ACC 602 Managerial Accounting
Thursday; 5:30 – 8:20 p.m.
Administrative Science Building; Room 222
Dr. Charles O. Kile
Accounting and Management Information Systems Area
Office: Room 375
Phone (256) 824-6582
Office Hours
Official office hours will be held after each class session (in Room 222 or
Room 375) or by mutual arrangement at the student’s request.
Course Description This course is designed to provide a broad
introduction to Managerial Accounting terms, techniques, and issues. A
primary goal of the course is to provide students, managers, and future
managers with an understanding and appreciation of the strengths and
limitations of the accounting system for providing information for external
financial reporting, decision making, third party contracting, and performance
measurement for control.
The course provides a strong managerial emphasis. Accounting
techniques are studied from the perspective of their influence on managerial
behavior and their consequences for decision making, contracting, and control.
Ideally, class participants should develop for themselves strategies that would
lend to more efficient and effective use of an organization’s accounting system.
Required Course Materials
During the course, we will use Accounting for Decision Making and
Control by Jerold Zimmerman, third edition, published by Irwin McGraw-Hill
Publishing 2000 (ISBN 0-07-303937-3)
The instructor will also distribute supplemental class notes and
assignments throughout the term.
Grades Scale
Additionally, some students may receive the following grades:
F – given when course work is unsatisfactory due to excessive absentees,
missing or incomplete assignments, or a course grade below 60.
W – assigned to students who withdraw from the course after the first drop/add
I – temporarily assigned to students who have incomplete assignments for
extenuating circumstances cleared through the University’s Office of Student
Grade Determination
Group Case Presentation
Prepared Assignments
Mid-Term Examination
Final Examination
Class Participation
Class participation will be based on evidence of preparation and
contribution to class learning through participation in class activities, in-class
discussions and preparation of case analysis prior to class.
A list of chapter reading assignments appears on the course schedule.
Case assignments from the textbook will be made at the conclusion of each
class. Assignments are to be completed in writing because the instructor will
occasionally collect them for verification at the beginning of the class session.
Otherwise, assignments will be reviewed in class with student participation.
Students are allowed to form groups of two or three to discuss and prepare
assigned problems. However, dividing up and “swapping out” portions of
assignments is not viewed as ethical behavior and does not provide much
learning value.
Attendance will be taken whenever the instructor remembers to do so.
Information from the instructor’s attendance records also forms a small portion
of the basis for the attendance portion of the grade, since presence in the
classroom is a necessary condition for participation.
Final Examination
Exams will be timed and administered inside the classroom. All in-class
examination work is to be performed individually. Students will take the exams
subject to the signed UAH honor code. Matters of examination integrity will be
forwarded to the University’s Dean of Undergraduate Studies Office.
Group Case Presentation
Students will form groups of two to prepare an analysis of an
assignment. The analysis will be presented to the class during an assigned
session. The purpose of the presentation is to allow students to apply
knowledge and skills they have acquired during the course along with their own
innovation and experience within a financial analyst’s framework. A software
copy of the presentation slides will be submitted to the instructor along with
any notes the group wishes to include.
Course Schedule
*All Assigned Readings unless otherwise noted are from the course textbook.
Session 1 August 22
Topic: Introduction to Managerial Accounting & Cost Behavior
Classroom Presentation:
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
In-Class Group Exercises: 2-5, 2-6, 2-24
Assigned Readings for next session:
Chapters 1 & 2,
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session: NONE
Session 2 August 29
Topic: Cost Information in Decision Making
Classroom Presentation:
In-Class Group Exercises:
Identification of Costs Relevant to Decision Making
The Beach Comber
2-4, 2-12, 2-17, 2-23, 2-39
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Assigned Supplemental Problems for next session:
Chapter 3
School Closing Problem
Clean Bright
Session 3 September 5
Topic: the Organizational Design of the Control System
Classroom Presentation:
Organizational Design and Control Issues
In-Class Group Exercises: 4-2, 4-7, 4-19, 4-20, 4-21, C4-1
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 4
Session 4 September 12
Topic: Responsibility Accounting
Classroom Presentation:
Performance Measurement for Responsibility Centers
Economic Value Added and Coca-Cola Inc.
In-Class Group Exercises: 5-3, 5-6, 5-7, 5-14, 5-16
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 5 Sections A & B
Session 5 September 19
Topic: The Role of Budgeting in Control Systems
Classroom Presentation:
Budgeting in Decision Management and Control
The Flexible Budget and Flexible Budget Variance
In-Class Group Exercises: 6-4, 6-6, 6-7, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12, 6-15, 6-20
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 6
Session 6 September 26
Topic: Introduction to Cost Allocation
Classroom Presentation:
What is Cost Allocation?
How to Allocate Cost
Allocating Joint Costs
In-Class Group Exercises: Keating & Associates
Clean White Dairy Products Inc
Assigned Readings for next session:
Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Section C
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
CASE 8-1
Session 7 October 10
Topic: Issues Concerning Allocating Indirect Costs
Classroom Presentation: Cost Allocation in Control and Third Party Contracts
In-Class Group Exercises: UAH Paint Dept., Four Cola, Mutual Fund Mail
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 8 Section A
Session 8 October 17
Mid-term Examination
Session 9 October 24
Topic: Transfer Pricing
Classroom Presentation:
Setting Transfer Prices
Topic: Transfer Pricing Strategies
In-Class Group Exercises: Weed-X, 5-15
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 5 Sections C&D
Session 10 October 31
Topic: Methods of Allocating Service Center Costs
Classroom Presentation:
Approaches to Allocating Service Center Costs
In-Class Group Exercises: 8-10, 8-14
Assigned Readings for next session:
Chapter 8 Sections B and Appendix,
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Session 11 November 7
Topic: Cost Accounting in a Manufacturing Environment
Classroom Presentation:
How to Determine Product Costs
In-Class Group Exercises: Manufacturing Cost Classification Exercise
Top Drawer
Zaff Radiator
McDonnel Douglas
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Assigned Supplemental Problems for next session:
Chapter 9
Session 12 November 14
Topic: Issues in Full Absorption Costing
Classroom Presentation:
The Incentive to Overproduce
In-Class Group Exercises: 10-7
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 10
Part II.
Topic: Activity Based Costing Systems
Classroom Presentation:
Analysis of ABC and ABM
In-Class Group Exercises: Figure Four Inc
Tracy Corporation
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 11
Session 13 November 21
Topic: Standard Costing Systems
Classroom Presentation:
Factor Input Variance Analysis
In-Class Group Exercises: Mason Company
Chester Company
Emory Inc.
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Chapter 13 Section C,
Session 14 December 5
Topic: Management Accounting in a Changing Environment
In-Class Group Exercises: TBA
Assigned Readings for next session:
Assigned Textbook Problems for next session:
Assigned Supplemental Problems for next session:
Session 15 December 12
Final Examination scheduled by the University Registrar’s Office as last class