to make sure that white farmers continued to employ
African Americans
c. To provide newly freed slaves with food, shelter, work, and education
d. To enforce the black codes
12) The South Carolina constitutional convention of 1868 was made up of many delegates. Which
population made up the majority?
a. scalawags
b. former confederates
c. African Americans
d. All of the above
13) These laws established segregation in public schools and other places, restricted who could vote,
and limited the civil rights of blacks
a. Black Codes
b. Antitrust Laws
c. Jim Crow Laws
d. Civil Laws
Mr. Vincent
Unit 7 Test
SC History
Standard 8-5.1-8-5.2
14) Due to the unrest caused by the new South Carolina Constitution of 1868, most of the white
population chose to boycott the elections to select delegates to the convention. Very few whites
were elected to serve, which left two groups with the majority of elected positions. What were
those two groups?
a. “scalawags” and “carpetbaggers”
b. African Americans and “carpetbaggers”
c. Former Union Generals and African Americans
d. White South Carolinians and African Americans
15) What was the most important contribution of the Freedman’s Bureau?
a. The establishment of over 1,000 schools throughout the North
b. Doing away with sharecropping system
c. Establishing courts
d. The establishment of over 1,000 schools throughout the South
16) Whose Reconstruction plan was based on forgiveness and offered a quick and peaceful
reunification of the North and South following the Civil War?
a. Andrew Johnson
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Alexander Stephens
d. Jefferson Davis
17) When was freedom for slaves made official?
a. Freedom of the slaves was not official until the states ratified the 14th amendment
b. Freedom of the slaves was not official until the states ratified the 15th amendment
c. Freedom of the slaves was not official until the states ratified the 13th amendment
d. Freedom of the slaves was not official until the South Carolina wrote a new state
18) The belief that the white race is superior to all other races
a. Racism
b. Ku Klux Klan
c. White Supremacy
d. None of the Above
19) The Freedmen's Bureau is MOST associated with which time period?
a. Antebellum Era
b. Reconstruction
c. Civil War
d. Industrial Era
20) What main goal did subversive groups like the Ku Klux Klan, the Red Shirts, and the White
League share during Reconstruction?
a. Following the policies of the Radical Republicans
b. Helping freedmen move north to find jobs in factories
c. Rebuilding the southern economies by increasing foreign trade
d. Restoring white supremacy and restricting the rights of ex-slaves
21) Which statement BEST describes the background of African Americans in South Carolina's state
government during the Reconstruction era?
a. most were war veterans
b. most were Northern carpetbaggers
c. most were illiterate
d. most were property owners
Mr. Vincent
Unit 7 Test
SC History
Standard 8-5.1-8-5.2
22) The education system in South Carolina was greatly improved during Reconstruction as is
evidenced by the fact that the most significant development in the state was education for
a. Irish Americans
b. African Americans
c. Scottish Americans
d. Spanish Americans
23) Northerners who relocated to the South after the Civil War were called
a. carpetbaggers
b. scalawags
c. lint heads
d. copperheads
24) The Ku Klux Klan, the Red Shirts, the Redeemers, and the White League can best be described as
a. Causes of the Civil War
b. Labor Organizations of the Industrial Era
c. Civil Rights groups of the Progressive Era
d. Subversive and Terrorist groups of the Reconstruction Era
25) In 1868 the South Carolina Constitutional Convention assembled with 76 African-American
delegates and 48 White delegates, making it the first official state assembly in the United States
a. an African American majority
b. an African American minority
c. supervision from the federal government
d. no northern political interference
26) How did John Wilkes Booth’s actions harm the South?
a. Johnson was no longer around to keep the Radical Republicans in Check
b. Lincoln was no longer around to keep the Democrats in Check
c. Lincoln was no longer around to keep the Radical Republicans in Check
d. His actions did not harm the South
27) Following the American Revolution, what was the PRIMARY economic activity in the Southern
a. Mining
b. Tobacco farming
c. Cotton farming
d. manufacturing
28) In the antebellum period MOST of the people in the Lowcountry were
a. Merchants
b. Planters
c. Slaves
d. soldiers
29) One of the major effects of the introduction and widespread usage of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was
a. Slavery was abolished in four southern states
b. It led directly to passage of the Fugitive Slave Act
c. The demand for slaves grew due to the increased cotton production
d. The demand for slaves dropped due to the increased cotton production
Mr. Vincent
Unit 7 Test
SC History
Standard 8-5.1-8-5.2
30) The most common form of farm work for freed slaves was _______________
a. Sharecropping
b. Tenant farming
c. Agrarian
d. Truck gardening
31) Which of the following was NOT a means employed in the South to deprive Blacks and former
slaves of the right to vote?
a. A poll tax
b. The Freedmen’s Bureau
c. Literacy tests
d. The grandfather clause
32) Immediately after the Civil War, most former slaves
a. Became sharecroppers on land owned by whites.
b. Received some education with assistance from the Freedmen's Bureau.
c. Remained poor, but had greater freedom over their personal lives.
d. All of the above.
33) Lincoln's VP who become president when Lincoln was assassinated, first president to be
a. Andrew Jackson
b. Andrew Pinckney
c. Andrew Johnson
d. Adam Johnson
34) The federal government did not believe it had the responsibility to rebuild the South economically.
They believed it was the responsibility of the ________________. Choose all that apply.
a. State governments
b. Local governments
c. National governments
d. Foreign governments
35) What was the purpose of Congress passing their Reconstruction Plan?
a. Only to protect Republican political power
b. To protect the rights of newly freed slaves, as well as to protect the Republican political
c. To uphold the Dred Scott decision
d. To provide the South with money to rebuild
36) The Reconstruction policies of national government did not include the reconstruction of what?
Choose all that apply.
a. towns
b. factories
c. farms
d. transportation systems
37) Plans for Reconstruction were developed and promoted by
a. President Johnson
b. President Lincoln
c. US Congress
d. All of the above
Mr. Vincent
Unit 7 Test
SC History
Standard 8-5.1-8-5.2
38) The Congressional plan called for military occupation of the former Confederacy, dividing the
South into 5 military districts. What military district was South Carolina in?
a. 1st district
b. 2nd district
c. 3rd district
d. 5th district
39) Who pushed for women’s rights during Reconstruction?
a. former slaves
b. carpetbaggers
c. scalawags
d. all of the above
40) Northern immigrants, known as carpetbaggers, came to South Carolina as what? Choose all that
a. teachers
b. missionaries
c. entrepreneurs
d. slaves