Direct Dial: 020 7650 1243 Email: FAO: Zaqia Rashid Treasury Solicitor DX: 123242 Kingsway Your Ref: LT9/2628E/EMM/3A Our Ref: JB/RS/Madni Date: 18th August 2009 By Email & DX: Dear Madam, (1) R (oao Madni)-v-Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs (2) R (oao Madni)-v-Her Majesty’s Commissioner for British Indian Ocean Territory Thank you for your fax of 31 July acknowledging our Pre-action Protocol Letter Before Claim of 13 July 2009. We note your request that we refrain from issuing proceedings until your client has had the opportunity to respond substantively to the letter before claim. However, we further note that you are unable to provide us even with a putative timescale for such a response. Your client has now had well over a month to respond to the formal letter before action while he has been aware of the issue of the identity of the individuals rendered through Diego Garcia and public pressure for these details to be disclosed for well over a year. Our client is not prepared for this issue to drag on indefinitely as it offers him the one realistic opportunity of publicly establishing the facts of his suffering and the possibility of achieving some redress. We note that you make reference to costs. However, the costs of preparing the claim had already been substantially incurred by the Claimant. To delay further would not have significantly affected the costs of this side. As to your client’s costs, he will have review his position in respect of the Claimant’s request in any event. If he chooses to accede to those requests then the claims will become academic and nothing will have been lost. If he chooses not to accede then he shall have to prepare a defence in any event. By proceeding now, the Claimant is quite reasonably ensuring that his requests are dealt with promptly in circumstances where yoru client has already been given ample opportunity to respond. Accordingly, we enclose by way of service the Claim Form, Grounds, evidence and supporting documentation for the claim in each jurisdiction. We will formally serve the sealed copies of the Claim Forms from the Administrative Court and Subregistry of the Supreme Court of BIOT once we have received these. Your client will then have 21 days to consider his position and respond. Finally, we also enclose a Notice of Funding of the Case (N251) in respect of the BIOT proceedings which are being brought by the Claimant under a Conditional Fee Agreements (as legal aid funding is not available in the jurisdiction). The proceedings in the High Court of England & Wales are being brought with the benefit of legal aid and formal notice will be served once the substantive certificate is received from the Legal Services Commission. Please call Jamie Beagent or Richard Stein if you have any queries. Yours faithfully, Leigh Day & Co Encs. Document14 2