History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 1 I. INTRODUCTION 1. "looking at flowers from horseback" [zoǔ mǎ kàn huā 走馬看花]; “dragonfly touching the water” [qīngtíng diǎn shǔi 蜻蜓點水] 2. loess soil [huángtǔ 黃土] 3. the “Three Teachings” (sān jiào 三教 ): a. Confucianism (Rúxué 儒學 ) b. Daoism [Taoism] (Dàoxué 道學) c. Buddhism (Fójiào 佛教 ) II. EARLY MYTHS 1. Pan Gu 盤古 2. “Nü Wa repairs heaven” [Nǚ Wā bǔ tiān 女媧補天] 3. "Three August Ones" and "Five Rulers" [Sān Huáng Wǔ Dì 三皇五帝] a. Fúxī 伏羲 b. Shén Nóng 神農 c. Huáng Dì 黃帝 d. Yáo 堯 e. Shùn 舜 f. Yǔ 禹 III. SHANG 商 or YIN 殷 PERIOD 1. oracle-bone" writing [jiǎgǔwén 甲骨文 ] a. pryo-scapulimancy 2. Ānyáng 安陽 3. Sānxīngduī 三星堆 4. "packed-earth" [hangtu 夯土 ] 5. city / wall [chéng 城 ] 6. cowry shells [bei 貝] 7. king / wáng [王 ] 8. nei [內 ] = inside, inner; wai [外 ] = outside, outer 9. "state" / guó [國 ] 10.dì 帝 Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 2 11.Fu Hao 婦好 12. Zhoù Xīn 紂辛 IV. ZHOU 周 PERIOD 1. periodization (all dates BCE): a. Western Zhou [ Xi Zhou 西周 ] (1046-771) b. Eastern Zhou [ Dong Zhou 東周 ] (771-256) c. Spring(s) and Autumn(s) [Chūn Qiū 春秋 ] period (722-481) d. Warring States [Zhàn Guó 戰國 ] (480/403-221) 2. Duke of Zhou [Zhoū Gōng 周公 ] 3. "well-field" [jǐngtián 井田 ] system 4. "feudal" [fēngjiàn 封建 ] system 5. lineage system [zōngfǎ 宗法 ] 6. four classes: a. Amen of service@ (warrior / scholar) [shì 士 ] b. peasant [nóng 農] c. artisan [gōng 工 ] d. merchant [shāng 商 ] e. (“good iron doesn’t get beaten into nails; good men don’t serve as soldiers” [hǎo tiě bù dǎ dìng; hǎo nán bù dāng bīng 好鐡不打釘,好男不當兵]) 7. shaman [wū 巫 ] 8. "Heaven" [Tiān 天 ] a. "Mandate of Heaven" [Tiānmìng 天命 ] V. Warring States [Zhàn Guó 戰國 ] (480/403-221) 1. hegemon [bà 霸] a. Duke Huan of Qi [Qí Huán Gōng 齊桓公 ] 2. various states: a. Sòng 宋 b. Lǔ 魯 c. Qí 齊 d. Chǔ 楚 Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 3 e. Chén 陳 f. Jìn 晉 g. Qín 秦 h. Yān 燕 i. Hàn 漢 j. Hán 韓 k. Wú 吳 l. Yuè 越 m. Zōu 鄒 3. “sleeping on brushwood and tasting bile” [wòxīn chángdǎn 臥薪嘗膽 ] a. Gōujiàn 勾踐 of Yuè / Zhèjiāng (reg.496-465 BCE) b. Fūchāi 夫差 of Wú / Shànghǎi (reg.495-473 BCE) c. “ten years of training/instruction, ten years of building/gathering [resources/soldiers]” [shínián jiàoxùn, shínián shēngjù 十年教訓,十年生聚 ] 4. “Four Great Beauties” [sì dà měi nǚ 四大美女 ] a. Xī Shī 西施 (consort of Goujian)(c. 506- ? BCE) 1) “sinking fish, falling geese; hiding moon, bashful flowers” [chényú luòyàn, bìyuè xiūhuā 沉魚落雁, 閉月羞花] b. Wáng Zhāojūn 王昭君 (1st cent. BCE) c. Diāochán 貂蟬(Three Kingdoms period) d. Yáng Guìfēi (consort of Tang Xuanzong) 楊貴妃 (719-756) VI. LEGALISM 1. fǎ 法 = laws, rules; methods 2. Guǎnzi 管子 , a.k.a. Guǎn Zhòng 管仲 (d. 645 BCE) 3. Shāng Yāng 商鞅 (fl. 361-338 BCE) 4. punishments [xíng 形,刑 ] 5. Shen Buhai 申不害(fl. 351-337 BCE) 6. "techniques" (of government) [shu 術 ] 7. Han Feizi 韓非子(d. 223 BCE) 8. "rich country, strong military" [fùguó qiángbīng 富國強兵 ] Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 4 VII. DAOISM 1. Daò 道 2. “complementary duality” a. yīn 陰 b. yáng 陽 3. "myriad objects" [wàn wù 萬物 ] 4. wúwéi [無為 ] = "non-purposive action" 5. "artificial," "false" [wěi 偽 ] 6. "culture/patterns" [wén 文 ] vs. "simplicity/essence" [zhí 質 ] 7. "immortal" [xiān 仙 ] 8. the Eight Trigrams [bā guà 八卦 ] 9. Lǎozi 老子 10.Classic of the Dao [Dào Dé Jīng道德經 ] Dào kě dào fēi cháng Dào 道可道非常道 Míng kě míng fēi cháng Míng 名可名非常名 11.Zhuāngzi 莊子 (c. 365-290 BCE) a. “transformation of things” [wùhuà 物化] VIII. CONFUCIANISM 1. Confucius [Kǒng Fūzi 孔夫子 ] (c. 551-479 BCE) a. Rú 儒 = expert on ritual & government 2. jūnzi 君子 = "gentleman"; “exemplary person” a. dé 德 = "virtue" / ”fortitude” / “excelling” 3. "inferior man" [xiǎorén 小人 ] a. profit, benefit [lì 利 ] 4. "sense of shame" [chǐ 恥] 5. self-cultivation [xiūshēn 修身 / xiūjǐ 修己] 6. "rectification of names" [zhèngmíng 正名] 7. "five constant virtues" [wǔ cháng 五常] a. rén 仁 = "benevolence" / “authoritative conduct” b. yì 義 = "righteousness"; “appropriate / fitting” Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 5 c. lǐ 禮 = [observing] "propriety", “ritual”, “rites” d. zhì 智 = "wisdom"; “realizing” e. xìn 信 = "trustworthiness”; “making good on one’s word” 8. xiào 孝 = "filial submission/piety/responsibility" 9. loyalty [zhòng 忠 ]; “doing one’s utmost” 10.reciprocity [shù 恕 ]; “putting oneself in the other’s place” 11. shàn 善 = “being good at…” 12.phrases from Confucius= writings: a. I state but don’t make (up new truths...) [shù ér bù zuò 述而不作] b. a gentleman is not a tool [jūnzi bù qì 君子不器] c. in teaching, there should be no distinction of classes [yǒu jiào wú lèi 有教無類 ] d. when I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers [sān rén xíng, bì yǒu wǒ shī yān 三人行, 必有我師焉] e. respect the spirits but keep them at a distance [jìng gǔishén ér yuǎn zhī 敬鬼神而遠之] f. my doctrine is that of an all-pervading unity [wǔ Dào yī yǐ guàn zhī 吾道一以貫之] 13.Confucian "classics" / canonical writings1: a. “Four Books” [Sì Shū 四書 ]: 1) Analects [Lùn Yǔ 論語 ] 2) Doctrine of the Mean [Zhōng Yōng 中庸 ] 3) Great Learning [Dà Xué 大學 ] 4) Mencius [Mèngzi 孟子 ] b. “Five Classics” [Wǔ Jīng 五經 ]: 1) Classic of Songs (or Book of Poetry) [Shī Jīng 詩經 ] 2) Classic of Changes [Yì Jīng 易經 ] 3) Record of Ritual [Lǐ Jì 禮記] 4) Classic of Documents [Shū Jīng 書經 ] 5) Spring and Autumn Annals [Chūn Qiū 春秋] 14.Mencius [Mèngzi 孟子], c. 370-290 BCE 1For this translation, see Ricci, Matteo, S.J. The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven (Tianzhu Shiyi) [天 主實義] Trans., with Intro. and notes by Douglas Lancashire and Peter Hu Kuo-chen, S.J. (St. Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1986) [BX 3746 .C5 R479 1985], p. 33. Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 6 a. “All men have a mind which cannot bear [to see the sufferings of] others [rén jiē yǒu bù rěn rén zhī xīn 人皆有不忍人之心] (Mencius, II.A.vi.1) b. "kingly way" [wáng daò 王道] c. "humane government" [rén zhèng 仁政 ] d. mínshēng [民生 ] = "popular welfare," "livelihood" e. "five relationships" [wǔ lún 五倫] f. "three bonds" [sān gāng 三綱] 15.Xúnzi 荀子 (c. 298-238 BCE) 16. Mòzi 墨子 (479-438 BCE) a. "universal love" [bóaì 博愛 / jiān’aì兼愛 ] IX. QIN 秦 DYNASTY (221-206 BCE) 1. King Zheng [Zhèng Wáng 政王] reg. 246-210 BCE who becomes: a. Qín Shǐhuángdì [秦始皇帝] = First Emperor of Qin (221-210 BCE) 2. Li Si 李斯 (d. 208 BCE) 3. commanderies and districts [jùnxiàn 郡縣] 4. Great Wall [Cháng Chéng 長 城] 5. "burning of books & burying of scholars" [fénshū kēngrú 焚書坑儒] 6. Second Emperor (of Qin) [èrshì huángdì 二世皇帝 ] 7. Chén Shèng [陳勝 ] and Wú Guǎng [吳廣 ] a. "王侯將相寧有種乎" (wáng hóu jiāng xiāng níng yǒu zhǒng hu) X. HAN 漢 (206 BCE – 220 CE)and the Consolidation of Imperial Government 1. Xiàng Yǔ 項 羽 2. Liú Bāng 劉 邦, who becomes: a. Hàn Gāozǔ 漢 高 祖 reg. 206-195 BCE 3. Cháng’ān 長 安 4. “Confucian in appearance; Legalist inside” [rú biǎo fǎ lǐ 儒表法裡 ] 5. Lù Jiǎ [Gǔ] 陸 賈 6. "men of talent" [réncái 人才 ] 7. Empress (Dowager) Lü [Lǚ Hoù 呂 后 ] 8. Sīmǎ Qiān 司 馬 遷 c. 145-86 BCE Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 7 a. Records of the Historian [Shǐ Jì 史 記 ] 1) lièzhuàn = 列傳“assembled biographies” XI. HAN and the FRONTIER 1. Xiōngnú 匈奴 a. shànyú shanyu 單于 b. Modu / Máodùn 冒頓 (c.234-174 BCE) 2. policy of "peace and marriage" [héqīn 和親 ] 3. "use barbarians to control barbarians"[yi yi zhi yi 以夷制夷 ] 4. Hàn Wǔdì 漢 武 帝 reg. 140-87 BCE 5. Yuezhi 月氏 6. Zhang Qian 張騫 fl. late 2 nd cent. BCE 7. Western Regions [Xi Yu 西域 ] 8. Wusun 烏孫 9. Da Yuan 大宛 = Sogdania / Ferghana 10.Da Xia 大夏 = Bactria 11.Li Guangli 李廣利 12.Dunhuang 敦煌 13. Yumen 玉門 14.Wáng Zhāojūn 王昭君 (1st cent. BCE) 15.Discourses on Salt and Iron [Yán Tiě Lùn 鹽 鐵 論] 81 BCE 16.Nan Yue 南越 17.Joseon / Chosŏn [Chaoxian 朝鮮 ] 18.Lelang 樂浪 XII. Military organization 1. "rotational conscription" [gēng yì 更役 ] (Han) 2. professional border guards [fǔbīng 府兵 ] (N. Wei) 3. military governors, or regional commanders [jiédùshǐ 節度使 ] (Tang) 4. "personal army" [yájūn 牙軍 ] (Five Dynasties) 5. "Forbidden Army" [jìnjūn 禁軍 ] (Five Dynasties; Song) 6. Zhào Kuāngyìn 趙匡胤 , who becomes: Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms a. Sòng Tàizǔ 宋太祖 8 reg. 960-976 7. Chen Bridge Mutiny [Chén Qiáo bīngbiàn 陳橋兵變 ] on 2 February 960 a. "putting on the yellow robe" [huáng páo jiā shēn 黃袍加身] 8. "disarmament over a wine-cup" [bēi jiǔ shì bīngquán 杯酒釋兵權 ] 9. "strong trunk, weak branches" [qiáng gān ruò zhī 強幹弱枝] (Song) 10."favoring civil over military" [zhòng wén qīng wǔ 重文輕武 ] 11."soldiers have no constant commander; commanders have no constant soldiers" [bīng wú cháng jiāng, jiāng wú cháng bīng 兵無常將, 將無常兵 ] 12.garrison army [xiāngyǒng 鄉勇] XIII. Government organization 1. Inner Court [nèi tíng 內庭 ] vs. Outer Court [wài tíng 外庭 ] 2. Central government offices [Sān Shěng 三省 ] (Tang) a. Imperial Secretariat [Zhōngshūshěng 中書省 ] b. Imperial Chancellary [Ménxiàshěng 門下省 ] c. Department of State Affairs [Shàngshūshěng 尚書省 ] 3. local government (Tang): a. circuit [dào 道 ] b. prefecture [zhōu 州 ] c. district/county [xiàn 縣 ] 4. local government (Song): a. prefectures (four types): 1) ordinary [zhōu 州 ] 2) superior [fǔ 府 ] 3) military [jūn 軍 ] 4) industrial [jiàn 監 ] b. circuits [dào 道 ; become lù 路 after 997] c. circuit intendants [jiànsī 監司 ] 5. Bureau of Military Affairs (Privy Council) [Shūmìyuàn 樞密院 ] 6. Finance Commission [Sānsī 三司 ] 7. Censorate [Yùshǐtái 御史臺 ] 8. "remonstrating officials" [jiàn guān 諫官 ] Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 9 XIV. Land and Taxes (N. Wei through mid-Tang) 1. "equal-field" [juntian 均田 ] system a. mu, mou [mu 畝 ] b. arable land [lutian 露田 ] c. "mulberry" land [sangtian 桑田 ]; permanently-held land [yongyetian 永業田 ] 2. “estates” [zhuangyuan 莊園 ] 3. dīng 丁 = adult male, for taxation purposes [mù bu shì dīng 目不識丁] 4. taxes [shui 稅 ]: a. main: 1) in grain [zu 租 ] 2) in cloth [diao 調 ] 3) in corvée labor [yong 庸 ] b. examples of other taxes 1) household tax [hushui 戶稅 ] 2) land tax [dishui 地稅 ] c. "double tax" system [liangshuifa 兩稅法 ] (780) 5. Six Ministries [Liù Bù 六部 ] a. Personnel [Lì Bù 吏部 ] b. Revenue (households) [Hù Bù 戶部 ] c. Rites [Lǐ Bù 禮部 ] d. Military [Bīng Bù 兵部 ] e. Justice (punishment) [Xíng Bù 刑部 ] f. Public Works [Gōng Bù 工部 ] XV. Civil Service (Song) 1. desirable qualities in recruiting officials (Han period) [for reference only]: a. "virtuous and good" [xianliang 賢良 ] b. "square and upright" [fangzheng 方正 ] c. "obedient to elders and incorrupt" [xiaolian 孝廉 ] d. "flowering talent" [xiucai 秀才 ] 2. types of office: Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 10 a. "titular office" [ben guan 本官] b. "commission" [chaiqian 差遣 ] or Aassignment@ [zhi 職 ] 3. government officers: a. "generalists" [guān 官 ] b. "specialists" [lì 吏 ] 4. “basic government institutions” [tǐzhì [體制] 5. appointing to office (“filling a gap”) [ bǔqué 補缺 ] 6. yìnbǔ 蔭補 = to designate a dependent for office through "protection" or “shadow privilege” 7. examinations [kèjǔ 科舉 ] 8. "men of talent" [réncái 人才 ] 9. jìnshì 進士 = "presented scholar" ("doctorate") 10."hiding of names" [mifeng 彌封 ] 11."copying" (of exam essays) [tenglu 謄錄 ] 12.palace examination [dianshi 殿試 ] 13.to memorize or repeat a book by rote [背書 bèishū] 14."Eight-legged Essays" [baguwen 八股文 ] 15.“regularly-submitted names” [zhengzouming 正奏名 ] 16."guaranteed sponsorship" [bǎorèn 保任 / jǔjiàn 舉薦 ] XVI. Xin 新 (“New”) PERIOD (9 - 23 CE) 1. latter emperors of the Early Han [for reference only] a. Yuandi 元帝 , reg. 49-33 BCE b. Chengdi 成帝 , reg. 33-7 BCE c. Aidi 哀帝 , reg. 7-1 BCE 1) “passion of the cut sleeve” [duanxiu zhi pi 斷袖之癖 ] d. Pingdi 平帝 , reg. 1 BCE - 5 CE 2. Wáng Mǎng 王莽reg. 45 BCE – 23 CE 3. Liu Xin 劉歆 4. "Red Eyebrows" [chi mei 赤眉 ] Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 11 LATTER HAN [Hou Han 後漢 ] or EASTERN HAN [Dong Han 東漢 ] DYNASTY XVII. (23-220) 1. “restoration” [zhōngxīng 中興] 2. Liú Xiù 劉秀 , > Han Guangwudi 漢光武帝 3. various emperors of the Latter Han [for reference only] a. Hédì 和帝 reg. 89-106 b. Shùndì 順帝 reg. 126-144 c. Huándì 桓帝 reg. 146-167 d. Língdì 靈帝 reg. 168-189 e. Shàodì 少帝 reg. 15 May – 28 Sep 189 f. Xiandi 獻帝 reg. 189-220 4. eunuchs [huàn guān 宦官 ] and the Hóngdū 鴻都 School 5. Hé Jìn 何進 (d. 189) and Dǒng Zhuò 董卓 (d. 192) 6. "Yellow Turbans" [huáng jīn 黃巾 ] and Zhāng Jué 張角 (d. 184) Three Kingdoms [Sān Guó 三國 ]: XVIII. 1. founders and states a. Cáo Cāo (155-220) 曹操 in Wèi [魏] b. Liú Bèi 劉備 (161-223)and Zhūgě Liàng 諸葛亮 (181-234) in Shǔ Hàn [蜀漢 ] c. Sūn Quán 孫權 (182-252) in Wú [吳 ] 2. sources a. Record(s) of the Three Kingdoms [Sān Guó Zhì 三國志] by Chén Shòu 陳壽 (233-297) b. Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Sān Guó Yányì 三國演義 ] by Luó Guànzhōng 羅貫中(c.1330-1400) 3. phrases a. 話說天下大勢,分久必合,合久必分 (Huà shuō, tiānxià dàshì, fēn jiǔ bì hé, hé jiǔ bì fēn / It’s generally said that when All under Heaven has been long divided, it must unite; if united, it must divide.) b. 謀事在人,成事在天(móu shì zài rén,chéng shì zài tiān / man proposes, heaven disposes) c. 說到曹操, 曹操就到 (Shuō dào Cáo Cāo, Cáo Cāo jiù dào / speak of the devil…) Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 12 Six Dynasties [Liù Cháo 六朝 ] (220-589) / "Northern and Southern Courts" [Nán XIX. Běi Cháo 南北朝 ], 420-589 1. Wú [吳 ] 222-265/280, with its capital at Jiànyè 建業 (= modern Nanjing) 2. Jìn2 a. Western Jin [Xī Jìn 西晉 ], at Luoyang, 265-316 b. Eastern Jin [Dōng Jìn 東晉 ], at Jiànkāng 建康 (Nanjing), 317-420 3. in the south, four successor states (420-589) to Wú and Jìn, to complete the rest of the "Six Dynasties": (reference only) a. Liú Sòng 劉宋 (420-476) b. Southern Qi [Nán Qí 南齊 ] (479-=502) c. Liáng 梁 (502-557) 1) Liáng Wǔdì 梁武帝 d. Chén 陳 (557-589) 4. in the north: a. "Sixteen Kingdoms" [Shíliù Guó 十六國 ], 304-439 1) "internal disorder, external disaster" [nèi luàn wài huàn 內亂外患 ] 2) "five barbarian tribes throw China into disorder" [wǔ hú luàn Huá 五胡亂華] 3) “sinification’ / “sinicization” [Hàn huà 漢化] b. Northern Wei [Běi Wèi 北魏 ], 386-535 1) Toba clan [Tòbá shì 拓跋氏 ] of the Xiānbēi 鮮卑 ] (Tabgach / proto-Mongol) a) rulers: (1) Míngyuándì 明元帝 (reg. 409-423) (2) Tàiwǔdì 太武帝 (reg. 424-452) (3) Xiàowéndì 孝文帝 (reg. 471-499) 2) institutions: a) professional border guards [fǔbīng 府兵 ] b) collective guarantee [bǎojiǎ 保甲] system c) "equal-field" [jūntián 均田 ] system3 c. minor successor states (535-589) to the N. Wei: 2often spelled “Tsin” in older texts 3distinguish from the "well-field" [jingtian 井田 ] system Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 13 1) Western Wei [Xī Wèi 西魏] (535-557) 2) Eastern Wei [Dōng Wèi 東魏 ] (534-550) 3) Northern Qi [Běi Qí 北齊 ] (550-577) 4) Northern Zhou [Běi Zhōu 北周 ] (577-581) d. wénruò 文弱 = weakness of the literati; “the effeteness of erudition” XX. SUI [隋 ] DYNASTY 1. Yáng Jiān 楊堅 ], who becomes Suí Wéndì 隋文帝 (541-604; reg. 589-604) 2. Yáng Guǎng 楊廣 who becomes Suí Yángdì 隋煬帝 (569-618; reg. 605-617) 3. "ever-normal granaries" [chángpíngcāng 常平倉 ] and "relief granaries" [yìcāng 義倉 or shècāng 社倉 ] 4. Grand Canal [Yùnhé 運河] 5. Turks [Tújué 突厥 ] 6. Tuyuhun 吐谷渾 (in Tibet) and Goguryeo / Koguryŏ [Gaojuli 高句麗 ] (in Korea) XXI. TANG 唐 DYNASTY 1. Li Yuan 李淵 (565-635), who becomes: a. Tang Gaozu 唐高祖 reg. 618-627 b. “retired emperor” = tàishànghuáng 大上皇 2. Li Shimin 李世民 , who becomes: a. Tang Taizong 唐太宗 3. Gaozong 高宗 reg. 627-649 reg. 649-683 4. Wu Zhao 武曌 (624-705), who becomes: a. Empress Wu [Wu Hou 武后 ] 655-683; b. Empress Dowager (Huang Taihou (皇太后) 684–690 c. Sacred and Divine Emperor (Shèngshén Huángdì (聖神皇帝) a.k.a. Wu Zetian 武則天 of the Zhou 周 reg. 690-705 5. Lái Jùnchén 來俊臣, d. 697 a. invite the gentleman into the urn" (請君入甕, qing jun ru weng) = “hoist with one’s own petard” 6. Dí Rénjié 狄仁傑, (630-700) 7. Xuanzong 玄宗 Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 14 a. a.k.a. Ming Huang 明皇 reg. 713-756 8. Li Linfu 李林甫 9. Yang Yuhuan 楊玉環 , better known as: a. Yang Guifei 楊貴妃 ] or, "Lady Yang" 10.Yang Guozhong 楊國忠 11."my sorrow continues w/o end" [ci hen mianmian wu jueqi 此恨綿綿無絕期] 12.An Lushan 安祿山 13.wangming [亡命 ] = refugees (from justice); criminal elements 14.Wang Xianzhi 王仙芝 15.Huang Chao 黃巢 16.Li Keyong 李克用 17.Shato Turks [Shatuo Tujue 沙陀突厥 ] 18.Zhu Wen 朱溫 , also known as: a. Zhu Quanzhong 朱全忠 FIVE DYNASTIES [Wu Dai 五代 ] PERIOD XXII. 1. "orthodox succession" [zhèngtǒng 正統 ] 2. the five "dynasties" [for reference only]: a. Latter Liang [Hou Liang 後梁 ], 907-923, under Zhu Wen b. Latter Tang [Hou Tang 後唐 ], 923-937, under Li Keyong c. Latter Jin [Hou Jin 後晉 ], 937-946 d. Latter Han [Hou Han 後漢 ], 947-950 e. Latter Zhou [Hou Zhou 後周 ], 951-960 3. "ten kingdoms" [shi guo 十國 ] (902-979) 4. “palace commissioners” (formerly “personal assistants”) [qinli 親吏] 5. "personal army" [yájūn 牙軍 ] > "Forbidden Army" [jìnjūn 禁軍 ] 6. Feng Dao 馮道 (882-954) a. jiān 奸 – wide range of meanings, encompassing “opportunistic”, “traitorous”, “slippery”, “unprincipled”, etc. – here, taken as the opposite of zhōng 忠 (loyal) 7. Khitan [Qidan 契丹 ] Mongols, who form the: a. Liao 遼 dynasty 8. "sixteen prefectures" of Yenyun [Yanyun shiliu zhou 燕雲十六州 ] under the Liao Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 15 XXIII. HAN PHILOSOPHY 1. Zoū Yǎn 鄒 衍 2. "synchronicity of heaven and mankind" [Tiān rén zhī qí 天 人 之 齊 ] 3. the "five agents" [wǔ xíng 五 行 ] a. in "modern" order: 1) metal [jīn 金 ] 2) wood [mù 木 ] 3) water [shǔi 水 ] 4) fire [huǒ 火 ] 5) earth [tǔ 土 ] b. "mutual production" [xiāngshēng 相 生 ] order (wood-fire-earth-metal-water) c. "mutual conquest" [xiāngshèng 相 勝 or xiāngkè 相克 ] order (wood-metal-fire-water-earth) 4. the ten celestial stems [tiāngān 天干] and twelve earthly branches [dì zhī地支] (see separate sheet) 5. portents [fúmìng 符 命 ] 6. Dong Zhongshu 董 仲 舒 ] (179-104 BCE) 7. "Imperial Academy" (from the Jìn 晉 dynasty on) [Guózǐjiān 國 子 監 ] 8. Tiānzǐ 天 子 = "Son of Heaven" 9. sacrifices to heaven and earth [fēng shàn 封禪 ] 10."spirit hall" cosmic house [míng táng 明堂 ] 11.Yāng Xióng 楊雄 (53 BCE - 18 CE) 12.Wáng Chōng 王充 (27-100 CE) a. Critical Essays (or, Balanced Discussions) [Lùn Héng 論衡 ] XXIV. POST-HAN PERIOD 1. Seven Scholars of the Bamboo Grove [zhú lín qī xián 竹林七賢 ] a. Ruǎn Jí 阮藉 (210-263) b. Liú Líng 劉伶 (fl. c. 265) 2. "naturalness" [zìrán 自然 ] 3. "madmen" [chī 癡 ] Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 16 4. qīngtán 清談 = "pure talk," "cult of repartee" 5. Gé Hóng 葛洪 (283-343) XXV. BUDDHISM [Fójiào 佛教 ] 1. Sākyamuni [Shìjiāmúní釋迦牟尼] / Siddhārtha Gautama (c. 483-400 BCE) 2. Four Noble Truths [sìshèngdì 四聖諦 ] 1) Nature of dukkha (“suffering”) [kǔdì 苦諦 ] 2) Origin of dukkha [jídì 集諦 ] 3) Cessation of dukkha [mièdì滅諦] 4) Path/Way of cessation [dàodì 道諦] 3. Eight-fold Path 1) Right view 2) Right intention 3) Right speech 4) Right action 5) Right livelihood 6) Right effort 7) Right mindfulness 8) Right concentration 4. Three Treasures/Jewels [sānbǎo 三寶] a. Buddha = “enlightened one” [Fó 佛] b. dharma / vinaya = “teachings” / “disciplines” [fǎ 法 ] c. sangha = “monastic community” [sēng 僧 ] 5. Theravada [Xiǎo Chéng 小乘 ] a. arhat [luóhàn 羅漢] 6. Mahāyāna [Dà Chéng 大乘 ] a. bodhisattva [púsà 菩薩] 7. "matching concepts" [géyì 格義] 8. karma [yīnyuán 因緣 / yèyīn 業因] 9. samsara [dàlúnhuí 大輪迴] 10.nirvana [nièpán 涅盤] 11.Amitābha [Amítuófó 阿彌陀佛] Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 17 12.Avalokiteśvara, or Guānyīn 觀音 13.Čakravartin-rāja 14.niànfó 念佛 15.various sects of Buddhism: a. True Word [Zhēnyán 真言] b. Pure Land [Jìngtǔ 淨土] c. Tiāntái 天台 d. Chán / Zen 禪 16.gradualism [jiàn 漸] 17. subitism [dùn 頓] XXVI. Other Religious Contacts 1. Nestorianism [Jǐngjiào 景教 ] 2. Islam [Qīngzhēnjiào 清真教 ; Huìjiào 回教 ] 3. Judaism [Yóutàijiào 猶太教 ] XXVII. BEGINNINGS of "NEO-CONFUCIANISM" 1. terms for Confucian studies: a. "studies/students" of the Dao" [Daoxue /jia 道學 / 道學家 ] b. 'ordinary' Confucianists [Rúlín 儒林 ] c. Song studies [Sòngxué 宋學 ] 2. Han Yu 韓愈 (768-824) a. Han-period, or "ancient," writing-style [guwen 古文 ] 3. Hu Yuan 胡瑗 (993-1059) a. private academies [shuyuan 書院 ] b. three aspects of the Dao: 1) principle (lit., "body") [ti 體 ] 2) practice [yong 用 ] 3) literary expression [wen 文] XXVIII. "NEO-CONFUCIANISM" 1. Shao Yong 邵雍 (1011-1077) Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 18 2. Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 (1017-1073) a. tàijí 太極 / ☯ = "supreme ultimate" b. Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate [Taiji Tushuo 太極圖說 ] c. "sincerity" [cheng 誠 ] d. "public-spiritedness" [gong 公 ] e. "tranquility" [jing 靜 ] f. "emptiness" [xu 虛 ] 3. Zhang Zai 張載 (1021-1077) a. qì 氣 = "matter," "psycho-physical stuff", Aconfigurational energy@ 4. Cheng Yi 程頤 (1032-1107) a. lǐ 理 = "principle," "order"4 b. "reverence" / Arespect@ [jìng 敬 ] 5. School of Principle [Lǐxué 理學 ] 6. Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200) a. Reflections on Things Close at Hand [Jinsilu 近思錄 ] b. "investigation of things" / Aapprehending the principle in things@ [géwù 格物] 7. xìng 性 = "nature" 8. xīn 心 = "mind" (lit., "heart") 9. "self-cultivation" [xiushen 修身 ] 10.”false learning" [wei xue 偽學 ] XXIX. School of the Mind [Xinxue 心學 ] 1. Lu Jiuyuan 陸九淵 (1139-1192) a. H.5 = Xiangshan 象山 2. Cheng Hao 程顥 (1032-1085) a. H. = Mingdao 明道 b. "Principle of Nature" ("Natural Law") [Tianli 天理 ] 3. Wang Xizhi 王羲之 (321-379) 4. Wang Shouren 王守仁 (1472-1529) 4distinguish 5 from the homonym meaning "ritual" or "propriety" [li 禮] “H” = hào (號), or “courtesy name” Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 19 a. H. = Yangming 陽明 5. "ideas" [yi 意 ] 6. "intuitive knowledge" [liangzhi 良知 ] a. "extension of innate knowledge of the good " [zhi liangzhi 致良知 ] 7. wù [悟 ] = enlightenment, revelation, (J. = さとり/ satori ) 8. "unity of knowledge and action" [zhi xing he yi 知行合一 ] 9. jìngzuò [靜坐] = “quietly sitting”, “tranquil repose”, meditation 10.Li Zhi 李贄 (1527-1602) XXX. INSTITUTIONAL REFORM in the SONG 1. mid-Song emperors [for reference only]: a. Renzong 仁宗 reg. 1022-1063 b. Shenzong 神宗 c. Zhezong 哲宗 d. Huizong 徽宗 reg. 1068-1085 reg. 1086/1093-1100 reg. 1101-1125 1) “Flower and Stone Convoy” [huāshígāng 花石綱] 2. "popular customs" [fēngsú 風俗 ]; “national mood” a. rù jìng wèn sú 入境問俗 = “when entering the territory, ask about the customs”; i.e. “when in Rome…” b. rù xiāng súi sú 入鄉隨俗 = “when entering the countryside, follow the customs” 3. Fàn Zhòngyān 范仲淹 (989-1052) a. “pacify the interior / repel the outsiders” [ ānnèi ràngwài 安內攘外] b. “first in the world to assume its worries; last to enjoy its pleasures” [xiān tiānxià zhi yōu er yōu; hòu tīanxìa zhi lè er lè 先天下之憂而憂; 後天下之樂而樂] 4. Wang Anshi 王安石 (1021-1086) a. known as the "Obstinate Prime Minister" [Ao Xianggong 拗相公] b. Ten-thousand Word Memorial [Wanyanshu 萬言書 ] (1058) 5. The "New Policies" (ALaws@) [Xinfa 新法 ] a. farming (Agreen sprouts@) loans [qingmiao qian 青苗錢 ] b. hired service system [muyifa 募役法 ] c. land survey and equitable tax [fangtian junshui 方田均稅 ] Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 20 d. baojia 保甲 system e. ”cliques" [dǎng 黨 ] (now used for “political party” SOUTHERN SONG [Nán Sòng 南宋 ] XXXI. 1. Khitan [Qìdān 契丹 ] Mongols / Liao [Liáo 遼 ] dynasty 2. Shanyuan/Danyuan) Treaty [Dǎnyuān zhī méng澶淵之盟] (1004) 3. Jurchen [Nǚzhēn女真], who are a branch of the: a. Tungus [Mòhé 靺鞨 ] people and form the: b. Jīn 金 dynasty6 c. with their capital at Yānjīng 燕京 (now Beijing) d. “raw” shengfan 生番 vs. “cooked” shufan 熟番 “barbarians” 4. Lín’ān 臨安 , now known as Hangchow [Hángzhōu 杭州 ] 5. Yuè [Yo] Fēi 岳飛 ] (1103-1141) a. "completely loyal in devoting oneself to the national cause" [jìn zhōng bào guó 盡忠報國 ] b. Qin Gui [秦檜 ] 6. "partial peace/security" [bianan 偏安 ] (1141) 7. Tangut [Dǎngxiàng 黨項 ] people, who form the: a. Xī Xià 西夏 8. with their capital at today’s Níngxià 寧夏 6Distinguish . among: Qín 秦 (Ch’in) = state which forms the first empire Jìn 晉 (Chin/Tsin) = state which unites the Three Kingdoms Jīn 金 (Chin/Kin) = state formed by the Jurchens Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms XXXII. 21 The YUAN 元 DYNASTY (1272/9-1368) 1. Karakorum [Hālàhélín 哈剌和林 ] 2. quriltai = "convocation," "grand meeting" 3. Yelü Chucai耶律楚材 1190-1244 4. Mongol rulers: a. Temüjin, > Chinggis Khan, known as Tàizǔ 太祖 , b. ca. 1167; reg. 1206-1227 b. Ögödei, known as Tàizōng 太宗 , reg. 1229-1241 c. Möngke/Mangu, known as Xiànzōng 憲宗 , reg. 1251-1260 d. Qubilai, known as Shìzǔ 世祖 , reg. 1260-1294 e. Shùndì 順帝 , reg. 1333-1370 5. capitals: a. Shàngdū 上都 b. Dàdū 大都 6. Central Secretariat [Zhōng Shū Shěng 中書省 ] 7. Privy Council [Shū Mì Yuàn 樞密院 ] 8. Metropolitan Province [Fùlǐ 腹裏 ] 9. "replica" or "branch" secretariats [Xíng Zhōng Shū Shěng 行中書省] 10.lǐjiǎ 里甲 system 11.four social groups: a. Mongols [Mèng rén 蒙人 ] b. Semu [Sèmù 色目 ], or "nationalities" (“people of various states”) [zhū guó rén 諸 國人] c. Northern Chinese [Hàn rén 漢人 ] d. Southern Chinese [Nán rén 南人 ] 12.paper currency [jiāo chāo 交鈔 ] 13.Zhào Mèngfǔ 趙孟頫 (H. Zhào Zǐ’áng 趙子昂 ) (1254-1322) & Guǎn Dàoshēng 管道 昇 (1262-1319) 14.Ní Zàn 倪瓚 (1301-1374) Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 22 XXXIII. Popular Literature 1. wényán 文言 = "classical" language 2. báihuà 白話 = "vernacular" 3. short story genres: a. xiǎoshuō 小說 = "small talk" (Han) b. bǐjì 筆記 = "jottings" (Six Dynasties) c. chuánqí 傳奇 = tales of the unusual or supernatural (Tang onward) 1) e.g., "Golden Phoenix Hairpin" [Jīn Fèng Chāi Jì 金鳳釵記 ], from New Tales Written While Cutting the Wick Jiǎn Dēng Xīn Huà 剪燈新話 ], by Qú Yòu 瞿祐 , 1341-1427 吳防禦 崔 merchant Wú family official Cuī family 興娘 慶娘 興哥 舅僕 金榮 Xīngniáng ♀ Qìngniáng ♀ Xīnggē ♂ servant Jīnróng d. biànwén 變文 = "changed" (or "popularized") literature (Tang) e. huàbĕn 話本 = "prompt-books" (Song) f. gōngàn 公案 = "detective stories" 4. "knight-errant" [yóuxiá 遊俠 ] 5. chéngyǔ 成語 , or aphorisms (often from classical fables): a. "Waiting for a Rabbit by the Stump" [shǒuzhū dàitù 守株待兔 ] (Han Feizi) b. "Sword and Shield" (i.e., "contradiction") [máodùn 矛盾 ] (Han Feizi) c. "Adding Legs to a Snake" [huàshé tiānzú 畫蛇添足 ] (Zhanguoce) d. "Old Man at the Border Loses His Horse" [sài wēng shī mǎ / 색옹실바 塞翁失馬 ] (Huai Nanzi) XXXIV. Poetry 1. Shěn Yuè 沈約 (441-513) and "regulated verse" (lǜshī 律詩) 2. Dù Fǔ 杜甫 (712-770) 3. "literati painting" (wénrénhuà 文人劃 ) 4. "one who knows the tone" (zhīyīn 知音 ) Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 23 XXXV. YUAN-MING TRANSITION 1. White Lotus sect [Bái lián jiào 白蓮教 ] 2. Maitreya Buddha [Mí Lè Fó 彌勒佛 ] 3. Manichæism [Míng jiào 明教 ] a. King of Brightness [Míng Wáng 明王] 4. Red Turbans [hóng jīn 紅巾 ] 5. local militia [yìbīng 義兵] 6. Latter Song [Hoù Sòng 後宋] XXXVI. MING [Míng 明 ] DYNASTY (1368-1644) 1. Zhū Yuánzhāng 朱元璋, who becomes a. the Hóngwǔ 洪武 Emperor, or b. Míng Tàizǔ 明太祖 , reg . 1368-1398 2. hào 號 = "fancy name," "style," "professional name" a. "reign name" = niánhào 年號 b. "temple name" = miàohào 廟號 3. Grand Secretariat [nèigé 內閣 ] 4. Grand Secretary [dà xué shì 大學士 ] 5. Inner Court [nèitíng 內庭 ] / Outer Court [wàitíng 外庭 ] 6. the "nine offices" [jiǔ qīng 九卿 ]: a. Six Ministries [liù bù 六部 ] b. Chief Surveillance Office (Censorate) [Dūchá Yuàn 都察院 ] 1) censors [yùshǐ 御史 ] c. Supreme Court [Dàlǐsī 大理司 ] d. Office of Transmission [Tōngzhèngsī 通政司 ] 7. "literary inquisitions" [wénzì yù 文字獄 ] 8. court beatings [tíng zhàng 庭杖 ] Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 24 9. political sensitivity under the Ming founder: a. Zhū 朱 / zhū 豬 b. “In the bright empire, Heaven has given birth to a sage, making rules for the world” [guāng tiān zhī xià, tiān shēng shèng {sēng} rén, wéi shì zuò zé {zéi} 光天 之下,天生聖{僧}人, 為世作則 {賊}] 10.Zhū Yǔnwen 朱允炆(1377-1402) a. the Jiànwén 建文 Emperor (1398-1402) 11.Zhū Dì 朱棣 (1360-1424) a. the Yǒnglè 永樂 Emperor, or b. Míng Chéngzǔ 明成祖 , reg. 1403-1424 12.Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮 (1427-1464) a. the Zhèngtǒng 正統 Emperor, reg. 1435-1449 b. the Tiānshùn 天順 Emperor, reg. 1457-1464 XXXVII. Ming Economy 1. "sprouts of capitalism" [zībĕnzhǔyì méngyá 資本主義萌芽 ] 2. "yellow" registers [huáng cè 黃冊 ] 3. "fish-scale" registers [yúlín túcè 魚鱗圖冊 ] 4. qǐng 頃 = 100 mǔ 畝 (6⅔ ha / ~16.47 acres) 5. lǐjiǎ 里甲 system a. li chief [lǐzhǎng 里長 ] b. grain chief [liángzhǎng 糧長] 6. Zhāng Jūzhèng 張居正 (1525-1582) a. "single whip" system [yī tiáo biānfǎ 一條編/鞭法 ]7 b. tael8, or liang [liǎng 兩 ], = 1.3 oz. av. 7. Jǐngdézhèn 景德鎮 a. "government assistance and private firing" [guān dā mín shāo 官搭民燒 ] 7The character 8From 編 ("put together, arrange") is a homophone for 鞭 ("whip") the Malay tahil, "a weight," via Portuguese. Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC History of China I (HIST 122-01) - names and terms 25 XXXVIII. MING CHINA and the OUTSIDE WORLD 1. Zhèng Hé 鄭和 (Mǎ Hé 馬和 ) 1371-c. 1433 a. Sānbǎo Tàijiān 三寶太監 (“Three Treasure Admiral”) 2. Foreign Expeditionary Armada [xiàfān guānjūn 下番官軍 ] 3. "treasure ships" [bǎochuán 寶船 ] 4. qílín 麒麟 / zǔlàfǎ 祖剌法 5. “dwarf ([Sino]Japanese) pirates [wòkǒu 倭寇 ] 6. "overseas Chinese" [Huáqiáo 華僑 7. "Southern Ocean" [Nán Yáng 南洋 ] XXXIX. The JESUITS [Yēsū Huì 耶穌會 ] 1. Matteo Ricci [Lì Mǎdòu 利瑪竇 ] (1552-1610) a. True Doctrine of the Lord of Heaven [Tiānzhǔ Shíyì 天主實義 ] 2. other Jesuits [for reference only]: a. (St.) Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) b. (St.) Francis Xavier (1506-1552) c. Michele Ruggieri (1543-1607) d. Alessandro Valignano (1539-1606) e. "Three Pillars of the Church:" [kāijiào sān dà zhùshí 開教三大柱石 ] [Late Ming /reference only] 1) Paul Hsu = Xú Guāngqǐ 徐光啟 (1562-1633) 2) Leo Li = Lǐ Zhīzǎo 李之藻 (1565-1630) 3) Michael Yang = Yáng Tíngyún 楊廷筠 (1557-1627) Revised: 01 Dec 2014 06 Mar 16 (14:23) - D:\106756226.DOC