
1-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE
Syllabus of First Year
SYLLABUS of the Medical Physics
Fundamental principles in the atomic physics , and the nuclear physics , The
radioactivity and their medical applications , x-ray and radiography , The radio –
dissymmetry , and the radioprotection , The heat and their medical applications ,
Phenomenon of the transport trans-membranes , Dynamics of the blood , The sound,
the ultrasound waves and their medical applications , Fundamental principles in the
electric current , The geometrical optics.
Aspects of life ,The Metabolism concept , Viruses and Bacteria , Vitamins and
Hormones , Regulation of the cellular Division , Reproduction , The diversity of
living and enter- species interactions , Relationship between animal phyla and human
being , The basic behavioral phenomena of living organs , Solar energy is the main
source of energy in biological system , The importance of radiation in the biological
system , Maintenance of internal environment , Structural Functional relationship of
important molecules , the rise of modern biological science and medicine.
Methods of cytology study , chemistry of cell , Cell Membrane , Hyolaplosma and
Endoplasmic Reticulum , Kinetic objects in the cell Mitochondrion , Golgi
Apparatus, Lissome , Paroxysms , Ribosome’s , Nucleus , inter and external cell fluid
balance Differentiation , Necrosis Morph gene , Mitosis , Meiosis.
Syllabus of Descriptive Anatomy-1)
superior limb anatomy : study of bones , muscles , nerves , arteries , veins , lymph
and joints inferior limb anatomy : study of bones , muscles , nerves , arteries , veins ,
lymph and joints
2-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of General and Organic Chemistry
The material structure and it's component , The Periodic Table and properties of the
elements , chemical bond , solutions , acids and Bases , Oxidation and reduction
reaction , chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics , The chemistry of selected
nonmetals : Hydrogen , Oxygen and Nitrogen , The introduction to organic
Chemistry , The line structure and the Isomerization , The Alkenes and Alkynes ,
The halogen hydrocarbon derivatives , Aromatic Hydrocarbons , Alcohols and
Ethers , the carbonyl compounds ( Aldehydes and Ketones) , Amines , Carboxylic
Acid and it's defectives .
Syllabus of The “Human” Embryology
First Introduction : includes
The revolutionary biology ,historical understanding about embryology
development , the plan of embryonic body .
Second the growth of embryo systems :
1- the digestive of Respiratory system , anatomy , proenteron , post
Pharyngeal Pnoenteron , Mesenteron ,Metenteron , Coelom , Pulmo
trachea bronchbud , Anomalads
2- Urogenital system , Anatomy , Kidneys , Ureters , Urethra , Gonads , Uterus,
vagina , Anomalads .
2- neural system and senses , anatomy , Spinal cord , Brainstem includes
3- Oblincatabulbus and Epencephalon , Celebellum , Cerebrum , Ventriculi ,
The eye , The Internal ear , Olfactional Bulbus , Anomalads .
4- Skeleton nerve system , anatomy , Skeleton include Cranium , Ribs ,
sternum , vertebrae , head , muscles , Similarity in bursts limbs and face ,
5- Vasco circular system , Anatomy , The heart , Fetal circular , lymphatic
System , blood , Anomalies.
6- the skin and it's appendages.
Third : morphology:
Fourth : in vito baby , Reincarnation human.
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3-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of General Embryology
Introduction the development Human , Human Genital System mal and female,
bi- laminar embryo Development first week of pregnancy : fertilization , cleavage of
zygote ,formation of blastocyst , implantation , trilaminar embryo , embryonic
disc , second week of pregnancy , Clinically oriented problems , observation
embryo development , embryo organs differentiation , phase of embryonic
development : fourth & eighth week , folding of the Embryo , Control of
Embryonic Development , placenta and Fetal appendages , Development of
Body Cavities , Mesenteries and Diaphragm , Development of head and neck.
Syllabus of Genetics
Mendel’s principles , Genetic Material , DNA-Replication , protein
Biosynthesis , Gene-Mutations , Gynogenic , sex-linked inheritance ,
Chromosomal disorders , Human molecular pathology , Congenital
Malformation , Genetic engineering , society and Genetic engineering
End of First Year
4-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Second Year
Syllabus of Anatomy (2)
First : head and neck (nose, mouth , pharynx , larynx , trachea , bronchi , esophagus ,
thyroid gland).
Second : chest (Chest parietal :Thoracic cage and Sternum)
Chest cavum : include pleura , lungs , Mediastinum , Pericardium ,Heart , Arteries ,
and Venae , thoracic duct , Diaphragm , Diaphragm holes.
Third : abdomen
anterior Abdomen parietal, peritoneum and abdominal cavum
Abdominal organs : stomach , duodenum , liver, pancreas , spleen , small intestines ,
great intestines
Posterior abdominal parietal include : kidneys , Abdominal Aorta , Ureters , Vena
cava inferior , muscles : psoas , lumboquadripara
Fourth : pelvis
Bones of pelvis , lateral pelvis parietal , pelvic diaphragm
Small pelvis organs :
Male: urinary vesica and ureteropelvic , Urethra , Prostate and Cober glands ,
Female : urinary vesica and ureteropelvic ,Uterus, fallopian tube , Ovarium, Vagina ,
Fifth : Perinim
Sixth : Urogential.
a. male genitalia : scrotum , Spermatic cord , Testises , Penis
b. female genitalia : volva Pit ischiorectal
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5-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Anatomy (3)
Skull, Cervical column regional anatomy .
Head and neck regional anatomy: head and neck muscles , Sclap , nerves , arteries ,
veins and lymph.
Central nervous system regional anatomy : Meninges , arteries and veins .
1- Brian : cerebrum , cercbellum , medulla and spinal cord .
2- Cranial nerves.
Syllabus of Biochemistry (2)
1- Introduction.
2- Metabolism : catabolism , anabolism .
3- Energy metabolism (Bioenergy.
4- mitochondria is center to generate bioenergy.
5- Respiratory chain ( Electron Transport ).
6- Oxidative phosphorylation .
7- Krebs cycle ( citric acid cycle).
8- Carbohydrate metabolism: Digestion and absorption of saccharide ,Clycolysis ,
Gluconeogenesis , hexose Mono Phosphate , Metabolize saccharide unilateral ,
Metabolism of glycogen , Glycogenesis , Glycogenolysis.
9- metabolism of lipids : Digestion and absorption of lipids , metabolism of
triglycerides , metabolism of phospho lipids, metabolism of glucolipids.
metabolism of Fatty acids , catabolism of Saturated fatty acids and unsaturated ,
anabolism of Saturated fatty acids and unsaturated , Aloakozanoadat Metabolism,
Cholesterol metabolism , Transfer lipids.
10- protein metabolism : Digestion and absorption of protein , Amino acids
metabolism , Urea cycle , catabolism of Carbon structures for amino acids ,
anabolism Creatine- Creatinine.
11- Heme Metabolism.
12- Nucleotide metabolism: catabolism and anabolism of Nucleotides Alberimidih ,
catabolism and anabolism of Nucleotides Alboranyh.
13- liver metabolism .
14- Nervous tissue metabolism.
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6-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of General Histology
Preface of histology , Animal cell , Environment cellular .
Histology general include : Epithelial tissue , Connective tissue ( General connective
tissue , Special connective tissue ) , supporting tissue , Cartilage tissue , blood ,
Hematopoiesis , Muscular tissue , Tissue nervous and system nervous , Sensorial
receptors , Endocrine glands .
Syllabus of Special Histology
1-Circulatory system : Blood vascular system , Lymphatic vascular system and
lymphatic organs .
2- digestive system and large digestive glands
3- respiratory system .
4- Urinary system .
5- male genital system.
6-Female genital system and mammary glands .
7- Integumentary system (skin).
8- Photoreceptors system (eye).
9- Audio-receptors system (ear).
Syllabus of Chemical Biochemistry (1)
1- Water andits properties , PH ,The most important sentences buffer.
2- protein : amino acids , Peptides , The study ofprotein structure , A study of
Some of the models which show the compatibility between the shape of partial
biological function (hemoglobin and its vital roles , its Types{Hb-F , Hb-Ac ,
Hb-s , Hb-M ) , myoglobin , Collagen , Elastin , Laminin , Fibrinrectin , plasma
proteins ,Albumin , eruloplamin , Haptoglobin , Transferrin , fertin , hemocedren,
hemopexin , muscle tissue proteins , Blood clotting { Blood clotting proteins , The
mechanism of clotting } , Glycoproteins )
3-Carbohydrate : Introduction , Ohimitha biotechnologyand medical , its
Importance and Properties , Disaccharides , Oligosaccharides , hemopolysaccharides , Hetero-polly saccharides , Alglicanat protein .
7-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
4- lipids : Introduction , Ohimitha biotechnology and medical , simple lipids
{Triglycerides } , Complex lipids { phospho lipids , Glycolipids , Blood types } ,
fatty Acids {Saturated fatty acids , Monounsaturated fatty acids , polyunsaturated
fatty acids }.
steroids : Ohimitha biotechnology and medical , Cholesterol , Structure and
5-properties , acids and bile salts , Eicoisanoids .
6- vitamins : Introduction , Ohimitha biotechnology and medical , water soluble
vitamins { General Characteristics , types , vital role , deficiency} , lipids soluble
vitamins { General Characteristics , types , vital role , deficiency}
7- enzymes : Definition, Characteristics , Classified, The mechanism of action of the
enzyme , Factors affecting thespeed ofthe enzymatic reaction , nessenzymatic ,
Isotopeenzymatic , Organization effective Diagnostic importance of enzymes.
7- hormones : Introduction , Ohimith a biotechnology and medical, General
Characteristics , types , Hormonal receptors , The mechanism of hormone action ,
Pituitary hormones , Pancreatic gland hormones , Thyroid hormones , Adrenal
hormones .
8- Nucleotide: Definition , structure , types , Major and minor roles>
9- bio membranes : structure , General Characteristics , Vital functions.
10- Study the regulation of blood glucose level : insulin , Glucogen.
11- Mineral elements : Calcium, phosphorus, sodium , copper ,iron.
Syllabus of Physiology (1)
Introduction to physiology : Definition and brief history , Physiology and its relation
with other sciences , Divisions of physiological sciences , Scientific method ,
Mechanisms of Hormoeostasis , Adaptation and accommodation , Negative feed
back, , cells and their homeostasis Physiology of body fluids : The importance of
water for the body , factors affecting water distribution , Fluid compartments , Fluids
components , Dehydration , Exchange relationships among fluid , Measurements of
volumes of fluids , buffer systems , Mechanisms of transport across biological
Physiology of blood : Physical characteristics .
Circulatory system : systemic circulation , Pulmonary circulation , arteries , veins ,
capillary , lymphatic circulation , lymphatic tissues , blood pressure , factors affecting
blood pressure , radial pulse .
Blood dynamics : Blood as Newtonian fluid , flow rate , Measurments of flow rate ,
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8-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
lamior flow , resistance , poiseuille laws for the flow and its applications on blood ,
Relationship between Viscocity and resistance , critical closer pressure , blood
velocity , relationship between velocity and flow rate , laplase law , turbulent flow of
blood , blow blood to specific organs .
Respiratory system : Introduction , concept of respiration , Anatomical physiological
relation , airway passages and her Physiological role , lungs and pleural membrane ,
Intrapleural pressure , External respiration and respiratory circulation , inspiration ,
expiration , Respiratory Rhythm and factors affecting it , Respiratory types ,
pulmonary elasticity .
Physiology of Immunity : Introduction , the body's External defense lines ,
Inflammation , interferon , Mechanisms of specific immunity , antigen and antibody ,
immunoglobulin , lymphocytes and their part in immunity , histocompatibility
complex , cellular and humoral immunity , functions of antibodies , active and
passive immunity , natural anticancer immunity , graft implant and graft rejection ,
Cytokines and lymphokines , hypersensitivity , autoimmune disorder , anti stress
immunity .
Cardiovascular system : Introduction , Anatomical – Physiological relations,
surrounding and lining membranes for the heart , conductive system for the heart ,
blood system cardiac cycle , Electrical phenomena and ECG , Mechanical events of
cardiac cycle , heart sounds , disorder of Heart sounds , cardiac output , factor
affecting cardiac output , Innervations of the heart, Regulation of heart work ,
pulmonary compliance and surfactant , pulmonary volumes and capacity , Exchange
of gases across respiratory membrane , gas transport , O2 transport , CO2
transport, other gases transport , Respiratory regulation , hypooxygenia, Respiratory
reflexes , Artificial system .
Digestive system : Introduction , physiology of hunger and satiety , thirst , General
characteristics of GI , smooth muscles of GI , mechanical movements , oral cavity
and Digestion in mouth , tongue and his part in Digestion and swallowing , Teeth ,
salivary glands and its secretion organization , pharynx and esophagus , swallowing ,
swallowing infants , vomiting , anti-vomiting factors , disorders of swallowing .
stomach , stomach glands , regulation of gastric secretion , HCL secretion , digestion
in stomach , absorption throw stomach membranes , gastric ulcer , other functions
for the stomach .
Digestion of small intestines : mechanical Digestion in small intestines , chemical
small intestines Digestion , pancreatic juice , hepatic juice .
Different methods of digestion in small intestines : digestion of carbohydrate ,
digestion of proteins , digestion of lipids .
9-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
digestion in small intestines : functions of ileocecal , cholesterol secretion and gall
stones formation , local secretion of intestines .
large intestines : functions and movements of large intestines , defecation .
physiology of absorption : anatomical surface of absorption , mechanism of
absorption , absorption of carbohydrate , absorption of proteins , absorption of
lipids , absorption of electrolytes , absorption of vitamins , disorders of digestive
Syllabus of Physiology (2)
Urinary system : renal functions , nephron , juxta glomerular , blood supply , nerve
supply , Urine formation , Glomerular Filtration , Reabsorption , Secretion , Tubulo
Glomerular feedback , tubule Glomerular balance , water reabsorption and
excretion, Counter current concentration , water Diuretics, water intoxication ,
Hydrogen ion secretion , Regulation of sodium excretion , Diuretics , Micturition ,
Urine , Factors affecting urine concentration , kidney disorders , Artificial kidneys
and Hemodialysis , Acid – base Balance in body .
Muscles and Nerve physiology Excitability and response , Cell membrane ,
Electrical Phenomena of the cell , Depolarization , Resting potentials , Chemical
environment of the cell , Diffusion potential , Equilibrium potential , Measurement of
resting potential , sodium – potassium pump , calcium ions and there roles in
membrane cepotential , Pharmalogical aspects of membrane permeability , Action
potential , biphasic action potential , compound nerve potential , local potential ,
Action potential propagation , Propagation through synapses , Electrical synapses ,
stimulation post synapses potential , inhibitor post synapses potential , chemical
transmitters , characteristics of synapses and propagation through them ,
Neurotrophines .
Muscle physiology : Introduction , Types of muscles , Anatomical – functional
correlations , Contractile proteins , Sarcoplasmic reticulum , Electrical phenomena
of muscle cells , Molecular base of muscle contraction , the muscle twitch , Excitation
– contraction coupling , Isotonic contraction , Isometric contraction , tetanus
contraction , Nerve – muscle synapsis , Acetylcholine role , Drugs mimicking Ach ,
Myosthenia gravis , the relationship between muscle length and tension developed in
it , muscle fiber , motor units , Recruitment phenomenon , Source of energy , Muscle
and heat production , Muscle fatigue , Electromyography .
Nervous System Physiology : Introduction , parts of nervous system , supporting
structures of the nervous system , meninges , neuroglia , Neuronal pools , Sensory
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10-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
receptors , locations , Classifications , Characteristics , Accommodation , Receptor
potential , General senses , Cutaneous senses , deep senses , Mechano receptors ,
vesiral receptors , propagation of senses , Somatic sensory cortex , Somatic sensory I ,
Somatic sensory II , Somatic association area , Thermal senses , pain receptors ,
Nervous tracts that trans transmit senses , Dermatomes , Brainstem , spinal cord ,
Reflexes , Autonomic nervous system , sense organs , hearing , taste , Smell .
Endocrine System : Introduction , general functions , Types of hormones ,
Mechanisms of actions , Regulation of hormone secretion , Measurement of blood
secretion , parts of the endocrine system .
Pituitary Gland : Introduction , general functions , Adenohypophysis hormones ,
Growth hormone , prolactin , ACTH , FSH , LH , MSH , beta lipotrobin hormone ,
Neurohypophysis hormone , ADH , Oxytocin hormone , Pituitary gland disorder .
Thyroid gland : : Introduction , general functions , Thyroid gland hormones ,
tetralodo threonine , trilodo-threonine , Special functions , lodine metabolism ,
Regulation of secretion , Thyroid gland disorders , parathyroid gland , PTH ,
parathyroid gland disorders .
Adrenal Gland : Introduction , Adrenal medulla hormones , Epinephrine ,
norepinephrine , other hormonal secretion , Adrenal cortical hormones , Mineral
corticoids , Glucocorticoids , Adrenal sex hormones , Adrenal gland disorders
Pancreas : Introduction , Anatomical – physiological correlation , pancreatic
hormones , Insulin , Glucogen , somatostatin , pancreatic polypeptide , pancreatic
disorders .
Thymus gland : Introduction , thymus gland hormones , thymosin , Other secretion .
Pineal gland : Introduction , Pineal gland hormones .
Male reproductive system
Female reproductive system
End of Second Year
11-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Third Year
Syllabus of Symptomatology (Neurology):
Histology , Mental state speech , Head neck vertebral column examination , cranial
nerves examination , Motor system : Pyramidal system , Lower motor system , Extra
pyramidal system , cerebellar system , reflexes , motor system , sensory system , gait
imbalance .
Syllabus of Symptomatology ( Cardiology):
1-the symptoms ( dyspnea , Chest pain , Palpitation , syncope )
2- physical examination
a. General Inspection
b. Cardiac Examination ( Inspection , palpation , auscultation {normal heart sounds ,
addition heart sounds , heart murmur , pericardial friction .
c. peripheral examination
d. Arterial Exam .
e. Vein exam .
Syllabus ofSymptomatology (Endocrine Glands ):
Local clinical manifestations of endocrine diseases common physiological
manifestations of endocrine diseases : growth disorders , Water and electrolytes
metabolism , thyroid gland diseases , pituitary gland diseases , adrenal cortex
diseases , gonads dissiliences , parathyroid gland diseases , pancreas gland diseases
Investigations of endocrine disorders .
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12-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Symptomatology( Gastrology) :
Anatomy and physiology , studying gastro patient ( review , chief complaint history
of present illness , past history illness , family history , patient life story , bad habits ,
environment and work situation may be has a related to his disease , physical
examination , general inspection , palpation , percution , auscultation , ballotment ,
splash succustion , rectal exam ) main Symptoms and signs of digestive : dysphagia
{ causes and types} , heart burn { definition , causes , lesion that where can you see
it } , nausea { definition , causes , Lesion's causing him} vomiting { definition , causes,
Lesion causing him} , regurgitation { definition , Lesion causing him} , hypersalivation { Lesion causing him} , halitosis { definition , Lesion causing him} ,
gastrointestinal bleeding { Upper gastrointestinal bleeding causes and Recipes , lower
gastro intestinal bleeding causes and Recipes} bulimia and anorexia { bulimia ,
anorexia , digestive or not digestive Causes and lesions associated lack of appetite or
increased appetite} belching { definition , causes , Lesion causing him} , inflation or
distension { digestive or not digestive causes} , abdominal pain {The emergence of
pain mechanisms ,Abdominal digestive origin pain , ulcerative infectious Pain , bowel
obstruction pain in different causes , The pain of appendicitis , The pain of
pancreatitis , heat lesion pain , Inflammatory bowel pain , The pain of the
peritoneum – Periodic fever , Functional bowel pain } hiccup { definition , digestive
or not digestive causes} , diarrhea { definition , Lesion causing him , ypes and forms }
constipation { definition , types , causes} , tenesmus { definition ,causes}, rectal pain
{causes } .
The liver and Bellary system : anatomy , Study methods { review , main complain
patient history , Pathological history , family history } examination { Inspection ,
palpation , percution , auscultation , Laboratory and radiological investigation }main
sign and symptoms in liver lesion { jaundice –definition and causes , spider angioma
palmer erythema , male gynuomastia , onychorrhexis , onychoclasis , testicular
atrophy , hepatic tremor , collateral circulation , ascites , pruritus , drum stick finger
, hepatomegaly ,some lesion cause Hepatomegaly – cirrhosis, hepatitis , primary
malign hepatic tumors , metastatic on the liver biliary cihrosis , hepatic abseses ,
amloidosis , leukemia , osteo fibrosis , acute and chronic leukemia , metabolic
diseases , congestive heart failure , bud chiary syndrome , baumharten syndrome ,
alcohol hepatosteatosis - } splenomegaly { lesion can cause it , all types of Diseases of
the blood , Infections , systemic disease , hepatic disease.
13-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of General PathologyAnatomy
The pathology and studies methods , Injuries , adaptation and death of cells ,
Disorders of intracellular , elements , Metabolic disorders , hemodynamic , blood and
vessels disorders , Inflammation and the inflammatory diseases . infection , the
immune disorders , Neoplasia and tumors.
Syllabus of Clinical Chemistry :
Introduction: water { disorder of water} , acid-base balance { PH , Disorders of
carbon dioxide excretion , respiratory Acidosis , Respiratory Alkalosis , disorders of
hydrogen ion excertion , metabolic acidosis , metabolic alkalosis } , disorders of Ions {
Na,K,Ca,PMg} , Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism { carbohydrate metabolism ,
hyperglycemia , hypoglycemia } , lipids { Disorders of lipids metabolism , lipids
metabolism , hyper lipoprotemia , hypoproteamia} , plasma { Disorders of plasma
proteins} , Specific proteins , , Plasma Enzymes , Major function of the liver , { liver
disease , disorders of bilirubin metabolism } the kidneys , the gastrointestinal.
Syllabus of Miner Surgery:
Breast examination , neck examination ,Clitoris Examination , abdominal and
GI track examination, bleeding in surgery , blood transfusion , shock classification ,
clinical sign , treatment lumber puncture , sterilization , disinfection , surgical
instrument , surgical sutures , technique of suturing , dressing , stomach intubation ,
wound healing , enemas , burns , hest drainage , pericardial aspiration and drainage ,
medistenial drainage , trachestomy , injection , vital signs , pulse , temperature ,
blood pressure , respiration , examination of urological patient , catheterization
bladder , ureter , bladder aspiration , examination of muscle , joint , bone , fracture ,
dislocation embolism , crush syndrome , gas gangrene , tetanus .
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14-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Immunology
Immunology , Innate (non-specific ) immunity , Acquired Immunity , antigen and
Immunogens , hematopoiesis apoptosis , lymphocytes and lymphoid tissues ,
humoral Immune Response and Immuno globulins , Primary and secondary immune
response , Monoclonal antibodies MCA , Complement system , cell mediated
Immunity Super antigens Ags , Cytokines , Mechanisms of protective immunity ,
tumor Immunology , Immunolgic mechanism of tissue damage { Immuno pathology
hypersensitivity } , histocompatibility complex , transplantstation Immunology , auto
immune disease AIDs , Assessment of immune competence , immunodeficiency
disorders , immunological tests .
Syllabus of Microorganisms :
Introduction : General Definitions , The relationship between host and parasite , The
actions of the parasite on the host , Reactions of the host for the parasite ,
Epidemiology , Elements of the parasite's life cycle , Methods of entry and exit of the
host .
Medical protozoa : introduction , Malaria , Toxoplasmosis , Trypanosomiasis ,
Amibiasis , free living amoeba , trichomonasis , otherintestinalis flagellates {
Chiloma strixmesnilii , Embadomonas , Enteromonasintestinalis ,
Trichomonasintestinalis } , Humans Coccidiosis { Cryposporidium , Isospora ,
Microsporidia} , Blantidiosis , Pneumocystosis .
Medical helminthology : introduction ,Nematoda {Oxyuriasis , trichocephaliasis ,
Ascariasis , Toxocariasis , Trichinosis , Strongly loidiasis , Ankylostomiasis , Loasis ,
Onchocerciasis , Wuchererasi , Dracunculosis } Cestoda { Taeniasis , cysticercosis ,
Hymenolepasis , Echinococcosis , Echinococcusgranulosus ,
Echinococcusmultilocularis , Dipylidiumasis , bothriocephalosis } , Trematoda
{ Hepatic Trematodiasis , fasciolagigantica , Dicrocoeliumdendriticum ,
Opisthorchissinensis , Intstinaltrematodiasis , Fasciolopsis , buski ,
Hterophyesheterophyes , pulmonary trematodiasis , Paragonimuswestermani ,
schistosomiasis , Urinary schistosomiasis , Intestinal schistosomiasis ,
Japnonicaschistosomiasis , rectal – genital schistosomiasis .
Mediacal Mycology : introduction , Yeast form fungus {Candidiasis , cryptococcosis ,
pityriasis } filiform fungus { Dermatophytosis , Aspergillosis } biform fungus
{Histoplasmosis , Coccidioidomycosis , Sporothricosis , blastomycosis } mycetoms.
15-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Medical Entomology : introduction , Acarians , Ixodoides , Trombidifiorme ,
sarcoptiformes { scabies} Insecta , anoplura{Lice} , Heteropteres , triatomidate ,
cimicidae { Fleas} , Diptera , glossina , Myiasis , Tabanidae , mosquito , Phlebotomus ,
Simulium , Culicoides.
Syllabus of Vital Statistics :
Introduction : Statistical Concept , Statistical data collection and tabulation ,
Measurement of central tendency , Measurement of dispersion , Probability
distributions , sampling and sample distributions , Correlation and regression , vital
statistics , Design of experiment , completely randomized design , randomized
complete blocks design , latin square design
Syllabus ofMicroorganisms:
General bacteriology { introduction in Bacteriology, Bacterial structure ,
Classification and taxonomy, Bacterial physiology , Bacterial Genetics , Bacterial
Chemotherapy (antibiotics) Sterilization and Disinfection , Relationship between host
and infectious agent .
Systemic bacteriology : staphylococcus , streptococcus and Pneumococcus , Nieseria
and Moraxella , Crynebacterum and Lesteria , Clostridum and Bacillus ,
Enterobacteriaecaea , Brucella , Bordetella , Haemophilus and Pseudomonas ,
Vibrio, Campylobacter and Helicobacter , Mycobacteria , Spirochetecaea , Obligate
intracellular bacteria{Ricketssia and Chlamydia }, Legionella , Mycoplasma ,
Ureaplasma , Becetroids , Prevotella , Actinomycec . Applied Bacteriology.
General Virology :Introduction in Virology , Viruses Structure , Classification and
Taxonomy , Methods of viruses Culture , viral Infection Diagnosis , Antiviral
Chemotherapy .
Systemic Virology : Hypesviruses , Adenoviruses , poxiviruses , Papovaviruses,
picornaviruses, Myxoviruses , Paramyxoviruses , Arboviruses and Roboviruses ,
Reoviruses , Rubella viruses , Hepatits viruses , Human Immunodefficiency virus ,
Oncoviruses , Astroviruses , parvoviruses and coronaviruses and other viruses .
Applied Virology .
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16-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Pharmacology (1)
Pharmacological Principles, Autonomic system , Pharmacokinetics,
Pharmacodynamic , pharmacogenetic , Principles of drug interactions , drugs
affecting GIT , Antibiotics , drugs affecting respiratory system, pain killers ,NSAID.
Syllabus of Pharmacology(2)
Drugs affecting CNS , drugs affecting cardiovascular system , Anesthetics , drugs
affecting renal reproductive system , Vitamins and food supplements , Autocoids ,
drug used in endocrine system , drug used in blood disorders and neoplastic disease.
Syllabus Symptomatology {Respiratory Diseases}
First : Examination of the chest and lung :
a. General considerations .
b. Inspection:{ cyanosis ,Clubbing of the fingers , Respiratory movements / rhythm –
rate / retractions , Chest deformity .
c. palpation : Sternal and rib tenderness or deformity , assess expansion and
symmetry of the chest ,tracheal position , tactile fremitus.
d. percussion : method , Interpellation of percussion note : normal , dull ,
hyperresonant , assessment of diaphragmatic excursion , before and after deep
inspiration .
e. Auscultation : Method , Interpellation .
secound :Symptoms of chest disease : cough , sputum and their types , interpretation,
hemoptysis , Dyspnea { characterisics , types , interpretation } , chest pain
{types, etiology} extra thoracic symptoms of respiratory diseases .
third : sign in chest disease : cyanosis {peripheral , central , etiology and
differentiation } Clubbing of the fingers { definition , associated diseases}
fourth: Anatomical landmarks : he sternal angle , the scapula , the roots of the lungs .
fifth : Introduction to lung function tests : pack flow Monitoring , Tidal volume ,
Total lung capacity , Residual volume , dead space .
sixth : chest deformities .
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17-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
syllabus of Pathophysiology
Pathophysiology of heart and circulation disorders : Ischemic heart and
myocardialin fraction , Atherosclerosis , Physiology of cardiac arrhythmic ,
hypertension , circulatory shock . Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal disorders .
Pathophysiology of respiratory disorders : Asthma , hronic pulmonary emphysema ,
Pneumonia . Pathophysiology of Renal disorders .
Pathophysiology of Anemia and Coagulation disorders
Pathophysiology of Endocrine disorders : Pituitary disorders , disorders of adrenal
glands , thyroid disorders , diabetes mellitus .
Pathophysiology of Nervous system disorders : disorders ofmotor cortex , disorders
of basal ganglia , disorders of cerebellum , disorders of neurotransmitter .
Pathophysiology of pain and pain syndromes .
Syllabus of Public Health
Environment , The water and its disease , the air and its diseases , the food and its
diseases , Healthy house , Diseases in child schools , Infectious disease.
Syllabus of Ethics of Medicine
Medical profession , Syrian medical association, duties of doctors , doctors and
patients, medical secret , medical reports , doctors and other professions ,
disciplinary council , private clinics , medical responsibility , funds of medical
association , retire of the doctors and its laws.
End of Third Year
TO BE CONTD….18…..
18-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Fourth Year
Syllabus ofGastrology(Digestive Diseases ).
 Abdominal pain ,dyspepsia , diarrhea ,constipation , gastrointestinal bleeding,
jaundice .
 Esophagus ( anatomy and histology , motor disorders of the esophagus ,
gastro-esophageal reflux disease , hiatal hernia , esophagitis , tumors of the
esophagus ).
 Stomach and duodenum ( anatomy , histology , embryology , gastritis ,
zollinger-ellison syndrome , peptic ulcer disease , tumors of the stomach ).
 Small and large intestine ( anatomy , histology , maldigestion and
malabsorption , celiac sprue , Crohn's disease , ulcerative colitis , infectious
enteritis and proctocolitis , bacterial food poisoning , diverticular disease of
the colon , irritable bowel syndrome , small intestinal neoplasms , neoplasms
of the large intestine , colonic polyps and polyposis syndromes , colorectal
cancer ).
 Diseases of the anorectum ( hemorrhoids , anal fissure abscesses ).
 Liver ( anatomy , histology , embryology , live investigations , metabolic
disorders of the liver , hemochromatosis , Wilson disease , acute hepatitis ,
infections of the liver , nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, primary biliary
cirrhosis , liver cirrhosis and its complications , hepatic tumors and cysts , liver
transplantation ).
 Biliary Tract ( gallstone disease , biliary pain , acute cholecysitis , chronic
cholecysitis , choledocholithiasis , cholangitis , tumors of the gallbladder bile
ducts ).
 Pancreas ( anatomy , histology , embryology , acute pancreatitis , chronic
pancreatitis , cysts of the pancreas , pancreatic tumors ).
TO BE CONTD…….19….
19-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of General Surgery .
 Liver , gallbladder , biliary tree , the pancreas , the spleen , the appendix ,
intestinal obstruction , wound infection , antibiotics , fluid and electrolytes acid
base balance , the stomach and duodenum , the small intestine and mesentery ,
pediatrics surgery / pyloric stenosis , Hirshpring ano-rectal malformation ,
omphalocale intestinal malformation , ano-rectal disease , disease of the colon
and rectum , gastric bleeding ( upper – lower ) , lymphomas , acute abdomen ,
peritonitis trauma , hernia , laparoscopic surgery .
Syllabusof the Forensic Medicine .
Introduction to forensic medicine , thanatology introduction , types of death ,
postmortem changes and time since death , postmortem artifacts , forensic autopsy ,
medico-legal report , sudden death , complication of injury , the pathology of wound
( definition , mechanism , classification ) , dating of wound , regional injuries , falls
from height , transportation of injury , firearm injury , asphyxial death
( pathophysiology , hanging , strangulation , suffocation , traumatic asphyxia ,
drowning ) , thermal injuries , burns , hypothermia , starvation , electrical fatalities ,
sexual offence , pregnancy and delivery , abortion ,infanticide , fetal child abuse ,
the establishment of identity of human remains , trace evidence : biological materials
, toxicology : general principles , corrosives ( acids , alkalizes) , heavy metals (
arsenic , lead , mercury , …. ) asphyxiates ( CO , CO2 , cyanide , … ) inebriant : (
alcohols , ….) , agrochemical poisoning …. , death from narcotic and hallucinogenic
drug …. , poisoning by medicines …. , death from organic solvents .
Syllabus of Obstetric.
Obstetric and gynecology evaluation , physiology of conception , placenta , amnion ,
umbilical cord , fetal circulation , maternal adaptation of pregnancy , diagnosis of
pregnancy , antenatal care ,antepartum assessment of fetal well-being , drugs and
pregnancy , the pelvis , the fetus , uterine contraction and labor , intrapartum
assessment of fetal well-being , analgesia and anesthesia in labor , stimulation of
labor , puerperium , obstetric hemorrhage , abortion , ectopic pregnancy ,
hydatidiform , 3rd trimester bleeding , preterm labor , post term pregnancy ,
intrauterine growth restriction , congenital fetal anomalies , medical and surgical
20-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
disorder with pregnancy , hypertensive disorders in pregnancy , diabetes mellitus
associated with pregnancy , rhesus incompatibility in pregnancy , abnormal
presentations and positions , multiple pregnancy , premature rupture of the
membranes , dystocia , abnormal puerperium , operative .
Syllabus of Otolaryngology – Head &Neck Surgery &Diseases .
The ear , the facial nerve , the nose & Para nasal sinuses , the pharynx , the larynx ,
head &neck diseases , the salivary glands .
Syllabus of Pediatric (1)
Medical dossier , congenital diseases , new born , fall term new born , prematurity
and low birth weight , neonatal diseases , growth and development disorders ,
biophysical development , behavior , nutrition , nutritional disorders .
Syllabus of Pediatric (2)
Digestive disorders , immunity diseases , infectious diseases , neurological diseases ,
hematological disorders , tumors , respiratory diseases , urological and nephrology
disorders , endocrinal disorders , poisonings and accident , sudden infant death
syndrome , abuse children syndrome .
Syllabus ofDermatology
Basis of dermatology , structures of skin , dermatologic diagnosis , basic
therapeutics , bacterial infections , mycobacterial infections , sexually transmitted
diseases , parasitic infections , viral infections , fungal diseases , dermatoses due to
physical agents , urticaria , drug reactions and erythema multiform , eczematous
diseases , papulosquamous diseases, connective tissue diseases , cutaneous vascular
diseases , bullous diseases , disorders of pigmentation , some geno-dermatoses , nevi
and skin tumors , non-infectious cutaneous granulomas , diseases of the skin
appendages , disorders of the mucous membranes , skin and other systems .
TO BE CONTD…..21……
21-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Special Pathological Anatomy .
Alimentary tract , liver , pancreas and salivary glands diseases , disease of
respiratory system , kidney and urinary tract diseases , female reproductive system
and breast diseases , male reproductive system , nervous system and skeletal muscles
diseases , diseases of bones and joints , diseases of heart ,blood vessels and lymphatic,
diseases of blood cells and lymphatic , spleen and thymus , diseases of endocrine
glands , skin diseases , eye diseases , ear diseases .
Syllabus of Respiratology .
Introduction to respiratory diseases , tuberculosis , pneumonia , pleural effusion ,
pneumothorax , bronchial asthma , COPD , bronchiectasis , lung cancer , interstitial
lung diseases , pulmonary hypertension , pulmonary embolism , sleep apnea
syndrome , ARDS , eosinophilic pneumonia , aspergillosis .
Syllabus ofOncology &Surgery of Neck & Breast .
 Oncology ( carcinogenesis , immunobiology , diagnosis, clinical exam , staging ,
principles of tumor surgery , treatment ).
 Soft tissues tumors ( staging , diagnosis , benign skin lesions , premalignant skin
lesions , skin carcinomas ).
 Head & Neck lesions ( clinical exam , congenital lesions , thyroglossal cyst ,
brachial cleft anomalies , cystic hygromas , tumor , salivary gland diseases ).
 Thyroid lesions ( physiology –anatomy , hyperthyroidism ,goiters , tumors ,
parathyroid diseases primary hyperthyroidism , secondary hyperthyroidism ,
MEN syndrome ) .
 Breast lesions ( diagnosis , benign tumors , special diseases , breast carcinoma ,
classification , histologic types , surgical treatment , radiation therapy ,
chemotherapy ,hormonal therapy , breast reconstruction )
22-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus ofCardiac& Vascular Surgery .
 Arterial diseases : ( general principles "vascular patient approach , vascular
investigations " , atherosclerosis , lower extremity occlusive disease , aortoiliac
occlusive disease , acute arterial insufficiency in extremities mesenteric vascular
disease , renal artery stenosis (RAS) , extra-cranial cerebrovascular disease ,
aneurysms , vasospastic diseases , vascular trauma )
 Venous diseases : ( superficial thrombophlebitis , varicose veins , deep venous
thrombosis (DVT) , chronic venous insufficiency , pulmonary embolism )
 Lymphatic system diseases : ( lymphedema , lymphatic tumors , lymphangitis and
lymphadenitis )
 Cardiac surgery : ( acquired heart disease , overview , epidemiology ,signs and
symptoms , physical examinations , preoperative management , postoperative
management , cardiac arrest , extracorporeal circulation , prosthetic valves
,aortic valve diseases , aortic stenosis , aortic insufficiency , mitral valve diseases ,
mitral stenosis , mitral insufficiency , tricuspid valve & pulmonic valve & multiple
valves diseases , tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency , pulmonic valve disease ,
multiple valvular disease , coronary artery disease , cardiac tumors , cardiac
trauma , pericardial disorders ).
 Congenital heart diseases : ( overview , the incidence , etiology , types , history ,
physical examination , diagnosis , patent ductusarteriosus, coarctation of the
aorta , atrial spetal defects , ventricular septal defects , tetralogy of fallot ,
transposition of the great arteries ) .
 Aortic dissection .
Aneurysms of thoracic aorta.
Syllabus ofCardiology.
Physiology of circulation , heart failure , valvular heart diseases ( mitral
stenosis , mitral regulation , aortic stenosis , aortic regulation) , infective
endocarditis , pericarditis , cardiac temponade , ischemic heart disease( stable angina
, acute coronary syndromes , unstable angina , NSTEMI , acute myocardial
infraction (STEMI) ),hypertension , chronic and acute peripheral arterial diseases ,
acute deep vein thrombosis , the electrocardiogram , cardiac arrhythmias .
TO BE CONTD…….23……
23-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of LocomotiveSystemDiseases .
 Introduction to rheumatic diseases (synovitis joint, synovitis membrane , joint
fluid , cartilagefibrous joint , hyaline cartilage , ligaments & tendons )
 Clinical immunology ( inflammation , complement system , contact system ,
inflammatory cells , types if immune response , autoimmunity,
MajeureHistocompatibility complex (MHC) ).
 Regional musculoskeletal problems ( neck pain , mechanical & muscular neck
pain , nerve roots compressions , shoulder pain , supraspinatus tendinitis, calcific
tendinitis , adhesive capsulitis , elbow pain ( tennis elbow ) , lower back pain (
lumbago ) ).
 Connective tissue disorders ( systemic lupus erythematous , antiphospholipid
syndrome , sjogren's syndrome , scleroderma , polymyositis , dermatomyositis ,
 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
 osteoarthritis (OA).
 Rheumatic fever (RF)
 Seronegative spondyloarthropathies (Ankylosing Spondylitis , Reactive
Arthritis&Reiter'sdisease , psoriatic arthritis , Inflammatory bowel disease
associated arthropathy ).
 Infections of joints and bones ( bacterial arthritis , Neisseria gonorrheal
arthritis , Tuberculosis arthritis, viral arthritis ).
 Crystal arthritis ( gout , pseudo-gout).
 Bone diseases ( bone physiology , osteoporosis , rickets & osteomalacia , Paget's
disease ).
 Vasculitis ( Takayasu's arthritis , Giant cells arthritis , classical polyarthritis
nodosum (PAN) , Kawasaki's disease , separated CNS Vaculitis , Churg-strauss
syndrome , Wegener's granulomatoisis , microscopic poly-angitiis ,
TO BE CONTD…….24……
24-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
 Henoch-Shonlein purpura , essential cryoglobulinaemia , hypersensitivity
Vasculitis , Vasculitis attended with connective tissues diseases , Vasculitis
attended with viral infections , Behcet's disease ).
End of Fourth Year
TO BE CONTD……25…….
25-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Fifth Year
Syllabus of Orthopedic
Clinical methods , general view at orthopedic lesions , neck & cervical column
lesions , lumber column & trunk lesions , shoulder lesions, humerus & elbow lesions ,
forearm & wrist &hand lesions , hip lesions , thigh & knee lesions , Leg , foot ,neck &
foot lesions .
Syllabus of Ophthalmic .
Eye lids diseases , conjunctiva diseases , lachrymal apparatus diseases , cornea
diseases , sclera diseases , the uvea diseases , lens disease , retina diseases , glaucoma,
diseases of vitreous body , optic nerve , orbit diseases , error refraction , strabismus .
Syllabus of Emergency Medicine .
 Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation (CRP).
 initial approach to trauma : ( head trauma , spinal trauma , chest trauma ,
abdominal trauma , pelvic genitourinary trauma ).
 Cardiac emergencies .
 Pulmonary emergencies .
 Genitourinary emergencies .
 Diving accidents .
 Electrical injures .
 Heat illness and cold exposure .
 Near drowning .
 Poisoning .
 Smoke inhalation.
 Suicide attempts and gestures .
 Bites and stings .
 Radiation illness and exposures .
TO BE CONTD…….26…..
26-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Anesthesia & Reviviscence .
Metabolic and hormonal response to operation .
Preoperative assessment and premedication.
Anesthesia in practice .
Shock .
Blood , blood component , colloid , auto transfusion .
Respiratory failure .
Fluid and electrolyte balance .
Acid-Base balance .
Syllabus of Infectology (Infectious diseases ).
Infectious diseases.
Gram positive infections.
Hospital acquired infections ( Monosocomial infections ) .
IVDU specific infection .
Septic shock.
Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO).
Viral respiratory diseases .
Herpes viral infections .
Parvovirus infection.
Viral hepatitis.
Mumps .
Slow viruses infections.
Arbovirus infections.
Tropical viral infections ( Lassa Fever , Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ,
African Hemorrhagic fever ).
TO BE CONTD…….27…..
27-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
 Enteric viruses infections .
 Diarrhea , enteric fever " Gastrointestinal tract infections ".
 Zoonotic diseases ( brucellosis , rickettsia disease , spirochete infection , Rat bite
fever "Sodoku ", pasteurella , tulareamia , plague , listeriosis).
 Sexual transmitted diseases (STDs).
 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
 Helmenthiasis.
 Protozoal infections.
 Fungal infections .
Syllabus of Surgical Urology .
Embryology , anatomy , and physiology of gut .
Symptoms of disorders and physical examination of gut.
Urologic laboratory examination .
Radiology of the urinary tract.
Instrumentation and endoscopy of UT.
Urinary obstruction and stasis .
Vesico- ureteral reflux (VUR).
Infections of the guts.
Urinary stone disease.
Tumors of the upper UT.
Congenital anomalies of the upper UT.
Renal hydatid cyst.
Hydronephrosis .
Upper UT traumas .
Disorders of the urinary bladder .
TO BE CONTD……28…….
28-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
 Disorders of the prostate.
 Disorders of the urethra.
 Disorders of the male genitalia .
 Surgical disorders of the adrenal glands.
Syllabus of Surgical Respiratology .
Introduction to respiratory diseases.
Congenital respiratory deformities .
Tracheal diseases.
Infectious thorax diseases.
Lung cancer.
Lung emphysema.
Surgical pleural disease.
Diaphragmal hernia .
Tumors and cysts of the mediastinum.
Chest trauma .
Lung transplantation .
Surgical esophageal disease .
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery.
Mini-invasive thoracic procedures.
Syllabus of Ethics of Medicine .
Medical profession , Syrian medical association, duties of doctors , doctors and
patients, medical secret , medical reports , doctors and other professions ,
disciplinary council , private clinics , medical responsibility , funds of medical
association , retirement of the doctors and its laws.
TO BE CONTD…..29…..
29-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Endocrinology & Metabolic Diseases .
 Introduction to endocrinology science : (definitions " Hormone , receiver ,
endocrines " , composing and transfer the hormones , organizing of endocrines ,
endocrines investigations ).
 The anterior pituitary gland : ( physiology , diseases ).
 Hypopituitarism.
 pituitary-dwarfism .
 Acromegaly .
 Non-secreting pituitary tumors .
 Posterior pituitary (nerve) : Diabetes insipidus .
 Thyroid gland : ( physiology , Thyrotoxicosis syndrome , GraversDasedamdisease , Plummer disease , Toxicmultinodular Goitre, sub-acute
thyroiditis , Iodide associated toxic thyroid , simple goitre , hypothyroid , thyroid cancer ).
 Parathyroid : ( calcium metabolism , hyper-parathyroid , hypo-parathyroid ).
 Adrenal cortex "Adrenocorticotropic" : ( physiology , hyper-adrenal cortex "
Cushing syndrome " , hypo-adrenal cortex , Adreno-genital syndrome ).
 Adrenal medulla : ( pheochromoeysma ).
 Gonads : ( Andrology , gonads insufficiency " Klinefelter syndrome " , Ectopic
testis , hypo-fertility ).
 Ovarian diseases : (The absence of menstrual , Hirsutism , sexual differentiation
disorder ).
 Metabolism diseases : ( Diabetes mellitus , saccharides metabolic physiology ,
insulin , glucagon , Diabetes mellitus epidemiology , classification and labdiagnosis , management , insulin treatment , oral hypoglycemic drugs ).
 Hyper-lipemia : ( hyper-lipoproteinemia , lipid metabolic physiology ,Hypercholesterolemia , hyper-triglyceridemia , hyper-mixed lipid , mixed
hyperlipidemia ).
 Hyper-lipemia &Hyper-cholesterolemia management : ( Diet , Statius )
 Obesity : ( primary , secondary ).
 Pituitary.
TO BE CONTD……30…..
30-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Neurological Surgery
 History of neurological surgery .
 Neuro surgical operations ( conventional neuro surgery , microscopic neuro
surgery , stereotaxic neuro surgery ).
 Neuro surgical care ( preoperative care , operative care , postoperative care ).
 Neuro surgical diagnostic studies ( neuro-radiological studies , electrical studies :
"EEG , EMG , MRI , Ultra sound ", neuro surgical diseases ).
 Neuro surgical injuries ( head injuries " scalp , skull , brain " , spine and spinal
cord injuries , plexus and peripheral nerve injuries )
 Tumors of the nervous system ( tumors of the skull , brain tumors , spinal cord
tumors , tumors of the peripheral nerves )
 Herniation of the nucleus pulposus ( lumber herniation , cervical herniation )
 Cerebro-vascular diseases ( aneurysm ,arterio- venous malformation (AVM) ).
 Congenital anomalies of nervous system ( spina bifida meningo and meylocelem ,
cranium bifidum and cephalo-celem ,
cranoi-synostosis , arachnoid-cyst ,
Arnold- chiari syndrome).
 Hydrocephalus ( communicating hydrocephalus , hydrocephalus occulusus ,
norm-pressure hydrocephalus , atrophic hydrocephalus ).
 Surgical therapy of pain .
 Stereotactic surgery .
 Epileptic surgery ( temporal lobectomy , lesion-ectomy , functional hemispherectomy , colostomy, vagus-simulation .
TO BE CONTD…..31……
31-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Radiology .
X-ray physics and production , Radiographic image formation mechanism and it's
characteristics , radiopaque. Radiology , C.T.s , Radiology and isotopes/Gamma
camera/PET , mammography , biological effects of radiations and protection ,
ultrasound diagnosis , Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radiological diagnosis of
the chest disorders , radiological diagnosis of the spine /bones and joints , radiological
diagnosis of the skull / face and brain , radiological diagnosis of the female genital
system , radiation treatment , the radiological diagnosis of the digestive system
diseases including ( diagnosis of esophageal diseases , diagnosis of stomach diseases ,
diagnosis of small intestine diseases , diagnosis of colon diseases , the radiological
diagnosis of liver and biliary tracks , the radiological diagnosis of the pancreatic
diseases , the radiological diagnosis of spleen diseases , simple x-rays of the abdomen ,
the radiological investigations in the diseases of urinary system and genital male
Syllabus of Preventive Medicine & Occupational Medicine .
Prevention of the chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases .
Prevention of diabetes mellitus .
Prevention of hypertension .
Prevention of ischemic heart diseases .
Prevention of peptic ulcer disease .
Prevention of hepatic cirrhosis .
Prevention of obstructive sleep apnea .
Occupational pulmonary disease .
Occupational carcinomas .
Occupational infectious diseases .
Occupational hepatic and renal diseases .
Occupational hematologic disease .
Occupational neurologic and articular diseases .
Occupational dermatologic diseases .
TO BE CONTD…..32…….
33-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Gynecology
Embryology and congenital anomalies of the female genital system .
Pediatric Gynecology .
Dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome .
Benign lesions of the vagina , cervix and valva .
Benign diseases of the uterine corpus .
Benign tumors of the ovaries and fallopian tubes .
Endometrioses and adenomyosis .
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding .
Pelvic inflammatory disease.
Pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence .
Abortion .
Ectopic pregnancy .
Contraception and sterilization .
Gynecological surgical technologies .
Amenorrhea , hyper-prolactinemia , chronic anovulation .
Menopause .
Infertility .
Uterine corpus cancer .
Dysplasia and cervical cancer .
Ovarian cancer .
Vulvar and vaginal cancer .
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasms .
TO BE CONTD……..33………
33-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Nephrology .
Kidney anatomy and physiology , investigation of the renal diseases , renal
glomerular diseases, kidney and systemic diseases , acute renal failure ,chronic renal
failure , Drugs and the kidney , urinary tract infection , hypertension and the kidney,
water and electrolytes and acid-base balance , renal calculi , Tubulo-interstitial
nephritis , hereditary renal diseases , kidney and pregnancy .
Syllabus of Pharmacology .
Clinical pharmacology and therapy of GIT diseases .
Clinical pharmacology of CV system disease .
Clinical pharmacology of urinary and reproductive disease.
Clinical pharmacology of respiratory diseases.
Clinical pharmacology of hematological diseases.
Clinical pharmacology of joints diseases.
Clinical pharmacology of skin diseases.
Clinical pharmacology of eye diseases .
Clinical pharmacology of infectious diseases.
Clinical pharmacology of immunological diseases .
Syllabus of Hematology .
 Physiological introduction .
 Biological findings ( blood counts , blood smear , immune-phenotyping , bone
marrow smear , bone biopsy , node aspiration , nodular biopsy , chromosomes
rearrangement , gene study , hemoglobin electrophoresis , measurement of
blood mass , iron tittering , vitamins tittering , test of combs) .
TO BE CONTD…..34…..
34-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Deferential diagnosis ( neutrophil's changes , lymphocyte's changes, eosinophil's
changes , monocyte's changes ,elevated sedimentation rate , splenomegaly ,
infectious mononucleosis ).
 Anemia ( iron deficiency anemia , megaloblastic anemia , hemolytic anemia :
spherocytosis , thalassemia , sickle cell anemia , enzyme deficiency ,
immunological hemolysis , mechanical hemolysis , paroxysmal nocturnal
hematuria , aplastic anemia , essential thrombocytosis , polycythemia , chronic
myelogenous leukemia , chronic lymphocytic leukemia , bone marrow fibrosis ,
acute leukemia : myelocytic , lymphocytic , multiple-myeloma , Hodgkin disease ,
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma , hemorrhagic process , hrombocytopenia , coagulation :
hemophilia , Vonwillbrand disease) .
Syllabus of Psychology .
Psychiatric examination , psychiatric symptomology , neurotic-stress-rated and
somatoform disorders, mood disorder , schizophrenia , other psychotic disorders ,
personality and behavior disorder , psychoactive substance disorders , sexual
disorders , organic mental disorders , psychosomatic disorders , eating disorders ,
psychiatric emergencies , mental retardations , child psychiatry
,psychopharmacology , child abuse and neglect .
Syllabus of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .
 The concept of physiotherapy and rehabilitation : definition of all the specialties
that participate in the process of rehabilitation , the responsibilities of the
physiatrists and all the essential paramedical specialists (physiotherapist ,
functional– therapist … ets ) , as well as definitions of the most important
physical agents , electro therapy , and hydrotherapy.
 The neurologic rehabilitation : the essential rehabilitation procedures in the most
common neurologic lesions according to its type ( pyramidal , extra pyramidal ,
peripheral ) with a summarized example of each of them ( Cerebro-vascular
accidents , spinal cord injuries , M.S , Parkinson disease ) .
TO BE CONTD…..35…..
35-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
 The rehabilitation of cervical and lumber pain regarding the main factors
influencing both of them .
 Rehabilitation of the articular injuries : which involves the study of the most
common articular and tendonous impairment and there rehabilitation in addition
to an overview on the rehabilitation .
 Generalities about the specified rehabilitation as in pediatric geriatric rehab . and
the rehabilitation in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases , as well as in sport
injures .
Syllabus of Family Medicine .
 Normal growth and puberty .
 conception Reproductive Health , Elements of Reproductive Health , early
detection of breast cancer and cervix cancer , pregnancy care , safe delivery
( birth ) , family organizing &Contraceptives services ….. .
 breast-feeding , Bottle feeding .
 immunizations and vaccines .
Syllabus of Reconstructive Surgery .
 Cicatrization : ( mechanism , phases , types , affecting factors , pathologic ,
keloids , treatment ).
 Skin loosing : ( principles of suturing , skin grafts , grafting terms , skin flaps ,
other flaps ) .
 Face anomalies : ( congenital anomalies , cleft lip ( Rabbit lip ) and palate,
traumas, reconstructions of nose , ear and lip ) .
 Burns : ( pathophysiology , clinical grades , topical & general treatment ,
complications , electrical burns .
 Hand surgery : ( principles , trauma , infections , dystrophy , congenital ).
TO BE CONTD…..36…..
36-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Neurology .
Unconsciousness and coma , cerebrovascular disease and stroke , epilepsy ,
movement disorders , multiples sclerosis , CNS infection and inflammation , brain
tumors , headache , migraine and facial pain , traumatic brain injury , spinal cord
disease , degenerative neuronal diseases , congenital and inherited diseases ,
peripheral nerve disease , non-metastatic manifestations of malignancy , diseases of
voluntary muscles .
Syllabus of Nutrition Science
 Definition of Nutrition .
 Components of nutritional materials : ( proteins, fatties , carbohydrates ,
vitamins , electrolytes , water ( hydrate ) ).
 Individual needs of nutritional materials .
 Human body components ( proteins, fatties , carbohydrates , vitamins ,
electrolytes , water) .
 role of nutrients in nutrition .
 Nutritional elements .
 Individual needs of energy .
 Classification and components of nutrients : ( cereals, legumes, egg , milk ,meats
and fishes , fruits , paper vegetables , fruiting vegetables , roots , nuts and seeds ,
spices ).
 Effects of dealing and preparing foods on its nutritional value .
 Standardized nutrition .
 General nutritional state and indices : (weight for age index , tall for age index ,
weight for tall index , humerus circumference for age index , the ways to receive
information ).
 Malnutrition diseases : ( lack of energy and protein , nutritional anemia , lack of
vitamins , magnitude of thyroid , rackets , obesity ).
 Therapeutic nutritional diets
TO BE CONTD…….37…..
37-THE Study Plan for the Students of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE CONTD.
Syllabus of Pediatric Surgery .
Anomalies of the Vitelline duct and Utacus .
Umbilical sinus and fistulae .
Omphalocale .
Umbilical hernia , white lines hernia , inguinal hernia .
Congenital pyloric stenosis .
congenital intestine obstruction , small intestine obstruction and stenosis.
Rotation of intestine , doubled digestive tube .
Acquired intestine obstruction .
Intestinal intussusception .
Abdominal cavity cysts .
Hirshpring disease .
Liver , bills and pancreas diseases , congenital bills ducts obstruction .
Ano-rectal anomalies .
Ectopic Anus .
Imperforate Anus.
Anal canal lock .
Ano-rectal canal lock ,with or without fistulas .
Ano-rectal diseases , Rectal prolapse , rectal polyp , anal fissure , hemorrhoids .
End of Fifth Year
A true and exact English translation of the attached in Arabic.