Indicative publications

Dimitris Hatzinikolaou
Associate Professor
University of Ioannina
Department of Economics
451 10 Ioannina, P.O. Box 1186
Tel.:+30 – 26510 – 05 925
Fax: +30 – 26510 – 05 092
Ph.D. (Economics), University of Connecticut, August 1993
M.A. (Economics), State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1987
M.A. (Economics), University of New Orleans, 1985
B.A. (Economics), School of Industrial Studies of Thessaloniki, Hellas, 1978
Teaching and research interests
Macroeconomics, Statistics, Econometrics
Associate Professor of Macroeconomics, U. of Ioannina, since 16 April 2007; Assistant Professor
of Economic Theory and Quantitative Methods, U. of Ioannina, from 2 August 2000 to 18 April
2007; Lecturer B, Flinders University of South Australia, from 1 January 1994 to 2 August 2000.
Indicative publications
Empirical size and power of some diagnostic tests applied to a distributed lag model, Empirical
Economics 31, Sept. 2006, pp. 631-643 (co-author: A. Stavrakoudis).
The Commodity-Currency View of the Australian Dollar: Α Multivariate Cointegration
Approach, Journal of Applied Economics 8 (1), May 2005, pp. 81-99 (co-author: M. Polasek).
On the Role of Semielasticity in Statistics, The American Statistician, Teacher’s Corner 58 (2), 1
May 2004, pp. 150-151 (co-author: Kosmas Ferentinos).
Modelling consumption: Permanent-income or rule-of-thumb behaviour? Economic Modelling 16
(2), April 1999, pp. 293-306.
Government Spending, Taxation of Interest, and Private Saving: An Empirical Analysis Using
Greek Aggregate Data, Journal of Development Economics 52 (2), April 1997, pp. 317-330.
Government Spending and Consumer Attitudes Toward Risk, Time Preference, and Intertemporal
Substitution: An Econometric Analysis, Southern Economic Journal 61 (4), April 1995, pp. 1171126 (co-author: F. W. Ahking).