04 27 15 Hamlet 11 AP Lit

Monday, April 27, 2015
1 (AP Lit & Comp)
1. None
1. Question of the Day sheet for the week of April 27, 2015 (#81)
 When Ophelia goes crazy, what does she give to every person she sees during
her speech?
2. Daily Edits Set #11 review paragraph (#82)
3. Daily Edits Set #12, sentence #1 (#83)
 Misplaced and dangling modifiers
 Your brain figures out what is being said. In writing, however, it needs to be
correct. The modifier needs to go directly next to the thing it is modifying.
The modifier should stay the same.
 Misplaced modifiers: need to be identified & moved to the proper location.
 Dangling modifiers: you have to change parts of the sentence. Example:
 Gazing in the window, the boots caught Jill’s eyes.
 As it is written, it is the boots that are grazing in the window.
 You can’t change this to “Gazing in the window, Jill’s eyes caught the
boots,” as that’s awkward and creepy
 Gazing in the window, Jill saw the cool boots.
4. Hamlet test
 Pool of eight to ten quotations. If eight, choose four. If ten, choose five.
 What to review
 Wiki logs (all, not just yours)
 Hamlet III.iii.1-103: this scene is vital to the play. One of last week’s QOD’s
was about this scene (Why doesn’t Hamlet kill Claudius when Hamlet has the
chance to do so?). There is a significant piece of irony in Hamlet’s decision.
 Hamlet V.i.66-319 (Gravedigger’s scene)
 Bring your laptop. If you don’t have a laptop, I’ll get one for you. The test will be
done on Google Drive, and you will share your essays with me.
5. Hamlet “To Be or Not To Be” soliloquy (III.i.64-96) (#79)
 Hamlet is often viewed as a teenager who is contemplating suicide, and neither
Claudius nor Polonius is alarmed? Instead, they both think Hamlet is insane
 Are you surprised by the reaction of Polonius and Claudius? Why or why
 Hamlet’s depressed, and they’re sending him away
 Earlier, they kept him close and didn’t send him away to college
 Claudius doesn’t care
 Claudius & Polonius care only about themselves
 Hamlet is an unpredictable threat
 Claudius is oblivious
 Claudius is convinced that there’s nothing he can do for Hamlet
Why send him to England now when earlier Claudius wouldn’t let Hamlet
return to school (keep friends close and keep your enemies closer)?
 How do we handle this?
 Claudius is going crazy
 Claudius sees Hamlet as a threat
 Claudius believes that Hamlet is making the family look bad. People might
ask, “THIS guy is the heir to the throne?”
6. Viewed DVD version of III.iv.1-240 (Polonius (briefly), Hamlet, Gertrude, and
7. Hamlet IV.iv.34-69: “How all occasions do inform against me/And spur my dull
revenge.” (#80)
 Students had 10 minutes to complete this
 Class discussion
 What is the main similarity between Fortinbras and Hamlet?
 Both Fortinbras and Hamlet are seeking revenge.
 What is the main difference between Fortinbras and Hamlet?
 Fortinbras takes action, while Hamlet keeps thinking about acting on
his wanting to avenge his father.
 In your opinion (please don’t write “in my opinion”), what is the operative
word or phrase in this soliloquy? In other words, what word or phrase is
necessary (if it didn’t exist, the soliloquy wouldn’t be as effective)? [not
discussed today]
 By the end of the soliloquy, what does Hamlet decide? Why is this
decision ironic?
 He decides to get revenge, but it’s ironic because he’s been sent to
England to be killed! He’s no longer at Elsinore!
Sample AP exam (#5)
Method to the Madness of Metaphors (#47)
Elements of a Sonnet (#48)
Sonnet 18 (#49)
Sonnet I (#50)
Tone (#56)
7. Hamlet wiki log directions/reading schedule (#65)
8. Hamlet character list (#66)
9. Hamlet I.i.1-80 round robin (#71)
10. Hamlet Close Reading of Claudius’ speech worksheet (#72)
11. Hamlet “sullied flesh” soliloquy handout (#73)
12. Hamlet Act II Scene i with Ophelia handout (#74)
13. Hamlet “O, What a Rogue” soliloquy II.ii.576-634 handout (#78)
14. Hamlet “To Be or Not To Be” soliloquy handout (#79)
15. Hamlet “How All Occasions” soliloquy handout (#80)
16. Question of the Day sheet for the week of April 27, 2015 (#81)
17. Daily Edits Set #11 review paragraph (#82)
18. Daily Edits Set #12 (#83)
1. Tuesday, April 28, 2015: Hamlet assessment, which will involve the use of laptops,
so feel free to bring your own.
2. Wednesday, April 29, 2015: Hamlet promposals due (75 points)
3. Friday, May 1, 2015: Act 80 day (students out at 11:00 AM). Senior Prom night.
4. Monday, May 4, 2015: Surrrrrrrrrrre, you’ll be here.
5. Monday, May 4, 2015 through Friday, May 15, 2015: AP testing window
6. Wednesday, May 6, 2015: English Literature & Composition AP exam (morning
7. Monday, May 11, 2015 through Friday, May 22, 2015: Standardized Quiz #2 window
8. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 through Wednesday, May 27, 2015: Keystone Testing
9. Tuesday, May 19, 2015: No school (in-service day for teachers)
10. Friday, May 22, 2015: Final deadline for SLO essay revisions (more details later)
11. Monday, May 25, 2015: No school (Memorial Day)
12. Wednesday, June 3, 2015: Senior Final Exams for blocks 1 & 2 (regular school day)
13. Thursday, June 4, 2015: Senior Final Exams for blocks 3 & 4 (regular school day)
14. Monday, June 8, 2015: Graduation at Villanova at 7:30 PM!