
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)
Grade Level Being Taught: 1st
Subject/Content: Synonyms
Name: Alexandria Forgione
Group Size: 16 Date of Lesson: 2/3/2014
Lesson Content
What Standards (national or state) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.1.5d Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (e.g.,
relate to this lesson?
look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic)
(You should include ALL applicable by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.
standards. Rarely do teachers use
just one: they’d never get through
them all.)
Essential Understanding
(What is the big idea or essential
question that you want students to
come away with? In other words,
what, aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish this
The big idea in this lesson is students will investigate how to distinguish the shades of meaning
among verbs differing in manner and adjectives differing in intensity using their common
Objectives- What are you
After teacher read aloud and modeling, students will be able to independently use synonyms to
distinguish the meaning of verbs differing in manner and adjectives differing in intensity.
(Student-centered: What will
students know and be able to do
after this lesson? Include the ABCD’s
of objectives: action, behavior,
condition, and degree of mastery, i.e.,
"C: Given a sentence written in the
past or present tense, A: the student
B: will be able to re-write the
sentence in future tense D: with no
errors in tense or tense contradiction
(i.e., I will see her yesterday.)."
Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)
Name: Alexandria Forgione
Grade Level Being Taught: 1st
Subject/Content: Synonyms
Group Size: 16 Date of Lesson: 2/3/2014
I will be teaching the objective of how to use synonyms to distinguish the meaning of verbs
Address the following questions:
differing in manner and adjectives differing in intensity because it is important for students to
 Why are you teaching this
understand that two or more words can have the same, or nearly the same, meaning. I will also
objective? 
be teaching this objective to promote vocabulary development.
 Where does this lesson fit
This lesson fits within the larger plan of teaching vocabulary acquisition and use.
within a larger plan? 
I will be teaching this lesson using a read aloud of the book Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know:
 Why are you teaching it this
What is a Synonym? by Brain P. Cleary and having students work independently on their
 Why is it important for students “Synonym Rolls” because I believe students will not only be engaged but also increase their use
of vocabulary.
to learn this concept?
It is important for students to learn this concept in order to move forward with vocabulary
development and eventually learn the concept of antonyms.
Evaluation Plan- How will you
know students have mastered
your objectives?
Address the following:
 What formative evidence will
you use to document student
learning during this lesson?
 What summative evidence will
you collect, either during this
lesson or in upcoming lessons?
What Content Knowledge is
necessary for a teacher to teach
this material?
Formative Evidence: The teacher will informally observe and give qualitative feedback as
students create their “Synonym Rolls” using synonyms to distinguish verbs differing in manner
and adjectives differing in intensity. The teacher will assess for accuracy based on synonyms
Summative Evidence: The teacher will observe students working independently on their
“Synonym Rolls,” collect the completed work at the end, and asses for 100% accuracy based off
of the synonyms chosen.
As a teacher I need to practice reading the book Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a
Synonym? by Brain P. Cleary and identify the synonyms being used. The teacher will also need to
know what a synonym is and synonyms for common verbs and adjectives.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)
Name: Alexandria Forgione
Grade Level Being Taught: 1st
Subject/Content: Synonyms
Group Size: 16 Date of Lesson: 2/3/2014
What background knowledge is
Students should not have previous knowledge on synonyms prior to this lesson. However, I will
necessary for a student to
ensure students’ have previous knowledge on verbs and adjectives while reading the book Pitch
successfully meet these
and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a Synonym? by Brain P. Cleary.
The learners receiving this lesson are 1st grade students. These students range in abilities.
After working with these students for a few months, I know how each student performs and also
 How will you ensure students’
how each student learns best.
have this previous knowledge?
I know these students will be ready for this lesson after working on Common Core Standards
 Who are your learners? 
 What do you know about them?relating to vocabulary acquisition and use.
 What do you know about their
readiness for this content?
What misconceptions might
Students might think a synonym means opposite and that they must find verbs and adjectives
students have about this content? that are opposite in manner. Students could also confuse the word “synonym” with “cinnamon.”
This misconception will be addressed during the teacher read aloud.
Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
The teaching method used in this lesson is teacher read aloud, modeled instruction with guided
(What teaching method(s) will you practice, and independent work.
use during this lesson? Examples
include guided release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)
Grade Level Being Taught: 1st
Subject/Content: Synonyms
Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in
teaching this lesson? Be thorough.
Act as if you needed a substitute to
carry out the lesson for you.)
Where applicable, be sure to address
the following:
 What Higher Order Thinking
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask?
 How will materials be
 Who will work together in
groups and how will you
determine the grouping?
10:10 How will students transition
between activities?
 What will you as the teacher do?
 What will the students do?
 What student data will be
collected during each phase?
 What are other adults in the
room doing? How are they
supporting students’ learning? 10:25 What model of co-teaching are 10:30
you using?
Name: Alexandria Forgione
Group Size: 16 Date of Lesson: 2/3/2014
“Today we are going to learn about synonyms! Can anyone tell me what they think a synonym is?”
Students could say a synonym is used in baking, referring to the term cinnamon, a type of word,
etc. Write the word “Synonyms” and “Cinnamon” on the board to avoid misconceptions. “You all
provided great answers! A synonym is used to show the relationship between two words. When
two words have the same meaning they are synonyms! Synonyms mean similar! As we can see on
the board synonym and cinnamon are two different words. Lets think of a word that has a
synonym. For example, what else could we say if someone was frightened?” Write the word
frightened under “Synonyms.” Students should be able to give the word “scared.” “Great job! As we
can see frightened and scared mean the same thing! You guys just provided a synonym. Lets do
another one. How about the word “quick.” Students should be able to give the words fast or
speedy. “Awesome! Fast and speedy are synonyms of quick! Okay last one! How about the word
large?” Students should be able to give the words huge, gigantic, etc. “You guys got it!” (Make sure
to list all words mentioned on the board)
“I would now like everyone to quietly push in your chairs and make a circle on the carpet in the
front of the classroom.” Once students are quietly sitting “Today I am going to read to you Pitch
and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a Synonym? by Brain P. Cleary. Who thinks they know what
this book is going to be about? Students should answer with synonyms! “Great! Can someone
remind us what is a synonym? You can look on the board if you need to! Students should be able to
state that a synonym is a word similar to another word, two words that have the same meaning,
or/and relationship between two words. “Very good! Now I want everyone to pay close attention
to the adjectives and verbs in this story and the synonyms that are used to show how a word is
similar! Read Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a Synonym?
“Now that you guys know all about synonyms I think it is time to make “Synonym Rolls!” I need
everyone to return back to their seats and wait for directions.” During this time ask two students
to begin handing out pre cut out “synonym rolls” (brown circles with swirls) to each student. Each
student should receive a total of 4. Ask another student to pass out “Synonym Chef” worksheet for
students to organize their ideas. “Everyone should have a total of four little brown circles and one
worksheet on their desk. Now this is what we are going to do, everyone is going to make four
synonym rolls. The first thing you are going to do is write a verb or adjective that you either heard
in the story just read or one that I write on the board on your worksheet. You are then going to
brainstorm some synonyms that go along with that word. A few is just fine! You are going to do
this for 4 words! After you are done brainstorming we are going to create your synonym rolls.”
Hold up one of the brown circles. “You are going to write the verb or adjective that you selected in
the center of the circle.” Write the word “small” in the middle of the circle. “As you can see I picked
the word small! Then you are going to write the synonyms that go along with that word along the
swirls.” Write the words tiny, little, and miniature going along the swirls. “You see I chose the
adjective small and wrote the synonyms “tiny,” “little,” and “miniature” along the swirls. Does
everyone understand? Does anyone have any questions? Okay I am going to write a few words on
the board in case you get stuck. When you are finished please bring me your work and we are
going to tape it to our baking sheet! (large chart paper shaped like a baking sheet)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)
Grade Level Being Taught: 1st
Subject/Content: Synonyms
Name: Alexandria Forgione
Group Size: 16 Date of Lesson: 2/3/2014
Teacher/Student Walk around and monitor student progress. Ask students why they chose the word they did and
what are some other synonyms that they can think of.
While students begin working write the words look, large, small, hate, funny, sad, happy, quick,
hurry, damp, stay, center, pick, get, crash, tow, lost, disappear, and smile on the board. Other words
can be taken from the book if needed.
After 15 minutes of independent work make sure all students turn in their “synonym rolls.” While
synonym rolls are being turned in begin to tape them to the baking sheet.
Share with the class some of the words that were shared on student synonym rolls.
“You guys did a great job today creating your “synonym rolls!” I am very impressed with the words
chosen and the synonyms you all came up with! Remember synonym means similar!”
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)
Grade Level Being Taught: 1st
Subject/Content: Synonyms
What will you do if…
Name: Alexandria Forgione
Group Size: 16 Date of Lesson: 2/3/2014
…a student struggles with the content?
If a student appears to be struggling with the content, offer the student 1 on 1 help. Provide
further examples of synonyms and relate synonyms to everyday words that the student might
What will you do if…
…a student masters the content quickly?
If a student masters the content quickly, provide a more difficult adjective or a verb that will
challenge the student to think of synonyms.
Meeting your students’ needs as
people and as learners
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
Students could be using different synonyms for basic verbs and adjectives based on their
cultural backgrounds and interest in word choice. This lesson will allow students to make this
connection and expand vocabulary development.
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
This lesson could reflect the common verb or adjective chose of the local community and allow
students to view synonyms that might be used in other communities.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this
lesson (enrichment)?
I will differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this lesson by
modeling verbs and adjectives ranging from easy to hard. This will make the task of finding
synonyms a little more challenging.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)
Grade Level Being Taught: 1st
Subject/Content: Synonyms
Name: Alexandria Forgione
Group Size: 16 Date of Lesson: 2/3/2014
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?
Accommodations (If needed)
(What students need specific
accommodation? List individual
students (initials), and then explain
the accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique
(What materials will you use? Why
did you choose these materials?
Include any resources you used. This
can also include people!)
Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a Synonym? by Brain P. Cleary, 64 (4 for each student)
pre cut out brown circles with swirls for “Synonym Roll” activity, white board, markers, large
chart paper pre decorated like a baking sheet, double sided tape, “Synonym Chef” worksheet to
organize student ideas found on, and the Common Core
*Note the “Synonym Roll” activity was found on