Human Anatomy & Physiology Skeletal System Lab Name _______________________________ Mod ____ Objectives: 1. Draw and identify the major components of microscopic bone tissue. 2. Identify the major anatomical structures of a long bone on paper and a model. 3. Identify the structures of a typical vertebra on paper and a model. Distinguish the characteristics of the 5 vertebral regions. 4. Identify the structures associated with the pelvic bone on paper and a model. Compare the male and female pelvis. 5. Identify the bones of the skull on paper and a model. 6. Identify and locate various projections, depressions, and openings in bones of the skull, vertebrae, and appendages on paper and a model. 7. Identify and describe different types of articulations. Procedure: In each section you will be asked to identify appropriate bones or bone structures by labeling a drawing. In some sections (marked by two asterisks) you will be asked for teacher initials. In order to get initials you will be quizzed on the section, so make sure you are confident in your knowledge. You will be asked to point out the structures on the skeleton or a model bone. A. Histology** 1. Osteocytes are located within tiny cavities called lacunae. The lacunae lie within concentric lamellae of calcified matrix and are connected by a system of canaliculi. The lamellae are arranged around a central Haversian Canal. 2. Examine a section of bone under the microscope. Using your text or other reference, draw and label the field of view in the microscope. Label the following: Haversian canal, lamellae, lacuna with osteocyte, canaliculi. 3. When you finish your drawing have it initialed or no credit will be given. The drawing must be made from the microscope. Cross-Section: Longitudinal Section: Magnification: ___________________ Anatomy of a Long Bone: Label the diagram. No need to test out. Note: Lines on diagram may not match word list. ____ periosteum ____spongy bone ____articular cartilage ____ medullary cavity ____ epiphysis ____ diaphysis ____ epiphyseal disk (line) ____ compact bone ____ yellow marrow ____ red marrow The Pelvis: Label the structures listed below. Get tested out by your instructor.** ____ greater sciatic notch ____ischial spine ____ obturator foramen ____ischial tuberosity ____ pubic ramus ____ ischium ____ iliac crest ____ acetabulum ____ anterior inferior iliac spine Color the ilium blue, the ischium red, and the pubis yellow ____ ilium ____ pubis ____ anterior superior iliac spine The scapula: Label the listed structures. Then check out with the instructor. ** ____ spine ____ coracoid process ____ acromion process ____ Glenoid fossa (cavity) ____ lateral angle ____ medial margin ____ inferior angle Vertebrae** 1. Identify the following vertebral structures by labeling the diagram. 2. Get teacher initials. ____ body ____vertebral foramen ____ articulating processes (4) ____ transverse processes (2) ____ spinous process ____ pedicle ____ vertebral arch 3. Give a structural characteristic for each of the following vertebral types. No initials necessary. Vertebrae Distinguishing Characteristic Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccyx The Skull** 1. Identify the following structures by labeling the diagrams of the skull below. Note: The foramen magnum is not shown on either of the two diagrams but you still must identify it! 2. Test out with your teacher. ____ frontal ____ parietal ____ occipital ____ temporal ____ sphenoid ____ lacrimal ____ maxilla ____ mandible ____ zygomatic ____ nasal ____ infraorbital foramen ____ foramen magnum ____ zygomatic arch ____ mandibular condyle ____ external auditory meatus ____ vomer ____ mastoid process ____ styloid process ____ mental foramen Radius/Ulna: Label the two bones and the markings listed. Test out with your instructor.** ____ Radius: ____ radial tuberosity ____ styloid process ____ Ulna: ____ olecranon process ____ trochlear notch ____ coronoid process ____styloid process Humerus: Label the listed structures on the diagram. Get tested out by your instructor.** ____ head ____ greater tubercle ____ lesser tubercle ____ deltoid tuberosity ____ trochlea ____ capitulum ____ coronoid fossa ____ olecranon fossa Anterior View Posterior View Femur: Label the markings listed below. Get tested out by your instructor.** ____ head ____ greater trochanter ____lesser trochanter ____ lateral condyle ____ medial condyle ____ gluteal tuberosity ____ medial epicondyle ____ lateral epicondyle Right Anterior Right Posterior Tibia and Fibula. Color the tibia red and the fibula blue. Get tested out by your instructor.** ____ tibial tuberosity ____anterior crest ____ medial malleolus ____ intercondylar eminence ____ medial condyle ____ lateral condyle ____ lateral malleolus Posterior Anterior Articulations** 1. Fill in the table with the correct information. 2. Locate an example of each type of joint on the full skeleton. 3. Get teacher initials. Joint Type Suture Symphysis Gliding Pivot Saddle Hinge Movement Allowed Example Initials Ball & Socket B. Final Questions: Answer the following questions on the back of this sheet. Please use complete and coherent sentences. 1. Why do bones have projections? Give two reasons/functions. 2. What is the main function of foramina (singular form is foramen)? 3. What is the function of articular cartilage? 4. What are fibrous sutures? Where are they found? 5. What are the five functions of the skeletal system? 6. What are canaliculi and what is their main function? 7. What are lamellae? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________