Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan March 2016 Final Report Prepared for City of Greater Geelong SGL Consulting Group Australia Pty Ltd In Association with Peddle Thorp Architects TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GEELONG ARENA FACILITIES/OPERATIONS REVIEW ............................................... 3 1.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 THE PROJECT AIM .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 project methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 scope of this report .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.6 THE PROJECT AREA................................................................................................................................ 6 1.7 GEELONG ARENA FACILITIES ................................................................................................................ 6 1.8 GEELONG ARENA MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS ....................................................................... 9 1.8.1 Geelong Arena Management and Operational Structure ...........................................................9 1.8.2 Geelong Arena Management Structure and Staff Positions .......................................................10 1.8.3 Geelong Arena Combined Facilities Estimated Usage Review 2009/2010 ..............................11 1.8.4 Tennant Usage Trends .........................................................................................................................12 1.8.5 Geelong Arena Financial Report Summaries .................................................................................12 1.8.6 Arena Annual Maintenance 2009/2010 ...........................................................................................14 1.9 GEELONG ARENA CURRENT AND FUTURE TENANT DEVELOPMENT ISSUES ...................................... 15 1.10 GEELONG SUPERCATS ......................................................................................................................... 16 2 BASKETBALL GEELONG OVERVIEW ........................................................................ 17 2.1 BG PLAYER RESIDENTIAL CATCHMENT PROFILE ................................................................................ 17 2.1.1 Basketball Geelong Arena Usage .....................................................................................................18 2.1.2 Basketball Geelong City Wide Facility Usage .................................................................................19 2.1.3 Basketball Geelong Financial Review ..............................................................................................20 2.1.4 Basketball Geelong Fees and Charges ...........................................................................................21 2.1.5 Review of Basketball Geelong Fees and Charges Compared to Other Areas .......................22 2.2 BASKETBALL GEELONG PARTICIPATION TRENDS ............................................................................... 22 2.2.1 Basketball Geelong Team Entries Trends – All Venues ..................................................................22 2.2.2 Basketball Projected Future Stadium and Court Demand ..........................................................23 2.3 BASKETBALL GEELONG STAKEHOLDER FORUMS ............................................................................... 27 2.3.1 Basketball Geelong Board Members Meeting ...............................................................................28 2.4 3 FUTURE GEELONG ARENA FACILITIES BASKETBALL IMPROVEMENT LIST .......................................... 29 ARENA ANNEX USAGE AND OPERATIONS REVIEW............................................... 32 3.1 GEELONG ANNEX OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................ 32 3.2 GEELONG ARENA ANNEX USAGE TRENDS ........................................................................................ 33 3.2.1 Basketball Geelong Usage Arena .....................................................................................................33 3.3 OTHER ARENA ANNEX USAGE AND ASSOCIATED REVENUE ........................................................... 35 3.4 ARENA ANNEX OPERATING COST REVIEW........................................................................................ 36 3.4.1 Kiosk/Café Operating Performance Review ..................................................................................37 3.5 GEELONG ARENA ASSET VALUE ......................................................................................................... 38 3.5.1 Depreciation Allowances ...................................................................................................................38 4 FUTURE ARENA ANNEX REDEVELOPMENT STRATEGY ............................................ 39 4.1 POTENTIAL GEELONG ARENA ANNEX IMPROVEMENTS ................................................................... 39 4.2 ANNEX EXTENSION SCHEMATIC CONCEPT LAYOUT PLANS ............................................................ 40 4.3 FACILITY OPTIONS INDICATIVE CAPITAL COSTS REVIEW ................................................................. 46 4.3.1 Option A: Geelong Annex Community Facility Extensions...........................................................46 4.3.2 Option B: Geelong Annex Community and Event Facility Extensions .......................................46 4.3.3 Option C: Geelong Annex Community and Event Facility Extensions ......................................47 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page i 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 Event Change Facilities .......................................................................................................................48 Comparison of Arena Annex Extensions Options Indicative Capital Cost Estimates .............48 REVIEW OF ARENA ANNEX FACILITY REDEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ................................................... 50 4.5 FUTURE ARENA ANNEX MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ............................. 50 4.5.1 Future Annex Management and Associated Service Arrangements........................................52 4.5.2 Future Arena Annex Management Model ......................................................................................52 4.6 FINANCIAL IMPACTS OF FACILITY REDEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ....................................................... 53 4.6.1 Other Improvements Business Impacts.............................................................................................54 4.7 FUNDING SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................................... 54 4.8 SUMMARY OF FACILITY OPTIONS AND ASSOCIATED IMPACTS ...................................................... 55 4.9 WHERE TO FROM HERE ........................................................................................................................ 55 DIRECTORY OF TABLES Table 1.1 Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan Staged Methodology and Associated Tasks ...................... 5 Table 1.2 Geelong Arena Annual Estimated User Statistics 2009/10 ............................................................ 12 Table 1.3 Geelong Arena Annual Tennant Estimated User Statistics 2009/10 ............................................. 12 Table 1.4 Geelong Arena Annual Financial Result Review 2007 to 2010 ..................................................... 13 Table 1.5 Geelong Arena Annual Financial Result By Main Activity 2007 to 2010 ..................................... 13 Table 1.6 Geelong Arena Maintenance Expenditure 2009/10 ..................................................................... 14 Table 1.7 Geelong Arena Tennant Current and Future Facility Issues.......................................................... 15 Table 2.1 Basketball Geelong Main Players Catchment Zone (for all Facilities) ........................................ 17 Table 2.2 Basketball Geelong Team Registration Statistics 2006 to 2010 ..................................................... 23 Table 2.3 Winter Seasonal Actual (2006 to 2010) and Projected Players (2010 to 2018) ........................... 23 Table 2.4 Summer Seasonal Actual (2006 to 2010) and Projected Players (2010 to 2018) ........................ 24 Table 2.5 Basketball Geelong Club Competition Winter and Summer Court Availability 2011 ................ 24 Table 2.6 Basketball Geelong Club Competition Future Winter Season Court Requirements to 2013 ..... 26 Table 2.7 Basketball Geelong Club Representatives Stakeholder Forum Responses ................................ 27 Table 2.8 Basketball Geelong Board Member Forum Responses ................................................................. 28 Table 3.1 Basketball Geelong Arena Usage and Associated Revenue ...................................................... 33 Table 3.2 Geelong Arena BG Usage/Revenue Period 1: 05/10/2009 to 4/04/2010 ................................... 34 Table 3.3 Geelong Arena BG Usage/Revenue Period 2: 05/04/2010 to 3/10/2010 ................................... 34 Table 3.4 Geelong Arena Annex Non BG Usage and Associated Revenue 2009/10 ................................ 35 Table 3.5 Geelong Arena – Annex Operating Cost Assumptions and Details ............................................ 36 Table 4.1 Potential Geelong Arena Annex Redevelopment Component List ............................................. 39 Table 4.2 Option A Geelong Arena Community Extension Indicative Capital Cost Estimate .................. 46 Table 4.3 Option B Geelong Arena Community and Event Extension Indicative Capital Cost Estimate 47 Table 4.4 Option C Geelong Arena Community and Event Extension Indicative Capital Cost Estimate 48 Table 4.5 Geelong Arena Annex Extension Options Indicative Capital Cost Estimate Comparisons ..... 50 Table 4.6 Geelong Arena Annex Extension Options Usage and Financial Impact Review ...................... 53 APPENDICIES APPENDIX ONE: ARENA TENNANT AGREEMENT DETAILS APPENDIX TWO: BASKETBALL GEELONG USE OF THE ARENA 2009/10 APPENDIX THREE: BASKETBALL GEELONG AND GEELONG SUPERCATS COMBINED MANAGEMENT OFFICE PLAN 2011 APPENDIX FOUR: GEELONG ARENA MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING POSITIONS 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page ii 1 GEELONG ARENA FACILITIES/OPERATIONS REVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Geelong Arena is an indoor sports and entertainment venue, located 4 kilometres from Geelong’s CBD. Geelong is Victoria’s largest regional city servicing the Bellarine Peninsula, Surfcoast and Western Districts. The venue is owned and managed by the City of Greater Geelong and has been under Councils ownership and management since purchased in May 2003. Previous to this the facility had a varied ownership history including: The base facility was originally built as a wool storage business. In the early 1980s the main multi storey brick structure and site was purchased by a commercial developer and over 2 years was renovated to provide the main auditorium/court and seating and support areas. The redevelopment also included the gymnastics centre and commercial social facilities. The venue was also fitted out to host major events including concerts and dinners whilst from a sports perspective the main tenant was the Geelong Supercats when competing in the National Basketball League. In the late 1980s the Arena Annex was added and the commercial developer entered into usage and lease arrangements with then Geelong Basketball Association to base their competition at the site. We were not able to locate any information about previous lease or rental arrangements for this period. During the late 1990s and early 2,000s the commercial owner encountered financial difficulties and this saw limited investment in facility maintenance or improvements and after a number of years of ownership uncertainty the City of Greater Geelong in association with a Victorian State Government Grant purchased the site and facilities in 2005. Returning the centre to community ownership as a major sports and event centre has since seen considerable Council investment in upgrades and refurbishment and this has ensured the facility was brought back to useable condition and retained for future community sports and entertainment events. The Geelong Arena in its past has played host to some high profile national and international events including the National Basketball League, International and National sports events including Melbourne Commonwealth Games and major conferences and exhibitions and live concert performances. The Arena Annex s the principle area this study is being concentrated on and comprises three full size basketball courts (with permanent seating to court one and portable seating to courts 2 and 3) and storage area, offices and meeting/function room is acknowledged as Geelong’s main basketball venue. The large open 3 court floor space can also be set up for multi-use and can cater for up to 1,200 patrons for example for a sit down formal function, with a dance floor or set-up to cater for conventions and exhibitions. Users of the Annex facilities have some support service issues as currently they have to access change/toilets and food/beverage services in the main Arena building. This causes significant access, control and security issues for organisers and players when the main arena building is being used for major events. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 3 1.2 THE PROJECT AIM The proposed Arena Annex Master Plan Project focus is to investigate and identify the venues current provision of facilities and potential development opportunities at the Annex that support the needs of basketball in the Geelong region and enhance the Arena’s operations and business model. The aim of the Geelong Arena – Annex Master Plan Project has therefore been to: “Identify and plan for future development of the Annex stadium, increasing community involvement, and club usage and event opportunities” The plan is to comprise of two components; a Detailed Design Plan and a Business Modelling Plan. The detailed design plan provides direction on the construction and implementation of physical works and/or improvements which may take place within the Annex facilities. The business modelling plan has been set up to reflect the detail design plan and addresses the functions of the design, operations, ownership and management of areas, in addition to ensuring continued and improved ways of greater community engagement and involvement. 1.3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of the project are listed in the project brief are: 1. To undertake an assessment of both existing uses and user groups of the Arena Annex, with a focus on the development of a detailed user profile, inclusive of but not limited too; demographics, catchment analysis and usage type. 2. Undertake a competitor analysis of the facilities within Geelong that service a similar activity profile. 3. Identify down time opportunities and program opportunities for greater utilisation of the facility. 4. Identify appropriate and potential development opportunities within the Geelong Arena Annex, inclusive of and not limited too; a. social space catering for meeting and function requirements, b. aesthetics and user friendly entrance to the overall space, c. storage opportunities for user groups and tenants, d. change room facilities accessible directly from the Annex stadium, e. designated and clearly identified ticket booth, f. commercial operations (i.e. sporting apparel shop), g. bar facilities h. café facilities i. improved viewing to Annex Court 1, j. partnership opportunities, k. management and funding models, 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 4 5. Develop an action plan in consultation with stakeholders, supporting the development and future of the Geelong Area. 1.4 PROJECT METHODOLOGY SGL Group – Leisure and Tourism Planners were appointed in mid-2010 to complete the study and the following table summarises the key stages and tasks completed by the project team. Table 1.1 Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan Staged Methodology and Associated Tasks GEELONG ARENA ANNEX MASTER PLAN PROJECT STAGES AND TASKS STAGE ONE – BACKGROUND AND OPERATIONAL REVIEW Project Clarification/Initial meeting with Project Manager and Tour of Existing Facilities Review of Current Business and Operations Postcode Survey of Users of Facilities Demographic Review Review relevant Documents and Reports Inventory of Sports Courts and Associated Facilities Stakeholder Interviews Indoor Sport Participation Trends STAGE TWO CONSULTATION AND DEVELOPMENT Summary of Stage One Findings and Key Trends Issues and Opportunities Report Stage One Project Control Group Meeting First Draft Future Facility Component Brief Develop First Draft Business and Operational Impact Models based on Component Brief and Associated Improvements Facility Funding Opportunities STAGE THREE MASTER PLAN AND FINAL REPORTS Complete Concept, Schematic Plans for the Approved Concept Component Brief Final Arena Annex and Surrounding Area Master Plan Updated QS Estimate for Final Concept Updated Financial Model Draft Final Report Review of Draft Report Meeting Final Report Final Report Presentation 1.5 SCOPE OF THIS REPORT This report has been structured into four integrated sections being: Section One: Geelong Arena Facilities and Operations Review – This section reviews the overall facilities to set the scene for current use and costs across the total venue. This has been completed to enable the project team to understand general operations, agreements and leases and usage and financial trends. This section also covers other tenant groups other than Basketball Geelong’s key issues that may impact on any future Arena Annex or the combined facilities Master Plan. Section Two: Basketball Geelong Overview – This section presents a range of information that impact on basketball Geelong who is the main user of the Geelong Arena Annex. It covers estimated usage, current usage and sustainability issues and also covers future facility improvement priorities and projected future participation trends etc. Section Three: Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan Overview – This section covers a range of Geelong Arena Annex operational and usage issues as part of the review of future improvement priorities for this area. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 5 Section Four: Geelong Arena Annex Future Development Opportunities – This section covers the future Geelong Annex priority improvement components and potential development options, capital costs and key outcomes associated with such improvements 1.6 THE PROJECT AREA The City of Greater Geelong (COGG) is located in south-western Victoria, about 75 kilometres south west of Melbourne. The COGG is bounded by the Moorabool Shire in the north, Wyndham City and the Borough of Queenscliff in the east, Bass Strait in the south and Surf Coast Shire and Golden Plains Shire in the west. COGG is a rural, residential, resort, industrial and commercial area. Geelong is the largest regional city in Victoria and the leading commercial centre for south- western Victoria. The City encompasses a total land area of about 1,250 square kilometres. Over two-thirds of the population live the urban areas. The City includes the historic coastal townships and resort areas of Barwon Heads, Indented Head, Ocean Grove, Portarlington and St Leonards. In 2007, the total population of COGG was estimated at 205, 395 1. The population is expected to increase by 31,600 people to 237,580 by 2016, at an average annual growth rate of 1.44% (based on increase of +15,000 households. Nearly all areas within the City of Greater Geelong are expected to increase in population between 2006 and 2016. The largest increases in population are expected in Armstrong Creek, Other Urban – Bellarine – South Barwon, Highton and Lara while Bell Post Hill, Rural Corio and Newtown are expected to decrease slightly in population. This indicates the Arena is currently well positioned to service the Geelong population but as the population expansion occurs in new areas south and east new stadium development may need to be considered in these growth areas. 1.7 GEELONG ARENA FACILITIES The venue comprises four sport/basketball courts and associated service areas. The main arena show court’ has the following spectator capacity in different use modes as follows. Main Arena Usage Mode Event - With seating and floor seats Event – No extra floor seats Concert – Seated and standing Approximate User Capacity 1,600 1.175 2,250 The adjoining Arena Annex comprises three full size basketball courts and is acknowledged as Geelong’s home to basketball but is also a multi-purpose and versatile space used outside of basketball lease periods for functions and other sports activities. The Geelong Arena Ground floor plan is on the next page and the level 1 and 2 floor plans are listed on the following 2 pages Source: ABS Estimated Resident Population Cat. No. 3218.0.55.001 Regional Population Growth, Australia – companion data 1 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 6 GEELONG ARENA GROUND FLOOR PLAN 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 7 Geelong Arena Level 1 – Office Space Re-development Geelong Arena Level 2 – Function Room and Kitchen Facilities 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 8 Geelong Arena – Level 2 Martial Arts Room 1.8 GEELONG ARENA MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS The Geelong Arena is owned and managed by the City of Greater Geelong. The facility is managed under the Sports Venue Unit within the Sport and Recreation Department. 1.8.1 Geelong Arena Management and Operational Structure The Geelong Arena operations are currently managed internally under six business units and these include: Sport Events Concerts - Major and Community Conferences and Expo’s Banquets and functions Food and Beverage - Café/Catering and Bar Lease and Administration From a management perspective each respective business unit is considered as a separate unit, thus capitalising on the overall growth and development of the Geelong Arena. A review of the 2009/10 Geelong Arena Annual Report indicates the key priorities for 2010/11 Financial Year focus are as follows. ARENA EVENTS AND MARKETING 1) 2) Procurement of additional sports and entertainment based events. Relationship development and maintenance with both internal and external stakeholders. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 9 3) 4) Geelong Arena Marketing Plan Finalisation, implementation and ongoing management of the Event Management tool ARENA FOOD AND BEVERAGE OPERATIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Development and management of sound stock take systems. Installation of Centaman based point of sale for bar operations. Staff training and development workshops. Presentation of stock for resale. Increased storage and stock management systems. ARENA TENANT AND USER OPPORTUNITIES 1) 2) 3) 4) Increased communication and relationship development with current tenants. Opportunities to increase tenants on site, inclusive of a permanent tenant in the level 1 space. Identification of unused space and times within the venue and identification of potential programs/usage. Assistance to tenant procuring events to the Geelong Arena. ARENA MAINTENANCE 1) 2) 3) Implementation of the new Service Level Agreements. Ongoing management of Waste Wise onsite. Management of the Arena Cyclical Maintenance program. ARENA ADMINISTRATION, ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT 1) 2) 3) Development of sound systems and procedures. Opportunities for staff training and development. Clear strategic direction set and maintained. ARENA PROJECTS 1) 2) 3) 4) Arena Annex Master Plan Completion. Improve access to Westside of Geelong Arena Servicing gymnastics and Taekwondo areas Arena Annex scoreboard installation. Baxter Road Car Park Lighting. 1.8.2 Geelong Arena Management Structure and Staff Positions The centres current internal management structure involves the following positions: A summary of these positions and duties is listed in Appendix Four. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 10 Geelong Arena Management and Staffing Structure City of Greater Geelong Sport and Recreation Department Sports Venue Unit Geelong Arena Venue Manager Even Supervisor Operations Co-ordinator Administration Officer Maintenance/ Cleaning Officer 1.8.3 Geelong Arena Combined Facilities Estimated Usage Review 2009/2010 The Arena user statistics are collected by management from booking data and are estimates only generated from booking records so are not as accurate as direct user figures kept by users/hirers. At this stage they provide the only guide to combined centre usage which is currently recorded under the following key user categories: Commercial – Hirer is assessed as a commercial activity and charged a higher use rate Community – Casual/non regular Community hirer charged a lower rate than commercial hirers Tennant – Regular hirer/lease that has agreed tenancy rights (part of conditions of lease) Venue/Other – Other hirers not covered in above categories 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 11 A summary of centre managements estimated monthly and annual user statistics for the 2009/10 year shows the estimated number of users under each user category was: Table 1.2 Geelong Arena Annual Estimated User Statistics 2009/10 Visits 2009/10 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Commercial 800 6500 2000 2500 500 Community 3100 1200 1200 1200 800 350 Tenant 14100 13930 7970 11590 13930 7070 7070 11110 10020 Venue / 250 1000 8000 500 2150 2400 Other 17450 16930 23670 15290 19380 9970 7070 11460 10020 Total Note: Visit statistics are estimated based on booking data and provided as a guide only May 2500 13454 Jun 1770 13400 Total 14800 9620 130794 - 30 14330 15954 15200 169694 The user review indicates tenants represented 130,794 of the 169,694 visits (77% of all centre users) for this year. Next highest user category was commercial events at 14,800 (8.7% of total use) and then venue other at 14,330 (8.4% of total use). The monthly review of use indicates that tenant use ranges from a low of 7,070/month to a high of 14,100/month. The highest tenant usage months were July/August, Oct/Nov and March to June. Commercial and community events usage fluctuated greatly per month ranging from 800 to 6,500/month. 1.8.4 Tennant Usage Trends The tenant usage was estimated to be made up of the following main users: Table 1.3 Geelong Arena Annual Tennant Estimated User Statistics 2009/10 Tenant Visits July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 2009/10 Bell Post Dojo 600 600 600 600 600 400 400 600 600 600 Basketball 8050 10730 5370 10730 10730 5370 5370 8050 5370 8050 Geelong Geelong 2000 2600 2000 2600 2600 1300 1300 2600 2000 2600 Gymnastics Elite 150 Taekwondo Supercats 3450 2200 2050 4734 Total 14100 13930 7970 11590 13930 7070 7070 11110 10020 13454 Note: Visit statistics generated from booking information and are presented as an estimate only Jun Total 600 6200 8050 91240 2000 23500 150 300 2600 13400 15034 130794 The tenant estimate usage review indicates Geelong Basketball is the major user with an estimated 91,240 visits/year representing (70% of total tenant usage). This was followed by Geelong Gymnastics at 23,500 visits (18% of tenant use) and the Geelong Supercats at 15,034 (11.5%). Please note that during the review of these usage trends Basketball Geelong have provided more accurate and detailed usage data and this is listed in section 2. 1.8.5 Geelong Arena Financial Report Summaries The table on the next page summarises the Geelong Arena Financial results between 2007 and 2010 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 12 Table 1.4 Geelong Arena Annual Financial Result Review 2007 to 2010 Category Income R64601 - Arena Major Events R64602 - Arena Venue Hire R64603 - Arena Cafe R64604 - Arena Bar R64605 - Arena Lease & Admin R64606 - Arena Catering R64607 - Arena Maintenance Income Total Expenditure D64601 - Arena Cyclical Maintenance D64603 - Geelong Arena Court Remarking R64601 - Arena Major Events R64602 - Arena Venue Hire R64603 - Arena Cafe R64604 - Arena Bar R64605 - Arena Lease & Admin R64606 - Arena Catering R64607 - Arena Maintenance Expenditure Total Net Operating Result (Profit)/Loss 2009/10 Actuals 2008/09 Actuals 2007/08 Actuals (152,482) (113,326) (233,267) (223,897) (225,557) (37,103) (247) (985,880) (19,939) (102,375) (204,969) (199,841) (195,983) (41,718) 0 (764,826) (56,345) (87,085) (180,699) (134,081) (208,956) (37,719) 0 (704,885) 154,957 65,000 108,488 66,138 188,873 89,414 636,864 35,387 19,354 1,364,474 87,808 0 69,264 3,866 183,773 90,852 599,823 21,218 5,888 1,062,492 293,933 0 77,772 53,005 174,311 69,599 586,518 24,639 21,039 1,300,820 378,595 297,666 595,935 The same budget periods are summarised in the table below by key revenue and expenditure activity areas from 2007 to 2010 Table 1.5 Geelong Arena Annual Financial Result by Main Activity 2007 to 2010 Category Income 2200 - User Charges - Total 2800 - Internal Income - Total Income Total Expenditure 3000 - Salary Related Exp (excl. work cover) 3050 – Work cover Related Expenses 4000 - General Works - Materials - Total 4500 - General Works - Plant / Equip / Vehicle Costs 5000 - General Works - External Services – Total 5500 - Administration – Total 6000 - Professional Services – Total 6500 - Utilities – Total 7000 - Depreciation – Total 8000 - Internal Charges – Total Expenditure Total Net Operating Result (Profit)/Loss 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence 2009/10 Actuals 2008/09 Actuals 2007/08 Actuals (776,277) (209,603) (985,880) (566,907) (197,918) (764,826) (496,397) (208,488) (704,885) 461,478 6,148 225,691 4,675 466,207 9,079 0 98,705 77,950 14,542 1,364,474 397,799 6,541 210,189 38,726 257,453 10,114 500 87,869 40,559 12,742 1,062,492 377,085 9,351 187,024 155,084 396,285 18,756 0 93,663 33,614 29,958 1,300,820 378,595 297,666 595,935 Page 13 A review of the financial information over the three years of business review indicates: Revenue has increased annually for the three years from $704,000 in 2007/08 to $985,880 in 2009/10. User fees were the largest revenue source and the main revenue impact with an increase of $280,000 in user fees from 2007/08 to 2009/10 Expenditure has fluctuated from $1.300M in 2007/08 to $1.364M in 2009/10. In 2008/09 expenditure dropped to $1.062M with the main savings being in general works which were approximately $200,000 less in this year The net operating performance of the Geelong Arena has seen operational deficits for all years of review ranging from $595,935 in 2007/08 to a $378,595 in 2009/2010 1.8.6 Arena Annual Maintenance 2009/2010 The Geelong Arena in 2010 was one of the first sports venues in the Geelong region to undergo a complete resurface of all four courts, supporting Basketball Australia’s alignment with FIBA regulations. These works took place over the summer months to reduce the impact on tenants and user groups and was at a total cost to Council of approximately $65,000. In addition to the above the Geelong Arena experienced a number of major responsive maintenance works inclusive but not limited to: Auditorium air compressor replacement and maintenance works, refrigeration condensing unit replacement, Annex roof maintenance and sealing and the West side gutter replacement. Listed on the next page is a sample of the major costs associated with maintenance expenses for the past twelve month period at the Geelong Arena. Table 1.6 Geelong Arena Maintenance Expenditure 2009/10 Maintenance Expense Area Expenditure Air Handling Building Development/Maintenance Building & Maintenance Materials Café Maintenance - Fryers Electrical Repairs Equipment Maintenance Floor Maintenance Glass Replacement Lighting Repairs Locksmith / Key Access for Tenants Other Maintenance Painting - Interior & Exterior Pest Control Plumbing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 24,607 24,605 240 2,784 22,038 2,327 19,370 614 545 3,076 154 24,448 4,081 16,948 Refrigeration Telephone Maintenance $ $ 10,998 1,980 $ 158,815 Total Arena Maintenance Expenses 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 14 1.9 GEELONG ARENA CURRENT AND FUTURE TENANT DEVELOPMENT ISSUES A review of the main tenant’s leases or license of use agreements has been completed with Geelong Arena management and these are listed in appendix one as commercial in confidence information that will be deleted from the public report at final report edit stage. Interviews have been held with all tenant groups to discuss current usage and facility issues and future facility development needs. The largest tenant group Basketball Geelong have a range of significant issues and are looking for a range of major outcomes so these matters so they have been reviewed in greater detail in section 2 of the report. A summary of all other tenants than Basketball Geelong and their key issues are listed in the following table. Table 1.7 Geelong Arena Tennant Current and Future Facility Issues Tennant Elite Taekwondo Current Facility Issues Geelong Gymnastics Centre NOTE: This area is now managed and operated by the Geelong YMCA who assumed the lease in 2010/11. Kyokushin Dojo Association Total Events Future Facility Issues Group is positioned as a regional organisation covering Melbourne through to the western District. Very happy with current lease and access arrangements at the Arena Class sizes have increased and more schools are taking up the sport in daytime use Car parking is biggest issue when major events are on as difficult for members to park close to the venue. Do not use venue for functions due to cost Potential use as a regional competition area for events but cost is prohibitive for a small sport Limited use of food and beverage areas as away from their activity area. New group has been positioned to take over area ad continue to operate the Geelong Regional Gymnastics Centre under the same lease terms and conditions. Very happy with current lease and access arrangements at the Arena Class sizes have increased and more schools are taking up gymnastics in daytime use Car parking is biggest issue when major events are on as difficult for members to park close to the venue even though have separate entrance. Members make little use of current Arena food and beverage services. The Association is now well established at the Arena following a number of years in halls in the northern suburbs Make mainly night time use of the room and have own separate entrance so do not need to use the Arena amenities or food and drink services Very happy with current lease and access arrangements at the Arena Group class sizes have increased and starting to see some schools are taking up the sport in daytime use Group is small and very happy with current usage and facilities. Be good to improve air conditioning in activity areas during hot summers No need for any extension of areas Use Arena for storage of events and PA equipment as well as supply most of the event sound and No proposed improvements suggested 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Car park lighting also needs upgrading as most people coming and leaving activities do so at night so better security lighting would be good idea Plans to increase usage of area as classes and school use grows but no need for enlarged activity area Be good to improve air conditioning in activity areas during hot summers No new improvements suggested as negotiating on the terms and conditions of the current lease and access arrangements at the Arena Class sizes have increased and more schools are taking up gymnastics in daytime use Car park lighting also needs upgrading as most people coming and leaving activities do so at night so better security lighting would be good idea Page 15 recording and media services for the Arena Happy with current arrangements Interviews completed with the other tenants future redevelopment requests indicate they have minimal new area needs and most future issues relate to upgraded lighting in car parks for security of users and improved air handling and conditioning in activity areas. Please Note car parking lighting improvement works are included in current years capital works budget. 1.10 GEELONG SUPERCATS The Geelong Supercats are long term tenants of the Geelong Arena and have a long term agreement for use to 2013 but this is currently being renegotiated as the Supercats have now entered into a merger process with Basketball Geelong. The Supercats are progressing a formal sharing of resources (Offices, staffing, coaching etc.) with Basketball Geelong and working through a merger of the two organisations. Future Arena redevelopment requirements therefore relate to joint opportunities to share and this may see: Supercats reducing need for current Arena Office space Need for new office area in the Annex Social and meeting facilities in the annex Consultation is still under way with both parties but key issues the Supercats would like to resolve from the master plan project are: Improved food and beverage outlets for major events Improved financial revenue sharing for events the Supercats organises (i.e. share of food and beverage profits). New entrance facilities for the Annex 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 16 2 BASKETBALL GEELONG OVERVIEW Basketball Geelong (BG) is the major tenant at the Geelong Arena Annex and has the major use rights of the three courts Annex and access to the main arena under a range of conditions in its terms of lease (see appendix 1). BG is one of four recognised Basketball Victoria affiliated associations in the Geelong Region with Bellarine, Corio Bay and Try Boys Basketball Associations being the other three affiliated associations. In May 2011 BG estimated its player numbers were 2,922 registered players in BG competitions in the past 12 months. Of these 1,935 (67% of registered players) of these were under 18 years of age with 987 players (33% of registered players) were over 19 years and older. A key issue is that 67% of players are children and require parents or guardians, coaches and team support personal to transport them to venues. From longer term sustainability point of view this high number of junior players also means that with limited other income sources BG relies on play game and team fees to grow the sport and meet its operating costs. Of the 1,935 junior age members it was estimated that 352 players were in the youngest age categories participating in Geelong’s Aussie Hoops. 2.1 BG PLAYER RESIDENTIAL CATCHMENT PROFILE When looking at BG competition and training venue location against where players live the following residential catchment profiling has been identified by re-organising people into postcode of residence: Table 2.1 Basketball Geelong Main Players Catchment Zone (for all Facilities) Postcode 3216 3212 3215 3220 3214 3218 3219 3221 3228 3224 Suburbs Belmont, Freshwater Creek, Grovedale Grovedale East, Highton, Marshall Mount Duneed, Wandana Heights, Waurn Ponds Avalon, Lara, Point Wilson Bell Park, Bell Post Hill, Drumcondra, Hamlyn Heights, North Geelong, Rippleside Geelong, Newtown, South Geelong Corio, Norlane, North Shore Geelong West, Herne Hill, Manifold Heights Breakwater, East Geelong, Newcomb, St Albans Park, Thomson, Whittington Anakie, Barrabool, Batesford, Ceres, Fyansford, etc. Bellbrae, Bells Beach, Jan Juc, Torquay Leopold Players Registered November 2008 700 Players Registered May 2010 756 Players Registered May 2011 808 346 263 330 286 341 294 253 220 213 303 212 239 327 199 241 141 178 190 101 133 129 60 51 66 48 69 67 These results indicate a significant number of players reside in the northern and southern areas of Geelong and therefore a significant number of current players will have to travel by car to the Geelong Arena Annex Competitions and training. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 17 2.1.1 Basketball Geelong Arena Usage The following summary of annual usage of the arena has been prepared by Basketball Geelong: Basketball Geelong Estimated Annual Geelong Arena Visitations 2010 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 18 The review indicates when players plus support personal such as parents/other family members, coaches and officials are taken into account then combined usage estimated at more than 155,000 annual visits is much higher than currently projected by Geelong Arena Management annual statistics. Currently in the 2009/10 year Arena Management usage data estimated a total of 91,240 users for BG activities but this data only covered estimated players. The BG usage data on the previous page takes into account all association activities and indicates usage would be in the order of 155,000 annual visits or some 64,000 more users than Arena management statistics account for. This is an important statistic when considering future changes to services such as food and beverage and merchandising etc. 2.1.2 Basketball Geelong City Wide Facility Usage Though the Arena is the most used facility by Basketball Geelong it also has to uses three other venues throughout Geelong to house its competitions. BG and its affiliated clubs makes use of a large number of venues for training and activities related to basketball as indicated in the following tables. Courts Association / Club Venue Total Number of Hours Used Competition Training Training & Competition 2 Aussie Hoops Other (Please specify) Geelong Arena (Annexe) 3 94 18 Geelong Arena (Auditorium) 1 6 0 Geelong College - Senior School 1 0 6 Hanbury Centre for Wellbeing 2 0 8 Sacred Heart College 1 0 4 KD Stewart Centre (Deakin University) 2 0 6 Leisuretime Centre 3 0 11 Newcomb Park PS 1 0 0 1 ASAP Northern Bay College 1 0 0 1 Active After Schools Geelong East Primary School 1 0 0 1 Active After Schools Oberon South Primary School 1 0 0 1 Active After Schools St Francis Xavier Primary School 1 0 0 1 Active After Schools Lara Primary School 1 0 0 1 Aussie Hoops Clairvoux School Hall 1 0 0 1 Aussie Hoops Bannockburn Sports Centre 1 0 0 1 Aussie Hoops Try Boys Sports Stadium 2 6 8 1 Aussie Hoops CC Eagles Basketball Club KD Stewart Centre (Deakin University) 2 0 8 0 Try Boys Sports Stadium 2 0 2 0 Dolphins Basketball Club North Geelong High School 1 0 3.5 0 Leisuretime Centre 3 0 0 0 Basketball Geelong 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 19 Lara Basketball Club Pivot City Basketball Rovers Basketball Club Sharks Basketball Club Tigers Basketball Club Try Boys Basketball Club Vytis Basketball Club YMCA Basketball Club Lara Primary School 1 0 14 0 Lara Lake Primary School 1 0 3 0 Lara Secondary College 1 0 1 0 Geelong College - Prep Gym 2 0 9 0 Geelong College - Senior School 1 0 4 0 Kardinia International College 1 0 2 0 Sacred Heart College 1 0 3 0 Clairvoux School Hall 1 0 12 0 Try Boys Sports Stadium 2 0 8 0 Newcomb College 1 0 2 0 North Geelong High School 1 0 10 0 Try Boys Sports Stadium 2 0 8 0 Leisuretime Centre 3 0 1 0 YMCA - Newtown 2 0 13 0 N/A 106/hours Competition per week 165.5 hours Training per week 11 hours Training and competition per week TOTAL Note # Many clubs would use more court training time if available at the required times. Corio Wildcats/Deakin Warriors Clubs do not have a current training venue and do not train. The information supplied by Basketball Geelong and on behalf of their clubs indicates in a normal week the following court use: 106 competition hours/week 165.5 training hours/week 11 competition and training hours This results in a combined court hour usage of 283.5 court hours a week for basketball competition and training. 2.1.3 Basketball Geelong Financial Review BG as the parent body of the sport is expending over $100,000 a year to hire venues for competition at the Arena and it is also estimated that the combined association clubs are expending between $120,000 and $150,000 to hire training and club stadium venues throughout Geelong (approximately 103 court hours a week hired by clubs for training). A review of Basketball Geelong’s financial records shows that in 2008/09 BG raised a total of $669,797 with main income sources being: Player fees; 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence 57% Page 20 Representative players: Player Registrations: Team entries: Other: 16% 11% 8% 8% In this financial year BG expended $647,208 with main expenditure items being: Salaries: Referees and Comps: Rent of venues: Rep Programs: BV registration fees: Development Programs: Other Expenditure: 24% 20% 17% 15% 10% 10% 4% The financial review indicates under current tenancy arrangements at the Arena that BG has limited revenue raising activity capacity outside of directly charging its membership. It is not showing any other major revenue sources that traditional basketball association’s may raise from areas such as merchandising, food and beverage and sub-letting of courts. This is further compacted by the high percentage of BG players that are juniors (approximately 75% of all players) compared to Basketball Victorias player participation trends of an average 60% juniors and 40% adults. This statistic of high percentage of juniors is important from a long term sustainability point of view as juniors who are learning the game tend to have to pay not only for a weekly game but also contribute to weekly venue hire for training. Adult teams do not tend to train as much so do not have these weekly costs. Having such a high percentage of juniors and limited alternative revenue raising capacity would indicate that BG would have a tough time annually balancing its revenue and expenditure budgets and this would lead to limited annual operating surpluses to be able to be put away for development projects. 2.1.4 Basketball Geelong Fees and Charges The current fees and charges levied by Basketball Geelong are regarded by the BG Board as at the high end thus making the sport expensive to play particularly for juniors and players wanting to also represent the association. They have indicated that they are high as players are their major source of revenue. The current 2010 fees and charges are listed as follows: 1) Domestic Basketball Competitions Individual Ticket per game (Club & Primary Schools) $6.50 Junior $9.00 Senior Team Sheet per game (Social Mixed) $44 per game Membership Annual (Everyone) - $30.40 is passed on the Basketball Victoria Country. $40 Junior or $18 Affiliation $45 Senior or $23 Affiliation 2) Junior Representative Team Member Charges Team Sheet per Game $60 all games Venue Entry players and spectators $2 per person 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 21 Geelong Player Annual Membership $160 per person Senior Representative Team Members Venue Entry $5 Adult $2 Junior 2.1.5 Review of Basketball Geelong Fees and Charges Compared to Other Areas A review of Bellarine Basketball Association as well as other Melbourne Metropolitan basketball Association charges indicates Geelong Basketball currently has to charge its members at the higher level of charges than many other basketball associations. For example Bellarine BA charges for domestic competition are juniors $6.00 and adults $8.00 whilst BG is $6.50 for juniors and $9.00 for adults. Annual membership affiliation fees for Bellarine BA are $35/player and BG is $40 juniors and $45 seniors. BG indicates that its game and registration fees are higher to meet the high cost of venue leases and rental fees as well as referee and competition costs, representative team operations. The need for higher fees is also impacted by BG lack of being able to raise alternative revenue from normal operations such as food and beverage, merchandising and court hire (that many other associations have rights to at their main stadiums). 2.2 BASKETBALL GEELONG PARTICIPATION TRENDS A key issue raised by Basketball Geelong is the need for more indoor sport courts in the Geelong area. Though this is not part of this specific master plan project it is a key issue as it is likely in the future that BG will need to have access to another major stadium as the City’s population increases. Due to the large number of players residing in the southern sector of Geelong and the likely high new population growth occurring in these southern suburbs it is likely in the future that a major new stadium will be required. This study has identified that future new courts will not be an option at the Arena site as the area is landlocked and has major restrictions to any more major facility development. User and management interviews have raised issues related to low levels of car parking especially when BG competitions and events are held at the same time so it is not recommended that any further courts be developed at the Arena Site. This section summarises information provided by Basketball Geelong in relation to previous and future basketball participation growth trends and is covered in this report to highlight that the COGG and BG need to work together in the future to better understand this demand and work towards the best new stadium solution to meet this future demand. 2.2.1 Basketball Geelong Team Entries Trends – All Venues Basketball Geelong has indicated that summer competition is showing the highest growth in participation as the following registration of team entries shows: 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 22 Table 2.2 Basketball Geelong Team Registration Statistics 2006 to 2010 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Boys Teams 113 118 121 131 139 Girls Teams 63 66 66 71 74 Mens Teams 33 40 39 39 44 Women’s Teams 25 21 24 25 24 Social Teams 5 5 4 6 7 Total Teams 239 250 254 272 288 This indicates significant growth in boys and girls teams over 5 year period with 37 more teams and 9 more adult teams. 2.2.2 Basketball Projected Future Stadium and Court Demand BG has completed a range of facility utilisation models based on its previous team’s growth and use of venues to highlight the significant need for more indoor sports courts in the Geelong area. This is summarised as follows in the tables below. Table 2.3 Winter Seasonal Actual (2006 to 2010) and Projected Players (2010 to 2018) Junior Boys Junior Girls Senior Men Senior Women Social Total Winter 06 (actual) 119 62 27 21 5 234 Winter 07 (actual) 118 63 29 19 6 235 100% Winter 08 (actual) 120 65 37 25 4 251 107% Winter 09 (actual) 69 72 38 45 23 25 6 8 266 106% Winter 10 (actual) 130 128 278 105% Winter 11 (forecast) 135 70 54 23 17 299 108% Winter 12 (forecast) 142 74 57 24 18 314 105% Winter 13 (forecast) 149 77 60 25 19 330 105% Winter 14 (forecast) 156 81 63 27 20 346 105% Winter 15 (forecast) 164 85 66 28 21 363 105% Winter 16 (forecast) 172 89 69 29 22 382 105% Winter 17 (forecast) 181 94 72 31 23 401 105% Winter 18 (forecast) 190 98 76 32 24 421 105% Winter 19 (forecast) 199 103 80 34 25 442 105% Winter 20 (forecast) 209 109 84 36 26 464 105% Winter 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 23 % Table 2.4 Summer Seasonal Actual (2006 to 2010) and Projected Players (2010 to 2018) Junior Boys Junior Girls Senior Men Senior Women Social Total Summer 06 (total) 113 63 33 25 5 239 Summer 07 (total) 118 66 40 21 5 250 105% Summer 08 (actual) 121 70 39 24 4 258 103% Summer 09 (actual) 131 71 39 25 7 273 106% Summer 10 (actual) 137 74 44 24 7 286 105% Summer 11 (forecast) 137 73 54 27 9 300 105% Summer 12 (forecast) 144 77 57 28 9 315 105% Summer13 (forecast) 151 80 60 30 10 331 105% Summer 14 (forecast) 159 85 63 31 10 347 105% Summer 15 (forecast) 167 89 66 33 11 365 105% Summer16 (forecast) 175 93 69 34 11 383 105% Summer 17 (forecast) 184 98 72 36 12 402 105% Summer 18 (forecast) 193 103 76 38 13 422 105% Summer 19 (forecast) 202 213 108 113 80 84 40 42 13 14 443 465 105% 105% Summer Summer 20 (forecast) % These predictions indicate significant potential new team entry growth for both winter and summer seasons through to 2020. The projected growth in player numbers will not occur though if more indoor sport courts suitable for Basketball are not able to be provided. The tables below highlight current winter and summary court availability for BG competitions in 2011 Table 2.5 Basketball Geelong Club Competition Winter and Summer Court Availability 2011 WINTER Arena #1 Arena #2 Arena #3 Arena #4 Corio #1 Corio #2 Try Boys #1 Try Boys #2 Total Monday 7 7 7 4 5 5 0 0 35 Tuesday* 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 30 Wednesday 7 7 7 4 0 0 0 0 25 Thursday 7 7 7 4 4 4 4 1 38 Friday 2 2 3 0 0 0 3 3 13 Saturday 11 11 11 0 0 0 11 11 55 Sunday 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 Total/Week 42 42 42 17 14 14 14 15 205 SUMMER Arena #1 Arena #2 Arena #3 Arena #4 Corio #1 Corio #2 Try Boys #1 Try Boys #2 Total Monday 7 7 7 0 5 5 5 5 41 Tuesday 7 7 7 0 5 5 0 0 31 Wednesday 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 21 Thursday 7 7 7 0 4 4 4 1 34 Friday 2 2 3 0 0 0 3 3 13 Saturday 11 11 11 0 0 0 11 11 55 Sunday 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 Total/Week 44 44 44 0 14 14 24 20 204 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 24 The projections indicate by 2015/2016 there may be insufficient courts for games/teams. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 25 Table 2.6 Basketball Geelong Club Competition Future Winter Season Court Requirements to 2013 Winter 12 (forecast) Winter 13 (forecast) Day Availability Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Monday 35 69 32 66 31 72 34 59 27 62 28 65 30 Tuesday 30 45 21 50 24 50 23 54 25 57 26 60 28 Wednesday 25 35 17 38 18 32 15 42 20 44 21 46 22 Thursday 38 40 19 48 21 63 29 61 28 64 29 67 31 Friday 13 24 11 22 10 20 9 27 13 28 14 30 14 Saturday 55 33 14 38 17 41 19 48 22 50 23 53 24 Sunday 9 4 2 7 3 7 3 8 4 8 4 9 4 Total 205 250 116 269 124 285 132 299 139 314 146 329 153 Availability Winter 08 Winter 09 Summer 08 Winter 10 Summer 09 Winter 11 Summer 10 Summer 11 Summer 12 (forecast) Summer 13 (forecast) Day Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Teams Games Monday 41 59 28 65 30 83 37 58 28 61 29 64 31 Tuesday 31 52 24 54 25 49 23 54 26 57 27 60 29 Wednesday 21 37 18 41 17 32 13 40 18 42 19 44 20 Thursday 34 44 21 50 24 66 30 66 32 69 34 73 35 Friday 13 24 11 22 12 21 10 29 14 30 15 32 15 Saturday 55 38 18 34 16 39 19 44 21 46 22 49 23 Sunday 9 4 2 7 3 5 2 9 4 9 4 10 4 Total 204 258 122 273 127 295 134 300 143 315 150 331 158 At Capacity 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Above Capacity Page 26 2.3 BASKETBALL GEELONG STAKEHOLDER FORUMS As part of the process of hearing form key tenants and stakeholders a BG club representative stakeholder forum and a BG Board Forum were held in October 2010 and a summary is listed on current and key future Arena facility improvements and operations issues that were important to teach of these representative groups. Table 2.7 Basketball Geelong Club Representatives Stakeholder Forum Responses Issue Leaking Stadium Roof Detail Scoreboards Social Room Car Parking Stadium Seating Court Hire Costs Lack of new Revenue and Fund Raising Opportunities Scheduling of Adult and Junior Competitions Aussie Hoops New Courts 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence This is an ongoing and major issue for clubs as it disrupts competitions due to the unsafe floor area. Has been an ongoing problem since the three court annex was built and on average loses 6 to 7 competitions day use due to it. Aged and out of date scoreboards and officials desk controls need to be replaced or updated The current social room in the annex is too small for user numbers needing to use it for after game representative team activities. With 2 teams plus officials and parents need an area for 60 to 80 people Security lighting is very poor in the car park area and surrounding roads which have to be used at night time. When major function is on a competition night the car park is full and have to use surrounding streets which are very poorly lit Limited seating between the three courts in the annex for normal game spectators. This causes a lot of people to stand and this causes issues with game officials. Biggest cost to the clubs and representative teams is court hire that is estimated to cost the combined hirers between $120,000 and $150,000 annually. Currently 13 different court areas are hired around Geelong to meet club and representative training and some competition games. Most clubs have large numbers of junior representatives so this sees the sport having to charge a high cost for a player to play and also train (most would average around $15/week going on court hire. This makes the sport very expensive to play as added to this is playing gear, transport, registration etc. The major source of revenue is player game and registration fees (95% of BG turnover) as it has no opportunities to raise funds from traditional basketball association areas such as kiosk sales, merchandise sales and fund raising activities such as functions etc. as the current Arena lease prohibits these activities. Sponsorship opportunities are also limited as current lease requires signage to be able to be covered up to deliver a clean stadium when not in use by BG or associated basketball activities Current agreement is for 105/hours/week use of the Annex Courts and this is nearly fully taken up with competition activities with no capacity for training by clubs or representative teams unless they go to another venue. Scheduling of competitions is a major issue as current arrangements do not leave flexibility to move around competition times to attract more players. There currently are a lot of conflicting time zones with other sports that if rescheduling did occur there would be better opportunity to attract more junior players. National junior program that is used as an introduction to the game for under 10s is very restricted due to lack of afternoon and weekend court space. This is restricting junior growth. General agreement that the Arena has limited surrounding space for new courts and therefore all efforts should go to planning and developing new courts in the population growth areas south of Geelong and in the Lara/Northern suburb areas recording residential area growth. Page 27 Issue Food and Beverage Services Detail Specialist Arena Training Areas Lack of Basketball Toilet and Change Facilities Other issues Large numbers of people do not use the current kiosk/café service in the arena and no facilities available to offer any food and beverage in the arena annex. Many associations make some funds from using volunteers to staff kiosks but no option allowed at the Arena Due to large numbers of juniors be good to have a specialist training area fitted out at the annex for that could be used to reduce the cost of external court hire plus be a warm up area for teams. Should investigate developing an indoor training area to the rear of the café on the car park (with links to getting to and from annex) to have a warm up and training facility built There are no dedicated public toilet or change/shower facilities for the annex and people have to go into the Arena foyer for toilet access. There are n showers or change areas in the public toilet areas For representative games management has to provide access to the private change rooms in the Arena. When a major event is on at the arena it is difficult to access the foyer and public toilets so need to consider new change and amenities to directly service the annex are and users. Annex is very hot in summer and very cool in winter so need to consider long term cooling and heating services to the courts. Lac of storage areas in the annex 2.3.1 Basketball Geelong Board Members Meeting BG Board representatives attended a future Geelong Arena Improvement forum and listed the following key issues and improvements as important to this Board: Table 2.8 Basketball Geelong Board Member Forum Responses Issue Leaking Roof Detail Social Room Car Parking Court Hire Costs 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Leaking roof continues to cause major problems with 4 competition days lost since February this year due to rain leaking onto timber court areas. This is impacting greatly on the safety of the floors as well as impacting on maintenance of the flooring due to water over the floor. This matter needs urgent attention but management appears to have accepted the building leaks and no ongoing improvement solutions appear to be being investigated to resolve this ongoing issue. BG monthly lease fees should be reduced if the annex courts have to be closed due to leaking roof issues as BG has to try and rent other courts at short notice or cancels games which reduces weekly game fees Current social room is undersize for the activities trying to use this space. Need a room that can be modified in size from a space for 80 to 100 people down to a BG Board meeting of say 15 people Agree with club representatives that car parking lighting needs to be upgraded as does surrounding street lighting. When events are on Basketballers have to park in surrounding streets and this can become a safety issue at nighttime without proper street lighting BG estimates it spends around $120,000 to $130,000/yr for court hire and clubs spend $130,000 to $150,000 annually for other court hire for training. This sees a combined basketball spend of around $250,000 to $280,000 a year for court hire which does not provide any permanent facilities or allow the sport to increase its participation. BG has about 75% of players in the junior category under 18 years of age so this makes it a very expensive sport compared to many other codes due to the high court hire costs. BG now relies on 13 other court facilities than the Arena to host games and club activities Page 28 Issue Lack of new Revenue and Fund Raising Opportunities Detail New Courts Food and Beverage Services Specialist Arena Training Areas Lack of Basketball Toilet and Change Facilities Other issues 2.4 Current lease at the Arena does not allow BG any traditional sport opportunities to raise new revenue from sales such as merchandise or food and beverage. Many Basketballers do not use Arena café so high cost services/low use. BG would like to set up own F/B and this could reduce need for current cafe BG is backing the need for a new 4 court Southern area stadium as the Arena site is land locked and cannot get any extra courts constructed Like to see new kiosk area linked to the annex so BG can operate low cost food and beverage area so it can use part volunteer staffing to increase profitability and introduce a new revenue source Support the clubs idea of a new indoor training venue to the rear of the site with access from the annex courts. This is a major issue particularly when events are on in the Arena. Should have these facilities attached to the annex recognizing the numbers of people that play and train at this venue daily. BG is facing increasing team and player numbers but has no planned new courts or improvements in service areas to meet this demand that is expected to peak around 2015/2016. Currently though the Arena is home to Geelong Basketball the arrangement is as a tenant and there is no dedicated BG space for it to belong. BG wants to be more self-sufficient and in turn reduce the costs to Council to manage and operate the annex component of the Arena. It believes with a new entry, meeting room, reception/kiosk servery and merchandise area that it can increase revenue and manage the annex activities at a reduced cost to current operations. FUTURE GEELONG ARENA FACILITIES BASKETBALL IMPROVEMENT LIST BG has developed an initial Annex improvement list they would like to see included in the Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan. We have summarised these improvements based on BG issues and have noted in red very preliminary cost estimates to give us a scope of likely cost (pre design estimate). 1. Social space catering for meeting and function requirements, BG Comments At present BG has no space to offer reasonable social function for our membership and/or present our heritage/historical information We need to prove space for referees that is separate to the space in which players/spectators congregate New Club social area say 20m x 15m (300m2) with small kitchette/bar (20m2) and stores (30m2) would see a 400m2 development. Estimated capital cost approximately $800,000. 2. Aesthetics and user-friendly entrance to the overall space, BG Comments Designated and clearly identified ticket booth, The current arrangement makes it difficult to capture revenue from patrons and there is no welcoming entrance New front of house area built out from existing annex entry say 100m2 with better link to café/toilets through internal modifications. Estimated capital cost approximately $150,000. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 29 3. Storage opportunities for user groups and tenants, BG Comments There is limited capacity for storage of training/game operation equipment New storage off 3 court area with lean to construction of 100m2. Estimated capital cost is approximately $80,000 4. Change room facilities accessible directly from the Annex stadium, BG Comments Self-explanatory High cost replacement items that need better circulation between annex and Arena with new entrance – Capital cost covered in item 2 but could also consider some amenities as part of item 1 – new clubroom. If developed 2 male/2 female toilets with change area require 30m2 each off clubrooms so estimated capital cost be in the order of $100,000 (60m2 total development) 5. Commercial operations (i.e. sporting apparel shop) BG Comments BG we have no ability to merchandise relevant clothing and/or equipment Modification of café and bar in Arena to include merchandise area available to be used for both BG and events. Can have moveable fixtures to locate some stock in foyer that can be secured back in area when not open. Estimated capital cost $50,000 plus fixtures and display fittings to be supplied by merchandise suppliers 6. Bar facilities, BG Comments BG has no capability/opportunity to provide such opportunities and/or generate income from these activities Covered in item 1 estimates 7. Improved café facilities, BG Comments The nexus between the existing café facilities and the Annex is problematic BG has no opportunity to generate funds from these activities Covered in item 2 estimates 8. Improved viewing to Annex Court 1, BG Comments This would likely involve a combination of social space and viewing space Be able to be delivered with new storage layout at ground level and seating above. Add further $150,000 to item 3 9. Community access to the facility BG Comments Parking is often problematic – there is limited protection from the elements/weather for the entrance to the Annex. New entry extension proposed will improve this. See item 2 10. Air conditioning of the annex stadium BG Comments Not in the original brief – BV new heat policy would mean the more frequent cancellation of basketball in the summer months Needs design to be done but recent air con projects in stadiums have seen costs around $150,000/court say $500,000 with service connections? 11. Improved functionality of administration space 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 30 BG Comments Not in the original brief – improved functionality of administration space that would cater for a joint Basketball Geelong/Supercats administration BG and Supercats are currently working towards a merged operation Should be able to be covered in a refit of exiting indoor areas so no cost estimated. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 31 3 ARENA ANNEX USAGE AND OPERATIONS REVIEW 3.1 GEELONG ANNEX OVERVIEW Section one covers the Geelong Arena and the Annex and information on its main users and centre management etc. Section two of the report covers information on the main tenant of the Geelong Arena Annex being Basketball Geelong. These two sections provide a good overview and detailed foundation of information to allow consideration of the opportunities and constraints to improve and expand the Annex facilities. This section concentrates on the projects key topic being the Geelong Arena Annex which currently consists of the three indoor sport courts, meeting room, 2 x single toilets and associated offices/administration area. Key issues from section one and two findings relating to the Annex master plan include: Basketball Geelong made the highest use of the Annex (average 97 court hours/week) for 42 to 45 weeks of the year. Centre management also programmed special event use in this area. (mainly social activities such as debutant Balls etc.). This occurs as part of the 14 day major event clause and usually coincides with school term breaks outside of maintenance and court resurfacing times. Basketball Geelong in return for priority use of the annex pays an annual lease fee based on 97 hours per over a 40 week period. This fee is reviewed twice annually (April/October) to reflect actual usage and charges are adjusted accordingly. Arena Management has the rights to food, beverage and social/function areas and so venue users ability to generate profits from these activities are limited. There is uncertainty to the profitability of these areas when users operate at the venue in isolation, under current management arrangements Though the combined Arena and Annex facilities can work well to meet Arena tenants needs for a large portion of the year this is not the case when regular use tenants have to share the venue with a major event. When this occurs the tenants indicate there is: insufficient car parking, lack of access to toilets and change facilities restricted access to food and beverage services The Arena annex has 130,000 to 150,000 basketball user visits a year but has limited social, amenities and service amenity areas to meet the needs of this regular user group. These findings have lead us to investigate further the estimated cost to operate the Arena Annex and support services (currently not set up as a separate cost centre in Councils Arena accounts) and what opportunities could occur to improve annex facilities. During the course of the study Basketball Geelong have sought information and raised issues relating to the possibility of reducing Arena Management and service costs through new access and lease arrangements that could see BG responsible for this area. Please note that this management issue is not part of the master plan brief but any information collected in this section has been done so to help flesh out/understand potential management and operational change opportunities that both parties may wish to discuss outside of this project. Section four of the report then looks at the range of facility improvement components as a base to develop new schematic layout plans and associated capital costs for these facilities. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 32 3.2 GEELONG ARENA ANNEX USAGE TRENDS To assist in clarifying current usage and associated revenue details at the Arena Annex centre management have completed more detailed weekly reviews of all users for the 2009/10 year. These are summarised in the following sections. 3.2.1 Basketball Geelong Usage Arena To assist in considering how BG and its associated activities make use of the Geelong Arena and to also separate Arena Annex usage centre management has completed a review of two seasonal booking/lease periods to try and assist with identifying more detailed occupancy of the Arena facilities by BG. The two review periods that data has been collected for includes: Period 1: 5th October 2009 to 4th April 2010 Period 2: 5th April 2010 to 3rd October 2010 The detailed weekly usage schedules by activity are listed in appendix two of this report and a summary of the two timeframes are listed in the following tables on the next page. The combined 2 review period results are listed in the table below. Table 3.1 Basketball Geelong Arena Usage and Associated Revenue Assessment/Review Category Number of Weeks in Review Period Average Weekly Usage of Annex Average Weekly Revenue Raised for Usage of Annex Average Weekly Usage of Auditorium Average Weekly Revenue Raised from Usage of Auditorium Average Weekly Arena Usage Sponsorship of Rep teams (In-kind) Average Weekly Arena Revenue Value Sponsorship of Rep teams Total Average Usage of 20 Week Period Total Average Revenue of 20 Week Period Period 1 05/10/09 to 04/04/10 26 weeks 90.17 hours $2,060/week Period 2 05/05/10 to 03/10/09 26 weeks 97.10 hours $2,335/week Average/Total Year 52 weeks 93.63 hours $2,197/week 2.3 hours $55.32/week 10.76 hours $258.84/week 6.50 hours $157.08/week 32.89 hours/week 41.4 hours/week 37.14 hours/week $795.88/week $995.97/week $895.92/week 120.85/hours $2,924/week 149.28/hours $3,590/week 135,06/hours $3,257/week Note: Under current agreements average use is based on a 40 week period per annum. BG seasons fall in line with school terms and BG makes limited use over school holiday periods. The BG Arena usage and revenue results indicate the following trends: Annex Usage and Revenue: BG on average used 93.6 hours a week and average weekly revenue for this use was $2,197/week Auditorium Usage: BG on average used 6.5 hours a week and average weekly revenue for this use was $157/week Arena management has also plotted usage of the Arena by BG Representative Teams and this indicates a total of 37 hours a week use by rep teams. Management has calculated that the total value of the sponsored representative team use at the area would be approximately $895/week. These results see a total take up of 135 hours of BG use a week at the Arena and average weekly revenue of $3,257/week. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 33 Table 3.2 Geelong Arena BG Usage/Revenue Period 1: 05/10/2009 to 4/04/2010 Review Category BG Terms 4 &1 Aussie Hoops Annex Crt 1 Annex Crt 2 Annex Crt 3 Total Annex Use/Hrs Total Leased Space Hrs Sponsor Hours (Big V) 1,713.25 Main Court Extra Paid Use 46 Sponsor Hrs (Rep Tournament) Sponsor Hrs (VJBL) Sponsor Total Hours 18 Sponsor Hrs (Rep Teams Training) 503.50 94.25 58 673.75 Total Basketball Geelong Arena Hours 2,433 Total Hours Average Hours Total $ Value Average $ value 1693 20.25 616.5 541.75 534.75 1,693 89.11 1.07 32.45 28.51 28.14 89.11 90.17 2.30 0.90 25.18 4.71 2.90 33.69 121.65 $40,716 $487 $14,826 $13,029 $12,860 $40,716 $41,203 $1,106 $432.90 $12,109 $2,266 $1394.90 $16,304 $58,878 $4,071 $24.35 $741.34 $651.45 $643.04 $2,035 $2,060 $55.32 $21.65 $605.46 $113.34 $69.75 $815.24 2,943 Table 3.3 Geelong Arena BG Usage/Revenue Period 2: 05/04/2010 to 3/10/2010 Review Category BG Terms 4 &1 Aussie Hoops Annex Crt 1 Annex Crt 2 Annex Crt 3 Total Annex Use/Hrs Total Leased Space Hrs Total Hours Average Hours Total $ Value Average $ value 1,918 24 685.75 640.75 591.50 1,918 95.90 1.20 34.29 32.04 29.58 $46,127 $577 $16,492 $15,410 $2,306 $28.86 $824.61 $770.50 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Sponsor Hours (Big V) 1942 Main Court Extra Paid Use 215.25 Sponsor Hrs (Rep Tournament) Sponsor Hrs (VJBL) Sponsor Total Hours 78 Sponsor Hrs (Rep Teams Training) 603.50 0 146.75 828.25 Total Basketball Geelong Arena Hours 2,985.50 95.90 97.10 10.76 3.90 30.18 0. 7.34 41.41 149.28 $14,225 $46,127 $46,705 $5,176 $1,875 $14,514 0 $3,529 $19,919 $71,801 $711.28 $2,306 $2,335.26 $258.84 $93.80 $725.71 0 $176.47 $995.97 $3,590 Page 34 3.3 OTHER ARENA ANNEX USAGE AND ASSOCIATED REVENUE Arena Management has also reviewed daily usage records for the past financial year from the 1st July 2009 to the 30th of June 2010 and documented all other use of the arena (than Basketball Geelong Arena Annex Hire) to provide a guide to: The hirer and activity Approximate hire period and area hired Approximate revenue raised from the hire We have reviewed these spreadsheets and developed the following alternative use and associated revenue trends summary for the Annex for 2009/10. Table 3.4 Geelong Arena Annex Non BG Usage and Associated Revenue 2009/10 Hirer Type of Use Total Annex Area Use Garden and Outdoor Expo Karingal Ball National Irish Dancing Sacred Heart College Graduation St Josephs College Graduation Hoop Time 2010 – Basketball Victoria SEABL Geelong Supercats Expo Ball Expo Graduation 3 days 1 day 7 days 1 day $12,000 $3,300 $23,100 $3,300 Graduation 1 day $3,300 Kardinia College Founders Day Kardinia College Training Belmont High School Christian College Cotton On Surfcoast Schools BB Day VSSA Country Championships WCSSA Basketball Tournament World Cup Live Site COGG Event Geelong Supercats Training Total Annex Court 1 Area Use Annex Court 2 Area Use Annex Court 3 Area use Approximate Hire Revenue Basketball 24 hrs 24hrs 24hrs $1,526 Basketball Camp 2010 Event 72 hrs 72 hrs 72 hrs $0 Tennant Use $2,500 Sports Training Sports Training Sports Training Sports Training Sports Sports 15 hrs 15 hrs 18 hrs $1,440 3 hrs 6 hrs 3 hrs 6 hrs 6 hrs $150 $517 Sports 7 hrs 7 hrs 7 hrs $585 Event 1 day 6 hrs 2 hrs $159 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs $60 2 days $0 2 hrs N/A $135 16 days 137 hrs 129 hrs 136 hrs $0 Tennant Use $48,772 The review of alternative use and associated revenue of the Arena Annex for 2009/10 indicates that the Annex area does receive a range of uses for expo, major function and social events as well as sports competitions and training. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 35 This use in 2009/10 resulted in: A total of 16 days of major event hire Approximately 402 hours of court hire for sports and training during school hours (9am to 3pm). The combined alternative hire usage generated approximately $48,700 in rental revenue (excluding any revenue generated from kiosk or cafe sales). 3.4 ARENA ANNEX OPERATING COST REVIEW Under current management arrangements the Geelong Arena Annex operations are not usually costed separately, but are considered as part of total Geelong Arena operations. To assist in identifying operating costs and to help identify any future potential cost saving benefits from any proposed Geelong Arena Annex improvements, centre management has completed a summary of the estimated costs to maintain and operate the Annex area as listed in the following table. Please note that these are very much assumption based estimates as no actual costs are recorded for the Annex due to services and staffing working across all areas of the centre. Table 3.5 Geelong Arena – Annex Operating Cost Assumptions and Details Annex Business Component/Area Cleaning Details and Costs Details Maintenance On average 10 hours staff time per week is spent on cleaning the annex, This time is allocated between the Arena Cleaning staff and an external contractor. The staff cost per week on average is $385/week On average the Arena Cleaning & Maintenance Officer may spend 2 hours on basic maintenance items per week, this equates to an average $70.00 per week. Major maintenance on exterior walls and roof are Councils responsibility as owner of the facility Annual court resurface will be approximately $6,864.00 in 2011. This amount can change depending on the number of coats required. Following a recent power audit completed by Carbonetix of the venue. The cost to power lights, scoreboards and score benches is closely estimated to be $4.86 per court/per hour. (refer to attached Carbonetix Report) Annual Renewals Power Usage and Costs Estimated Geelong Arena Annex Annual Operating Costs Estimated Annual Operating Cost Annual operating cleaning cost estimated at 46 weeks x $385/week = $17,710 /yr. Cleaning chemicals and equipment say $3,000/yr Total cleaning cost estimated at $20,700/yr Annual maintenance staff costs estimated at $70/week x 46 weeks = $3,220/yr Total estimated cost say $7,000/yr Based on BGs average ‘hours of Use’ of 97 hours per week, equates to $471.42 per week. $471.42 x 40 Weeks per calendar year = $18,256. Average Power Usage per Year (40 week operation per year) - $18,856 Total Operating Cost = $49,776 (excluding exterior maintenance) Please note that major maintenance and capital works are not listed in the above operating costs summary table as these are costed separately (see table 1.5). Based on the budget and cost assumptions the estimated annual operating cost of the area excluding major maintenance is in the order of $49,000 to $50,000/year. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 36 3.4.1 Kiosk/Café Operating Performance Review One of the issues raised by BG was its lack of ability to raise alternative revenue/profits from activities such as food/beverage or merchandise sales. At this stage Arena management does not separate its kiosk operations financial reports and treats this area as a separate cost centre. To try to estimate the Kiosk net operating costs and its performance over different use periods management reviewed 4 sample weeks with different mix of users to assist in identifying any trends in turnover and operating performance. The four review periods are summarized in the following table. Review Category INCOME Food & Beverage Sales EXPENDITURE Stock for Resale Operating Costs TOTAL SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) Mon 11 to Sun 17 Oct. 2010 (Annex Operations only) Mon 3 to Sun 9 May 2010 (BG & Supercats only) Mon 23 to Sun 29 Aug. 2010 (BG & Arena Events x 1) Mon 30 August to Sun 5 Sept. 2010 (BG & Arena Events x 3) $2,136.25 $5,253.90 $6,445.10 $7,287.40 $854.50 $2,398.00 -$1,116.25 $2,101.56 $2,788.00 $364.34 $2,578.04 $2,593.00 $1,274.06 $2,914.96 $3,178.00 $1,194.44 The review of kiosk operations indicates that in the sample week where only BG competitions were held that the operating costs of the kiosk were $1,116 greater than revenue raised. When BG and Geelong Supercats operated on the same week the kiosk sales were $364 greater than operating costs. When the kiosk operated with BG and events for the two sample weeks it recorded operating surpluses of $1,194 to $1,274/week. These trends support the need for a more detailed look at kiosk operations when only BG activities are in the centre as based on usage schedules this could be for 75% or greater of BG seasonal use. This would indicate the kiosk service is possibly running at a substantial loss during BG only use of the centre and thus indicates an opportunity to restructure this service to: Consider downscaling the kiosk operations during BG only usage weeks to reduce centre operating losses Considering allowing BG to operate a new food and beverage and merchandise sales area in the redeveloped new entry area proposed at the annex which would provide BG with a new revenue source whilst reducing centre operating losses. It should be noted when reviewing this data that the average hourly salary rate for kiosk assistants is high but is based on the Centre Employment award and associated conditions. If this service was operated commercially or by a part professional/part volunteer organisation such as BG then salary costs could be reduced considerably and potentially see a break even or profit achieved on these sales figures. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 37 Bringing the sales area closer to the annex entry and exit could also encourage secondary and impulse spending. 3.5 GEELONG ARENA ASSET VALUE Councils Asset Management Team has confirmed the Annex is not rated or regarded as a separate asset. The total Arena facility is on one title of land and is classed as a combined facility. The Geelong Arena was valued at market value (2010) based on the value Council purchased the venue for a number of years ago. Currently the total venue cost has a written down value at $3,337,629 with remaining life of 28.5 years. 3.5.1 Depreciation Allowances Currently under Councils annual depreciation process the Arena is levied a total of $117,109 annually for depreciation costs. Based on the Arena Annex taking up approximately 25% of building area this would see the annual Annex depreciation cost in the order of $29,300/year. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 38 4 FUTURE ARENA ANNEX REDEVELOPMENT STRATEGY This section reviews the range of identified Geelong Arena Annex facility improvements that have been identified from the consultation and review process and operational and management reviews. In line with identifying future master plan priorities the project team at stage two progress report developed a basic community facility redevelopment concept that provided improved service areas to enable the annex operations to become more self-sufficient when major events are held in the main arena facilities. Following reviews of the community facility improvements the Project Control Group Representatives requested a second alternative concept be developed that provided new event support facilities if BG determined to make the Arena Annex their long term home. This section provides a summary of the recommended master plan concepts which have been developed under the following two options: Option A: Geelong Annex Community Facility Extensions: Includes constructing standard facilities such as new change and toilet areas, new reception and offices and meeting facilities that would allow the Arena Annex to operate independently from the main Arena facilities as required Option B: Geelong Annex Community and Event Facility Extensions: Includes construction of all option A facilities with additional event improvements including two new team change and 1 new referee/officials change area plus event secondary entry, circulation and extended court one seating. A option B1 plan has also been completed that allows for the main court and associated seating to be laid out closest to the new entry area. It should be noted that the key determinant to adopting either the option A or B or B1 layout plans will be primarily based on Basketball Geelong (future organisation also linking the Geelong Supercats)deciding if it will base its main operations and representative team games at the Arena. 4.1 POTENTIAL GEELONG ARENA ANNEX IMPROVEMENTS The table below lists a range of identified facility improvements that would allow the Annex to operate as a standalone venue in community and events mode and would not require direct access to other parts of the Arena. The improvements list has been developed for a range of schematic plan options to be completed to test layout options/capital cost impacts. Table 4.1 Potential Geelong Arena Annex Redevelopment Component List Component New Male and female Change and toilets Disabled/family toilet New Entry/Reception/offices Area/Details Say 20m2 change space for male/female: 3 showers both male and female 2 toilets/male 2 space urinal/male 3 toilets/female 1 disabled toilet New reception area with entry Office for 6 staff Comments Needs to be off new foyer off stadium wall with option to have a direct entry to the three court annex (lockable). Needs to be in an accessible location Look at opportunity to locate off stadium wall so we can provide glass window vision into stadium by taking out some of the wall panels Make sure reception links to new café dispensary/self-serve area 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 39 Component New self-serve food and beverage area Area/Details New Meeting and Function Room New Retail Area New Event Team Change Rooms Referee/officials Change New second entry Linking/Congregation Space Between Event Team Change and Court One 4.2 New servery area with self-serve drink fridge, area for warm food and chips/chocolates etc. that is placed so customers end up at reception and pay. Needs a control line to stop people taking self-serve items and making sure they end up at point of sale area at reception 100m2 to 120m2 meeting and function room In foyer retail zone that can be linked to reception so people can be served. 2 x team change and amenities and accessible change room 50m2 to 60m2 I x referee/officials change area 20m2 to 25m2 Area suitable for teams to congregate or stretch/warm up close to court one Provide separate entry for teams and officials Comments Needs to be located so can be staffed from reception. Needs warming area for food and would use prepackaged items so does not rely on access to existing centre kitchens unless there is a major event. Needs to be accessed from the foyer and also outside entry Needs to be linked to reception zone and needs change cubicle. Located close to court one so can be used in competition or event mode Located close to court one for easy entry and exit during competitions and events Located on the railway side of the annex close to court one. ANNEX EXTENSION SCHEMATIC CONCEPT LAYOUT PLANS Peddle Thorp Architects in association with SGL Group have reviewed the Arena and Annex site and existing facilities and have developed schematic layout plans and indicative capital costs for each option. These site layout and floor plans are listed on the following pages as follows: Option A: Geelong Annex Community Facility Extensions – Pages 38 and 39 Option B: Geelong Annex Community and Event Facility Extensions – Pages 40 and 41 Option B1: Geelong Annex Community and Event Facility Extensions with alternative main Court Layout to option B - Page 42 (Please note at this stage we have not added in new major court 1 seating or an extended undercroft social area in option B as these are not seen as cost effective due to only achieving small extension floor areas but at a high capital cost whilst causing access restrictions that will not meet building code due to different floor levels) We have created two different main court and spectator seat layout options that are listed as option B and option B1. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 40 OPTION A ARENA ANNEX COMMUNITY FACILITIES EXTENSIONS SITE PLAN 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 41 OPTION A ARENA ANNEX COMMUNITY FACILITIES EXTENSIONS FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 42 OPTION B ARENA ANNEX COMMUNITY AND EVENT FACILITIES EXTENSIONS SITE PLAN 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 43 OPTION B ARENA ANNEX COMMUNITY AND EVENT FACILITIES EXTENSIONS FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 44 OPTION C: ARENA ANNEX COMMUNITY AND EVENT FACILITIES EXTENSIONS FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 45 4.3 FACILITY OPTIONS INDICATIVE CAPITAL COSTS REVIEW Indicative capital cost estimates have been developed for both options using current industry construction rates. These are detailed as follows. 4.3.1 Option A: Geelong Annex Community Facility Extensions The following table provides a first cut guide to the indicative capital costs of the Geelong Arena Annex schematic layout plan option A. Table 4.2 Option A Geelong Arena Community Extension Indicative Capital Cost Estimate Component Area M² Construction Rate/ M² Indicative Cost 1. Construction Entry Airlock/foyer Reception/Retail/Cafe Servery Offices/Administration Meeting/Function Room Lounge/Break out area Community Group Change (1 + 2) Community Accessible Change/Store Subtotal Construction 55 M² 20 M² 25 M² 100 M² 130 M² 46 M² 11 M² 387 M² $1,500 $2,300 $2,300 $2,800 $1,800 $3,500 $3,500 N/A $82,500 $46,000 $57,500 $28,000 $234,000 $161,000 $38,500 $647,500 90 M² Item Item Item $300 Allowance Allowance Allowance $27,000 $30,000 $30,000 $50,000 $137,000 $784,500 2. Site Works and Allowances Entry Terracing Site Preparation External Services Landscaping Subtotal Site Works and Allowances Total Building and External Works Cost 3. Fees/Permits and Contingency Professional Fees Contingency (5% design, 5% Contract) Furniture/Fittings/Equipment Item Item Item 10% 10% 6% $78,450 $78,450 $47,000 Subtotal Fees/Permits and Contingency $203,900 Total Estimated Project Cost $988,400 For Option A Community Facilities the indicative capital cost, based on current construction cost area allowances is $988,400 (excl GST) say $1M. 4.3.2 Option B: Geelong Annex Community and Event Facility Extensions The table on the next page provides a first cut guide to the indicative capital costs of the Geelong Arena Annex schematic layout plan option B. (Please note at this stage we have not added in new major court 1 seating or an extended undercroft social area as these are not seen as cost effective due to only achieving small extension areas at a high capital cost) 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 46 Table 4.3 Option B Geelong Arena Community and Event Extension Indicative Capital Cost Estimate Component Area M² 1. Construction Entry Airlock/foyer Reception/Retail/Cafe Servery Offices/Administration Meeting/Function Room Lounge/Break out Area Community Group Change (1 + 2) Community Accessible Change/Store Event Change x 2 with accessible change and circulation Event/Community Referee/Officials change Foyer and circulation Total Construction Construction Rate/ M² Indicative Cost 55 M² 20 M² 25 M² 100 M² 130 M² 46 M² 11 M² 60m2 $1,500 $2,300 $2,300 $2,800 $1,800 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $82,500 $46,000 $57,500 $28,000 $234,000 $161,000 $38,500 $210,000 22m2 40m2 509M² $3,500 $1,800 N/A $77,000 $72,000 $1,006.500 90 M² Item Item Item $300 Allowance Allowance Allowance $27,000 $30,000 $30,000 $50,000 $137,000 $1,143,500 2. Site Works and Allowances Entry Terracing Site Preparation External Services Landscaping Total Building and External Works Cost Subtotal Construction and Site Works 3. Fees/Permits and Contingency Professional Fees Contingency (5% design, 5% Contract) Furniture/Fittings/Equipment # New Internal Seating System (220 seats approx @ $300/seat plus framework) Item Item Item item 10% 10% 6% Allowance Total Fees/Permits and Contingency $114,350, $114,350 $68,610 $100,000 $397,310 Total Estimated Project Cost # Final Seating and configuration still to be determined $1,540,810 For Option B Community and Event Facilities the indicative capital cost, based on current construction cost area allowances is $1,540,810 (excl GST) say $1.550M. 4.3.3 Option C: Geelong Annex Community and Event Facility Extensions The table on the next page provides a first cut guide to the indicative capital costs of the Geelong Arena Annex schematic layout plan option C. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 47 Table 4.4 Option C Geelong Arena Community and Event Extension Indicative Capital Cost Estimate Component Area M² 1 Construction Entry Airlock/foyer Reception/Retail/Cafe Servery Offices/Administration Meeting/Function Room Lounge/Break out Area Community Group Change (1 + 2) Community Accessible Change/Store Event Change x 2 with accessible change and circulation Event/Community Referee/Officials change Foyer and circulation Total Construction Construction Rate/ M² Indicative Cost 50 M² 30 M² 25 M² 100 M² 131 M² 46 M² 11 M² 60m2 $1,500 $2,300 $2,300 $2,800 $1,800 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $75,500 $69,000 $57,500 $28,000 $235,800 $161,000 $38,500 $210,000 22m2 34m2 509M² $3,500 $1,800 N/A $77,000 $61,200 $1,031.000 90 M² Item Item Item $300 Allowance Allowance Allowance $27,000 $30,000 $30,000 $50,000 $137,000 $1,150,000 2 Site Works and Allowances Entry Terracing Site Preparation External Services Landscaping Total Building and External Works Cost Subtotal Construction and Site Works 3 Fees/Permits and Contingency Professional Fees Contingency (5% design, 5% Contract) Furniture/Fittings/Equipment # New Internal Seating System (220 seats approx @ $300/seat plus framework) Item Item Item item 10% 10% 6% Allowance Total Fees/Permits and Contingency $399,000 Total Estimated Project Cost # Final Seating and configuration still to be determined For Option C Community and Event Facilities the indicative capital cost, based on current construction cost area allowances is $1,549,000 (excluding GST). 4.3.4 Event Change Facilities The cost of the event change facilities if they were built as a separate item is as follows: Construction Cost: Fees and contingency (10%) Total Cost $288,000 $28,800 $316,800 4.3.5 Comparison of Arena Annex Extensions Options Indicative Capital Cost Estimates 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence $115,000 $115,000 $69,000 $100,000 Page 48 $1,549,000 The table on the next page shows the variances in the three facility options indicative capital costs. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 49 Table 4.5 Geelong Arena Annex Extension Options Indicative Capital Cost Estimate Comparisons Extension Option Total Development Area Total Estimated Project Cost Option A Community Facility Extension 387m2 $988,400 Option B Community and Event Facilities Extension 509m2 $1,540,810 Option C Community and Event Facilities Extension with New Court One Layout 509m2 $1,549,000 4.4 REVIEW OF ARENA ANNEX FACILITY REDEVELOPMENT OPTIONS The option A Community Facility Extension is expected to result in an additional 387m2 of development building area at a net indicative capital cost of $988,400 (December 2010 costs). This option would allow the Arena Annex to operate separately from the main facilities during a major event hire or could be set up to operate separately during annex users activities. The option B Community and Event Facility Extension is expected to result in an additional 509m2 of development building area plus some renovation to court one at a net indicative capital cost of $1,540,810 (December 2010 costs). The option B1 would see the same new development building area as option B but would see the new main court located closer to the new entry area. This option would only be considered further if BG (in association with Geelong Supercats merger) committed itself to make the Arena Annex their main headquarters and home of Geelong Basketball representative and event games. The extra event facilities combined with improved court one spectator seating would see the Arena Annex become a more usable venue for major local, regional and State basketball competition and events/tournaments. These options were presented for Project Control Group review and were approved to be used in the final report. 4.5 FUTURE ARENA ANNEX MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS The consultant team wish to note that this project has had some difficult processes to navigate as our brief has required us to complete a detailed design plan and a business modelling plan. Whilst we have been working on these processes it should be noted that Basketball Geelong indicated it was seeking to assume management of the Geelong Arena Annex during its seasonal (or maybe annual use) under a new set of lease/use conditions. Though this was not part of our project brief we have worked in with these matters to allow them to be canvassed. The third stage report completed in December 2010 indicated before the report could be completed that Council representatives needed to decide if a new management model 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 50 would be considered further that may see BG (in association with the Supercats merger) assume management rights for the annex. Our project brief did not require SGL to present an opinion on future management models but to aid this process we listed in the stage three reports some key issues identified during the course of this project. 1) Basketball Geelong Future Sustainability Issues The review of Basketball Geelong financial history and membership base indicates under a fixed tenant lease arrangement at current lease fees it will continue to have long term sustainability issues as well as not be able to raise funds for projected needed extra courts in population growth areas and facility improvements. Key issues raised to Basketball Geelong’s future sustainability include: The high percentage of junior players (75% of all BG players compared to state average of around 60% to 65%) also impact on BG ability to share the cost of venue hire and association operations. The fees and charges review indicates that BG current charges are higher than average for game and registration fees so this is not likely to be a future ongoing source of new revenue. These trends indicate BG needs to restructure its venue lease fees across all Geelong venues as well as review its future revenue and operating expenditure. The merger with the Geelong Supercats has progressed during the course of this project and following an initial merger meeting which reached agreement discussions are well progressed to shared administration and management areas (see requested internal concept plan for shared office listed in appendix 3). This proposed change has minimal impact on the redevelopment layouts and therefore would be supported. 2) Annual Operating Losses for Geelong Arena Operations The Geelong Arena review indicates that combined operations annually are subsidised with fluctuations in Council subsidy principally related to the level of capital works required at the Arena in each year. Whilst the total operations run at an operating loss when Arena Annex operations are separated the Annex operating cost review indicates the Annex lease fees and hire from other users raises in-excess $170,000. Though operating costs are not separated for the total complex it would be expected that even with depreciation and asset renewal allowances and all services, cleaning and maintenance costs that this revenue would exceed operating expenditure. 3) Potential Operating Cost Savings from Modified Kiosk Operations The review has also indicated that there may be some operational cost savings in Arena management reviewing food/beverage and merchandise services when the annex operations are the centres only use. This might be a cooperative arrangement with BG to allow them to take over some of these activities for annex customers at agreed operating hours and days It appears from the limited information that when the kiosk operates only for BG use the activity records weekly operating losses. If this occurred for say 20 weeks of the year then there are possible savings of $20,000 or greater if new arrangements were able to be negotiated. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 51 4) Limited Merchandising Services and Future Revenue Opportunities Most sports stadiums raise revenue from equipment and apparel sales including uniforms, sports equipment, sports accessories etc. Currently there is no area close to the arena annex for this activity. Portable merchandise stalls are set up for major events and Geelong Supercats games but these are usually set up in the main foyer close to seating entry and exit. Basketball Geelong and the Geelong Supercats could raise funds from merchandise services primarily from its members (uniforms and support apparel) and game spectators if a sales area was developed as planned in the new annex foyer facility options. 4.5.1 Future Annex Management and Associated Service Arrangements The following key issues were raised in the third progress report for further consideration by the GOGG and Arena Management. It was critical these matters be addressed so the final report can consider their impacts. The two distinct issues were: Would the City of Greater Geelong consider changing its management model at the Arena Annex that could see Basketball Geelong (in association with the merger of the Geelong Supercats) assure greater operational responsibility for the redeveloped Geelong Arena Annex area during its leased seasonal use and that all other use periods stay the responsibility of Arena management? If new BG management arrangements are to be considered would the City of Greater Geelong seek a capital contribution (or use ongoing part of lease fees) for assisting funding the facility improvements as proposed in this report? 4.5.2 Future Arena Annex Management Model The COGG representatives have reviewed the stage three report issues and advised that Council does not wish to consider management changes at the Geelong Arena Annex. It supports one central management model at the Arena which is consistent with the key reasons the facility was purchased in 2003 Since then the complex has been managed and funded as Geelong’s Premier Indoor Sport and Events Venue Council provides annual operating subsidies for the combined activity and events centre with the aim of assisting as many groups, associations and hirers to use as possible. Though Basketball Geelong is a significant foundation and valued tenant using the annex facilities for a large portion of the year there is still a large number of days/times when these facilities are vacant and available to be hired to other users. The matters raised in the third stage report in relation to modifications to the food services (outside of major event hire times) have some further investigation and monitoring of sales and profitability to be completed by centre management but if savings can be made and services required by BG at their annex use only times, these would be considered further. Therefore in completing the project report the future improvements at the Arena Annex need to be considered based on current management arrangements? 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 52 4.6 FINANCIAL IMPACTS OF FACILITY REDEVELOPMENT OPTIONS The project brief requires a business modelling plan be set up to address proposed improvements that have capacity for business improvement. All other areas are primarily for user amenity and do not have any opportunity to raise revenue from. A range of business assumptions have been completed by SGL and are summarised in the following table: Table 4.6 Geelong Arena Annex Extension Options Usage and Financial Impact Review Activity Area Improvement New Social Space Catering for Meetings and Functions Details New 100m2 meeting and function space located off extended new Annex Foyer The proposed revenue would be for hirers excluding Basketball Geelong Usage Assumptions New Annex Merchandising Area New Annex Food and Beverage Area/Ticket Box New in-foyer and retail area merchandising area linked to new reception area. Look at new club apparel purchasing scheme to increase retail opportunities. New food and beverage area linked to new office and reception areas Revenue Assumptions Used as a meeting space for clubs, associations and social functions Used as a sponsors room for events Used as a post games function area for Annex and main court activities Hired out as a sales area for events Operated by BG and linked to new Annex entry reception and foyer Total Financial Impact of Improvements 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 53 Operated by BG and linked to new Annex entry reception and foyer Meeting Hire: Assume 5 hours a week @ $20/hour = $100/week x 42 weeks = $4,200/year Function Hire: Assume 5 hours/week @ $30/hour = $150/week x 40 weeks = $6,000/year Total Revenue Assumptions $10,200/year one Expenditure Assumptions Suggest operates from an agreed point of sale system and BG pays a % of sales in return for rights to sell merchandise Propose 10% of sales to be paid as a commission rent. Assume on $100,000 in sales commission would be $10,000 Suggest operates from an agreed point of sale system and BG pays a % of sales in return for rights to sell food and beverage prepared off site or in arena kitchen Propose 15% of sales to be paid as a commission rent. Assume on $120,000 in sales commission would be $18,000 Net Financial Impact Cleaning 4 hrs week @ $38.50/hrs = $154/week x 38 weeks = $5,852/year Power allowance $1,000 Equipment Maintenance allowance $1,000 Total Expenditure Assumptions $7,852/year one All costs met by BG Operating Surplus projected $2,348 Operating Surplus projected at $10,000 All costs met by BG Operating Surplus projected at $18,000 Net est. combined operating surplus year 1 $30,348 The financial modelling indicates a potential improved business performance with an operating surplus from these activity areas of between $30,000 and $32,000 per annum depending upon the management and profit share arrangements negotiated. These surplus funds would assist in reducing the Arenas annual operating losses. 4.6.1 Other Improvements Business Impacts The other facility improvement areas in the Geelong Arena Annex facility options not covered in section 4.6 financial analysis include: New offices/Administration area (25m2) Lounge/break out area (130m2) Community group change areas (46m2) Event group/referee change (82m2) Arena Annex Court 1 extra seating (20m2) These areas are not expected to generate any separate revenue but will add to the centres operating expenditure with increased cleaning, services and maintenance costs. The highest cost areas will be the new change and amenity spaces (combined area of 128m2. If these areas were cleaned daily as part of the current cleaning contract then this would add say 4 hours a week to the existing 10 hours of cleaning. Based on this occurring say for 42 weeks a year this is a total of 168 hours a year @ contract rate of $38.50 = $6,468 say $7,000. Add to this another 2 hours a week to clean the extended foyer and extra seating and office so this would be 2hrs x 48 weeks = 96 hours @ $38.50/hour = $3,696. So with power and service allowances of $6,000 and say $5,000 for maintenance this would see the new areas add approximately $16,696 say $23,000 to centre operating costs. If this was deducted from the annual operating surplus projected in section 4.6 this would see after all costs and operating surplus of $17,000 to $27,000 in year one. 4.7 FUNDING SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES The improvements proposed in the Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan are principally for new service and support areas so funding support would expect to be limited from other agencies. The project could be submitted for a Sport and Recreation Victoria Community Facilities Funding Program Building Infrastructure Grant which can be lodged for up to $60,000 for minor facilities and major facilities grants can be sought for up to $500,000. The grant program encourages: Better planning of sport and recreation facilities. Innovative sport and recreation facilities. Increased community access to leisure opportunities. Inclusion of environmentally sustainable design elements. Strengthening communities through increasing sport and recreation participation. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 54 It is more likely the minor facilities grant would be successful as major grants normally have to include activity spaces to increase sports participation and access which in this projects case is limited. Minor works grants tend to be used for service and amenity upgrades. If Council was prepared to enter into new business arrangements with BG on the proposed merchandise and cafe area then funding may be able to be negotiated on fit out of these areas under a mixed arrangement between BG and suppliers. 4.8 SUMMARY OF FACILITY OPTIONS AND ASSOCIATED IMPACTS The Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan Report presents a number of facility options that can be reviewed by usage impacts, operating and capital costs. Primarily the recommended improvements covered in option A are essential to allow the Geelong Annex to operate and have its own change and service areas when the Arena is in major event mode. The following facility options have been proposed and these are summarised in the following table. Development Option Option A Usage Impacts Option B Option C New users to meeting and function rooms Better food and beverage and retail services for users of the annex users New users to meeting and function rooms Better food and beverage and retail services for users of the annex users New users to meeting and function rooms Better food and beverage and retail services for users of the annex Operating Impacts Capital Cost Estimates Operating surplus of around $20,000 to $30,000 BG to generate surplus from sales areas $988,400 Operating surplus of around $20,000 to $30,000 BG to generate surplus from sales areas $1,540,810 Operating surplus of around $20,000 to $30,000 1,549,000 The facility option comparisons indicate a significant capital cost difference between option A and options B and C where new event change facilities are the main difference in the capital costs. If BG is to make the arena their main centre of operations and representative teams for the region then this extra capital cost in options B and C does allow for new event facilities to ensure separating community sport from event use when the Arena is used for a major event. 4.9 WHERE TO FROM HERE The Geelong Arena Annex Master Plan Report provides a range of development improvements under 3 separate option plans to improve the usability of the complex for when major events and sporting association competitions are held at the same time. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 55 Currently the report findings indicate when a major event is held in the Arena main court area then there are limited change/toilet and food and beverage facilities available for Annex facility users. The facility options developed propose to create these facilities through an extension of the current Annex entry area and have been positioned to also be usable for major events. The report findings support the need for such improvements and three layout and facility component mix options have been developed for the City of Greater Geelong to review and work through with current stakeholders and tenants. The main improvement/changes recommended in the Arena Annex Master Plan include: New Annex entry foyer with office, reception and café/servery and lounge area linked off the existing foyer and located to serve both the Annex and the main arena. New community group change/and accessible toilets located off an extended Annex entry foyer. These facilities will enable the annex to operate independently of the main Arena facilities during major events. New competition/event team and referee change facilities (included in both option B and option C) located close to the current court one (option B) or moving court one closer to these facilities (option c) which also has remodelled seating to improve this venue for regional and representative games as well as local games that require spectator seating. During the course of this project Basketball Geelong has canvassed an alternative management model where they would like the current leases modified and in return for lower lease fees they assume management for the annex area. Though this may have some annual operating savings this model was not supported by Council management as the main purpose of current management is for the total Geelong Arena to be managed and operated as a premier Sports and Event Centre for as many groups, associations and users as possible. In our opinion it is not possible to negotiate such significant change as part of feasibility study and these discussion need to take place between the City of Greater Geelong and Basketball Geelong following a review of this reports findings and the proposed facility development options. SGL have completed this report in line with Councils current management model and vision which is on the basis that current management will manage all facilities but may consider some opportunities to share new revenue initiatives with BG (and the Geelong Supercats) through partnership retail and food and beverage services to the Annex. These matters now need to be reviewed by all stakeholders and meetings held between Council and key users to discuss the best development option, Potential funding and financial and usage impacts. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence Page 56 APPENDIX ONE: SUMMARY OF MAIN TENNANT LEASES AND AGREEMENTS The following information is accepted as commercial in confidence and is presented for Project Control Group use only and will be deleted from the report at final draft stage. 1) Geelong Regional Gymnastics Centre Co-operative Ltd The Geelong Regional Gymnastics Centre area is leased under an agreement that was acted upon until March 2010. A new Gymnastics operator has taken over the lease under the same conditions and rentals with a review period on the annual on anniversary of commencement date, CPI increase on annual rate effective each respective year of contract. The latest agreement see rental at $43, 575.00 plus GST per annum The core conditions of the agreement are: Tenant responsibility Tenant to pay rates and taxes. Tenant is not to make alterations or additions to the property without Council consent. Tennant must not attach improvements, fixtures, plant, equipment or signs to the property without Council consent. Tenant must keep the premises in good repair and condition, defects of a structural nature arising from wear and tear excepted. Tennant must not assign, mortgage or charge the lease or permit any other persons to occupy or take possession of the property or enter the property except in accordance with the lease. Tennant must obtain a public liability policy of insurance for the property for the sum insured of not less than $10,000,000.00 or such of a higher amount and thus the insurance company must be licensed in Australia. Council responsibility Council shall not be responsible for any interruptions of the tenant’s access to the property caused by a third party. Council is not responsible for the provision of any crossovers to the land or the maintenance of any access or roads leading to the land. Council must give written notice not less than 3 months nor more than 6 months of the lease expiring identifying either; a) Renewal of lease or extension offer or b) Council does not propose to offer a renewal or extension on the lease. 2) Leisure Services (Geelong) Pty Ltd (Total Events) Original Agreement duration was 3 years – June 2004 to June 2007 and the agreement has not been renewed to date due to a number of issues with the company being in default but usage is granted until these matters can be resolved. Review period: Market review annual on anniversary. One further term of three (3) years is offered at the end of the lease. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP1-1 Core conditions of the agreement are: Tenant responsibility Tenant to pay all provisions of the services to the premises including; gas, electricity, water & telephone. Tenant to pay expenses of operating, maintaining and repairing heating, cooling or airconditioning equipment exclusively servicing the premises, excluding any of a capital nature. Tenant must not do anything which might cause nuisance, damage or disturbance to a tenant, occupier or owner of any adjacent property. Tennant must not use radio, television or sound-producing equipment at a volume that can be heard outside the premises. Tenant must not place signage on the exterior of the property without Council permission. Tenant must not make alterations and/or additions to the premises without Council written consent. Tenant must take out and keep current public risk insurance for any single event not less than $10,000,000.00. Tennant must keep the premises in the same condition as at the start of the lease and properly, repaired and maintained. Tenant must refinish all finished surfaces in a workman like manner, at least every 5 years during the term; replace immediately cracked or broken glass; keep the property clean and free from rubbish; maintain in a working order all plumbing, drainage, gas, electric, solar and sewerage installations and fire prevention, detection and control apparatus. On vacating the premises the tenant must remove all signage and make good any damage caused by installation or removal. The tenant must take responsible precaution to secure the premises and their contents from theft. The tenant agrees to be responsible for the payment of costs incurred by the landlord’s security contract for security call outs which have incurred due to the tenant’s act or omission, resulting in the security system being activated. The tenant agrees to allow access to the landlord upon reasonable notice through the roller door adjoining the premises. Council responsibility 3) The Council must give quiet possession of the premises without interruption by the Council. The Council must take out policies of insurance against risks. The Council must keep the structure of the building in a sound and watertight condition. The Council must renew the lease for the further term as stated Geelong Amateur Basketball Association Inc (Basketball Geelong) Agreement duration: 10 years – January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2016 Review period: Rent renewed each year & based on the hours of use and hourly rate adopted by Council each year as part of the annual budget review cycle. Hours of use from 1 January 2006 through 31 December 2006 agreed to be 105 hours per week over 40weeks and GABA shall pay 12 monthly installments in 2006. Hours of use were reviewed on 1 April, 2007 to reflect actual usage at that time and rental shall be adjusted accordingly based on the current hourly rate adopted by Council. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP1-2 Hours of use shall further be reviews on April 1 and October 1 of each year and should increase or decrease in usage of more than 5% have occurred based on the previous six month period then a further adjustment shall be made to the agreed monthly payment for the following six month period. Annual fee: $92,400.00 plus GST per annum Core agreement conditions: Tenant responsibility The tenant must submit to the Venue Manager the season fixture as early as possible prior to the commencement of the basketball season to determine hours of use. GABA shall provide: a) Uniform branding of COGG, b) Game signage – COGG signage displayed at all home games, c) Letterhead and stationary recognition of COGG and d) Promotional recognition of COGG on all printed material of Basketball Geelong. The tenant may display temporary signage in the annex during its hours of use on the condition that the signage is erected, dismantled, removed and properly stored by the tenant at the tenant’s expense. The tenant may submit proposals for permanent signage positions internally and externally however the Council has the right to require a clean venue, if required, and tenant must agree to conceal permanent signage if required for major events. The tenant must not display sponsor signage that conflicts with exiting venue supplier agreements or Council policies. The Council will not allow the placement of permanent painted signage on the floor of the venue, and any temporary floor signage must be of a type that causes no damage to the floor surface. All additional bookings for outside the agreed seasonal hours of use must be made in writing to the Venue Manager and will be charged at the current hourly rate. The tenant shall end all sessions not later than the agreed time and shall remove all property belonging to the tenant, unless other arrangements have been agreed to by the Venue Manager. Any damage to the building, furniture, fittings or equipment shall be reported to the Venue Manager or Operations Coordinator immediately. The tenant will be held responsible for repair / replacement of damage to the venue or to furniture, fittings or equipment, except for fair wear and tear. The tenant shall adopt the Council’s operational policy and procedures to ensure compliance in every respect to regulations under the Health Act, with regard to public buildings for the prevention of overcrowding, obstruction of gangways, passages, corridors, doorways, emergency exits or any other part of the facility allowing the safe movement of people within the venue. The facility shall not in any way be sub-let or allowed to be used by any other user other than the organisation named on the user agreement, unless agreed by the Venue Manager. The tenant shall ensure that the level of noise emitted from the premises shall not exceed: a) The permissible noise level for mechanical equipment as specified in the State Environment Protection Policy N1 and b) The permissible noise levels for entertainment noise as specified in the State Environment Protection Policy N2 or any subsequent policy. The tenant must hold and provide evidence of current Public Liability Insurance cover of not less than $10,000,000.00 for death, personal injury, loss and damage to property. Evidence of such insurance must be held by the Venue Manager. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP1-3 The tenant agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified and to hold harmless the Council, its servants and agents and each of them from and against all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses, and damages whatsoever which may be bought or made or claimed against it or any of them arising out of or in any way related to the granting of the application and/or the use of the Premises. The tenant and persons under their direction shall obey all directions or orders given by the Venue Manager, Operations Coordinator or Duty Supervisor as to the emergency management of the facility and events safety issues being conducted therein. The tenant must adopt the venue’s emergency management plan for all events staged at the Arena. The tenant acknowledges that it shall be responsible for cleaning of minor spills and litter that might occur during agreed hours of use. The tenant is responsible for the maintenance and repair and replacement if required of any of its installations. Council responsibility Council agrees to provide, free of charge, use of courts for training and playing of games involving Basketball Geelong Representative Teams – playing in Victorian Country Council Competitions, Victorian Junior Basketball League and Big V Basketball – access provided for both the Arena and Leisuretime. Courts will be made available at a time where other permanent bookings are not in place. Where permanent bookings are made in future, courts will not be available for use. Council shall provide access during normal operating hours of the Centre. Council reserves the right to use the area for up to 14 days per calendar year for the purpose of staging Major Events subject to 6 month notice given by the Council to the tenant and prior to the final fixture of GABA seasonal competitions. In the event a major event disrupts GABA normal business operations for a period of greater than 4 consecutive days and GABA using its best endeavors are unable to relocate or re-fixture domestic competition games at other local venues, the Council will provide a rental rebate for the period and will consider a request for compensation of lost net revenue. If the Council is required to carry out works (Council Works) under this Agreement or decides to carry out any improvements to any part of the venue, the following conditions will apply: The Council will consult with the tenant (and other users) in an effort to minimise disruptions. In the event the facility cannot be made available for the times and the date(s) for which it has been hired by reason of fire, flood damage, industrial dispute or any other reason beyond its control, the City Of Greater Geelong will not be liable for any loss incurred by the Organisation or its officers as a result of such cancellation. The Council will make best endeavours return the facility to normal operations to minimise inconvenience to the tenant. The Council’s management and staff shall at all times in the performance of their duties, notwithstanding any hiring be entitled to unhindered access to all areas of the venue. The Council agrees to work in partnership with the tenant to facilitate major events and tournaments and that no basketball related activities shall be conducted in the facility without the agreement of GABA, recognising that all basketball equipment (rings, backboard, scoring equipment, benches) within the facility is the property of GABA. The Council is responsible for costs of cleaning the court area and maintenance of building issues. 4) Geelong Community Basketball Association Inc (Supercats) Agreement duration: 5 years – 8 May 2008 to 7 May 2013 – Lease Extension currently in negotiation period. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP1-4 Review period: Market review at the start of each further term. CPI review upon each anniversary of the commencement of each further term. Core agreement conditions: Tenant responsibility: Outgoings Outgoing costs, such as; air-conditioning maintenance, cleaning, elevator maintenance, fire line connection, fire line monitoring, office space electricity, Gas (hot water), Insurances, Council Rates, Security, Lighting, security patrols, waste removal, water & sewerage rates and yard maintenance, land tax. Year 1 - $15,000.00 plus GST per annum or 10% of total outgoings of the Arena whichever is the lesser Year 2 - $16,000.00 plus GST per annum or 10% of total outgoings of the Arena whichever is the lesser Year 3 - $17,000.00 plus GST per annum or 10% of total outgoings of the Arena whichever is the lesser Year 4 - $18,000.00 plus GST per annum or 10% of total outgoings of the Arena whichever is the lesser Year 5 - $19,000.00 plus GST per annum or 10% of total outgoings of the Arena whichever is the lesser Insurance The tenant must take out public risk insurance cover of $10,000,000.00 or other amount reasonably specified from time to time by the landlord. Naming Rights of the Venue The tenant will be entitled to an introduction of 25% of the annual value of the naming rights, subject to the naming rights agreement having a minimum term of three years. General Venue Usage GCBA has in place an agreement with GABA giving them access rights to the Annex facility, free of charge, for the purpose of holiday camps, held on all 3 courts simultaneously over the last three days in each school holiday period (including Christmas). Access for up to 150 hours per year for practice sessions (player & cheerleaders) subject to the times and conditions being agreed to by CoGG. The tenant agrees that it will use the premises exclusively for its games and operating base and will not re-establish in any other form or conduct games and operations from any other venue within the boundaries of the City of Greater Geelong during the term of the lease or any other term thereof. All additional bookings are considered tentative until the completed application form and applicable deposit/bond has been received and confirmed in writing by the Venue Manager. The hirer shall end all events no later than the agreed time and shall remove all property within 1 hour thereafter, unless arrangements have been agreed to by the Venue Manager. Failure to comply will result in additional charges to the hirer. Game Day Access (subject to Major Events Clause) 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP1-5 Access to the premises from 5:00pm to 12midnight for night games Access to the premises from 11:am to 6:00pm for day games Game day practice sessions access is available by arrangement with CoGG Prior to the season commencement – hirer to obtain CoGG consent to a season fixture schedule The number of fixtures per season being limited to 15 season games, four pre-season games and up to two finals games as required. Signage The hirer is entitled to display temporary signage within those areas specified on the lease agreement plans, which are visible to the public from any other parts of the Arena on any game day on the condition that signage is erected, dismantled, removed and properly stored by the hirer and at the hirer’s expense. The hirer may erect permanent signage subject to approval for the content and design by CoGG: 1) on the East facing wall and 2) on parts of the Southern and Western wall of the Arena, size and locations of such signage to be agreed between both parties. General The hirer shall agree to comply with applicable regulations, such as: Health Act, Local Government Act, APRA, Liquor Licensing Victoria, etc. No banners, streamers etc. are to be fixed to any surface within the venue without prior approval from the Venue Manager. Any damage to the building, furniture, fittings and equipment should be reported to the Duty Supervisor immediately. The hirer will be held responsible for repairing/replacing any damage to the venue or to furniture, fittings or equipment, except for fair wear and tear. The Hirer shall adopt the City’s operational policy and procedures to ensure compliance in every respect to regulations under the Health Act, with regard to public buildings for the prevention of overcrowding, obstruction of gangways, passages, corridors, doorways, emergency exits or any other part of the facility allowing the safe movement of people within the facility. The facility shall not in any way be sub-let or allowed to be used by any other user other than the organisation named on the user agreement. Permission to use any electrical equipment other than that supplied by the venue must be requested of the Venue Manager or Operations Coordinator at the time of submitting the application. The Hirer shall not cause or permit undue detriment to the amenity of the area to arise out of or in connection with the use of the facility during or immediately after the event. The Hirer shall ensure that the level of noise emitted from the premises shall not exceed: The permissible noise level for mechanical equipment as specified in the State Environment Protection Policy N1 and The permissible noise levels for entertainment noise as specified in the State Environment Protection Policy N2 or any subsequent policy. No electrically amplified musical equipment shall be used after 12.30 am. Any breach of this time restriction or the Government Acts may result in forfeiture of security bond. The Hirer and persons under their direction shall obey all directions or orders given by the Venue Manager, Operations Coordinator or Duty Supervisor as to the management of the facility and events being conducted therein. The Hirer must provide a nominated Competition Director each game day, for who is responsible for the coordination, supervision and safety of all game related activity and personnel. Council responsibility Council has the exclusive rights to obtain a Naming Rights Sponsor for the Arena. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP1-6 Council will consult with the tenant (and other uses) in an effort to minimise disruptions in the event that works need to be carried out at the centre. Council reserves the right to use the venue for the purposes of staging Major Events e.g. Commonwealth Games, subject to 4 months’ notice given by CoGG to the hirer. For every major event staged that denies the hirer game day access, CoGG will refund the hirer the amount agreed by the parties as compensation for such loss and failing agreement the amount will be determined by an independent specialist agreed on by both parties, unless games can be re-scheduled to alternative suitable days or venues. CoGG may temporarily cover the hirer’s signage when staging major events and the Hirer shall not be entitled to be compensated by the City as a result of the temporary loss of signage rights during this time. CoGG has the right to require a clean venue (free from temporary signage). CoGG may agree to allow the temporary signage to remain in place on days other than game days, or other arrangements as agreed between parties. City Works If CoGG is required to carry out works under this agreement the following conditions will apply: 1) CoGG will consult with the hirer (and users) in an effort to minimise disruptions, 2) The time, manner and form of CoGG’s works shall be at the discretion of CoGG and 3) For every game day access denied as a result of the works, CoGG will refund the hirer and amount agreed by the parties as compensation for such loss, failing to agree the amount will be determined by an independent specialist agreed by both parties. CoGG will not be responsible for any other of the hirer’s costs, expenses, compensation or losses of any kind due to CoGG’s works. Venue Usage CoGG will not be liable for any loss incurred by the hirer in the event the venue cannot be made available due to fire, flood damage, industrial dispute or any other reason beyond its control. The Venue Manager reserves the right to require external security for any event. An agreed fee applicable to such engagements shall be the onus of the hirer. Neither the City nor its servants or agents shall be liable for any loss or damage sustained by the Hirer, or any person, firm or corporation entrusted to or supplying any article to the hirer by reason of any such articles or thing being lost, damaged, or stolen. The City is not responsible for any theft, loss, damage or injury suffered by the Hirer or any guest or invitee of the hirer, or any person coming on the premises during the period of hire, and the Hirer indemnifies the City in respect of all claims for loss, damage or injury caused by any person or property during the period of hire, or as a result of the use by the Hirer of the premises. Free Access COGG Management and Staff whilst performing within their duties have unhindered access to all areas of the venue. 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP1-7 APPENDIX TWO: BG ESTIMATED USAGE OF GEELONG ARENA 2009/2010 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP2-1 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP2-2 APPENDIX THREE: BASKETBALL GEELONG AND GEELONG SUPERCATS COMBINED OFFICE AND MANAGEMENT AREA PLAN 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP3-1 APPENDIX FOUR: GEELONG ARENA MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING POSITIONS Venue Manager Staff management, supervision and development Business plan and budget development and implementation Financial control and reporting Management reporting Sale and marketing Procuring major event opportunities Tenant supervision and management Event planning, programming and management Policy and procedure development, implementation and supervision Maintenance/Capital work’s programming Event Supervision and staff briefing Staff training and development Strategic alliances with: GOT, CoGG, GPAC and associated peak bodies Operations Coordinator Coordinate all bar related operations, stock management and event planning Oversee event enquiries, tours, planning and logistics coordination Contract / hire agreement preparation Oversee maintenance officer/cleaning contractors Event production coordination Maintenance of event filing systems Oversee ticketing services for events Event and bar staff rostering OH&S rep and systems supervision Event set up and pack duties as required Event Supervision as required Oversee banquet planning and preparations Oversee cleaning contractor Event Supervisor Event supervision and logistics roles – minor event coordination and function room event coordination Client / hirer liaison to assist with event planning and preparation Event administration and box office sales as required School events – direct supervision of events, client liaison, and hire agreements Event set up and planning OH&S Committee member and supervision during event bump in and bump out phases for events Assist with general reception, enquiries and ticket sales Day to day café operations Food safety program compliance Café / Catering staff rostering, supervision and training Develop, implement and maintenance systems for café / catering operations Stock ordering, stock takes and stock management 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP-4-1 Administration Officer Finance admin – oracle data input, event invoicing, preferred supplier administration Centaman admin – bookings, POS, stock and ticketing module management Supervise box office operations for all ticketed events Handling of event enquires Café administration/IT support Event duties as required Assist with major concert settlements and ticketing reporting Marketing – web updating, events calendar updates, poster/brochure displays Undertake event roles as required, including; bar, ushering, ticketing, café/catering Assist with function room bookings OH&S committee member Maintenance/Cleaning Officer Minor maintenance and housekeeping Assist with event set ups and pack ups as required Daily venue and grounds inspections Cleaning as required and logging of all maintenance 106754828 (VIC 17.2010) - 6 March 2016 Commercial in Confidence APP-4-2