Section 2 – TCP/IP in a Nutshell TCP/IP The DOD developed the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, in the early 1970s. It was designed to be robust and survive any loss on the network. It provides application protocols that allow file transfers, electronic mail, host-to-host terminal emulation, and a naming service. The INTERNIC has the authoritative responsibility to assign IP addresses and IP address ranges for business, government, and private use. TRANSPORT NETWORK Syslog Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Network File Systems (NFS) TCP Simple Network Management Protocol (SMNP) Directory Name Services (DNS) Secure Shell Protocl (SSH) SESSION File Transfer Protocol (FTP) PRESENTATION TELNET APPLICATION HyperText Markup Langauge Protocol (HTTP) TCP/IP Suite Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) OSI MODEL UDP Transmission Control Protocol User Datagram Protocol ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol IP Internet Protocol DATALINK Ethernet, Token Ring, Token Bus, FDDI, ATM, Frame Relay, ISDN, X.25 PHYSICAL Copper, Fiber, Wireless At the transport layer TCP/IP provides for 2 user protocols and 1 system protocol. The two user protocols are TCP or Transmission Control Protocol and UDP or User Datagram Protocol. The system protocol is called the Internet Control Message Protocol or ICMP. These protocols are carried in the IP packet. Normally, ICMP is not shown when displaying TCP/IP protocol stack against the OSI or DOD models. Frames carrying IP packets have a protocol identifier of x0800. Page 1 An IP Packet TCP and UDP are encapsulated in to the payload of an IP packet. The layout of an IP packet contains information about the source and destination, fragment controls, error detection, and other options. Specifically, below is an IP packet in its entirety. The minimum length of an IP packet is 576 bytes. The maximum size of the packet is 64 Kilobytes. The IP header is either 20 bytes or 24 bytes, depending on the options and padding fields. IP Version 4 bits Header Length 4 bits Type of Service 8 Bits Total Length 16 Bits Fragment Identifier 16 Bits Fragment Control 16 Bits Time To Live (TTL) 8 Bits 00 00 64 20 60 2c fe 00 97 ea 0c 1b bf b9 81 e3 ca 40 00 00 bf 00 8b 00 00 80 00 02 60 06 01 04 97 c4 03 05 bf 5d ea b4 ca c0 00 00 32 08 00 45 68 a8 64 fd c0 a8 00 00 00 60 02 00 Protocol Type 8 Bits Header CRC 16 Bits DLC: bytes. ----- DLC Header ----DLC: DLC: Frame 1 arrived at 23:37:24.5400; frame size is 60 (003C hex) DLC: Destination = Station 006097BFCABF DLC: Source = Station 006097BFCA32 DLC: Ethertype = 0800 (IP) DLC: IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 68 IP: 011. .... = flash IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 1... = high throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: Total length = 44 bytes IP: Identification = 60089 IP: Flags = 4X IP: .1.. .... = don't fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 128 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 6 (TCP) IP: Header checksum = C45D (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: TCP: ----- TCP header ----TCP: TCP: Source port = 3201 TCP: Destination port = 139 (NetBIOS-ssn) TCP: Initial sequence number = 66538 TCP: Data offset = 24 bytes TCP: Flags = 02 TCP: ..0. .... = (No urgent pointer) TCP: ...0 .... = (No acknowledgment) TCP: .... 0... = (No push) TCP: .... .0.. = (No reset) TCP: .... ..1. = SYN TCP: .... ...0 = (No FIN) TCP: Window = 8192 TCP: Checksum = 1BE3 (correct) TCP: TCP: Options follow TCP: Maximum segment size = 1460 TCP: ADDR HEX ASCII 0000: 00 60 97 bf ca bf 00 60 97 bf ca 32 08 00 45 68 | .`-.Ê..`-.Ê2..Eh 0010: 00 2c ea b9 40 00 80 06 c4 5d c0 a8 64 fd c0 a8 | .,ê¹@....]..dý.. 0020: 64 fe 0c 81 00 8b 00 01 03 ea 00 00 00 00 60 02 | d...‹...ê....`. 0030: 20 00 1b e3 00 00 02 04 05 b4 00 00 | ..ã.....´.. Source Address 32 Bits Destination Address 32 Bits TCP/IP Options 32 Bits Data/Payload Up to 552 Bytes Version currently it has a value of 4 Header Length the number of 32bit words in the header Type of Service A 3 bit (bits 0,1,2) precedence field. 000 Routine packet, 001 Priority Packet, 010 Immediate Delivery, 011 Flash, 100 Flash Override, 101 Critical, 110 Internetwork Control, and 111 Network Control. The 5 bit TOS field, can be set to (x can be either 0 or 1): 0000x 0 is Normal Delay, 1 is Low Delay, 000x0 0 is Normal Throughput, 1 is High Throughput, 00x00 0 is Normal Reliability, 1 is High Reliability, and xx000 reserved for future use Total Length total length, in bytes, of the packet. Fragment Identification uniquely identifies the Datagram as belonging to a specific transmission. Fragmentation control really 2 fields in one. Flags field (3bits) from highest order to lowest order: Bit 0 Not used, Bit 1 When set to 1, means don’t fragment, Bit 2 When set to 1, means more fragments to come, When set to 0, means no more fragments to come. Fragment number field (13bits) is simply the identifier, or ordered place, of this particular fragment. Time to live Maximum number of hops the packet can make. Protocol Tells the TCP/IP software, which transport protocol to send the packet to. For example: 6 is TCP and 17 is UDP Header Checksum The CRC only includes a checksum for the Header only. Source Address Senders Address Destination Address Receivers address Options Optional Data. Page 2 Fragmentation and Reassembly Fragmentation, the segmenting of an IP Packet in to chunks that can fit in to the MTU of the underlying infrastructure framing, is handled at Layer 3. The Fragment Identifier and Fragment Control fields of the IP packet control fragmentation. The Fragment Identifier is a 16bit number that represents all the components of a particular IP packet, i.e. all the fragments that when put together become 1 IP packet. The Fragment Control field contains the OFFSET or sequence number for each segment, or fragment, and the Fragment FLAGS field. The Fragment FLAGS field contains the MF and DF bits which control how IP packets are fragmented. IP Version 4 bits Header Length 4 bits Type of Service 8 Bits Total Length 16 Bits Fragment Identifier 16 Bits FLAGS Fragment Control 16 Bits Time To Live (TTL) 8 Bits Protocol Type 8 Bits Header CRC 16 Bits Source Address 32 Bits Destination Address 32 Bits TCP/IP Options 32 Bits Data/Payload Up to 552 Bytes OFFSET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MF Bit DF Bit Always set to 0 RFC 791 & 815 governs fragmentation. When a packet must be fragmented, as in the case when crossing between different Layer 2 networks, the router performs the following actions: The router checks the DF, don’t fragment, bit in the FLAGS field of the IP packet. If this bit is set to 1, then it cannot be fragmented and the router will issue an ICMP Type 3 Code 4, Fragmentation Needed, to the sending host. If this bit is set to 0, the router will continue the fragmentation process. The router places the original IP packet’s IP Header Identification Field in to each segment. The router reduces the TTL of the original packet by 1 then puts this value in to each fragment. The router then places a value in to the Fragment Offset Field of each fragment. This value denotes the location of the fragment within the packet based on its offset from the beginning of the packet. This value is calculated as the number of bytes of the underlying MTU, 1500 for Ethernet, minus the 20 Byte IP header, times the sequence of the packet, divided by 8. For every segment, the router sets the MF, more fragments to come, bit to 1 until the last segment is sent. When the last segment is sent the MF bit is set to 0. When set to 0, this bit means last fragment. Below is a table showing an example of IP Fragmentation and its results on an IP packet that is 6k with the fragment ID of 11691. Assume a MTU of 1500. Sequence 0 1 2 3 4 IP Packet Length 6000 Original packet Information Frag ID MF Bit DF Bit 11691 0 0 Offset 0 IP Packet Length Fragment Packet Information Frag ID MF Bit DF Bit Offset Data Left to Tx 0 185 370 555 740 4520 3040 1560 80 0 1500 1500 1500 1500 100 11691 11691 11691 11691 11691 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reassembly is the opposing process to fragmentation. Reassembly happens at the destination. The receiving host orders the IP packet fragments in order of their offset id, low to high and then reassembles the original packet from the fragments. Page 3 PMTUD – Path MTU Discovery Governed by RFC 1191, PMTUD or Path MTU Discovery is a host-based protocol that allows the detection of the largest common MTU from source to destination. This lowers the amount of IP fragmentation that is present on a network. PMTUD only works with TCP. The largest common MTU is detected by sending IP packets at different sizes with the DF bit set to 1. When a router that must fragment it processes the packet, the router sends an ICMP Type 3 Code 4 to the sending host. That host then reduces the size of the packet and attempts again until the packet gets through to the destination. Unfortunately, IP routing devices that have ICMP turned off, due to security concerns, often foil the PMTUD process. These routers are called blackwhole routers. PMTUD should be shutdown when used in networks that ICMP is turned off. Each of the following OS support PMTUD: Windows 3.x, Windows NT, Windows 2K, Windows XP, OS/2, AIX, Linux, Solaris, Sun OS, HP-UX, Windows 9x, Windows ME, and DOS. Page 4 IP Addressing IP Addresses are 32 bit address, grouped in octets, noted in decimal, separated by periods, for example: The bits are designated as belonging to either the network address or the host address. A net mask is used designate what bits belong to the network address. The net mask is also 32 bits, grouped in octets, noted in decimal, separated by periods, for example: Hosts attached to the same network contain the same network number IP Addresses are grouped in to 4 classes. Each class is identified by a unique bit pattern that is present at the beginning of the bit stream. The bits used in the host portion of an address cannot be all 1’s. A host portion that is set to all 1’s is interpreted to mean “all” hosts. The bits used in the host portion of an address cannot be all 0’s. A host portion that is set to all 0’s is interpreted to mean “this network”. The addresses and are interpreted as a local, or limited, broadcast. Local, or limited, broadcasts should not be allowed to traverse any device that operates higher than the Datalink layer. Any packet with the host portion set to all 1’s or all 0’s is interpreted as a “directed broadcast”. Directed broadcasts should be allowed to traverse devices above the Datalink layer and will be received by all hosts on the requested network. The class A network, the class B network, and the class C network have been designated as public domain address and do not need to be registered with INTERNIC. These addresses are referred to in RFC 1918. All others are required to register. INTERNIC has also reserved the IP address for diagnostic loopback addresses. Frames carrying IP packets have a protocol identifier of 0800 The TCP/IP Address Classes Class A IP Address Range from 1-127 Has the leading bit turned off, i.e. set to 0 Has a network address field that consists of 7 bits Has a host address field that consists of 24 bits. Has a classic network mask of There are 126 class A networks Each network can support 16,777,214 hosts Class Identifier Host Address field 0 Network address field Page 5 Class B IP Addresses Range from 128..191 The leading bits order is 10 Has a network address field that consists of 14 bits Has a host address field that consists of 16 bits. Has a classic network mask of There are 16,382 class B networks Each network can support 65,534 hosts Class Identifier 1 0 Network Address Field Host Address Field Class C IP Addresses Range from 192..223 The leading bits order is 110 Has a network address field that consists of 21 bits. Has a host address field that consists of 8 bits. Has a classic network mask of There are 2,097,150 class C networks Each network can support 254 hosts Class Identifier 1 1 0 Network Address Field Host Address Field Class D IP Addresses Is used as a multicast address, i.e. address a group of hosts The leading bit order is 1110 Has a network mask of Is used extensively by routing protocols. Does not represent a network or host address Class Identifier 1 1 1 0 Multicast Group Address field Page 6 The IP Subnet Mask A network mask is used to partition an IP address and designate which bits are to be used for the network id and which are to be used for the host id. When a bit in the network mask is turned on, set to 1, it signifies that the bit in the IP address that corresponds to that bit is used for the network address. For example, given the following information: IP Address with a network mask of, in binary, is laid out below. Notice the highlighted area. This is the network bits as denoted by the subnet mask Those bits with in the IP address that have a corresponding bit turned on in the network mask are part of the network id. 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All the bits in the IP address that correspond to the bits in the network mask do not all have to be used. The reverse is not true. All the bits in the address that are used to identify the network must be turned on in the mask whether used or not. IP Host Routing (Router IDs) A 32-bit mask may be used when using loopback addresses on a Cisco Router. This address/mask then becomes the Router ID. Since the mask is 32 bits, any IP address may be used. It is common, and recommended, that the Router ID of all routers within one’s network be given a Class C address using the 32-bit mask. This will allow for one’s router ids to be able to be routed in the IP routing tables. An example routing id would be: “”. Page 7 Configuring IP Addresses on Unix Family OS Changing the IP address of a Unix or OS/2 machine is very simple. The commands can be typed at a command line prompt or from a terminal session in X-Windows or through a Telnet session. The commands are case sensitive and should be type in lower case. “ifconfig –a” displays what interfaces are in use. “ifconfig <interface name> down” shuts down an interface. “ifconfig <interface name> up” turns on an interface. “ifconfig <interface name> <ip address> netmask <mask>” assigns an IP address to an interface. Alternatively, edit the following file: “/etc/<hostname>.<interface name>”. “<interface name>” is the interface name as shown in “ifconfig –a”. If netmask is not specified the default, classful, net mask will be assigned. Page 8 Configuring IP Addresses on DOS Family OS PCTCP by FTP, Inc. PCTCP is the most common TCP/IP software package for DOS. PCTCP requires that the file PCTCP.INI be edited to assign an IP address. Loading PCTCP In most instances the installation program has created a batch file called AUTOEXEC.BAT containing the drivers for the FTP software. Below is the source code for the batch file and the output it produces when running. The Ethernet BAT file sample source code. The Token Ring BAT file sample source code Page 9 The output of the BAT file. Changing IP addresses in PCTCP Changing the IP address is easy. First, edit the file C:\PCTCP\PCTCP.INI and change the IP address parameters in the file; then, reboot or reload the program drivers. The statement “router =” may be added when a default gateway is needed. It is added 1 line below the “subnet-mask” statement in the PCTCP.INI file. Below is the PCTCP.INI file, notice the highlighted area; this is where the IP address, the subnet mask, and Gateway Address are changed. Page 10 Simply editing the IP address in the file is not enough. In order for the change to take effect the software must be unloaded and then reload. This may require the machine to be rebooted. Once reloaded command “inet status” can be used to check the status of the configuration, as shown below. An alternate command is “inet config”. This command also displays the configuration information for the PCTCP software. Page 11 Configuring IP Addresses on Windows Family OS To change the IP address of Windows 9x/NT 4.0/2000/XP, right mouse click on the icon for Network Neighborhood/My Network Places, and click on properties. To configure NT4, use the protocol tab click on TCP/IP then properties. Under the IP Address tab, add or change the address, as well as, configure Windows to search for a DHCP server. Page 12 With Windows 9x, the configuration tab in the network window will have to open before being able to edit the TCP/IP properties of the particular adapter. With Windows 2000, right click on “Local Area Connection” to get the connection properties page. Once there, go to “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” properties. Page 13 With Windows For Workgroups 3.1x, the process is similar: find the “Network” group in the program manager and click on the “Network Setup” icon. Once in the “Network Setup” click on TCP/IP stack identifier, most likely it will be “Microsoft TCP/IP-32 3.11” or better, then “Drivers” button. Page 14 Then press the “Setup” button. Once in the TCP/IP configuration all of the TCP/IP parameters will be available for modification. Page 15 With Windows NT 3.x, find the Main group with in the program manager and double click on “control panel”. In control panel, double click on “network”. Page 16 Select “TCP/IP Configuration” from the “Installed Network Software” and click on “configure”. Once in the TCP/IP configuration, modify all of the TCP/IP parameters. Page 17 To check the IP address configuration of a windows machine, except Windows 95, use the “ipconfig” command to determine what the IP address is and how it was ascertained. The command option “/all” gives more information on the interfaces in use. The Windows 95 command is “winipcfg”. The output of “ipconfig /all” is shown below. The output of Windows 95’s “winipcfg” command is shown below. Page 18 Configuring IP Addresses on OS/2 Family OS In addition to the method above, the TCP/IP settings in OS/2 Warp can also be changed in the following manner: From the desktop choose the “OS/2 System” icon. From the “OS/2 System” window choose the TCP/IP icon Page 19 From the “TCP/IP” window choose TCP/IP configuration icon. In the TCP/IP configuration window any of the TCP/IP options can be modified. Page 20 Configuring IP Addresses on Netware Family OS The Netware family OS configurations are kept in the “Autoexec.ncf” file. This file is executed when the SYS volume is mounted; it is located in the directory sys:\system. The “Autoexec.ncf” file is a plain ASCII text file and can be edited from a workstation using any ASCII text editor or from the server console using the command line “load edit sys:\system\autoexec.ncf” or by “load install” and following the prompts. The TCP/IP address can be edited there, for Netware 2.x -> 4.10 Native, or by using “INETCFG” NLM at the command console, Netware 4.11 -> 5.0. Other TCPIP options can be controlled by “INETCFG” such as routing protocols and other network layer protocols such as AppleTalk. Below is an example of the Auotexec.ncf file SET TIME ZONE = EST5EDT SET DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME OFFSET = 1:00:00 SET START OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME = (APRIL SUNDAY FIRST 2:00:00 AM) SET END OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME = (OCTOBER SUNDAY LAST 2:00:00 AM) SET TIMESYNC TYPE = SINGLE SET DEFAULT TIME SERVER TYPE = SINGLE # SET THE BINDARY CONTEXT OF THE SERVER # SET BINDERY CONTEXT = O=MYGIRONA # SET THE SERVER NAME, MUST BE UNIQUE IN ENTIRE NETWORK FILE SERVER NAME NWFS1 # SET THE SERVERID OR THE INTERNAL IPX NETWORK NUMBER SERVERID 431FF3E # CONFIGURE FRAME TYPES ON THE ETHERNET CARD LOAD 3C90X NAME=IPXNET SLOT=2 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 LOAD 3C90X NAME=TCPNET SLOT=2 FRAME=Ethernet_II # LOAD THE IPX ROUTER AND DENOTE C0A86400 AS THE EXTERNAL NET LOAD IPXRTR LOAD IPXRTRNM BIND IPX IPXNET NET=c0a86400 # LOAD THE IP ROUTER SET RIP OFF, DENOTE SUBNET AS LOAD Tcpip RIP=No Static=Yes LoadSharing=No Forward=No BIND IP TCPNET ARP=Yes Mask=FF.FF.FF.0 Address= # Load the NTP for Time Synchronization NTP # Load all the console monitoring program IPXCON TCPCON MONITOR # Load the CDROM control NLM CDROM The highlighted portion of the Autoexec.ncf file is where IP and other protocols would be configured. Novell also provides the inetcfg.nlm that is a menu driven interface, which makes modifications to all the protocols, and interfaces used on a NetWare file server. Page 21 Configuring IP Addresses on the MAC OS Family TCP/IP is available for Mac OS in two forms: native and MACTCP. Both are configured the same. MACTCP is an add-on on older Mac computers. To configure TCP/IP on an Ethernet interface of an Apple Macintosh, running native TCP/IP, click on the Apple icon and choose control panels then tcp/ip. At that point the TCP/IP configuration panel will allow the user to choose the device with witch to connect to and how to get the configuration. The options in Configure include: Manually, DHCP, BOOTP, and RARP. Page 22 Configuring IP Addresses on Cisco Family OS To configure an interface, on a Cisco Router, from enabled mode enter the terminal configuration mode, then enter the interface configuration mode, then use the interface command: ip address a.a.a.a m.m.m.m Replace a.a.a.a with the IP address and m.m.m.m with the network mask. The example below illustrates the configuration steps for a Token Ring interface. Enable Config T Interface TokenRing # IP Address <ip address> <net mask> In the above example, int tok 0 is short for Interface Token Ring 0. Cisco routers can recognize the shortest unique command. Above, the word “secondary” is used to add more than one IP address to a single interface. Up to 256 IP addresses can be added to an interface. Interfaces may have options that need to be set. For example, in the above picture, the command “ring-speed 16” tells the router to set the interface to 16Mbs speed. On other interfaces, the operator may need to set the media type. In any case, there should be instructions that come with the interfaces that describe which options are mandatory and must be set. Now, this configuration may be complete but in order for the interface to function the “no shutdown” command must be issued after setting the last option at the interface configuration level. Page 23 IP Addressing and Variable Length Subnet Masking Up to now the “Classic” network masks have been used to address hosts. There is a problem with this: Networks are limited to the number of hosts defined by its class. One solution would be to bridge networks together but this is not recommended. Also, there may be times where bridging is not an option and one must route between locations that are dispersed over a public or private WAN. Managing the networks within an administrative domain may become overwhelming. Using a single network and breaking it down into subnets can make things more manageable. Subneting has the added advantage of saving IP address space. Routing protocols that use the Classic network mask are said to be “CLASSFUL” while those who use VLSM are said to be “CLASSLESS”. This should not be confused with Superneting. VLSM allows the use of more bits to designate a subnetwork within an address space. IP version 4 subnetting is governed by RFC 1878. To use VLSM, take the address space and lay it out in terms of its bits: for example: and apply the classic network mask to it, 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Then calculate the minimum number of bits needed by determining how many subnets are required. For example, if 7 subnetworks are required then at least 3 bits would be needed to accommodate the requirement because 7 is 0111b. The left most three bits are used and network mask is adjusted. The network mask is no longer called a netmask because it is now subnetted, and is now call a SUBNET MASK. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The original mask was, after subneting it, the mask is The reason for this is the change in the number of new bits used for the network id. The mask is written as dotted decimal notation so the second octet of bits is 11100000b, which translates to 224. The boundaries of the useful networks can be found using this new mask. The right most bit in the second octet is in the “32” or 25 position. Based on this information it can infer that the subnetworks border on 32, so the subnets would be 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, and 224. It should be noted that there is really address space for 8 networks, if the 0 subnet is counted. Though not always used or implemented the 0 subnet is available for use. To use subnet 0 on a Cisco router use the following command in global configuration mode: “ip subnet-zero”. Of course, this assumes classless routing is enabled. To enable classless routing type the command “ip classless” at the global configuration prompt. Subnetting Rules The total number of networks is 2N, where “N” is the number of bits used to designate the subnet. The total number of hosts is 2N-2, where “N” is the number of bits used to designate the hosts. Remember hosts cannot be all 1’s or all 0’s. Remember that a network cannot be all 1’s, and never will be, but a subnet can be all 1’s. Page 24 IP Superneting and Classless Interdomain Routing Superneting – Route Summarization Superneting or route summarization is a process where by shifting the subnet mask to the left summarizes a network. The effect of this is that multiple contiguous networks can be advertised by 1 single IP address. Poor IP address planning impacts route summarization. The benefits of route summarization are: lower bandwidth usage, and smaller routing tables. Here is an example. To summarize: through Task #1, layout the last octet involved in the network address. Task #2, Identify all the bits that are shared, unchanged, among the addresses. Task #3, Identify the right most bits that change among the addresses. .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Task #4, Compute a netmask based on these bits. Task #5, Adjust the netmask to the new netmask Netmask computation = 248 1 1 1 1 Instead of, we now have Task #6, Sum the shared, unchanged, bits to get the new network address Network computation = 120 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Instead of 8 addresses we now have a single address, The summarized address and mask is CIDR – Classless Interdomain Routing CIDR is a strategy that looks at an IP address not as classful but as Classless. Routers must now use both IP and Subnet mask to make routing decisions. Routes can now also be summarized. CIDR calls for a deployment strategy to lower the amount of routes at the root routers of INTERNIC using route summarization. Configuring Summary Routes Summary routes can be manually configured at the interface configuration prompt with the following command: ip summary-address <routing-protocol> <supernet number> <supernet mask>. Where the routing protocol is RIP or EIGRP. When using EIGRP the AS number must be specified after the routing protocol. An example configuration would be: ip summary address rip In OSPF the summary route can be configured in the router configuration prompt using the command: AREA # RANGE <supernet number> <supernet mask>. Page 25 TCP/IP, Transmission Control Protocol over IP The Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP, is a Layer 4 protocol that provides for connectionoriented services. All transmissions are acknowledged. Packet delivery is guaranteed. TCP is a stream protocol, data is sent as a stream of bytes with no distinguishing borders. This means that it is up to the application to force a structure on the stream of data. The stream attribute forces TCP to create a virtual circuit connection. The virtual circuit connection (VCC) is established by the applications on both the sending and receiving end. Each side monitors the VCC, if a problem occurs; each side detects it and executes predefined application actions. Full-Duplex communication is available in a VCC. This means an application can send and receive at the same time. TCP connections are point-to-point and therefore cannot be used in Broadcast or Multicast communications. The TCP packet contains the “Source Port” and the “Destination Port”, the sequencing numbers, a checksum, codes bits, header length, and other important information. Below is an illustration of the TCP Packets with field definitions. Source Port 16 Bits Destination Port 16 Bits Sequence Number 32 Bits Acknowledge Number 32 Bits Data Offset 4 Bits Reserved 6 Bits Window 16 Bits Code 6 Bits Header Checksum 16 Bits Urgent Pointers 16 Bits Options 32 Bits DATA/Payload DLC: 08 00 05 20 00 2c fe 00 20 3b 04 0e 7e 84 c9 4a 9e 40 1f 00 de 00 90 00 00 7e 01 02 b0 06 64 04 64 97 0f 11 03 f2 56 28 ce c6 00 f2 23 08 00 45 00 4a 9c 64 c0 a8 00 00 00 60 02 e5 ----- DLC Header ----DLC: DLC: Destination = Station Sun7E9EDE DLC: Source = Station 00B06403CE23 DLC: Ethertype = 0800 (IP) DLC: IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 00 IP: 000. .... = routine IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 0... = normal throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: Total length = 44 bytes IP: Identification = 15236 IP: Flags = 4X IP: .1.. .... = don't fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 126 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 6 (TCP) IP: Header checksum = 97F2 (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: TCP: ----- TCP header ----TCP: TCP: Source port = 1225 TCP: Destination port = 8080 TCP: Initial sequence number = 23334742 TCP: Data offset = 24 bytes TCP: Flags = 02 TCP: ..0. .... = (No urgent pointer) TCP: ...0 .... = (No acknowledgment) TCP: .... 0... = (No push) TCP: .... .0.. = (No reset) TCP: .... ..1. = SYN TCP: .... ...0 = (No FIN) TCP: Window = 8192 TCP: Checksum = 0E4A (correct) TCP: TCP: Options follow TCP: Maximum segment size = 4392 TCP: ADDR HEX ASCII 0000: 08 00 20 7e 9e de 00 b0 64 03 ce 23 08 00 45 00 | .. ~....d..#..E. 0010: 00 2c 3b 84 40 00 7e 06 97 f2 c6 4a 9c 64 c0 a8 | .,;.@.~....J.d.. 0020: 05 fe 04 c9 1f 90 01 64 0f 56 00 00 00 00 60 02 | .......d.V....`. 0030: 20 00 0e 4a 00 00 02 04 11 28 f2 e5 | ..J.....(.. The header length is in multiples of 32. Code bits when set to 1 are, (starting from the highest order bit to lowest order bit), URG – urgent point field is active, ACK – acknowledgement of packet, PSH – segment requests a push, RST – reset the connection, SYN – synchronize segment numbers, and FIN – sender has reached the end of its data. Window bits specify the size of the sliding window. The checksum is covers the TCP header and Data. A pseudo header is used for this calculation that consists of the destination and source IP addresses, a byte set to all 0’s, a byte set to 0x06, and the length of the segment in words. Urgent Pointer points to data within the data field that requires urgent attention, if any. This field is optional. Options can be any type of added information for the receiver, also optional. Padding, usually in the form of 0s. The Data is the payload. Page 26 The TCP Handshake To establish a TCP connection from one host to another, both hosts perform a handshake. During this handshake the first host sends a SYN packet with a randomly generated sequence number. The second host replies with a SYN/ACK with its own randomly generated sequence. And then the original host sends an acknowledgement. During this time configuration parameters are passed and the TCP sliding window is determined. The hosts set there “send” window size to the “receive” window size of the other host if it can. If the host cannot, then it halves the window size until it reaches a size that it can handle. Below is the handshake illustrated along with segments of sniffer trace. Note that when a host acknowledges a packet it sends out a sequence number that is one higher than the packet it is acknowledging. Page 27 Page 28 TCP Sliding Windows TCP connections use buffers to control the flow of information. The buffers determine how much data is on the wire at any given time. The protocol governing the use of the TCP buffers is called Sliding Windows. Sliding Windows has a dramatic effect on network performance. Sliding Windows works on a send and wait-for-acknowledgement model. Each transmission is acknowledged before the window is “SLID” to the next element to be transmitted. Below is an example of how sliding windows works. Window size is determined during the handshake. Initially, for Ethernet, the size of the window is set to 8760 bytes, or 6 segments of 1460, and incremented by 1460 on each successive request until the maximum window is reached on one of the systems or 64KB, whichever is first. In the previous captions, the first PC issues a window size of 8192 bytes, 8192 is 8 packets at 1024 bytes or 8KB. 8KB is the default window size on Windows based machines. On other operating systems the default window size is 16KB or 16,384 bytes. The second PC responds that it can receive 17520 bytes (1460 x 12 segments), or twice what the first PC can send. The first PC responds with 8760(1460 x 6 segments) or ½ of 17520, the maximum frames it can receive. For Token Ring and FDDI the size is 16K or 4096 bytes x 4 segments. A Sliding Windows Example Let’s say a machine has a window size of 8, it has data that will take 10 IP packets to send, assuming a MTU of 1500 bytes, and the data is 15000 bytes or 15KB. The first 8 packets are sent and their retransmit timers are started. The sending PC then waits for the first series of packets to be acknowledged. If the retransmit timers expire before the packets are acknowledged, the sending PC retransmits the packets. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All packets are sent sequentially but acknowledgements do not have to occur in that same order. Depending on the reliability of the network, some packets may be lost during transmissions. For example, say packets 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 were sent in order but the receiving host only replied to 2,5,6,7,8 the window stays unchanged until a series of packets, starting at the first packet, get acknowledged. Once, the series of packets is acknowledged the window slides. Using the same example, we receive an acknowledgement for packets 1 and 4. The window slides to the first unacknowledged packet. In this way the delivery of a packet guaranteed. So, how does the computer know to resend? It waits a specific amount of time, which is configurable but, usually 2 * RTT, Round Trip Time. Round Trip Time is the time the packet takes to reach its destination and an acknowledgement for that packet can return to the sending host. If no response is received the sending host retransmits the unacknowledged packets. This continues until all the packets are transmitted or the TCP/IP software reaches a preset threshold. Some hosts can be set to acknowledge several packets received with one acknowledgement. This is called “packet burst mode”. In packet burst mode, if any one of the packets within a frame are not acknowledged Page 29 the entire series is retransmitted. This can cause excessive bandwidth utilization due to the fact that an entire window must be retransmitted. Each of the packets sent in the stream, as above, is called a segment. Segmentation occurs when the data is too large to fit in to the payload of an IP packet. The size of the payload, or MTU, is governed by the bandwidth of the network. Each packet is given an IP segment id and the segment control bits are set to designate the transmission id and the packet sequence. TCP uses sequence numbers and acknowledgement numbers to identify the TCP packet and its respective response. For a TCP packet to be acknowledged, a packet had to be send to a host, who sends a packet back with the acknowledge number set to the sequence number that is one higher than the one received. Sequence numbers are also used to reconstruct the data stream if packets do not arrive in the order. Terminating a TCP Connection Much like the TCP connection handshake there is a three way disconnect sequence: FIN ACK, FIN ACK, ACK. Page 30 Page 31 UDP/IP, User Datagram Protocol over IP UDP provides for connectionless oriented services. Transmissions are sent without requiring acknowledgement. Packet delivery is not guaranteed. No virtual connection is created. Messages do not have to be acknowledged. Due to these facts, the UDP packet is very simple. Its structure is reflective of the simplicity of the protocol. Any application that uses UDP to send/receive messages must compensate for its lack of robustness. The basic idea behind a UDP packet is to differentiate between multiple destinations within a host. DLC: Source Port 16 Bits Destination Port 16 Bits Packet Length 16 Bits CRC 16 Bits Data Payload 01 00 00 01 00 30 02 00 5e 00 07 63 00 00 c1 69 00 00 07 73 02 00 c1 63 00 02 00 6f 00 11 1c 00 0c 17 33 00 8d 12 a1 00 ac c0 00 c0 af a8 00 a8 08 01 08 01 00 45 00 01 e0 00 03 0a 0a 64 ----- DLC Header ----DLC: DLC: Destination = Multicast 01005E000002 DLC: Source = Station cisco8DACAF DLC: Ethertype = 0800 (IP) DLC: IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 00 IP: 000. .... = routine IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 0... = normal throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: Total length = 48 bytes IP: Identification = 0 IP: Flags = 0X IP: .0.. .... = may fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 2 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 17 (UDP) IP: Header checksum = 1712 (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: UDP: ----- UDP Header ----UDP: UDP: Source port = 1985 (Cisco HSRP) UDP: Destination port = 1985 (Cisco HSRP) UDP: Length = 28 UDP: Checksum = 33A1 (correct) UDP: [20 byte(s) of data] UDP: HSRP: ----- Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) Header HSRP: HSRP: Version = 0 HSRP: Opcode = 0 (Hello) HSRP: Sending router's state = 8 (Standby) HSRP: Hello time = 3 HSRP: Hold time = 10 HSRP: Router's priority = 10 HSRP: Group number = 1 HSRP: Reserved HSRP: Authentication = "cisco" HSRP: IP address = ADDR HEX 0000: 01 00 5e 00 00 02 00 00 0c 8d ac af 08 00 45 00 0010: 00 30 00 00 00 00 02 11 17 12 c0 a8 01 01 e0 00 0020: 00 02 07 c1 07 c1 00 1c 33 a1 00 00 08 03 0a 0a 0030: 01 00 63 69 73 63 6f 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 64 ----- | | | | ASCII ..^......•¬¯..E. .0........À¨.... ...Á.Á..3¡......À¨.d Source Port Port sending the message Destination Port Port receiving the message Message Length The length, in bytes, of the entire packet, both header and data. By this fact, the minimum length of an UDP packet is the length of the header or 64bits, or 8 bytes. Checksum, though not always used, if set to 0 means checksum not in use. Page 32 IP Ports and Sockets TCP and UDP use ports, also called sockets, to distinguish an application on a host. Conceptually, an application requests a port, to be used for network communication from the operating system, which then, makes the request from the TCP/IP software. This process of differentiating between applications by the use of port assignments is called Multiplexing/Demultiplexing. There are applications that have been written and given static ports to use. These applications all have RFC and the ports they use are reserved. These reserved ports are called the “well known” ports. Ports that are not “well known” are free to be used by users. The range of user ports, not “well known” ports, is called the ephemeral range. The ephemeral range starts at port 1025 and runs to 65535. Ports 1 through 512 are reserved for well-known applications, such as TELNET, FTP, and FINGER. UNIX uses ports 513 through 1024 for other applications. On most computers with TCP/IP software the list of ports that are reserved is kept in a file called the services file. This file is located is the following areas (based on operating system): Operating System Windows 9x DOS Windows 3.x Unix/Linux/Solaris OS/2 File Location C:\WINDOWS C:\DOSTCP\ETC C:\WINDOWS \ETC C:\MPTN\ETC File Name SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Below is an example of the SERVICES file. Note that each protocol has a port number, and that each port number can be shared between the two protocols TCP and UDP. echo echo daytime daytime chargen chargen ftp-data ftp telnet smtp time time domain domain bootps bootpc tftp gopher finger http 7/tcp 7/udp 13/tcp 13/udp 19/tcp 19/udp 20/tcp 21/tcp 23/tcp 25/tcp 37/tcp 37/udp 53/tcp 53/udp 67/udp 68/udp 69/udp 70/tcp 79/tcp 80/tcp ttytst source ttytst source mail timserver timserver #Character generator #Character generator #FTP, data #FTP. control #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol #Domain Name Server #Domain Name Server #Bootstrap Protocol Server #Bootstrap Protocol Client #Trivial File Transfer dhcps dhcpc www www-http Page 33 #World Wide Web ICMP/IP, Internet Control Message Protocol over IP ICMP is not usually shown in the TCP/IP stack diagram due to the fact that it was not meant to be used by the user but rather the TCP/IP software. It is an implementation of a protocol to pass error messages and “control” messages, such as redirection, between routers and host. ICMP is a very simple protocol. It is an error reporting protocol not error correcting. In other words, ICMP can only report a problem, it cannot fix it. There are several different types of ICMP messages. Below is a short list of those messages along with the packet format and field definitions: Message Type Type Field Identifier Echo Reply 0 Destination Unreachable 3 Source Quench 4 Redirect 5 Echo Request 8 TTL Expired 11 Parameter Error 12 Timestamp Request 13 Timestamp Reply 14 Information Request* 15 Information Reply* 16 Netmask Request 17 Netmask Reply 18 ICMP Packet - Basic At its most basic implementation the ICMP message format simply contains a Type field, an 8 Bit code enhancement filed and a 16 Bit CRC. Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits ICMP DATA ICMP Echo Request / Reply Message Used by common applications, like PING and TRACEROUTE, this ICMP packet is sent with a string of characters for data that is expected to be returned unaltered. Set the Identifier of the flow for the packets. Standard 16 Bit CRC The CODE bit is not used and should be set to 0 Set to 0 for Echo Reply Set to 8 for Echo Request Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits Identifier Sequence Number 16 Bits 16 Bits Sequence number of the packet within the flow ICMP DATA ICMP Data is usually a string of sequential characters. Page 34 ICMP Unreachable Messages The ICMP Unreachable message is used by routers to report paths that are blocked by Access Control lists. The CODE bit is used to tell the sending host why the destination is unreachable. Standard 16 Bit CRC Set to 3 Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits Unused - Must be set to to all 0's 32 Bits Unused 16 bits ICMP DATA IP Header and first 64 bits of TPDU Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Description Network Unreachable Host Unreachable Protocol Unreachable Port Unreachable Fragmentation needed Source route failed Destination network unknown Destination host unknown Source host isolated Communication with destination Network administratively blocked Communication with destination host administratively blocked Network unreachable for type of service Host unreachable for type of service ICMP Source Quench Messages When a host gets overwhelmed with IP packets it sends an ICMP message back to the senders to “quench” or slow down their transmissions. A host will send this message each time a packet arrives that cannot be processed and therefore, is dropped. To identify, to the sending host, the receiver sends back the ICMP message with the header of the packet that is has been discarded. The CODE bit is no used and should be set to 0 Standard 16 Bit CRC Set to 4 Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits Unused - Must be set to to all 0's 32 Bits Unused 16 bits ICMP DATA IP Header and first 64 bits of TPDU Page 35 ICMP Redirect Messages RULE: routers know all best routes. If a router detects a host using a less than optimum route, the router will issue a route “redirect” message to the sending host. The host is then, according to the protocol, adjusts its routing table accordingly. The CODE bit is set based on type of redirect Standard 16 Bit CRC Set to 5 Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits IP Address of Best Route - Router 32 Bits IP Address of Router ICMP DATA IP Header and first 64 bits of TPDU Code 0 1 2 3 Description Redirect datagrams for the network Redirect datagrams for the host Redirect for type of service and network Redirect for type of service and host Page 36 ICMP Time-To-Live expired Message RULE: when a host processes an IP packet it decrements the TTL. RULE: When a host decrements the TTL to 0 is sends an ICMP message back to the sending host notifying it that the TTL expired and what router turned the TTL to 0. The CODE bit is set based on type of expiration has occurred. Standard 16 Bit CRC Set to 11 Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits Unused - Must be set to ALL 0's 32 Bits Unused 32 bits ICMP DATA IP Header and first 64 bits of TPDU Code 0 1 Description TTL count exceeded Fragment reassembly time exceeded ICMP Timestamp Request / Reply Message Here is how this message works: The original sender places a timestamp in the “ORIGINATE TIMESTAMP” just before transmitting the message. The receiving host places his timestamp in the “RECEIVE TIMESTAMP” field when he receives the message. The receiving host then transmits the message back to the sending host but, prior to transmission the receiving host places a timestamp in the “TRANSMIT TIMESTAMP” field. Set to 13 for Message. Set to 14 for Replay. Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits Message Identifier Sequence Number 16 Bits 16 Bits Timestamp at Originator before sending 32 Bits Timestamp at Destination when received 32 Bits Timestamp at Destination before reply sent 32 Bits Page 37 ICMP Subnet Mask Request / Reply Message This message is used by hosts to obtain the subnet mask used with in a network. It can be specifically addressed to a host or broadcast to a network. The CODE bit is not used and should be set to 0. Standard 16 Bit CRC Set to 17 for request. Set to 18 for reply. Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits Identifier Sequence Number 16 Bits 16 Bits Subnet Mask Packet sequence with flow 32 Bits Flow Identifier ICMP other Error Messages All other errors, not covered by any of the preceding, are handled by the “Parameter Error” message. The message structure is similar to the preceding messages. The CODE bit is set to 1 when a parameter in the sent message is missing. Set to 15 for request. Set to 16 for reply. Standard 16 Bit CRC Type Code CRC 8 Bits 8 Bits 16 Bits Pointer Unused 8 Bits 24 Bits IP Header and first 64bits of packet that caused the error Pointer to a location within the packet that caused the error. A “CODE” set to 1 indicates that a required option in the datagram is missing. The “POINTER” is used to indicate what octet with in the datagram caused the problem. Page 38 Utilities that use ICMP To confirm configurations on the network there are two, extremely useful, utilities. The utilities are called PING or the Packet Internet Groper and TRACERT or Trace Route. Both use ICMP packets to send information to a target host and determine its availability. PING – Packet Internet Groper PING, basically, sends out an ICMP packet type 8, Echo Request, and expects back ICMP packet type 0, or Echo Reply. PING reports about the quality of our network in terms of response time. All OS that have a TCP/IP stack have PING. The command line is basically the same: PING followed by either a host name or an IP address. NetWare uses the PING NLM at the console. Below are sniffer traces of a PING packet. Sniffer trace of ICMP Echo Request. DLC: ----DLC: DLC: DLC: DLC: DLC: DLC: IP: ----IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: IP: DLC Header ----Frame 1 arrived at 21:14:06.6110; frame size is 74 (004A hex) bytes. Destination = Station 00104B21437C Source = Station 006097BFCA32 Ethertype = 0800 (IP) IP Header ----Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes Type of service = 00 000. .... = routine ...0 .... = normal delay .... 0... = normal throughput .... .0.. = normal reliability Total length = 60 bytes Identification = 26446 Flags = 0X .0.. .... = may fragment ..0. .... = last fragment Fragment offset = 0 bytes Time to live = 32 seconds/hops Protocol = 1 (ICMP) Header checksum = E923 (correct) Page 39 ICMP: ADDR 0000: 0010: 0020: 0030: 0040: IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: ----- ICMP header ----ICMP: ICMP: Type = 8 (Echo) ICMP: Code = 0 ICMP: Checksum = 4B5C (correct) ICMP: Identifier = 256 ICMP: Sequence number = 256 ICMP: [32 bytes of data] ICMP: ICMP: [Normal end of "ICMP header".] ICMP: HEX 00 10 4b 21 43 7c 00 60 97 bf ca 32 08 00 45 00 3c 67 4e 00 00 20 01 e9 23 c0 a8 64 fd c0 64 01 08 00 4b 5c 01 00 01 00 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 00 a8 66 76 | | | | | ASCII ..K!C|.`—.Ê2..E. .<gN.. .é#..dý.. d...K\....abcdef ghijklmnopqrstuv wabcdefghi Sniffer trace of ICMP Echo Reply. DLC: ----- DLC Header ----DLC: DLC: Frame 2 arrived at 21:14:06.6112; frame size is 74 (004A hex) bytes. DLC: Destination = Station 006097BFCA32 DLC: Source = Station 00104B21437C DLC: Ethertype = 0800 (IP) DLC: IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 00 IP: 000. .... = routine IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 0... = normal throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: Total length = 60 bytes IP: Identification = 23319 IP: Flags = 0X IP: .0.. .... = may fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 128 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 1 (ICMP) IP: Header checksum = 955A (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: ICMP: ----- ICMP header ----ICMP: ICMP: Type = 0 (Echo reply) ICMP: Code = 0 ICMP: Checksum = 535C (correct) ICMP: Identifier = 256 ICMP: Sequence number = 256 ICMP: [32 bytes of data] ICMP: ICMP: [Normal end of "ICMP header".] ICMP: ADDR HEX ASCII 0000: 00 60 97 bf ca 32 00 10 4b 21 43 7c 08 00 45 00 | .`—.Ê2..K!C|..E. 0010: 00 3c 5b 17 00 00 80 01 95 5a c0 a8 64 01 c0 a8 | .<[.....•Z..d... 0020: 64 fd 00 00 53 5c 01 00 01 00 61 62 63 64 65 66 | dý..S\....abcdef 0030: 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 | ghijklmnopqrstuv 0040: 77 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 | wabcdefghi Page 40 Trace Route Remember the rule of TTL and ICMP: Whichever router sets the TTL to 0 must send an ICMP message back to the source of the packet with its IP address. Tracert uses this rule by sending out packets with the TTL set, at the onset, to 1 incremented by 1 until the final destination is reached. Because of this serialization of the TTL the 1st router to set the TTL to 0 returns its address. All subsequent routers do the same revealing their IP addresses. Below is An example output from tracert. Below are the ICMP packet fragments from the above Tracert… Initial Request.. Notice the TTL set to 1 IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 00 IP: 000. .... = routine IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 0... = normal throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: Total length = 92 bytes IP: Identification = 33358 IP: Flags = 0X IP: .0.. .... = may fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 1 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 1 (ICMP) IP: Header checksum = 7D24 (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: ICMP: ----- ICMP header ----ICMP: Type = 8 (Echo) ICMP: Code = 0 ICMP: Checksum = ECFF (correct) ICMP: Identifier = 256 ICMP: Sequence number = 2560 ICMP: [64 bytes of data] ICMP: ICMP: [Normal end of "ICMP header".] ICMP: Page 41 Second Request, Notice TTL set to 2 IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 00 IP: 000. .... = routine IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 0... = normal throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: Total length = 92 bytes IP: Identification = 33870 IP: Flags = 0X IP: .0.. .... = may fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 2 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 1 (ICMP) IP: Header checksum = 7A24 (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: ICMP: ----- ICMP header ----ICMP: ICMP: Type = 8 (Echo) ICMP: Code = 0 ICMP: Checksum = EAFF (correct) ICMP: Identifier = 256 ICMP: Sequence number = 3072 ICMP: [64 bytes of data] ICMP: ICMP: [Normal end of "ICMP header".] ICMP: Reply to tracert… Notice the ICMP reply type 11 code 0 and the header of the packet replied in the data area… IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 00 IP: 000. .... = routine IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 0... = normal throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: Total length = 56 bytes IP: Identification = 58071 IP: Flags = 0X IP: .0.. .... = may fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 128 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 1 (ICMP) IP: Header checksum = 0CA1 (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: ICMP: ----- ICMP header ----ICMP: ICMP: Type = 11 (Time exceeded) ICMP: Code = 0 (Time to live exceeded in transit) ICMP: Checksum = F4FF (correct) ICMP: ICMP: [Normal end of "ICMP header".] ICMP: ICMP: IP header of originating message (description follows) ICMP: ICMP: ----- IP Header ----- Page 42 ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: ICMP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes Type of service = 00 000. .... = routine ...0 .... = normal delay .... 0... = normal throughput .... .0.. = normal reliability Total length = 92 bytes Identification = 33614 Flags = 0X .0.. .... = may fragment ..0. .... = last fragment Fragment offset = 0 bytes Time to live = 1 seconds/hops Protocol = 1 (ICMP) Header checksum = 7C24 (correct) Source address = [] Destination address = [] No options [First 8 byte(s) of data of originating message] The TRACERT standards There are two paradigms of philosophy when it comes to the trace route program’s functionality. The first, as explained above uses the ICMP Echo Request and Echo Reply. The second uses UDP datagrams bound for a port on the destination that is registered for trace route. The port, UDP 33434, is not really used by a service just registered. Functionally, the source sends out 3 UDP packets per hop. Each UDP packet is bound for the destination but the TTL is set to 1 initially, then incremented consecutively. When the UDP packets reach their destination the destination host responds to the UDP packet with ICMP Type 3 Code 3, Port Unreachable. When the source host receives the ICMP Type 3 message it knows that the UDP packets have reached their destination. Page 43 Name Resolution using the Domain Name Service Name resolution in IP is enabled by the Domain Name Service or DNS, RFC 1034 and 1035, and by the HOST file. The latter, the HOSTS file, is simply a text file that contains the IP address and aliases of machines. The file is located in the same locations as the SERVICES file. DNS is hierarchical in structure. Each computer belongs in a domain, which in turn lives in a larger domain, etc., up until the root. The root is controlled by INTERNIC and all sub-domains from the root are registered with INTERNIC. The entire DNS structure looks like a multilink tree. The names are written in dotted decimal notation. A dot is placed between each level of the name. For example: Using a computer called MoePC. MoePC is located at the Courant Institute at NYU. NYU has a domain name called NYU.EDU assigned to it from INTERNIC. NYU assigned Courant its own sub-domain called CS. So the name of the pc is “MoePC.CS.NYU.EDU”. Below is what the hierarchical tree looks like. INTERNIC ROOT COM (commerical) EDU (educational) GOV (governement) NJIT NYU (New York University) New Jersey Institute of Technology SCPS CS School Of Continuing and Professional Studies MoePC Courant Institute MikePC Page 44 US (United States) NET (Internet Providers) The DNS process When a machine needs to identify another machine by name, it makes a request to its configured DNS server. If it does not have a DNS server configured it looks in to its HOSTS table. The HOSTS table is a simple text file that maps IP addresses to text names. It is usually located in the same place as the “SERVICES” file. MyGirona.Com DNS Server DNSEthernet REQUEST Computer DNS REPLY A host makes a direct request to a DNS server. The host must have the DNS server configured to use DNS. Drag the side handles to change the width of the text block. An example HOSTS file. #------------------------------------------------# # Diagnostic IP Address # #------------------------------------------------# localhost #------------------------------------------------# # All the service servers with in the Enterprise # #------------------------------------------------# ntgw1 # Windows NT 4.0 Server ntfs1 # Windows NT 4.0 Server #------------------------------------------------# # All the workstations with in the Enterprise # #------------------------------------------------# w98ws1 # Windows 98 Version 2 Workstation 1 - Desktop cmpq # Windows NT 4.0 Workstation 1 - Laptop Page 45 DNS works on as a request/reply system. When a host needs the IP address for a name it sends out a “DNS COMMAND” and expects a “DNS REPLY”. If the DNS server can not resolve the name it sends back a DNS error report with the DNS Response Code set to “3” or “Name Error” otherwise, the DNS Repose Code is set to “0” or “OK”. Sniffer trace of a DNS Command DLC: ----- DLC Header ----DLC: DLC: Destination = Station 3Com9 BFCABF DLC: Source = Station 0010A4B3A05C DLC: Ethertype = 0800 (IP) DLC: IP: ----- IP Header ----IP: IP: Version = 4, header length = 20 bytes IP: Type of service = 00 IP: 000. .... = routine IP: ...0 .... = normal delay IP: .... 0... = normal throughput IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability IP: .... ..0. = ECT bit - transport protocol will ignore the CE bit IP: .... ...0 = CE bit - no congestion IP: Total length = 58 bytes IP: Identification = 19203 IP: Flags = 0X IP: .0.. .... = may fragment IP: ..0. .... = last fragment IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes IP: Time to live = 128 seconds/hops IP: Protocol = 17 (UDP) IP: Header checksum = 22CF (correct) IP: Source address = [] IP: Destination address = [] IP: No options IP: UDP: ----- UDP Header ----UDP: UDP: Source port = 1043 UDP: Destination port = 53 (Domain) UDP: Length = 38 UDP: Checksum = A14C (correct) UDP: [30 byte(s) of data] UDP: DNS: ----- Internet Domain Name Service header ----DNS: DNS: ID = 1 DNS: Flags = 01 DNS: 0... .... = Command DNS: .000 0... = Query DNS: .... ..0. = Not truncated DNS: .... ...1 = Recursion desired DNS: Flags = 0X DNS: ...0 .... = Non Verified data NOT acceptable DNS: Question count = 1, Answer count = 0 DNS: Authority count = 0, Additional record count = 0 DNS: DNS: ZONE Section DNS: Name = DNS: Type = Host address (A,1) DNS: Class = Internet (IN,1) DNS: ADDR HEX ASCII 0000: 00 60 97 bf ca bf 00 10 a4 b3 a0 5c 08 00 45 00 | .`—¿Ê¿..¤³ \..E. 0010: 00 3a 4b 03 00 00 80 11 22 cf c0 a8 64 14 18 03 | .:K...€."ÏÀ¨d... 0020: 90 21 04 13 00 35 00 26 a1 4c 00 01 01 00 00 01 | •!...5.&¡L...... 0030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 6d 79 67 69 72 6f 6e 61 03 | .......mygirona. 0040: 63 6f 6d 00 00 01 00 01 | com..... Page 46 Sniffer trace of a DNS Reply. DNS information only. Partial listing. DNS: ----- Internet Domain Name Service header ----DNS: DNS: ID = 1 DNS: Flags = 81 DNS: 1... .... = Response DNS: .... .0.. = Not authoritative answer DNS: .000 0... = Query DNS: .... ..0. = Not truncated DNS: Flags = 8X DNS: ..0. .... = Data NOT verified DNS: 1... .... = Recursion available DNS: Response code = OK (0) DNS: ...0 .... = Unicast packet DNS: Question count = 1, Answer count = 1 DNS: Authority count = 1, Additional record count = 2 DNS: DNS: ZONE Section DNS: Name = DNS: Type = Host address (A,1) DNS: Class = Internet (IN,1) DNS: DNS: Answer section: DNS: Name = DNS: Type = Host address (A,1) DNS: Class = Internet (IN,1) DNS: Time-to-live = 31727 (seconds) DNS: Length = 4 DNS: Address = [] DNS: DNS: Authority section: DNS: Name = DNS: Type = Authoritative name server (NS,2) DNS: Class = Internet (IN,1) DNS: Time-to-live = 31727 (seconds) DNS: Length = 18 DNS: Name server domain name = ns1.namehost.COM DNS: DNS: Additional record section 1: DNS: Name = ns1.namehost.COM DNS: Type = Host address (A,1) DNS: Class = Internet (IN,1) DNS: Time-to-live = 9764 (seconds) DNS: Length = 4 DNS: Address = [] DNS: Additional record section 2: DNS: Name = ns1.namehost.COM DNS: Type = Host address (A,1) DNS: Class = Internet (IN,1) DNS: Time-to-live = 9764 (seconds) DNS: Length = 4 DNS: Address = [] DNS: ADDR HEX ASCII 0000: 00 10 a4 b3 a0 5c 00 60 97 bf ca bf 08 00 45 00 | ..¤³ \.`—¿Ê¿..E. 0010: 00 88 37 06 00 00 39 11 7d 7e 18 03 90 21 c0 a8 | .ˆ7...9.}~..•!À¨ 0020: 64 14 00 35 04 13 00 74 be e3 00 01 81 80 00 01 | d..5...t¾ã..€.. 0030: 00 01 00 01 00 02 08 6d 79 67 69 72 6f 6e 61 03 | .......mygirona. 0040: 63 6f 6d 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 | com.....À....... 0050: 7b ef 00 04 18 03 99 8e c0 0c 00 02 00 01 00 00 | {ï....™ŽÀ....... 0060: 7b ef 00 12 03 6e 73 31 08 6e 61 6d 65 68 6f 73 | {ï...ns1.namehos 0070: 74 03 43 4f 4d 00 c0 3a 00 01 00 01 00 00 26 24 | t.COM.À:......&$ 0080: 00 04 40 27 1d fa c0 3a 00 01 00 01 00 00 26 24 | ..@'.úÀ:......&$ 0090: 00 04 d1 3d 81 d0 | ..Ñ=•Ð Notice the highlighted area above. The “Answer Section” tells the recipient what the IP address is for the request. The “Authority Section” tells the recipient who controls that domain and what name servers are responsible for generating, i.e. creating, the name. Page 47 TCP/IP Version 6 As the number of devices on the Internet proliferates, the supply of IP Version 4 address dwindles. An enhancement to TCP/IP version 4 was created to address this issue. It is called TCP/IP Version 6. TCP/IP Version 6 is defined in RFC 2460. The IANA retains control over IP address assignments. The IPv6 Packet The IPv6 packet format removes fields from the IP packet and increases the size of the IP address fields. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long; that’s 4 times the space of IP Version 4. Below are the packet format and field definitions. Version 4 Bits Traffic Class 8 Bits Flow Label 20 Bits Payload Length 16 Bits Next Header 8 Bits Hop Limit 8 Bits Source IP v6 Address 128 Bits Destination IP v6 Address 128 Bits Version 4 Bits set to 0110b or 6. Traffic Class This 8 Bit field is has a similar function as the TOS field of IP v4. Flow Label This 20 Bit field that identifies the flow between source and destination. The IETF does not specify what to do with this field. Payload Length This 16 Bit field covers the entire length of the data/payload. Next Header This 8 Bit field replaces the Protocol field of IP v4. Hop Limit This 8 Bit field replaces the TTL field in IP v4. Source/Destination Address IP v6 address. Page 48 IPv6 Header Extensions According to RFC 2460, IP Version 6 can have 0 or more extension headers. These headers form a chain of headers each listed in its predecessors Next Header field. The extension headers defined by the RFC are: Hop-by-Hop (protocol 0) This header notifies routers that there is a Jumbogram in the payload. As defined in RFC 2675, a Jumbogram is an IP datagram that is greater than 65,535 Bytes long. A Jumbogram has a limit of 4,294,967,295 bytes. Destination Options Header (protocol 60) This header carries data specifically for the destination host. Routing Header (protocol 43) This header is used by IP v6 to designate a specific routing path. This path has priority over those known by routers. Fragment Header (protocol 44) This header is inserted by a source device when it has to break up large IPv6 packets in to fragments. Authentication Header (protocol 51) This header is used by IPSEC. Encapsulating Security Payload Header (protocol 50) This header is also used by IPSEC. User Datagram Protocol (protocol 17) UDP or User Datagram Protocol does not change in IPv6. The only difference is that the CRC is required in IPv6. Transport Control Protocol (protocol 6) There are no changes to TCP in IPv6. It is the same as in IPv4. IPv6 MTU The minimum payload of an IPv4 packet was 556 bytes and the maximum was 64 Kilobytes. In IPv6 the minimum payload is 1500 bytes. This maxes out the MTU of an Ethernet frame. Because fragmentation is normal in IPv6, IPv6 implements PMTUD. The large payload size was created to take advantage of the larger frame types available in newer technologies, such as 10GbE technology’s 9216 byte MTU. Page 49 IPv6 Representations In accordance to RFC 2373, IPv6 addresses have 2 possible formats: long method and compressed method. Frames carrying IPv6 Packet have an Ether-type of 0x86DD. Long Method In the longest method the IPv6 address is represented as 8 x 16bit hexadecimal values separated by colons. The IPv6 format is shown as follows: ####:####:####:####:####:####:####:####. The # is a hexadecimal value from 0 to F. For example: 2001:3030:0001:1023:0223:8bff:fed2:b22f Compressed Method In the compressed method the IPv6 address is also represented as 8 x 16 bit hexadecimal value separated by colons. A series of 0s is represented as a single – double colon entity. For example: 2001:0003:0000:0000:0223:8bff:fed2:b22f can be represented as 2001:0003::0223:8bff:fed2:b22f. The compressed method also allows for the suppression of leading zeros. The same address can be represented as 2001:3::223:8bff:fed2:b22f. IPv6 Subnetting IPv6 subnetting works in the same way as IPv4. The notation is /## where ## is the number of bits used in subnetting. The only two reserved addresses are the first and last addresses within the subnets. There are no other reserved addresses in IPv6. Page 50 IPv6 Address Types There are three types of addresses in IPv6: Unicast, Multicast, and Anycast. Unicast Address Space There are 2 types of addresses in the Unicast Address Space: Aggregatable Global Unicast Address and Private Unicast Address space. Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Aggregatable Global Unicast addresses are addresses that are routable through the Internet. These addresses have a standard format imposed on them. The format is as follows: <48 bit header assigned by to the provider>: <16 bit site identifier>: <64 bit host identifier>. The 48 bit provider address includes the Unicast prefix of 001b followed by a 13 bit TLA, this is assigned to each ISP, followed by 8 bits of reserved space, followed a 24 bit NLA, the ISP assigns this to individual entities, followed by the 16 bit site subnet space, followed by the 64 bit host address. 001 3 Bit Unicast Identifier 13 Bit ISP Address TLA – Top Level Aggregation Identifier 8 Bit Reserved Set to 0x00 24 Bit ISP-to-Customer Identifier NLA – Next Level Aggregation Identifier 16 Bits 64 bit Host address Site specific addressing 001 3 Bit Unicast Identifier 48 Bit Provider Address 64 bit EUI-64 Format Address The IANA assigns addresses to providers based on the 2xxx::/3 address range Host Address Host addresses in IPv6 are not assigned but are automatically configured by a host based on the EUI-64 Format. The format takes the 48 Bit MAC address, inserts a shim between the 3rd and 4th bytes of the address and then requires that the 7th highest order bit be set to 1, as shown below. 0023:8bd2:b22f 48 bit NIC MAC address 7th Highest Order bit set to 1 64 bit EUI-64 Format Address 02 23:8b ff:fe d2:b22f Shim of 0xFFFE inserted in between 3rd and 4th Highest order bytes. Page 51 Private Address Space The private address space within IPv6 is similar in function to the IPv4 RFC 1918 address space. Addresses within the space are not routable on the Internet. Addresses within this space begin with the hex value 0xFFFE and have the 33rd highest order bit set to 1. All private addresses have a mask of /10. There are two types of private addresses in IPv6: Site Local and Link Local. IP Version 6 Private Address Space 1111 1110 8 Bit Private Identifier 1x 2 Bits 118 bits of address space Private Address Prefix Possible Values For mask /10 FE8x FE9x FEAx FEBx FECx FEDx FFEx FEFx 1111 1110 10 8 Bits Private 2 Bits Identifier Private Address Prefix Link Local Addresses - 118 bits Possible Values FE8x FE9x FEAx FEBx 1111 1110 11 8 Bits Private 2 Bits Identifier Private Address Prefix Site Local Addresses - 118 bits Possible Values FECx FEDx FEEx FEFx Link – Local Address Prefixes A Link local address is an address that is local only to the link it is on. The defined link local address prefixes as follows: FE80::/10, FE90::/10, FEA0::/10, FEB0::/10. Routers are identified locally by their Link Local address and not by their aggregatable global address. Site – Local Address Prefixes A site local address is a Unicast address that is only used within a site. This is similar to the IPv4 RFC 1918 addresses. Site local addresses are not routed by internet routers. All site local addresses have the one of the following prefixes: FEC0::/10, FED0::/10, FEE0::/10 or FEF0::/10. Page 52 Below is the output of the IPv6 nc command on Windows XP. It shows the link local addresses assigned to a PC. Loopback Addresses The IPv4 loopback address is replaced by the IPv6 address ::1/128. The local-link equivalent if FC80::1/128 Page 53 Multicast Address Space Multicast addresses are assigned or solicited. They can be known or user-assigned. All multicast addresses begin with the 8 highest ordered bits set to 1, followed by 3 bits set to 0, followed by a 1 bit Transient flag, immediately followed by a 4 bit Scope ID. The Transient flag, when set, indicates that the multicast address is user-assigned. The Scope ID indicates the limit of the multicast and replaces the TTL function in IPv4 Multicast. IP Version 6 Multicast Address Space Multicast Scope Transient Flag 0000 = Reserved 0001 = Node-Local 0010 = Link-Local 0101 = Site-Local 1000 = Organization-Local 1110 = Global 1111 = Reserved 0 = Well Known assigned Multicast Address 1 = User assigned Multicast Address 1111 1111 8 Bit Multicast Identifier 000 Unused 3 Bits x 1 Bit Flag xxxx 4 Bit Scope 112 Bit Group Address Multicast Address Prefix 1111 1111 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 F F 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 FF01:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 or FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or FF01::1 All Nodes Multicast Address Assigned addresses are addressed by RFC 2373 and are shown in the table below. Multicast Address FF01::1 FF01::2 FF02::1 FF02::2 FF05::2 Scope Node Node Link Local Link Local Site Meaning All the nodes on the local link All routers on the local link All nodes on the local link scope All router on the local link scope All routers in a site scope Solicited addresses are used to resolve layer 3 addresses to MAC using the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol. This takes the place of the ARP process in IPv4. The address is create, by each node, by taking the prefix FF02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001:FF/104 or FF02::1:FF/104 and appending the lower 24 bits of a nodes Unicast address to it. For example: given the IPv6 address 2001:0003::0223:8bff:fed2:b22f the solicited address would be calculated as FF02::1:FFd2:b22f Anycast Address Anycast addresses are multicast addresses that are used to address the nearest multicast node. At present time only inter-router communications use Anycast addresses. Page 54 IPv6 Addresses Required on Nodes Each node in an IPv6 environment, which does not participate in routing, has more than one single IPv6 address assigned to it. The required addresses and their use are shown below. Address FE80::/10 ::1/128, FE80::1/128 FF01::1, FF02::1 2000::/3 FF02::1:FF<24 bit address> FF00::/8 Use Link Local address for each interface Loopback address All nodes multicast address Assigned Aggregate Global Address Solicit-mode multicast address All groups multicast address Each router in an IPv6 environment has more than node IPv6 addresses assigned to it. The required, in addition to the node addresses, addresses and their use are shown below: Address FF01::2, FF02::2, FF05::2 Unicast prefix:: Other anycast address Use All routers multicast address Subnet router anycast address 2000::/3 Configuring IPv6 on Cisco Routers The global command to enable IPv6 on a router is ipv6 unicast-routing. To configure an interface to use an IPv6 address the interface command is ipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length {link-local}. An interface can be configured to automatically self configure using the interface command ipv6 enable. Page 55