For Office Use Only Date received: Application Number: Input on J Drive: Brackley Road, Towcester Northants, NN12 6DJ Telephone: Facsimile: e-mail: website: 01327 350284 01327 359061 Headteacher: Mr Iain Massey Input on SIMS: Sixth Form Student Application Form To apply for a place in the Sixth Form at Sponne School, please complete this form and return to Sixth Form Application, Sixth Form Study Area at the school address above. The deadline for ALL applications is 11th February 2016. Student Details: Surname: Forenames: Home Address: Postcode: Date of Birth: Male/Female: Home Telephone Number: Student Email: Student Mobile: Tutor Group: Student Unique Learner Number: (Internal Students only) Parent/Carer Details: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr Name: Relationship to student Contact Information Home Tel: Mob/Work Tel: Email Address: Do you have any other children at Sponne school? Please give names and relevant year group: Emergency Contact Details: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr Name: Relationship to student: Contact Information: Home Tel: Email Address: Mob/Work Tel: EXTERNAL APPLICANTS ONLY Education Details: (Please give details of your current secondary school/college) School College: Full Address: Attended From: To: Head of Year Name: Email Address: * ULN Number: *UCI Number: (Unique Learner Number) *UPN Number: (Unique Candidate Identifier)** **Available from your Exams Office *Must be completed by all external applicants (Unique Pupil Number) EXTERNAL APPLICANTS ONLY Referee Details: (Please provide the name of a suitable referee who may be asked to comment on your application). Applicants still at school should provide the name of an appropriate member of school staff as referee Name: Full Address: Position: Email address: Supporting Statement: (all students to complete where posssible) Please attach to your application a supporting personal statement writing a few words about your hobbies, interests, community responsibilities, your career experience to date, sports or leisure activities. Do you have any difficulties that may require special facilities in order to meet your study needs e.g. health problems, learning support for dyslexia/any other disabilities/difficulties? Please tick the appropriate box: Yes No If YES please give details. Have you had a learning mentor? Please tick the appropriate box: Yes No If YES please give details. When completed please ensure that your parents/guardian sign and date below and you return this form to the appropriate box in the Sixth Form Study Area. External applicants please forward to Sponne School address at the top of page one. Student Declaration: I agree to comply with the general rules and regulations and with any particular conditions of acceptance. I certify that all the information given is correct. Student signature: Dated: ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……….………………………………….. As you are under 18 years of age please ask a Parent/Carer to sign and date this application. I endorse this application: Dated: Signed: …………………………………………………………………………… Relationship to applicant:: ………………………………………….. My Qualifications: GCSEs, BTEC First Diplomas and other qualifications. Please tick the subjects you are taking and indicate your predicted grade, if known. Possible predicted grade values are A*, A, B, C, D, E, F and G for GCSE and BTEC First Diplomas they are Distinction (D), Merit (M), Pass (P) and Fail (F). If you have already completed an exam, write the grade and put ‘actual’ next to it. Add other subject if not listed SUBJECT GCSE BTEC OTHER (please specify) PREDICTED GRADE Art Childcare Citizenship Dance Drama Business Studies Electronics Engineering English Literature English Language Food Technology French Geography German Graphic Products Health & Social Care History ICT (Creative i-media) ICT (Nationals) Law Maths Media Music PE Philosophy & Ethics Product Design and Technology RE Resistant Materials Science (Core) Science (Cambridge Nationals/BTEC) Science (Additional) Science (Additional Applied) Science (Biology) Science (Chemistry) Science (Physics) Sociology Spanish Sports Studies Statistics Textiles OTHER SUBJECT EXAM BOARD PREDICATED GRADE My Choices: Please check the entry criteria carefully before you make your selection - please fill in your choices : Entry requirements: 6 GCSE A* - C grades including English or Maths with at least one B grade in any subject. All Routes - Please choose 3 subjects from the blocks below. REMEMBER: Only ONE subject per block. Option Block A B C D E Subject Subject Entry Minimum Requirement Biology Economics French Geography Media Philosophy Drama & Theatre Studies Art (Fine) Chemistry ICT Animation & Graphic Design ICT Web Applications Mathematics – A Level Product Design Psychology BTEC Business (Extended Certificate) Business Food Further Maths History Music Photography English Language & Literature Health & Social Care History ICT Computing Mathematics – A Level Mathematics - Core English (re-take) Maths (re-take) Applied Science Applied Travel & Tourism English Literature Geography German PE Physics Grade B in Biology or two B grades in Core and Additional Science Grade B in English and Maths Grade B in French (in higher listening and reading papers) Grade C in Geography Grade C in English and Media GCSE (if taken) Grade C in RE Grade C in English and Grade C in Drama GCSE (if taken) Grade C in Art Grade B in Chemistry or two B grades in Core and Additional science Grade C or above in 6 subjects Grade C or above in 6 subjects Grade A in Maths Grade C in Design & Technology Grade C in English and Science and Grade B in Maths Grade C in English and Maths Sociology Grade C in English, Maths and Science Subject clashes: Grade C in English and grade B in Maths Grade C in Design & Technology Grade A* or high A in Maths with a teacher recommendation Grade B in History Grade C in GCSE Music and/or minimum grade 5 instrumentalist/vocalist Grade C in Art Grade C in English Language and Grade B in English Literature Grade C in English and Maths Grade B in History Grade B in Maths Grade A in Maths Grade C in Maths (Foundation or Higher Level) Grade D in English Grade D in Maths Grade C in English Grade C in English Grade C in English and grade B in English Literature Grade C in Geography Grade B in German (in higher listening and reading papers) Grade C in English and Grade B in Core and Additional Sciences Grade B in Physics and Maths or two grades in Core and Additional Science and a grade B in Maths Please clearly show all subject clashes by selecting both subjects in the option blocks above and make any additional comments here: