Van Gogh Vocab

“Van Gogh’s World” –Vocabulary
**Academic Words** are italicized & bold
1. Appreciate- v, 1780
To be grateful or thankful for
To value or regard highly
Stress- Appréciate
Word Forms- Appreciates, Appreciated, Appreciating
Synonym- To esteem, To prize
Antonym- To criticize, To overlook
Morphology- Appreciatingly (adv.), Appreciator (n), Self-Appreciating (adj.),
Unappreciated (adj.), Unappreciating (adj.)
Collocates- N: the fact, value, effort, call, beauty
Misc: we *, *your, really*
2. Classic- adj, 2643
Serving as a standard, model, or guide
S- Clássic
WF- More classic, Less classic, Most classic, Least classic
S- Representative, Typical
A- Abnormal, Irregular
M- Classical (adj.), non-classic (adj.), pre-classic (adj.)
C- N: *example, *case, *case
Misc: American*, French*, modern*
3. Greed- n, N/A
Excess desire, especially for wealth & possessions
S- Gréed
Syn- Avarice, Craving, Hunger
Ant- Antipathy, Aversion
M- Greed less (adj.), Greed some (adj.)
C- N/A
4. Innovative- adj, 4492
To invent or begin to apply methods, ideas, etc.
S- Ínnovative
WF- More *, Less *, Most *, Least *
Syn- Avant-garde, Ground-breaking, Cutting edge, Inventive
Ant- Customary, Old, Traditional
M- Innovative (adj.), Innovatory (adj.), Innovator (n), Innovate (v)
C- N: *program, *way, *approach
5. Recovery- n, 2532
Return to health from sickness
S- Recóvery
WF- Recoveries
Syn- Improvement, Improving, Reestablishment
Ant- Deterioration, Relapse
M- N/A
C- Adj: Economic*, Full*, Complete*
N: *plan, *time, *program
V: Speed*, Promote*, Fascilitate*
6. Resisted- v, 2478
To refrain or abstain from doing something
S- Resísted
WF: Resist, Resists, Resisting
Syn- Abide, Abstain from, Antagonize
Ant- Comply, Conform, Go along
M- Resister (n), Resistingly (adv.), Non resisting (adj.), Over resist (v)
C- N: *temptation, *the urge, *pressure
Misc: Can*, hard to*, able to*
7. Sensible- adj, N/A
Having, using, or showing good sense
S- Sénsible
WF: More*, Less*, Most*, Least*
Syn-Astute, Sensitive, Aware
Ant- Indiscreet, Senseless, Unrealistic
M- Sensiblenees (n), Sensibly (adv.), Non sensible (adj.), Non sensibleness (n), Non
sensibly (adv.)
C- N/A
8. Sensitive- adj, 2505
Easily pained or annoyed
S- Sénsitive
WF: More*, Less*, Most*, Least*
Syn- Acute, Cognizant, Conscious
Ant- Impassive, Insensitive, Thick-skinned
M- Sensitively(adv.), Non-sensitive (adj.), Non-sensitively (adv.), Non-sensitiveness (n),
Ultra sensitive (adj.)
C- N: *issue, *area, *information
Misc: More*, Very*, Most*
9. Subsidize- v, N/A
To give money to get started
S- Súbsidize
WF: Subsidizes, Subsidized, Subsidizing
Syn- Back, Bankroll, Contribute
Ant- Withdraw, Withold
M-Subsidizable (adj.), Subsidization (n), Subsidizer (n), Desubsidize (v), Desubsidization
C- N/A
10. Wandered- v, 3208
To go aimlessly
S- Wándered
WF- Wander, Wanders, Wandering
Syn- Amble, Deviate, Diverge
Ant- Stay
M- Wanderer (n), Out wander (v)
C- N: Mind*, *the street, Eye*
Misc: *around, *through, *into
11. Convinced- v, 2071
To persuade
S- Convínced
WF- Convince, Convinces, Convincing
Syn- Assure, Brainwash, Bring around
Ant- Dissuade
M- Convincedly (adv.), Convincedness (n), Convincer (n), Convincible (adj.),
C- N: *people, *jury, *the public
Misc: Try to*, *myself, *himself
12. Decline- v, 2027
To lessen
S- Declíne
WF- Declines, Declined, Declining
Syn- Abate, Degenerate, Deteriorate
Ant- Improve, Increase, Rise
M- Decliner (n), Re decline (v), Undeclined (adj.), Undeclining (adj.)
C- N: *percent, *year, *rate
Misc: *to comment, *an interview, * to discuss
13. Depression- n, 2213
Sadness, gloom
S- Depréssion
Syn- Desolation, Desperation, Despondency
Ant- Cheerfulness, Encouragement, Happiness
M- Anti depression (n), Mini depression (n), Non depression (n), Post depression (adj.),
Pre depression (adj.)
C- Adj: Great*, Major*, Severe*
N: *anxiety, *symptom, *disorder
V: Suffer*, Treat*, Cause*
14. Financial- adj, 892
Having to do with money
S- Fináncial
WF- More*, Less*, Most*, Least*
Syn- Economic, Fiscal, Monetary
Ant- N/A
M- Financially (adv.), Non-financial (adj.), Non-financially (adv.), Pre-financial (adj.)
C- N: *aid, *service, *support
Misc: Chief*, Provide*, International*
15. Emphasize- v, 1991
To stress, give priority to something
S- Émphasize
WF- Emphasizes, Emphasized, Emphasizing
Syn- Accent, Highlight, Indicate
Ant- Depreciate, Ignore, Forget
M- Re-emphasize (v), Un emphasize (v)