A-B/RD Policies and Procedures Page 1 of 10 General Department Department Policies and Procedures Title Document Code No. RPM X-X DP Policies and Procedures for Creating, Organizing, Storing, Publishing, and Providing Access to Permanent Construction Records of the King County Wastewater Treatment Division Department/Issuing Agency Effective Date. October 1, 2007 Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division Approved Pam Elardo, Acting Section Manager Table of Contents 1. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CREATING, ORGANIZING, STORING, PUBLISHING, AND PROVIDING ACCESS TO PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION RECORDS OF THE KING COUNTY WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION ....................................................................................................3 1.1. 1.2. EFFECTIVE DATE .....................................................................................................................................3 TYPE OF ACTION......................................................................................................................................3 2. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................................3 3. ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED .......................................................................................................................3 4. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................3 4.1. 4.2. WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION RECORD DRAWINGS/AS-BUILT POLICY OF MARCH, 2004 ................3 ATTACHMENT A: ILLUSTRATION OF NEW AS-BUILDING/RECORD DRAWINGS PROCESS, 10/1/2007 .............3 5. DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................................................3 6. POLICIES .............................................................................................................................................................4 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 7. ALLOW A SECOND CAD SOFTWARE STANDARD ...........................................................................................4 BUILD A DOCUMENT CATALOGING AND INDEXING SYSTEM ..........................................................................4 ENSURE CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS...........................................................................................................5 APPOINT AN AS-BUILDING COORDINATOR ....................................................................................................5 PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................................................................5 7.1. CONTRACTED PROJECTS ...............................................................................................................................5 7.1.1. Project inception...................................................................................................................................5 A. Enter project in drawing catalog system ...............................................................................................5 B. Project-specific as-built plan ................................................................................................................5 C. Catalog conformed construction documents .........................................................................................5 March 6, 2016 Draft 5 A-B/RD Policies and Procedures Page 2 of 10 D. Convert conformed construction documents to PDF ............................................................................5 7.1.2. Construction kick-off ............................................................................................................................5 7.1.3. Construction .........................................................................................................................................5 A. Update as-building drawings monthly ..................................................................................................5 B. Create monthly “as-built” record (available on request) ......................................................................6 C. Release progress payment for completed as-building progress ............................................................6 7.1.4. Construction Close-Out ........................................................................................................................6 A. Complete record drawings ....................................................................................................................6 B. Update catalog to show record drawings ..............................................................................................6 C. Release progress payment for publishing completed record drawings .................................................6 7.1.5. Project Completion ...............................................................................................................................6 A. Convert record drawings and other permanent construction records to PDF .......................................6 B. Catalog record drawings and other permanent construction records ....................................................6 7.2. INCIDENTAL MAINTENANCE PROJECTS..........................................................................................................6 7.2.1. Project inception...................................................................................................................................6 A. Set as-building requirements with project staff ....................................................................................6 B. Begin catalog entry ...............................................................................................................................6 7.2.2. Construction .........................................................................................................................................6 7.2.3. Completion ...........................................................................................................................................7 A. Complete markups and verify information ...........................................................................................7 B. Update facility drawing ........................................................................................................................7 7.3. RECORDS STORAGE AND USER ACCESS .........................................................................................................7 7.3.1. Storage..................................................................................................................................................7 A. Digital records ......................................................................................................................................7 B. Paper records ........................................................................................................................................7 7.3.2. Publishing .............................................................................................................................................7 A. Updates drawing catalog entries ...........................................................................................................7 B. Integrates keyword information and creates the project index entry ....................................................7 C. Enters digital and paper drawings into the WTD records repository ....................................................7 D. Integrates all historical site records and creates or updates facility drawings ......................................7 7.3.3. User access ...........................................................................................................................................7 A. Digital and paper documents ................................................................................................................7 B. Index and catalog entries ......................................................................................................................7 C. Indexing system ....................................................................................................................................7 D. Records updates ....................................................................................................................................7 7.3.4. Compliance with applicable laws and standards .................................................................................7 8. APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................................................9 8.1. 8.2. ACRONYMS...................................................................................................................................................9 ATTACHMENT A: ILLUSTRATION OF NEW AS-BUILDING/RECORD DRAWINGS PROCESS (IN WORK)............ 10 March 6, 2016 Draft 5 1. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CREATING, ORGANIZING, STORING, PUBLISHING, AND PROVIDING ACCESS TO PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION RECORDS OF THE KING COUNTY WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION 1.1. EFFECTIVE DATE 10 days after approval 1.2. TYPE OF ACTION Revise the King County Wastewater Treatment Division’s as-building activities and record drawings policies. This policy replaces the “Wastewater Treatment Division Record Drawings/As-Built Policy of March, 2004.” 2. PURPOSE To revise, clarify, and expand the facility drawings, record drawings, and as-building activities and policies of King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) so that employees and outside contractors and consultants will finish and submit all the documents needed to reflect their work accurately on every completed project. Such documents may include record drawings, other drawings, construction documents, photographs, and other recorded information. These new policies involve permanent records and fully comply with all legal requirements for archival-records storage and continuity of operations. The new policies establish a cataloging system and index for drawings and contracts so that WTD will have record drawings and facility drawings that are produced on time in an organized way, and so that WTD employees will know and can show exactly “what we have and where it is” in constructed facilities. 3. ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED King County Department of Natural Resources Wastewater Treatment Division 4. REFERENCES 4.1. Wastewater Treatment Division Record Drawings/As-Built Policy of March, 2004 The former WTD policy statement is available at this site: \\wtd_masters\design and engineering\as-built policy\AsBuiltPolicyMar04.pdf 4.2. Attachment A: Illustration of new As-Building/Record Drawings process, 10/1/2007 5. DEFINITIONS Term Definition Archival Pertaining to records that are legally required to be kept permanently As-building The process of capturing and recording progress on a project by marking up drawings or other documents to produce record drawings As-built An obsolete legal term for a record drawing. WTD opens itself for liability if it uses this term because a facility is only “as-built” at a particular moment Cataloging Entering key word information from a project into a database that is then used to create an index March 6, 2016 Draft 5 Term Definition Conformed construction documents Bid documents and modifications such as addenda that are created before receiving bids Contracted projects Projects that WTD sends out for competitive bids from contractors Facility drawing A legal term for a set of drawings that show the state of a facility at any given time Incidental maintenance projects Projects that WTD either assigns as work orders to “small-works” contractors or assigns to its own “in-house” operations and maintenance staff, Also known as small works and in-house projects Index The result of integrating catalog entries to make all related materials available from one inquiry Permanent construction records These include original and conformed drawings, contracts, and other important construction-specific documents that are created during a construction project Program control Activities and software that enforces conformance to all as-building productquality standards and resolve technical conflicts in the as-building process NAG The “non-assuming guide” who monitors activities covered by this policy to ensure the work is performed. The NAG is not a member of any project team, but is an independent entity who works as part the WTD Technical Services Unit. Project-specific as-built plan A document that describes how as-building will be done Record drawings The official, up-to-date drawings of a completed project, as originally constructed. Also known as “as-constructed drawings” Redline Noun: A drawing or contract that includes visible marks that highlight changes Verb: To mark up a drawing or contract to reflect changes Small works and in-house projects Projects that WTD either assigns as work orders to “small-works” contractors or assigns to its own “in-house” operations and maintenance staff 6. POLICIES 6.1. Allow a second CAD software standard WTD has designated AutoCAD as the software standard for as-building drawings and record drawings. This policy reaffirms that designation. However, personnel who work on projects for the West Point Treatment Plant System may use MicroStation software if they have permission from a member of the WTD management team and they send a request to the WTD Technical Standards Coordinator that includes an analysis of the cost implications of using MicroStation. 6.2. Build a document cataloging and indexing system WTD will use a software system to catalog and index all of its new as-building documents, activities, record drawings, facility drawings, and archival records. March 6, 2016 Draft 5 6.3. Ensure continuity of operations WTD will comply with all federal, state, and local regulations regarding continuity of operations and long-term archival preservation of official public records, office files, and memoranda by developing and maintaining a system that stores redundant copies of those records in a secure location. 6.4. Appoint an as-building coordinator WTD will appoint a “non-assuming guide” (NAG) to monitor, verify, and enforce as-building activities for WTD staff, consultants, and contractors. 7. PROCEDURES This section outlines the procedures that employees, consultants, and contractors will follow on all construction projects for WTD. 7.1. Contracted projects All drawings, contracts, and other permanent engineering project records will be cataloged and indexed on contracted projects. 7.1.1. Project inception A. Enter project in drawing catalog system After the King County procurement and contract services agency assigns a construction contract number to a project, the non-assuming guide (NAG) will enter the project in the drawing catalog software and begin monitoring it. B. Project-specific as-built plan The NAG will meet with the project manager, engineer, and consultants to plan the process and assign responsibilities for creating, organizing, storing, and publishing permanent records for a project. C. Catalog conformed construction documents The NAG will catalog the conformed construction documents based on important attributes such as engineer, consultants, project managers, contract number, and date. D. Convert conformed construction documents to PDF The NAG will convert the conformed construction documents to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and catalog them in the cataloging software in the WTD records repository in digital and hard-copy format. 7.1.2. Construction kick-off At the construction kick-off, the NAG will review the project-specific as-built plan and discuss how this will achieve the project’s as-building goals to: Update redlines and other as-building information in a timely manner Verify as-building and other project information Create record drawings Convert record drawings to PDF 7.1.3. Construction A. Update as-building drawings monthly Based on the project-specific as-built plan, the construction project representative will check and the NAG will track or monitor redline or CAD monthly updates. As required by the contract and project-specific as-built plan, the designated parties will meet as required to transfer keyword data or CAD information collected to the WTD catalog for March 6, 2016 Draft 5 the project. The plan will require the construction management staff to verify the accuracy of any new redline information. Consultants or in-house staff may assist the construction management staff, depending on the project-specific as-built plan. B. Create monthly “as-built” record (available on request) The NAG will ensure that copies of redlines are available upon request. If further attributes arise during these monthly meetings, the NAG will add them to the catalog record for the project. C. Release progress payment for completed as-building progress After the regular construction meeting, the project representative will inform the NAG of as-building progress and release monthly payments after ensuring that the designated parties have recorded all required as-built information. 7.1.4. Construction Close-Out A. Complete record drawings When all construction is complete, the NAG will verify that someone has checked all redlined or CAD drawings from monthly meetings for factual accuracy. Then the designated party will create record drawings in CAD from the combined redlined drawings. The NAG will keep a record of all redlined changes in the records repository. B. Update catalog to show record drawings The NAG will update the catalog to note that WTD has record drawings of the facility. C. Release progress payment for publishing completed record drawings The NAG will notify the construction manager to release payment to the contractor and consultant because as-building requirements have been met. 7.1.5. Project Completion A. Convert record drawings and other permanent construction records to PDF The assigned party will convert the record drawings and other changed documents (including, for example, changes in the contract language) to PDF. B. Catalog record drawings and other permanent construction records The NAG will enter the record drawings and other permanent construction records into the cataloging system. 7.2. Incidental maintenance projects As-building activities are not needed for repairs and maintenance that entail no significant change in site condition, such as painting jobs. As-building is needed for small-works and inhouse projects that result in a significant change in condition of a facility. All work will be documented and sent to the NAG for recording. Following are the steps required for smallworks and in-house projects that require as-building. 7.2.1. Project inception A. Set as-building requirements with project staff The NAG will confer with project staff and agree upon a project-specific as-built plan. B. Begin catalog entry The NAG will begin a catalog entry for the project. 7.2.2. Construction The NAG will work with the construction manager to record changes as work progresses as specified in the project-specific as-built plan. March 6, 2016 Draft 5 7.2.3. Completion A. Complete markups and verify information After all work is finished, the project representative will review record drawings to ensure they comply with information in the redlines. B. Update facility drawing The NAG will arrange for someone to update facility drawings for the project as specified in the project-specific as-built plan. 7.3. Records storage and user access The NAG will ensure that redundant digital and paper record documents are stored in records archives and accessed through a common index. 7.3.1. Storage A. Digital records The NAG will ensure that records are stored on a server or servers linked to the WTD as-building index and catalog system. (Digital discs and tapes are not considered acceptable permanent storage media by Washington State.) B. Paper records The NAG will ensure that paper records are stored in the WTD records room and that full-sized drawings are scanned to 11" x 17" size and entered into King County archives. The NAG will ensure that up-to-date 11" x 17" drawings are available in digital format and older documents are available as needed. 7.3.2. Publishing The NAG will ensure that someone: A. Updates drawing catalog entries B. Integrates keyword information and creates the project index entry C. Enters digital and paper drawings into the WTD records repository D. Integrates all historical site records and creates or updates facility drawings 7.3.3. User access A. Digital and paper documents The NAG will ensure that digital and paper documents share a common index and are available online and at the WTD records center. B. Index and catalog entries The NAG will ensure that someone updates catalog entries, integrates keyword data, and maintains and updates the index. C. Indexing system The NAG will ensure that the indexing system provides user access through a system of keywords and digital search. D. Records updates A records clerk will regularly update digital records in the WTD records center. 7.3.4. Compliance with applicable laws and standards WTD will comply with all federal, state, and local regulations regarding continuity of operations and long-term archival preservation of official public records, office files, and March 6, 2016 Draft 5 memoranda. WTD will develop and maintain a system that stores at least one digital copy of those records in a secure location apart from WTD’s offices. March 6, 2016 Draft 5 8. APPENDICES 8.1. Acronyms Acronym Definition IBIS WTD’s financial reporting system PDF Portable Document Format, a popular way to transfer and display digital documents O&M Operations and maintenance WTD Wastewater Treatment Division March 6, 2016 Draft 5 8.2. Attachment A: Illustration of new As-Building/Record Drawings process (in work) March 6, 2016 Draft 5